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ref: 9cbbcb53ae4b9123ce9687c787f61a546b43a581
parent: 1bcf028af8ff0346bf44ee530f41e3822fe5ee23
author: Koen Vos <[email protected]>
date: Thu Jul 12 10:36:38 EDT 2012

Improvements to the pitch search

Normalizes the cost function by (x+y) instead of sqrt(x*y)

--- a/silk/SigProc_FIX.h
+++ b/silk/SigProc_FIX.h
@@ -168,12 +168,6 @@
     const opus_int32            inLog_Q7            /* I  input on log scale                                            */
-/* Function that returns the maximum absolut value of the input vector */
-opus_int16 silk_int16_array_maxabs(                 /* O   Maximum absolute value, max: 2^15-1                          */
-    const opus_int16            *vec,               /* I   Input vector  [len]                                          */
-    const opus_int32            len                 /* I   Length of input vector                                       */
 /* Compute number of bits to right shift the sum of squares of a vector    */
 /* of int16s to make it fit in an int32                                    */
 void silk_sum_sqr_shift(
@@ -252,7 +246,7 @@
     opus_int                    *LTPCorr_Q15,       /* I/O  Normalized correlation; input: value from previous frame    */
     opus_int                    prevLag,            /* I    Last lag of previous frame; set to zero is unvoiced         */
     const opus_int32            search_thres1_Q16,  /* I    First stage threshold for lag candidates 0 - 1              */
-    const opus_int              search_thres2_Q15,  /* I    Final threshold for lag candidates 0 - 1                    */
+    const opus_int              search_thres2_Q13,  /* I    Final threshold for lag candidates 0 - 1                    */
     const opus_int              Fs_kHz,             /* I    Sample frequency (kHz)                                      */
     const opus_int              complexity,         /* I    Complexity setting, 0-2, where 2 is highest                 */
     const opus_int              nb_subfr            /* I    number of 5 ms subframes                                    */
--- a/silk/fixed/find_pitch_lags_FIX.c
+++ b/silk/fixed/find_pitch_lags_FIX.c
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@
     opus_int   buf_len, i, scale;
-    opus_int32 thrhld_Q15, res_nrg;
+    opus_int32 thrhld_Q13, res_nrg;
     const opus_int16 *x_buf, *x_buf_ptr;
     opus_int16 Wsig[      FIND_PITCH_LPC_WIN_MAX ], *Wsig_ptr;
     opus_int32 auto_corr[ MAX_FIND_PITCH_LPC_ORDER + 1 ];
@@ -110,12 +110,12 @@
     if( psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType != TYPE_NO_VOICE_ACTIVITY && psEnc->sCmn.first_frame_after_reset == 0 ) {
         /* Threshold for pitch estimator */
-        thrhld_Q15 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.6, 15 );
-        thrhld_Q15 = silk_SMLABB( thrhld_Q15, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.004, 15 ), psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder );
-        thrhld_Q15 = silk_SMLABB( thrhld_Q15, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.1,   7  ), psEnc->sCmn.speech_activity_Q8 );
-        thrhld_Q15 = silk_SMLABB( thrhld_Q15, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.15,  15 ), silk_RSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.prevSignalType, 1 ) );
-        thrhld_Q15 = silk_SMLAWB( thrhld_Q15, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.1,   16 ), psEnc->sCmn.input_tilt_Q15 );
-        thrhld_Q15 = silk_SAT16(  thrhld_Q15 );
+        thrhld_Q13 = SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.6, 13 );
+        thrhld_Q13 = silk_SMLABB( thrhld_Q13, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.004, 13 ), psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationLPCOrder );
+        thrhld_Q13 = silk_SMLAWB( thrhld_Q13, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.1,   21  ), psEnc->sCmn.speech_activity_Q8 );
+        thrhld_Q13 = silk_SMLABB( thrhld_Q13, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.15,  13 ), silk_RSHIFT( psEnc->sCmn.prevSignalType, 1 ) );
+        thrhld_Q13 = silk_SMLAWB( thrhld_Q13, SILK_FIX_CONST( -0.1,   14 ), psEnc->sCmn.input_tilt_Q15 );
+        thrhld_Q13 = silk_SAT16(  thrhld_Q13 );
         /* Call pitch estimator                  */
@@ -122,7 +122,7 @@
         if( silk_pitch_analysis_core( res, psEncCtrl->pitchL, &psEnc->sCmn.indices.lagIndex, &psEnc->sCmn.indices.contourIndex,
                 &psEnc->LTPCorr_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.prevLag, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationThreshold_Q16,
-                (opus_int16)thrhld_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.fs_kHz, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationComplexity, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr ) == 0 )
+                (opus_int)thrhld_Q13, psEnc->sCmn.fs_kHz, psEnc->sCmn.pitchEstimationComplexity, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr ) == 0 )
             psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType = TYPE_VOICED;
         } else {
--- a/silk/fixed/pitch_analysis_core_FIX.c
+++ b/silk/fixed/pitch_analysis_core_FIX.c
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@
 /* Internally used functions                                */
-void silk_P_Ana_calc_corr_st3(
-    opus_int32        cross_corr_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ],/* (O) 3 DIM correlation array */
+static void silk_P_Ana_calc_corr_st3(
+    opus_int32        cross_corr_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ],/* O 3 DIM correlation array */
     const opus_int16  frame[],                         /* I vector to correlate         */
     opus_int          start_lag,                       /* I lag offset to search around */
     opus_int          sf_length,                       /* I length of a 5 ms subframe   */
@@ -50,8 +50,8 @@
     opus_int          complexity                       /* I Complexity setting          */
-void silk_P_Ana_calc_energy_st3(
-    opus_int32        energies_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ],/* (O) 3 DIM energy array */
+static void silk_P_Ana_calc_energy_st3(
+    opus_int32        energies_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ],/* O 3 DIM energy array */
     const opus_int16  frame[],                         /* I vector to calc energy in    */
     opus_int          start_lag,                       /* I lag offset to search around */
     opus_int          sf_length,                       /* I length of one 5 ms subframe */
@@ -59,12 +59,6 @@
     opus_int          complexity                       /* I Complexity setting          */
-opus_int32 silk_P_Ana_find_scaling(
-    const opus_int16  *frame,
-    const opus_int    frame_length,
-    const opus_int    sum_sqr_len
@@ -76,7 +70,7 @@
     opus_int                    *LTPCorr_Q15,       /* I/O  Normalized correlation; input: value from previous frame    */
     opus_int                    prevLag,            /* I    Last lag of previous frame; set to zero is unvoiced         */
     const opus_int32            search_thres1_Q16,  /* I    First stage threshold for lag candidates 0 - 1              */
-    const opus_int              search_thres2_Q15,  /* I    Final threshold for lag candidates 0 - 1                    */
+    const opus_int              search_thres2_Q13,  /* I    Final threshold for lag candidates 0 - 1                    */
     const opus_int              Fs_kHz,             /* I    Sample frequency (kHz)                                      */
     const opus_int              complexity,         /* I    Complexity setting, 0-2, where 2 is highest                 */
     const opus_int              nb_subfr            /* I    number of 5 ms subframes                                    */
@@ -93,18 +87,18 @@
     opus_int32 cross_corr, normalizer, energy, shift, energy_basis, energy_target;
     opus_int   d_srch[ PE_D_SRCH_LENGTH ], Cmax, length_d_srch, length_d_comp;
     opus_int16 d_comp[ ( PE_MAX_LAG >> 1 ) + 5 ];
-    opus_int32 sum, threshold, temp32, lag_counter;
+    opus_int32 sum, threshold, lag_counter;
     opus_int   CBimax, CBimax_new, CBimax_old, lag, start_lag, end_lag, lag_new;
     opus_int32 CC[ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE2_EXT ], CCmax, CCmax_b, CCmax_new_b, CCmax_new;
     opus_int32 energies_st3[  PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ];
     opus_int32 crosscorr_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ];
-    opus_int   frame_length, frame_length_8kHz, frame_length_4kHz, max_sum_sq_length;
+    opus_int   frame_length, frame_length_8kHz, frame_length_4kHz;
     opus_int   sf_length, sf_length_8kHz, sf_length_4kHz;
     opus_int   min_lag, min_lag_8kHz, min_lag_4kHz;
     opus_int   max_lag, max_lag_8kHz, max_lag_4kHz;
-    opus_int32 contour_bias_Q20, diff, lz, lshift;
+    opus_int32 contour_bias_Q15, diff;
     opus_int   nb_cbk_search, cbk_size;
-    opus_int32 delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7, lag_log2_Q7, prevLag_log2_Q7, prev_lag_bias_Q15, corr_thres_Q15;
+    opus_int32 delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7, lag_log2_Q7, prevLag_log2_Q7, prev_lag_bias_Q13;
     const opus_int8 *Lag_CB_ptr;
     /* Check for valid sampling frequency */
     silk_assert( Fs_kHz == 8 || Fs_kHz == 12 || Fs_kHz == 16 );
@@ -114,7 +108,7 @@
     silk_assert( complexity <= SILK_PE_MAX_COMPLEX );
     silk_assert( search_thres1_Q16 >= 0 && search_thres1_Q16 <= (1<<16) );
-    silk_assert( search_thres2_Q15 >= 0 && search_thres2_Q15 <= (1<<15) );
+    silk_assert( search_thres2_Q13 >= 0 && search_thres2_Q13 <= (1<<13) );
     /* Set up frame lengths max / min lag for the sampling frequency */
     frame_length      = ( PE_LTP_MEM_LENGTH_MS + nb_subfr * PE_SUBFR_LENGTH_MS ) * Fs_kHz;
@@ -130,8 +124,6 @@
     max_lag_4kHz      = PE_MAX_LAG_MS * 4;
     max_lag_8kHz      = PE_MAX_LAG_MS * 8 - 1;
-    silk_memset( C, 0, sizeof( opus_int16 ) * nb_subfr * ( ( PE_MAX_LAG >> 1 ) + 5) );
     /* Resample from input sampled at Fs_kHz to 8 kHz */
     if( Fs_kHz == 16 ) {
         silk_memset( filt_state, 0, 2 * sizeof( opus_int32 ) );
@@ -159,9 +151,9 @@
     /* Inner product is calculated with different lengths, so scale for the worst case */
-    max_sum_sq_length = silk_max_32( sf_length_8kHz, silk_LSHIFT( sf_length_4kHz, 2 ) );
-    shift = silk_P_Ana_find_scaling( frame_4kHz, frame_length_4kHz, max_sum_sq_length );
+    silk_sum_sqr_shift( &energy, &shift, frame_4kHz, frame_length_4kHz );
     if( shift > 0 ) {
+        shift = silk_RSHIFT( shift, 1 );
         for( i = 0; i < frame_length_4kHz; i++ ) {
             frame_4kHz[ i ] = silk_RSHIFT( frame_4kHz[ i ], shift );
@@ -170,6 +162,7 @@
     * FIRST STAGE, operating in 4 khz
+    silk_memset( C, 0, sizeof( opus_int16 ) * nb_subfr * ( ( PE_MAX_LAG >> 1 ) + 5) );
     target_ptr = &frame_4kHz[ silk_LSHIFT( sf_length_4kHz, 2 ) ];
     for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr >> 1; k++ ) {
         /* Check that we are within range of the array */
@@ -183,12 +176,12 @@
         silk_assert( basis_ptr + sf_length_8kHz <= frame_4kHz + frame_length_4kHz );
         /* Calculate first vector products before loop */
-        cross_corr = silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
-        normalizer = silk_inner_prod_aligned( basis_ptr,  basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
-        normalizer = silk_ADD_SAT32( normalizer, silk_SMULBB( sf_length_8kHz, 4000 ) );
+        cross_corr = silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, basis_ptr,  sf_length_8kHz );
+        normalizer = silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, target_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
+        normalizer = silk_ADD32( normalizer, silk_inner_prod_aligned( basis_ptr,  basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz ) );
+        normalizer = silk_ADD32( normalizer, silk_SMULBB( sf_length_8kHz, 4000 ) );
-        temp32 = silk_DIV32( cross_corr, silk_SQRT_APPROX( normalizer ) + 1 );
-        C[ k ][ min_lag_4kHz ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( temp32 );        /* Q0 */
+        C[ k ][ min_lag_4kHz ] = (opus_int16)silk_DIV32_varQ( cross_corr, normalizer, 13 + 1 ); /* Q13 */
         /* From now on normalizer is computed recursively */
         for( d = min_lag_4kHz + 1; d <= max_lag_4kHz; d++ ) {
@@ -201,12 +194,11 @@
             cross_corr = silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
             /* Add contribution of new sample and remove contribution from oldest sample */
-            normalizer +=
+            normalizer = silk_ADD32( normalizer,
                 silk_SMULBB( basis_ptr[ 0 ], basis_ptr[ 0 ] ) -
-                silk_SMULBB( basis_ptr[ sf_length_8kHz ], basis_ptr[ sf_length_8kHz ] );
+                silk_SMULBB( basis_ptr[ sf_length_8kHz ], basis_ptr[ sf_length_8kHz ] ) );
-            temp32 = silk_DIV32( cross_corr, silk_SQRT_APPROX( normalizer ) + 1 );
-            C[ k ][ d ] = (opus_int16)silk_SAT16( temp32 );                        /* Q0 */
+            C[ k ][ d ] = (opus_int16)silk_DIV32_varQ( cross_corr, normalizer, 13 + 1 );        /* Q13 */
         /* Update target pointer */
         target_ptr += sf_length_8kHz;
@@ -215,20 +207,16 @@
     /* Combine two subframes into single correlation measure and apply short-lag bias */
     if( nb_subfr == PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ) {
         for( i = max_lag_4kHz; i >= min_lag_4kHz; i-- ) {
-            sum = (opus_int32)C[ 0 ][ i ] + (opus_int32)C[ 1 ][ i ];                /* Q0 */
-            silk_assert( silk_RSHIFT( sum, 1 ) == silk_SAT16( silk_RSHIFT( sum, 1 ) ) );
-            sum = silk_RSHIFT( sum, 1 );                                           /* Q-1 */
-            silk_assert( silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)-i, 4 ) == silk_SAT16( silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)-i, 4 ) ) );
-            sum = silk_SMLAWB( sum, sum, silk_LSHIFT( -i, 4 ) );                    /* Q-1 */
-            silk_assert( sum == silk_SAT16( sum ) );
-            C[ 0 ][ i ] = (opus_int16)sum;                                         /* Q-1 */
+            sum = (opus_int32)C[ 0 ][ i ] + (opus_int32) C[ 1 ][ i ];                           /* Q14 */
+            sum = silk_SMLAWB( sum, sum, silk_LSHIFT( -i, 4 ) );                                /* Q14 */
+            C[ 0 ][ i ] = (opus_int16)sum;                                                      /* Q14 */
     } else {
         /* Only short-lag bias */
         for( i = max_lag_4kHz; i >= min_lag_4kHz; i-- ) {
-            sum = (opus_int32)C[ 0 ][ i ];
-            sum = silk_SMLAWB( sum, sum, silk_LSHIFT( -i, 4 ) );                    /* Q-1 */
-            C[ 0 ][ i ] = (opus_int16)sum;                                         /* Q-1 */
+            sum = silk_LSHIFT( (opus_int32)C[ 0 ][ i ], 1 );                                    /* Q14 */
+            sum = silk_SMLAWB( sum, sum, silk_LSHIFT( -i, 4 ) );                                /* Q14 */
+            C[ 0 ][ i ] = (opus_int16)sum;                                                      /* Q14 */
@@ -238,14 +226,8 @@
     silk_insertion_sort_decreasing_int16( &C[ 0 ][ min_lag_4kHz ], d_srch, max_lag_4kHz - min_lag_4kHz + 1, length_d_srch );
     /* Escape if correlation is very low already here */
-    target_ptr = &frame_4kHz[ silk_SMULBB( sf_length_4kHz, nb_subfr ) ];
-    energy = silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, target_ptr, silk_LSHIFT( sf_length_4kHz, 2 ) );
-    energy = silk_ADD_SAT32( energy, 1000 );                                  /* Q0 */
-    Cmax = (opus_int)C[ 0 ][ min_lag_4kHz ];                                  /* Q-1 */
-    threshold = silk_SMULBB( Cmax, Cmax );                                    /* Q-2 */
-    /* Compare in Q-2 domain */
-    if( silk_RSHIFT( energy, 4 + 2 ) > threshold ) {
+    Cmax = (opus_int)C[ 0 ][ min_lag_4kHz ];                                                    /* Q14 */
+    if( Cmax < SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.2, 14 ) ) {
         silk_memset( pitch_out, 0, nb_subfr * sizeof( opus_int ) );
         *LTPCorr_Q15  = 0;
         *lagIndex     = 0;
@@ -306,8 +288,9 @@
     ** Scale signal down to avoid correlations measures from overflowing
     /* find scaling as max scaling for each subframe */
-    shift = silk_P_Ana_find_scaling( frame_8kHz, frame_length_8kHz, sf_length_8kHz );
+    silk_sum_sqr_shift( &energy, &shift, frame_8kHz, frame_length_8kHz );
     if( shift > 0 ) {
+        shift = silk_RSHIFT( shift, 1 );
         for( i = 0; i < frame_length_8kHz; i++ ) {
             frame_8kHz[ i ] = silk_RSHIFT( frame_8kHz[ i ], shift );
@@ -325,7 +308,7 @@
         silk_assert( target_ptr >= frame_8kHz );
         silk_assert( target_ptr + sf_length_8kHz <= frame_8kHz + frame_length_8kHz );
-        energy_target = silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, target_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
+        energy_target = silk_ADD32( silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, target_ptr, sf_length_8kHz ), 1 );
         for( j = 0; j < length_d_comp; j++ ) {
             d = d_comp[ j ];
             basis_ptr = target_ptr - d;
@@ -334,20 +317,10 @@
             silk_assert( basis_ptr >= frame_8kHz );
             silk_assert( basis_ptr + sf_length_8kHz <= frame_8kHz + frame_length_8kHz );
-            cross_corr   = silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
-            energy_basis = silk_inner_prod_aligned( basis_ptr,  basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
+            cross_corr = silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
             if( cross_corr > 0 ) {
-                energy = silk_max( energy_target, energy_basis ); /* Find max to make sure first division < 1.0 */
-                lz = silk_CLZ32( cross_corr );
-                lshift = silk_LIMIT_32( lz - 1, 0, 15 );
-                temp32 = silk_DIV32( silk_LSHIFT( cross_corr, lshift ), silk_RSHIFT( energy, 15 - lshift ) + 1 ); /* Q15 */
-                silk_assert( temp32 == silk_SAT16( temp32 ) );
-                temp32 = silk_SMULWB( cross_corr, temp32 ); /* Q(-1), cc * ( cc / max(b, t) ) */
-                temp32 = silk_ADD_SAT32( temp32, temp32 );  /* Q(0) */
-                lz = silk_CLZ32( temp32 );
-                lshift = silk_LIMIT_32( lz - 1, 0, 15 );
-                energy = silk_min( energy_target, energy_basis );
-                C[ k ][ d ] = silk_DIV32( silk_LSHIFT( temp32, lshift ), silk_RSHIFT( energy, 15 - lshift ) + 1 ); /* Q15*/
+                energy_basis = silk_inner_prod_aligned( basis_ptr, basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
+                C[ k ][ d ] = (opus_int16)silk_DIV32_varQ( cross_corr, silk_ADD32( energy_target, energy_basis ), 13 + 1 );        /* Q13 */
             } else {
                 C[ k ][ d ] = 0;
@@ -374,7 +347,7 @@
     } else {
         prevLag_log2_Q7 = 0;
-    silk_assert( search_thres2_Q15 == silk_SAT16( search_thres2_Q15 ) );
+    silk_assert( search_thres2_Q13 == silk_SAT16( search_thres2_Q13 ) );
     /* Set up stage 2 codebook based on number of subframes */
     if( nb_subfr == PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ) {
         cbk_size   = PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE2_EXT;
@@ -385,12 +358,10 @@
         } else {
             nb_cbk_search = PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE2;
-        corr_thres_Q15 = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( search_thres2_Q15, search_thres2_Q15 ), 13 );
     } else {
         cbk_size       = PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE2_10MS;
         Lag_CB_ptr     = &silk_CB_lags_stage2_10_ms[ 0 ][ 0 ];
         nb_cbk_search  = PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE2_10MS;
-        corr_thres_Q15 = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( search_thres2_Q15, search_thres2_Q15 ), 14 );
     for( k = 0; k < length_d_srch; k++ ) {
@@ -399,7 +370,7 @@
             CC[ j ] = 0;
             for( i = 0; i < nb_subfr; i++ ) {
                 /* Try all codebooks */
-                CC[ j ] = CC[ j ] + (opus_int32)C[ i ][ d + matrix_ptr( Lag_CB_ptr, i, j, cbk_size )];
+                CC[ j ] = CC[ j ] + (opus_int32)C[ i ][ d + matrix_ptr( Lag_CB_ptr, i, j, cbk_size ) ];
         /* Find best codebook */
@@ -413,24 +384,24 @@
         /* Bias towards shorter lags */
-        lag_log2_Q7 = silk_lin2log( (opus_int32)d ); /* Q7 */
+        lag_log2_Q7 = silk_lin2log( d ); /* Q7 */
         silk_assert( lag_log2_Q7 == silk_SAT16( lag_log2_Q7 ) );
-        silk_assert( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_SHORTLAG_BIAS, 15 ) == silk_SAT16( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_SHORTLAG_BIAS, 15 ) ) );
-        CCmax_new_b = CCmax_new - silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_SHORTLAG_BIAS, 15 ), lag_log2_Q7 ), 7 ); /* Q15 */
+        silk_assert( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_SHORTLAG_BIAS, 13 ) == silk_SAT16( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_SHORTLAG_BIAS, 13 ) ) );
+        CCmax_new_b = CCmax_new - silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_SHORTLAG_BIAS, 13 ), lag_log2_Q7 ), 7 ); /* Q13 */
         /* Bias towards previous lag */
-        silk_assert( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_PREVLAG_BIAS, 15 ) == silk_SAT16( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_PREVLAG_BIAS, 15 ) ) );
+        silk_assert( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_PREVLAG_BIAS, 13 ) == silk_SAT16( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_PREVLAG_BIAS, 13 ) ) );
         if( prevLag > 0 ) {
             delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7 = lag_log2_Q7 - prevLag_log2_Q7;
             silk_assert( delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7 == silk_SAT16( delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7 ) );
             delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7 = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7, delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7 ), 7 );
-            prev_lag_bias_Q15 = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_PREVLAG_BIAS, 15 ), *LTPCorr_Q15 ), 15 ); /* Q15 */
-            prev_lag_bias_Q15 = silk_DIV32( silk_MUL( prev_lag_bias_Q15, delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7 ), delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7 + ( 1 << 6 ) );
-            CCmax_new_b -= prev_lag_bias_Q15; /* Q15 */
+            prev_lag_bias_Q13 = silk_RSHIFT( silk_SMULBB( nb_subfr * SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_PREVLAG_BIAS, 13 ), *LTPCorr_Q15 ), 15 ); /* Q13 */
+            prev_lag_bias_Q13 = silk_DIV32( silk_MUL( prev_lag_bias_Q13, delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7 ), delta_lag_log2_sqr_Q7 + SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.5, 7 ) );
+            CCmax_new_b -= prev_lag_bias_Q13; /* Q13 */
         if( CCmax_new_b > CCmax_b                                   &&  /* Find maximum biased correlation                  */
-            CCmax_new > corr_thres_Q15                              &&  /* Correlation needs to be high enough to be voiced */
+            CCmax_new > silk_SMULBB( nb_subfr, search_thres2_Q13 )  &&  /* Correlation needs to be high enough to be voiced */
             silk_CB_lags_stage2[ 0 ][ CBimax_new ] <= min_lag_8kHz      /* Lag must be in range                             */
          ) {
             CCmax_b = CCmax_new_b;
@@ -449,15 +420,20 @@
         return 1;
+    /* Output normalized correlation */
+    *LTPCorr_Q15 = (opus_int)silk_LSHIFT( silk_DIV32_16( CCmax, nb_subfr ), 2 ); 
+    silk_assert( *LTPCorr_Q15 >= 0 );
     if( Fs_kHz > 8 ) {
         /* Scale input signal down to avoid correlations measures from overflowing */
         /* find scaling as max scaling for each subframe */
-        shift = silk_P_Ana_find_scaling( frame, frame_length, sf_length );
+        silk_sum_sqr_shift( &energy, &shift, frame, frame_length );
         if( shift > 0 ) {
             /* Move signal to scratch mem because the input signal should be unchanged */
             /* Reuse the 32 bit scratch mem vector, use a 16 bit pointer from now */
+            shift = silk_RSHIFT( shift, 1 );
             input_frame_ptr = (opus_int16*)scratch_mem;
             for( i = 0; i < frame_length; i++ ) {
                 input_frame_ptr[ i ] = silk_RSHIFT( frame[ i ], shift );
@@ -483,9 +459,7 @@
         start_lag = silk_max_int( lag - 2, min_lag );
         end_lag   = silk_min_int( lag + 2, max_lag );
         lag_new   = lag;                                    /* to avoid undefined lag */
-        CBimax    = 0;                                        /* to avoid undefined lag */
-        silk_assert( silk_LSHIFT( CCmax, 13 ) >= 0 );
-        *LTPCorr_Q15 = (opus_int)silk_SQRT_APPROX( silk_LSHIFT( CCmax, 13 ) ); /* Output normalized correlation */
+        CBimax    = 0;                                      /* to avoid undefined lag */
         CCmax = silk_int32_MIN;
         /* pitch lags according to second stage */
@@ -498,7 +472,7 @@
         lag_counter = 0;
         silk_assert( lag == silk_SAT16( lag ) );
-        contour_bias_Q20 = silk_DIV32_16( SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_FLATCONTOUR_BIAS, 20 ), lag );
+        contour_bias_Q15 = silk_DIV32_16( SILK_FIX_CONST( PE_FLATCONTOUR_BIAS, 15 ), lag );
         /* Set up codebook parameters according to complexity setting and frame length */
         if( nb_subfr == PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ) {
@@ -510,41 +484,29 @@
             cbk_size        = PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_10MS;
             Lag_CB_ptr      = &silk_CB_lags_stage3_10_ms[ 0 ][ 0 ];
+        target_ptr = &frame[ PE_LTP_MEM_LENGTH_MS * Fs_kHz ];
+        energy_target = silk_ADD32( silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, target_ptr, nb_subfr * sf_length ), 1 );
         for( d = start_lag; d <= end_lag; d++ ) {
             for( j = 0; j < nb_cbk_search; j++ ) {
                 cross_corr = 0;
-                energy     = 0;
+                energy     = energy_target;
                 for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
-                    silk_assert( PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR == 4 );
-                    energy     += silk_RSHIFT( energies_st3[  k ][ j ][ lag_counter ], 2 ); /* use mean, to avoid overflow */
+                    cross_corr = silk_ADD32( cross_corr, crosscorr_st3[ k ][ j ][ lag_counter ] );
+                    energy     = silk_ADD32( energy, energies_st3[  k ][ j ][ lag_counter ] );
                     silk_assert( energy >= 0 );
-                    cross_corr += silk_RSHIFT( crosscorr_st3[ k ][ j ][ lag_counter ], 2 ); /* use mean, to avoid overflow */
                 if( cross_corr > 0 ) {
-                    /* Divide cross_corr / energy and get result in Q15 */
-                    lz = silk_CLZ32( cross_corr );
-                    /* Divide with result in Q13, cross_corr could be larger than energy */
-                    lshift = silk_LIMIT_32( lz - 1, 0, 13 );
-                    CCmax_new = silk_DIV32( silk_LSHIFT( cross_corr, lshift ), silk_RSHIFT( energy, 13 - lshift ) + 1 );
-                    CCmax_new = silk_SAT16( CCmax_new );
-                    CCmax_new = silk_SMULWB( cross_corr, CCmax_new );
-                    /* Saturate */
-                    if( CCmax_new > silk_RSHIFT( silk_int32_MAX, 3 ) ) {
-                        CCmax_new = silk_int32_MAX;
-                    } else {
-                        CCmax_new = silk_LSHIFT( CCmax_new, 3 );
-                    }
+                    CCmax_new = silk_DIV32_varQ( cross_corr, energy, 13 + 1 );          /* Q13 */
                     /* Reduce depending on flatness of contour */
-                    diff = silk_int16_MAX - silk_RSHIFT( silk_MUL( contour_bias_Q20, j ), 5 ); /* Q20 -> Q15 */
+                    diff = silk_int16_MAX - silk_MUL( contour_bias_Q15, j );            /* Q15 */
                     silk_assert( diff == silk_SAT16( diff ) );
-                    CCmax_new = silk_LSHIFT( silk_SMULWB( CCmax_new, diff ), 1 );
+                    CCmax_new = silk_SMULWB( CCmax_new, diff );                         /* Q14 */
                 } else {
                     CCmax_new = 0;
-                if( CCmax_new > CCmax                                               &&
-                   ( d + silk_CB_lags_stage3[ 0 ][ j ] ) <= max_lag
-                   ) {
+                if( CCmax_new > CCmax && ( d + silk_CB_lags_stage3[ 0 ][ j ] ) <= max_lag ) {
                     CCmax   = CCmax_new;
                     lag_new = d;
                     CBimax  = j;
@@ -560,12 +522,10 @@
         *lagIndex = (opus_int16)( lag_new - min_lag);
         *contourIndex = (opus_int8)CBimax;
     } else {        /* Fs_kHz == 8 */
-        /* Save Lags and correlation */
-        CCmax = silk_max( CCmax, 0 );
-        *LTPCorr_Q15 = (opus_int)silk_SQRT_APPROX( silk_LSHIFT( CCmax, 13 ) ); /* Output normalized correlation */
+        /* Save Lags */
         for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
             pitch_out[ k ] = lag + matrix_ptr( Lag_CB_ptr, k, CBimax, cbk_size );
-            pitch_out[ k ] = silk_LIMIT( pitch_out[ k ], min_lag_8kHz, PE_MAX_LAG_MS * Fs_kHz );
+            pitch_out[ k ] = silk_LIMIT( pitch_out[ k ], min_lag_8kHz, PE_MAX_LAG_MS * 8 );
         *lagIndex = (opus_int16)( lag - min_lag_8kHz );
         *contourIndex = (opus_int8)CBimax;
@@ -575,12 +535,21 @@
     return 0;
-/* Calculates the correlations used in stage 3 search. In order to cover */
-/* the whole lag codebook for all the searched offset lags (lag +- 2),   */
-void silk_P_Ana_calc_corr_st3(
-    opus_int32        cross_corr_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ],/* (O) 3 DIM correlation array */
+/* Calculates the correlations used in stage 3 search. In order to cover
+/* the whole lag codebook for all the searched offset lags (lag +- 2),
+/* the following correlations are needed in each sub frame:
+/* sf1: lag range [-8,...,7] total 16 correlations
+/* sf2: lag range [-4,...,4] total 9 correlations
+/* sf3: lag range [-3,....4] total 8 correltions
+/* sf4: lag range [-6,....8] total 15 correlations
+/* In total 48 correlations. The direct implementation computed in worst 
+/* case 4*12*5 = 240 correlations, but more likely around 120.
+static void silk_P_Ana_calc_corr_st3(
+    opus_int32        cross_corr_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ],/* O 3 DIM correlation array */
     const opus_int16  frame[],                         /* I vector to correlate         */
     opus_int          start_lag,                       /* I lag offset to search around */
     opus_int          sf_length,                       /* I length of a 5 ms subframe   */
@@ -620,7 +589,7 @@
         lag_high = matrix_ptr( Lag_range_ptr, k, 1, 2 );
         for( j = lag_low; j <= lag_high; j++ ) {
             basis_ptr = target_ptr - ( start_lag + j );
-            cross_corr = silk_inner_prod_aligned( (opus_int16*)target_ptr, (opus_int16*)basis_ptr, sf_length );
+            cross_corr = silk_inner_prod_aligned( target_ptr, basis_ptr, sf_length );
             silk_assert( lag_counter < SCRATCH_SIZE );
             scratch_mem[ lag_counter ] = cross_corr;
@@ -645,13 +614,13 @@
 /* Calculate the energies for first two subframes. The energies are */
 /* calculated recursively.                                          */
-void silk_P_Ana_calc_energy_st3(
-    opus_int32        energies_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ],/* (O) 3 DIM energy array */
-    const opus_int16  frame[],                         /* I vector to calc energy in    */
-    opus_int          start_lag,                       /* I lag offset to search around */
-    opus_int          sf_length,                       /* I length of one 5 ms subframe */
-    opus_int          nb_subfr,                     /* I number of subframes         */
-    opus_int          complexity                       /* I Complexity setting          */
+static void silk_P_Ana_calc_energy_st3(
+    opus_int32        energies_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ],    /* O 3 DIM energy array */
+    const opus_int16  frame[],                          /* I vector to calc energy in    */
+    opus_int          start_lag,                        /* I lag offset to search around */
+    opus_int          sf_length,                        /* I length of one 5 ms subframe */
+    opus_int          nb_subfr,                         /* I number of subframes         */
+    opus_int          complexity                        /* I Complexity setting          */
     const opus_int16 *target_ptr, *basis_ptr;
@@ -714,32 +683,5 @@
         target_ptr += sf_length;
-    }
-opus_int32 silk_P_Ana_find_scaling(
-    const opus_int16  *frame,
-    const opus_int    frame_length,
-    const opus_int    sum_sqr_len
-    opus_int32 nbits, x_max;
-    x_max = silk_int16_array_maxabs( frame, frame_length );
-    if( x_max < silk_int16_MAX ) {
-        /* Number of bits needed for the sum of the squares */
-        nbits = 32 - silk_CLZ32( silk_SMULBB( x_max, x_max ) );
-    } else {
-        /* Here we don't know if x_max should have been silk_int16_MAX + 1, so we expect the worst case */
-        nbits = 30;
-    }
-    nbits += 17 - silk_CLZ16( sum_sqr_len );
-    /* Without a guarantee of saturation, we need to keep the 31st bit free */
-    if( nbits < 31 ) {
-        return 0;
-    } else {
-        return( nbits - 30 );
--- a/silk/fixed/vector_ops_FIX.c
+++ b/silk/fixed/vector_ops_FIX.c
@@ -94,34 +94,3 @@
     return sum;
-/* Function that returns the maximum absolut value of the input vector */
-opus_int16 silk_int16_array_maxabs(                 /* O   Maximum absolute value, max: 2^15-1                          */
-    const opus_int16            *vec,               /* I   Input vector  [len]                                          */
-    const opus_int32            len                 /* I   Length of input vector                                       */
-    opus_int32 max = 0, i, lvl = 0, ind;
-    if( len == 0 ) return 0;
-    ind = len - 1;
-    max = silk_SMULBB( vec[ ind ], vec[ ind ] );
-    for( i = len - 2; i >= 0; i-- ) {
-        lvl = silk_SMULBB( vec[ i ], vec[ i ] );
-        if( lvl > max ) {
-            max = lvl;
-            ind = i;
-        }
-    }
-    /* Do not return 32768, as it will not fit in an int16 so may lead to problems later on */
-    if( max >= 1073676289 ) {           /* (2^15-1)^2 = 1073676289 */
-        return( silk_int16_MAX );
-    } else {
-        if( vec[ ind ] < 0 ) {
-            return( -vec[ ind ] );
-        } else {
-            return(  vec[ ind ] );
-        }
-    }
--- a/silk/float/pitch_analysis_core_FLP.c
+++ b/silk/float/pitch_analysis_core_FLP.c
@@ -37,7 +37,6 @@
 #include "pitch_est_defines.h"
 #define SCRATCH_SIZE        22
-#define eps                 1.192092896e-07f
 /* Internally used functions                                */
@@ -129,8 +128,6 @@
     max_lag_4kHz      = PE_MAX_LAG_MS * 4;
     max_lag_8kHz      = PE_MAX_LAG_MS * 8 - 1;
-    silk_memset(C, 0, sizeof(silk_float) * nb_subfr * ((PE_MAX_LAG >> 1) + 5));
     /* Resample from input sampled at Fs_kHz to 8 kHz */
     if( Fs_kHz == 16 ) {
         /* Resample to 16 -> 8 khz */
@@ -164,6 +161,7 @@
     * FIRST STAGE, operating in 4 khz
+    silk_memset(C, 0, sizeof(silk_float) * nb_subfr * ((PE_MAX_LAG >> 1) + 5));
     target_ptr = &frame_4kHz[ silk_LSHIFT( sf_length_4kHz, 2 ) ];
     for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr >> 1; k++ ) {
         /* Check that we are within range of the array */
@@ -178,12 +176,14 @@
         /* Calculate first vector products before loop */
         cross_corr = silk_inner_product_FLP( target_ptr, basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
-        normalizer = silk_energy_FLP( basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz ) + sf_length_8kHz * 4000.0f;
+        normalizer = silk_energy_FLP( target_ptr, sf_length_8kHz ) + 
+                     silk_energy_FLP( basis_ptr,  sf_length_8kHz ) + 
+                     sf_length_8kHz * 4000.0f;
-        C[ 0 ][ min_lag_4kHz ] += (silk_float)(cross_corr / sqrt(normalizer));
+        C[ 0 ][ min_lag_4kHz ] += (silk_float)( 2 * cross_corr / normalizer );
         /* From now on normalizer is computed recursively */
-        for(d = min_lag_4kHz + 1; d <= max_lag_4kHz; d++) {
+        for( d = min_lag_4kHz + 1; d <= max_lag_4kHz; d++ ) {
             /* Check that we are within range of the array */
@@ -196,7 +196,7 @@
             normalizer +=
                 basis_ptr[ 0 ] * (double)basis_ptr[ 0 ] -
                 basis_ptr[ sf_length_8kHz ] * (double)basis_ptr[ sf_length_8kHz ];
-            C[ 0 ][ d ] += (silk_float)(cross_corr / sqrt( normalizer ));
+            C[ 0 ][ d ] += (silk_float)( 2 * cross_corr / normalizer );
         /* Update target pointer */
         target_ptr += sf_length_8kHz;
@@ -214,13 +214,7 @@
     /* Escape if correlation is very low already here */
     Cmax = C[ 0 ][ min_lag_4kHz ];
-    target_ptr = &frame_4kHz[ silk_SMULBB( sf_length_4kHz, nb_subfr ) ];
-    energy = 1000.0f;
-    for( i = 0; i < silk_LSHIFT( sf_length_4kHz, 2 ); i++ ) {
-        energy += target_ptr[i] * (double)target_ptr[i];
-    }
-    threshold = Cmax * Cmax;
-    if( energy / 16.0f > threshold ) {
+    if( Cmax < 0.2f ) {
         silk_memset( pitch_out, 0, nb_subfr * sizeof( opus_int ) );
         *LTPCorr      = 0.0f;
         *lagIndex     = 0;
@@ -287,14 +281,14 @@
         target_ptr = &frame_8kHz[ PE_LTP_MEM_LENGTH_MS * 8 ];
     for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
-        energy_tmp = silk_energy_FLP( target_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
+        energy_tmp = silk_energy_FLP( target_ptr, sf_length_8kHz ) + 1.0;
         for( j = 0; j < length_d_comp; j++ ) {
             d = d_comp[ j ];
             basis_ptr = target_ptr - d;
             cross_corr = silk_inner_product_FLP( basis_ptr, target_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
-            energy     = silk_energy_FLP( basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
             if( cross_corr > 0.0f ) {
-                C[ k ][ d ] = (silk_float)(cross_corr * cross_corr / (energy * energy_tmp + eps));
+                energy = silk_energy_FLP( basis_ptr, sf_length_8kHz );
+                C[ k ][ d ] = (silk_float)( 2 * cross_corr / ( energy + energy_tmp ) );
             } else {
                 C[ k ][ d ] = 0.0f;
@@ -317,7 +311,7 @@
         } else if( Fs_kHz == 16 ) {
             prevLag = silk_RSHIFT( prevLag, 1 );
-        prevLag_log2 = silk_log2((silk_float)prevLag);
+        prevLag_log2 = silk_log2( (silk_float)prevLag );
     } else {
         prevLag_log2 = 0;
@@ -356,23 +350,20 @@
                 CBimax_new = i;
-        CCmax_new = silk_max_float(CCmax_new, 0.0f); /* To avoid taking square root of negative number later */
-        CCmax_new_b = CCmax_new;
         /* Bias towards shorter lags */
-        lag_log2 = silk_log2((silk_float)d);
-        CCmax_new_b -= PE_SHORTLAG_BIAS * nb_subfr * lag_log2;
+        lag_log2 = silk_log2( (silk_float)d );
+        CCmax_new_b = CCmax_new - PE_SHORTLAG_BIAS * nb_subfr * lag_log2;
         /* Bias towards previous lag */
         if( prevLag > 0 ) {
             delta_lag_log2_sqr = lag_log2 - prevLag_log2;
             delta_lag_log2_sqr *= delta_lag_log2_sqr;
-            CCmax_new_b -= PE_PREVLAG_BIAS * nb_subfr * (*LTPCorr) * delta_lag_log2_sqr / (delta_lag_log2_sqr + 0.5f);
+            CCmax_new_b -= PE_PREVLAG_BIAS * nb_subfr * (*LTPCorr) * delta_lag_log2_sqr / ( delta_lag_log2_sqr + 0.5f );
-        if( CCmax_new_b > CCmax_b                                   &&  /* Find maximum biased correlation                  */
-            CCmax_new > nb_subfr * search_thres2 * search_thres2    &&  /* Correlation needs to be high enough to be voiced */
-            silk_CB_lags_stage2[ 0 ][ CBimax_new ] <= min_lag_8kHz      /* Lag must be in range                             */
+        if( CCmax_new_b > CCmax_b &&                /* Find maximum biased correlation                  */
+            CCmax_new > nb_subfr * search_thres2    /* Correlation needs to be high enough to be voiced */
         ) {
             CCmax_b = CCmax_new_b;
             CCmax   = CCmax_new;
@@ -390,6 +381,10 @@
         return 1;
+    /* Output normalized correlation */
+    *LTPCorr = (silk_float)( CCmax / nb_subfr );
+    silk_assert( *LTPCorr >= 0.0f );
     if( Fs_kHz > 8 ) {
         /* Search in original signal */
@@ -406,8 +401,6 @@
         end_lag   = silk_min_int( lag + 2, max_lag );
         lag_new   = lag;                                    /* to avoid undefined lag */
         CBimax    = 0;                                      /* to avoid undefined lag */
-        silk_assert( CCmax >= 0.0f );
-        *LTPCorr = (silk_float)sqrt( CCmax / nb_subfr );    /* Output normalized correlation */
         CCmax = -1000.0f;
@@ -430,16 +423,18 @@
             Lag_CB_ptr    = &silk_CB_lags_stage3_10_ms[ 0 ][ 0 ];
+        target_ptr = &frame[ PE_LTP_MEM_LENGTH_MS * Fs_kHz ];
+        energy_tmp = silk_energy_FLP( target_ptr, nb_subfr * sf_length ) + 1.0;
         for( d = start_lag; d <= end_lag; d++ ) {
             for( j = 0; j < nb_cbk_search; j++ ) {
                 cross_corr = 0.0;
-                energy = eps;
+                energy = energy_tmp;
                 for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
-                    energy     +=   energies_st3[ k ][ j ][ lag_counter ];
                     cross_corr += cross_corr_st3[ k ][ j ][ lag_counter ];
+                    energy     +=   energies_st3[ k ][ j ][ lag_counter ];
                 if( cross_corr > 0.0 ) {
-                    CCmax_new = (silk_float)(cross_corr * cross_corr / energy);
+                    CCmax_new = (silk_float)( 2 * cross_corr / energy );
                     /* Reduce depending on flatness of contour */
                     CCmax_new *= 1.0f - contour_bias * j;
                 } else {
@@ -446,9 +441,7 @@
                     CCmax_new = 0.0f;
-                if( CCmax_new > CCmax &&
-                   ( d + (opus_int)silk_CB_lags_stage3[ 0 ][ j ] ) <= max_lag
-                   ) {
+                if( CCmax_new > CCmax && ( d + (opus_int)silk_CB_lags_stage3[ 0 ][ j ] ) <= max_lag ) {
                     CCmax   = CCmax_new;
                     lag_new = d;
                     CBimax  = j;
@@ -464,12 +457,10 @@
         *lagIndex = (opus_int16)( lag_new - min_lag );
         *contourIndex = (opus_int8)CBimax;
     } else {        /* Fs_kHz == 8 */
-        /* Save Lags and correlation */
-        silk_assert( CCmax >= 0.0f );
-        *LTPCorr = (silk_float)sqrt( CCmax / nb_subfr ); /* Output normalized correlation */
+        /* Save Lags */
         for( k = 0; k < nb_subfr; k++ ) {
             pitch_out[ k ] = lag + matrix_ptr( Lag_CB_ptr, k, CBimax, cbk_size );
-            pitch_out[ k ] = silk_LIMIT( pitch_out[ k ], min_lag_8kHz, PE_MAX_LAG_MS * Fs_kHz );
+            pitch_out[ k ] = silk_LIMIT( pitch_out[ k ], min_lag_8kHz, PE_MAX_LAG_MS * 8 );
         *lagIndex = (opus_int16)( lag - min_lag_8kHz );
         *contourIndex = (opus_int8)CBimax;
@@ -479,6 +470,19 @@
     return 0;
+/* Calculates the correlations used in stage 3 search. In order to cover
+/* the whole lag codebook for all the searched offset lags (lag +- 2),
+/* the following correlations are needed in each sub frame:
+/* sf1: lag range [-8,...,7] total 16 correlations
+/* sf2: lag range [-4,...,4] total 9 correlations
+/* sf3: lag range [-3,....4] total 8 correltions
+/* sf4: lag range [-6,....8] total 15 correlations
+/* In total 48 correlations. The direct implementation computed in worst 
+/* case 4*12*5 = 240 correlations, but more likely around 120.
 static void silk_P_Ana_calc_corr_st3(
     silk_float cross_corr_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ], /* O 3 DIM correlation array */
     const silk_float    frame[],            /* I vector to correlate                                            */
@@ -487,19 +491,6 @@
     opus_int            nb_subfr,           /* I number of subframes                                            */
     opus_int            complexity          /* I Complexity setting                                             */
-    /***********************************************************************
-     Calculates the correlations used in stage 3 search. In order to cover
-     the whole lag codebook for all the searched offset lags (lag +- 2),
-     the following correlations are needed in each sub frame:
-     sf1: lag range [-8,...,7] total 16 correlations
-     sf2: lag range [-4,...,4] total 9 correlations
-     sf3: lag range [-3,....4] total 8 correltions
-     sf4: lag range [-6,....8] total 15 correlations
-     In total 48 correlations. The direct implementation computed in worst case
-     4*12*5 = 240 correlations, but more likely around 120.
-     **********************************************************************/
     const silk_float *target_ptr, *basis_ptr;
     opus_int   i, j, k, lag_counter, lag_low, lag_high;
@@ -552,6 +543,10 @@
+/* Calculate the energies for first two subframes. The energies are */
+/* calculated recursively.                                          */
 static void silk_P_Ana_calc_energy_st3(
     silk_float energies_st3[ PE_MAX_NB_SUBFR ][ PE_NB_CBKS_STAGE3_MAX ][ PE_NB_STAGE3_LAGS ], /* O 3 DIM correlation array */
     const silk_float    frame[],            /* I vector to correlate                                            */
@@ -560,10 +555,6 @@
     opus_int            nb_subfr,           /* I number of subframes                                            */
     opus_int            complexity          /* I Complexity setting                                             */
-Calculate the energies for first two subframes. The energies are
-calculated recursively.
     const silk_float *target_ptr, *basis_ptr;
     double    energy;
--- a/silk/float/wrappers_FLP.c
+++ b/silk/float/wrappers_FLP.c
@@ -155,7 +155,7 @@
     /* Convert input to fix */
     for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.frame_length; i++ ) {
-        x_Q3[ i ] = silk_float2int( 8.0 * x[ i ] );
+        x_Q3[ i ] = silk_float2int( 8.0f * x[ i ] );
     /* Call NSQ */