ref: 37ab9c664244887eeafaadb0ed457a5b480c558b
parent: bc79991742c8e42bf92c6dc50428cb329117fe45
author: Jean-Marc Valin <[email protected]>
date: Sat Nov 8 04:14:38 EST 2008
Bit of cleaning up and comments
--- a/libcelt/celt.c
+++ b/libcelt/celt.c
@@ -430,6 +430,7 @@
CELT_COPY(st->in_mem, in+C*(2*N-2*N4-st->overlap), C*st->overlap);
+ /* Transient handling */
if (st->mode->nbShortMdcts > 1)
if (transient_analysis(in, N+st->overlap, C, &transient_time, &transient_shift))
@@ -442,6 +443,7 @@
ec_enc_bits(&enc, transient_shift, 2);
if (transient_shift)
ec_enc_uint(&enc, transient_time, N+st->overlap);
+ /* Apply the inverse shaping window */
if (transient_shift)
@@ -490,31 +492,17 @@
ALLOC(freq, C*N, celt_sig_t); /**< Interleaved signal MDCTs */
- /*for (i=0;i<(B+1)*C*N;i++) printf ("%f(%d) ", in[i], i); printf ("\n");*/
/* Compute MDCTs */
compute_mdcts(st->mode, shortBlocks, in, freq);
#ifdef EXP_PSY
- /*CELT_MOVE(st->psy_mem, st->out_mem+N, MAX_PERIOD+st->overlap-N);
- for (i=0;i<N;i++)
- st->psy_mem[MAX_PERIOD+st->overlap-N+i] = in[C*(st->overlap+i)];
- for (c=1;c<C;c++)
- for (i=0;i<N;i++)
- st->psy_mem[MAX_PERIOD+st->overlap-N+i] += in[C*(st->overlap+i)+c];
- */
ALLOC(mask, N, celt_sig_t);
compute_mdct_masking(&st->psy, freq, tonality, st->psy_mem, mask, C*N);
/*for (i=0;i<256;i++)
printf ("%f %f %f ", freq[i], tonality[i], mask[i]);
printf ("\n");*/
- /* Invert and stretch the mask to length of X
- For some reason, I get better results by using the sqrt instead,
- although there's no valid reason to. Must investigate further */
- /*for (i=0;i<C*N;i++)
- mask[i] = 1/(.1+mask[i]);*/
/* Deferred allocation after find_spectral_pitch() to reduce the peak memory usage */
ALLOC(X, C*N, celt_norm_t); /**< Interleaved normalised MDCTs */
ALLOC(P, C*N, celt_norm_t); /**< Interleaved normalised pitch MDCTs*/
@@ -521,16 +509,11 @@
ALLOC(bandE,st->mode->nbEBands*C, celt_ener_t);
ALLOC(gains,st->mode->nbPBands, celt_pgain_t);
- /*printf ("%f %f\n", curr_power, pitch_power);*/
- /*int j;
- for (j=0;j<B*N;j++)
- printf ("%f ", X[j]);
- for (j=0;j<B*N;j++)
- printf ("%f ", P[j]);
- printf ("\n");*/
/* Band normalisation */
compute_band_energies(st->mode, freq, bandE);
+ normalise_bands(st->mode, freq, X, bandE);
#ifdef EXP_PSY
ALLOC(bandN,C*st->mode->nbEBands, celt_ener_t);
ALLOC(bandM,st->mode->nbEBands, celt_ener_t);
@@ -555,9 +538,6 @@
printf ("%f %f ", bandE[i], bandM[i]);
printf ("\n");*/
- normalise_bands(st->mode, freq, X, bandE);
- /*for (i=0;i<st->mode->nbEBands;i++)printf("%f ", bandE[i]);printf("\n");*/
- /*for (i=0;i<N*B*C;i++)printf("%f ", X[i]);printf("\n");*/
/* Compute MDCTs of the pitch part */
if (st->pitch_enabled && !shortBlocks)
@@ -571,14 +551,12 @@
normalise_bands(st->mode, freq, P, bandEp);
pitch_power = bandEp[0]+bandEp[1]+bandEp[2];
- curr_power = bandE[0]+bandE[1]+bandE[2];
/* Check if we can safely use the pitch (i.e. effective gain isn't too high) */
+ curr_power = bandE[0]+bandE[1]+bandE[2];
if (st->pitch_enabled && !shortBlocks && (MULT16_32_Q15(QCONST16(.1f, 15),curr_power) + QCONST32(10.f,ENER_SHIFT) < pitch_power))
int id;
- /* Simulates intensity stereo */
- /*for (i=30;i<N*B;i++)
- X[i*C+1] = P[i*C+1] = 0;*/
/* Pitch prediction */
compute_pitch_gain(st->mode, X, P, gains);
@@ -628,6 +606,8 @@
ALLOC(fine_quant, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
ALLOC(pulses, st->mode->nbEBands, int);
+ /* Bit allocation */
ALLOC(error, C*st->mode->nbEBands, celt_word16_t);
quant_coarse_energy(st->mode, bandE, st->oldBandE, nbCompressedBytes*8/3, st->mode->prob, error, &enc);
@@ -641,22 +621,15 @@
compute_allocation(st->mode, offsets, stereo_mode, bits, pulses, fine_quant);
- /*for (i=0;i<st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
- printf("%d ", fine_quant[i]);
- for (i=0;i<st->mode->nbEBands;i++)
- printf("%d ", pulses[i]);
- printf ("\n");*/
- /*bits = ec_enc_tell(&st->enc, 0);
- compute_fine_allocation(st->mode, fine_quant, (20*C+nbCompressedBytes*8/5-(ec_enc_tell(&st->enc, 0)-bits))/C);*/
quant_fine_energy(st->mode, bandE, st->oldBandE, error, fine_quant, &enc);
pitch_quant_bands(st->mode, P, gains);
- /*for (i=0;i<B*N;i++) printf("%f ",P[i]);printf("\n");*/
/* Residual quantisation */
quant_bands(st->mode, X, P, NULL, bandE, stereo_mode, pulses, shortBlocks, has_fold, nbCompressedBytes*8, &enc);
+ /* Re-synthesis of the coded audio if required */
if (st->pitch_enabled || optional_synthesis!=NULL)
if (C==2)
@@ -706,12 +679,6 @@
- /*printf ("%d\n", *nbBytes);*/
- /*data = ec_byte_get_buffer(&buf);
- for (i=0;i<nbBytes;i++)
- compressed[i] = data[i];
- for (i=nbBytes;i<nbCompressedBytes;i++)
- compressed[i] = 0;*/