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ref: aa7e174891f9132279a74c6b6e0ca0f0f68520c1
parent: 2955f68b14a1a8b8fb2be4af170ed621b8f73c9d
author: Koen Vos <[email protected]>
date: Sun Feb 21 08:31:19 EST 2016

NLSF VQ now uses absolute error, and prediction

--- a/silk/NLSF_VQ.c
+++ b/silk/NLSF_VQ.c
@@ -33,36 +33,44 @@
 /* Compute quantization errors for an LPC_order element input vector for a VQ codebook */
 void silk_NLSF_VQ(
-    opus_int32                  err_Q26[],                      /* O    Quantization errors [K]                     */
+    opus_int32                  err_Q24[],                      /* O    Quantization errors [K]                     */
     const opus_int16            in_Q15[],                       /* I    Input vectors to be quantized [LPC_order]   */
     const opus_uint8            pCB_Q8[],                       /* I    Codebook vectors [K*LPC_order]              */
+    const opus_int16            pWght_Q9[],                     /* I    Codebook weights [K*LPC_order]              */
     const opus_int              K,                              /* I    Number of codebook vectors                  */
     const opus_int              LPC_order                       /* I    Number of LPCs                              */
-    opus_int        i, m;
-    opus_int32      diff_Q15, sum_error_Q30, sum_error_Q26;
+    opus_int         i, m;
+    opus_int32       diff_Q15, diffw_Q24, sum_error_Q24, pred_Q24;
+    const opus_int16 *w_Q9_ptr;
+    const opus_uint8 *cb_Q8_ptr;
-    silk_assert( LPC_order <= 16 );
     silk_assert( ( LPC_order & 1 ) == 0 );
     /* Loop over codebook */
+    cb_Q8_ptr = pCB_Q8;
+    w_Q9_ptr = pWght_Q9;
     for( i = 0; i < K; i++ ) {
-        sum_error_Q26 = 0;
-        for( m = 0; m < LPC_order; m += 2 ) {
-            /* Compute weighted squared quantization error for index m */
-            diff_Q15 = silk_SUB_LSHIFT32( in_Q15[ m ], (opus_int32)*pCB_Q8++, 7 ); /* range: [ -32767 : 32767 ]*/
-            sum_error_Q30 = silk_SMULBB( diff_Q15, diff_Q15 );
+        sum_error_Q24 = 0;
+        pred_Q24 = 0;
+        for( m = LPC_order-2; m >= 0; m -= 2 ) {
+            /* Compute weighted absolute predictive quantization error for index m + 1 */
+            diff_Q15 = silk_SUB_LSHIFT32( in_Q15[ m + 1 ], (opus_int32)cb_Q8_ptr[ m + 1 ], 7 ); /* range: [ -32767 : 32767 ]*/
+            diffw_Q24 = silk_SMULBB( diff_Q15, w_Q9_ptr[ m + 1 ] );
+            sum_error_Q24 = silk_ADD32( sum_error_Q24, silk_abs( silk_SUB_RSHIFT32( diffw_Q24, pred_Q24, 1 ) ) );
+            pred_Q24 = diffw_Q24;
-            /* Compute weighted squared quantization error for index m + 1 */
-            diff_Q15 = silk_SUB_LSHIFT32( in_Q15[m + 1], (opus_int32)*pCB_Q8++, 7 ); /* range: [ -32767 : 32767 ]*/
-            sum_error_Q30 = silk_SMLABB( sum_error_Q30, diff_Q15, diff_Q15 );
+            /* Compute weighted absolute predictive quantization error for index m */
+            diff_Q15 = silk_SUB_LSHIFT32( in_Q15[ m ], (opus_int32)cb_Q8_ptr[ m ], 7 ); /* range: [ -32767 : 32767 ]*/
+            diffw_Q24 = silk_SMULBB( diff_Q15, w_Q9_ptr[ m ] );
+            sum_error_Q24 = silk_ADD32( sum_error_Q24, silk_abs( silk_SUB_RSHIFT32( diffw_Q24, pred_Q24, 1 ) ) );
+            pred_Q24 = diffw_Q24;
-            sum_error_Q26 = silk_ADD_RSHIFT32( sum_error_Q26, sum_error_Q30, 4 );
-            silk_assert( sum_error_Q26 >= 0 );
-            silk_assert( sum_error_Q30 >= 0 );
+            silk_assert( sum_error_Q24 >= 0 );
-        err_Q26[ i ] = sum_error_Q26;
+        err_Q24[ i ] = sum_error_Q24;
+        cb_Q8_ptr += LPC_order;
+        w_Q9_ptr += LPC_order;
--- a/silk/NLSF_decode.c
+++ b/silk/NLSF_decode.c
@@ -32,7 +32,7 @@
 #include "main.h"
 /* Predictive dequantizer for NLSF residuals */
-static OPUS_INLINE void silk_NLSF_residual_dequant(               /* O    Returns RD value in Q30                     */
+static OPUS_INLINE void silk_NLSF_residual_dequant(          /* O    Returns RD value in Q30                     */
           opus_int16         x_Q10[],                        /* O    Output [ order ]                            */
     const opus_int8          indices[],                      /* I    Quantization indices [ order ]              */
     const opus_uint8         pred_coef_Q8[],                 /* I    Backward predictor coefs [ order ]          */
--- a/silk/NLSF_encode.c
+++ b/silk/NLSF_encode.c
@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
     /* First stage: VQ */
     ALLOC( err_Q26, psNLSF_CB->nVectors, opus_int32 );
-    silk_NLSF_VQ( err_Q26, pNLSF_Q15, psNLSF_CB->CB1_NLSF_Q8, psNLSF_CB->nVectors, psNLSF_CB->order );
+    silk_NLSF_VQ( err_Q26, pNLSF_Q15, psNLSF_CB->CB1_NLSF_Q8, psNLSF_CB->CB1_Wght_Q9, psNLSF_CB->nVectors, psNLSF_CB->order );
     /* Sort the quantization errors */
     ALLOC( tempIndices1, nSurvivors, opus_int );
--- a/silk/main.h
+++ b/silk/main.h
@@ -346,6 +346,7 @@
     opus_int32                  err_Q26[],                      /* O    Quantization errors [K]                     */
     const opus_int16            in_Q15[],                       /* I    Input vectors to be quantized [LPC_order]   */
     const opus_uint8            pCB_Q8[],                       /* I    Codebook vectors [K*LPC_order]              */
+    const opus_int16            pWght_Q9[],                     /* I    Codebook weights [K*LPC_order]              */
     const opus_int              K,                              /* I    Number of codebook vectors                  */
     const opus_int              LPC_order                       /* I    Number of LPCs                              */