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ref: 4318600e75f33a8cb7079e43c72efa99694698c5
parent: 8ab69afb72053a91ccd57f4e5bec97e886fe6328
author: Martin Storsjö <[email protected]>
date: Tue Sep 24 11:40:26 EDT 2019

arm64: ipred: NEON implementation of smooth prediction

Relative speedups over the C code:
                               Cortex A53    A72    A73
intra_pred_smooth_h_w4_8bpc_neon:    8.02   4.53   7.09
intra_pred_smooth_h_w8_8bpc_neon:   16.59   5.91   9.32
intra_pred_smooth_h_w16_8bpc_neon:  18.80   5.54  10.10
intra_pred_smooth_h_w32_8bpc_neon:   5.07   4.43   4.60
intra_pred_smooth_h_w64_8bpc_neon:   5.03   4.26   4.34
intra_pred_smooth_v_w4_8bpc_neon:    9.11   5.51   7.75
intra_pred_smooth_v_w8_8bpc_neon:   17.07   6.86  10.55
intra_pred_smooth_v_w16_8bpc_neon:  17.98   6.38  11.52
intra_pred_smooth_v_w32_8bpc_neon:  11.69   5.66   8.09
intra_pred_smooth_v_w64_8bpc_neon:   8.44   4.34   5.72
intra_pred_smooth_w4_8bpc_neon:      9.81   4.85   6.93
intra_pred_smooth_w8_8bpc_neon:     16.05   5.60   9.26
intra_pred_smooth_w16_8bpc_neon:    14.01   5.02   8.96
intra_pred_smooth_w32_8bpc_neon:     9.29   5.02   7.25
intra_pred_smooth_w64_8bpc_neon:     6.53   3.94   5.26

--- a/src/arm/64/ipred.S
+++ b/src/arm/64/ipred.S
@@ -867,3 +867,462 @@
         .hword L(ipred_paeth_tbl) -  80b
         .hword L(ipred_paeth_tbl) -  40b
+// void ipred_smooth_neon(pixel *dst, const ptrdiff_t stride,
+//                        const pixel *const topleft,
+//                        const int width, const int height, const int a,
+//                        const int max_width, const int max_height);
+function ipred_smooth_neon, export=1
+        movrel          x10, X(sm_weights)
+        add             x11, x10, w4, uxtw
+        add             x10, x10, w3, uxtw
+        clz             w9,  w3
+        adr             x5,  L(ipred_smooth_tbl)
+        sub             x12, x2,  w4, uxtw
+        sub             w9,  w9,  #25
+        ldrh            w9,  [x5, w9, uxtw #1]
+        ld1r            {v4.16b},  [x12] // bottom
+        add             x8,  x2,  #1
+        sub             x5,  x5,  w9, uxtw
+        add             x6,  x0,  x1
+        lsl             x1,  x1,  #1
+        br              x5
+        sub             x2,  x2,  #4
+        mov             x7,  #-4
+        ld1r            {v6.2s}, [x8]             // top
+        ld1r            {v7.2s}, [x10]            // weights_hor
+        dup             v5.16b,  v6.b[3]          // right
+        usubl           v6.8h,   v6.8b,   v4.8b   // top-bottom
+        uxtl            v7.8h,   v7.8b            // weights_hor
+        ld4r            {v0.8b, v1.8b, v2.8b, v3.8b},  [x2], x7 // left
+        ld4r            {v16.8b, v17.8b, v18.8b, v19.8b},  [x11], #4 // weights_ver
+        shll            v20.8h,  v5.8b,   #8      // right*256
+        shll            v21.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        zip1            v1.2s,   v1.2s,   v0.2s   // left, flipped
+        zip1            v0.2s,   v3.2s,   v2.2s
+        zip1            v16.2s,  v16.2s,  v17.2s  // weights_ver
+        zip1            v18.2s,  v18.2s,  v19.2s
+        shll            v22.8h,  v4.8b,   #8      // bottom*256
+        shll            v23.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        usubl           v0.8h,   v0.8b,   v5.8b   // left-right
+        usubl           v1.8h,   v1.8b,   v5.8b
+        uxtl            v16.8h,  v16.8b           // weights_ver
+        uxtl            v18.8h,  v18.8b
+        mla             v20.8h,  v0.8h,   v7.8h   // right*256  + (left-right)*weights_hor
+        mla             v21.8h,  v1.8h,   v7.8h
+        mla             v22.8h,  v6.8h,   v16.8h  // bottom*256 + (top-bottom)*weights_ver
+        mla             v23.8h,  v6.8h,   v18.8h
+        uhadd           v20.8h,  v20.8h,  v22.8h
+        uhadd           v21.8h,  v21.8h,  v23.8h
+        rshrn           v20.8b,  v20.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v21.8b,  v21.8h,  #8
+        st1             {v20.s}[0], [x0], x1
+        st1             {v20.s}[1], [x6], x1
+        subs            w4,  w4,  #4
+        st1             {v21.s}[0], [x0], x1
+        st1             {v21.s}[1], [x6], x1
+            4b
+        ret
+        sub             x2,  x2,  #4
+        mov             x7,  #-4
+        ld1             {v6.8b}, [x8]             // top
+        ld1             {v7.8b}, [x10]            // weights_hor
+        dup             v5.16b,  v6.b[7]          // right
+        usubl           v6.8h,   v6.8b,   v4.8b   // top-bottom
+        uxtl            v7.8h,   v7.8b            // weights_hor
+        ld4r            {v0.8b, v1.8b, v2.8b, v3.8b},  [x2], x7 // left
+        ld4r            {v16.8b, v17.8b, v18.8b, v19.8b},  [x11], #4 // weights_ver
+        shll            v20.8h,  v5.8b,   #8      // right*256
+        shll            v21.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v22.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v23.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        usubl           v0.8h,   v0.8b,   v5.8b   // left-right
+        usubl           v1.8h,   v1.8b,   v5.8b
+        usubl           v2.8h,   v2.8b,   v5.8b
+        usubl           v3.8h,   v3.8b,   v5.8b
+        shll            v24.8h,  v4.8b,   #8      // bottom*256
+        shll            v25.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v26.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v27.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        uxtl            v16.8h,  v16.8b           // weights_ver
+        uxtl            v17.8h,  v17.8b
+        uxtl            v18.8h,  v18.8b
+        uxtl            v19.8h,  v19.8b
+        mla             v20.8h,  v3.8h,   v7.8h   // right*256  + (left-right)*weights_hor
+        mla             v21.8h,  v2.8h,   v7.8h   // (left flipped)
+        mla             v22.8h,  v1.8h,   v7.8h
+        mla             v23.8h,  v0.8h,   v7.8h
+        mla             v24.8h,  v6.8h,   v16.8h  // bottom*256 + (top-bottom)*weights_ver
+        mla             v25.8h,  v6.8h,   v17.8h
+        mla             v26.8h,  v6.8h,   v18.8h
+        mla             v27.8h,  v6.8h,   v19.8h
+        uhadd           v20.8h,  v20.8h,  v24.8h
+        uhadd           v21.8h,  v21.8h,  v25.8h
+        uhadd           v22.8h,  v22.8h,  v26.8h
+        uhadd           v23.8h,  v23.8h,  v27.8h
+        rshrn           v20.8b,  v20.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v21.8b,  v21.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v22.8b,  v22.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v23.8b,  v23.8h,  #8
+        st1             {v20.8b}, [x0], x1
+        st1             {v21.8b}, [x6], x1
+        subs            w4,  w4,  #4
+        st1             {v22.8b}, [x0], x1
+        st1             {v23.8b}, [x6], x1
+            8b
+        ret
+        add             x12, x2,  w3, uxtw
+        sub             x2,  x2,  #2
+        mov             x7,  #-2
+        ld1r            {v5.16b}, [x12]           // right
+        sub             x1,  x1,  w3, uxtw
+        mov             w9,  w3
+        ld2r            {v0.8b, v1.8b},   [x2],  x7 // left
+        ld2r            {v16.8b, v17.8b}, [x11], #2 // weights_ver
+        usubl           v0.8h,   v0.8b,   v5.8b   // left-right
+        usubl           v1.8h,   v1.8b,   v5.8b
+        uxtl            v16.8h,  v16.8b           // weights_ver
+        uxtl            v17.8h,  v17.8b
+        ld1             {v7.16b}, [x10],  #16     // weights_hor
+        ld1             {v3.16b}, [x8],   #16     // top
+        shll            v20.8h,  v5.8b,   #8      // right*256
+        shll            v21.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v22.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v23.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        uxtl            v6.8h,   v7.8b            // weights_hor
+        uxtl2           v7.8h,   v7.16b
+        usubl           v2.8h,   v3.8b,   v4.8b   // top-bottom
+        usubl2          v3.8h,   v3.16b,  v4.16b
+        mla             v20.8h,  v1.8h,   v6.8h   // right*256  + (left-right)*weights_hor
+        mla             v21.8h,  v1.8h,   v7.8h   // (left flipped)
+        mla             v22.8h,  v0.8h,   v6.8h
+        mla             v23.8h,  v0.8h,   v7.8h
+        shll            v24.8h,  v4.8b,   #8      // bottom*256
+        shll            v25.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v26.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v27.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        mla             v24.8h,  v2.8h,   v16.8h  // bottom*256 + (top-bottom)*weights_ver
+        mla             v25.8h,  v3.8h,   v16.8h
+        mla             v26.8h,  v2.8h,   v17.8h
+        mla             v27.8h,  v3.8h,   v17.8h
+        uhadd           v20.8h,  v20.8h,  v24.8h
+        uhadd           v21.8h,  v21.8h,  v25.8h
+        uhadd           v22.8h,  v22.8h,  v26.8h
+        uhadd           v23.8h,  v23.8h,  v27.8h
+        rshrn           v20.8b,  v20.8h,  #8
+        rshrn2          v20.16b, v21.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v22.8b,  v22.8h,  #8
+        rshrn2          v22.16b, v23.8h,  #8
+        subs            w3,  w3,  #16
+        st1             {v20.16b}, [x0],  #16
+        st1             {v22.16b}, [x6],  #16
+            2b
+        subs            w4,  w4,  #2
+        b.le            9f
+        sub             x8,  x8,  w9, uxtw
+        sub             x10, x10, w9, uxtw
+        add             x0,  x0,  x1
+        add             x6,  x6,  x1
+        mov             w3,  w9
+        b               1b
+        ret
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_tbl) - 640b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_tbl) - 320b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_tbl) - 160b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_tbl) -  80b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_tbl) -  40b
+// void ipred_smooth_v_neon(pixel *dst, const ptrdiff_t stride,
+//                          const pixel *const topleft,
+//                          const int width, const int height, const int a,
+//                          const int max_width, const int max_height);
+function ipred_smooth_v_neon, export=1
+        movrel          x7,  X(sm_weights)
+        add             x7,  x7,  w4, uxtw
+        clz             w9,  w3
+        adr             x5,  L(ipred_smooth_v_tbl)
+        sub             x8,  x2,  w4, uxtw
+        sub             w9,  w9,  #25
+        ldrh            w9,  [x5, w9, uxtw #1]
+        ld1r            {v4.16b},  [x8] // bottom
+        add             x2,  x2,  #1
+        sub             x5,  x5,  w9, uxtw
+        add             x6,  x0,  x1
+        lsl             x1,  x1,  #1
+        br              x5
+        ld1r            {v6.2s}, [x2]             // top
+        usubl           v6.8h,   v6.8b,   v4.8b   // top-bottom
+        ld4r            {v16.8b, v17.8b, v18.8b, v19.8b},  [x7], #4 // weights_ver
+        shll            v22.8h,  v4.8b,   #8      // bottom*256
+        shll            v23.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        zip1            v16.2s,  v16.2s,  v17.2s  // weights_ver
+        zip1            v18.2s,  v18.2s,  v19.2s
+        uxtl            v16.8h,  v16.8b           // weights_ver
+        uxtl            v18.8h,  v18.8b
+        mla             v22.8h,  v6.8h,   v16.8h  // bottom*256 + (top-bottom)*weights_ver
+        mla             v23.8h,  v6.8h,   v18.8h
+        rshrn           v22.8b,  v22.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v23.8b,  v23.8h,  #8
+        st1             {v22.s}[0], [x0], x1
+        st1             {v22.s}[1], [x6], x1
+        subs            w4,  w4,  #4
+        st1             {v23.s}[0], [x0], x1
+        st1             {v23.s}[1], [x6], x1
+            4b
+        ret
+        ld1             {v6.8b}, [x2]             // top
+        usubl           v6.8h,   v6.8b,   v4.8b   // top-bottom
+        ld4r            {v16.8b, v17.8b, v18.8b, v19.8b},  [x7], #4 // weights_ver
+        shll            v24.8h,  v4.8b,   #8      // bottom*256
+        shll            v25.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v26.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v27.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        uxtl            v16.8h,  v16.8b           // weights_ver
+        uxtl            v17.8h,  v17.8b
+        uxtl            v18.8h,  v18.8b
+        uxtl            v19.8h,  v19.8b
+        mla             v24.8h,  v6.8h,   v16.8h  // bottom*256 + (top-bottom)*weights_ver
+        mla             v25.8h,  v6.8h,   v17.8h
+        mla             v26.8h,  v6.8h,   v18.8h
+        mla             v27.8h,  v6.8h,   v19.8h
+        rshrn           v24.8b,  v24.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v25.8b,  v25.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v26.8b,  v26.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v27.8b,  v27.8h,  #8
+        st1             {v24.8b}, [x0], x1
+        st1             {v25.8b}, [x6], x1
+        subs            w4,  w4,  #4
+        st1             {v26.8b}, [x0], x1
+        st1             {v27.8b}, [x6], x1
+            8b
+        ret
+        // Set up pointers for four rows in parallel; x0, x6, x5, x8
+        add             x5,  x0,  x1
+        add             x8,  x6,  x1
+        lsl             x1,  x1,  #1
+        sub             x1,  x1,  w3, uxtw
+        mov             w9,  w3
+        ld4r            {v16.8b, v17.8b, v18.8b, v19.8b}, [x7], #4 // weights_ver
+        uxtl            v16.8h,  v16.8b           // weights_ver
+        uxtl            v17.8h,  v17.8b
+        uxtl            v18.8h,  v18.8b
+        uxtl            v19.8h,  v19.8b
+        ld1             {v3.16b}, [x2],   #16     // top
+        shll            v20.8h,  v4.8b,   #8      // bottom*256
+        shll            v21.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v22.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v23.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v24.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v25.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v26.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        shll            v27.8h,  v4.8b,   #8
+        usubl           v2.8h,   v3.8b,   v4.8b   // top-bottom
+        usubl2          v3.8h,   v3.16b,  v4.16b
+        mla             v20.8h,  v2.8h,   v16.8h  // bottom*256 + (top-bottom)*weights_ver
+        mla             v21.8h,  v3.8h,   v16.8h
+        mla             v22.8h,  v2.8h,   v17.8h
+        mla             v23.8h,  v3.8h,   v17.8h
+        mla             v24.8h,  v2.8h,   v18.8h
+        mla             v25.8h,  v3.8h,   v18.8h
+        mla             v26.8h,  v2.8h,   v19.8h
+        mla             v27.8h,  v3.8h,   v19.8h
+        rshrn           v20.8b,  v20.8h,  #8
+        rshrn2          v20.16b, v21.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v22.8b,  v22.8h,  #8
+        rshrn2          v22.16b, v23.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v24.8b,  v24.8h,  #8
+        rshrn2          v24.16b, v25.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v26.8b,  v26.8h,  #8
+        rshrn2          v26.16b, v27.8h,  #8
+        subs            w3,  w3,  #16
+        st1             {v20.16b}, [x0],  #16
+        st1             {v22.16b}, [x6],  #16
+        st1             {v24.16b}, [x5],  #16
+        st1             {v26.16b}, [x8],  #16
+            2b
+        subs            w4,  w4,  #4
+        b.le            9f
+        sub             x2,  x2,  w9, uxtw
+        add             x0,  x0,  x1
+        add             x6,  x6,  x1
+        add             x5,  x5,  x1
+        add             x8,  x8,  x1
+        mov             w3,  w9
+        b               1b
+        ret
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_v_tbl) - 640b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_v_tbl) - 320b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_v_tbl) - 160b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_v_tbl) -  80b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_v_tbl) -  40b
+// void ipred_smooth_h_neon(pixel *dst, const ptrdiff_t stride,
+//                          const pixel *const topleft,
+//                          const int width, const int height, const int a,
+//                          const int max_width, const int max_height);
+function ipred_smooth_h_neon, export=1
+        movrel          x8,  X(sm_weights)
+        add             x8,  x8,  w3, uxtw
+        clz             w9,  w3
+        adr             x5,  L(ipred_smooth_h_tbl)
+        add             x12, x2,  w3, uxtw
+        sub             w9,  w9,  #25
+        ldrh            w9,  [x5, w9, uxtw #1]
+        ld1r            {v5.16b},  [x12] // right
+        sub             x5,  x5,  w9, uxtw
+        add             x6,  x0,  x1
+        lsl             x1,  x1,  #1
+        br              x5
+        ld1r            {v7.2s}, [x8]             // weights_hor
+        sub             x2,  x2,  #4
+        mov             x7,  #-4
+        uxtl            v7.8h,   v7.8b            // weights_hor
+        ld4r            {v0.8b, v1.8b, v2.8b, v3.8b},  [x2], x7 // left
+        shll            v20.8h,  v5.8b,   #8      // right*256
+        shll            v21.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        zip1            v1.2s,   v1.2s,   v0.2s   // left, flipped
+        zip1            v0.2s,   v3.2s,   v2.2s
+        usubl           v0.8h,   v0.8b,   v5.8b   // left-right
+        usubl           v1.8h,   v1.8b,   v5.8b
+        mla             v20.8h,  v0.8h,   v7.8h   // right*256  + (left-right)*weights_hor
+        mla             v21.8h,  v1.8h,   v7.8h
+        rshrn           v20.8b,  v20.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v21.8b,  v21.8h,  #8
+        st1             {v20.s}[0], [x0], x1
+        st1             {v20.s}[1], [x6], x1
+        subs            w4,  w4,  #4
+        st1             {v21.s}[0], [x0], x1
+        st1             {v21.s}[1], [x6], x1
+            4b
+        ret
+        ld1             {v7.8b}, [x8]             // weights_hor
+        sub             x2,  x2,  #4
+        mov             x7,  #-4
+        uxtl            v7.8h,   v7.8b            // weights_hor
+        ld4r            {v0.8b, v1.8b, v2.8b, v3.8b},  [x2], x7 // left
+        shll            v20.8h,  v5.8b,   #8      // right*256
+        shll            v21.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v22.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v23.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        usubl           v3.8h,   v3.8b,   v5.8b   // left-right
+        usubl           v2.8h,   v2.8b,   v5.8b
+        usubl           v1.8h,   v1.8b,   v5.8b
+        usubl           v0.8h,   v0.8b,   v5.8b
+        mla             v20.8h,  v3.8h,   v7.8h   // right*256  + (left-right)*weights_hor
+        mla             v21.8h,  v2.8h,   v7.8h   // (left flipped)
+        mla             v22.8h,  v1.8h,   v7.8h
+        mla             v23.8h,  v0.8h,   v7.8h
+        rshrn           v20.8b,  v20.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v21.8b,  v21.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v22.8b,  v22.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v23.8b,  v23.8h,  #8
+        st1             {v20.8b}, [x0], x1
+        st1             {v21.8b}, [x6], x1
+        subs            w4,  w4,  #4
+        st1             {v22.8b}, [x0], x1
+        st1             {v23.8b}, [x6], x1
+            8b
+        ret
+        sub             x2,  x2,  #4
+        mov             x7,  #-4
+        // Set up pointers for four rows in parallel; x0, x6, x5, x10
+        add             x5,  x0,  x1
+        add             x10, x6,  x1
+        lsl             x1,  x1,  #1
+        sub             x1,  x1,  w3, uxtw
+        mov             w9,  w3
+        ld4r            {v0.8b, v1.8b, v2.8b, v3.8b},   [x2],  x7 // left
+        usubl           v0.8h,   v0.8b,   v5.8b   // left-right
+        usubl           v1.8h,   v1.8b,   v5.8b
+        usubl           v2.8h,   v2.8b,   v5.8b
+        usubl           v3.8h,   v3.8b,   v5.8b
+        ld1             {v7.16b}, [x8],   #16     // weights_hor
+        shll            v20.8h,  v5.8b,   #8      // right*256
+        shll            v21.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v22.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v23.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v24.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v25.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v26.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        shll            v27.8h,  v5.8b,   #8
+        uxtl            v6.8h,   v7.8b            // weights_hor
+        uxtl2           v7.8h,   v7.16b
+        mla             v20.8h,  v3.8h,   v6.8h   // right*256  + (left-right)*weights_hor
+        mla             v21.8h,  v3.8h,   v7.8h   // (left flipped)
+        mla             v22.8h,  v2.8h,   v6.8h
+        mla             v23.8h,  v2.8h,   v7.8h
+        mla             v24.8h,  v1.8h,   v6.8h
+        mla             v25.8h,  v1.8h,   v7.8h
+        mla             v26.8h,  v0.8h,   v6.8h
+        mla             v27.8h,  v0.8h,   v7.8h
+        rshrn           v20.8b,  v20.8h,  #8
+        rshrn2          v20.16b, v21.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v22.8b,  v22.8h,  #8
+        rshrn2          v22.16b, v23.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v24.8b,  v24.8h,  #8
+        rshrn2          v24.16b, v25.8h,  #8
+        rshrn           v26.8b,  v26.8h,  #8
+        rshrn2          v26.16b, v27.8h,  #8
+        subs            w3,  w3,  #16
+        st1             {v20.16b}, [x0],  #16
+        st1             {v22.16b}, [x6],  #16
+        st1             {v24.16b}, [x5],  #16
+        st1             {v26.16b}, [x10], #16
+            2b
+        subs            w4,  w4,  #4
+        b.le            9f
+        sub             x8,  x8,  w9, uxtw
+        add             x0,  x0,  x1
+        add             x6,  x6,  x1
+        add             x5,  x5,  x1
+        add             x10, x10, x1
+        mov             w3,  w9
+        b               1b
+        ret
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_h_tbl) - 640b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_h_tbl) - 320b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_h_tbl) - 160b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_h_tbl) -  80b
+        .hword L(ipred_smooth_h_tbl) -  40b
--- a/src/arm/ipred_init_tmpl.c
+++ b/src/arm/ipred_init_tmpl.c
@@ -34,6 +34,9 @@
 COLD void bitfn(dav1d_intra_pred_dsp_init_arm)(Dav1dIntraPredDSPContext *const c) {
     const unsigned flags = dav1d_get_cpu_flags();
@@ -48,5 +51,8 @@
     c->intra_pred[HOR_PRED]      = dav1d_ipred_h_neon;
     c->intra_pred[VERT_PRED]     = dav1d_ipred_v_neon;
     c->intra_pred[PAETH_PRED]    = dav1d_ipred_paeth_neon;
+    c->intra_pred[SMOOTH_PRED]   = dav1d_ipred_smooth_neon;
+    c->intra_pred[SMOOTH_V_PRED] = dav1d_ipred_smooth_v_neon;
+    c->intra_pred[SMOOTH_H_PRED] = dav1d_ipred_smooth_h_neon;