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ref: e149aa905aa5db14ac8fe9506baa1737fc3ab5a1
parent: ee8a57c3905c9ce6bc5286dd0238d4fbc0c5b459
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Fri Mar 10 12:18:25 EST 2017

src/onset/peakpicker.c: simplify using fvec_foo

--- a/src/onset/peakpicker.c
+++ b/src/onset/peakpicker.c
@@ -92,27 +92,21 @@
   fvec_t *thresholded = p->thresholded;
   fvec_t *scratch = p->scratch;
   smpl_t mean = 0., median = 0.;
-  uint_t length = p->win_post + p->win_pre + 1;
   uint_t j = 0;
-  /* store onset in onset_keep */
-  /* shift all elements but last, then write last */
-  for (j = 0; j < length - 1; j++) {
-    onset_keep->data[j] = onset_keep->data[j + 1];
-    onset_proc->data[j] = onset_keep->data[j];
-  }
-  onset_keep->data[length - 1] = onset->data[0];
-  onset_proc->data[length - 1] = onset->data[0];
+  /* push new novelty to the end */
+  fvec_push(onset_keep, onset->data[0]);
+  /* store a copy */
+  fvec_copy(onset_keep, onset_proc);
-  /* filter onset_proc */
-  /** \bug filtfilt calculated post+pre times, should be only once !? */
+  /* filter this copy */
   aubio_filter_do_filtfilt (p->biquad, onset_proc, scratch);
   /* calculate mean and median for onset_proc */
   mean = fvec_mean (onset_proc);
-  /* copy to scratch */
-  for (j = 0; j < length; j++)
-    scratch->data[j] = onset_proc->data[j];
+  /* copy to scratch and compute its median */
+  fvec_copy(onset_proc, scratch);
   median = p->thresholdfn (scratch);
   /* shift peek array */