ref: ff74e396e4616be054e596101f60132aab828d04
parent: 3f382caeb4f237ef4c6c36ae8f57c4e31ad90aa9
author: Jean-Marc Valin <>
date: Wed Feb 27 10:35:43 EST 2008
fixed-point: converted compute_pitch_gain() and removed the energy-based weighting that didn't seem to help anyway.
--- a/libcelt/arch.h
+++ b/libcelt/arch.h
@@ -67,12 +67,15 @@
#define NORM_SCALING_1 (1.f/16384.f)
#define ENER_SCALING 16384.f
#define ENER_SCALING_1 (1.f/16384.f)
#define PGAIN_SCALING 32768.f
#define PGAIN_SCALING_1 (1.f/32768.f)
+#define PGAIN_SHIFT 15
#define DB_SCALING 256.f
#define DB_SCALING_1 (1.f/256.f)
+#define EPSILON 1
#define VERY_SMALL 0
#define VERY_LARGE32 ((celt_word32_t)2147483647)
#define VERY_LARGE16 ((celt_word16_t)32767)
@@ -121,7 +124,7 @@
#define DB_SCALING 1.f
#define DB_SCALING_1 1.f
+#define EPSILON 1e-15
#define VERY_SMALL 1e-15f
#define VERY_LARGE32 1e15f
#define VERY_LARGE16 1e15f
--- a/libcelt/bands.c
+++ b/libcelt/bands.c
@@ -163,36 +163,29 @@
int i, B;
const int *eBands = m->eBands;
const int *pBands = m->pBands;
- VARDECL(float *w);
B = m->nbMdctBlocks*m->nbChannels;
- ALLOC(w, B*eBands[m->nbEBands], float);
- for (i=0;i<m->nbEBands;i++)
- {
- int j;
- for (j=B*eBands[i];j<B*eBands[i+1];j++)
- w[j] = bank[i]*ENER_SCALING_1;
- }
for (i=0;i<m->nbPBands;i++)
- float Sxy=0;
- float Sxx = 0;
+ celt_word32_t Sxy=0, Sxx=0;
int j;
- float gain;
+ /* We know we're not going to overflow because Sxx can't be more than 1 (Q28) */
for (j=B*pBands[i];j<B*pBands[i+1];j++)
- Sxy += 1.f*X[j]*P[j]*w[j];
- Sxx += 1.f*X[j]*X[j]*w[j];
+ Sxy = MAC16_16(Sxy, X[j], P[j]);
+ Sxx = MAC16_16(Sxx, X[j], X[j]);
- gain = Sxy/(1e-10*NORM_SCALING*NORM_SCALING+Sxx);
- if (gain > 1.f)
- gain = 1.f;
- if (gain < 0.0f)
- gain = 0.0f;
- /* We need to be a bit conservative, otherwise residual doesn't quantise well */
- gain *= .9f;
- gains[i] = PGAIN_SCALING*gain;
+ /* No negative gain allowed */
+ if (Sxy < 0)
+ Sxy = 0;
+ /* Not sure how that would happen, just making sure */
+ if (Sxy > Sxx)
+ Sxy = Sxx;
+ /* We need to be a bit conservative (multiply gain by 0.9), otherwise the
+ residual doesn't quantise well */
+ Sxy = MULT16_32_Q15(QCONST16(.9f, 15), Sxy);
+ /* gain = Sxy/Sxx */
+ gains[i] = DIV32_16(Sxy,ADD32(SHR32(Sxx, PGAIN_SHIFT),EPSILON));
/*printf ("%f ", 1-sqrt(1-gain*gain));*/