shithub: aubio

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ref: e8d0c06e2802ab7941619e593f7c2d011d753b86
parent: ada5bafca49cca061545a85ec525fe180cbce1df
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Wed Feb 15 05:31:46 EST 2006

updated audacity plugin
updated audacity plugin

--- a/plugins/audacity/plug-ins/aubioonset.ny
+++ b/plugins/audacity/plug-ins/aubioonset.ny
@@ -4,42 +4,87 @@
 ;name "Onset Detection..."
 ;action "Generate onset label track using aubioonset..."
 ;info "Aubio onset detector:\n Generates a label track with markers at the beginning of audio events"
-;control threshold "Detection threshold" real "[0.001-0.900...]" 0.1 0.001 1.0
+;control dmode "Detection Beats/Onsets" int "0=Beats 1=Onsets" 1 0 1
+;control threshold "Detection threshold" real "[0.001-0.900...]" 0.3 0.001 1.0
+;control omode "Mode" int "0=ComplexDomain 1=HFC 2=Specdiff 3=Phase 4=Energy" 0 0 3
+;Create a function to make the sum the two channels if they are stereo
+(defun mono-s (s-in) 
+  (if (arrayp s-in) (snd-add (aref s-in 0) (aref s-in 1)) s-in)
+; path to aubio commands
+  ((= dmode 0)(setf aubiocmd "/home/piem/aubio/aubio/examples/aubiotrack"))
+  (t (setf aubiocmd "/home/piem/aubio/aubio/examples/aubioonset"))
+  ((= omode 0)(setf onsetmode "complexdomain"))
+  ((= omode 1)(setf onsetmode "hfc"))
+  ((= omode 2)(setf onsetmode "specdiff"))
+  (t (setf onsetmode "dual"))
 ; largest number of samples 
 (setf largenumber 1000000000) 
 ; some temporary files
-(setf infile "/tmp/test.wav")
-(setf tmfile "/tmp/test.txt")
+;(setf infile (system "mktmp tmp-aubio-XXXXXX"))
+;(setf tmfile (system "mktmp tmp-aubio-XXXXXX"))
+(setf infile "/tmp/aubio-insecure.wav")
+(setf tmfile "/tmp/aubio-insecure.txt")
 ; our command lines
-(setf aubiocmd (strcat "aubioonset -t " (ftoa threshold) " -i " infile " > " tmfile))
-(setf deletcmd "rm -f /tmp/test.wav /tmp/test.txt")
+(setf aubiocmd (strcat 
+        aubiocmd
+        " -O " onsetmode
+        " -t " (ftoa threshold) 
+        " -i " infile 
+        " > "  tmfile))
+(setf deletcmd (strcat "rm -f " infile " " tmfile))
-; save current selection in /tmp
-; bug: should check the sound is mono
-(s-save s (snd-length s largenumber) "/tmp/test.wav")
+; save current sound selection into mono infile 
+(s-save (mono-s s) (snd-length (mono-s s) largenumber) infile)
 ; run aubio
 (system aubiocmd)
 ; read the file and build the list of label in result
 (let* (
-	(fp (open "/tmp/test.txt"  :direction :input))
- 	(result '())
-	(n 1)
- 	(c (read-line fp))
+        (fp (open tmfile :direction :input))
+        (result '())
+        (n 1)
+        (c (read-line fp))
  (read-line fp)
+ ;(setf oldc c)
  (while (not (not c))
    (setq result 
-	(append
-	result
-	(list (list (atof c) ""))
- 	))
+        (append
+        result
+        ;(list (list (strcat oldc "	" c) ""))
+        (list (list (atof c) ""))
+        ))
+   ;(setf oldc c)
    (setf c (read-line fp))
    (setq n (+ n 1))
-(close fp)
-(system deletcmd)
-;uncomment to debug
-;(print result) 
+  (close fp)
+  (system deletcmd)
+  ;uncomment to debug
+  ;(print result) 
+  ;If no silence markers were found, return a message
+  (if (null result)
+   (setq result "No onsets or beats found, no passages marked")
+  )
+  result