ref: 71f98f1d8541528f26b07d7e9b45a70b6566a9da
parent: 2cdae8125fac1e0d46450b8c910a60fb8f335f41
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Sun May 22 18:40:33 EDT 2005
add aubioplot-onset, minor fixes on aubiocut and add aubioplot-onset, minor fixes on aubiocut and
--- a/python/aubio/
+++ b/python/aubio/
@@ -54,6 +54,7 @@
class onsetdetection:
+ """ class for aubio_onsetdetection """
def __init__(self,type,buf,chan):
self.od = new_aubio_onsetdetection(type,buf,chan)
def do(self,tc,tf):
@@ -62,6 +63,7 @@
class peakpick:
+ """ class for aubio_peakpicker """
def __init__(self,threshold=0.1):
self.pp = new_aubio_peakpicker(threshold)
def do(self,fv):
@@ -70,6 +72,7 @@
class onsetpick:
+ """ superclass for aubio_pvoc + aubio_onsetdetection + aubio_peakpicker """
def __init__(self,bufsize,hopsize,channels,myvec,threshold,mode='dual'):
self.myfft = cvec(bufsize,channels)
self.pv = pvoc(bufsize,hopsize,channels)
@@ -151,7 +154,6 @@
frameread += 1
return mylist
def getonsets(filein,threshold=0.2,silence=-70.,bufsize=1024,hopsize=512,mode='dual'):
frameread = 0
filei = sndfile(filein)
@@ -183,7 +185,6 @@
frameread += 1
return mylist
class pitchpick:
def __init__(self,bufsize,hopsize,channels,myvec,srate):
--- a/python/aubiocut
+++ b/python/aubiocut
@@ -5,50 +5,49 @@
from aubio.aubioclass import *
-import sys
bufsize = 1024
hopsize = bufsize/2
-def cutfile(filein,onsets):
- frameread = 0
- zerothres = 0.002
- readsize = hopsize
- filei = sndfile(filein)
- framestep = hopsize/(filei.samplerate()+0.)
- channels = filei.channels()
- newname = "%s%f%s" % ("/tmp/",0.0000000,filein[-4:])
- fileo = sndfile(newname,model=filei)
- myvec = fvec(hopsize,channels)
- mycopy = fvec(hopsize,channels)
- while(readsize==hopsize):
- readsize =,myvec)
- # write to current file
- if len(onsets) and frameread >= onsets[0]:
- onsets.pop(0)
- # write up to 1st zero crossing
- zerocross = 0
- while ( abs( myvec.get(zerocross,0) ) > zerothres ):
- zerocross += 1
- writesize = fileo.write(zerocross,myvec)
- fromcross = 0
- while (zerocross < readsize):
- for i in range(channels):
- mycopy.set(myvec.get(zerocross,i),fromcross,i)
- fromcross += 1
- zerocross += 1
- del fileo
- fileo = sndfile("%s%s%f%s%s" %
- (filein.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1],".",
- frameread*framestep,".",filein.split(".")[-1]),model=filei)
- writesize = fileo.write(fromcross,mycopy)
- else:
- writesize = fileo.write(readsize,myvec)
- frameread += 1
- del fileo
+def cutfile(filein,slicetimes,zerothres=0.002):
+ frameread = 0
+ readsize = hopsize
+ filei = sndfile(filein)
+ framestep = hopsize/(filei.samplerate()+0.)
+ channels = filei.channels()
+ newname = "%s%f%s" % ("/tmp/",0.0000000,filein[-4:])
+ fileo = sndfile(newname,model=filei)
+ myvec = fvec(hopsize,channels)
+ mycopy = fvec(hopsize,channels)
+ while(readsize==hopsize):
+ readsize =,myvec)
+ # write to current file
+ if len(slicetimes) and frameread >= slicetimes[0]:
+ slicetimes.pop(0)
+ # write up to 1st zero crossing
+ zerocross = 0
+ while ( abs( myvec.get(zerocross,0) ) > zerothres ):
+ zerocross += 1
+ writesize = fileo.write(zerocross,myvec)
+ fromcross = 0
+ while (zerocross < readsize):
+ for i in range(channels):
+ mycopy.set(myvec.get(zerocross,i),fromcross,i)
+ fromcross += 1
+ zerocross += 1
+ del fileo
+ fileo = sndfile("%s%s%f%s%s" %
+ (filein.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1],".",
+ frameread*framestep,".",filein.split(".")[-1]),model=filei)
+ writesize = fileo.write(fromcross,mycopy)
+ else:
+ writesize = fileo.write(readsize,myvec)
+ frameread += 1
+ del fileo
+import sys
filename = sys.argv[1]
-threshold = sys.argv[2]
+threshold = 0.2
+if (len(sys.argv) > 2): threshold = sys.argv[2]
onsets = getonsets(filename,threshold)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/aubioplot-onset
@@ -1,0 +1,124 @@
+#! /usr/bin/python
+import sys
+import numarray
+import Gnuplot, Gnuplot.funcutils
+from aubio.aubioclass import *
+import aubio.gnuplot
+import aubio.txtfile
+from aubio.onsetcompare import onset_roc
+usage = "usage: %s [options] soundfile" % sys.argv[0]
+def parse_args():
+ from optparse import OptionParser
+ parser = OptionParser(usage=usage)
+ parser.add_option("-v","--verbose",
+ action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False,
+ help="make lots of noise")
+ parser.add_option("-q","--quiet",
+ action="store_false", dest="verbose", default=True,
+ help="be quiet [default]")
+ parser.add_option("-t","--threshold",
+ action="store", dest="threshold", default=0.3,
+ help="onset detection threshold [default=0.3]")
+ parser.add_option("-s","--silence",
+ action="store", dest="silence", default=-70,
+ help="silence [default=-70]")
+ def check_mode(option, opt, value, parser):
+ nvalue = parser.rargs[0]
+ if nvalue == 'complexdomain' : setattr(parser.values, option.dest, complexdomain)
+ elif nvalue == 'hfc' : setattr(parser.values, option.dest, hfc)
+ elif nvalue == 'phase' : setattr(parser.values, option.dest, phase)
+ elif nvalue == 'specdiff' : setattr(parser.values, option.dest, specdiff)
+ elif nvalue == 'energy' : setattr(parser.values, option.dest, energy)
+ elif nvalue == 'dual' : setattr(parser.values, option.dest, 'dual')
+ parser.add_option("-m","--mode",
+ action="callback", callback=check_mode, dest="mode", default='dual',
+ help="onsetdetection mode [default=dual]")
+ parser.add_option("-o","--outplot",
+ action="store", dest="outplot", default=None,
+ help="be quiet [default=None]")
+ (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
+ if not len(args):
+ print "no file name given\n", usage
+ sys.exit(1)
+ return options, args
+options, args = parse_args()
+filename = args[0] #FIXME should move to optparse
+threshold = float(options.threshold)
+silence = float(options.silence)
+print options.mode
+onsets, ofunc = getonsetsfunc(filename,threshold,silence,mode=options.mode)
+g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=1, persist=1)
+if options.outplot:
+ extension = options.outplot.split('.')[-1]
+ if extension == 'ps': extension = 'postscript'
+ g('set terminal %s' % extension)
+ g('set output \'%s\'' % options.outplot)
+g('set multiplot')
+# onset detection function
+downtime = (512./44100.)*numarray.arange(len(ofunc))
+d = Gnuplot.Data(downtime,ofunc,with='lines')
+# detected onsets
+x1 = (512./44100.)*numarray.array(onsets)
+y1 = max(ofunc)*numarray.ones(len(onsets))
+e = Gnuplot.Data(x1,-y1,with='impulses')
+e2= Gnuplot.Data(x1,y1,with='impulses')
+# truth
+import os.path
+datafile = filename.replace('.wav','.txt')
+if not os.path.isfile(datafile):
+ print "truth file not found"
+ t = Gnuplot.Data(0,0,with='impulses')
+ t_onsets = aubio.txtfile.read_datafile(datafile)
+ y2 = max(ofunc)*numarray.ones(len(t_onsets))
+ x2 = numarray.array(t_onsets).resize(len(t_onsets))
+ t = Gnuplot.Data(x2,y2,with='impulses')
+ eps = 4*0.012
+ orig, missed, merged, expc, bad, doubled = \
+ onset_roc(x2,x1,eps)
+ print orig, missed, merged, expc, bad, doubled
+ print "GD %2.8f\t" % (100*float(orig-missed-merged)/(orig)),
+ print "FP %2.8f\t" % (100*float(bad+doubled)/(orig)) ,
+ print "GD-merged %2.8f\t" % (100*float(orig-missed)/(orig)) ,
+ print "FP-pruned %2.8f\t" % (100*float(bad)/(orig))
+# audio data
+time,data = aubio.gnuplot.audio_to_array(filename)
+f = aubio.gnuplot.make_audio_plot(time,data)
+# hack to align left axis
+g('set lmargin 15')
+g('set size 1,0.3')
+g('set origin 0,0.7')
+g('set xrange [0:%f]' % max(time))
+g('set yrange [-1:1]')
+g('set size 1,0.7')
+g('set origin 0,0')
+g('set xrange [0:%f]' % (512./44100.*len(ofunc)))
+g('set yrange [0:%f]' % (max(ofunc)*1.01))
+g.ylabel('onset detection value')
+g('unset multiplot')