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ref: fb9332b1d5f80d242c0ba5dec47805f4d85495a7
parent: 27ca8d448e65696f0194fe9f7f367ddc6ba3a00b
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Fri Aug 10 20:05:41 EDT 2012

Rearrange sections.

--- a/doc/lang.txt
+++ b/doc/lang.txt
@@ -10,14 +10,13 @@
         3.1. Declarations
         3.2. Literal Values
         3.3. Control Constructs and Blocks
-        3.4. Data Types
-        3.5. Packages and Uses
-        3.6. Expressions
-    6. EXAMPLES
+        3.4. Expressions
+        3.5. Data Types
+        3.6. Packages and Uses
+    5. EXAMPLES
@@ -275,9 +274,106 @@
         and increments. They run the test on every iteration of the loop,
+    3.4. Expressions:
-    3.4. Data Types:
+        Myrddin expressions are relatively similar to expressions in C.  The
+        operators are listed below in order of precedence, and a short
+        summary of what they do is listed given. For the sake of clarity,
+        'x' will stand in for any expression composed entirely of
+        subexpressions with higher precedence than the current current
+        operator. 'e' will stand in for any expression. Unless marked
+        otherwise, expressions are left associative.
+        BUG: There are too many precedence levels.
+            Precedence 0: (*ok, not really operators)
+                (,,,)           Tuple Construction
+                (e)             Grouping
+                name            Bare names
+                literal         Values
+            Precedence 1:
+                Member lookup
+                x++             Postincrement
+                x--             Postdecrement
+                x[e]            Index
+                x[from,to]      Slice
+            Precedence 2:
+                ++x             Preincrement
+                --x             Predecrement
+                *x              Dereference
+                &x              Address
+                !x              Logical negation
+                ~x              Bitwise negation
+                +x              Positive (no operation)
+                -x              Negate x
+            Precedence 3:
+                x << x          Shift left
+                x >> x          Shift right
+            Precedence 4:
+                x * x           Multiply
+                x / x           Divide
+                x % x           Modulo
+            Precedence 5:
+                x + x           Add
+                x - x           Subtract
+            Precedence 6:
+                x & y           Bitwise and
+            Precedence 7:
+                x | y           Bitwise or
+                x ^ y           Bitwise or
+            Precedence 8:
+                `Name x         Union construction
+            Precedence 9:
+                x casttto(type) Cast expression
+            Precedence 10:
+                x == x          Equality
+                x != x          Inequality
+                x > x           Greater than
+                x >= x          Greater than or equal to
+                x < x           Less than
+                x <= x          Less than or equal to
+            Precedence 11:
+                x && x          Logical and
+            Precedence 12:
+                x || x          Logical or
+            Precedence 13:
+                x = x           Assign                  Right assoc
+                x += x          Fused add/assign        Right assoc
+                x -= x          Fused sub/assign        Right assoc
+                x *= x          Fused mul/assign        Right assoc
+                x /= x          Fused div/assign        Right assoc
+                x %= x          Fused mod/assign        Right assoc
+                x |= x          Fused or/assign         Right assoc
+                x ^= x          Fused xor/assign        Right assoc
+                x &= x          Fused and/assign        Right assoc
+                x <<= x         Fused shl/assign        Right assoc
+                x >>= x         Fused shr/assign        Right assoc
+            Precedence 14:
+                -> x            Return expression
+        All expressions on integers act on complement-two values which wrap
+        on overflow. Right shift expressions fill with the sign bit on
+        signed types, and fill with zeros on unsigned types.
+    3.5. Data Types:
         The language defines a number of built in primitive types. These
         are not keywords, and in fact live in a separate namespace from
         the variable names. Yes, this does mean that you could, if you want,
@@ -287,7 +383,7 @@
         must be explicitly cast if you want to convert, and the casts must
         be of compatible types, as will be described later.
-            3.4.1. Primitive types:
+            3.5.1. Primitive types:
                     bool            char
@@ -322,7 +418,7 @@
                     var y : float32     declare y as a 32 bit float
-            3.4.2. Composite types:
+            3.5.2. Composite types:
                     slice           array
@@ -346,7 +442,7 @@
                     foo[123]    type: array of 123 foo
                     foo[,]      type: slice of foo
-            3.4.3. Aggregate types:
+            3.5.3. Aggregate types:
                     tuple           struct
@@ -380,7 +476,7 @@
-            3.4.4. Magic types:
+            3.5.4. Magic types:
                     tyvar           typaram
@@ -409,10 +505,36 @@
                     @foo                        creates a type parameter
                                                 named '@foo'.
-            3.4.5. :
-    3.6. Packages and Uses:
+    3.6. 
+        The myrddin type system is a system similar to the Hindley Milner
+        system, however, types are not implicitly generalized. Instead, type
+        schemes (type parameters, in Myrddin lingo) must be explicitly provided
+        in the declarations. For purposes of brevity, instead of specifying type
+        rules for every operator, we group operators which behave identically
+        from the type system perspective into a small set of classes. and define
+        the constraints that they require.
+            num-binop:
+                +           -               *               /               %
+                +=          -=              *=              /=              %
+            num-unary:
+                -           +
+            int-binop:
+                |           &               ^               <<              >>
+                |=          &=              ^=              <<=             >>
+            int-unary:
+                ~           ++              --
+            bool-binop:
+                ||          &&              ==              !=
+                <           <=              >               >=
+    3.7. Packages and Uses:
             pkg     use
         There are two keywords for module system. 'use' is the simpler
@@ -453,127 +575,7 @@
         them in the body of the code for readability. Scanning the export
         list is desirable from a readability perspective.
-    3.7. Expressions:
-        Myrddin expressions are relatively similar to expressions in C.  The
-        operators are listed below in order of precedence, and a short
-        summary of what they do is listed given. For the sake of clarity,
-        'x' will stand in for any expression composed entirely of
-        subexpressions with higher precedence than the current current
-        operator. 'e' will stand in for any expression. Unless marked
-        otherwise, expressions are left associative.
-        BUG: There are too many precedence levels.
-            Precedence 0: (*ok, not really operators)
-                (,,,)           Tuple Construction
-                (e)             Grouping
-                name            Bare names
-                literal         Values
-            Precedence 1:
-                Member lookup
-                x++             Postincrement
-                x--             Postdecrement
-                x[e]            Index
-                x[from,to]      Slice
-            Precedence 2:
-                ++x             Preincrement
-                --x             Predecrement
-                *x              Dereference
-                &x              Address
-                !x              Logical negation
-                ~x              Bitwise negation
-                +x              Positive (no operation)
-                -x              Negate x
-            Precedence 3:
-                x << x          Shift left
-                x >> x          Shift right
-            Precedence 4:
-                x * x           Multiply
-                x / x           Divide
-                x % x           Modulo
-            Precedence 5:
-                x + x           Add
-                x - x           Subtract
-            Precedence 6:
-                x & y           Bitwise and
-            Precedence 7:
-                x | y           Bitwise or
-                x ^ y           Bitwise or
-            Precedence 8:
-                `Name x         Union construction
-            Precedence 9:
-                x casttto(type) Cast expression
-            Precedence 10:
-                x == x          Equality
-                x != x          Inequality
-                x > x           Greater than
-                x >= x          Greater than or equal to
-                x < x           Less than
-                x <= x          Less than or equal to
-            Precedence 11:
-                x && x          Logical and
-            Precedence 12:
-                x || x          Logical or
-            Precedence 13:
-                x = x           Assign                  Right assoc
-                x += x          Fused add/assign        Right assoc
-                x -= x          Fused sub/assign        Right assoc
-                x *= x          Fused mul/assign        Right assoc
-                x /= x          Fused div/assign        Right assoc
-                x %= x          Fused mod/assign        Right assoc
-                x |= x          Fused or/assign         Right assoc
-                x ^= x          Fused xor/assign        Right assoc
-                x &= x          Fused and/assign        Right assoc
-                x <<= x         Fused shl/assign        Right assoc
-                x >>= x         Fused shr/assign        Right assoc
-            Precedence 14:
-                -> x            Return expression
-        All expressions on integers act on complement-two values which wrap
-        on overflow. Right shift expressions fill with the sign bit on
-        signed types, and fill with zeros on unsigned types.
-    The myrddin type system is a system similar to the Hindley Milner
-    system, however, types are not implicitly generalized. Instead, type
-    schemes (type parameters, in Myrddin lingo) must be explicitly provided
-    in the declarations. For purposes of brevity, instead of specifying type
-    rules for every operator, we group operators which behave identically
-    from the type system perspective into a small set of classes. and define
-    the constraints that they require.
-        num-binop:
-            +           -               *               /               %
-            +=          -=              *=              /=              %
-        num-unary:
-            -           +
-        int-binop:
-            |           &               ^               <<              >>
-            |=          &=              ^=              <<=             >>
-        int-unary:
-            ~           ++              --
-        bool-binop:
-            ||          &&              ==              !=
-            <           <=              >               >=
--- a/parse/gram.y
+++ b/parse/gram.y
@@ -595,7 +595,6 @@
         | forstmt
         | whilestmt
         | matchstmt
-        | Tendln {$$ = NULL;}
 forstmt : Tfor optexprln optexprln optexprln block
@@ -659,12 +658,8 @@
-        : stmt
-            {$$ = mkblock(line, mkstab());
-             if ($1)
-                lappend(&$$->block.stmts, &$$->block.nstmts, $1);
-             if ($1 && $1->type == Ndecl)
-                putdcl($$->block.scope, $1);}
+        : /* empty */
+            {$$ = mkblock(line, mkstab());}
         | blockbody stmt
             {if ($2)
                 lappend(&$1->block.stmts, &$1->block.nstmts, $2);
@@ -671,6 +666,8 @@
              if ($2 && $2->type == Ndecl)
                 putdcl($1->block.scope, $2);
              $$ = $1;}
+        | blockbody Tendln 
+            {$$ = $1;}
 label   : Tcolon Tident