shithub: aubio

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ref: 8701ec32545ff3d74e2e1b22b715373ec8e0676f
parent: 18a82b345c00ce71e790ee2b119485dfbc309ae4
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Wed Nov 7 12:33:28 EST 2007

removed old test-fft.c, moved mfft to new fft

--- a/tests/src/
+++ b/tests/src/
@@ -6,7 +6,6 @@
 bin_PROGRAMS = \
 	test-fft \
-	test-mfft \
 	test-hist \
 	test-scale \
 	test-cvec \
--- a/tests/src/test-fft.c
+++ b/tests/src/test-fft.c
@@ -1,57 +1,28 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <complex.h>
 #include <aubio.h>
-#define NEW_ARRAY(_t,_n)		(_t*)malloc((_n)*sizeof(_t))
 int main(){
-        uint_t i,j;
-        uint_t win_s      = 1024;                       // window size
-        uint_t channels   = 1;                          // number of channel
-        fvec_t * in       = new_fvec (win_s, channels); // input buffer
-        cvec_t * fftgrain = new_cvec (win_s, channels); // fft norm and phase
-        fvec_t * out      = new_fvec (win_s, channels); // output buffer
-        // allocate fft and other memory space
-        aubio_fft_t * fft      = new_aubio_fft(win_s);    // fft interface
-        smpl_t * w             = NEW_ARRAY(smpl_t,win_s); // window
-        // complex spectral data
-        fft_data_t ** spec     = NEW_ARRAY(fft_data_t*,channels); 
-        for (i=0; i < channels; i++)
-                spec[i] = NEW_ARRAY(fft_data_t,win_s);
-        // initialize the window (see mathutils.c)
-        aubio_window(w,win_s,aubio_win_hanningz);
-        // fill input with some data
-        in->data[0][win_s/2] = 1;
-        // execute stft
-        for (i=0; i < channels; i++) {
-                aubio_fft_do (fft,in->data[i],spec[i],win_s);
-                // put norm and phase into fftgrain
-                aubio_fft_getnorm(fftgrain->norm[i], spec[i], win_s/2+1);
-                aubio_fft_getphas(fftgrain->phas[i], spec[i], win_s/2+1);
-        }
-        // execute inverse fourier transform
-        for (i=0; i < channels; i++) {
-                for (j=0; j<win_s/2+1; j++) {
-                        spec[i][j]  = cexp(I*aubio_unwrap2pi(fftgrain->phas[i][j]));
-                        spec[i][j] *= fftgrain->norm[i][j];
-                }
-                aubio_fft_rdo(fft,spec[i],out->data[i],win_s);
-        }
+        /* allocate some memory */
+        uint_t win_s      = 4096;                       /* window size        */
+        uint_t channels   = 100;                        /* number of channels */
+        fvec_t * in       = new_fvec (win_s, channels); /* input buffer       */
+        cvec_t * fftgrain = new_cvec (win_s, channels); /* fft norm and phase */
+        fvec_t * out      = new_fvec (win_s, channels); /* output buffer      */
+        /* allocate fft and other memory space */
+        aubio_fft_t * fft = new_aubio_fft(win_s,channels);
+        /* fill input with some data */
+        //printf("initialised\n");
+        /* execute stft */
+        aubio_fft_do (fft,in,fftgrain);
+        //printf("computed forward\n");
+        /* execute inverse fourier transform */
+        aubio_fft_rdo(fft,fftgrain,out);
+        //printf("computed backard\n");
+        del_aubio_fft(fft);
-        del_fvec(out);
-        free(w);
-        del_aubio_fft(fft);
-        for (i=0; i < channels; i++)
-                free(spec[i]);
-        free(spec); 
+        del_fvec(out);
+        //printf("memory freed\n");
         return 0;
--- a/tests/src/test-mfft.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +1,0 @@
-#include <aubio.h>
-int main(){
-        /* allocate some memory */
-        uint_t win_s      = 4096;                       /* window size        */
-        uint_t channels   = 100;                        /* number of channels */
-        fvec_t * in       = new_fvec (win_s, channels); /* input buffer       */
-        cvec_t * fftgrain = new_cvec (win_s, channels); /* fft norm and phase */
-        fvec_t * out      = new_fvec (win_s, channels); /* output buffer      */
-        /* allocate fft and other memory space */
-        aubio_mfft_t * fft = new_aubio_mfft(win_s,channels);
-        /* fill input with some data */
-        //printf("initialised\n");
-        /* execute stft */
-        aubio_mfft_do (fft,in,fftgrain);
-        //printf("computed forward\n");
-        /* execute inverse fourier transform */
-        aubio_mfft_rdo(fft,fftgrain,out);
-        //printf("computed backard\n");
-        del_aubio_mfft(fft);
-        del_fvec(in);
-        del_cvec(fftgrain);
-        del_fvec(out);
-        //printf("memory freed\n");
-        aubio_cleanup();
-        return 0;