ref: 47b465c609c4cadbdd300b6bcad0a16b6fc30967
parent: d281698b345116df3da0871a039ca5ea6205bc47
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Fri Oct 26 16:51:32 EDT 2018
[python] add docstrings for pvoc
--- a/python/ext/py-phasevoc.c
+++ b/python/ext/py-phasevoc.c
@@ -1,7 +1,59 @@
#include "aubio-types.h"
-static char Py_pvoc_doc[] = "pvoc object";
+static char Py_pvoc_doc[] = ""
+"pvoc(win_s=512, hop_s=256)\n"
+"Phase vocoder.\n"
+"`pvoc` creates callable object implements a phase vocoder [1]_,\n"
+"using the tricks detailed in [2]_.\n"
+"The call function takes one input of type `fvec` and of size\n"
+"`hop_s`, and returns a `cvec` of length `win_s//2+1`.\n"
+"win_s : int\n"
+" number of channels in the phase-vocoder.\n"
+"hop_s : int\n"
+" number of samples expected between each call\n"
+">>> x = aubio.fvec(256)\n"
+">>> pv = aubio.pvoc(512, 256)\n"
+">>> pv(x)\n"
+"aubio cvec of 257 elements\n"
+"Default values for hop_s and win_s are provided:\n"
+">>> pv = aubio.pvoc()\n"
+">>> pv.win_s, pv.hop_s\n"
+"512, 256\n"
+"A `cvec` can be resynthesised using `rdo()`:\n"
+">>> pv = aubio.pvoc(512, 256)\n"
+">>> y = aubio.cvec(512)\n"
+">>> x_reconstructed = pv.rdo(y)\n"
+">>> x_reconstructed.shape\n"
+".. [1] James A. Moorer. The use of the phase vocoder in computer music\n"
+" applications. `Journal of the Audio Engineering Society`,\n"
+" 26(1/2):42–45, 1978.\n"
+".. [2] Amalia de Götzen, Nicolas Bernardini, and Daniel Arfib. Traditional\n"
+" (?) implementations of a phase vocoder: the tricks of the trade.\n"
+" In `Proceedings of the International Conference on Digital Audio\n"
+" Effects` (DAFx-00), pages 37–44, University of Verona, Italy, 2000.\n"
+" (`online version <"
typedef struct
@@ -121,9 +173,11 @@
static PyMemberDef Py_pvoc_members[] = {
{"win_s", T_INT, offsetof (Py_pvoc, win_s), READONLY,
- "size of the window"},
+ "int: Size of phase vocoder analysis windows, in samples.\n"
+ ""},
{"hop_s", T_INT, offsetof (Py_pvoc, hop_s), READONLY,
- "size of the hop"},
+ "int: Interval between two analysis, in samples.\n"
+ ""},
{ NULL } // sentinel
@@ -175,8 +229,47 @@
static PyMethodDef Py_pvoc_methods[] = {
{"rdo", (PyCFunction) Py_pvoc_rdo, METH_VARARGS,
- "synthesis of spectral grain"},
- {"set_window", (PyCFunction) Pyaubio_pvoc_set_window, METH_VARARGS, ""},
+ "rdo(fftgrain)\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Read a new spectral grain and resynthesise the next `hop_s`\n"
+ "output samples.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Parameters\n"
+ "----------\n"
+ "fftgrain : cvec\n"
+ " new input `cvec` to synthesize from, should be of size `win_s/2+1`\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Returns\n"
+ "-------\n"
+ "fvec\n"
+ " re-synthesised output of shape `(hop_s,)`\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Example\n"
+ "-------\n"
+ ">>> pv = aubio.pvoc(2048, 512)\n"
+ ">>> out = pv.rdo(aubio.cvec(2048))\n"
+ ">>> out.shape\n"
+ "(512,)\n"
+ ""},
+ {"set_window", (PyCFunction) Pyaubio_pvoc_set_window, METH_VARARGS,
+ "set_window(window_type)\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Set window function\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Parameters\n"
+ "----------\n"
+ "window_type : str\n"
+ " the window type to use for this phase vocoder\n"
+ "\n"
+ "Raises\n"
+ "------\n"
+ "ValueError\n"
+ " If an unknown window type was given.\n"
+ "\n"
+ "See Also\n"
+ "--------\n"
+ "window : create a window.\n"
+ ""},