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ref: d45520a32d3074e270fc31b497e23834fce833ab
parent: 102b732d182ff718dfd3f49365a16195b3441f5a
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Sun Nov 6 06:29:14 EST 2005

do not sys.exit, add keywords to act_on_data
do not sys.exit, add keywords to act_on_data

--- a/python/aubio/bench/
+++ b/python/aubio/bench/
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@
         filefound = 1
 except IOError:
-        print "no user configuration file found in", filename
+        #print "no user configuration file found in", filename
+	pass
 if filefound == 0:
         import sys
--- a/python/aubio/bench/
+++ b/python/aubio/bench/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@
         if not status == 0: 
                 print 'error:',status,output
                 print 'command returning error was',cmd
-                sys.exit(1)
+                #sys.exit(1)
         return output 
 def list_files(datapath,filter='f'):
@@ -21,21 +21,34 @@
         cmd = '%s%s%s%s' % ('find ',datapath,' -type ',filter)
         return runcommand(cmd)
+def list_wav_files(datapath,maxdepth=1):
+	return list_files(datapath, filter="f -name '*.wav' -maxdepth %d"%maxdepth)
+def list_dirs(datapath):
+	return list_files(datapath, filter="d")
 def mkdir(path):
         cmd = '%s%s' % ('mkdir -p ',path)
         return runcommand(cmd)
-def act_on_data (action,datapath,respath,suffix='.txt',filter='f'):
+def act_on_data (action,datapath,respath,suffix='.txt',filter='f',sub='\.wav$',**keywords):
         """ execute action(datafile,resfile) on all files in datapath """
         dirlist = list_files(datapath,filter=filter)
+        if dirlist == ['']: dirlist = []
         respath_in_datapath = re.split(datapath, respath,maxsplit=1)[1:]
         if(respath_in_datapath and suffix == ''): 
                 print 'error: respath in datapath and no suffix used'
-                sys.exit(1)
+                #sys.exit(1)
         for i in dirlist:
-                s = re.split(datapath, i,maxsplit=1)[1]
-                j = "%s%s%s%s"%(respath,'/',s,suffix)
-                action(i,j)
+                j = re.split(datapath, i,maxsplit=1)[1]
+                j = re.sub(sub,'',j)
+                #j = "%s%s%s"%(respath,j,suffix)
+                j = "%s%s"%(respath,j)
+		if sub != '':
+			j = re.sub(sub,suffix,j)
+		else:
+			j = "%s%s" % (j,suffix)
+                action(i,j,**keywords)
 def act_on_results (action,datapath,respath,filter='d'):
         """ execute action(respath) an all subdirectories in respath """