ref: 4778ea265ca3705e312d6928f346c3f2e7986542
dir: /src/ft2_wav_renderer.c/
// for finding memory leaks in debug mode with Visual Studio #if defined _DEBUG && defined _MSC_VER #include <crtdbg.h> #endif #include <stdio.h> #include <stdint.h> #include <stdbool.h> #include "ft2_header.h" #include "ft2_audio.h" #include "ft2_gui.h" #include "ft2_pattern_ed.h" #include "ft2_diskop.h" #include "scopes/ft2_scopes.h" #include "ft2_config.h" #include "ft2_mouse.h" #include "ft2_sample_ed.h" #include "ft2_inst_ed.h" #include "ft2_audio.h" #include "ft2_wav_renderer.h" #include "ft2_structs.h" #define UPDATE_VISUALS_AT_TICK 4 #define TICKS_PER_RENDER_CHUNK 64 enum { WAV_FORMAT_PCM = 0x0001, WAV_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT = 0x0003 }; typedef struct wavHeader_t { uint32_t chunkID, chunkSize, format, subchunk1ID, subchunk1Size; uint16_t audioFormat, numChannels; uint32_t sampleRate, byteRate; uint16_t blockAlign, bitsPerSample; uint32_t subchunk2ID, subchunk2Size; } wavHeader_t; static bool useLegacyBPM = false; static uint8_t WDBitDepth = 16, WDStartPos, WDStopPos, *wavRenderBuffer; static int16_t WDAmp; static uint32_t WDFrequency = 44100; static SDL_Thread *thread; static void updateWavRenderer(void) { char str[16]; fillRect(195, 116, 56, 8, PAL_DESKTOP); textOut(237, 116, PAL_FORGRND, "Hz"); sprintf(str, "%6d", WDFrequency); textOutFixed(195, 116, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DESKTOP, str); fillRect(229, 130, 21, 8, PAL_DESKTOP); charOut(243, 130, PAL_FORGRND, 'x'); sprintf(str, "%02d", WDAmp); textOut(229, 130, PAL_FORGRND, str); fillRect(237, 144, 13, 8, PAL_DESKTOP); hexOut(237, 144, PAL_FORGRND, WDStartPos, 2); fillRect(237, 158, 13, 8, PAL_DESKTOP); hexOut(237, 158, PAL_FORGRND, WDStopPos, 2); } void cbToggleWavRenderBPMMode(void) { useLegacyBPM ^= 1; } void setWavRenderFrequency(int32_t freq) { WDFrequency = CLAMP(freq, MIN_WAV_RENDER_FREQ, MAX_WAV_RENDER_FREQ); if (ui.wavRendererShown) updateWavRenderer(); } void setWavRenderBitDepth(uint8_t bitDepth) { if (bitDepth == 16) WDBitDepth = 16; else if (bitDepth == 32) WDBitDepth = 32; if (ui.wavRendererShown) updateWavRenderer(); } void updateWavRendererSettings(void) // called when changing config.boostLevel { WDAmp = config.boostLevel; } void drawWavRenderer(void) { drawFramework(0, 92, 291, 17, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(0, 109, 79, 64, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); drawFramework(79, 109, 212, 64, FRAMEWORK_TYPE1); textOutShadow(4, 96, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "WAV exporting:"); textOutShadow(146, 96, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "16-bit"); textOutShadow(211, 96, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "32-bit (float)"); textOutShadow(19, 114, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Imprecise"); textOutShadow(4, 127, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "BPM (FT2)"); textOutShadow(85, 116, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Audio output rate"); textOutShadow(85, 130, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Amplification"); textOutShadow(85, 144, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Start song position"); textOutShadow(85, 158, PAL_FORGRND, PAL_DSKTOP2, "Stop song position"); showPushButton(PB_WAV_RENDER); showPushButton(PB_WAV_EXIT); showPushButton(PB_WAV_FREQ_UP); showPushButton(PB_WAV_FREQ_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_WAV_AMP_UP); showPushButton(PB_WAV_AMP_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_WAV_START_UP); showPushButton(PB_WAV_START_DOWN); showPushButton(PB_WAV_END_UP); showPushButton(PB_WAV_END_DOWN); showCheckBox(CB_WAV_BPM_MODE); // bitdepth radiobuttons radioButtons[RB_WAV_RENDER_BITDEPTH16].state = RADIOBUTTON_UNCHECKED; radioButtons[RB_WAV_RENDER_BITDEPTH32].state = RADIOBUTTON_UNCHECKED; if (WDBitDepth == 16) radioButtons[RB_WAV_RENDER_BITDEPTH16].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; else radioButtons[RB_WAV_RENDER_BITDEPTH32].state = RADIOBUTTON_CHECKED; showRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_WAV_RENDER_BITDEPTH); updateWavRenderer(); } void resetWavRenderer(void) { WDStartPos = 0; WDStopPos = (uint8_t)song.songLength - 1; if (ui.wavRendererShown) updateWavRenderer(); } void showWavRenderer(void) { if (ui.extendedPatternEditor) exitPatternEditorExtended(); hideTopScreen(); showTopScreen(false); ui.wavRendererShown = true; ui.scopesShown = false; WDStartPos = 0; WDStopPos = (uint8_t)song.songLength - 1; drawWavRenderer(); } void hideWavRenderer(void) { ui.wavRendererShown = false; hidePushButton(PB_WAV_RENDER); hidePushButton(PB_WAV_EXIT); hidePushButton(PB_WAV_FREQ_UP); hidePushButton(PB_WAV_FREQ_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_WAV_AMP_UP); hidePushButton(PB_WAV_AMP_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_WAV_START_UP); hidePushButton(PB_WAV_START_DOWN); hidePushButton(PB_WAV_END_UP); hidePushButton(PB_WAV_END_DOWN); hideCheckBox(CB_WAV_BPM_MODE); hideRadioButtonGroup(RB_GROUP_WAV_RENDER_BITDEPTH); ui.scopesShown = true; drawScopeFramework(); } void exitWavRenderer(void) { hideWavRenderer(); } static bool dump_Init(uint32_t frq, int16_t amp, int16_t songPos) { int32_t bytesPerSample = (WDBitDepth / 8) * 2; // 2 channels int32_t maxSamplesPerTick = (int32_t)ceil(frq / (MIN_BPM / 2.5)) + 1; // *2 for stereo wavRenderBuffer = (uint8_t *)malloc((TICKS_PER_RENDER_CHUNK * maxSamplesPerTick) * bytesPerSample); if (wavRenderBuffer == NULL) return false; editor.wavIsRendering = true; setPos(songPos, 0, true); playMode = PLAYMODE_SONG; songPlaying = true; resetChannels(); setNewAudioFreq(frq); setAudioAmp(amp, config.masterVol, (WDBitDepth == 32)); stopVoices(); song.globalVolume = 64; setMixerBPM(song.BPM); resetPlaybackTime(); return true; } static void dump_Close(FILE *f, uint32_t totalSamples) { wavHeader_t wavHeader; if (wavRenderBuffer != NULL) { free(wavRenderBuffer); wavRenderBuffer = NULL; } uint32_t totalBytes; if (WDBitDepth == 16) totalBytes = totalSamples * sizeof (int16_t); else totalBytes = totalSamples * sizeof (float); if (totalBytes & 1) fputc(0, f); // write pad byte uint32_t tmpLen = ftell(f)-8; // go back and fill in WAV header rewind(f); wavHeader.chunkID = 0x46464952; // "RIFF" wavHeader.chunkSize = tmpLen; wavHeader.format = 0x45564157; // "WAVE" wavHeader.subchunk1ID = 0x20746D66; // "fmt " wavHeader.subchunk1Size = 16; if (WDBitDepth == 16) wavHeader.audioFormat = WAV_FORMAT_PCM; else wavHeader.audioFormat = WAV_FORMAT_IEEE_FLOAT; wavHeader.numChannels = 2; wavHeader.sampleRate = WDFrequency; wavHeader.byteRate = (wavHeader.sampleRate * wavHeader.numChannels * WDBitDepth) / 8; wavHeader.blockAlign = (wavHeader.numChannels * WDBitDepth) / 8; wavHeader.bitsPerSample = WDBitDepth; wavHeader.subchunk2ID = 0x61746164; // "data" wavHeader.subchunk2Size = totalBytes; // write main header fwrite(&wavHeader, 1, sizeof (wavHeader_t), f); fclose(f); stopPlaying(); // kludge: set speed to 6 if speed was set to 0 if (song.speed == 0) song.speed = 6; setBackOldAudioFreq(); setMixerBPM(song.BPM); setAudioAmp(config.boostLevel, config.masterVol, !!(config.specialFlags & BITDEPTH_32)); editor.wavIsRendering = false; setMouseBusy(false); } static bool dump_EndOfTune(int16_t endSongPos) { bool returnValue = (editor.wavReachedEndFlag && song.row == 0 && song.tick == 1) || (song.speed == 0); // FT2 bugfix for EEx (pattern delay) on first row of a pattern if (song.pattDelTime2 > 0) returnValue = false; if (song.songPos == endSongPos && song.row == 0 && song.tick == 1) editor.wavReachedEndFlag = true; return returnValue; } void dump_TickReplayer(void) { replayerBusy = true; if (!musicPaused) { if (audio.volumeRampingFlag) resetRampVolumes(); tickReplayer(); updateVoices(); } replayerBusy = false; } static void updateVisuals(void) { editor.editPattern = (uint8_t)song.pattNum; editor.row = song.row; editor.songPos = song.songPos; editor.BPM = song.BPM; editor.speed = song.speed; editor.globalVolume = song.globalVolume; ui.drawPosEdFlag = true; ui.drawPattNumLenFlag = true; ui.drawReplayerPianoFlag = true; ui.drawBPMFlag = true; ui.drawSpeedFlag = true; ui.drawGlobVolFlag = true; ui.updatePatternEditor = true; } static int32_t SDLCALL renderWavThread(void *ptr) { (void)ptr; FILE *f = (FILE *)editor.wavRendererFileHandle; fseek(f, sizeof (wavHeader_t), SEEK_SET); pauseAudio(); if (!dump_Init(WDFrequency, WDAmp, WDStartPos)) { resumeAudio(); okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Not enough memory!", NULL); return true; } uint32_t sampleCounter = 0; bool overflow = false, renderDone = false; uint8_t tickCounter = UPDATE_VISUALS_AT_TICK; uint64_t tickSamplesFrac = 0; uint64_t bytesInFile = sizeof (wavHeader_t); editor.wavReachedEndFlag = false; while (!renderDone) { uint32_t samplesInChunk = 0; // render several ticks at once to prevent frequent disk I/O (speeds up the process) uint8_t *ptr8 = wavRenderBuffer; for (uint32_t i = 0; i < TICKS_PER_RENDER_CHUNK; i++) { if (!editor.wavIsRendering || dump_EndOfTune(WDStopPos)) { renderDone = true; break; } dump_TickReplayer(); uint32_t tickSamples = audio.samplesPerTickInt; if (!useLegacyBPM) { tickSamplesFrac += audio.samplesPerTickFrac; if (tickSamplesFrac >= BPM_FRAC_SCALE) { tickSamplesFrac &= BPM_FRAC_MASK; tickSamples++; } } mixReplayerTickToBuffer(tickSamples, ptr8, WDBitDepth); tickSamples *= 2; // stereo samplesInChunk += tickSamples; sampleCounter += tickSamples; // increase buffer pointer if (WDBitDepth == 16) { ptr8 += tickSamples * sizeof (int16_t); bytesInFile += tickSamples * sizeof (int16_t); } else { ptr8 += tickSamples * sizeof (float); bytesInFile += tickSamples * sizeof (float); } if (bytesInFile >= INT32_MAX) { renderDone = true; overflow = true; break; } if (++tickCounter >= UPDATE_VISUALS_AT_TICK) { tickCounter = 0; updateVisuals(); } } // write buffer to disk if (samplesInChunk > 0) { if (WDBitDepth == 16) fwrite(wavRenderBuffer, sizeof (int16_t), samplesInChunk, f); else fwrite(wavRenderBuffer, sizeof (float), samplesInChunk, f); } } updateVisuals(); drawPlaybackTime(); // this is needed after the song stopped dump_Close(f, sampleCounter); resumeAudio(); if (overflow) okBoxThreadSafe(0, "System message", "Rendering stopped, file exceeded 2GB!", NULL); editor.diskOpReadOnOpen = true; return true; } static void wavRender(bool checkOverwrite) { WDStartPos = (uint8_t)(MAX(0, MIN(WDStartPos, song.songLength - 1))); WDStopPos = (uint8_t)(MAX(0, MIN(MAX(WDStartPos, WDStopPos), song.songLength - 1))); updateWavRenderer(); diskOpChangeFilenameExt(".wav"); char *filename = getDiskOpFilename(); if (checkOverwrite && fileExistsAnsi(filename)) { char buf[256]; createFileOverwriteText(filename, buf); if (okBox(2, "System request", buf, NULL) != 1) return; } editor.wavRendererFileHandle = fopen(filename, "wb"); if (editor.wavRendererFileHandle == NULL) { okBox(0, "System message", "General I/O error while writing to WAV (is the file in use)?", NULL); return; } mouseAnimOn(); thread = SDL_CreateThread(renderWavThread, NULL, NULL); if (thread == NULL) { fclose((FILE *)editor.wavRendererFileHandle); okBox(0, "System message", "Couldn't create thread!", NULL); return; } SDL_DetachThread(thread); } void pbWavRender(void) { wavRender(config.cfg_OverwriteWarning ? true : false); } void pbWavExit(void) { exitWavRenderer(); } void pbWavFreqUp(void) { if (WDFrequency < MAX_WAV_RENDER_FREQ) { if (WDFrequency == 44100) WDFrequency = 48000; else if (WDFrequency == 48000) WDFrequency = 96000; else if (WDFrequency == 96000) WDFrequency = 192000; else if (WDFrequency == 192000) WDFrequency = 384000; updateWavRenderer(); } } void pbWavFreqDown(void) { if (WDFrequency > MIN_WAV_RENDER_FREQ) { if (WDFrequency == 384000) WDFrequency = 192000; else if (WDFrequency == 192000) WDFrequency = 96000; else if (WDFrequency == 96000) WDFrequency = 48000; else if (WDFrequency == 48000) WDFrequency = 44100; updateWavRenderer(); } } void pbWavAmpUp(void) { if (WDAmp >= 32) return; WDAmp++; updateWavRenderer(); } void pbWavAmpDown(void) { if (WDAmp <= 1) return; WDAmp--; updateWavRenderer(); } void pbWavSongStartUp(void) { if (WDStartPos >= song.songLength-1) return; WDStartPos++; WDStopPos = (uint8_t)(MIN(MAX(WDStartPos, WDStopPos), song.songLength - 1)); updateWavRenderer(); } void pbWavSongStartDown(void) { if (WDStartPos == 0) return; WDStartPos--; updateWavRenderer(); } void pbWavSongEndUp(void) { if (WDStopPos >= 255) return; WDStopPos++; WDStopPos = (uint8_t)(MIN(MAX(WDStartPos, WDStopPos), song.songLength - 1)); updateWavRenderer(); } void pbWavSongEndDown(void) { if (WDStopPos == 0) return; WDStopPos--; WDStopPos = (uint8_t)(MIN(MAX(WDStartPos, WDStopPos), song.songLength - 1)); updateWavRenderer(); } void rbWavRenderBitDepth16(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_WAV_RENDER_BITDEPTH16); WDBitDepth = 16; } void rbWavRenderBitDepth32(void) { checkRadioButton(RB_WAV_RENDER_BITDEPTH32); WDBitDepth = 32; }