shithub: aubio

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ref: 5e491b3b070618e820e332e3d8196c0be3d3af3f
parent: 4cc9fe5d89c4e4281cf9015429bd92e9773c1ea1
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Sun Aug 28 13:58:31 EDT 2005

massive changes from cam

--- a/python/aubio/
+++ b/python/aubio/
@@ -105,179 +105,6 @@
                 else:  self.myonset.set(0.,0,0)
-def check_onset_mode(option, opt, value, parser):
-        nvalue = parser.rargs[0]
-        if   nvalue == 'complexdomain' or nvalue == 'complex' :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_onset_complex)
-        elif nvalue == 'hfc'           :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_onset_hfc)
-        elif nvalue == 'phase'         :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_onset_phase)
-        elif nvalue == 'specdiff'      :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_onset_specdiff)
-        elif nvalue == 'energy'        :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_onset_energy)
-        elif nvalue == 'kl'            :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_onset_kl)
-        elif nvalue == 'mkl'           :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_onset_mkl)
-        elif nvalue == 'dual'          :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, 'dual')
-        else:
-                 print "unknown onset detection function selected"
-                 sys.exit(1)
-def check_pitch_mode(option, opt, value, parser):
-        nvalue = parser.rargs[0]
-        if   nvalue == 'mcomb'  :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitch_mcomb)
-        elif nvalue == 'yin'    :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitch_yin)
-        elif nvalue == 'fcomb'  :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitch_fcomb)
-        elif nvalue == 'schmitt':
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitch_schmitt)
-        else:
-                 print "error: unknown pitch detection function selected"
-                 sys.exit(1)
-def check_pitchm_mode(option, opt, value, parser):
-        nvalue = parser.rargs[0]
-        if   nvalue == 'freq'  :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitchm_freq)
-        elif nvalue == 'midi'  :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitchm_midi)
-        elif nvalue == 'cent'  :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitchm_cent)
-        elif nvalue == 'bin'   :
-                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitchm_bin)
-        else:
-                 print "error: unknown pitch detection output selected"
-                 sys.exit(1)
-def getonsets(filein,threshold=0.2,silence=-70.,bufsize=1024,hopsize=512,
-                mode='dual',localmin=False,storefunc=False,derivate=False):
-        frameread = 0
-        filei     = sndfile(filein)
-        channels  = filei.channels()
-        myvec     = fvec(hopsize,channels)
-        readsize  =,myvec)
-        opick     = onsetpick(bufsize,hopsize,channels,myvec,threshold,
-                         mode=mode,derivate=derivate)
-        mylist    = list()
-        if localmin:
-                ovalist   = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]
-        if storefunc:
-                ofunclist = []
-        while(readsize):
-                readsize =,myvec)
-                isonset,val =
-                if (aubio_silence_detection(myvec(),silence)):
-                        isonset=0
-                if localmin:
-                        if val > 0: ovalist.append(val)
-                        else: ovalist.append(0)
-                        ovalist.pop(0)
-                if storefunc:
-                        ofunclist.append(val)
-                if (isonset == 1):
-                        if localmin:
-                                i=len(ovalist)-1
-                                # find local minima before peak 
-                                while ovalist[i-1] < ovalist[i] and i > 0:
-                                        i -= 1
-                                now = (frameread+1-i)
-                        else:
-                                now = frameread
-                        if now > 0 :
-                                mylist.append(now)
-                        else:
-                                now = 0
-                                mylist.append(now)
-                frameread += 1
-        if storefunc: return mylist, ofunclist
-        else: return mylist
-def cutfile(filein,slicetimes,zerothres=0.008,bufsize=1024,hopsize=512):
-    frameread = 0
-    readsize  = hopsize 
-    filei     = sndfile(filein)
-    framestep = hopsize/(filei.samplerate()+0.)
-    channels  = filei.channels()
-    newname   = "%s%s%09.5f%s%s" % (filein.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1],".",
-                frameread*framestep,".",filein.split(".")[-1])
-    fileo     = sndfile(newname,model=filei)
-    myvec     = fvec(hopsize,channels)
-    mycopy    = fvec(hopsize,channels)
-    while(readsize==hopsize):
-        readsize =,myvec)
-        # write to current file
-        if len(slicetimes) and frameread >= slicetimes[0]:
-            slicetimes.pop(0)
-            # write up to 1st zero crossing
-            zerocross = 0
-            while ( abs( myvec.get(zerocross,0) ) > zerothres ):
-                zerocross += 1
-            writesize = fileo.write(zerocross,myvec)
-            fromcross = 0
-            while (zerocross < readsize):
-                for i in range(channels):
-                    mycopy.set(myvec.get(zerocross,i),fromcross,i)
-                    fromcross += 1
-                    zerocross += 1
-            del fileo
-            fileo = sndfile("%s%s%09.5f%s%s" % 
-                (filein.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1],".",
-                frameread*framestep,".",filein.split(".")[-1]),model=filei)
-            writesize = fileo.write(fromcross,mycopy)
-        else:
-            writesize = fileo.write(readsize,myvec)
-        frameread += 1
-    del fileo
-def getsilences(filein,hopsize=512,silence=-70):
-    frameread = 0
-    filei     = sndfile(filein)
-    srate     = filei.samplerate()
-    channels  = filei.channels()
-    myvec     = fvec(hopsize,channels)
-    readsize  =,myvec)
-    mylist    = []
-    wassilence = 0
-    while(readsize==hopsize):
-        readsize =,myvec)
-        if (aubio_silence_detection(myvec(),silence)==1):
-            if wassilence == 0:
-                mylist.append(frameread)
-                wassilence == 1
-        else: wassilence = 0
-        frameread += 1
-    return mylist
-def getpitch(filein,mode=aubio_pitch_mcomb,bufsize=1024,hopsize=512,omode=aubio_pitchm_freq,
-        samplerate=44100.,silence=-70):
-    frameread = 0
-    filei     = sndfile(filein)
-    srate     = filei.samplerate()
-    channels  = filei.channels()
-    myvec     = fvec(hopsize,channels)
-    readsize  =,myvec)
-    pitchdet  = pitchdetection(mode=mode,bufsize=bufsize,hopsize=hopsize,
-                         channels=channels,samplerate=srate,omode=omode)
-    mylist    = []
-    while(readsize==hopsize):
-        readsize =,myvec)
-        freq = pitchdet(myvec)
-        #print "%.3f     %.2f" % (now,freq)
-        if (aubio_silence_detection(myvec(),silence)!=1):
-                mylist.append(freq)
-        else: 
-                mylist.append(-1.)
-        frameread += 1
-    return mylist
 class pitchdetection:
     def __init__(self,mode=aubio_pitch_mcomb,bufsize=2048,hopsize=1024,
--- a/python/aubio/
+++ b/python/aubio/
@@ -150,17 +150,22 @@
         import numarray
         from aubio.onsetcompare import onset_roc
-        if len(onsets) == 0: onsets = [0.];
+        d,d2 = [],[]
+        maxofunc = 0
+        for i in range(len(onsets)):
+                if len(onsets[i]) == 0: onsets[i] = [0.];
-        # onset detection function 
-        downtime = (hopsize/samplerate)*numarray.arange(len(ofunc))
-        d = Gnuplot.Data(downtime,ofunc,with='lines') 
+                # onset detection function 
+                downtime = (hopsize/samplerate)*numarray.arange(len(ofunc[i]))
+                d.append(Gnuplot.Data(downtime,ofunc[i],with='lines'))
+                maxofunc = max(max(ofunc[i]), maxofunc)
-        # detected onsets
-        x1 = (hopsize/samplerate)*numarray.array(onsets)
-        y1 = max(ofunc)*numarray.ones(len(onsets))
-        e = Gnuplot.Data(x1,-y1,with='impulses') 
-        e2= Gnuplot.Data(x1,y1,with='impulses') 
+        for i in range(len(onsets)):
+                # detected onsets
+                x1 = (hopsize/samplerate)*numarray.array(onsets[i])
+                y1 = maxofunc*numarray.ones(len(onsets[i]))
+                d.append(Gnuplot.Data(x1,y1,with='impulses'))
+                d2.append(Gnuplot.Data(x1,-y1,with='impulses'))
         # check if datafile exists truth
         datafile = filename.replace('.wav','.txt')
@@ -169,9 +174,9 @@
                 t = Gnuplot.Data(0,0,with='impulses') 
                 t_onsets = aubio.txtfile.read_datafile(datafile)
-                y2 = max(ofunc)*numarray.ones(len(t_onsets))
+                y2 = maxofunc*numarray.ones(len(t_onsets))
                 x2 = numarray.array(t_onsets).resize(len(t_onsets))
-                t = Gnuplot.Data(x2,y2,with='impulses') 
+                d2.append(Gnuplot.Data(x2,y2,with='impulses'))
                 tol = 0.050 
@@ -188,7 +193,7 @@
         # audio data
         time,data = audio_to_array(filename)
-        f = make_audio_plot(time,data)
+        d2.append(make_audio_plot(time,data))
         # prepare the plot
         g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot(debug=1, persist=1)
@@ -211,7 +216,7 @@
         g('set xrange [0:%f]' % max(time)) 
         g('set yrange [-1:1]') 
-        g.plot(f,e,t)
+        g.plot(*d2)
         g('unset title')
@@ -218,11 +223,11 @@
         # plot onset detection function
         g('set size 1,0.7')
         g('set origin 0,0')
-        g('set xrange [0:%f]' % (hopsize/samplerate*len(ofunc)))
-        g('set yrange [0:%f]' % (max(ofunc)*1.01))
+        g('set xrange [0:%f]' % (hopsize/samplerate*len(ofunc[0])))
+        g('set yrange [0:%f]' % (maxofunc*1.01))
         g.ylabel('onset detection value')
-        g.plot(d,e2)
+        g.plot(*d)
         g('unset multiplot')
@@ -232,9 +237,12 @@
         import os.path
         import numarray
-        # onset detection function 
-        downtime = (hopsize/samplerate)*numarray.arange(len(pitch))
-        d = Gnuplot.Data(downtime,pitch,with='lines') 
+        d = []
+        maxpitch = 100
+        for i in range(len(pitch)):
+                downtime = (hopsize/samplerate)*numarray.arange(len(pitch[i]))
+                d.append(Gnuplot.Data(downtime,pitch[i],with='lines'))
+                maxpitch = max(maxpitch,max(pitch[i][:])*1.1)
         # check if datafile exists truth
         datafile = filename.replace('.wav','.txt')
@@ -290,10 +298,10 @@
         # plot onset detection function
         g('set size 1,0.7')
         g('set origin 0,0')
-        g('set xrange [0:%f]' % (hopsize/samplerate*len(pitch)))
-        g('set yrange [0:%f]' % (max(pitch)*1.01))
+        g('set xrange [0:%f]' % max(time))
+        g('set yrange [40:%f]' % maxpitch) 
         g.ylabel('frequency (Hz)')
-        g.plot(d,t)
+        g.plot(*d)
         g('unset multiplot')
--- /dev/null
+++ b/python/aubio/
@@ -1,0 +1,185 @@
+from aubioclass import * 
+def check_onset_mode(option, opt, value, parser):
+        """ utility function to convert a string to aubio_onsetdetection_type """
+        nvalues = parser.rargs[0].split(',')
+        val =  []
+        for nvalue in nvalues:
+                if   nvalue == 'complexdomain' or nvalue == 'complex' :
+                         val.append(aubio_onset_complex)
+                elif nvalue == 'hfc'           :
+                         val.append(aubio_onset_hfc)
+                elif nvalue == 'phase'         :
+                         val.append(aubio_onset_phase)
+                elif nvalue == 'specdiff'      :
+                         val.append(aubio_onset_specdiff)
+                elif nvalue == 'energy'        :
+                         val.append(aubio_onset_energy)
+                elif nvalue == 'kl'            :
+                         val.append(aubio_onset_kl)
+                elif nvalue == 'mkl'           :
+                         val.append(aubio_onset_mkl)
+                elif nvalue == 'dual'          :
+                         val.append('dual')
+                else:
+                         import sys
+                         print "unknown onset detection function selected"
+                         sys.exit(1)
+                setattr(parser.values, option.dest, val)
+def check_pitch_mode(option, opt, value, parser):
+        """ utility function to convert a string to aubio_pitchdetection_type"""
+        nvalues = parser.rargs[0].split(',')
+        val = []
+        for nvalue in nvalues:
+                if   nvalue == 'mcomb'  :
+                         val.append(aubio_pitch_mcomb)
+                elif nvalue == 'yin'    :
+                         val.append(aubio_pitch_yin)
+                elif nvalue == 'fcomb'  :
+                         val.append(aubio_pitch_fcomb)
+                elif nvalue == 'schmitt':
+                         val.append(aubio_pitch_schmitt)
+                else:
+                         import sys
+                         print "error: unknown pitch detection function selected"
+                         sys.exit(1)
+                setattr(parser.values, option.dest, val)
+def check_pitchm_mode(option, opt, value, parser):
+        """ utility function to convert a string to aubio_pitchdetection_mode """
+        nvalue = parser.rargs[0]
+        if   nvalue == 'freq'  :
+                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitchm_freq)
+        elif nvalue == 'midi'  :
+                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitchm_midi)
+        elif nvalue == 'cent'  :
+                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitchm_cent)
+        elif nvalue == 'bin'   :
+                 setattr(parser.values, option.dest, aubio_pitchm_bin)
+        else:
+                 import sys
+                 print "error: unknown pitch detection output selected"
+                 sys.exit(1)
+def getonsets(filein,threshold=0.2,silence=-70.,bufsize=1024,hopsize=512,
+                mode='dual',localmin=False,storefunc=False,derivate=False):
+        frameread = 0
+        filei     = sndfile(filein)
+        channels  = filei.channels()
+        myvec     = fvec(hopsize,channels)
+        readsize  =,myvec)
+        opick     = onsetpick(bufsize,hopsize,channels,myvec,threshold,
+                         mode=mode,derivate=derivate)
+        mylist    = list()
+        if localmin:
+                ovalist   = [0., 0., 0., 0., 0.]
+        ofunclist = []
+        while(readsize):
+                readsize =,myvec)
+                isonset,val =
+                if (aubio_silence_detection(myvec(),silence)):
+                        isonset=0
+                if localmin:
+                        if val > 0: ovalist.append(val)
+                        else: ovalist.append(0)
+                        ovalist.pop(0)
+                if storefunc:
+                        ofunclist.append(val)
+                if (isonset == 1):
+                        if localmin:
+                                i=len(ovalist)-1
+                                # find local minima before peak 
+                                while ovalist[i-1] < ovalist[i] and i > 0:
+                                        i -= 1
+                                now = (frameread+1-i)
+                        else:
+                                now = frameread
+                        if now > 0 :
+                                mylist.append(now)
+                        else:
+                                now = 0
+                                mylist.append(now)
+                frameread += 1
+        return mylist, ofunclist
+def cutfile(filein,slicetimes,zerothres=0.008,bufsize=1024,hopsize=512):
+    frameread = 0
+    readsize  = hopsize 
+    filei     = sndfile(filein)
+    framestep = hopsize/(filei.samplerate()+0.)
+    channels  = filei.channels()
+    newname   = "%s%s%09.5f%s%s" % (filein.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1],".",
+                frameread*framestep,".",filein.split(".")[-1])
+    fileo     = sndfile(newname,model=filei)
+    myvec     = fvec(hopsize,channels)
+    mycopy    = fvec(hopsize,channels)
+    while(readsize==hopsize):
+        readsize =,myvec)
+        # write to current file
+        if len(slicetimes) and frameread >= slicetimes[0]:
+            slicetimes.pop(0)
+            # write up to 1st zero crossing
+            zerocross = 0
+            while ( abs( myvec.get(zerocross,0) ) > zerothres ):
+                zerocross += 1
+            writesize = fileo.write(zerocross,myvec)
+            fromcross = 0
+            while (zerocross < readsize):
+                for i in range(channels):
+                    mycopy.set(myvec.get(zerocross,i),fromcross,i)
+                    fromcross += 1
+                    zerocross += 1
+            del fileo
+            fileo = sndfile("%s%s%09.5f%s%s" % 
+                (filein.split(".")[0].split("/")[-1],".",
+                frameread*framestep,".",filein.split(".")[-1]),model=filei)
+            writesize = fileo.write(fromcross,mycopy)
+        else:
+            writesize = fileo.write(readsize,myvec)
+        frameread += 1
+    del fileo
+def getsilences(filein,hopsize=512,silence=-70):
+    frameread = 0
+    filei     = sndfile(filein)
+    srate     = filei.samplerate()
+    channels  = filei.channels()
+    myvec     = fvec(hopsize,channels)
+    readsize  =,myvec)
+    mylist    = []
+    wassilence = 0
+    while(readsize==hopsize):
+        readsize =,myvec)
+        if (aubio_silence_detection(myvec(),silence)==1):
+            if wassilence == 0:
+                mylist.append(frameread)
+                wassilence == 1
+        else: wassilence = 0
+        frameread += 1
+    return mylist
+def getpitch(filein,mode=aubio_pitch_mcomb,bufsize=1024,hopsize=512,omode=aubio_pitchm_freq,
+        samplerate=44100.,silence=-70):
+    frameread = 0
+    filei     = sndfile(filein)
+    srate     = filei.samplerate()
+    channels  = filei.channels()
+    myvec     = fvec(hopsize,channels)
+    readsize  =,myvec)
+    pitchdet  = pitchdetection(mode=mode,bufsize=bufsize,hopsize=hopsize,
+                         channels=channels,samplerate=srate,omode=omode)
+    mylist    = []
+    while(readsize==hopsize):
+        readsize =,myvec)
+        freq = pitchdet(myvec)
+        #print "%.3f     %.2f" % (now,freq)
+        if (aubio_silence_detection(myvec(),silence)!=1):
+                mylist.append(freq)
+        else: 
+                mylist.append(-1.)
+        frameread += 1
+    return mylist
--- a/python/aubiocut
+++ b/python/aubiocut
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
 import sys
-from aubio.aubioclass import *
+from aubio.tasks import *
 usage = "usage: %s [options] -i soundfile" % sys.argv[0]
@@ -88,6 +88,7 @@
 zerothres  = float(options.zerothres)
 silence    = float(options.silence)
 mintol     = float(options.mintol)*step
+mode       = options.mode
 # default take back system delay
 if options.delay: delay = float(options.delay)
 else:             delay = 3./step
@@ -97,39 +98,44 @@
         exit("not implemented yet")
 elif options.silencecut:
         onsets = getsilences(filename,hopsize=hopsize,silence=silence)
-elif options.plot:
+elif options.plot: storefunc=True
+else:              storefunc=False
+lonsets, lofunc = [], []
+for i in range(len(mode)):
         onsets, ofunc = getonsets(filename,threshold,silence,
-                mode=options.mode,localmin=options.localmin,
+                mode=mode[i],localmin=options.localmin,
-        onsets = getonsets(filename,threshold,silence,
-                mode=options.mode,localmin=options.localmin,
-                derivate=options.derivate,
-                bufsize=bufsize,hopsize=hopsize)
-# take back system delay
-if delay != 0:
-        for i in range(len(onsets)):
-                onsets[i] -= delay*step
+        # take back system delay
+        if delay != 0:
+                for i in range(len(onsets)):
+                        onsets[i] -= delay*step
-# prune doubled 
-if mintol > 0:
-        last = -2*mintol
-        newonsets = []
-        for new in onsets:
-                if (new - last > mintol): 
-                        newonsets.append(new)
-                last = new
-        onsets = newonsets
+        # prune doubled 
+        if mintol > 0:
+                last = -2*mintol
+                newonsets = []
+                for new in onsets:
+                        if (new - last > mintol): 
+                                newonsets.append(new)
+                        last = new
+                onsets = newonsets
+        lonsets.append(onsets)
+        lofunc.append(ofunc)
 # print times in second
 if options.verbose:
-        for i in onsets: print "%f" % (i/step)
+        maxonset = 0
+        for j in range(len(mode)):
+                for i in range(len(lonsets[j])):
+                        print lonsets[j][i]/step
 if options.plot:
         from aubio.gnuplot import plot_onsets
-        plot_onsets(filename, onsets, ofunc, 
+        plot_onsets(filename, lonsets, lofunc, 
                 samplerate=samplerate, hopsize=hopsize, outplot=options.outplot)
 if options.cut:
--- a/python/aubiopitch
+++ b/python/aubiopitch
@@ -4,9 +4,8 @@
   it is released under the GNU/GPL license.
 import sys
-from aubio.aubioclass import *
+from aubio.tasks import *
 usage = "usage: %s [options] -i soundfile" % sys.argv[0]
@@ -73,6 +72,7 @@
                 if options.mode == aubio_pitch_schmitt: options.bufsize = 2048
                 if options.mode == aubio_pitch_mcomb:   options.bufsize = 4096
                 if options.mode == aubio_pitch_fcomb:   options.bufsize = 4096 
+                else: options.bufsize = 2048
         if not options.hopsize:
                 options.hopsize = float(options.bufsize) / 2
         if not options.filename: 
@@ -91,6 +91,7 @@
 step       = float(samplerate)/float(hopsize)
 threshold  = float(options.threshold)
 silence    = float(options.silence)
+mode       = options.mode
 #mintol     = float(options.mintol)*step
 # default take back system delay
 if options.delay: delay = float(options.delay)
@@ -99,11 +100,13 @@
 if options.note:
         exit("not implemented yet")
-        pitch = getpitch(filename, #threshold,
-                mode=options.mode,
-                omode=options.omode,
-                bufsize=bufsize,hopsize=hopsize,
-                silence=silence)
+        pitch = []
+        for i in range(len(mode)):
+                pitch.append(getpitch(filename, #threshold,
+                        mode=mode[i],
+                        omode=options.omode,
+                        bufsize=bufsize,hopsize=hopsize,
+                        silence=silence))
 ## take back system delay
 #if delay != 0:
@@ -122,11 +125,13 @@
 # print times in second
 if options.verbose:
-        for i in range(len(pitch)): 
-                print "%f\t%f" % (i/step,pitch[i])
+        for j in range(len(pitch[0])): 
+                print "%f\t" % (j/step),
+                for i in range(len(pitch)): 
+                        print "%f\t" % pitch[i][j],
+                print
 if options.plot:
         from aubio.gnuplot import plot_pitch
         plot_pitch(filename, pitch, 
                 samplerate=samplerate, hopsize=hopsize, outplot=options.outplot)