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ref: 03afaba31cf653649d8a6d8635233fc669791ac1
parent: 17c93b69a3779ca2b02b3344952b78b6c26a761b
author: Krzysztof Nikiel <[email protected]>
date: Wed Nov 1 05:21:43 EDT 2017

use wider bandwidth steps with PNS

--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 	* initial version of PNS coding
 	* Intensity Stereo coding
 	* more speed improvements
-	* finer bandwidth/cutoff setting
+	* finer bandwidth/cutoff setting (doesn't work with PNS)
 	* fixed more bugs
 	* rewritten mid/side coding
 	* fixed bug in blockswitch
--- a/libfaac/quantize.c
+++ b/libfaac/quantize.c
@@ -371,6 +371,8 @@
         l += sr->cb_width_short[cnt];
     aacquantCfg->max_cbs = cnt;
+    if (aacquantCfg->pnslevel)
+        *bw = (double)l * rate / (BLOCK_LEN_SHORT << 1);
     // find max long frame band
     max = *bw * (BLOCK_LEN_LONG << 1) / rate;