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ref: ec2802210cd0d62514f4cb9bc4db2f7df1259ad4
parent: 957f7f169b1d834875cd0b154c5459a108c5e75e
author: Jean-Marc Valin <[email protected]>
date: Thu Sep 1 17:47:38 EDT 2011

Removes code that became useless with the Opus-level highpass

--- a/silk/silk_HP_variable_cutoff.c
+++ b/silk/silk_HP_variable_cutoff.c
@@ -41,87 +41,38 @@
     const opus_int                   nChannels           /* I    Number of channels                      */
-    opus_int   quality_Q15, cutoff_Hz;
-    opus_int32 B_Q28[ 3 ], A_Q28[ 2 ];
-    opus_int32 Fc_Q19, r_Q28, r_Q22;
-    opus_int32 pitch_freq_Hz_Q16, pitch_freq_log_Q7, delta_freq_Q7;
-    silk_encoder_state *psEncC1 = &state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn;
+   opus_int   quality_Q15;
+   opus_int32 pitch_freq_Hz_Q16, pitch_freq_log_Q7, delta_freq_Q7;
+   silk_encoder_state *psEncC1 = &state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn;
-    if( psEncC1->HP_cutoff_Hz == 0 ) {
-        /* Adaptive cutoff frequency: estimate low end of pitch frequency range */
-        if( psEncC1->prevSignalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
-            /* difference, in log domain */
-            pitch_freq_Hz_Q16 = SKP_DIV32_16( SKP_LSHIFT( SKP_MUL( psEncC1->fs_kHz, 1000 ), 16 ), psEncC1->prevLag );
-            pitch_freq_log_Q7 = silk_lin2log( pitch_freq_Hz_Q16 ) - ( 16 << 7 );
+   /* Adaptive cutoff frequency: estimate low end of pitch frequency range */
+   if( psEncC1->prevSignalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
+      /* difference, in log domain */
+      pitch_freq_Hz_Q16 = SKP_DIV32_16( SKP_LSHIFT( SKP_MUL( psEncC1->fs_kHz, 1000 ), 16 ), psEncC1->prevLag );
+      pitch_freq_log_Q7 = silk_lin2log( pitch_freq_Hz_Q16 ) - ( 16 << 7 );
-            /* adjustment based on quality */
-            quality_Q15 = psEncC1->input_quality_bands_Q15[ 0 ];
-            pitch_freq_log_Q7 = SKP_SMLAWB( pitch_freq_log_Q7, SKP_SMULWB( SKP_LSHIFT( -quality_Q15, 2 ), quality_Q15 ),
-                pitch_freq_log_Q7 - ( silk_lin2log( SILK_FIX_CONST( VARIABLE_HP_MIN_CUTOFF_HZ, 16 ) ) - ( 16 << 7 ) ) );
+      /* adjustment based on quality */
+      quality_Q15 = psEncC1->input_quality_bands_Q15[ 0 ];
+      pitch_freq_log_Q7 = SKP_SMLAWB( pitch_freq_log_Q7, SKP_SMULWB( SKP_LSHIFT( -quality_Q15, 2 ), quality_Q15 ),
+            pitch_freq_log_Q7 - ( silk_lin2log( SILK_FIX_CONST( VARIABLE_HP_MIN_CUTOFF_HZ, 16 ) ) - ( 16 << 7 ) ) );
-            /* delta_freq = pitch_freq_log - psEnc->variable_HP_smth1; */
-            delta_freq_Q7 = pitch_freq_log_Q7 - SKP_RSHIFT( psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15, 8 );
-            if( delta_freq_Q7 < 0 ) {
-                /* less smoothing for decreasing pitch frequency, to track something close to the minimum */
-                delta_freq_Q7 = SKP_MUL( delta_freq_Q7, 3 );
-            }
+      /* delta_freq = pitch_freq_log - psEnc->variable_HP_smth1; */
+      delta_freq_Q7 = pitch_freq_log_Q7 - SKP_RSHIFT( psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15, 8 );
+      if( delta_freq_Q7 < 0 ) {
+         /* less smoothing for decreasing pitch frequency, to track something close to the minimum */
+         delta_freq_Q7 = SKP_MUL( delta_freq_Q7, 3 );
+      }
-            /* limit delta, to reduce impact of outliers in pitch estimation */
-            delta_freq_Q7 = SKP_LIMIT_32( delta_freq_Q7, -SILK_FIX_CONST( VARIABLE_HP_MAX_DELTA_FREQ, 7 ), SILK_FIX_CONST( VARIABLE_HP_MAX_DELTA_FREQ, 7 ) );
+      /* limit delta, to reduce impact of outliers in pitch estimation */
-            /* update smoother */
-            psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = SKP_SMLAWB( psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15,
-                SKP_SMULBB( psEncC1->speech_activity_Q8, delta_freq_Q7 ), SILK_FIX_CONST( VARIABLE_HP_SMTH_COEF1, 16 ) );
+      /* update smoother */
+      psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = SKP_SMLAWB( psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15,
+            SKP_SMULBB( psEncC1->speech_activity_Q8, delta_freq_Q7 ), SILK_FIX_CONST( VARIABLE_HP_SMTH_COEF1, 16 ) );
-            /* limit frequency range */
-            psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = SKP_LIMIT_32( psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15,
-                SKP_LSHIFT( silk_lin2log( VARIABLE_HP_MIN_CUTOFF_HZ ), 8 ),
-                SKP_LSHIFT( silk_lin2log( VARIABLE_HP_MAX_CUTOFF_HZ ), 8 ) );
-        }
-    } else {
-        /* Externally-controlled cutoff frequency */
-        cutoff_Hz = SKP_LIMIT( psEncC1->HP_cutoff_Hz, 10, 500 );
-        psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = SKP_LSHIFT( silk_lin2log( cutoff_Hz ), 8 );
-    }
-#if 0
-    /* second smoother */
-    psEncC1->variable_HP_smth2_Q15 = SKP_SMLAWB( psEncC1->variable_HP_smth2_Q15,
-        psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15 - psEncC1->variable_HP_smth2_Q15, SILK_FIX_CONST( VARIABLE_HP_SMTH_COEF2, 16 ) );
-    /* convert from log scale to Hertz */
-    cutoff_Hz = silk_log2lin( SKP_RSHIFT( psEncC1->variable_HP_smth2_Q15, 8 ) );
-    /********************************/
-    /* Compute Filter Coefficients  */
-    /********************************/
-    /* compute cut-off frequency, in radians    */
-    /* Fc_num   = 1.5 * 3.14159 * cutoff_Hz     */
-    /* Fc_denom = 1e3f * psEncC1->fs_kHz        */
-    SKP_assert( cutoff_Hz <= SKP_int32_MAX / SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.5 * 3.14159 / 1000, 19 ) );
-    Fc_Q19 = SKP_DIV32_16( SKP_SMULBB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.5 * 3.14159 / 1000, 19 ), cutoff_Hz ), psEncC1->fs_kHz );
-    SKP_assert( Fc_Q19 > 0 && Fc_Q19 < 32768 );
-    r_Q28 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0, 28 ) - SKP_MUL( SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.92, 9 ), Fc_Q19 );
-    /* b = r * [ 1; -2; 1 ]; */
-    /* a = [ 1; -2 * r * ( 1 - 0.5 * Fc^2 ); r^2 ]; */
-    B_Q28[ 0 ] = r_Q28;
-    B_Q28[ 1 ] = SKP_LSHIFT( -r_Q28, 1 );
-    B_Q28[ 2 ] = r_Q28;
-    /* -r * ( 2 - Fc * Fc ); */
-    r_Q22  = SKP_RSHIFT( r_Q28, 6 );
-    A_Q28[ 0 ] = SKP_SMULWW( r_Q22, SKP_SMULWW( Fc_Q19, Fc_Q19 ) - SILK_FIX_CONST( 2.0,  22 ) );
-    A_Q28[ 1 ] = SKP_SMULWW( r_Q22, r_Q22 );
-    /********************************/
-    /* High-Pass Filter             */
-    /********************************/
-    silk_biquad_alt( psEncC1->inputBuf, B_Q28, A_Q28, psEncC1->In_HP_State, psEncC1->inputBuf, psEncC1->frame_length, 1 );
-    if( nChannels == 2 ) {
-        silk_biquad_alt( state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBuf, B_Q28, A_Q28, state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.In_HP_State,
-            state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.inputBuf, state_Fxx[ 1 ].sCmn.frame_length, 1 );
-    }
+      /* limit frequency range */
+      psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15 = SKP_LIMIT_32( psEncC1->variable_HP_smth1_Q15,
+            SKP_LSHIFT( silk_lin2log( VARIABLE_HP_MIN_CUTOFF_HZ ), 8 ),
+            SKP_LSHIFT( silk_lin2log( VARIABLE_HP_MAX_CUTOFF_HZ ), 8 ) );
+   }
--- a/silk/silk_control.h
+++ b/silk/silk_control.h
@@ -83,9 +83,6 @@
     /* I:   Flag to use constant bitrate                                                    */
     opus_int useCBR;
-    /* I:   Cutoff frequency of input HP filter (of zero: adaptive)                         */
-    opus_int HP_cutoff_Hz;
     /* O:   Internal sampling rate used, in Hertz; 8000/12000/16000                         */
     opus_int32 internalSampleRate;
--- a/silk/silk_enc_API.c
+++ b/silk/silk_enc_API.c
@@ -112,7 +112,6 @@
     encStatus->useInBandFEC              = state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.useInBandFEC;
     encStatus->useDTX                    = state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.useDTX;
     encStatus->useCBR                    = state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.useCBR;
-    encStatus->HP_cutoff_Hz              = state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.HP_cutoff_Hz;
     encStatus->internalSampleRate        = SKP_SMULBB( state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.fs_kHz, 1000 );
     encStatus->allowBandwidthSwitch      = state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.allow_bandwidth_switch;
     encStatus->inWBmodeWithoutVariableLP = state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.fs_kHz == 16 && state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.sLP.mode == 0;
@@ -302,11 +301,7 @@
-            /* High-pass filter, deactivated if less than zero */
-            if(encControl->HP_cutoff_Hz>=0) {
-                psEnc->state_Fxx[ 0 ].sCmn.HP_cutoff_Hz = encControl->HP_cutoff_Hz;
-                silk_HP_variable_cutoff( psEnc->state_Fxx, psEnc->nChannelsInternal );
-            }
+            silk_HP_variable_cutoff( psEnc->state_Fxx, psEnc->nChannelsInternal );
             /* Total target bits for packet */
             nBits = SKP_DIV32_16( SKP_MUL( encControl->bitRate, encControl->payloadSize_ms ), 1000 );
--- a/silk/silk_structs.h
+++ b/silk/silk_structs.h
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@
     opus_int32                       In_HP_State[ 2 ];               /* High pass filter state                                               */
     opus_int32                       variable_HP_smth1_Q15;          /* State of first smoother                                              */
     opus_int32                       variable_HP_smth2_Q15;          /* State of second smoother                                             */
-    opus_int                         HP_cutoff_Hz;                   /* Fixed cutoff frequency (if zero: adaptive)                           */
     silk_LP_state                   sLP;                            /* Low pass filter state                                                */
     silk_VAD_state                  sVAD;                           /* Voice activity detector state                                        */
     silk_nsq_state                  sNSQ;                           /* Noise Shape Quantizer State                                          */
--- a/src/opus_encoder.c
+++ b/src/opus_encoder.c
@@ -159,7 +159,6 @@
     st->silk_mode.useInBandFEC              = 0;
     st->silk_mode.useDTX                    = 0;
     st->silk_mode.useCBR                    = 0;
-    st->silk_mode.HP_cutoff_Hz              = 0;
     /* Create CELT encoder */
     /* Initialize CELT encoder */
@@ -425,7 +424,6 @@
         opus_int32 threshold;
         threshold = 20000;
         /* OPUS_APPLICATION_VOIP default to auto high-pass */
-        st->silk_mode.HP_cutoff_Hz=0;
         /* Hysteresis */
         if (st->prev_mode == MODE_CELT_ONLY)
             threshold -= 4000;
@@ -442,7 +440,6 @@
         /* SILK/CELT threshold is higher for voice than for music */
         threshold = 36000;
         /* OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO disables the high-pass */
-        st->silk_mode.HP_cutoff_Hz=-1;
         if (st->signal_type == OPUS_SIGNAL_MUSIC)
             threshold -= 20000;
         else if (st->signal_type == OPUS_SIGNAL_VOICE)