ref: 237f63204499e5915eeb62088d4454c50d0aa84a
parent: be929a5b578f8c4ac7fcf780c4ba197126560aea
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Fri Sep 29 10:19:55 EDT 2006
use replacement if complex.h not found use replacement if complex.h not found
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -105,8 +105,14 @@
dnl Check for header files
AC_CHECK_HEADERS([string.h stdlib.h stdio.h math.h errno.h stdarg.h unistd.h signal.h],,)
-AC_CHECK_HEADERS(complex.h,,AC_MSG_ERROR([Ouch! missing complex.h header]))
AC_CHECK_HEADERS(fftw3.h ,,AC_MSG_ERROR([Ouch! missing fftw3.h header]))
+ AC_HELP_STRING([--enable-complex],[compile with complex.h [[default=auto]]]),
+ [with_complex=$enableval],
+ with_complex="yes")
+if test "$with_complex" = "yes"; then
+ AC_CHECK_HEADERS(complex.h,,AC_MSG_WARN([Ouch! missing complex.h header]))
dnl Check for __VAR_ARGS__ support
AC_CACHE_CHECK(for C99 __VA_ARGS__ macro,
--- a/src/fft.c
+++ b/src/fft.c
@@ -28,6 +28,7 @@
#define fftw_execute fftwf_execute
#define fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_1d
#define fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_1d
+#define fftw_plan_r2r_1d fftwf_plan_r2r_1d
#define fftw_plan fftwf_plan
#define fftw_destroy_plan fftwf_destroy_plan
@@ -46,6 +47,8 @@
fftw_plan pfw, pbw;
+static void aubio_fft_getspectrum(fft_data_t * spectrum, smpl_t *norm, smpl_t * phas, uint_t size);
aubio_fft_t * new_aubio_fft(uint_t size) {
aubio_fft_t * s = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_fft_t);
/* allocate memory */
@@ -53,8 +56,13 @@
s->out = AUBIO_ARRAY(real_t,size);
s->specdata = (fft_data_t*)fftw_malloc(sizeof(fft_data_t)*size);
/* create plans */
s->pfw = fftw_plan_dft_r2c_1d(size, s->in, s->specdata, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
s->pbw = fftw_plan_dft_c2r_1d(size, s->specdata, s->out, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
+ s->pfw = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(size, s->in, s->specdata, FFTW_R2HC, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
+ s->pbw = fftw_plan_r2r_1d(size, s->specdata, s->out, FFTW_HC2R, FFTW_ESTIMATE);
return s;
@@ -88,18 +96,56 @@
for (i=0;i<size;i++) data[i] = s->out[i]*renorm;
void aubio_fft_getnorm(smpl_t * norm, fft_data_t * spectrum, uint_t size) {
uint_t i;
- for (i=0;i<size;i++) norm[i] = ABSC(spectrum[i]);
+ for (i=0;i<size/2+1;i++) norm[i] = ABSC(spectrum[i]);
+ //for (i=0;i<size/2+1;i++) AUBIO_DBG("%f\n", norm[i]);
void aubio_fft_getphas(smpl_t * phas, fft_data_t * spectrum, uint_t size) {
uint_t i;
- for (i=0;i<size;i++) phas[i] = ARGC(spectrum[i]);
+ for (i=0;i<size/2+1;i++) phas[i] = ARGC(spectrum[i]);
+ //for (i=0;i<size/2+1;i++) AUBIO_DBG("%f\n", phas[i]);
+void aubio_fft_getspectrum(fft_data_t * spectrum, smpl_t *norm, smpl_t * phas, uint_t size) {
+ uint_t j;
+ for (j=0; j<size/2+1; j++) {
+ spectrum[j] = CEXPC(I*phas[j]);
+ spectrum[j] *= norm[j];
+ }
+void aubio_fft_getnorm(smpl_t * norm, fft_data_t * spectrum, uint_t size) {
+ uint_t i;
+ norm[0] = -spectrum[0];
+ for (i=1;i<size/2+1;i++) norm[i] = SQRT(SQR(spectrum[i]) + SQR(spectrum[size-i]));
+ //for (i=0;i<size/2+1;i++) AUBIO_DBG("%f\n", norm[i]);
+void aubio_fft_getphas(smpl_t * phas, fft_data_t * spectrum, uint_t size) {
+ uint_t i;
+ phas[0] = PI;
+ for (i=1;i<size/2+1;i++) phas[i] = atan2f(spectrum[size-i] , spectrum[i]);
+ //for (i=0;i<size/2+1;i++) AUBIO_DBG("%f\n", phas[i]);
+void aubio_fft_getspectrum(fft_data_t * spectrum, smpl_t *norm, smpl_t * phas, uint_t size) {
+ uint_t j;
+ for (j=0; j<size/2+1; j++) {
+ spectrum[j] = norm[j]*COS(phas[j]);
+ }
+ for (j=1; j<size/2+1; j++) {
+ spectrum[size-j] = norm[j]*SIN(phas[j]);
+ }
/* new interface aubio_mfft */
struct _aubio_mfft_t {
aubio_fft_t * fft; /* fftw interface */
@@ -127,19 +173,16 @@
for (i=0; i < fft->channels; i++) {
aubio_fft_do (fft->fft,in->data[i],fft->spec[i],fft->winsize);
/* put norm and phase into fftgrain */
- aubio_fft_getnorm(fftgrain->norm[i], fft->spec[i], fft->winsize/2+1);
- aubio_fft_getphas(fftgrain->phas[i], fft->spec[i], fft->winsize/2+1);
+ aubio_fft_getnorm(fftgrain->norm[i], fft->spec[i], fft->winsize);
+ aubio_fft_getphas(fftgrain->phas[i], fft->spec[i], fft->winsize);
/* execute inverse fourier transform */
void aubio_mfft_rdo(aubio_mfft_t * fft,cvec_t * fftgrain, fvec_t * out){
- uint_t i=0,j;
+ uint_t i=0;
for (i=0; i < fft->channels; i++) {
- for (j=0; j<fft->winsize/2+1; j++) {
- fft->spec[i][j] = CEXPC(I*aubio_unwrap2pi(fftgrain->phas[i][j]));
- fft->spec[i][j] *= fftgrain->norm[i][j];
- }
+ aubio_fft_getspectrum(fft->spec[i],fftgrain->norm[i],fftgrain->phas[i],fft->winsize);
--- a/src/onsetdetection.c
+++ b/src/onsetdetection.c
@@ -76,6 +76,7 @@
o->meas[j] = fftgrain->norm[i][j]*CEXPC(I*o->dev1->data[i][j]);
/* sum on all bins */
onset->data[i][0] += //(fftgrain->norm[i][j]);
@@ -82,6 +83,15 @@
SQRT(SQR( REAL(o->oldmag->data[i][j]-o->meas[j]) )
+ SQR( IMAG(o->oldmag->data[i][j]-o->meas[j]) )
+ o->meas[j] = (fftgrain->norm[i][j])*COS(o->dev1->data[i][j]);
+ o->meas[(nbins-1)*2-j] = (fftgrain->norm[i][j])*SIN(o->dev1->data[i][j]);
+ /* sum on all bins */
+ onset->data[i][0] += //(fftgrain->norm[i][j]);
+ SQRT(SQR( (o->oldmag->data[i][j]-o->meas[j]) )
+ + SQR( (-o->meas[(nbins-1)*2-j]) )
+ );
/* swap old phase data (need to remember 2 frames behind)*/
o->theta2->data[i][j] = o->theta1->data[i][j];
o->theta1->data[i][j] = fftgrain->phas[i][j];
@@ -199,6 +209,7 @@
uint_t size, uint_t channels){
aubio_onsetdetection_t * o = AUBIO_NEW(aubio_onsetdetection_t);
uint_t rsize = size/2+1;
+ uint_t i;
switch(type) {
/* for both energy and hfc, only fftgrain->norm is required */
case aubio_onset_energy:
@@ -209,7 +220,8 @@
case aubio_onset_complex:
o->oldmag = new_fvec(rsize,channels);
/** bug: must be complex array */
- o->meas = AUBIO_ARRAY(fft_data_t,size);
+ o->meas = AUBIO_ARRAY(fft_data_t,size+1);
+ for (i=0; i<size+1; i++) o->meas[i] = 0;
o->dev1 = new_fvec(rsize,channels);
o->theta1 = new_fvec(rsize,channels);
o->theta2 = new_fvec(rsize,channels);