ref: fb8bde7a0e13c1e3a8f028ab434f15df436beb4c
parent: fe4f78ab3be25675e641a1d1ad632daed81bbd32
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Thu May 4 11:02:01 EDT 2006
update pitch plot update pitch plot
--- a/python/aubio/task/
+++ b/python/aubio/task/
@@ -151,7 +151,7 @@
#print 100.*esil/float(osil), 100.*epit/float(opit), 100.*echr/float(opit)
return osil, esil, opit, epit, echr
- def plot(self,pitch,wplot,oplots,outplot=None):
+ def plot(self,pitch,wplot,oplots,titles,outplot=None):
import Gnuplot
time = [ (i+self.params.pitchdelay)*self.params.step for i in range(len(pitch)) ]
@@ -158,9 +158,10 @@
pitch = [aubio_freqtomidi(i) for i in pitch]
+ titles.append(self.params.pitchmode)
- def plotplot(self,wplot,oplots,outplot=None,multiplot = 1, midi = 1):
+ def plotplot(self,wplot,oplots,titles,outplot=None,multiplot = 1, midi = 1, truth = 1):
from aubio.gnuplot import gnuplot_init, audio_to_array, make_audio_plot
import re
import Gnuplot
@@ -169,10 +170,11 @@
f = make_audio_plot(time,data)
# check if ground truth exists
- timet,pitcht = self.gettruth()
- if timet and pitcht:
- oplots = [Gnuplot.Data(timet,pitcht,with='lines',
- title='ground truth')] + oplots
+ if truth:
+ timet,pitcht = self.gettruth()
+ if timet and pitcht:
+ oplots = [Gnuplot.Data(timet,pitcht,with='lines',
+ title='ground truth')] + oplots
t = Gnuplot.Data(0,0,with='impulses')
@@ -180,7 +182,8 @@
g('set title \'%s\'' % (re.sub('.*/','',self.input)))
g('set multiplot')
# hack to align left axis
- g('set lmargin 15')
+ g('set lmargin 4')
+ g('set rmargin 4')
# plot waveform and onsets
g('set size 1,0.3')
g('set ytics 10')
@@ -187,6 +190,9 @@
g('set origin 0,0.7')
g('set xrange [0:%f]' % max(time))
g('set yrange [-1:1]')
+ g('set noytics')
+ g('set y2tics -1,1')
+ g.xlabel('time (s)',offset=(0,0.8))
g('unset title')
@@ -204,15 +210,20 @@
g('set yrange [%f:%f]' % (aubio_freqtomidi(self.params.pitchmin), aubio_freqtomidi(self.params.pitchmax)))
+ g('set y2tics %f,%f' % (round(aubio_freqtomidi(self.params.pitchmin)+.5),12))
g('set key right top')
g('set noclip one')
g('set format x ""')
if multiplot:
+ g('set tmargin 0')
for i in range(len(oplots)):
# plot onset detection functions
g('set size 1,%f' % (0.7/(len(oplots))))
- g('set origin 0,%f' % (float(i)*0.7/(len(oplots))))
+ g('set origin 0,%f' % ((len(oplots)-float(i)-1)*0.7/(len(oplots))))
g('set xrange [0:%f]' % max(time))
+ g('set nokey')
+ g.ylabel(titles[i])
+ g.xlabel('')