ref: 6be6c7a12a4dc890ca67750aa8924f430b2922ea
dir: /obj.c/
#include <u.h> #include <libc.h> #include <ctype.h> #include <bio.h> #include <draw.h> #include <memdraw.h> #include <obj.h> #undef isspace(c) #define isspace(c) ((c) == ' ' || (c) == '\t') typedef struct Line Line; struct Line { char *file; ulong lineno; }; static Line curline; static Line curmtline; static void error(char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; char buf[ERRMAX], *bp; va_start(va, fmt); bp = seprint(buf, buf + sizeof buf, "%s:%lud ", curline.file, curline.lineno); vseprint(bp, buf + sizeof buf, fmt, va); va_end(va); werrstr("%s\n", buf); } static void mterror(char *fmt, ...) { va_list va; char buf[ERRMAX], *bp; va_start(va, fmt); bp = seprint(buf, buf + sizeof buf, "%s:%lud ", curmtline.file, curmtline.lineno); vseprint(bp, buf + sizeof buf, fmt, va); va_end(va); werrstr("%s\n", buf); } static void * emalloc(ulong n) { void *p; p = malloc(n); if(p == nil) sysfatal("malloc: %r"); memset(p, 0, n); setmalloctag(p, getcallerpc(&n)); return p; } static void * erealloc(void *v, ulong n) { void *nv; nv = realloc(v, n); if(nv == nil) sysfatal("realloc: %r"); setrealloctag(nv, getcallerpc(&v)); return nv; } static char * estrdup(char *s) { char *ns; ns = strdup(s); if(ns == nil) sysfatal("strdup: %r"); return ns; } static int max(int a, int b) { return a > b? a: b; } static uint hash(char *s) { uint h; h = 0x811c9dc5; while(*s != 0) h = (h^(uchar)*s++) * 0x1000193; return h % OBJHTSIZE; } typedef struct Deco Deco; struct Deco { int pfd[2]; int infd; char *prog; }; static void decproc(void *arg) { char buf[32]; Deco *d; d = arg; close(d->pfd[0]); dup(d->infd, 0); close(d->infd); dup(d->pfd[1], 1); close(d->pfd[1]); snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "/bin/%s", d->prog); execl(buf, d->prog, "-9t", nil); sysfatal("execl: %r"); } static Memimage * genreadimage(char *prog, char *path) { Memimage *i; Deco d; d.prog = prog; if(pipe(d.pfd) < 0) sysfatal("pipe: %r"); d.infd = open(path, OREAD); if(d.infd < 0) sysfatal("open: %r"); switch(fork()){ case -1: sysfatal("fork: %r"); case 0: decproc(&d); default: close(d.pfd[1]); i = readmemimage(d.pfd[0]); close(d.pfd[0]); close(d.infd); } return i; } static Memimage * readtga(char *path) { return genreadimage("tga", path); } static Memimage * readpng(char *path) { return genreadimage("png", path); } static Memimage * readjpg(char *path) { return genreadimage("jpg", path); } static Memimage * readimagefile(char *path) { Memimage *i; char *ext; i = nil; ext = strrchr(path, '.'); if(ext++ != nil){ if(strcmp(ext, "tga") == 0) i = readtga(path); else if(strcmp(ext, "png") == 0) i = readpng(path); else if(strcmp(ext, "jpg") == 0) i = readjpg(path); else werrstr("file format not supported"); }else werrstr("unknown format"); return i; } static void addvertva(OBJVertexArray *va, OBJVertex v) { va->verts = erealloc(va->verts, ++va->nvert*sizeof(OBJVertex)); va->verts[va->nvert-1] = v; } static void addvert(OBJ *obj, OBJVertex v, int vtype) { addvertva(&obj->vertdata[vtype], v); } static void addelem(OBJObject *o, OBJElem *e) { if(o->lastone == nil){ o->lastone = o->child = e; return; } o->lastone->next = e; o->lastone = o->lastone->next; } static OBJElem * allocelem(int t) { OBJElem *e; e = emalloc(sizeof(OBJElem)); e->type = t; e->mtl = nil; return e; } static void addelemidx(OBJElem *e, int idxtab, int idx) { OBJIndexArray *tab; tab = &e->indextab[idxtab]; tab->indices = erealloc(tab->indices, ++tab->nindex*sizeof(int)); tab->indices[tab->nindex-1] = idx; } static void freeelem(OBJElem *e) { int i; for(i = 0; i < nelem(e->indextab); i++) free(e->indextab[i].indices); free(e); } static OBJObject * alloco(char *n) { OBJObject *o; o = emalloc(sizeof(OBJObject)); o->name = estrdup(n); return o; } static void freeo(OBJObject *o) { OBJElem *e, *ne; free(o->name); for(e = o->child; e != nil; e = ne){ ne = e->next; freeelem(e); } free(o); } static void pusho(OBJ *obj, OBJObject *o) { OBJObject *op, *prev; uint h; prev = nil; h = hash(o->name); for(op = obj->objtab[h]; op != nil; prev = op, op = op->next) if(strcmp(op->name, o->name) == 0){ o->next = op->next; freeo(op); break; } if(prev == nil){ obj->objtab[h] = o; return; } prev->next = o; } static OBJObject * geto(OBJ *obj, char *n) { OBJObject *o; uint h; h = hash(n); for(o = obj->objtab[h]; o != nil; o = o->next) if(strcmp(o->name, n) == 0) break; return o; } static OBJMaterial * allocmt(char *name) { OBJMaterial *m; m = emalloc(sizeof *m); memset(m, 0, sizeof *m); m->name = estrdup(name); return m; } static void freemt(OBJMaterial *m) { freememimage(m->norm); freememimage(m->map_Kd); free(m->name); free(m); } static OBJMaterlist * allocmtl(char *file) { OBJMaterlist *ml; ml = emalloc(sizeof *ml); memset(ml, 0, sizeof *ml); ml->filename = estrdup(file); return ml; } static void addmtl(OBJMaterlist *ml, OBJMaterial *m) { OBJMaterial *mp, *prev; uint h; prev = nil; h = hash(m->name); for(mp = ml->mattab[h]; mp != nil; prev = mp, mp = mp->next) if(strcmp(mp->name, m->name) == 0){ m->next = mp->next; freemt(mp); break; } if(prev == nil){ ml->mattab[h] = m; return; } prev->next = m; } static OBJMaterial * getmtl(OBJMaterlist *ml, char *name) { OBJMaterial *m; uint h; h = hash(name); for(m = ml->mattab[h]; m != nil; m = m->next) if(strcmp(m->name, name) == 0) return m; return nil; } OBJMaterlist * objmtlparse(char *file) { OBJMaterlist *ml; OBJMaterial *m; Biobuf *bin; char *line, *f[10], *p, buf[128]; int nf; if((p = strrchr(curline.file, '/')) != nil) snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%.*s/%s", (int)(p-curline.file), curline.file, file); bin = Bopen(buf, OREAD); if(bin == nil) return nil; ml = allocmtl(file); m = nil; curmtline.file = file; curmtline.lineno = 0; while((line = Brdline(bin, '\n')) != nil){ curmtline.lineno++; line[Blinelen(bin)-1] = 0; nf = tokenize(line, f, nelem(f)); if(nf == 2 && strcmp(f[0], "newmtl") == 0){ m = allocmt(f[1]); addmtl(ml, m); } if((nf == 2 || nf == 4) && strcmp(f[0], "Ka") == 0){ if(m == nil){ mterror("no material found"); goto error; } if(nf == 2) m->Ka.r = m->Ka.g = m->Ka.b = strtod(f[1], nil); else{ m->Ka.r = strtod(f[1], nil); m->Ka.g = strtod(f[2], nil); m->Ka.b = strtod(f[3], nil); } } if((nf == 2 || nf == 4) && strcmp(f[0], "Kd") == 0){ if(m == nil){ mterror("no material found"); goto error; } if(nf == 2) m->Kd.r = m->Kd.g = m->Kd.b = strtod(f[1], nil); else{ m->Kd.r = strtod(f[1], nil); m->Kd.g = strtod(f[2], nil); m->Kd.b = strtod(f[3], nil); } } if((nf == 2 || nf == 4) && strcmp(f[0], "Ks") == 0){ if(m == nil){ mterror("no material found"); goto error; } if(nf == 2) m->Ks.r = m->Ks.g = m->Ks.b = strtod(f[1], nil); else{ m->Ks.r = strtod(f[1], nil); m->Ks.g = strtod(f[2], nil); m->Ks.b = strtod(f[3], nil); } } if((nf == 2 || nf == 4) && strcmp(f[0], "Ke") == 0){ if(m == nil){ mterror("no material found"); goto error; } if(nf == 2) m->Ke.r = m->Ke.g = m->Ke.b = strtod(f[1], nil); else{ m->Ke.r = strtod(f[1], nil); m->Ke.g = strtod(f[2], nil); m->Ke.b = strtod(f[3], nil); } } if(nf == 2 && strcmp(f[0], "Ns") == 0){ if(m == nil){ mterror("no material found"); goto error; } m->Ns = strtod(f[1], nil); } if(nf == 2 && strcmp(f[0], "Ni") == 0){ if(m == nil){ mterror("no material found"); goto error; } m->Ni = strtod(f[1], nil); } if(nf == 2 && strcmp(f[0], "d") == 0){ if(m == nil){ mterror("no material found"); goto error; } m->d = strtod(f[1], nil); } if(nf == 2 && strcmp(f[0], "map_Kd") == 0){ if(m == nil){ mterror("no material found"); goto error; } snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%.*s/%s", (int)(p-curline.file), curline.file, f[1]); if((m->map_Kd = readimagefile(buf)) == nil){ mterror("readimagefile: %r"); goto error; } } if(nf == 2 && strcmp(f[0], "norm") == 0){ if(m == nil){ mterror("no material found"); goto error; } snprint(buf, sizeof buf, "%.*s/%s", (int)(p-curline.file), curline.file, f[1]); if((m->norm = readimagefile(buf)) == nil){ mterror("readimagefile: %r"); goto error; } } if(nf == 2 && strcmp(f[0], "illum") == 0){ if(m == nil){ mterror("no material found"); goto error; } m->illum = strtol(f[1], nil, 10); } } Bterm(bin); return ml; error: objmtlfree(ml); Bterm(bin); return nil; } void objmtlfree(OBJMaterlist *ml) { OBJMaterial *m, *nm; int i; if(ml == nil) return; for(i = 0; i < nelem(ml->mattab); i++) for(m = ml->mattab[i]; m != nil; m = nm){ nm = m->next; freemt(m); } free(ml->filename); free(ml); } OBJ * objparse(char *file) { Biobuf *bin; OBJ *obj; OBJObject *o; OBJMaterial *m; OBJElem *e; OBJVertex v; double *d; char c, buf[256], *p; int vtype, idxtab, idx, sign; m = nil; o = nil; bin = Bopen(file, OREAD); if(bin == nil) sysfatal("Bopen: %r"); curline.file = file; curline.lineno = 1; obj = emalloc(sizeof(OBJ)); while((c = Bgetc(bin)) != Beof){ switch(c){ case 'v': d = (double*)&v; c = Bgetc(bin); vtype = OBJVGeometric; switch(c){ case 't': vtype = OBJVTexture; break; case 'p': vtype = OBJVParametric; break; case 'n': vtype = OBJVNormal; break; default: if(!isspace(c)){ error("wrong vertex type"); goto error; } } while(c = Bgetc(bin), c != Beof && c != '\n' && d-(double*)&v < 4){ while(isspace(c)) c = Bgetc(bin); if(c == '\\'){ while(c != '\n') c = Bgetc(bin); continue; } if(c != '-' && !isdigit(c)){ error("unexpected character '%c'", c); goto error; } Bungetc(bin); Bgetd(bin, d++); } switch(vtype){ case OBJVGeometric: if(d-(double*)&v < 3){ error("not enough coordinates"); goto error; } if(d-(double*)&v < 4) *d = 1; /* default w value */ break; case OBJVTexture: if(d-(double*)&v < 1){ error("not enough coordinates"); goto error; } while(d-(double*)&v < 3) *d++ = 0; /* default v and w values */ break; case OBJVParametric: if(d-(double*)&v < 2){ error("not enough coordinates"); goto error; } if(d-(double*)&v < 3) *d = 1; /* default w value */ break; case OBJVNormal: if(d-(double*)&v < 3){ error("not enough coordinates"); goto error; } } addvert(obj, v, vtype); break; case 'o': p = buf; c = Bgetc(bin); if(!isspace(c)){ error("syntax error"); goto error; } while(isspace(c)) c = Bgetc(bin); if(!isalnum(c)){ error("unexpected character '%c'", c); goto error; } do{ *p++ = c; }while(c = Bgetc(bin), (isalnum(c) || c == '.' || c == '_') && p-buf < sizeof(buf)-1); *p = 0; o = geto(obj, buf); if(o == nil){ o = alloco(buf); pusho(obj, o); } break; case 'g': case 's': /* element and smoothing groups ignored for now */ while(c != '\n') c = Bgetc(bin); break; case 'p': c = Bgetc(bin); if(!isspace(c)){ error("syntax error"); goto error; } while(c = Bgetc(bin), c != '\n'){ idx = 0; sign = 0; while(isspace(c)) c = Bgetc(bin); if(c == '\\'){ while(c != '\n') c = Bgetc(bin); continue; } if(c != '-' && !isdigit(c)){ error("unexpected character '%c'", c); goto error; } if(c == '-'){ sign = 1; c = Bgetc(bin); if(!isdigit(c)){ error("unexpected character '%c'", c); goto error; } } do{ idx = idx*10 + c-'0'; }while(c = Bgetc(bin), isdigit(c)); Bungetc(bin); idx = sign ? obj->vertdata[OBJVGeometric].nvert-idx : idx-1; if(idx+1 > obj->vertdata[OBJVGeometric].nvert){ error("not enough vertices"); goto error; } e = allocelem(OBJEPoint); addelemidx(e, OBJVGeometric, idx); if(o == nil){ o = alloco("default"); pusho(obj, o); } if(m != nil) e->mtl = m; addelem(o, e); } break; case 'l': c = Bgetc(bin); if(!isspace(c)){ error("syntax error"); goto error; } while(c = Bgetc(bin), c != '\n'){ idx = 0; sign = 0; while(isspace(c)) c = Bgetc(bin); if(c == '\\'){ while(c != '\n') c = Bgetc(bin); continue; } if(c != '-' && !isdigit(c)){ error("unexpected character '%c'", c); goto error; } if(c == '-'){ sign = 1; c = Bgetc(bin); if(!isdigit(c)){ error("unexpected character '%c'", c); goto error; } } do{ idx = idx*10 + c-'0'; }while(c = Bgetc(bin), isdigit(c)); idx = sign ? obj->vertdata[OBJVGeometric].nvert-idx : idx-1; if(idx+1 > obj->vertdata[OBJVGeometric].nvert){ error("not enough vertices"); goto error; } e = allocelem(OBJELine); addelemidx(e, OBJVGeometric, idx); Line2: idx = 0; sign = 0; while(isspace(c)) c = Bgetc(bin); if(c == '\\'){ while(c != '\n') c = Bgetc(bin); c = Bgetc(bin); goto Line2; } if(c != '-' && !isdigit(c)){ freeelem(e); error("unexpected character '%c'", c); goto error; } if(c == '-'){ sign = 1; c = Bgetc(bin); if(!isdigit(c)){ freeelem(e); error("unexpected character '%c'", c); goto error; } } do{ idx = idx*10 + c-'0'; }while(c = Bgetc(bin), isdigit(c)); Bungetc(bin); idx = sign ? obj->vertdata[OBJVGeometric].nvert-idx : idx-1; if(idx+1 > obj->vertdata[OBJVGeometric].nvert){ freeelem(e); error("not enough vertices"); goto error; } addelemidx(e, OBJVGeometric, idx); if(o == nil){ o = alloco("default"); pusho(obj, o); } if(m != nil) e->mtl = m; addelem(o, e); } break; case 'f': e = allocelem(OBJEFace); idxtab = 0; c = Bgetc(bin); if(!isspace(c)){ freeelem(e); error("syntax error"); goto error; } while(c = Bgetc(bin), c != '\n'){ idx = 0; sign = 0; if(isspace(c)) idxtab = 0; while(isspace(c)) c = Bgetc(bin); if(c == '\\'){ while(c != '\n') c = Bgetc(bin); continue; } if(c == '/'){ if(++idxtab >= OBJNVERT){ freeelem(e); error("unknown vertex type '%d'", idxtab); goto error; } continue; } if(c != '-' && !isdigit(c)){ freeelem(e); error("unexpected character '%c'", c); goto error; } if(c == '-'){ sign = 1; c = Bgetc(bin); if(!isdigit(c)){ freeelem(e); error("unexpected character '%c'", c); goto error; } } do{ idx = idx*10 + c-'0'; }while(c = Bgetc(bin), isdigit(c)); Bungetc(bin); idx = sign ? obj->vertdata[idxtab].nvert-idx : idx-1; if(idx+1 > obj->vertdata[idxtab].nvert){ freeelem(e); error("not enough vertices"); goto error; } addelemidx(e, idxtab, idx); } if(o == nil){ o = alloco("default"); pusho(obj, o); } if(m != nil) e->mtl = m; addelem(o, e); break; case 'm': case 'u': p = buf; do{ *p++ = c; }while(c = Bgetc(bin), isalpha(c) && p-buf < sizeof(buf)-1); *p = 0; if(strcmp(buf, "mtllib") == 0){ while(isspace(c)) c = Bgetc(bin); p = buf; do{ *p++ = c; }while(c = Bgetc(bin), (isalnum(c) || c == '.' || c == '_') && p-buf < sizeof(buf)-1); *p = 0; if((obj->materials = objmtlparse(buf)) == nil){ error("objmtlparse: %r"); fprint(2, "%r"); } }else if(strcmp(buf, "usemtl") == 0){ while(isspace(c)) c = Bgetc(bin); p = buf; do{ *p++ = c; }while(c = Bgetc(bin), (isalnum(c) || c == '.' || c == '_') && p-buf < sizeof(buf)-1); *p = 0; if(obj->materials != nil && (m = getmtl(obj->materials, buf)) == nil){ error("no material '%s' found", buf); goto error; } }else{ error("syntax error"); goto error; } while(c != '\n') c = Bgetc(bin); break; case '#': while(c != '\n') c = Bgetc(bin); break; } do{ if(c == '\n'){ curline.lineno++; break; } if(!isspace(c)){ error("syntax error"); goto error; } }while((c = Bgetc(bin)) != Beof); } Bterm(bin); return obj; error: objfree(obj); Bterm(bin); return nil; } void objfree(OBJ *obj) { OBJObject *o, *no; int i; if(obj == nil) return; if(obj->materials != nil) objmtlfree(obj->materials); for(i = 0; i < nelem(obj->vertdata); i++) free(obj->vertdata[i].verts); for(i = 0; i < nelem(obj->objtab); i++) for(o = obj->objtab[i]; o != nil; o = no){ no = o->next; freeo(o); } free(obj); } int OBJMaterlistfmt(Fmt *f) { OBJMaterlist *ml; OBJMaterial *m; int n, i; n = 0; ml = va_arg(f->args, OBJMaterlist*); for(i = 0; i < nelem(ml->mattab); i++) for(m = ml->mattab[i]; m != nil; m = m->next){ n += fmtprint(f, "newmtl %s\n", m->name); n += fmtprint(f, "Ka %g %g %g\n", m->Ka.r, m->Ka.g, m->Ka.b); n += fmtprint(f, "Kd %g %g %g\n", m->Kd.r, m->Kd.g, m->Kd.b); n += fmtprint(f, "Ks %g %g %g\n", m->Ks.r, m->Ks.g, m->Ks.b); n += fmtprint(f, "Ke %g %g %g\n", m->Ke.r, m->Ke.g, m->Ke.b); n += fmtprint(f, "Ns %g\n", m->Ns); n += fmtprint(f, "Ni %g\n", m->Ni); n += fmtprint(f, "d %g\n", m->d); n += fmtprint(f, "illum %d\n", m->illum); n += fmtprint(f, "\n"); } return n; } int OBJfmt(Fmt *f) { OBJ *obj; OBJObject *o; OBJElem *e; OBJVertex v; int i, j, k, n, pack, maxnindex; n = pack = 0; obj = va_arg(f->args, OBJ*); for(i = 0; i < nelem(obj->vertdata); i++) for(j = 0; j < obj->vertdata[i].nvert; j++){ v = obj->vertdata[i].verts[j]; switch(i){ case OBJVGeometric: n += fmtprint(f, "v %g %g %g %g\n", v.x, v.y, v.z, v.w); break; case OBJVTexture: n += fmtprint(f, "vt %g %g %g\n", v.u, v.v, v.vv); break; case OBJVNormal: n += fmtprint(f, "vn %g %g %g\n", v.i, v.j, v.k); break; case OBJVParametric: n += fmtprint(f, "vp %g %g %g\n", v.u, v.v, v.vv); break; } } if(obj->materials != nil) n += fmtprint(f, "mtllib %s\n", obj->materials->filename); for(i = 0; i < nelem(obj->objtab); i++) for(o = obj->objtab[i]; o != nil; o = o->next){ if(strcmp(o->name, "default") != 0) n += fmtprint(f, "o %s\n", o->name); for(e = o->child; e != nil; e = e->next){ switch(e->type){ case OBJEPoint: if(pack == 0) n += fmtprint(f, "p"); pack = pack > 0 ? --pack : 8-1; break; case OBJELine: n += fmtprint(f, "l"); break; case OBJEFace: if(e->mtl != nil) n += fmtprint(f, "usemtl %s\n", e->mtl->name); n += fmtprint(f, "f"); break; //case OBJECurve: //case OBJECurve2: //case OBJESurface: } for(maxnindex = 0, j = 0; j < nelem(e->indextab); j++) maxnindex = max(e->indextab[j].nindex, maxnindex); for(k = 0; k < maxnindex; k++){ n += fmtprint(f, " "); for(j = 0; j < nelem(e->indextab); j++){ if(k >= e->indextab[j].nindex) continue; if(j > 0) n += fmtprint(f, "/"); n += fmtprint(f, "%d", e->indextab[j].indices[k]+1); } } if(e->type != OBJEPoint || pack == 0) n += fmtprint(f, "\n"); } } return n; } void OBJfmtinstall(void) { fmtinstall('O', OBJfmt); }