ref: 29fe1278dc4e8f4700282ca67bf1c6e4237e4a94
parent: 31a27a38271fdff180f07c621fde650cb31977bd
author: Krzysztof Nikiel <[email protected]>
date: Fri Oct 20 08:37:01 EDT 2017
rewritten mid/side coding
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
+ * rewritten mid/side coding
+ * fixed bug in blockswitch
* changed default mode to ABR 64kbps/channel
* implemented short windows grouping
--- a/libfaac/frame.c
+++ b/libfaac/frame.c
@@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
if (config->bitRate && !config->bandWidth)
- config->bandWidth = (double)config->bitRate * hEncoder->sampleRate * g_bw.fac / 60000.0;
+ config->bandWidth = (double)config->bitRate * hEncoder->sampleRate * g_bw.fac / 50000.0;
if (config->bandWidth > g_bw.freq)
config->bandWidth = g_bw.freq;
@@ -520,8 +520,6 @@
if (coderInfo[channel].block_type == ONLY_SHORT_WINDOW) {
coderInfo[channel].sfbn = hEncoder->aacquantCfg.max_cbs;
- BlocGroup(hEncoder->freqBuff[channel], coderInfo + channel, hEncoder->aacquantCfg.max_cbs);
offset = 0;
for (sb = 0; sb < coderInfo[channel].sfbn; sb++) {
coderInfo[channel].sfb_offset[sb] = offset;
@@ -528,6 +526,7 @@
offset += hEncoder->srInfo->cb_width_short[sb];
coderInfo[channel].sfb_offset[sb] = offset;
+ BlocGroup(hEncoder->freqBuff[channel], coderInfo + channel, hEncoder->aacquantCfg.max_cbs);
} else {
coderInfo[channel].sfbn = hEncoder->aacquantCfg.max_cbl;
@@ -565,7 +564,12 @@
- MSEncode(coderInfo, channelInfo, hEncoder->freqBuff, numChannels, allowMidside);
+ if (allowMidside)
+ MSEncode(coderInfo, channelInfo, hEncoder->freqBuff, numChannels,
+ (double)hEncoder->aacquantCfg.quality/DEFQUAL);
+ else
+ MSEncode(coderInfo, channelInfo, hEncoder->freqBuff, numChannels,
+ 0.0);
#ifdef DRM
/* loop the quantization until the desired bit-rate is reached */
--- a/libfaac/midside.c
+++ b/libfaac/midside.c
@@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- * $Id: midside.c,v 1.1 2003/06/26 19:39:54 knik Exp $
#include <math.h>
@@ -24,99 +23,162 @@
#include "util.h"
-void MSEncode(CoderInfo *coderInfo,
- ChannelInfo *channelInfo,
- double *spectrum[MAX_CHANNELS],
- int maxchan,
- int allowms)
+static void midside(CoderInfo *coder, ChannelInfo *channel,
+ double *sl0, double *sr0, int *mscnt,
+ int wstart, int wend,
+ double mutethr
+ )
- int chn;
+ int sfb;
+ int win;
- // doesn't work with the new windows grouping code
- return;
- for (chn = 0; chn < maxchan; chn++)
- {
- if (channelInfo[chn].present)
+ for (sfb = 0; sfb < coder->sfbn; sfb++)
- if ((channelInfo[chn].cpe) && (channelInfo[chn].ch_is_left))
- {
- int rch = channelInfo[chn].paired_ch;
+ int ms = 0;
+ int l, start, end;
+ double sum, diff;
+ double enrgs, enrgd, enrgl, enrgr;
+ double maxs, maxd, maxl, maxr;
- channelInfo[chn].msInfo.is_present = 0;
- channelInfo[rch].msInfo.is_present = 0;
+ start = coder->sfb_offset[sfb];
+ end = coder->sfb_offset[sfb + 1];
- /* Perform MS if block_types are the same */
- if ((coderInfo[chn].block_type == coderInfo[rch].block_type)
- && allowms)
- {
- int nsfb = coderInfo[chn].sfbn;
- MSInfo *msInfoL = &(channelInfo[chn].msInfo);
- MSInfo *msInfoR = &(channelInfo[rch].msInfo);
- int sfb;
+ enrgs = enrgd = enrgl = enrgr = 0.0;
+ maxs = maxd = maxl = maxr = 0.0;
+ for (win = wstart; win < wend; win++)
+ {
+ double *sl = sl0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+ double *sr = sr0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
- channelInfo[chn].common_window = 1; /* Use common window */
- channelInfo[chn].msInfo.is_present = 1;
- channelInfo[rch].msInfo.is_present = 1;
+ for (l = start; l < end; l++)
+ {
+ double lx = sl[l];
+ double rx = sr[l];
- for (sfb = 0; sfb < nsfb; sfb++)
- {
- int ms = 0;
- int l, start, end;
- double sum, diff;
- double enrgs, enrgd, enrgl, enrgr;
- double maxs, maxd, maxl, maxr;
+ sum = 0.5 * (lx + rx);
+ diff = 0.5 * (lx - rx);
- start = coderInfo[chn].sfb_offset[sfb];
- end = coderInfo[chn].sfb_offset[sfb + 1];
+ enrgs += sum * sum;
+ maxs = max(maxs, fabs(sum));
- enrgs = enrgd = enrgl = enrgr = 0.0;
- maxs = maxd = maxl = maxr = 0.0;
- for (l = start; l < end; l++)
- {
- double lx = spectrum[chn][l];
- double rx = spectrum[rch][l];
+ enrgd += diff * diff;
+ maxd = max(maxd, fabs(diff));
- sum = 0.5 * (lx + rx);
- diff = 0.5 * (lx - rx);
+ enrgl += lx * lx;
+ enrgr += rx * rx;
- enrgs += sum * sum;
- maxs = max(maxs, fabs(sum));
+ maxl = max(maxl, fabs(lx));
+ maxr = max(maxr, fabs(rx));
+ }
+ }
- enrgd += diff * diff;
- maxd = max(maxd, fabs(diff));
+ if (min(enrgs, enrgd) < mutethr * max(enrgs, enrgd))
+ {
+ ms = 1;
+ for (win = wstart; win < wend; win++)
+ {
+ double *sl = sl0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+ double *sr = sr0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+ for (l = start; l < end; l++)
+ {
+ sum = sl[l] + sr[l];
+ diff = sl[l] - sr[l];
+ if (enrgs < enrgd)
+ sum = 0.0;
+ else
+ diff = 0.0;
+ sl[l] = 0.5 * sum;
+ sr[l] = 0.5 * diff;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if (min(enrgl, enrgr) < mutethr * max(enrgl, enrgr))
+ {
+ for (win = wstart; win < wend; win++)
+ {
+ double *sl = sl0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+ double *sr = sr0 + win * BLOCK_LEN_SHORT;
+ for (l = start; l < end; l++)
+ {
+ if (enrgl < enrgr)
+ sl[l] = 0.0;
+ else
+ sr[l] = 0.0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
- enrgl += lx * lx;
- enrgr += rx * rx;
+ channel->msInfo.ms_used[*mscnt] = ms;
+ (*mscnt)++;
+ }
- maxl = max(maxl, fabs(lx));
- maxr = max(maxr, fabs(rx));
- }
-#if 1
- if ((min(enrgs, enrgd) < min(enrgl, enrgr))
- && (min(maxs, maxd) < min(maxl, maxr)))
- ms = 1;
- if (min(enrgs, enrgd) < min(enrgl, enrgr))
- ms = 1;
+void MSEncode(CoderInfo *coder,
+ ChannelInfo *channel,
+ double *s[MAX_CHANNELS],
+ int maxchan,
+ double quality)
+ int chn;
+ int usems;
+ double mutethr;
+ static const double thr075 = 0.09; /* ~0.75dB */
+ static const double thrmax = 0.25; /* ~2dB */
- //printf("%d:%d\n", sfb, ms);
+ if (quality > 0.01)
+ {
+ usems = 1;
+ mutethr = thr075 / quality;
+ if (mutethr > thrmax)
+ mutethr = thrmax;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ usems = 0;
+ mutethr = 0.0;
+ }
- msInfoR->ms_used[sfb] = msInfoL->ms_used[sfb] = ms;
+ for (chn = 0; chn < maxchan; chn++)
+ {
+ int rch;
+ int cnt;
+ int group;
+ int mscnt = 0;
+ int start = 0;
- if (ms)
- for (l = start; l < end; l++)
- {
- sum = spectrum[chn][l] + spectrum[rch][l];
- diff = spectrum[chn][l] - spectrum[rch][l];
- spectrum[chn][l] = 0.5 * sum;
- spectrum[rch][l] = 0.5 * diff;
- }
- }
- }
- }
+ if (!channel[chn].present)
+ continue;
+ if (!((channel[chn].cpe) && (channel[chn].ch_is_left)))
+ continue;
+ rch = channel[chn].paired_ch;
+ channel[chn].msInfo.is_present = 0;
+ channel[rch].msInfo.is_present = 0;
+ if (!usems)
+ continue;
+ if (coder[chn].block_type != coder[rch].block_type)
+ continue;
+ if (coder[chn].groups.n != coder[rch].groups.n)
+ continue;
+ for (cnt = 0; cnt < coder[chn].groups.n; cnt++)
+ if (coder[chn].groups.len[cnt] != coder[rch].groups.len[cnt])
+ goto skip;
+ channel[chn].common_window = 1;
+ channel[chn].msInfo.is_present = 1;
+ channel[rch].msInfo.is_present = 1;
+ for (group = 0; group < coder->groups.n; group++)
+ {
+ int end = start + coder->groups.len[group];
+ midside(coder + chn, channel + chn, s[chn], s[rch], &mscnt,
+ start, end, mutethr);
+ start = end;
+ }
+ skip:;
- }
--- a/libfaac/midside.h
+++ b/libfaac/midside.h
@@ -30,7 +30,7 @@
void MSEncode(CoderInfo *coderInfo, ChannelInfo *channelInfo, double *spectrum[MAX_CHANNELS],
- unsigned int numberOfChannels, unsigned int msenable);
+ unsigned int numberOfChannels, double quality);
#ifdef __cplusplus