ref: 8a1f9a4f0ab95572bf1eb8f8b7b6de0ba23d077a
parent: 9ec787614a8ab8d6e8876ac46b7013434438a898
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Fri Sep 29 09:58:29 EDT 2006
move libc aliases from mathutils.h to to aubio_priv.h move libc aliases from mathutils.h to to aubio_priv.h
--- a/src/aubio_priv.h
+++ b/src/aubio_priv.h
@@ -117,4 +117,56 @@
#define AUBIO_QUIT(_s) exit(_s)
#define AUBIO_SPRINTF sprintf
+/* Libc shortcuts */
+#define PI (M_PI)
+#define TWO_PI (PI*2.)
+/* aliases to math.h functions */
+#define EXP expf
+#define COS cosf
+#define SIN sinf
+#define ABS fabsf
+#define POW powf
+#define SQRT sqrtf
+#define LOG10 log10f
+#define LOG logf
+#define FLOOR floorf
+#define TRUNC truncf
+/* aliases to complex.h functions */
+#if !defined(HAVE_COMPLEX_H) || defined(WIN32)
+/* mingw32 does not know about c*f functions */
+#define EXPC cexp
+/** complex = CEXPC(complex) */
+#define CEXPC cexp
+/** sample = ARGC(complex) */
+#define ARGC carg
+/** sample = ABSC(complex) norm */
+#define ABSC cabs
+/** sample = REAL(complex) */
+#define REAL creal
+/** sample = IMAG(complex) */
+#define IMAG cimag
+/** sample = EXPC(complex) */
+#define EXPC cexpf
+/** complex = CEXPC(complex) */
+#define CEXPC cexp
+/** sample = ARGC(complex) */
+#define ARGC cargf
+/** sample = ABSC(complex) norm */
+#define ABSC cabsf
+/** sample = REAL(complex) */
+#define REAL crealf
+/** sample = IMAG(complex) */
+#define IMAG cimagf
+/* handy shortcuts */
+#define DB2LIN(g) (POW(10.0f,(g)*0.05f))
+#define LIN2DB(v) (20.0f*LOG10(v))
+#define SQR(_a) (_a*_a)
+#define ELEM_SWAP(a,b) { register smpl_t t=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=t; }
--- a/src/mathutils.h
+++ b/src/mathutils.h
@@ -29,57 +29,6 @@
-#define PI (M_PI)
-#define TWO_PI (PI*2.)
-/* aliases to math.h functions */
-#define EXP expf
-#define COS cosf
-#define SIN sinf
-#define ABS fabsf
-#define POW powf
-#define SQRT sqrtf
-#define LOG10 log10f
-#define LOG logf
-#define FLOOR floorf
-#define TRUNC truncf
-/* aliases to complex.h functions */
-#if defined(WIN32)
-/* mingw32 does not know about c*f functions */
-#define EXPC cexp
-/** complex = CEXPC(complex) */
-#define CEXPC cexp
-/** sample = ARGC(complex) */
-#define ARGC carg
-/** sample = ABSC(complex) norm */
-#define ABSC cabs
-/** sample = REAL(complex) */
-#define REAL creal
-/** sample = IMAG(complex) */
-#define IMAG cimag
-/** sample = EXPC(complex) */
-#define EXPC cexpf
-/** complex = CEXPC(complex) */
-#define CEXPC cexp
-/** sample = ARGC(complex) */
-#define ARGC cargf
-/** sample = ABSC(complex) norm */
-#define ABSC cabsf
-/** sample = REAL(complex) */
-#define REAL crealf
-/** sample = IMAG(complex) */
-#define IMAG cimagf
-/* handy shortcuts */
-#define DB2LIN(g) (POW(10.0f,(g)*0.05f))
-#define LIN2DB(v) (20.0f*LOG10(v))
-#define SQR(_a) (_a*_a)
-#define ELEM_SWAP(a,b) { register smpl_t t=(a);(a)=(b);(b)=t; }
/** Window types
* inspired from