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ref: e9fba3a2a1ab133be0cac5b4838559b247ca6f3c
parent: 21eb277c5a5d3178eed36c23466cd4abdede5122
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jan 21 11:59:43 EST 2017

Rearrange things to match the TOC.

--- a/doc/lang.txt
+++ b/doc/lang.txt
@@ -16,14 +16,16 @@
         3.4. Packages and Uses
         3.5. Scoping
     4. TYPES
-        4.1. Type Definitions
-        4.2. Traits and Impls
-        4.3. Generics
-        4.4. Type Inference
+        4.1. Primitive Types
+        4.2. Composite Types
+        4.3. Aggregate Types
+        4.4. Generic Types
+        4.5. Defined Types
+        4.6. Traits and Impls
+        4.7. Type Inference
         5.1. Literal Values
         5.2. Expressions
-        5.3. Control Constructs
         6.1. Blocks
         6.2. Conditionals
@@ -351,7 +353,7 @@
 4. TYPES:
-    4.1. Data Types:
+            type:       primitivetype | compositetype | aggrtype | nametype
         The language defines a number of built in primitive types. These
         are not keywords, and in fact live in a separate namespace from
@@ -362,148 +364,155 @@
         must be explicitly cast if you want to convert, and the casts must
         be of compatible types, as will be described later.
-        4.1.1. Primitive types:
+    4.1. Primitive types:
-                void
-                bool            char
-                int8            uint8
-                int16           uint16
-                int32           uint32
-                int64           uint64
-                int             uint
-                long            ulong
-                flt32         flt64
+        primitivetype:      misctype | inttype | flttype
+        misctype:           "void"  | "bool" | "char" | "byte"
+        inttype:             "int8" |  "uint8" |
+                            "int16" | "uint16" |
+                            "int32" | "uint32" |
+                            "int64" | "uint64" |
+                            "int"   | "uint"
+        flttype:            "flt32" | "flt64"
-            'void' is a type and a value  although for the sake of
-            genericity, you can assign between void types, return values
-            of void, and so on.  This allows generics to not have to
-            somehow work around void being a toxic type. The void value is
-            named `void`.
+        It is important to note that these types are not keywords, but are
+        instead merely predefined identifiers in the type namespace.
-            It is interesting to note that these types are not keywords,
-            but are instead merely predefined identifiers in the type
-            namespace.
+        'void' is a type containing exactly one value, `void`. It is a full
+        first class value, which can be assigned between variables, stored in
+        arrays, and used in any place any other type is used.  Void has size
+        `0`.
-            bool is a type that can only hold true and false. It can be
-            assigned, tested for equality, and used in the various boolean
-            operators.
+        bool is a type that can only hold true and false. It can be assigned,
+        tested for equality, and used in the various boolean operators.
-            char is a 32 bit integer type, and is guaranteed to hold
-            exactly one Unicode codepoint. It can be assigned integer
-            literals, tested against, compared, and all the other usual
-            numeric types.
+        char is a 32 bit integer type, and is guaranteed to hold exactly one
+        Unicode codepoint. It can be assigned integer literals, tested
+        against, compared, and all the other usual numeric types.
-            The various [u]intXX types hold, as expected, signed and
-            unsigned integers of the named sizes respectively.
-            Similarly, floats hold floating point types with the
-            indicated precision.
+        The various [u]intN types hold, as expected, signed and unsigned
+        integers of the named sizes respectively. All arithmetic on them is
+        done in complement twos of bit size N.
-                var x : int         declare x as an int
-                var y : float32     declare y as a 32 bit float
+        Similarly, floats hold floating point types with the indicated
+        precision. They are operated on according to the IEEE754 rules.
+            var x : int         declare x as an int
+            var y : float32     declare y as a 32 bit float
-        4.1.2. Composite types:
-                pointer
-                slice           array
+    4.2. Composite types:
-            Pointers are, as expected, values that hold the address of
-            the pointed to value. They are declared by appending a '#'
-            to the type. Pointer arithmetic is not allowed. They are
-            declared by appending a '#' to the base type
+            compositetype:  ptrtype | slicetype | arraytype
+            ptrtype:        type "#"
+            slicetype:      type "[" ":" "]"
+            arraytype:      type "[" expr "]" | type "[" "..." "]"
-            Arrays are a group of N values, where N is part of the type,
-            meaning that different sizes are incompatible. They are
-            passed by value. Their size must be a compile time constant.
+        Pointers are, as expected, values that hold the address of the pointed
+        to value. They are declared by appending a '#' to the type. Pointer
+        arithmetic is not allowed. They are declared by appending a '#' to the
+        base type
-            Slices are similar to arrays in many contemporary languages.
-            They are reference types that store the length of their
-            contents. They are declared by appending a '[,]' to the base
-            type.
+        Arrays are a group of N values, where N is part of the type, meaning
+        that different sizes are incompatible. They are passed by value. Their
+        size must be a compile time constant.
-                foo#        type: pointer to foo
-                foo[N]      type: array size N of foo
-                foo[:]      type: slice of foo
+        If the array size is specified as "...", then the array has zero bytes
+        allocated to store it, and bounds are not checked.  This is used to
+        facilitate flexible arrays at the end of a struct, as well as C ABI.
-        4.1.3. Aggregate types:
+        Slices are similar to arrays in many contemporary languages.  They are
+        reference types that store the length of their contents. They are
+        declared by appending a '[,]' to the base type.
-                tuple           struct
-                union
+            foo#        type: pointer to foo
+            foo[N]      type: array size N of foo
+            foo[:]      type: slice of foo
-            Tuples are the traditional product type. They are declared
-            by putting the comma separated list of types within square
-            brackets.
+    4.3. Aggregate types:
-            Structs are aggregations of types with named members. They
-            are declared by putting the word 'struct' before a block of
-            declaration cores (ie, declarations without the storage type
-            specifier).
+            aggrtype:       tupletype | structtype | uniontype
+            tupletype:      "(" (tupleelt ",")+ ")"
+            structtype:     "struct" "\n" (declcore "\n"| "\n")* ";;"
+            uniontype:      "union" "\n" ("`" Ident [type] "\n"| "\n")* ";;"
-            Unions are the traditional sum type. They consist of a tag
-            (a keyword prefixed with a '`' (backtick)) indicating their
-            current contents, and a type to hold. They are declared by
-            placing the keyword 'union' before a list of tag-type pairs.
-            They may also omit the type, in which case, the tag is
-            sufficient to determine which option was selected.
+        Tuples are the traditional product type. They are declared by putting
+        the comma separated list of types within square brackets.
-                [int, int, char]            a tuple of 2 ints and a char
+        Structs are aggregations of types with named members. They are
+        declared by putting the word 'struct' before a block of declaration
+        cores (ie, declarations without the storage type specifier).
-                struct                      a struct containing an int named
-                    a : int                 'a', and a char named 'b'.
-                    b : char
-                ;;
+        Unions are a traditional sum type. The tag defines the value that may
+        be held by the type at the current time. If the tag has an argument,
+        then this value may be extracted with a pattern match. Otherwise, only
+        the tag may be matched against.
-                union                       a union containing one of
-                    `Thing int              int or char. The values are not
-                    `Other float32          named, but they are tagged.
-                ;;
+            (int, int, char)            a tuple of 2 ints and a char
+            struct                      a struct containing an int named a :
+            int                 'a', and a char named 'b'.  b : char ;;
-        4.1.4. Generic types:
+            union                       a union containing one of
+                `Thing int              int or char. The values are not
+                `Other float32          named, but they are tagged.
+            ;;
-                tyvar           typaram
-                tyname
-            A tyname is a named type, similar to a typedef in C, however
-            it genuinely creates a new type, and not an alias. There are
-            no implicit conversions, but a tyname will inherit all
-            constraints of its underlying type.
+    4.4. Generic types:
-            A typaram is a parametric type. It is used in generics as
-            a placeholder for a type that will be substituted in later.
-            It is an identifier prefixed with '@'. These are only valid
-            within generic contexts, and may not appear elsewhere.
+            nametype:       name ["(" typeargs ")"]
+            name:           ident ["." ident]
+            typeargs:       type ("," type)*
-            A tyvar is an internal implementation detail that currently
-            leaks in error messages out during type inference, and is a
-            major cause of confusing error messages. It should not be in
-            this manual, except that the current incarnation of the
-            compiler will make you aware of it. It looks like '@$type',
-            and is a variable that holds an incompletely inferred type.
+        A tyname is a named type, similar to a typedef in C, however it
+        genuinely creates a new type, and not an alias. There are no implicit
+        conversions, but a tyname will inherit all constraints of its
+        underlying type.
-                type mine = int             creates a tyname named
-                                            'mine', equivalent to int.
+        A typaram is a parametric type. It is used in generics as a
+        placeholder for a type that will be substituted in later.  It is an
+        identifier prefixed with '@'. These are only valid within generic
+        contexts, and may not appear elsewhere.
+        A tyvar is an internal implementation detail that currently leaks in
+        error messages out during type inference, and is a major cause of
+        confusing error messages. It should not be in this manual, except that
+        the current incarnation of the compiler will make you aware of it. It
+        looks like '@$type', and is a variable that holds an incompletely
+        inferred type.
-                @foo                        creates a type parameter
-                                            named '@foo'.
-    4.2. Type Inference:
+            type mine = int             creates a tyname named
+                                        'mine', equivalent to int.
+            @foo                        creates a type parameter
+                                        named '@foo'.
+    4.5. Defined Types:
+    4.6. Traits and Impls:
+    4.7. Type Inference:
         The myrddin type system is a system similar to the Hindley Milner
         system, however, types are not implicitly generalized. Instead, type
-        schemes (type parameters, in Myrddin lingo) must be explicitly provided
-        in the declarations. For purposes of brevity, instead of specifying type
-        rules for every operator, we group operators which behave identically
-        from the type system perspective into a small set of classes. and define
-        the constraints that they require.
+        schemes (type parameters, in Myrddin lingo) must be explicitly
+        provided in the declarations. For purposes of brevity, instead of
+        specifying type rules for every operator, we group operators which
+        behave identically from the type system perspective into a small set
+        of classes. and define the constraints that they require.
-        Type inference in Myrddin operates as a bottom up tree walk,
-        applying the type equations for the operator to its arguments.
-        It begins by initializing all leaf nodes with the most specific
-        known type for them as follows:
+        Type inference in Myrddin operates as a bottom up tree walk, applying
+        the type equations for the operator to its arguments.  It begins by
+        initializing all leaf nodes with the most specific known type for them
+        as follows:
-    5.2. Literal Values
+    5.1. Literal Values
         5.1.1. Atomic Literals:
                 literal:    strlit | chrlit | intlit |
@@ -1275,8 +1284,15 @@
                 adjusted appropriately for arity.
-    5.3. Blocks:
+    The control statements in Myrddin are similar to those in many other
+    popular languages, and with the exception of 'match', there should
+    be no surprises to a user of any of the Algol derived languages.
+    6.1. Blocks:
             block:      blockbody ";;"
             blockbody:  (decl | stmt | tydef | "\n")*
             stmt:       goto | break | continue | retexpr | label |
@@ -1293,36 +1309,13 @@
         limited to within the block, and any attempts to access the associated
         storage (via pointer, for example) is not valid.
-    5.5. Control Constructs:
+    6.2. Conditionals
             ifstmt:     "if" cond "\n" blockbody
                         ("elif" blockbody)*
                         ["else" blockbody] ";;"
-            forstmt:    foriter | foreach
-            foreach:    "for" pattern "in" expr "\n" block
-            foriter:    "for" init "\n" cond "\n" step "\n" block
-            whilestmt:  "while" cond "\n" block
-            matchstmt:  "match" expr "\n" matchpat* ";;"
-            matchpat:   "|" pat ":" blockbody
-            goto
-        The control statements in Myrddin are similar to those in many other
-        popular languages, and with the exception of 'match', there should
-        be no surprises to a user of any of the Algol derived languages.
-        Blocks are the "carriers of code" in Myrddin programs. They consist
-        of series of expressions, typically ending with a ';;', although the
-        function-level block ends at the function's '}', and in if
-        statements, an 'elif' may terminate a block. They can contain any
-        number of declarations, expressions, control constructs, and empty
-        lines. Every control statement example below will (and, in fact,
-        must) have a block attached to the control statement.
         If statements branch one way or the other depending on the truth
         value of their argument. The truth statement is separated from the
         block body
@@ -1335,36 +1328,11 @@
                 std.put("The program never gets here")
-        For statements come in two forms. There are the C style for loops
-        which begin with an initializer, followed by a test condition,
-        followed by an increment action. For statements run the initializer
-        once before the loop is run, the test each on each iteration through
-        the loop before the body, and the increment on each iteration after
-        the body. If the loop is broken out of early (for example, by a goto),
-        the final increment will not be run. The syntax is as follows:
+    6.3. Matches
-            for init; test; increment
-                blockbody()
-            ;;
+            matchstmt:  "match" expr "\n" matchpat* ";;"
+            matchpat:   "|" pat ":" blockbody
-        The second form is the collection iteration form. This form allows
-        for iterating over a collection of values contained within something
-        which is iterable. Currently, only the built in sequences -- arrays
-        and slices -- can be iterated, however, there is work going towards
-        allowing user defined iterables.
-            for pat in expr
-                blockbody()
-            ;;
-        The pattern applied in the for loop is a full match statement style
-        pattern match, and will filter any elements in the iteration
-        expression which do not match the value.
-        While loops are equivalent to for loops with empty initializers
-        and increments. They run the test on every iteration of the loop,
-        and exit only if it returns false.
         Match statements do pattern matching on values. They take as an
         argument a value of type 't', and match it against a list of other
         values of the same type. The patterns matched against can also contain
@@ -1416,7 +1384,47 @@
                 std.put("Unreachable block.")
+    6.4. Looping
+            forstmt:    foriter | foreach
+            foreach:    "for" pattern "in" expr "\n" block
+            foriter:    "for" init "\n" cond "\n" step "\n" block
+            whilestmt:  "while" cond "\n" block
+        For statements come in two forms. There are the C style for loops
+        which begin with an initializer, followed by a test condition,
+        followed by an increment action. For statements run the initializer
+        once before the loop is run, the test each on each iteration through
+        the loop before the body, and the increment on each iteration after
+        the body. If the loop is broken out of early (for example, by a goto),
+        the final increment will not be run. The syntax is as follows:
+            for init; test; increment
+                blockbody()
+            ;;
+        The second form is the collection iteration form. This form allows
+        for iterating over a collection of values contained within something
+        which is iterable. Currently, only the built in sequences -- arrays
+        and slices -- can be iterated, however, there is work going towards
+        allowing user defined iterables.
+            for pat in expr
+                blockbody()
+            ;;
+        The pattern applied in the for loop is a full match statement style
+        pattern match, and will filter any elements in the iteration
+        expression which do not match the value.
+        While loops are equivalent to for loops with empty initializers
+        and increments. They run the test on every iteration of the loop,
+        and exit only if it returns false.
+    6.5. Goto
+            label:      ":" ident
+            goto:       goto ident