ref: 63fc1dfb73714cac40869e4469cb6eac1b37beab
parent: b1ed6ce4dd48b7328ecba01c73010a5ea7d12c1c
parent: cf31ff1ab7505063cf41b960c3cd56d602839082
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jun 29 12:57:24 EDT 2019
Merge branch 'feature/debugmode'
--- a/src/aubio_priv.h
+++ b/src/aubio_priv.h
@@ -236,14 +236,25 @@
#define AUBIO_ERR(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_ERR, "AUBIO ERROR: " __VA_ARGS__)
#define AUBIO_INF(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_INF, "AUBIO INFO: " __VA_ARGS__)
#define AUBIO_MSG(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_MSG, __VA_ARGS__)
-#define AUBIO_DBG(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_DBG, __VA_ARGS__)
+#define _AUBIO_DBG(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_DBG, __VA_ARGS__)
#define AUBIO_WRN(...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_WRN, "AUBIO WARNING: " __VA_ARGS__)
#define AUBIO_ERR(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_ERR, "AUBIO ERROR: " format , ##args)
#define AUBIO_INF(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_INF, "AUBIO INFO: " format , ##args)
#define AUBIO_MSG(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_MSG, format , ##args)
-#define AUBIO_DBG(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_DBG, format , ##args)
+#define _AUBIO_DBG(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_DBG, format , ##args)
#define AUBIO_WRN(format, args...) aubio_log(AUBIO_LOG_WRN, "AUBIO WARNING: " format, ##args)
+#ifdef DEBUG
+// disable debug output
+#define AUBIO_DBG(...) {}
+#define AUBIO_DBG(format, args...) {}
--- a/wscript
+++ b/wscript
@@ -45,6 +45,9 @@
help = 'whether to compile with (--build-type=release)' \
' or without (--build-type=debug)' \
' compiler opimizations [default: release]')
+ ctx.add_option('--debug', action = 'store_const',
+ dest = 'build_type', const = 'debug',
+ help = 'build in debug mode (see --build-type)')
add_option_enable_disable(ctx, 'fftw3f', default = False,
help_str = 'compile with fftw3f instead of ooura (recommended)',
help_disable_str = 'do not compile with fftw3f')