ref: 480de114963ecee700ece5b8793916726c04b9ab
parent: ee65a81ee5b0112ba4480619ca672c569fb28b45
author: Peter Mikkelsen <[email protected]>
date: Fri Jul 16 11:25:01 EDT 2021
Replace the C repl with one written in prolog :)
--- a/builtins.c
+++ b/builtins.c
@@ -60,6 +60,8 @@
int compareterms(Term *, Term *);
@@ -169,6 +171,10 @@
return builtinputchar;
if(Match(L"char_code", 2))
return builtincharcode;
+ if(Match(L"$choicestack_size", 1))
+ return builtinchoicestacksize;
+ if(Match(L"$collect_garbage", 0))
+ return builtincollectgarbage;
return nil;
@@ -569,10 +575,10 @@
builtinthrow(Term *goal, Binding **bindings, Module *module)
+ USED(module);
Term *ball = goal->children;
- print("Throwing: %S\n", prettyprint(ball, 0, 0, 0, module));
Goal *g;
for(g = goalstack; g != nil; g = g->next){
if(g->catcher == nil)
@@ -579,27 +585,20 @@
if(unify(g->catcher, ball, bindings)){
- if(g->goal == nil){
- /* As soon as we have print facilities as builtins, we can avoid this by having the protector frame have a unhandled exception handler*/
- print("Unhandled exception: %S\n", prettyprint(ball, 0, 0, 0, module));
- exits("exception");
- return 0;
- }else{
- goalstack = g->next;
- Goal *newgoal = gmalloc(sizeof(Goal));
- newgoal->goal = copyterm(g->goal, nil);
- newgoal->module = module;
- newgoal->catcher = nil;
- newgoal->next = goalstack;
- goalstack = newgoal;
- applybinding(newgoal->goal, *bindings);
+ goalstack = g->next;
+ Goal *newgoal = gmalloc(sizeof(Goal));
+ newgoal->goal = copyterm(g->goal, nil);
+ newgoal->module = g->module;
+ newgoal->catcher = nil;
+ newgoal->next = goalstack;
+ goalstack = newgoal;
+ applybinding(newgoal->goal, *bindings);
- Choicepoint *cp = choicestack;
- while(cp != nil && cp->id >= goal->clausenr)
- cp = cp->next;
- choicestack = cp;
- return 1;
- }
+ Choicepoint *cp = choicestack;
+ while(cp != nil && cp->id >= goal->clausenr)
+ cp = cp->next;
+ choicestack = cp;
+ return 1;
return 0;
@@ -1404,3 +1403,29 @@
+builtinchoicestacksize(Term *goal, Binding **bindings, Module *module)
+ USED(bindings);
+ USED(module);
+ Term *size = goal->children;
+ vlong i = 0;
+ Choicepoint *cp;
+ for(cp = choicestack; cp != nil; cp = cp->next)
+ i++;
+ Term *realsize = mkinteger(i);
+ return unify(size, realsize, bindings);
+builtincollectgarbage(Term *goal, Binding **bindings, Module *module)
+ USED(goal);
+ USED(bindings);
+ USED(module);
+ vlong amount = collectgarbage();
+ if(amount != 0 & debug)
+ print("Collected %lld bytes of garbage\n", amount);
+ return 1;
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/dat.h
+++ b/dat.h
@@ -123,5 +123,4 @@
Module *systemmodule; /* The module for the builtins. Everything has access to those */
Module *usermodule; /* The default module for user defined predicates */
uvlong clausenr;
-Binding *replbindings; /* The bindings used by the repl */
-Term *replquery; /* The currently active repl query */
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/eval.c
+++ b/eval.c
@@ -11,34 +11,11 @@
void addchoicepoints(Clause *, Term *, Goal *, Module *);
-evalquery(Term *query, Binding **resultbindings)
+evalquery(Term *query)
- if(choicestack == nil){
- /*
- The goal stack has the original query at the very bottom, protected by a catch frame where the ->goal field is nil.
- This makes it so that we can continue until we hit the protective goal, at which point we have solved everything
- and to get the result we can unify the original query with the one at the bottom of the stack, to get the bindings
- applied.
- */
- goalstack = gmalloc(sizeof(Goal));
- goalstack->goal = copyterm(query, nil);
- goalstack->module = usermodule;
- goalstack->catcher = nil;
- goalstack->next = nil;
- Goal *protector = gmalloc(sizeof(Goal));
- protector->goal = nil;
- protector->module = usermodule;
- protector->catcher = mkvariable(L"catch-var");
- protector->next = goalstack;
- goalstack = protector;
+ Binding *replbindings = nil;
+ goalstack = addgoals(goalstack, query, usermodule);
- /* Now add the actual goals */
- goalstack = addgoals(goalstack, query, usermodule);
- }else{
- goto Backtrack;
- }
while(goalstack->goal != nil){
Term *goal = goalstack->goal;
Term *catcher = goalstack->catcher;
@@ -101,7 +78,7 @@
goalstack = goalstack->next;
- unify(query, goalstack->goal, resultbindings);
+ unify(query, goalstack->goal, &replbindings);
return 1;
--- a/fns.h
+++ b/fns.h
@@ -18,15 +18,12 @@
Clause *copyclause(Clause *, uvlong *);
/* eval.c */
-int evalquery(Term *, Binding **);
+int evalquery(Term *);
int unify(Term *, Term *, Binding **);
void applybinding(Term *, Binding *);
Goal *addgoals(Goal *, Term *, Module *);
Predicate *findpredicate(Predicate *, Term *);
Clause *findclause(Clause *, Term *, Binding **);
-/* repl.c */
-void repl(void);
/* builtins.c */
Builtin findbuiltin(Term *);
--- a/garbage.c
+++ b/garbage.c
@@ -66,14 +66,10 @@
1) The modules
2) The goalstack
3) The choicestack
- 4) The replbindings
- 5) The replquery
- markbindings(replbindings);
- markterm(replquery);
/* Free the allocations that were not marked as reachable */
for(i = 0; i < TableSize; i++){
--- a/main.c
+++ b/main.c
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
#include "fns.h"
void usage(void);
+void repl(int, char **);
main(int argc, char *argv[])
@@ -22,14 +23,8 @@
+ repl(argc, argv);
- while(argc != 0){
- parsemodule(argv[0]);
- argc--;
- argv++;
- }
- repl();
@@ -38,4 +33,16 @@
fprint(2, "Usage: pprolog [-d] modulefiles\n");
+repl(int argc, char *argv[])
+ USED(argc);
+ USED(argv);
+ Term *mod = mkatom(L"repl");
+ Term *pred = mkatom(L"repl");
+ mod->next = pred;
+ Term *goal = mkcompound(L":", 2, mod);
+ evalquery(goal);
\ No newline at end of file
--- a/mkfile
+++ b/mkfile
@@ -9,7 +9,6 @@
- repl.$O\
--- a/module.c
+++ b/module.c
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@
usermodule = addemptymodule(L"user");
+ parsemodule("./");
Module *
--- a/repl.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,87 +1,0 @@
-#include <u.h>
-#include <libc.h>
-#include <bio.h>
-#include "dat.h"
-#include "fns.h"
-Rune parsefindmore(int);
-void dogc(void);
- int fd = 0; /* Standard input */
- while(1){
- print("?- ");
- replquery = parse(fd, nil, 1);
- replbindings = nil;
- choicestack = nil;
- goalstack = nil;
- int success;
- int firsttime = 1;
- success = evalquery(replquery, &replbindings);
- dogc();
- if(firsttime){
- print(" ");
- firsttime = 0;
- }
- if(success == 0)
- print(" false.\n");
- else{
- if(replbindings == nil)
- print(" true");
- else{
- while(replbindings){
- print(" %S = %S%s",
- replbindings->name,
- prettyprint(replbindings->value, 0, 0, 0, nil),
- replbindings->next ? ",\n " : "");
- replbindings = replbindings->next;
- }
- }
- if(choicestack != nil){
- print("\n");
- if(parsefindmore(fd) == L';'){
- print(";");
- goto FindMore;
- }else
- print(".\n");
- }else{
- print(".\n");
- }
- }
- }
-parsefindmore(int fd)
- int consctl = open("/dev/consctl", OWRITE);
- if(consctl > 0)
- write(consctl, "rawon", 5);
- else{
- print("Could not open /dev/consctl\n");
- exits("open");
- }
- fd = dup(fd, -1);
- Biobuf *input = Bfdopen(fd, OREAD);
- Rune peek = Bgetrune(input);
- Bterm(input);
- if(consctl > 0){
- write(consctl, "rawoff", 6);
- close(consctl);
- }
- return peek;
- vlong amount = collectgarbage();
- if(amount != 0 && debug)
- print("Collected %lld bytes of garbage\n", amount);
\ No newline at end of file
--- /dev/null
+++ b/
@@ -1,0 +1,77 @@
+:- module(repl, []).
+repl :-
+ catch(read_eval_print, E, print_exception(E)),
+ '$collect_garbage',
+ repl.
+read_eval_print :-
+ write('?- '),
+ asserta(found_a_solution :- (!, fail)),
+ read_term(Term, [variable_names(Vars)]),
+ '$choicestack_size'(Choicecount),
+ eval_and_print(Term, Vars, Choicecount),
+ !,
+ abolish(found_a_solution/0).
+eval_and_print(Goal, Vars, Choicecount) :-
+ user:call(Goal),
+ abolish(found_a_solution/0),
+ asserta(found_a_solution :- !),
+ '$choicestack_size'(ChoicecountNew),
+ ( ChoicecountNew > Choicecount + 1
+ -> write_result(Vars, more),
+ get_raw_char(Char),
+ ( Char = ';'
+ -> put_char(Char),
+ nl,
+ '$collect_garbage',
+ asserta(found_a_solution :- (!, fail)),
+ fail % backtrack and call G again
+ ; put_char('.'), nl
+ )
+ ; write_result(Vars, end)
+ ).
+eval_and_print(Goal, _, _) :-
+ \+ found_a_solution,
+ write('false.'),
+ nl.
+write_state(end) :- write('.'), nl.
+write_result([], State) :- write('true'), write_state(State).
+write_result([B|Bs], State) :- write_bindings([B|Bs]), write_state(State).
+write_bindings([B|Bs]) :-
+ write(B),
+ ( Bs = []
+ -> true
+ ; put_char(','), nl
+ ),
+ write_bindings(Bs).
+print_exception(E) :-
+ write('Unhandled exception: '),
+ write(E),
+ nl.
+whitespace(' ').
+whitespace(' ').
+get_raw_char(Char) :-
+ open('/dev/consctl', write, S),
+ write(S, rawon),
+ get_one_char(Char),
+ write(S, rawoff),
+ close(S).
+get_one_char(Char) :-
+ get_char(C),
+ ( whitespace(C)
+ -> get_one_char(Char)
+ ; Char = C
+ ).