shithub: aubio

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ref: 5d9693ce160b37a1b38d507d13ccd536d685d97d
parent: a028a04e256423e6fc6a3b4202110845e505f4ba
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Thu Dec 1 14:57:40 EST 2016

Makefile: rewrite, improve test targets

--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,25 @@
 WAFCMD=python waf
+# turn on verbose mode
+#WAFOPTS += --verbose
+# build wafopts
+WAFOPTS += --destdir $(DESTDIR)
+# multiple jobs
+WAFOPTS += --jobs 4
+# default install locations
 ENABLE_DOUBLE := $(shell [ -z $(HAVE_DOUBLE) ] || echo --enable-double )
@@ -30,82 +49,109 @@
 build: configure
 	$(WAFCMD) build $(WAFOPTS)
+	# install
+	$(WAFCMD) install $(WAFOPTS)
+	make list_installed
+	find $(DESTDIR) -ls | sed 's|$(DESTDIR)|/«destdir»|'
+	find $(PYDESTDIR) -ls | sed 's|$(PYDESTDIR)|/«pydestdir»|'
+	# uninstall
+	$(WAFCMD) uninstall $(WAFOPTS)
+	rm -rf $(PWD)/dist/test
-	python ./ build_ext $(ENABLE_DOUBLE)
+	# build python-aubio, using locally built libaubio if found
+	python ./ build $(ENABLE_DOUBLE)
-test_python: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(PWD)/build/src
-test_python: local_dylib
-	# clean
-	-pip uninstall -v -y aubio
-	./ clean
-	$(WAFCMD) distclean
-	# build library
-	$(WAFCMD) configure build
-	# install python requirements
-	pip install -v -r requirements.txt
+	# build python-aubio using (locally) installed libaubio
+	[ -f $(DESTDIR)/$(INCLUDEDIR)/aubio/aubio.h ]
+	[ -d $(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR) ]
+	[ -f $(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig/aubio.pc ]
+		make build_python
+	make list_installed
+	cat $(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)/pkgconfig/aubio.pc
+	# install or upgrade python requirements
+	pip install --verbose --upgrade --requirement requirements.txt
+# use pip or distutils?
+#install_python: install_python_with_pip
+uninstall_python: uninstall_python_with_pip
+install_python: install_python_with_distutils
+#uninstall_python: uninstall_python_with_distutils
 	# install package
-	pip install -v .
-	# can clean twice
-	./ clean
-	./ clean
-	# run test with installed package
-	./python/tests/run_all_tests --verbose
-	nose2 -N 4 #--verbose
+	pip install --verbose .
 	# uninstall package
-	pip uninstall -y -v aubio
+	pip uninstall -y -v aubio || make uninstall_python_with_distutils
+	./ install $(DISTUTILSOPTS)
+	#./ uninstall
+	[ -d $(PYDESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR) ] && echo Warning: did not clean $(PYDESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR) || true
+	# ignore failure if not installed
+	-make uninstall_python
+	# DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH is no more on mac os
 	# create links from ~/lib/lib* to build/src/lib*
-	[ -f build/src/libaubio.[0-9].dylib ] && ( mkdir -p ~/lib && cp -prv build/src/libaubio.[0-9].dylib ~/lib ) || true
+	[ -f $(PWD)/build/src/libaubio.[0-9].dylib ] && ( mkdir -p ~/lib && cp -prv build/src/libaubio.[0-9].dylib ~/lib ) || true
-	./ clean
-	# clean
-	-pip uninstall -v -y aubio
-	-$(WAFCMD) distclean
-	./ clean
-	# install python requirements
-	pip install --verbose --requirement requirements.txt
-	# compile
-	CFLAGS=-Os python build $(ENABLE_DOUBLE)
-	# needs recompile, disabled
-	#./ test
-	# install package
-	pip install --verbose .
-	# can clean twice
-	./ clean
-	./ clean
+test_python: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$(DESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)
+test_python: export PYTHONPATH=$(PYDESTDIR)/$(LIBDIR)
+test_python: local_dylib
 	# run test with installed package
 	./python/tests/run_all_tests --verbose
-	nose2 -N 4 #--verbose
-	# uninstall
-	pip uninstall -v -y aubio
-	-pip uninstall -v -y aubio
-	-rm -rf build/ python/gen/
-	-rm -f dist/*.whl
-	-pip install -v -r requirements.txt
-	-pip install -v wheel
-	CFLAGS=-Os python build_ext $(ENABLE_DOUBLE) bdist_wheel --universal
-	wheel install dist/*.whl
+	# also run with nose, multiple processes
 	nose2 -N 4
-	pip uninstall -v -y aubio
+	# list installed files
+	#find $(DESTDIR) -ls | sed 's|$(DESTDIR)||'
+	make list_installed_python
-	python3 ./ build_ext $(ENABLE_DOUBLE)
+	./ clean
-	python3 ./ clean
+	# check cleaning a second time works
+	make clean_python
+	make clean_python
+	# optionnaly clean before build
+	-$(WAFCMD) clean
+	# check cleaning after build works
 	$(WAFCMD) clean
+	# check cleaning a second time works
+	$(WAFCMD) clean
 	$(WAFCMD) distclean
+	make distclean
 distcheck: checkwaf
@@ -122,6 +168,51 @@
 	-$(SOX) -r 48000 -b 32 -n "$(TESTSOUNDS)/48000Hz_60s_sweep.wav"       synth 60   sine 100-20000  vol 0.9
 	-$(SOX) -r 44100 -b 16 -n "$(TESTSOUNDS)/44100Hz_44100f_sine441.wav"  synth 44100s   sine 441 	vol 0.9
 	-$(SOX) -r 44100 -b 16 -n "$(TESTSOUNDS)/44100Hz_100f_sine441.wav"    synth 100s sine 441 	vol 0.9
+# build only libaubio, no python-aubio
+test_lib_only: clean distclean configure build install
+# additionally, clean after a fresh build
+test_lib_only_clean: test_lib_only uninstall check_clean check_distclean
+# build libaubio, build and test python-aubio against it
+test_lib_python: force_uninstall_python deps_python \
+	clean_python clean distclean \
+	configure build build_python \
+	install install_python \
+	test_python
+test_lib_python_clean: test_lib_python \
+	uninstall_python uninstall \
+	check_clean_python \
+	check_clean \
+	check_distclean
+# build libaubio, install it, build python-aubio against it
+test_lib_install_python: force_uninstall_python deps_python \
+	clean_python distclean \
+	configure build \
+	install \
+	build_python_extlib \
+	install_python \
+	test_python
+test_lib_install_python_clean: test_lib_install_python \
+	uninstall_python \
+	delete_install \
+	check_clean_python \
+	check_distclean
+# build a python-aubio that includes libaubio
+test_python_only: force_uninstall_python deps_python \
+	clean_python clean distclean \
+	build_python \
+	install_python \
+	test_python
+test_python_only_clean: test_python_only \
+	uninstall_python \
+	check_clean_python
 	cd doc && make html