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ref: 318446885b70cec57eee0f3e78e0e4813446c8d4
parent: 6d3777af5b58c435491b933564a0b55c6b9c9cf3
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Wed Mar 6 11:36:01 EST 2013

python/demos/ improve default parameters

--- a/python/demos/
+++ b/python/demos/
@@ -9,16 +9,16 @@
   samplerate = 44100
-  win_s = 512                 # fft size
-  hop_s = win_s / 2           # block size
-  threshold = 0.26
+  win_s = 1024      # fft size
+  hop_s = win_s / 4 # block size
+  threshold = 0.5
   f = source(sys.argv[1], samplerate, hop_s)
   g = sink(sys.argv[2], samplerate)
   h = sink(sys.argv[3], samplerate)
-  pv = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)     # phase vocoder
-  pw = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)     # another phase vocoder
+  pva = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)    # a phase vocoder
+  pvb = pvoc(win_s, hop_s)    # another phase vocoder
   t = tss(win_s, hop_s)       # transient steady state separation
@@ -27,10 +27,10 @@
   while read:
     samples, read = f()               # read file
-    spec = pv(samples)                # compute spectrum
+    spec = pva(samples)                # compute spectrum
     trans_spec, stead_spec = t(spec)  # transient steady-state separation
-    transients = pv.rdo(trans_spec)   # overlap-add synthesis of transients
-    steadstate = pw.rdo(stead_spec)   # overlap-add synthesis of steady states
+    transients = pva.rdo(trans_spec)   # overlap-add synthesis of transients
+    steadstate = pvb.rdo(stead_spec)   # overlap-add synthesis of steady states
     g(transients, read)               # write transients to output
     h(steadstate, read)               # write steady states to output