ref: 5a61c2970bd9f7d9d6f44dbe609bedf962fc9dba
parent: 9cba1ebbc1de8191dc6c8055e2c1a76cbd2ed4cf
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Tue Nov 30 21:11:16 EST 2004
updated docs
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -35,8 +35,12 @@
doxygen examples.cfg
cp aubio.css examples
+ docbook-to-man aubionotes.sgml > aubionotes.1
+ docbook-to-man aubioonset.sgml > aubioonset.1
# Update docs for distribution
- rm -rf devel user examples
+ rm -rf devel user examples *.1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/aubionotes.sgml
@@ -1,0 +1,185 @@
+<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [
+<!-- Process this file with docbook-to-man to generate an nroff manual
+ page: `docbook-to-man manpage.sgml > manpage.1'. You may view
+ the manual page with: `docbook-to-man manpage.sgml | nroff -man |
+ less'. A typical entry in a Makefile or is:
+manpage.1: manpage.sgml
+ docbook-to-man $< > $@
+ The docbook-to-man binary is found in the docbook-to-man package.
+ Please remember that if you create the nroff version in one of the
+ debian/rules file targets (such as build), you will need to include
+ docbook-to-man in your Build-Depends control field.
+ -->
+ <!-- Fill in your name for FIRSTNAME and SURNAME. -->
+ <!ENTITY dhfirstname "<firstname>Paul</firstname>">
+ <!ENTITY dhsurname "<surname>Brossier</surname>">
+ <!-- Please adjust the date whenever revising the manpage. -->
+ <!ENTITY dhdate "<date>December 1, 2004</date>">
+ <!-- SECTION should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection other parameters are
+ allowed: see man(7), man(1). -->
+ <!ENTITY dhsection "<manvolnum>1</manvolnum>">
+ <!ENTITY dhemail "<email>[email protected]</email>">
+ <!ENTITY dhusername "Paul Brossier">
+ <!ENTITY dhucpackage "<refentrytitle>AUBIO</refentrytitle>">
+ <!ENTITY dhpackage "aubionotes">
+ <!ENTITY debian "<productname>Debian</productname>">
+ <!ENTITY gnu "<acronym>GNU</acronym>">
+ <!ENTITY gpl "&gnu; <acronym>GPL</acronym>">
+ <refentryinfo>
+ <address>
+ &dhemail;
+ </address>
+ <author>
+ &dhfirstname;
+ &dhsurname;
+ </author>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2003</year>
+ <holder>&dhusername;</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ &dhdate;
+ </refentryinfo>
+ <refmeta>
+ &dhucpackage;
+ &dhsection;
+ </refmeta>
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>&dhpackage;</refname>
+ <refpurpose>an sound file onset detector</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>&dhpackage;</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
+ <para>This manual page documents briefly the <command>&dhpackage;</command> command.</para>
+<para>The library <emphasis remap='B'>aubio</emphasis> provides a small set of functions to extract events and
+objects from audio, from live streams or still files. Onsets are used to label
+the beginning of notes, pitches to label their height.</para>
+<para><command>aubionotes</command> is still in an experimental state. Its aim is to segment notes
+with onsets, and label them with their detected pitch. When started without an
+input file argument (<option>-i</option>), aubionotes creates a jack input and a midi
+output. When an input file is given, it outputs the results on the console.</para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>OPTIONS</title>
+<para>This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
+options starting with two dashes (`-').
+A summary of options is included below.</para>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-i</option>
+ <option>--input filein</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Run analysis on this audio file. Most common (uncompressed) formats are
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-o</option>
+ <option>--output fileout</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Save results in this file. The file will be created on the model of the input
+file. Results are marked by a very short wood-block sample.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-t</option>
+ <option>--threshold value</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Set the threshold value for the onset peak picking. Typical values are within
+<literal>0.001</literal> and <literal>0.900</literal>. Default is <literal>0.1</literal>. The <emphasis>lower</emphasis> the <emphasis>more
+sensible</emphasis>. Try <literal>0.3</literal> in case of over-detections.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-j</option>
+ <option>--jack</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Run in jack mode (default when started without input file) and creates a midi output.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-h</option>
+ <option>--help</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Show summary of options.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-v</option>
+ <option>--verbose</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Show results on the console.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>SEE ALSO</title>
+ <para><emphasis>aubioonset</emphasis> (1)</para>
+ </refsect1>
+<para>For now the program has been only tested on audio signals sampled at 44.1
+kHz. The pitch detectors are also way too cpu-intensive.</para>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>AUTHOR</title>
+ <para>This manual page was written by &dhusername; (&dhemail;). Permission
+ is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms
+ of the &gnu; General Public License, Version 2 any later version published
+ by the Free Software Foundation.</para>
+ <para>On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
+ License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.</para>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/aubioonset.sgml
@@ -1,0 +1,186 @@
+<!doctype refentry PUBLIC "-//OASIS//DTD DocBook V4.1//EN" [
+<!-- Process this file with docbook-to-man to generate an nroff manual
+ page: `docbook-to-man manpage.sgml > manpage.1'. You may view
+ the manual page with: `docbook-to-man manpage.sgml | nroff -man |
+ less'. A typical entry in a Makefile or is:
+manpage.1: manpage.sgml
+ docbook-to-man $< > $@
+ The docbook-to-man binary is found in the docbook-to-man package.
+ Please remember that if you create the nroff version in one of the
+ debian/rules file targets (such as build), you will need to include
+ docbook-to-man in your Build-Depends control field.
+ -->
+ <!-- Fill in your name for FIRSTNAME and SURNAME. -->
+ <!ENTITY dhfirstname "<firstname>Paul</firstname>">
+ <!ENTITY dhsurname "<surname>Brossier</surname>">
+ <!-- Please adjust the date whenever revising the manpage. -->
+ <!ENTITY dhdate "<date>December 1, 2004</date>">
+ <!-- SECTION should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection other parameters are
+ allowed: see man(7), man(1). -->
+ <!ENTITY dhsection "<manvolnum>1</manvolnum>">
+ <!ENTITY dhemail "<email>[email protected]</email>">
+ <!ENTITY dhusername "Paul Brossier">
+ <!ENTITY dhucpackage "<refentrytitle>AUBIO</refentrytitle>">
+ <!ENTITY dhpackage "aubioonset">
+ <!ENTITY debian "<productname>Debian</productname>">
+ <!ENTITY gnu "<acronym>GNU</acronym>">
+ <!ENTITY gpl "&gnu; <acronym>GPL</acronym>">
+ <refentryinfo>
+ <address>
+ &dhemail;
+ </address>
+ <author>
+ &dhfirstname;
+ &dhsurname;
+ </author>
+ <copyright>
+ <year>2003</year>
+ <holder>&dhusername;</holder>
+ </copyright>
+ &dhdate;
+ </refentryinfo>
+ <refmeta>
+ &dhucpackage;
+ &dhsection;
+ </refmeta>
+ <refnamediv>
+ <refname>&dhpackage;</refname>
+ <refpurpose>an sound file onset detector</refpurpose>
+ </refnamediv>
+ <refsynopsisdiv>
+ <cmdsynopsis>
+ <command>&dhpackage;</command>
+ </cmdsynopsis>
+ </refsynopsisdiv>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>DESCRIPTION</title>
+ <para>This manual page documents briefly the <command>&dhpackage;</command> command.</para>
+<para>The library <emphasis remap='B'>aubio</emphasis> provides a small set of functions to extract events and
+objects from audio, from live streams or still files. Onsets are used to label
+the beginning of notes, pitches to label their height.</para>
+<para><command>aubionotes</command> is still in an experimental state. Its aim is to segment notes
+with onsets, and label them with their detected pitch. When started without an
+input file argument (<option>-i</option>), aubionotes creates a jack input and a midi
+output. When an input file is given, it outputs the results on the console.</para>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>OPTIONS</title>
+<para>This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
+options starting with two dashes (`-').
+A summary of options is included below.</para>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-i</option>
+ <option>--input filein</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Run analysis on this audio file. Most common (uncompressed) formats are
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-o</option>
+ <option>--output fileout</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Save results in this file. The file will be created on the model of the input
+file. Results are marked by a very short wood-block sample.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-t</option>
+ <option>--threshold value</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Set the threshold value for the onset peak picking. Typical values are within
+<literal>0.001</literal> and <literal>0.900</literal>. Default is <literal>0.1</literal>. The <emphasis remap='B'>lower</emphasis> the <emphasis remap='B'>more
+sensible</emphasis>. Try <literal>0.3</literal> in case of over-detections.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-j</option>
+ <option>--jack</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Run in jack mode (default when started without input file) and creates a midi output.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-h</option>
+ <option>--help</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Show summary of options.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ <varlistentry>
+ <term><option>-v</option>
+ <option>--verbose</option></term>
+ <listitem>
+<para>Show results on the console.</para>
+ </listitem>
+ </varlistentry>
+ </refsect1>
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>SEE ALSO</title>
+ <para><command>aubionotes</command> (1)</para>
+ </refsect1>
+<para>For now the program has been only tested on audio signals sampled at 44.1
+ <refsect1>
+ <title>AUTHOR</title>
+ <para>This manual page was written by &dhusername; (&dhemail;). Permission
+ is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms
+ of the &gnu; General Public License, Version 2 any later version published
+ by the Free Software Foundation.</para>
+ <para>On Debian systems, the complete text of the GNU General Public
+ License can be found in /usr/share/common-licenses/GPL.</para>
+ </refsect1>
+<!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file
+Local variables:
+mode: sgml
--- a/examples/aubionotes.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,102 +1,0 @@
-.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
-.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
-.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
-.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
-.TH AUBIONOTES 1 "May 3, 2004"
-.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the man-page.
-.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
-.\" .nh disable hyphenation
-.\" .hy enable hyphenation
-.\" .ad l left justify
-.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
-.\" .nf disable filling
-.\" .fi enable filling
-.\" .br insert line break
-.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
-.\" for man-page-specific macros, see man(7)
-aubionotes \- detects notes in a sound file
-.B aubionotes
-.RI [ -i | --input
-.RB < soundfilein >
-.RI ]
-.RI [ -o | --output
-.RB < soundfileout >
-.RI ]
-.RI [ -t | --threshold
-.RB < thres >
-.RI ]
-.RI [ -j | --jack ]
-.RI [ -v | --verbose ]
-This manual page documents briefly the
-.B aubionotes
-The library \fBaubio\fP provides a small set of functions to extract events and
-objects from audio, from live streams or still files. Onsets are used to label
-the beginning of notes, pitches to label their height.
-\fBaubionotes\fP is still in an experimental state. Its aim is to segment notes
-with onsets, and label them with their detected pitch. When started without an
-input file argument (\fI\-i\fP), aubionotes creates a jack input and a midi
-output. When an input file is given, it outputs the results on the console.
-This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
-options starting with two dashes (`-').
-A summary of options is included below.
-.B \-i, \-\-input filein
-Run analysis on this audio file. Most common (uncompressed) formats are
-.B \-o, \-\-output fileout
-Save results in this file. The file will be created on the model of the input
-file. Results are marked by a very short wood-block sample.
-.B \-t, \-\-threshold value
-Set the threshold value for the onset peak picking. Typical values are within
-\fI0.001\fP and \fI0.900\fP. Default is \fI0.1\fP. The \fBlower\fP the \fBmore
-sensible\fP. Try \fI0.3\fP in case of over-detections.
-.B \-j, \-\-jack
-Run in jack mode (default when started without input file) and creates a midi output.
-.B \-h, \-\-help
-Show summary of options.
-.B \-v, \-\-verbose
-Show results on the console.
-.I Analyse a file and save the notes times and pitches
-$ aubionotes -v -i myloop.wav 2> myloop.txt
-The results are expressed in seconds and midi pitch.
-.I Start as a jack client
-$ aubionotes -t 0.4
-Note you will need to have \fIjackd\fP(1) running. Try connecting a midi
-instrument to the aubio midi output.
-The audio feedback is still limited to playing a wood-block sound.
-For now the program works only on audio signals sampled at 44.1 kHz. It is also
-way too intensive. Hopefully this will be fixed in the next release.
-The source code is documented using
-.IR doxygen (1),
-available in the documentation package or at
-.BR .
-This manual page was written by Paul Brossier <[email protected]>,
-for the Debian project (but may be used by others).
--- a/examples/aubioonset.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,103 +1,0 @@
-.\" Hey, EMACS: -*- nroff -*-
-.\" First parameter, NAME, should be all caps
-.\" Second parameter, SECTION, should be 1-8, maybe w/ subsection
-.\" other parameters are allowed: see man(7), man(1)
-.TH AUBIOONSET 1 "May 3, 2004"
-.\" Please adjust this date whenever revising the man-page.
-.\" Some roff macros, for reference:
-.\" .nh disable hyphenation
-.\" .hy enable hyphenation
-.\" .ad l left justify
-.\" .ad b justify to both left and right margins
-.\" .nf disable filling
-.\" .fi enable filling
-.\" .br insert line break
-.\" .sp <n> insert n+1 empty lines
-.\" for man-page-specific macros, see man(7)
-aubioonset \- detects onset times in a sound file
-.B aubioonset
-.RI [ -i | --input
-.RB < soundfilein >
-.RI ]
-.RI [ -o | --output
-.RB < soundfileout >
-.RI ]
-.RI [ -t | --threshold
-.RB < thres >
-.RI ]
-.RI [ -j | --jack ]
-.RI [ -v | --verbose ]
-This manual page documents briefly the
-.B aubioonset
-The \fBaubio\fP library provides a small set of functions to extract events and
-objects from audio, from live streams or still files. Onsets are used to label
-the beginning of notes.
-\fBaubioonset\fP extract onsets from an audio input. It works online or
-off-line: live as a jack client, or with an input sound file. When running on a
-file, results can be printed to the console using the \fI\-v\fP flag.
-This program follows the usual GNU command line syntax, with long
-options starting with two dashes (`-').
-A summary of options is included below.
-.B \-i, \-\-input filein
-Run analysis on this audio file. Most common (uncompressed) formats are
-.B \-o, \-\-output fileout
-Save results in this file. The file will be created on the model of the input
-file. Results are marked by a very short wood-block sample.
-.B \-t, \-\-threshold value
-Set the threshold value for the onset peak picking. Typical values are within
-\fI0.001\fP and \fI0.900\fP. Default is \fI0.1\fP. The \fBlower\fP the \fBmore
-sensible\fP. Try \fI0.3\fP in case of over-detections.
-.B \-j, \-\-jack
-Run in jack mode (default when started without input file).
-.B \-h, \-\-help
-Show summary of options.
-.B \-v, \-\-verbose
-Show results on the console.
-.I Analyse a file and save the onsets times (in seconds)
-$ aubioonset -v -i myloop.wav 2> myloop.txt
-One can start a new project in \fIaudacity\fP(1), import myloop.wav as an audio
-track, and myloop.txt as a label track. This allows to verify each onset
-position, label them with text and select notes, bars and loops.
-.I Start as a jack client
-$ aubioonset -t 0.2
-Note you will need to have \fIjackd\fP(1) running.
-The audio feedback in both case is still limited to playing a wood-block sound.
-Midi messages will be sent in the near future.
-For now the program works only on audio signals sampled at 44.1 kHz.
-The source code is documented using
-.IR doxygen (1),
-available in the documentation package or at
-.BR .
-This manual page was written by Paul Brossier <[email protected]>,
-for the Debian project (but may be used by others).
--- a/python/aubio/
+++ b/python/aubio/
@@ -7,3 +7,4 @@
rm -f *.pyc
+distclean: clean
--- a/python/aubio/
+++ b/python/aubio/
@@ -333,6 +333,8 @@
rm -f *.pyc
+distclean: clean
# Tell versions [3.59,3.63) of GNU make to not export all variables.
# Otherwise a system limit (for SysV at least) may be exceeded.