shithub: fork

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ref: 4ee4f83e633f8e89fffc7ef133104dfde80bde32
parent: c19c2031e98f7f5844c177156847d29f3c47157d
author: qwx <[email protected]>
date: Mon Aug 5 18:16:38 EDT 2024

vt: skip over vertical line marks (from 9front)

by sigrid

--- /dev/null
+++ b/sys/src/cmd/vt/vt.c
@@ -1,0 +1,1033 @@
+ * Known bugs:
+ *
+ * 1. We don't handle cursor movement characters inside escape sequences.
+ * 	That is, ESC[2C moves two to the right, so ESC[2\bC is supposed to back
+ *	up one and then move two to the right.
+ *
+ * 2. We don't handle tabstops past nelem(tabcol) columns.
+ *
+ * 3. We don't respect requests to do reverse video for the whole screen.
+ *
+ * 4. We ignore the ESC#n codes, so that we don't do double-width nor 
+ * 	double-height lines, nor the ``fill the screen with E's'' confidence check.
+ *
+ * 5. Cursor key sequences aren't selected by keypad application mode.
+ *
+ * 6. "VT220" mode (-2) currently just switches the default cursor key
+ *	functions (same as -a); it's still just a VT100 emulation.
+ *
+ * 7. VT52 mode and a few other rarely used features are not implemented.
+ */
+#include <u.h>
+#include <libc.h>
+#include <draw.h>
+#include "cons.h"
+#include <ctype.h>
+int	wraparound = 1;
+int	originrelative = 0;
+int	bracketed = 0;
+int	tabcol[200];
+char osc7cwd[WDIR];
+struct funckey ansifk[] = {
+	{ "up key",		"\033[A", },
+	{ "down key",		"\033[B", },
+	{ "left key",		"\033[D", },
+	{ "right key",		"\033[C", },
+	{ "F1",			"\033OP", },
+	{ "F2",			"\033OQ", },
+	{ "F3",			"\033OR", },
+	{ "F4",			"\033OS", },
+	{ "F5",			"\033OT", },
+	{ "F6",			"\033OU", },
+	{ "F7",			"\033OV", },
+	{ "F8",			"\033OW", },
+	{ "F9",			"\033OX", },
+	{ "F10",		"\033OY", },
+	{ "F11",		"\033OZ", },
+	{ "F12",		"\033O1", },
+	{ 0 },
+struct funckey ansiappfk[] = {
+	{ "up key",		"\033OA", },
+	{ "down key",		"\033OB", },
+	{ "left key",		"\033OD", },
+	{ "right key",		"\033OC", },
+	{ 0 },
+struct funckey vt220fk[] = {
+	{ "insert",		"\033[2~", },
+	{ "delete",		"\033[3~", },
+	{ "home",		"\033[1~", },
+	{ "end",		"\033[4~", },
+	{ "page up",		"\033[5~", },
+	{ "page down",		"\033[6~", },
+	{ "up key",		"\033[A", },
+	{ "down key",		"\033[B", },
+	{ "left key",		"\033[D", },
+	{ "right key",		"\033[C", },
+	{ "F1",			"\033OP", },
+	{ "F2",			"\033OQ", },
+	{ "F3",			"\033OR", },
+	{ "F4",			"\033OS", },
+	{ "F5",			"\033[15~", },
+	{ "F6",			"\033[17~", },
+	{ "F7",			"\033[18~", },
+	{ "F8",			"\033[19~", },
+	{ "F9",			"\033[20~", },
+	{ "F10",		"\033[21~", },
+	{ "F11",		"\033[23~", },
+	{ "F12",		"\033[24~", },
+	{ 0 },
+struct funckey xtermfk[] = {
+	{ "insert",		"\033[2~", },
+	{ "delete",		"\033[3~", },
+	{ "home",		"\033OH", },
+	{ "end",		"\033OF", },
+	{ "page up",		"\033[5~", },
+	{ "page down",		"\033[6~", },
+	{ "up key",		"\033[A", },
+	{ "down key",		"\033[B", },
+	{ "left key",		"\033[D", },
+	{ "right key",		"\033[C", },
+	{ "F1",			"\033OP", },
+	{ "F2",			"\033OQ", },
+	{ "F3",			"\033OR", },
+	{ "F4",			"\033OS", },
+	{ "F5",			"\033[15~", },
+	{ "F6",			"\033[17~", },
+	{ "F7",			"\033[18~", },
+	{ "F8",			"\033[19~", },
+	{ "F9",			"\033[20~", },
+	{ "F10",		"\033[21~", },
+	{ "F11",		"\033[23~", },
+	{ "F12",		"\033[24~", },
+	{ 0 },
+char gmap[256] = {
+	['_']	' ',	/* blank */
+	['\\']	'*',	/* diamond */
+	['a']	'X',	/* checkerboard */
+	['b']	'\t',	/* HT */
+	['c']	'\x0C',	/* FF */
+	['d']	'\r',	/* CR */
+	['e']	'\n',	/* LF */
+	['f']	'o',	/* degree */
+	['g']	'+',	/* plus/minus */
+	['h']	'\n',	/* NL, but close enough */
+	['i']	'\v',	/* VT */
+	['j']	'+',	/* lower right corner */
+	['k']	'+',	/* upper right corner */
+	['l']	'+',	/* upper left corner */
+	['m']	'+',	/* lower left corner */
+	['n']	'+',	/* crossing lines */
+	['o']	'-',	/* horiz line - scan 1 */
+	['p']	'-',	/* horiz line - scan 3 */
+	['q']	'-',	/* horiz line - scan 5 */
+	['r']	'-',	/* horiz line - scan 7 */
+	['s']	'-',	/* horiz line - scan 9 */
+	['t']	'+',	/* |-   */
+	['u']	'+',	/* -| */
+	['v']	'+',	/* upside down T */
+	['w']	'+',	/* rightside up T */
+	['x']	'|',	/* vertical bar */
+	['y']	'<',	/* less/equal */
+	['z']	'>',	/* gtr/equal */
+	['{']	'p',	/* pi */
+	['|']	'!',	/* not equal */
+	['}']	'L',	/* pound symbol */
+	['~']	'.',	/* centered dot: · */
+static void setattr(int argc, int *argv);
+static void osc(void);
+fixops(int *operand)
+	if(operand[0] < 1)
+		operand[0] = 1;
+	Rune buf[BUFS+1];
+	int i;
+	int n;
+	int c;
+	int operand[10];
+	int noperand;
+	int savex, savey, saveattr, saveisgraphics;
+	int isgraphics;
+	int g0set, g1set;
+	isgraphics = 0;
+	g0set = 'B';	/* US ASCII */
+	g1set = 'B';	/* US ASCII */
+	savex = savey = 0;
+	yscrmin = 0;
+	yscrmax = ymax;
+	saveattr = 0;
+	saveisgraphics = 0;
+	/* set initial tab stops to DEC-standard 8-column spacing */
+	for(c=0; (c+=8)<nelem(tabcol);)
+		tabcol[c] = 1;
+	for (;;) {
+		if (y > ymax) {
+			x = 0;
+			newline();
+		}
+		buf[0] = get_next_char();
+		buf[1] = '\0';
+		switch(buf[0]) {
+		case '\000':
+		case '\001':
+		case '\002':
+		case '\003':
+		case '\004':
+		case '\005':
+		case '\006':
+			goto Default;
+		case '\007':		/* bell */
+			ringbell();
+			break;
+		case '\010':		/* backspace */
+			if (x > 0)
+				--x;
+			break;
+		case '\011':		/* tab to next tab stop; if none, to right margin */
+			for(c=x+1; c<nelem(tabcol) && !tabcol[c]; c++)
+				;
+			if(c < nelem(tabcol))
+				x = c;
+			else
+				x = xmax;
+			break;
+		case '\012':		/* linefeed */
+		case '\013':
+		case '\014':
+			newline();
+			if (ttystate[cs->raw].nlcr)
+				x = 0;
+			break;
+		case '\015':		/* carriage return */
+			x = 0;
+			if (ttystate[cs->raw].crnl)
+				newline();
+			break;
+		case '\016':	/* SO: invoke G1 char set */
+			isgraphics = (isdigit(g1set));
+			break;
+		case '\017':	/* SI: invoke G0 char set */
+			isgraphics = (isdigit(g0set));
+			break;
+		case '\020':	/* DLE */
+		case '\021':	/* DC1 */
+		case '\022':	/* XON */
+		case '\023':	/* DC3 */
+		case '\024':	/* XOFF */
+		case '\025':	/* NAK */
+		case '\026':	/* SYN */
+		case '\027':	/* ETB */
+		case '\030':	/* CAN: cancel escape sequence, display checkerboard (not implemented) */
+		case '\031':	/* EM */
+		case '\032':	/* SUB: same as CAN */
+			goto Default;
+		/* ESC, \033, is handled below */
+		case '\034':	/* FS */
+		case '\035':	/* GS */
+		case '\036':	/* RS */
+		case '\037':	/* US */
+			break;
+		case '\177':	/* delete: ignored */
+			break;
+		case '\033':
+			switch(get_next_char()){
+			/*
+			 * 1 - graphic processor option on (no-op; not installed)
+			 */
+			case '1':
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * 2 - graphic processor option off (no-op; not installed)
+			 */
+			case '2':
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * 7 - save cursor position.
+			 */
+			case '7':
+				savex = x;
+				savey = y;
+				saveattr = attr;
+				saveisgraphics = isgraphics;
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * 8 - restore cursor position.
+			 */
+			case '8':
+				x = savex;
+				y = savey;
+				attr = saveattr;
+				isgraphics = saveisgraphics;
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * c - Reset terminal.
+			 */
+			case 'c':
+				cursoron = 1;
+				ttystate[cs->raw].nlcr = 0;
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * D - active position down a line, scroll if at bottom margin.
+			 * (Original VT100 had a bug: tracked new-line/line-feed mode.)
+			 */
+			case 'D':
+				if(++y > yscrmax) {
+					y = yscrmax;
+					scroll(yscrmin+1, yscrmax+1, yscrmin, yscrmax);
+				}
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * E - active position to start of next line, scroll if at bottom margin.
+			 */
+			case 'E':
+				x = 0;
+				if(++y > yscrmax) {
+					y = yscrmax;
+					scroll(yscrmin+1, yscrmax+1, yscrmin, yscrmax);
+				}
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * H - set tab stop at current column.
+			 * (This is cursor home in VT52 mode (not implemented).)
+			 */
+			case 'H':
+				if(x < nelem(tabcol))
+					tabcol[x] = 1;
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * M - active position up a line, scroll if at top margin..
+			 */
+			case 'M':
+				if(--y < yscrmin) {
+					y = yscrmin;
+					scroll(yscrmin, yscrmax, yscrmin+1, yscrmin);
+				}
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * Z - identification.  the terminal
+			 * emulator will return the response
+			 * code for a generic VT100.
+			 */
+			case 'Z':
+			Ident:
+				sendnchars(7, "\033[?1;2c");	/* VT100 with AVO option */
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * < - enter ANSI mode
+			 */
+			case '<':
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * > - set numeric keypad mode on (not implemented)
+			 */
+			case '>':
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * = - set numeric keypad mode off (not implemented)
+			 */
+			case '=':
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * # - Takes a one-digit argument
+			 */
+			case '#':
+				switch(get_next_char()){
+				case '3':		/* Top half of double-height line */
+				case '4':		/* Bottom half of double-height line */
+				case '5':		/* Single-width single-height line */
+				case '6':		/* Double-width line */
+				case '7':		/* Screen print */
+				case '8':		/* Fill screen with E's */
+					break;
+				}
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * ( - switch G0 character set
+			 */
+			case '(':
+				g0set = get_next_char();
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * - switch G1 character set
+			 */
+			case ')':
+				g1set = get_next_char();
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * Received left bracket.
+			 */
+			case '[':
+				/*
+				 * A semi-colon or ? delimits arguments.
+				 */
+				memset(operand, 0, sizeof(operand));
+				operand[0] = number(buf, &i);
+				noperand = 1;
+				while(buf[0] == ';' || buf[0] == '?'){
+					if(noperand < nelem(operand))
+						operand[noperand++] = number(buf, nil);
+					else
+						number(buf, nil);
+				}
+				/*
+				 * do escape2 stuff
+				 */
+				switch(buf[0]){
+					/*
+					 * c - same as ESC Z: what are you?
+					 */
+					case 'c':
+						goto Ident;
+					/*
+					 * g - various tabstop manipulation
+					 */
+					case 'g':
+						switch(operand[0]){
+						case 0:	/* clear tab at current column */
+							if(x < nelem(tabcol))
+								tabcol[x] = 0;
+							break;
+						case 3:	/* clear all tabs */
+							memset(tabcol, 0, sizeof tabcol);
+							break;
+						}
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * l - clear various options.
+					 */
+					case 'l':
+						if(noperand == 1){
+							switch(operand[0]){	
+							case 20:	/* set line feed mode */
+								ttystate[cs->raw].nlcr = 1;
+								break;
+							case 30:	/* screen invisible (? not supported through VT220) */
+								break;
+							}
+						}else while(--noperand > 0){
+							switch(operand[noperand]){
+							case 1:	/* set cursor keys to send ANSI functions: ESC [ A..D */
+								appfk = nil;
+								break;
+							case 2:	/* set VT52 mode (not implemented) */
+								break;
+							case 3:	/* set 80 columns */
+								setdim(-1, 80);
+								break;
+							case 4:	/* set jump scrolling */
+								break;
+							case 5:	/* set normal video on screen */
+								break;
+							case 6:	/* set origin to absolute */
+								originrelative = 0;
+								x = y = 0;
+								break;
+							case 7:	/* reset auto-wrap mode */
+								wraparound = 0;
+								break;
+							case 8:	/* reset auto-repeat mode */
+								break;
+							case 9:	/* reset interlacing mode */
+								break;
+							case 25:	/* text cursor off (VT220) */
+								cursoron = 0;
+								break;
+							case 2004:	/* bracketed paste mode off */
+								bracketed = 0;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					/*
+					* s - some dec private stuff. actually [ ? num s, but we can't detect it.
+					*/
+					case 's':
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * h - set various options.
+					 */
+					case 'h':
+						if(noperand == 1){
+							switch(operand[0]){
+							default:
+								break;
+							case 20:	/* set newline mode */
+								ttystate[cs->raw].nlcr = 0;
+								break;
+							case 30:	/* screen visible (? not supported through VT220) */
+								break;
+							}
+						}else while(--noperand > 0){
+							switch(operand[noperand]){
+							default:
+								break;
+							case 1:	/* set cursor keys to send application function: ESC O A..D */
+								appfk = ansiappfk;
+								break;
+							case 2:	/* set ANSI */
+								break;
+							case 3:	/* set 132 columns */
+								setdim(-1, 132);
+								break;
+							case 4:	/* set smooth scrolling */
+								break;
+							case 5:	/* set screen to reverse video (not implemented) */
+								break;
+							case 6:	/* set origin to relative */
+								originrelative = 1;
+								x = 0;
+								y = yscrmin;
+								break;
+							case 7:	/* set auto-wrap mode */
+								wraparound = 1;
+								break;
+							case 8:	/* set auto-repeat mode */
+								break;
+							case 9:	/* set interlacing mode */
+								break;
+							case 25:	/* text cursor on (VT220) */
+								cursoron = 1;
+								break;
+							case 2004:	/* bracketed paste mode on */
+								bracketed = 1;
+								break;
+							}
+						}
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * m - change character attrs.
+					 */
+					case 'm':
+						setattr(noperand, operand);
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * n - request various reports
+					 */
+					case 'n':
+						switch(operand[0]){
+						case 5:	/* status */
+							sendnchars(4, "\033[0n");	/* terminal ok */
+							break;
+						case 6:	/* cursor position */
+							sendnchars(sprint((char*)buf, "\033[%d;%dR",
+								originrelative ? y+1 - yscrmin : y+1, x+1), (char*)buf);
+							break;
+						}
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * q - turn on list of LEDs; turn off others.
+					 */
+					case 'q':
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * r - change scrolling region.  operand[0] is
+					 * min scrolling region and operand[1] is max
+					 * scrolling region.
+					 */
+					case 'r':
+						yscrmin = 0;
+						yscrmax = ymax;
+						switch(noperand){
+						case 2:
+							yscrmax = operand[1]-1;
+							if(yscrmax > ymax)
+								yscrmax = ymax;
+						case 1:
+							yscrmin = operand[0]-1;
+							if(yscrmin < 0)
+								yscrmin = 0;
+						}
+						x = 0;
+						y = yscrmin;
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * x - report terminal parameters
+					 */
+					case 'x':
+						sendnchars(20, "\033[3;1;1;120;120;1;0x");
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * y - invoke confidence test
+					 */
+					case 'y':
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * z - line spacing
+					 */
+					case 'z':
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * A - cursor up.
+					 */
+					case 'e':
+					case 'A':
+						fixops(operand);
+						y -= operand[0];
+						if(y < yscrmin)
+							y = yscrmin;
+						olines -= operand[0];
+						if(olines < 0)
+							olines = 0;
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * B - cursor down
+					 */
+					case 'B':
+						fixops(operand);
+						y += operand[0];
+						if(y > yscrmax)
+							y=yscrmax;
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * C - cursor right
+					 */
+					case 'a':
+					case 'C':
+						fixops(operand);
+						x += operand[0];
+						/*
+						 * VT-100-UG says not to go past the
+						 * right margin.
+						 */
+						if(x > xmax)
+							x = xmax;
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * D - cursor left
+					 */
+					case 'D':
+						fixops(operand);
+						x -= operand[0];
+						if(x < 0)
+							x = 0;
+						break;
+					/*
+					 *	G - cursor to column
+					 */
+					case '\'':
+					case 'G':
+						fixops(operand);
+						x = operand[0] - 1;
+						if(x > xmax)
+							x = xmax;
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * H and f - cursor motion.  operand[0] is row and
+					 * operand[1] is column, origin 1.
+					 */
+					case 'H':
+					case 'f':
+						fixops(operand+1);
+						x = operand[1] - 1;
+						if(x > xmax)
+							x = xmax;
+						/* fallthrough */
+					/*
+					 * d - cursor to line n (xterm)
+					 */
+					case 'd':
+						fixops(operand);
+						y = operand[0] - 1;
+						if(originrelative){
+							y += yscrmin;
+							if(y > yscrmax)
+								y = yscrmax;
+						}else{
+							if(y > ymax)
+								y = ymax;
+						}
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * J - clear some or all of the display.
+					 */
+					case 'J':
+						switch (operand[0]) {
+							/*
+							 * operand 2:  whole screen.
+							 */
+							case 2:
+								clear(0, 0, xmax+1, ymax+1);
+								break;
+							/*
+							 * operand 1: start of screen to active position, inclusive.
+							 */
+							case 1:
+								clear(0, 0, xmax+1, y);
+								clear(0, y, x+1, y+1);
+								break;
+							/*
+							 * Default:  active position to end of screen, inclusive.
+							 */
+							default:
+								clear(x, y, xmax+1, y+1);
+								clear(0, y+1, xmax+1, ymax+1);
+								break;
+						}
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * K - clear some or all of the line.
+					 */
+					case 'K':
+						switch (operand[0]) {
+							/*
+							 * operand 2: whole line.
+							 */
+							case 2:
+								clear(0, y, xmax+1, y+1);
+								break;
+							/*
+							 * operand 1: start of line to active position, inclusive.
+							 */
+							case 1:
+								clear(0, y, x+1, y+1);
+								break;
+							/*
+							 * Default: active position to end of line, inclusive.
+							 */
+							default:
+								clear(x, y, xmax+1, y+1);
+								break;
+						}
+						break;
+					/*
+					 *	P - delete character(s) from right of cursor (xterm)
+					 */
+					case 'P':
+						fixops(operand);
+						i = x + operand[0];
+						shift(x, y, i, xmax+1 - i);
+						clear(xmax-operand[0], y, xmax+1, y+1);
+						break;
+					/*
+					 *	@ - insert blank(s) to right of cursor (xterm)
+					 */
+					case '@':
+						fixops(operand);
+						i = x + operand[0];
+						shift(i, y, x, xmax+1 - i);
+						clear(x, y, i, y+1);
+						break;
+					/*
+					 *	X - erase character(s) at cursor and to the right (xterm)
+					 */
+					case 'X':
+						fixops(operand);
+						i = x + operand[0];
+						clear(x, y, i, y+1);
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * L - insert a line at cursor position (VT102 and later)
+					 */
+					case 'L':
+						fixops(operand);
+						for(i = 0; i < operand[0]; ++i)
+							scroll(y, yscrmax, y+1, y);
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * M - delete a line at cursor position (VT102 and later)
+					 */
+					case 'M':
+						fixops(operand);
+						for(i = 0; i < operand[0]; ++i)
+							scroll(y+1, yscrmax+1, y, yscrmax);
+						break;
+					/*
+					 * S,T - scroll up/down (xterm)
+					 */
+					case 'T':
+						fixops(operand);
+						for(i = 0; i < operand[0]; ++i)
+							scroll(yscrmin, yscrmax, yscrmin+1, yscrmin);
+						break;
+					case 'S':
+						fixops(operand);
+						for(i = 0; i < operand[0]; ++i)
+							scroll(yscrmin+1, yscrmax+1, yscrmin, yscrmin);
+						break;
+					case '=':	/* ? not supported through VT220 */
+						number(buf, nil);
+						switch(buf[0]) {
+						case 'h':
+						case 'l':
+							break;
+						}
+						break;
+					case '>':	/* Set/reset key modifier options (XTMODKEYS), xterm. */
+						number(buf, nil);
+						if(buf[0] != 'm' && buf[0] != 'M')
+							number(buf, nil);
+						break;
+				}
+				break;
+			/*
+			 * Collapse multiple '\033' to one.
+			 */
+			case '\033':
+				peekc = '\033';
+				break;
+			/* OSC escape */
+			case ']':
+				osc();
+				break;
+			}
+			break;
+		default:		/* ordinary char */
+			if(isgraphics && buf[0] < nelem(gmap) && gmap[buf[0]])
+				buf[0] = gmap[buf[0]];
+			/* line wrap */
+			if (x > xmax){
+				if(wraparound){
+					newline();
+					x = 0;
+				}else{
+					continue;
+				}
+			}
+			n = 1;
+			c = 0;
+			while (!cs->raw && host_avail() && x+n<=xmax && n<BUFS
+			    && (c = get_next_char())>=' ' && c<'\177') {
+				buf[n++] = c;
+				c = 0;
+			}
+			buf[n] = 0;
+			drawstring(buf, n);
+			x += n;
+			peekc = c;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+static void
+setattr(int argc, int *argv)
+	int i;
+	for(i=0; i<argc; i++) {
+		switch(argv[i]) {
+		case 0:
+			attr = defattr;
+			break;
+		case 1:
+			attr |= THighIntensity;
+			break;		
+		case 4:
+			attr |= TUnderline;
+			break;		
+		case 5:
+			attr |= TBlink;
+			break;
+		case 7:
+			attr |= TReverse;
+			break;
+		case 8:
+			attr |= TInvisible;
+			break;
+		case 22:
+			attr &= ~THighIntensity;
+			break;		
+		case 24:
+			attr &= ~TUnderline;
+			break;		
+		case 25:
+			attr &= ~TBlink;
+			break;
+		case 27:
+			attr &= ~TReverse;
+			break;
+		case 28:
+			attr &= ~TInvisible;
+			break;
+		case 30:	/* black */
+		case 31:	/* red */
+		case 32:	/* green */
+		case 33:	/* brown */
+		case 34:	/* blue */
+		case 35:	/* purple */
+		case 36:	/* cyan */
+		case 37:	/* white */
+			attr = (attr & ~0xF000) | 0x1000 | (argv[i]-30)<<13;
+			break;
+		case 39:	/* default */
+			attr &= ~0xF000;
+			break;
+		case 40:	/* black */
+		case 41:	/* red */
+		case 42:	/* green */
+		case 43:	/* brown */
+		case 44:	/* blue */
+		case 45:	/* purple */
+		case 46:	/* cyan */
+		case 47:	/* white */
+			attr = (attr & ~0x0F00) | 0x0100 | (argv[i]-40)<<9;
+			break;
+		case 49:	/* default */
+			attr &= ~0x0F00;
+			break;
+		}
+	}
+static int
+hexnib(char c)
+	if(c >= 'a')
+		return c - 'a' + 10;
+	if(c >= 'A')
+		return c - 'A' + 10;
+	return c - '0';
+// handle ESC], Operating System Command
+static void
+	Rune ch, buf[BUFS+1];
+	int fd, osc, got, i;
+	char *o, *s;
+	osc = number(&ch, &got);
+	if(got) {
+		switch(osc) {
+		case 0:
+		case 1:
+		case 2: /* set title */
+			i = 0;
+			while((ch = get_next_char()) != '\a') {
+				if(i < nelem(buf) - 1) {
+					buf[i++] = ch;
+				}
+			}
+			buf[i] = 0;
+			if((fd = open("/dev/label", OWRITE)) >= 0) {
+				fprint(fd, "%S", buf);
+				close(fd);
+			}
+			break;
+		case 7: /* set pwd */
+			i = 0;
+			while((ch = get_next_char()) != '\033'){
+				if(i < sizeof(osc7cwd)-UTFmax-1)
+					i += runetochar(osc7cwd+i, &ch);
+			}
+			get_next_char();
+			osc7cwd[i] = 0;
+			/* file://hostname/path → /n/hostname/path */
+			if(strncmp(osc7cwd, "file://", 7) == 0){
+				osc7cwd[0] = '/';
+				osc7cwd[1] = 'n';
+				o = osc7cwd+2;
+				s = osc7cwd+6;
+				while(*s){
+					if(*s == '%' && s[1] != 0 && s[2] != 0){
+						*o++ = hexnib(s[1])<<4 | hexnib(s[2]);
+						s += 3;
+					}else
+						*o++ = *s++;
+				}
+				*o = 0;
+			}
+			break;
+		}
+	}