shithub: opus

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ref: c4ca21fcde457b255cef4f945934d8e451880ea3
parent: 48069bf9bd2d1509185279d0d87e38aec84eea1a
author: Jean-Marc Valin <[email protected]>
date: Thu Sep 15 06:10:40 EDT 2011

Moves opus_compare to the same base64 tar.gz as the rest of the code

--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
-noinst_PROGRAMS = test_opus test_repacketizer
+noinst_PROGRAMS = test_opus test_repacketizer opus_compare
 test_opus_SOURCES = src/test_opus.c
@@ -35,6 +35,9 @@
 test_repacketizer_SOURCES = src/test_repacketizer.c
 test_repacketizer_LDADD = -lm
+opus_compare_SOURCES = src/opus_compare.c
+opus_compare_LDADD = -lm
 pkginclude_HEADERS += celt/opus_custom.h
--- a/Makefile.draft
+++ b/Makefile.draft
@@ -97,6 +97,9 @@
 TESTOPUS_SRCS_C = src/test_opus.c
+OPUSCOMPARE_SRCS_C = src/opus_compare.c
 LIBS = m
@@ -104,7 +107,7 @@
 # Rules
 default: all
-all: $(TARGET) lib test_opus
+all: $(TARGET) lib test_opus opus_compare
 lib: $(TARGET)
@@ -114,5 +117,8 @@
+	$(LINK.o.cmdline)
-	rm -f test_opus$(EXESUFFIX) $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(TESTOPUS_OBJS)
+	rm -f test_opus$(EXESUFFIX) opus_compare$(EXESUFFIX) $(TARGET) $(OBJS) $(TESTOPUS_OBJS)
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@
   cp -a "${toplevel}/${f}" "${destdir}/${f}"
 cp -a "${toplevel}"/src/test_opus.c "${destdir}"/src/
+cp -a "${toplevel}"/src/opus_compare.c "${destdir}"/src/
 cp -a "${toplevel}"/celt/test_opus_custom.c "${destdir}"/celt/
 cp -a "${toplevel}"/celt/opus_custom.h "${destdir}"/celt/
 cp -a "${toplevel}"/Makefile.draft "${destdir}"/Makefile
@@ -36,13 +37,13 @@
 echo building base64 version
 cat opus_source.tar.gz| base64 -w 66 | sed 's/^/###/' > opus_source.base64
-echo '<figure>' > opus_compare_escaped.c
-echo '<artwork>' >> opus_compare_escaped.c
-echo '<![CDATA[' >> opus_compare_escaped.c
-cat opus_compare.c >> opus_compare_escaped.c
-echo ']]>' >> opus_compare_escaped.c
-echo '</artwork>' >> opus_compare_escaped.c
-echo '</figure>' >> opus_compare_escaped.c
+#echo '<figure>' > opus_compare_escaped.c
+#echo '<artwork>' >> opus_compare_escaped.c
+#echo '<![CDATA[' >> opus_compare_escaped.c
+#cat opus_compare.c >> opus_compare_escaped.c
+#echo ']]>' >> opus_compare_escaped.c
+#echo '</artwork>' >> opus_compare_escaped.c
+#echo '</figure>' >> opus_compare_escaped.c
 echo running xml2rfc
 xml2rfc draft-ietf-codec-opus.xml draft-ietf-codec-opus.html &
--- a/doc/draft-ietf-codec-opus.xml
+++ b/doc/draft-ietf-codec-opus.xml
@@ -5297,8 +5297,10 @@
 Compliance with this specification means that a decoder's output MUST be
- within the thresholds specified by the opus_compare.c tool in
- <xref target="opus-compare"/> compared to the reference implementation.
+ within the thresholds specified by the opus_compare.c tool (included
+ with the code) when compared to the reference implementation. Either the floating-point
+ implementation or the fixed-point implementation can be used as a reference and being
+ within the threshold for one of the two is sufficient.
@@ -5591,12 +5593,14 @@
 <section anchor="opus-compare" title="opus_compare.c">
 <?rfc include="opus_compare_escaped.c"?>
+ -->
 <section anchor="self-delimiting-framing" title="Self-Delimiting Framing">
 To use the internal framing described in <xref target="modes"/>, the decoder
--- a/doc/opus_compare.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,284 +1,0 @@
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <math.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#define OPUS_PI (3.14159265F)
-#define OPUS_MIN(_x,_y)      ((_x)<(_y)?(_x):(_y))
-#define OPUS_MAX(_x,_y)      ((_x)>(_y)?(_x):(_y))
-#define OPUS_CLAMP(_a,_b,_c) OPUS_MAX(_a,OPUS_MIN(_b,_c))
-#define OPUS_COSF(_x)        ((float)cos(_x))
-#define OPUS_SINF(_x)        ((float)sin(_x))
-#define OPUS_SQRTF(_x)       ((float)sqrt(_x))
-#define OPUS_LOG10F(_x)      ((float)log10(_x))
-static void *check_alloc(void *_ptr){
-  if(_ptr==NULL){
-    fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory.\n");
-    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
-  }
-  return _ptr;
-static void *opus_malloc(size_t _size){
-  return check_alloc(malloc(_size));
-static void *opus_realloc(void *_ptr,size_t _size){
-  return check_alloc(realloc(_ptr,_size));
-static size_t read_pcm16(float **_samples,FILE *_fin,
-                         int _nchannels){
-  unsigned char  buf[1024];
-  float         *samples;
-  size_t         nsamples;
-  size_t         csamples;
-  size_t         xi;
-  size_t         nread;
-  samples=NULL;
-  nsamples=csamples=0;
-  for(;;){
-    nread=fread(buf,2*_nchannels,1024/(2*_nchannels),_fin);
-    if(nread<=0)break;
-    if(nsamples+nread>csamples){
-      do csamples=csamples<<1|1;
-      while(nsamples+nread>csamples);
-      samples=(float *)opus_realloc(samples,
-       _nchannels*csamples*sizeof(*samples));
-    }
-    for(xi=0;xi<nread;xi++){
-      int ci;
-      for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){
-        int s;
-        s=buf[2*(xi*_nchannels+ci)+1]<<8|buf[2*(xi*_nchannels+ci)];
-        s=((s&0xFFFF)^0x8000)-0x8000;
-        samples[(nsamples+xi)*_nchannels+ci]=s;
-      }
-    }
-    nsamples+=nread;
-  }
-  *_samples=(float *)opus_realloc(samples,
-                     _nchannels*nsamples*sizeof(*samples));
-  return nsamples;
-static void band_energy(float *_out,const int *_bands,int _nbands,
- const float *_in,int _nchannels,size_t _nframes,int _window_sz,
- int _step){
-  float *window;
-  float *x;
-  float *c;
-  float *s;
-  size_t xi;
-  int    xj;
-  window=(float *)opus_malloc((3+_nchannels)*_window_sz
-          *sizeof(*window));
-  c=window+_window_sz;
-  s=c+_window_sz;
-  x=s+_window_sz;
-  for(xj=0;xj<_window_sz;xj++){
-    window[xj]=0.5F-0.5F*OPUS_COSF((2*OPUS_PI/(_window_sz-1))*xj);
-  }
-  for(xj=0;xj<_window_sz;xj++)
-      c[xj]=OPUS_COSF((2*OPUS_PI/_window_sz)*xj);
-  for(xj=0;xj<_window_sz;xj++)
-      s[xj]=OPUS_SINF((2*OPUS_PI/_window_sz)*xj);
-  for(xi=0;xi<_nframes;xi++){
-    int ci;
-    int xk;
-    int bi;
-    for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){
-      for(xk=0;xk<_window_sz;xk++){
-        x[ci*_window_sz+xk]=window[xk]
-                           *_in[(xi*_step+xk)*_nchannels+ci];
-      }
-    }
-    for(bi=xj=0;bi<_nbands;bi++){
-      float e2;
-      e2=0;
-      for(;xj<_bands[bi+1];xj++){
-        float p;
-        p=0;
-        for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){
-          float re;
-          float im;
-          int   ti;
-          ti=0;
-          re=im=0;
-          for(xk=0;xk<_window_sz;xk++){
-            re+=c[ti]*x[ci*_window_sz+xk];
-            im-=s[ti]*x[ci*_window_sz+xk];
-            ti+=xj;
-            if(ti>=_window_sz)ti-=_window_sz;
-          }
-          p+=OPUS_SQRTF(re*re+im*im);
-        }
-        p*=(1.0F/_nchannels);
-        e2+=p*p;
-      }
-      _out[xi*_nbands+bi]=e2/(_bands[bi+1]-_bands[bi])+1;
-    }
-  }
-  free(window);
-static int cmp_float(const void *_a,const void *_b){
-  float a;
-  float b;
-  a=*(const float *)_a;
-  b=*(const float *)_b;
-  return (a>b)-(a<b);
-#define NBANDS (21)
-/*Bands on which we compute the pseudo-NMR (Bark-derived
-  CELT bands).*/
-static const int BANDS[NBANDS+1]={
-  0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,20,24,28,32,40,48,56,68,80,96,120,156,200
-/*Per-band NMR threshold.*/
-static const float NMR_THRESH[NBANDS]={
-85113.804F,72443.596F,61659.5F,  52480.746F,44668.359F,38018.940F,
-12302.688F,10471.285F, 8912.5094F,7585.7758F,6456.5423F,5495.4087F,
- 4677.3514F,3981.0717F,3388.4416F
-/*Noise floor.*/
-static const float NOISE_FLOOR[NBANDS]={
-#define TEST_WIN_SIZE (480)
-int main(int _argc,const char **_argv){
-  FILE   *fin1;
-  FILE   *fin2;
-  float  *x;
-  float  *y;
-  float  *xb;
-  float  *eb;
-  float  *nmr;
-  float   thresh;
-  float   mismatch;
-  float   err;
-  float   nmr_sum;
-  size_t  weight;
-  size_t  xlength;
-  size_t  ylength;
-  size_t  nframes;
-  size_t  xi;
-  int     bi;
-  int     nchannels;
-  if(_argc<3||_argc>4){
-    fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-s] <file1.sw> <file2.sw>\n",
-            _argv[0]);
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  }
-  nchannels=1;
-  if(strcmp(_argv[1],"-s")==0)nchannels=2;
-  fin1=fopen(_argv[nchannels],"rb");
-  if(fin1==NULL){
-    fprintf(stderr,"Error opening '%s'.\n",_argv[nchannels]);
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  }
-  fin2=fopen(_argv[nchannels+1],"rb");
-  if(fin2==NULL){
-    fprintf(stderr,"Error opening '%s'.\n",_argv[nchannels+1]);
-    fclose(fin1);
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  }
-  /*Read in the data and allocate scratch space.*/
-  xlength=read_pcm16(&x,fin1,nchannels);
-  fclose(fin1);
-  ylength=read_pcm16(&y,fin2,nchannels);
-  fclose(fin2);
-  if(xlength!=ylength){
-    fprintf(stderr,"Sample counts do not match (%lu!=%lu).\n",
-     (unsigned long)xlength,(unsigned long)ylength);
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  }
-  if(xlength<TEST_WIN_SIZE){
-    fprintf(stderr,"Insufficient sample data (%lu<%i).\n",
-     (unsigned long)xlength,TEST_WIN_SIZE);
-    return EXIT_FAILURE;
-  }
-  xb=(float *)opus_malloc(nframes*NBANDS*sizeof(*xb));
-  eb=(float *)opus_malloc(nframes*NBANDS*sizeof(*eb));
-  nmr=(float *)opus_malloc(nframes*NBANDS*sizeof(*nmr));
-  /*Compute the error signal.*/
-  for(xi=0;xi<xlength*nchannels;xi++){
-    err=x[xi]-y[xi];
-    y[xi]=err-OPUS_CLAMP(-1,err,1);
-  }
-  /*Compute the per-band spectral energy of the original signal
-    and the error.*/
-  band_energy(xb,BANDS,NBANDS,x,nchannels,nframes,
-  free(x);
-  band_energy(eb,BANDS,NBANDS,y,nchannels,nframes,
-  free(y);
-  nmr_sum=0;
-  for(xi=0;xi<nframes;xi++){
-    /*Frequency masking (low to high): 10 dB/Bark slope.*/
-    for(bi=1;bi<NBANDS;bi++)
-        xb[xi*NBANDS+bi]+=0.1F*xb[xi*NBANDS+bi-1];
-    /*Frequency masking (high to low): 15 dB/Bark slope.*/
-    for(bi=NBANDS-1;bi-->0;)
-        xb[xi*NBANDS+bi]+=0.03F*xb[xi*NBANDS+bi+1];
-    if(xi>0){
-      /*Temporal masking: 5 dB/5ms slope.*/
-      for(bi=0;bi<NBANDS;bi++)
-          xb[xi*NBANDS+bi]+=0.3F*xb[(xi-1)*NBANDS+bi];
-    }
-    /*Compute NMR.*/
-    for(bi=0;bi<NBANDS;bi++){
-      nmr[xi*NBANDS+bi]=xb[xi*NBANDS+bi]/eb[xi*NBANDS+bi];
-      nmr_sum+=10*OPUS_LOG10F(nmr[xi*NBANDS+bi]);
-    }
-  }
-  /*Find the 90th percentile of the errors.*/
-  memcpy(xb,eb,nframes*NBANDS*sizeof(*xb));
-  qsort(xb,nframes*NBANDS,sizeof(*xb),cmp_float);
-  thresh=xb[(9*nframes*NBANDS+5)/10];
-  free(xb);
-  /*Compute the mismatch.*/
-  mismatch=0;
-  weight=0;
-  for(xi=0;xi<nframes;xi++){
-    for(bi=0;bi<NBANDS;bi++){
-      if(eb[xi*NBANDS+bi]>thresh){
-        mismatch+=NMR_THRESH[bi]/nmr[xi*NBANDS+bi];
-        weight++;
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  free(nmr);
-  free(eb);
-  printf("Average pseudo-NMR: %3.2f dB\n",nmr_sum/(nframes*NBANDS));
-  if(weight<=0){
-    err=-100;
-    printf("Mismatch level: below noise floor\n");
-  }
-  else{
-    err=10*OPUS_LOG10F(mismatch/weight);
-    printf("Weighted mismatch: %3.2f dB\n",err);
-  }
-  printf("\n");
-  if(err<0){
-    printf("**Decoder PASSES test (mismatch < 0 dB)\n");
-    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
-  }
-  printf("**Decoder FAILS test (mismatch >= 0 dB)\n");
-  return EXIT_FAILURE;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/opus_compare.c
@@ -1,0 +1,284 @@
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <stdlib.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <string.h>
+#define OPUS_PI (3.14159265F)
+#define OPUS_MIN(_x,_y)      ((_x)<(_y)?(_x):(_y))
+#define OPUS_MAX(_x,_y)      ((_x)>(_y)?(_x):(_y))
+#define OPUS_CLAMP(_a,_b,_c) OPUS_MAX(_a,OPUS_MIN(_b,_c))
+#define OPUS_COSF(_x)        ((float)cos(_x))
+#define OPUS_SINF(_x)        ((float)sin(_x))
+#define OPUS_SQRTF(_x)       ((float)sqrt(_x))
+#define OPUS_LOG10F(_x)      ((float)log10(_x))
+static void *check_alloc(void *_ptr){
+  if(_ptr==NULL){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Out of memory.\n");
+    exit(EXIT_FAILURE);
+  }
+  return _ptr;
+static void *opus_malloc(size_t _size){
+  return check_alloc(malloc(_size));
+static void *opus_realloc(void *_ptr,size_t _size){
+  return check_alloc(realloc(_ptr,_size));
+static size_t read_pcm16(float **_samples,FILE *_fin,
+                         int _nchannels){
+  unsigned char  buf[1024];
+  float         *samples;
+  size_t         nsamples;
+  size_t         csamples;
+  size_t         xi;
+  size_t         nread;
+  samples=NULL;
+  nsamples=csamples=0;
+  for(;;){
+    nread=fread(buf,2*_nchannels,1024/(2*_nchannels),_fin);
+    if(nread<=0)break;
+    if(nsamples+nread>csamples){
+      do csamples=csamples<<1|1;
+      while(nsamples+nread>csamples);
+      samples=(float *)opus_realloc(samples,
+       _nchannels*csamples*sizeof(*samples));
+    }
+    for(xi=0;xi<nread;xi++){
+      int ci;
+      for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){
+        int s;
+        s=buf[2*(xi*_nchannels+ci)+1]<<8|buf[2*(xi*_nchannels+ci)];
+        s=((s&0xFFFF)^0x8000)-0x8000;
+        samples[(nsamples+xi)*_nchannels+ci]=s;
+      }
+    }
+    nsamples+=nread;
+  }
+  *_samples=(float *)opus_realloc(samples,
+                     _nchannels*nsamples*sizeof(*samples));
+  return nsamples;
+static void band_energy(float *_out,const int *_bands,int _nbands,
+ const float *_in,int _nchannels,size_t _nframes,int _window_sz,
+ int _step){
+  float *window;
+  float *x;
+  float *c;
+  float *s;
+  size_t xi;
+  int    xj;
+  window=(float *)opus_malloc((3+_nchannels)*_window_sz
+          *sizeof(*window));
+  c=window+_window_sz;
+  s=c+_window_sz;
+  x=s+_window_sz;
+  for(xj=0;xj<_window_sz;xj++){
+    window[xj]=0.5F-0.5F*OPUS_COSF((2*OPUS_PI/(_window_sz-1))*xj);
+  }
+  for(xj=0;xj<_window_sz;xj++)
+      c[xj]=OPUS_COSF((2*OPUS_PI/_window_sz)*xj);
+  for(xj=0;xj<_window_sz;xj++)
+      s[xj]=OPUS_SINF((2*OPUS_PI/_window_sz)*xj);
+  for(xi=0;xi<_nframes;xi++){
+    int ci;
+    int xk;
+    int bi;
+    for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){
+      for(xk=0;xk<_window_sz;xk++){
+        x[ci*_window_sz+xk]=window[xk]
+                           *_in[(xi*_step+xk)*_nchannels+ci];
+      }
+    }
+    for(bi=xj=0;bi<_nbands;bi++){
+      float e2;
+      e2=0;
+      for(;xj<_bands[bi+1];xj++){
+        float p;
+        p=0;
+        for(ci=0;ci<_nchannels;ci++){
+          float re;
+          float im;
+          int   ti;
+          ti=0;
+          re=im=0;
+          for(xk=0;xk<_window_sz;xk++){
+            re+=c[ti]*x[ci*_window_sz+xk];
+            im-=s[ti]*x[ci*_window_sz+xk];
+            ti+=xj;
+            if(ti>=_window_sz)ti-=_window_sz;
+          }
+          p+=OPUS_SQRTF(re*re+im*im);
+        }
+        p*=(1.0F/_nchannels);
+        e2+=p*p;
+      }
+      _out[xi*_nbands+bi]=e2/(_bands[bi+1]-_bands[bi])+1;
+    }
+  }
+  free(window);
+static int cmp_float(const void *_a,const void *_b){
+  float a;
+  float b;
+  a=*(const float *)_a;
+  b=*(const float *)_b;
+  return (a>b)-(a<b);
+#define NBANDS (21)
+/*Bands on which we compute the pseudo-NMR (Bark-derived
+  CELT bands).*/
+static const int BANDS[NBANDS+1]={
+  0,2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,20,24,28,32,40,48,56,68,80,96,120,156,200
+/*Per-band NMR threshold.*/
+static const float NMR_THRESH[NBANDS]={
+85113.804F,72443.596F,61659.5F,  52480.746F,44668.359F,38018.940F,
+12302.688F,10471.285F, 8912.5094F,7585.7758F,6456.5423F,5495.4087F,
+ 4677.3514F,3981.0717F,3388.4416F
+/*Noise floor.*/
+static const float NOISE_FLOOR[NBANDS]={
+#define TEST_WIN_SIZE (480)
+int main(int _argc,const char **_argv){
+  FILE   *fin1;
+  FILE   *fin2;
+  float  *x;
+  float  *y;
+  float  *xb;
+  float  *eb;
+  float  *nmr;
+  float   thresh;
+  float   mismatch;
+  float   err;
+  float   nmr_sum;
+  size_t  weight;
+  size_t  xlength;
+  size_t  ylength;
+  size_t  nframes;
+  size_t  xi;
+  int     bi;
+  int     nchannels;
+  if(_argc<3||_argc>4){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Usage: %s [-s] <file1.sw> <file2.sw>\n",
+            _argv[0]);
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  nchannels=1;
+  if(strcmp(_argv[1],"-s")==0)nchannels=2;
+  fin1=fopen(_argv[nchannels],"rb");
+  if(fin1==NULL){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Error opening '%s'.\n",_argv[nchannels]);
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  fin2=fopen(_argv[nchannels+1],"rb");
+  if(fin2==NULL){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Error opening '%s'.\n",_argv[nchannels+1]);
+    fclose(fin1);
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  /*Read in the data and allocate scratch space.*/
+  xlength=read_pcm16(&x,fin1,nchannels);
+  fclose(fin1);
+  ylength=read_pcm16(&y,fin2,nchannels);
+  fclose(fin2);
+  if(xlength!=ylength){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Sample counts do not match (%lu!=%lu).\n",
+     (unsigned long)xlength,(unsigned long)ylength);
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  if(xlength<TEST_WIN_SIZE){
+    fprintf(stderr,"Insufficient sample data (%lu<%i).\n",
+     (unsigned long)xlength,TEST_WIN_SIZE);
+    return EXIT_FAILURE;
+  }
+  xb=(float *)opus_malloc(nframes*NBANDS*sizeof(*xb));
+  eb=(float *)opus_malloc(nframes*NBANDS*sizeof(*eb));
+  nmr=(float *)opus_malloc(nframes*NBANDS*sizeof(*nmr));
+  /*Compute the error signal.*/
+  for(xi=0;xi<xlength*nchannels;xi++){
+    err=x[xi]-y[xi];
+    y[xi]=err-OPUS_CLAMP(-1,err,1);
+  }
+  /*Compute the per-band spectral energy of the original signal
+    and the error.*/
+  band_energy(xb,BANDS,NBANDS,x,nchannels,nframes,
+  free(x);
+  band_energy(eb,BANDS,NBANDS,y,nchannels,nframes,
+  free(y);
+  nmr_sum=0;
+  for(xi=0;xi<nframes;xi++){
+    /*Frequency masking (low to high): 10 dB/Bark slope.*/
+    for(bi=1;bi<NBANDS;bi++)
+        xb[xi*NBANDS+bi]+=0.1F*xb[xi*NBANDS+bi-1];
+    /*Frequency masking (high to low): 15 dB/Bark slope.*/
+    for(bi=NBANDS-1;bi-->0;)
+        xb[xi*NBANDS+bi]+=0.03F*xb[xi*NBANDS+bi+1];
+    if(xi>0){
+      /*Temporal masking: 5 dB/5ms slope.*/
+      for(bi=0;bi<NBANDS;bi++)
+          xb[xi*NBANDS+bi]+=0.3F*xb[(xi-1)*NBANDS+bi];
+    }
+    /*Compute NMR.*/
+    for(bi=0;bi<NBANDS;bi++){
+      nmr[xi*NBANDS+bi]=xb[xi*NBANDS+bi]/eb[xi*NBANDS+bi];
+      nmr_sum+=10*OPUS_LOG10F(nmr[xi*NBANDS+bi]);
+    }
+  }
+  /*Find the 90th percentile of the errors.*/
+  memcpy(xb,eb,nframes*NBANDS*sizeof(*xb));
+  qsort(xb,nframes*NBANDS,sizeof(*xb),cmp_float);
+  thresh=xb[(9*nframes*NBANDS+5)/10];
+  free(xb);
+  /*Compute the mismatch.*/
+  mismatch=0;
+  weight=0;
+  for(xi=0;xi<nframes;xi++){
+    for(bi=0;bi<NBANDS;bi++){
+      if(eb[xi*NBANDS+bi]>thresh){
+        mismatch+=NMR_THRESH[bi]/nmr[xi*NBANDS+bi];
+        weight++;
+      }
+    }
+  }
+  free(nmr);
+  free(eb);
+  printf("Average pseudo-NMR: %3.2f dB\n",nmr_sum/(nframes*NBANDS));
+  if(weight<=0){
+    err=-100;
+    printf("Mismatch level: below noise floor\n");
+  }
+  else{
+    err=10*OPUS_LOG10F(mismatch/weight);
+    printf("Weighted mismatch: %3.2f dB\n",err);
+  }
+  printf("\n");
+  if(err<0){
+    printf("**Decoder PASSES test (mismatch < 0 dB)\n");
+    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
+  }
+  printf("**Decoder FAILS test (mismatch >= 0 dB)\n");
+  return EXIT_FAILURE;