ref: 787b5e4f85bafd27e7f877ae15349f1c12c71015
parent: 372cbebbc8a0b471e31f1cd396bbe22d34f382c1
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Sun Nov 6 06:37:44 EST 2005
added tss test added tss test
--- a/examples/tests/
+++ b/examples/tests/
@@ -6,4 +6,5 @@
test-fft \
test-mfft \
test-phasevoc \
- test-phasevoc-jack
+ test-phasevoc-jack \
+ test-tss
--- /dev/null
+++ b/examples/tests/test-tss.c
@@ -1,0 +1,46 @@
+/* test sample for phase vocoder
+ *
+ * this program should start correctly using JACK_START_SERVER=true and
+ * reconstruct each audio input frame perfectly on the corresponding input with
+ * a delay equal to the window size, hop_s.
+ */
+#include "aubio.h"
+int main(){
+ int i;
+ uint_t win_s = 1024; /* window size */
+ uint_t hop_s = 256; /* hop size */
+ uint_t channels = 4; /* number of channels */
+ /* allocate some memory */
+ fvec_t * in = new_fvec (hop_s, channels); /* input buffer */
+ cvec_t * fftgrain = new_cvec (win_s, channels); /* fft norm and phase */
+ cvec_t * cstead = new_cvec (win_s, channels); /* fft norm and phase */
+ cvec_t * ctrans = new_cvec (win_s, channels); /* fft norm and phase */
+ fvec_t * stead = new_fvec (hop_s, channels); /* output buffer */
+ fvec_t * trans = new_fvec (hop_s, channels); /* output buffer */
+ /* allocate fft and other memory space */
+ aubio_pvoc_t * pv = new_aubio_pvoc (win_s,hop_s,channels);
+ aubio_pvoc_t * pvt = new_aubio_pvoc(win_s,hop_s,channels);
+ aubio_pvoc_t * pvs = new_aubio_pvoc(win_s,hop_s,channels);
+ aubio_tss_t * tss = new_aubio_tss(0.01,3.,4.,win_s,hop_s,channels);
+ /* fill input with some data */
+ printf("initialised\n");
+ /* execute stft */
+ for (i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
+ aubio_pvoc_do (pv,in,fftgrain);
+ aubio_tss_do (tss,fftgrain,ctrans,cstead);
+ aubio_pvoc_rdo(pvt,cstead,stead);
+ aubio_pvoc_rdo(pvs,ctrans,trans);
+ }
+ del_aubio_pvoc(pv);
+ del_fvec(in);
+ del_cvec(fftgrain);
+ del_cvec(cstead);
+ del_cvec(ctrans);
+ del_fvec(stead);
+ del_fvec(trans);
+ printf("memory freed\n");
+ return 0;