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ref: 0247d34d6ad5dfebc65c6de1d9f5a23981f0f40b
parent: 8dcf4acc5d616d0871709cb9b0cb5c977e77aceb
author: Jean-Marc Valin <>
date: Sat Dec 5 09:31:54 EST 2015

Quality: Forces trim to 5 on hybrid mode

This saves bits and makes more sense since alloc_trim_analysis()
mostly looks at the lower bands that are coded with SILK

--- a/celt/celt_encoder.c
+++ b/celt/celt_encoder.c
@@ -1886,12 +1886,15 @@
    alloc_trim = 5;
    if (tell+(6<<BITRES) <= total_bits - total_boost)
-      if (st->lfe)
+      if (start > 0 || st->lfe)
+      {
+         st->stereo_saving = 0;
          alloc_trim = 5;
-      else
+      } else {
          alloc_trim = alloc_trim_analysis(mode, X, bandLogE,
             end, LM, C, N, &st->analysis, &st->stereo_saving, tf_estimate,
             st->intensity, surround_trim, st->arch);
+      }
       ec_enc_icdf(enc, alloc_trim, trim_icdf, 7);
       tell = ec_tell_frac(enc);