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ref: 49583ed672f5a685a5f4f88eb98648eb5d5e7ae6
parent: e85a6f5cbee9edd7ceb10e05db6652872cf8d8d2
author: Jean-Marc Valin <[email protected]>
date: Thu Nov 22 08:11:43 EST 2012

First attempt at varying the frame size depending on the audio (float only)

The search is based on minimizing the bitrate increase due to transients
by considering we can reduce the "transient boost" by reducing the frame
size, at the cost of increasing the normal overhead.

--- a/include/opus_defines.h
+++ b/include/opus_defines.h
@@ -148,8 +148,9 @@
 #define OPUS_GET_GAIN_REQUEST                4045 /* Should have been 4035 */
 #define OPUS_SET_LSB_DEPTH_REQUEST           4036
 #define OPUS_GET_LSB_DEPTH_REQUEST           4037
 /* Don't use 4045, it's already taken by OPUS_GET_GAIN_REQUEST */
@@ -525,6 +526,32 @@
   * @param[out] x <tt>opus_int32 *</tt>: Number of samples (at current sampling rate).
   * @hideinitializer */
+/** Configures the encoder's use of variable duration frames.
+  * When enabled, the encoder is free to use a shorter frame size than the one
+  * requested in the opus_encode*() call. It is then the user's responsibility
+  * to verify how much audio was encoded by checking the ToC byte of the encoded
+  * packet. The part of the audio that was not encoded needs to be resent to the
+  * encoder for the next call. Do not use this option unless you <b>really</b>
+  * know what you are doing.
+  * @param[in] x <tt>opus_int32</tt>: Allowed values:
+  * <dl>
+  * <dt>0</dt><dd>Disable variable duration (default).</dd>
+  * <dt>1</dt><dd>Enable variable duration.</dd>
+  * </dl>
+  * @hideinitializer */
+/** Gets the encoder's configured use of variable duration frames.
+  * @param[out] x <tt>opus_int32 *</tt>: Returns one of the following values:
+  * <dl>
+  * <dt>0</dt><dd>variable duration disabled (default).</dd>
+  * <dt>1</dt><dd>variable duration enabled.</dd>
+  * </dl>
+  * @hideinitializer */
 /** @defgroup opus_genericctls Generic CTLs
--- a/src/opus_demo.c
+++ b/src/opus_demo.c
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@
     fprintf(stderr, "-d                   : only runs the decoder (reads the bit-stream as input)\n" );
     fprintf(stderr, "-cbr                 : enable constant bitrate; default: variable bitrate\n" );
     fprintf(stderr, "-cvbr                : enable constrained variable bitrate; default: unconstrained\n" );
+    fprintf(stderr, "-variable-duration   : enable frames of variable duration (experts only); default: disabled\n" );
     fprintf(stderr, "-bandwidth <NB|MB|WB|SWB|FB> : audio bandwidth (from narrowband to fullband); default: sampling rate\n" );
     fprintf(stderr, "-framesize <2.5|5|10|20|40|60> : frame size in ms; default: 20 \n" );
     fprintf(stderr, "-max_payload <bytes> : maximum payload size in bytes, default: 1024\n" );
@@ -243,6 +244,7 @@
     int mode_switch_time = 48000;
     int nb_encoded;
     int remaining=0;
+    int variable_duration=0;
     if (argc < 5 )
@@ -379,6 +381,10 @@
             check_encoder_option(decode_only, "-cvbr");
             cvbr = 1;
+        } else if( strcmp( argv[ args ], "-variable-duration" ) == 0 ) {
+            check_encoder_option(decode_only, "-variable-duration");
+            variable_duration = 1;
+            args++;
         } else if( strcmp( argv[ args ], "-dtx") == 0 ) {
             check_encoder_option(decode_only, "-dtx");
             use_dtx = 1;
@@ -504,6 +510,7 @@
        opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_GET_LOOKAHEAD(&skip));
        opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_LSB_DEPTH(16));
+       opus_encoder_ctl(enc, OPUS_SET_EXPERT_VARIABLE_DURATION(variable_duration));
     if (!encode_only)
--- a/src/opus_encoder.c
+++ b/src/opus_encoder.c
@@ -67,6 +67,7 @@
     opus_int32   Fs;
     int          use_vbr;
     int          vbr_constraint;
+    int          variable_duration;
     opus_int32   bitrate_bps;
     opus_int32   user_bitrate_bps;
     int          lsb_depth;
@@ -88,6 +89,7 @@
     int          first;
     opus_val16   delay_buffer[MAX_ENCODER_BUFFER*2];
 #ifndef FIXED_POINT
+    opus_val32   subframe_mem[3];
     TonalityAnalysisState analysis;
     int                   detected_bandwidth;
@@ -535,6 +537,205 @@
     return st->user_bitrate_bps;
+#ifndef FIXED_POINT
+/* Don't use more than 60 ms for the frame size analysis */
+/* Estimates how much the bitrate will be boosted based on the sub-frame energy */
+static float transient_boost(const float *E, const float *E_1, int LM, int maxM)
+   int i;
+   int M;
+   float sumE=0, sumE_1=0;
+   float metric;
+   M = IMIN(maxM, (1<<LM)+1);
+   for (i=0;i<M;i++)
+   {
+      sumE += E[i];
+      sumE_1 += E_1[i];
+   }
+   metric = sumE*sumE_1/(M*M);
+   /*if (LM==3)
+      printf("%f\n", metric);*/
+   /*return metric>10 ? 1 : 0;*/
+   /*return MAX16(0,1-exp(-.25*(metric-2.)));*/
+   return MIN16(1,sqrt(MAX16(0,.05*(metric-2))));
+/* Viterbi decoding trying to find the best frame size combination using look-ahead
+   State numbering:
+    0: unused
+    1:  2.5 ms
+    2:  5 ms (#1)
+    3:  5 ms (#2)
+    4: 10 ms (#1)
+    5: 10 ms (#2)
+    6: 10 ms (#3)
+    7: 10 ms (#4)
+    8: 20 ms (#1)
+    9: 20 ms (#2)
+   10: 20 ms (#3)
+   11: 20 ms (#4)
+   12: 20 ms (#5)
+   13: 20 ms (#6)
+   14: 20 ms (#7)
+   15: 20 ms (#8)
+static int transient_viterbi(const float *E, const float *E_1, int N, int frame_cost, int rate)
+   int i;
+   float cost[MAX_DYNAMIC_FRAMESIZE][16];
+   int states[MAX_DYNAMIC_FRAMESIZE][16];
+   float best_cost;
+   int best_state;
+   for (i=0;i<16;i++)
+   {
+      /* Impossible state */
+      states[0][i] = -1;
+      cost[0][i] = 1e10;
+   }
+   for (i=0;i<4;i++)
+   {
+      cost[0][1<<i] = frame_cost + rate*(1<<i)*transient_boost(E, E_1, i, N+1);
+      states[0][1<<i] = i;
+   }
+   for (i=1;i<N;i++)
+   {
+      int j;
+      /* Follow continuations */
+      for (j=2;j<16;j++)
+      {
+         cost[i][j] = cost[i-1][j-1];
+         states[i][j] = j-1;
+      }
+      /* New frames */
+      for(j=0;j<4;j++)
+      {
+         int k;
+         float min_cost;
+         float curr_cost;
+         states[i][1<<j] = 1;
+         min_cost = cost[i-1][1];
+         for(k=1;k<4;k++)
+         {
+            float tmp = cost[i-1][(1<<(k+1))-1];
+            if (tmp < min_cost)
+            {
+               states[i][1<<j] = (1<<(k+1))-1;
+               min_cost = tmp;
+            }
+         }
+         curr_cost = frame_cost+rate*(1<<j)*transient_boost(E+i, E_1+i, j, N-i+1);
+         cost[i][1<<j] = min_cost;
+         /* If part of the frame is outside the analysis window, only count part of the cost */
+         if (N-i < (1<<j))
+            cost[i][1<<j] += curr_cost*(float)(N-i)/(1<<j);
+         else
+            cost[i][1<<j] += curr_cost;
+      }
+   }
+   best_state=1;
+   best_cost = cost[N-1][1];
+   /* Find best end state (doesn't force a frame to end at N-1) */
+   for (i=2;i<16;i++)
+   {
+      if (cost[N-1][i]<best_cost)
+      {
+         best_cost = cost[N-1][i];
+         best_state = i;
+      }
+   }
+   /* Follow transitions back */
+   for (i=N-1;i>=0;i--)
+   {
+      /*printf("%d ", best_state);*/
+      best_state = states[i][best_state];
+   }
+   /*printf("%d\n", best_state);*/
+   return best_state;
+static int optimize_framesize(const opus_val16 *x, int len, int C, opus_int32 Fs,
+                int bitrate, opus_val16 tonality, opus_val32 *mem, int buffering)
+   int N;
+   int i;
+   float e_1[MAX_DYNAMIC_FRAMESIZE+3];
+   float memx;
+   int bestLM=0;
+   int subframe;
+   int pos;
+   subframe = Fs/400;
+   e[0]=mem[0];
+   e_1[0]=1./(EPSILON+mem[0]);
+   if (buffering)
+   {
+      /* Consider the CELT delay when not in restricted-lowdelay */
+      /* We assume the buffering is between 2.5 and 5 ms */
+      int offset = 2*subframe - buffering;
+      celt_assert(offset>=0 && offset <= subframe);
+      x += C*offset;
+      len -= offset;
+      e[1]=mem[1];
+      e_1[1]=1./(EPSILON+mem[1]);
+      e[2]=mem[2];
+      e_1[2]=1./(EPSILON+mem[2]);
+      pos = 3;
+   } else {
+      pos=1;
+   }
+   N=IMIN(len/subframe, MAX_DYNAMIC_FRAMESIZE);
+   memx = x[0];
+   for (i=0;i<N;i++)
+   {
+      float tmp;
+      float tmpx;
+      int j;
+      tmp=EPSILON;
+      if (C==1)
+      {
+         for (j=0;j<subframe;j++)
+         {
+            tmpx = x[subframe*i+j];
+            tmp += (tmpx-memx)*(tmpx-memx);
+            memx = tmpx;
+         }
+      } else {
+         for (j=0;j<subframe;j++)
+         {
+            tmpx = x[(subframe*i+j)*2]+x[(subframe*i+j)*2+1];
+            tmp += (tmpx-memx)*(tmpx-memx);
+            memx = tmpx;
+         }
+      }
+      e[i+pos] = tmp;
+      e_1[i+pos] = 1.f/tmp;
+   }
+   /* Hack to get 20 ms working with APPLICATION_AUDIO
+      The real problem is that the corresponding memory needs to use 1.5 ms
+      from this frame and 1 ms from the next frame */
+   e[i+pos] = e[i+pos-1];
+   if (buffering)
+   bestLM = transient_viterbi(e, e_1, N, (1.f+.5*tonality)*(40*C+40), bitrate/400);
+   mem[0] = e[1<<bestLM];
+   if (buffering)
+   {
+      mem[1] = e[(1<<bestLM)+1];
+      mem[2] = e[(1<<bestLM)+2];
+   }
+   return bestLM;
 opus_int32 opus_encode_native(OpusEncoder *st, const opus_val16 *pcm, int frame_size,
                 unsigned char *data, opus_int32 out_data_bytes, int lsb_depth)
@@ -565,6 +766,7 @@
     opus_int32 max_data_bytes; /* Max number of bytes we're allowed to use */
     int extra_buffer, total_buffer;
     int perform_analysis=0;
+    int orig_frame_size;
 #ifndef FIXED_POINT
     AnalysisInfo analysis_info;
@@ -575,23 +777,37 @@
     max_data_bytes = IMIN(1276, out_data_bytes);
     st->rangeFinal = 0;
-    if (400*frame_size != st->Fs && 200*frame_size != st->Fs && 100*frame_size != st->Fs &&
+    if ((!st->variable_duration && 400*frame_size != st->Fs && 200*frame_size != st->Fs && 100*frame_size != st->Fs &&
          50*frame_size != st->Fs &&  25*frame_size != st->Fs &&  50*frame_size != 3*st->Fs)
+         || (400*frame_size < st->Fs)
+         || max_data_bytes<=0
+         )
        return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-    if (max_data_bytes<=0)
-    {
-       return OPUS_BAD_ARG;
-    }
     silk_enc = (char*)st+st->silk_enc_offset;
     celt_enc = (CELTEncoder*)((char*)st+st->celt_enc_offset);
+       delay_compensation = 0;
+    else
+       delay_compensation = st->delay_compensation;
     lsb_depth = IMIN(lsb_depth, st->lsb_depth);
+    orig_frame_size = IMIN(frame_size,st->Fs/50);
+    if (st->variable_duration)
+    {
+       int LM = 3;
 #ifndef FIXED_POINT
+       LM = optimize_framesize(pcm, frame_size, st->channels, st->Fs, st->bitrate_bps,
+             st->analysis.prev_tonality, st->subframe_mem, delay_compensation);
+       while ((st->Fs/400<<LM)>frame_size)
+          LM--;
+       frame_size = (st->Fs/400<<LM);
+    }
+#ifndef FIXED_POINT
     /* Only perform analysis up to 20-ms frames. Longer ones will be split if
        they're in CELT-only mode. */
     perform_analysis = st->silk_mode.complexity >= 7 && frame_size <= st->Fs/50 && st->Fs==48000;
@@ -611,10 +827,6 @@
-       delay_compensation = 0;
-    else
-       delay_compensation = st->delay_compensation;
     total_buffer = delay_compensation;
     extra_buffer = total_buffer-delay_compensation;
     st->bitrate_bps = user_bitrate_to_bitrate(st, frame_size, max_data_bytes);
@@ -1196,9 +1408,18 @@
         } else {
             if (st->use_vbr)
+                opus_int32 bonus=0;
+#ifndef FIXED_POINT
+                if (orig_frame_size != frame_size)
+                {
+                   bonus = (40*st->stream_channels+40)*(48000/frame_size-48000/orig_frame_size);
+                   if (analysis_info.valid)
+                      bonus = bonus*(1.f+.5*analysis_info.tonality);
+                }
                 celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, OPUS_SET_VBR(1));
                 celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, OPUS_SET_VBR_CONSTRAINT(st->vbr_constraint));
-                celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(st->bitrate_bps));
+                celt_encoder_ctl(celt_enc, OPUS_SET_BITRATE(st->bitrate_bps+bonus));
                 nb_compr_bytes = max_data_bytes-1-redundancy_bytes;
             } else {
                 nb_compr_bytes = bytes_target;
@@ -1739,6 +1960,20 @@
             opus_int32 *value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32*);
             *value = st->lsb_depth;
+        }
+        break;
+        {
+            opus_int32 value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32);
+            if (value<0 || value>1)
+               goto bad_arg;
+            st->variable_duration = value;
+        }
+        break;
+        {
+            opus_int32 *value = va_arg(ap, opus_int32*);
+            *value = st->variable_duration;
         case OPUS_RESET_STATE: