ref: 68b8233382ab3433a6c85b63d765b3cfcb4ee384
parent: 970bcedd0c30c0b89691a008d669995a38c2e219
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Fri Oct 16 17:54:10 EDT 2009
plugins/puredata/aubioonset~.c: indent
--- a/plugins/puredata/aubioonset~.c
+++ b/plugins/puredata/aubioonset~.c
@@ -16,90 +16,90 @@
void aubioonset_tilde_setup (void);
-typedef struct _aubioonset_tilde
+typedef struct _aubioonset_tilde
- t_object x_obj;
- t_float threshold;
- t_int pos; /*frames%dspblocksize*/
- t_int bufsize;
- t_int hopsize;
- aubio_onset_t *o;
- fvec_t *in;
- fvec_t *out;
- t_outlet *onsetbang;
+ t_object x_obj;
+ t_float threshold;
+ t_int pos; /*frames%dspblocksize */
+ t_int bufsize;
+ t_int hopsize;
+ aubio_onset_t *o;
+ fvec_t *in;
+ fvec_t *out;
+ t_outlet *onsetbang;
} t_aubioonset_tilde;
-static t_int *aubioonset_tilde_perform(t_int *w)
+static t_int *
+aubioonset_tilde_perform (t_int * w)
- t_aubioonset_tilde *x = (t_aubioonset_tilde *)(w[1]);
- t_sample *in = (t_sample *)(w[2]);
- int n = (int)(w[3]);
- int j;
- for (j=0;j<n;j++) {
- /* write input to datanew */
- fvec_write_sample(x->in, in[j], 0, x->pos);
- /*time to do something */
- if (x->pos == x->hopsize-1) {
- /* block loop */
- aubio_onset_do (x->o, x->in, x->out);
- if (fvec_read_sample(x->out, 0, 0) > 0.) {
- outlet_bang(x->onsetbang);
- }
- /* end of block loop */
- x->pos = -1; /* so it will be zero next j loop */
- }
- x->pos++;
- }
- return (w+4);
+ t_aubioonset_tilde *x = (t_aubioonset_tilde *) (w[1]);
+ t_sample *in = (t_sample *) (w[2]);
+ int n = (int) (w[3]);
+ int j;
+ for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
+ /* write input to datanew */
+ fvec_write_sample (x->in, in[j], 0, x->pos);
+ /*time to do something */
+ if (x->pos == x->hopsize - 1) {
+ /* block loop */
+ aubio_onset_do (x->o, x->in, x->out);
+ if (fvec_read_sample (x->out, 0, 0) > 0.) {
+ outlet_bang (x->onsetbang);
+ }
+ /* end of block loop */
+ x->pos = -1; /* so it will be zero next j loop */
+ }
+ x->pos++;
+ }
+ return (w + 4);
-static void aubioonset_tilde_dsp(t_aubioonset_tilde *x, t_signal **sp)
+static void
+aubioonset_tilde_dsp (t_aubioonset_tilde * x, t_signal ** sp)
- dsp_add(aubioonset_tilde_perform, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n);
+ dsp_add (aubioonset_tilde_perform, 3, x, sp[0]->s_vec, sp[0]->s_n);
-static void aubioonset_tilde_debug(t_aubioonset_tilde *x)
+static void
+aubioonset_tilde_debug (t_aubioonset_tilde * x)
- post("aubioonset~ bufsize:\t%d", x->bufsize);
- post("aubioonset~ hopsize:\t%d", x->hopsize);
- post("aubioonset~ threshold:\t%f", x->threshold);
- post("aubioonset~ audio in:\t%f", x->in->data[0][0]);
- post("aubioonset~ onset:\t%f", x->out->data[0][0]);
+ post ("aubioonset~ bufsize:\t%d", x->bufsize);
+ post ("aubioonset~ hopsize:\t%d", x->hopsize);
+ post ("aubioonset~ threshold:\t%f", x->threshold);
+ post ("aubioonset~ audio in:\t%f", x->in->data[0][0]);
+ post ("aubioonset~ onset:\t%f", x->out->data[0][0]);
-static void *aubioonset_tilde_new (t_floatarg f)
+static void *
+aubioonset_tilde_new (t_floatarg f)
- t_aubioonset_tilde *x =
- (t_aubioonset_tilde *)pd_new(aubioonset_tilde_class);
+ t_aubioonset_tilde *x =
+ (t_aubioonset_tilde *) pd_new (aubioonset_tilde_class);
- x->threshold = (f < 1e-5) ? 0.1 : (f > 10.) ? 10. : f;
- x->bufsize = 1024;
- x->hopsize = x->bufsize / 2;
+ x->threshold = (f < 1e-5) ? 0.1 : (f > 10.) ? 10. : f;
+ x->bufsize = 1024;
+ x->hopsize = x->bufsize / 2;
- x->o = new_aubio_onset ("complex",
- x->bufsize, x->hopsize, 1, (uint_t)sys_getsr());
- x->in = (fvec_t *)new_fvec(x->hopsize,1);
- x->out = (fvec_t *)new_fvec(1,1);
+ x->o = new_aubio_onset ("complex",
+ x->bufsize, x->hopsize, 1, (uint_t) sys_getsr ());
+ x->in = (fvec_t *) new_fvec (x->hopsize, 1);
+ x->out = (fvec_t *) new_fvec (1, 1);
- floatinlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->threshold);
- x->onsetbang = outlet_new (&x->x_obj, &s_bang);
- post(aubioonset_version);
- return (void *)x;
+ floatinlet_new (&x->x_obj, &x->threshold);
+ x->onsetbang = outlet_new (&x->x_obj, &s_bang);
+ post (aubioonset_version);
+ return (void *) x;
-void aubioonset_tilde_setup (void)
+aubioonset_tilde_setup (void)
- aubioonset_tilde_class = class_new (gensym ("aubioonset~"),
- (t_newmethod)aubioonset_tilde_new,
- 0, sizeof (t_aubioonset_tilde),
- class_addmethod(aubioonset_tilde_class,
- (t_method)aubioonset_tilde_dsp,
- gensym("dsp"), 0);
- class_addmethod(aubioonset_tilde_class,
- (t_method)aubioonset_tilde_debug,
- gensym("debug"), 0);
- CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN(aubioonset_tilde_class,
- t_aubioonset_tilde, threshold);
+ aubioonset_tilde_class = class_new (gensym ("aubioonset~"),
+ (t_newmethod) aubioonset_tilde_new,
+ 0, sizeof (t_aubioonset_tilde), CLASS_DEFAULT, A_DEFFLOAT, 0);
+ class_addmethod (aubioonset_tilde_class,
+ (t_method) aubioonset_tilde_dsp, gensym ("dsp"), 0);
+ class_addmethod (aubioonset_tilde_class,
+ (t_method) aubioonset_tilde_debug, gensym ("debug"), 0);
+ CLASS_MAINSIGNALIN (aubioonset_tilde_class, t_aubioonset_tilde, threshold);