ref: baea4aa939861fd4efbc71b96f93ba890f01ac40
parent: 50f83a91220940042962fdb55d07bb03991f52be
author: Peter Mikkelsen <[email protected]>
date: Wed Jun 30 13:48:49 EDT 2021
Add a standard library with the "builtins" that doesn't really need to be actual builtins
--- a/builtins.c
+++ b/builtins.c
@@ -4,7 +4,6 @@
#include "dat.h"
#include "fns.h"
-int builtintrue(Term *, Term *, Goal **, Choicepoint **, Binding **);
int builtinfail(Term *, Term *, Goal **, Choicepoint **, Binding **);
int builtincall(Term *, Term *, Goal **, Choicepoint **, Binding **);
int builtincut(Term *, Term *, Goal **, Choicepoint **, Binding **);
@@ -28,8 +27,6 @@
return nil;
- if(!runestrcmp(name, L"true") && arity == 0)
- return builtintrue;
if(!runestrcmp(name, L"fail") && arity == 0)
return builtinfail;
if(!runestrcmp(name, L"call") && arity == 1)
@@ -41,17 +38,6 @@
-builtintrue(Term *database, Term *goal, Goal **goals, Choicepoint **choicestack, Binding **bindings)
- USED(database);
- USED(goal);
- USED(goals);
- USED(choicestack);
- USED(bindings);
- return 1;
builtinfail(Term *database, Term *goal, Goal **goals, Choicepoint **choicestack, Binding **bindings)
@@ -85,7 +71,11 @@
Choicepoint *cp = *choicestack;
- while(cp != nil && cp->id == goal->clausenr)
+ /* Cut all choicepoints with an id larger or equal to the goal clause number, since they must have been introduced
+ after this goal's parent.
+ */
+ while(cp != nil && cp->id >= goal->clausenr)
cp = cp->next;
*choicestack = cp;
return 1;
--- a/eval.c
+++ b/eval.c
@@ -48,6 +48,9 @@
goal = goals->goal;
+ if(debug)
+ print("Working goal: %S\n", prettyprint(goal));
Binding *bindings = nil;
Term *clause = nil;
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -25,20 +25,29 @@
if(argc != 0)
+ int fd = open("./", OREAD);
+ if(fd < 0){
+ print("Can't open ./\n");
+ exits("open");
+ }
+ Term *database = parse(fd, 0);
+ close(fd);
int fd = open(parsetestfile, OREAD);
if(fd < 0)
- Term *database = parse(fd, 0);
+ Term *clauses = parse(fd, 0);
+ database = appendterm(database, clauses);
Term *goal;
for(goal = initgoals; goal != nil; goal = goal->next){
Binding *bindings = nil;
evalquery(database, goal, &bindings);
- repl(database);
+ repl(database);
--- a/parser.c
+++ b/parser.c
@@ -292,9 +292,9 @@
- int infixlevel = infos[index].level & (Xfx|Xfy|Yfx);
- int prefixlevel = infos[index].level & (Fx|Fy);
- int postfixlevel = infos[index].level & (Xf|Yf);
+ int infixlevel = infos[index].type & (Xfx|Xfy|Yfx);
+ int prefixlevel = infos[index].type & (Fx|Fy);
+ int postfixlevel = infos[index].type & (Xf|Yf);
if(infixlevel && index != 0 && index != length-1 && infos[index-1].type == 0 && infos[index-1].type == 0){
infos[index-1].type = 0;
@@ -328,7 +328,7 @@
terms[i] = terms[i+1];
- print("Parse error when parsing operators\n");
+ print("Parse error when parsing operator %S (prefix=%d, postfix=%d, infix=%d level=%d)\n", prettyprint(terms[index]), prefixlevel, postfixlevel, infixlevel, infos[index].level);
@@ -413,6 +413,7 @@
return op;
@@ -442,7 +443,6 @@
if(peek == L'%'){
while(peek != L'\n')
peek = Bgetrune(parsein);
- Bgetrune(parsein);
peek = Bgetrune(parsein);
@@ -595,7 +595,7 @@
/* Other */
- if(runestrchr(L",.()]}|!", peek)){
+ if(runestrchr(L",.()]}|!;", peek)){
case L',': lookahead.tag = CommaTok; break;
case L'(': lookahead.tag = ParenLeftTok; break;
@@ -604,6 +604,7 @@
case L'}': lookahead.tag = CurlyBracketRightTok; break;
case L'|': lookahead.tag = PipeTok; break;
case L'!': lookahead.tag = AtomTok; lookahead.text = runestrdup(L"!"); break;
+ case L';': lookahead.tag = AtomTok; lookahead.text = runestrdup(L";"); break;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,0 +1,30 @@
+% Logic and control predicates
+\+ Goal :- call(Goal), !, fail.
+\+ Goal.
+once(Goal) :-
+ call(Goal),
+ !.
+repeat :- true ; repeat.
+% Control structures.
+If -> Then :-
+ If, !, Then.
+If -> Then ; _ :-
+ If, !, Then.
+_ -> _ ; Else :-
+ !, Else.
+If ; _ :-
+ If.
+_ ; Else :-
+ Else.
+% Term unification
+A = A.
+A \= B :-
+ \+ A = B.