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ref: c9e2014f4bd8e247970c6b05b6e43d0c53ed5484
parent: 7c60625f808e66abe016401eb449e9940916b3c1
author: Ralph Giles <[email protected]>
date: Tue Oct 1 10:07:17 EDT 2013

Don't use --dirty in genversion.bat.

This script updates, which is under version control,
so the tree is always dirty. Until the script is updated to write
package_version instead, incorporating as a fallback
the way update_version does, it's better not to use --dirty.

--- a/win32/genversion.bat
+++ b/win32/genversion.bat
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
 setlocal enableextensions enabledelayedexpansion
-for /f %%v in ('git --git-dir="%~dp0..\.git" describe --tags --match "v*" --always --dirty') do set version=%%v
+for /f %%v in ('git --git-dir="%~dp0..\.git" describe --tags --match "v*" --always') do set version=%%v
 if not "%version%"=="" goto :gotversion