shithub: aubio

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ref: 2675227fe5bfe31f666dfba6ebd6c6bf1d91863b
parent: 283bb901b1ba4321c831e0ad6455784c84bc18f7
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Sat May 14 17:45:03 EDT 2016 clean-up, add option to build libaubio inside python-aubio

The setup script now attempts to build the _aubio extension as follows:

 - if src/aubio.h is found, use it to generate python/gen/ files

   - if build/src/ is found, use it to link python-aubio against libaubio
   - otherwise:
     - add all libaubio source (src/*) to the python module sources
     - look for optional dependencies using pkg-config
     - set flags accordingly

 - otherwise, look for aubio headers and libraries using pkg-config

This should help building the python module in a virtualenv (#2),
on windows (#55), and allow installing aubio directly with pip.

--- a/python/lib/
+++ b/python/lib/
@@ -1,6 +1,114 @@
+""" A collection of function used from distutils script """
+import sys, os, glob, subprocess
 import distutils, distutils.command.clean, distutils.dir_util
 from .gen_external import generate_external, header, output_path
+# inspired from
+def add_packages(packages, ext=None, **kw):
+    """ use pkg-config to search which of 'packages' are installed """
+    flag_map = {
+        '-I': 'include_dirs',
+        '-L': 'library_dirs',
+        '-l': 'libraries'}
+    # if a setuptools extension is passed, fill it with pkg-config results
+    if ext:
+        kw = {'include_dirs': ext.include_dirs,
+              'extra_link_args': ext.extra_link_args,
+              'library_dirs': ext.library_dirs,
+              'libraries': ext.libraries,
+             }
+    for package in packages:
+        try:
+            cmd = ['pkg-config', '--libs', '--cflags', package]
+            tokens = subprocess.check_output(cmd)
+        except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
+            print("{:s} could not be found".format(package))
+            continue
+        tokens = tokens.decode('utf8').split()
+        for token in tokens:
+            key = token[:2]
+            try:
+                arg = flag_map[key]
+                value = token[2:]
+            except KeyError:
+                arg = 'extra_link_args'
+                value = token
+            kw.setdefault(arg, []).append(value)
+    for key, value in iter(kw.items()): # remove duplicated
+        kw[key] = list(set(value))
+    return kw
+def add_local_aubio_header(ext):
+    """ use local "src/aubio.h", not <aubio/aubio.h>"""
+    ext.define_macros += [('USE_LOCAL_AUBIO', 1)]
+    ext.include_dirs += ['src'] # aubio.h
+def add_local_aubio_lib(ext):
+    """ add locally built libaubio from build/src """
+    print("Info: using locally built libaubio")
+    ext.library_dirs += [os.path.join('build', 'src')]
+    ext.libraries += ['aubio']
+def add_local_aubio_sources(ext):
+    """ build aubio inside python module instead of linking against libaubio """
+    print("Warning: libaubio was not built with waf, adding src/")
+    # create an empty header, macros will be passed on the command line
+    fake_config_header = os.path.join('python', 'ext', 'config.h')
+    distutils.file_util.write_file(fake_config_header, "")
+    aubio_sources = glob.glob(os.path.join('src', '**.c'))
+    aubio_sources += glob.glob(os.path.join('src', '*', '**.c'))
+    ext.sources += aubio_sources
+    # define macros (waf puts them in build/src/config.h)
+    for define_macro in ['HAVE_STDLIB_H', 'HAVE_STDIO_H',
+                         'HAVE_MATH_H', 'HAVE_STRING_H',
+                         'HAVE_LIMITS_H', 'HAVE_MEMCPY_HACKS']:
+        ext.define_macros += [(define_macro, 1)]
+    # loof for additional packages
+    print("Info: looking for *optional* additional packages")
+    packages = ['libavcodec', 'libavformat', 'libavutil', 'libavresample',
+                'jack',
+                'sndfile', 'samplerate',
+                #'fftw3f',
+               ]
+    add_packages(packages, ext=ext)
+    if 'avcodec' in ext.libraries \
+            and 'avformat' in ext.libraries \
+            and 'avutil' in ext.libraries \
+            and 'avresample' in ext.libraries:
+        ext.define_macros += [('HAVE_LIBAV', 1)]
+    if 'jack' in ext.libraries:
+        ext.define_macros += [('HAVE_JACK', 1)]
+    if 'sndfile' in ext.libraries:
+        ext.define_macros += [('HAVE_SNDFILE', 1)]
+    if 'samplerate' in ext.libraries:
+        ext.define_macros += [('HAVE_SAMPLERATE', 1)]
+    if 'fftw3f' in ext.libraries:
+        ext.define_macros += [('HAVE_FFTW3F', 1)]
+        ext.define_macros += [('HAVE_FFTW3', 1)]
+    # add accelerate on darwin
+    if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
+        ext.extra_link_args += ['-framework', 'accelerate']
+        ext.define_macros += [('HAVE_ACCELERATE', 1)]
+    ext.define_macros += [('HAVE_WAVWRITE', 1)]
+    ext.define_macros += [('HAVE_WAVREAD', 1)]
+    # TODO:
+    # add cblas
+    if 0:
+        ext.libraries += ['cblas']
+        ext.define_macros += [('HAVE_ATLAS_CBLAS_H', 1)]
+def add_system_aubio(ext):
+    # use pkg-config to find aubio's location
+    add_packages(['aubio'], ext)
+    if 'aubio' not in ext.libraries:
+        print("Error: libaubio not found")
 class CleanGenerated(distutils.command.clean.clean):
     def run(self):
@@ -24,4 +132,4 @@
     def run(self):
         self.announce( 'Generating code', level=distutils.log.INFO)
-        generated_object_files = generate_external(header, output_path, usedouble = self.enable_double)
+        generated_object_files = generate_external(header, output_path, usedouble=self.enable_double)
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,10 +1,9 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
-import sys
-import os.path
+import sys, os.path, glob
 import numpy
 from setuptools import setup, Extension
-from python.lib.moresetuptools import CleanGenerated, GenerateCommand
+from python.lib.moresetuptools import *
 # function to generate gen/*.{c,h}
 from python.lib.gen_external import generate_external, header, output_path
@@ -26,30 +25,33 @@
 if sys.platform.startswith('darwin'):
     extra_link_args += ['-framework','CoreFoundation', '-framework','AudioToolbox']
-if os.path.isfile('src/aubio.h'):
-    define_macros += [('USE_LOCAL_AUBIO', 1)]
-    include_dirs += ['src'] # aubio.h
-    library_dirs += ['build/src']
+sources = glob.glob(os.path.join('python', 'ext', '*.c'))
-aubio_extension = Extension("aubio._aubio", [
-    "python/ext/aubiomodule.c",
-    "python/ext/aubioproxy.c",
-    "python/ext/ufuncs.c",
-    "python/ext/py-musicutils.c",
-    "python/ext/py-cvec.c",
-    "python/ext/py-filter.c",
-    "python/ext/py-filterbank.c",
-    "python/ext/py-fft.c",
-    "python/ext/py-phasevoc.c",
-    "python/ext/py-source.c",
-    "python/ext/py-sink.c",
-    # generate files if they don't exit
-    ] + generate_external(header, output_path, overwrite = False),
+aubio_extension = Extension("aubio._aubio",
+    sources,
     include_dirs = include_dirs,
     library_dirs = library_dirs,
     extra_link_args = extra_link_args,
-    define_macros = define_macros,
-    libraries=['aubio'])
+    define_macros = define_macros)
+if os.path.isfile('src/aubio.h'):
+    # if aubio headers are found in this directory
+    add_local_aubio_header(aubio_extension)
+    # was waf used to build the shared lib?
+    if os.path.isdir(os.path.join('build','src')):
+        # link against build/src/libaubio, built with waf
+        add_local_aubio_lib(aubio_extension)
+    else:
+        # add libaubio sources and look for optional deps with pkg-config
+        add_local_aubio_sources(aubio_extension)
+        __version__ += '_libaubio'
+    # look for aubio headers and lib using pkg-config
+    add_system_aubio(aubio_extension)
+# generate files if they don't exit
+aubio_extension.sources += generate_external(header, output_path, overwrite = False)
 classifiers = [
     'Development Status :: 4 - Beta',