shithub: rc

Download patch

ref: 3878ac8749bfcc81188d33c01b52909e18561b2f
parent: 86d856d1b1aa908f153e7cd62a1cb2fb3e97bd1f
author: qwx <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jan 9 09:10:37 EST 2020

split into categories

--- a/2600
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
-	awk -Fx '{
-		a=$1/320;
-		b=$2/222;
-		c=int(b<a?b:a);
-		if(c*320 == $1 || c*222 == $2)
-			c--;
-		print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*222+8
-	}'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
-	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/2600 -a $*(3-) || games/2600 $*(3-)}
-if not
-	games/2600 -a $* || games/2600 $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crawl/dmlotr
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+#!/bin/rc -xe
+	hget $f | sed 's/[<>]/\n/g' >$t
+	for(i in `{sed -n 's/.*img src=''(http.*\/images\/[^'']+)''.*/\1/p' $t})
+		dw $i
+	f=`{sed -n 's/.*a href="(http[^\?]+\?p=[^"]+)".*/\1/p' $t | sed -n '5{p;q;}'}
+	if(~ $#f 0){
+		rm $t
+		exit
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crawl/khinmidi
@@ -1,0 +1,12 @@
+flag e +
+for(i in $*){
+	x=`{echo $i | sed -n 's/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/p'}
+	mkdir -p $x && cd $x
+	hget $i |\
+		sed -n '/\.mid/s/^.*<a href="(.*)".*/\1/p' |\
+		uniq |\
+		xargs dw
+	cd ..
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crawl/khinsider
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+flag e +
+for(i in $*){
+	x=`{echo $i | sed -n 's/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/p'}
+	mkdir -p $x && cd $x
+	hget $i |\
+		sed -n '/\.mp3/s/^.*<a href="(.*)".*/\1/p' |\
+		uniq |\
+		xargs -n 1 hget |\
+		sed -n '/^<audio/s/<audio id=".*" src="(.*\.mp3)".*/\1/p' |\
+		xargs dw
+		cd ..
--- /dev/null
+++ b/crawl/oots
@@ -1,0 +1,24 @@
+# finds out which is the last comic, then downloads missing ones from cwd, exiting
+# upon the first collision
+# it's filthy.
+flag e +
+x=(`{hget \
+| sed -n 's/<B>Order of the Stick <\/B><A href="([^"]+)".*/\1/p'})
+n=`{echo $x | sed 's/.*(oots[0-9]+\.)html/\1/'}
+while(! ~ $n '#' && ! test -e $n^*){
+	x=(`{hget$x(1) \
+	| sed -n '
+		/IMG src="\/comics/{
+			s/.*src="([^"]+)".*/\1/p
+			q
+		}
+		s/.*<A href="([^"]+)"><IMG src="\/Images\/redesign\/ComicNav_Back.gif".*/\1/p'
+	})
+	n=$n^`{echo $x(2) | sed 's/.*\.([^\/\.]+)$/\1/'}
+	hget$x(2) >$n
+	n=`{echo $x(1) | sed 's/.*(oots[0-9]+\.)html/\1/'}
--- a/dmlotr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -xe
-	hget $f | sed 's/[<>]/\n/g' >$t
-	for(i in `{sed -n 's/.*img src=''(http.*\/images\/[^'']+)''.*/\1/p' $t})
-		dw $i
-	f=`{sed -n 's/.*a href="(http[^\?]+\?p=[^"]+)".*/\1/p' $t | sed -n '5{p;q;}'}
-	if(~ $#f 0){
-		rm $t
-		exit
-	}
--- a/doom
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,58 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-# set up namespace for a particular version of doom and launch it
-# default setup:
-# - $home/lib/doom: mntpt and location of config file
-# - $home/lib/doom/$game: user game directories: savegames and screenshots
-# - /sys/games/lib/doom/$game: system iwad and pwad directories
-# cwd is bound over $mntpt to allow loading stuff from there
-# example: launch doom2 with scythe.wad (both in /sys/games/lib/doom/d2)
-#	; doom d2 -file scythe.wad
-# example game version names:
-# doom.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d1/
-# doom2.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d2/
-# doom2f.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d2f/
-# doom1.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/dsh/
-# plutonia.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/plt/
-# tnt.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/tnt/
-# doomu.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/ud/
-rfork ne
-flagfmt='b,l,z,m mntpt'
-args='game [params]'
-if(! ifs=() eval `{aux/getflags $*} || ~ $#* 0){
-	aux/usage
-	exit usage
-if(~ $#flagm 1)
-	mntpt=$flagm
-if(! test -d $mntpt/$1)
-	mkdir -p $mntpt/$1
-bind -ac $mntpt/$1 $mntpt
-if(test -d /sys/games/lib/doom/$1)
-	bind -a /sys/games/lib/doom/$1 $mntpt
-if(! ~ $flagb 1)
-	bind -b `{pwd} $mntpt
-cd $mntpt
-# max scaling factor is 4 unless doom itself is patched
-if(~ $#vgasize 0 || ~ $flagz 1)
-	r=(-dx 328 -dy 208)
-if not
-	r=`{echo $vgasize |\
-		awk -Fx '{
-			a=$1/320;
-			b=$2/200;
-			c=int(b<a?b:a);
-			if(c*320 == $1 || c*200 == $2)
-				c--;
-			print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*200+8
-		}'
-	}
-if(! ~ $flagz 1)
-	echo resize $r >/dev/wctl
-if(! ~ $flagl 1)
-	games/doom $* >/dev/null
-if not
-	games/doom $* >/tmp/doomlog.$pid >[2=1]
--- a/gba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
-	awk -Fx '{
-		a=$1/240;
-		b=$2/160;
-		c=int(b<a?b:a);
-		if(c*240 == $1 || c*160 == $2)
-			c--;
-		print "-dx", c*240+8, "-dy", c*160+8
-	}'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
-	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/gba -a $*(3-) || games/gba $*(3-)}
-if not
-	games/gba -a $* || games/gba $*
--- a/gbc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-#!/bin/rc -e
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
-	awk -Fx '{
-		a=$1/160;
-		b=$2/144;
-		c=int(b<a?b:a);
-		if(c*160 == $1 || c*144 == $2)
-			c--;
-		print "-dx", c*160+8, "-dy", c*144+8
-	}'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
-	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/gb -a $*(3-) || games/gb $*(3-)}
-if not
-	games/gb -a $* || games/gb $*
--- a/joygba
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,37 +1,0 @@
-# run as "nusb/joy epX.Y | joygba"
-awk -safe '
-	BEGIN { k[0] = "" }
-	/^axis 0 0/   { k[0] = "left " }
-	/^axis 0 255/ { k[0] = "right " }
-	/^axis 0 128/ { k[0] = "" }
-	/^axis 1 0/   { k[1] = "up " }
-	/^axis 1 255/ { k[1] = "down " }
-	/^axis 1 128/ { k[1] = "" }
-	/^down 1$/ { k[3] = "b " }
-	/^down 5$/ { k[2] = "a " }
-	/^down 6$/ { k[8] = "x " }
-	/^down 2$/ { k[9] = "y " }
-	/^down 3$/ { k[4] = "control " }
-	/^down 4$/ { k[5] = "start " }
-	/^down 7$/ { k[6] = "l1 " }
-	/^down 8$/ { k[7] = "r1 " }
-	/^up 1$/ { k[3] = "" }
-	/^up 5$/ { k[2] = "" }
-	/^up 6$/ { k[8] = "" }
-	/^up 2$/ { k[9] = "" }
-	/^up 3$/ { k[4] = "" }
-	/^up 4$/ { k[5] = "" }
-	/^up 7$/ { k[6] = "" }
-	/^up 8$/ { k[7] = "" }
-	{
-		print k[0] k[1] k[2] k[3] k[4] k[5] k[6] k[7] k[8] k[9]
-		fflush
-	}
--- a/khinmidi
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,0 @@
-flag e +
-for(i in $*){
-	x=`{echo $i | sed -n 's/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/p'}
-	mkdir -p $x && cd $x
-	hget $i |\
-		sed -n '/\.mid/s/^.*<a href="(.*)".*/\1/p' |\
-		uniq |\
-		xargs dw
-	cd ..
--- a/khinsider
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,0 @@
-flag e +
-for(i in $*){
-	x=`{echo $i | sed -n 's/.*\/([^\/]+)$/\1/p'}
-	mkdir -p $x && cd $x
-	hget $i |\
-		sed -n '/\.mp3/s/^.*<a href="(.*)".*/\1/p' |\
-		uniq |\
-		xargs -n 1 hget |\
-		sed -n '/^<audio/s/<audio id=".*" src="(.*\.mp3)".*/\1/p' |\
-		xargs dw
-		cd ..
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/2600
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+	awk -Fx '{
+		a=$1/320;
+		b=$2/222;
+		c=int(b<a?b:a);
+		if(c*320 == $1 || c*222 == $2)
+			c--;
+		print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*222+8
+	}'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/2600 -a $*(3-) || games/2600 $*(3-)}
+if not
+	games/2600 -a $* || games/2600 $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/doom
@@ -1,0 +1,58 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+# set up namespace for a particular version of doom and launch it
+# default setup:
+# - $home/lib/doom: mntpt and location of config file
+# - $home/lib/doom/$game: user game directories: savegames and screenshots
+# - /sys/games/lib/doom/$game: system iwad and pwad directories
+# cwd is bound over $mntpt to allow loading stuff from there
+# example: launch doom2 with scythe.wad (both in /sys/games/lib/doom/d2)
+#	; doom d2 -file scythe.wad
+# example game version names:
+# doom.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d1/
+# doom2.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d2/
+# doom2f.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/d2f/
+# doom1.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/dsh/
+# plutonia.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/plt/
+# tnt.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/tnt/
+# doomu.wad → /sys/games/lib/doom/ud/
+rfork ne
+flagfmt='b,l,z,m mntpt'
+args='game [params]'
+if(! ifs=() eval `{aux/getflags $*} || ~ $#* 0){
+	aux/usage
+	exit usage
+if(~ $#flagm 1)
+	mntpt=$flagm
+if(! test -d $mntpt/$1)
+	mkdir -p $mntpt/$1
+bind -ac $mntpt/$1 $mntpt
+if(test -d /sys/games/lib/doom/$1)
+	bind -a /sys/games/lib/doom/$1 $mntpt
+if(! ~ $flagb 1)
+	bind -b `{pwd} $mntpt
+cd $mntpt
+# max scaling factor is 4 unless doom itself is patched
+if(~ $#vgasize 0 || ~ $flagz 1)
+	r=(-dx 328 -dy 208)
+if not
+	r=`{echo $vgasize |\
+		awk -Fx '{
+			a=$1/320;
+			b=$2/200;
+			c=int(b<a?b:a);
+			if(c*320 == $1 || c*200 == $2)
+				c--;
+			print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*200+8
+		}'
+	}
+if(! ~ $flagz 1)
+	echo resize $r >/dev/wctl
+if(! ~ $flagl 1)
+	games/doom $* >/dev/null
+if not
+	games/doom $* >/tmp/doomlog.$pid >[2=1]
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/gba
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+	awk -Fx '{
+		a=$1/240;
+		b=$2/160;
+		c=int(b<a?b:a);
+		if(c*240 == $1 || c*160 == $2)
+			c--;
+		print "-dx", c*240+8, "-dy", c*160+8
+	}'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/gba -a $*(3-) || games/gba $*(3-)}
+if not
+	games/gba -a $* || games/gba $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/gbc
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+#!/bin/rc -e
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+	awk -Fx '{
+		a=$1/160;
+		b=$2/144;
+		c=int(b<a?b:a);
+		if(c*160 == $1 || c*144 == $2)
+			c--;
+		print "-dx", c*160+8, "-dy", c*144+8
+	}'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/gb -a $*(3-) || games/gb $*(3-)}
+if not
+	games/gb -a $* || games/gb $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/joygba
@@ -1,0 +1,37 @@
+# run as "nusb/joy epX.Y | joygba"
+awk -safe '
+	BEGIN { k[0] = "" }
+	/^axis 0 0/   { k[0] = "left " }
+	/^axis 0 255/ { k[0] = "right " }
+	/^axis 0 128/ { k[0] = "" }
+	/^axis 1 0/   { k[1] = "up " }
+	/^axis 1 255/ { k[1] = "down " }
+	/^axis 1 128/ { k[1] = "" }
+	/^down 1$/ { k[3] = "b " }
+	/^down 5$/ { k[2] = "a " }
+	/^down 6$/ { k[8] = "x " }
+	/^down 2$/ { k[9] = "y " }
+	/^down 3$/ { k[4] = "control " }
+	/^down 4$/ { k[5] = "start " }
+	/^down 7$/ { k[6] = "l1 " }
+	/^down 8$/ { k[7] = "r1 " }
+	/^up 1$/ { k[3] = "" }
+	/^up 5$/ { k[2] = "" }
+	/^up 6$/ { k[8] = "" }
+	/^up 2$/ { k[9] = "" }
+	/^up 3$/ { k[4] = "" }
+	/^up 4$/ { k[5] = "" }
+	/^up 7$/ { k[6] = "" }
+	/^up 8$/ { k[7] = "" }
+	{
+		print k[0] k[1] k[2] k[3] k[4] k[5] k[6] k[7] k[8] k[9]
+		fflush
+	}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/md
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+	awk -Fx '{
+		a=$1/320;
+		b=$2/224;
+		c=int(b<a?b:a);
+		if(c*320 == $1 || c*224 == $2)
+			c--;
+		print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*224+8
+	}'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/md -a $*(3-) || games/md $*(3-)}
+if not
+	games/md -a $* || games/md $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/nes
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+	awk -Fx '{
+		a=$1/256;
+		b=$2/240;
+		c=int(b<a?b:a);
+		if(c*256 == $1 || c*240 == $2)
+			c--;
+		print "-dx", c*256+8, "-dy", c*240+8
+	}'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba 1 | {games/nes -a $*(3-) || games/nes $*(3-)}
+if not
+	games/nes -a $* || games/nes $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/qk1
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+rfork ne
+case u24 u27 u20 u25
+	res=(-dx 1032 -dy 776)
+case u11
+	res=(-dx 1608 -dy 1208)
+	a=(-m 32)
+case *
+	res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
+echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
+bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake/cd /mnt/cd	# cdfs(4)
+quake $a $* >/dev/null
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/qk2
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+rfork ne
+res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
+# launch ctf with: qk2 -g ctf $* +set ctf 1
+# launch crbot with: qk2 -g crbot $* +set deathmatch 1 +set ctf 0
+while(~ $1 -?){
+	switch($1){
+	case -g
+		# mods' executables are named q2$x
+		c=(q2$2 +set game $2)
+		shift
+	case -m
+		cdmnt=$2
+		shift
+	case -r
+		res=(-dx `{echo $2 + 8 | pc -n} -dy `{echo $3 + 8 | pc -n})
+		shift 2
+	case -z
+		noresz=1
+	}
+	shift
+if(~ $#noresz 0)
+	echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
+bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake2/cd /mnt/cd	# cdfs(4)
+$c $* >/dev/null
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/qk3
@@ -1,0 +1,4 @@
+echo scroll >/dev/wctl
+#cd /sys/games/lib/quake3 && q3ded +set developer 1 +set fs_game cpma +map cpm22
+cd /sys/games/lib/quake3 && q3ded +set developer 1 +map q3dm17
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/qw
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+rfork ne
+case u24 u27 u20 u25
+	res=(-dx 1032 -dy 776)
+case u11
+	res=(-dx 1608 -dy 1208)
+case *
+	res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
+echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
+bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake/cd /mnt/cd	# cdfs(4)
+qwcl -mem 32 $* >/dev/null
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/snes
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
+	awk -Fx '{
+		a=$1/256;
+		b=$2/239;
+		c=int(b<a?b:a);
+		if(c*256 == $1 || c*239 == $2)
+			c--;
+		print "-dx", c*256+8, "-dy", c*239+8
+	}'
+} >/dev/wctl
+if(~ $1 -j)
+	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/snes -a $*(3-) || games/snes $*(3-)}
+if not
+	games/snes -a $* || games/snes $*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/launch/wl
@@ -1,0 +1,25 @@
+rfork n
+bind -b . /sys/games/lib/wl3d
+cd $home/lib/wl3d
+if(~ $1 -R){
+	r=(-dx $2 -dy $3)
+	shift 2
+if not if(~ $#vgasize 0)
+	r=(-dx 328 -dy 208)
+if not
+	r=`{echo $vgasize |\
+		awk -Fx '{
+			a=$1/320;
+			b=$2/200;
+			c=int(b<a?b:a);
+			if(c*320 == $1 || c*200 == $2)
+				c--;
+			print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*200+8
+		}'
+	}
+echo resize $r >/dev/wctl
+wl3d $*
--- a/md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
-	awk -Fx '{
-		a=$1/320;
-		b=$2/224;
-		c=int(b<a?b:a);
-		if(c*320 == $1 || c*224 == $2)
-			c--;
-		print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*224+8
-	}'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
-	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/md -a $*(3-) || games/md $*(3-)}
-if not
-	games/md -a $* || games/md $*
--- a/nes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
-	awk -Fx '{
-		a=$1/256;
-		b=$2/240;
-		c=int(b<a?b:a);
-		if(c*256 == $1 || c*240 == $2)
-			c--;
-		print "-dx", c*256+8, "-dy", c*240+8
-	}'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
-	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba 1 | {games/nes -a $*(3-) || games/nes $*(3-)}
-if not
-	games/nes -a $* || games/nes $*
--- a/oots
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,24 +1,0 @@
-# finds out which is the last comic, then downloads missing ones from cwd, exiting
-# upon the first collision
-# it's filthy.
-flag e +
-x=(`{hget \
-| sed -n 's/<B>Order of the Stick <\/B><A href="([^"]+)".*/\1/p'})
-n=`{echo $x | sed 's/.*(oots[0-9]+\.)html/\1/'}
-while(! ~ $n '#' && ! test -e $n^*){
-	x=(`{hget$x(1) \
-	| sed -n '
-		/IMG src="\/comics/{
-			s/.*src="([^"]+)".*/\1/p
-			q
-		}
-		s/.*<A href="([^"]+)"><IMG src="\/Images\/redesign\/ComicNav_Back.gif".*/\1/p'
-	})
-	n=$n^`{echo $x(2) | sed 's/.*\.([^\/\.]+)$/\1/'}
-	hget$x(2) >$n
-	n=`{echo $x(1) | sed 's/.*(oots[0-9]+\.)html/\1/'}
--- a/qk1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,14 +1,0 @@
-rfork ne
-case u24 u27 u20 u25
-	res=(-dx 1032 -dy 776)
-case u11
-	res=(-dx 1608 -dy 1208)
-	a=(-m 32)
-case *
-	res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
-echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
-bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake/cd /mnt/cd	# cdfs(4)
-quake $a $* >/dev/null
--- a/qk2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +1,0 @@
-rfork ne
-res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
-# launch ctf with: qk2 -g ctf $* +set ctf 1
-# launch crbot with: qk2 -g crbot $* +set deathmatch 1 +set ctf 0
-while(~ $1 -?){
-	switch($1){
-	case -g
-		# mods' executables are named q2$x
-		c=(q2$2 +set game $2)
-		shift
-	case -m
-		cdmnt=$2
-		shift
-	case -r
-		res=(-dx `{echo $2 + 8 | pc -n} -dy `{echo $3 + 8 | pc -n})
-		shift 2
-	case -z
-		noresz=1
-	}
-	shift
-if(~ $#noresz 0)
-	echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
-bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake2/cd /mnt/cd	# cdfs(4)
-$c $* >/dev/null
--- a/qk3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +1,0 @@
-echo scroll >/dev/wctl
-#cd /sys/games/lib/quake3 && q3ded +set developer 1 +set fs_game cpma +map cpm22
-cd /sys/games/lib/quake3 && q3ded +set developer 1 +map q3dm17
--- a/qw
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-rfork ne
-case u24 u27 u20 u25
-	res=(-dx 1032 -dy 776)
-case u11
-	res=(-dx 1608 -dy 1208)
-case *
-	res=(-dx 808 -dy 608)
-echo resize $res >/dev/wctl
-bind -q /sys/games/lib/quake/cd /mnt/cd	# cdfs(4)
-qwcl -mem 32 $* >/dev/null
--- a/snes
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,15 +1,0 @@
-echo resize `{echo $vgasize |\
-	awk -Fx '{
-		a=$1/256;
-		b=$2/239;
-		c=int(b<a?b:a);
-		if(c*256 == $1 || c*239 == $2)
-			c--;
-		print "-dx", c*256+8, "-dy", c*239+8
-	}'
-} >/dev/wctl
-if(~ $1 -j)
-	nusb/joy /dev/usb/ep^$2^.0 | joygba | {games/snes -a $*(3-) || games/snes $*(3-)}
-if not
-	games/snes -a $* || games/snes $*
--- a/wl
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,25 +1,0 @@
-rfork n
-bind -b . /sys/games/lib/wl3d
-cd $home/lib/wl3d
-if(~ $1 -R){
-	r=(-dx $2 -dy $3)
-	shift 2
-if not if(~ $#vgasize 0)
-	r=(-dx 328 -dy 208)
-if not
-	r=`{echo $vgasize |\
-		awk -Fx '{
-			a=$1/320;
-			b=$2/200;
-			c=int(b<a?b:a);
-			if(c*320 == $1 || c*200 == $2)
-				c--;
-			print "-dx", c*320+8, "-dy", c*200+8
-		}'
-	}
-echo resize $r >/dev/wctl
-wl3d $*