ref: 00296383949cb0888e70d8d946209bb07f26b256
parent: 50791b39057e00de66c38a1856e703f8182b4843
author: Paul Brossier <[email protected]>
date: Fri Dec 16 02:34:52 EST 2005
add class task, rewrite of bench-pitch add class task, rewrite of bench-pitch
--- a/python/aubio/
+++ b/python/aubio/
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
from aubioclass import *
+from bench.node import bench
def get_onset_mode(nvalue):
""" utility function to convert a string to aubio_onsetdetection_type """
@@ -23,6 +24,21 @@
print "unknown onset detection function selected"
+def get_pitch_mode(nvalue):
+ """ utility function to convert a string to aubio_pitchdetection_type """
+ if nvalue == 'mcomb' :
+ return aubio_pitch_mcomb
+ elif nvalue == 'yin' :
+ return aubio_pitch_yin
+ elif nvalue == 'fcomb' :
+ return aubio_pitch_fcomb
+ elif nvalue == 'schmitt':
+ return aubio_pitch_schmitt
+ else:
+ import sys
+ print "error: unknown pitch detection function selected"
+ sys.exit(1)
def check_onset_mode(option, opt, value, parser):
""" wrapper function to convert a list of modes to
aubio_onsetdetection_type """
@@ -37,18 +53,7 @@
nvalues = parser.rargs[0].split(',')
val = []
for nvalue in nvalues:
- if nvalue == 'mcomb' :
- val.append(aubio_pitch_mcomb)
- elif nvalue == 'yin' :
- val.append(aubio_pitch_yin)
- elif nvalue == 'fcomb' :
- val.append(aubio_pitch_fcomb)
- elif nvalue == 'schmitt':
- val.append(aubio_pitch_schmitt)
- else:
- import sys
- print "error: unknown pitch detection function selected"
- sys.exit(1)
+ val.append(get_pitch_mode(nvalue))
setattr(parser.values, option.dest, val)
def check_pitchm_mode(option, opt, value, parser):
@@ -166,6 +171,7 @@
frameread += 1
return mylist
def getpitch(filein,mode=aubio_pitch_mcomb,bufsize=1024,hopsize=512,omode=aubio_pitchm_freq,
frameread = 0
@@ -187,4 +193,106 @@
frameread += 1
return mylist
+class taskparams:
+ """ default parameters for task classes """
+ def __init__(self,input=None,output=None):
+ self.silence = -70
+ self.derivate = False
+ self.localmin = False
+ self.bufsize = 512
+ self.hopsize = 256
+ self.samplerate = 44100
+ self.tol = 0.05
+ self.step = float(self.hopsize)/float(self.samplerate)
+ self.threshold = 0.1
+ self.mode = 'yin'
+ self.omode = aubio_pitchm_freq
+class task(taskparams):
+ def __init__(self,input,output=None,params=None):
+ """ open the input file and initialize default argument """
+ if params == None: self.params = taskparams()
+ else: self.params = params
+ self.input = input
+ self.filei = sndfile(self.input)
+ self.srate = self.filei.samplerate()
+ self.channels = self.filei.channels()
+ self.output = output
+ def compute_step(self):
+ pass
+ def compute_all(self):
+ """ Compute data """
+ mylist = []
+ while(self.readsize==self.params.hopsize):
+ mylist.append(self())
+ return mylist
+ def eval(self,results):
+ """ Eval data """
+ pass
+ def plot(self):
+ """ Plot data """
+ pass
+class taskpitch(task):
+ #def __init__(self,input,output):
+ # pass
+ # task.__init__(self,input)
+ # #taskparams.__init__(self)
+ def __init__(self,input,params=None):
+ task.__init__(self,input,params=params)
+ self.myvec = fvec(self.params.hopsize,self.channels)
+ self.frameread = 0
+ self.readsize = self.params.hopsize
+ self.pitchdet = pitchdetection(mode=get_pitch_mode(self.params.mode),
+ bufsize=self.params.bufsize,
+ hopsize=self.params.hopsize,
+ channels=self.channels,
+ samplerate=self.srate,
+ omode=self.params.omode)
+ def __call__(self):
+ self.readsize =,self.myvec)
+ freq = self.pitchdet(self.myvec)
+ #print "%.3f %.2f" % (now,freq)
+ self.frameread += 1
+ if (aubio_silence_detection(self.myvec(),self.params.silence)!=1):
+ return freq
+ else:
+ return -1.
+ def gettruth(self):
+ return float(self.input.split('.')[-2])
+ def eval(self,results):
+ from median import short_find
+ self.truth = self.gettruth()
+ num = 0
+ sum = 0
+ res = []
+ for i in results:
+ if i == -1: pass
+ else:
+ res.append(i)
+ sum += i
+ num += 1
+ avg = aubio_freqtomidi(sum / float(num))
+ avgdist = self.truth - avg
+ med = aubio_freqtomidi(short_find(res,len(res)/2))
+ meddist = self.truth - med
+ return avgdist, meddist
+ def plot(self):
+ from aubio.gnuplot import plot_pitch
+ plot_pitch(self.input,
+ pitch,
+ samplerate=samplerate,
+ hopsize=self.params.hopsize,
+ outplot=options.outplot)
--- a/python/bench-pitch
+++ b/python/bench-pitch
@@ -1,34 +1,56 @@
#! /usr/bin/python
-#from conf.aubio_benchrc import *
-from aubio.bench.config import *
from aubio.bench.node import *
-import os
+from aubio.tasks import *
-datapath = "%s%s" % (DATADIR,'/pitch/isolated/piano/011pfnof')
-respath = '/var/tmp/isolated/testing'
+class benchpitch(bench):
+ def compute_file(self,input,output):
+ filetask = self.task(input,params=self.params)
+ computed_data = filetask.compute_all()
+ results = filetask.eval(computed_data)
+ self.results.append(results)
+ truth = filetask.gettruth()
+ #print input, results, results - float(input.split('.')[-2])
+ self.pretty_print((self.params.mode, truth,
+ truth - results[0], results[0],
+ truth - results[1], results[1]))
+ def compute_data(self):
+ self.orig, self.missed, self.merged, self.expc, \
+ self.bad, self.doubled = 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
+ act_on_data(self.compute_file,self.datadir, \
+ suffix='',filter='f -name \'*.wav\'')
+ def compute_results(self,truth):
+ for i in self.results: print i
-MODES = 'yin', 'mcomb', 'fcomb', 'schmitt'
+ def run_bench(self,modes=['dual']):
+ self.modes = modes
+ self.pretty_print(self.titles)
+ for mode in self.modes:
+ self.params.mode = mode
+ self.compute_data()
+ #self.compute_results()
+ #self.pretty_print(self.results)
-# prepareresultpath
+if __name__ == "__main__":
+ import sys
+ if len(sys.argv) > 1: datapath = sys.argv[1]
+ else: print "error: a path is required"; sys.exit(1)
-def compute_data(input,output):
- aubiocmd = "%s%s %s%s" % \
- for m in MODES:
- cmd = "%s --input \"%s\" --mode %s --verbose --units midi > \"%s--%s.txt\"" \
- % (aubiocmd,input,m,output,m)
- runcommand(cmd,debug=0)
+ modes = ['schmitt', 'yin', 'mcomb', 'fcomb']
+ benchpitch = benchpitch(datapath)
+ benchpitch.params = taskparams()
+ benchpitch.task = taskpitch
-# computedata
-act_on_data(compute_data,datapath,respath,suffix='',filter='f -name \'*.wav\'')
+ benchpitch.titles = [ 'mode', 'thres', 'avg', 'avgdist' ]
+ benchpitch.formats = ["%12s" , "| %6s", "| %6s", "| %6s", "| %6s", "| %6s" ]
+ try:
+ benchpitch.run_bench(modes=modes)
+ except KeyboardInterrupt:
+ print "Interrupted by user"
+ sys.exit(1)
-# gatherdata
-#act_on_data(my_print,datapath,respath,suffix='.txt',filter='f -name \'*.wav\'')
-# gatherthreshold
-# gathermodes
-# comparediffs
-# gatherdiffs
+ sys.exit(0)