ref: e7753379f41991512b2ba815d879800e1b7c725b
parent: c827bfd2eb941cfdccf9cb2a1b6e50c24af5049e
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Thu Sep 27 10:25:36 EDT 2012
Match the name of the directory to the name of the lib We generate libstd, not libmyr. This gets installed to $PREFIX/myr/$LIBNAME, so this fairly generic name should not conflict with the system.
--- a/libmyr/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +1,0 @@
-include ../
- ./
-.PHONY: clean
- mkdir -p $(INST_ROOT)/myr/lib/
- install libstd.a $(INST_ROOT)/myr/lib/
- install std $(INST_ROOT)/myr/lib/
--- a/libmyr/alloc.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,220 +1,0 @@
-use "die.use"
-use "sys.use"
-use "types.use"
-pkg std =
- generic alloc : ( -> @a*)
- generic free : (v:@a* -> void)
- generic mkslice : (len : size -> @a[:])
- generic freeslice: (sl : @a[:] -> void)
- const bytealloc : (sz:size -> byte*)
- const bytefree : (m:byte*, sz:size -> void)
-/* null pointers */
-const Zbyte = 0 castto(byte*)
-const Zslab = 0 castto(slab*)
-const Zchunk = 0 castto(chunk*)
-const Slabsz = 1048576 /* 1 meg slabs */
-const Cachemax = 16 /* maximum number of slabs in the cache */
-const Bucketmax = 32768 /* Slabsz / 8; a balance. */
-const Align = 16 /* minimum allocation alignment */
-var buckets : bucket[32] /* excessive */
-var initdone : int
-type bucket = struct
- sz : size /* aligned size */
- nper : size /* max number of elements per slab */
- slabs : slab* /* partially filled or free slabs */
- cache : slab* /* cache of empty slabs, to prevent thrashing */
- ncache : size /* size of cache */
-type slab = struct
- head : byte* /* head of virtual addresses, so we don't leak address space */
- next : slab* /* the next slab on the chain */
- freehd : chunk* /* the nodes we're allocating */
- nfree : size /* the number of free nodes */
-type chunk = struct /* NB: must be smaller than sizeof(slab) */
- next : chunk* /* the next chunk in the free list */
-generic alloc = {-> @a*
- -> bytealloc(sizeof(@a)) castto(@a*)
-generic free = {v:@a* -> void
- bytefree(v castto(byte*), sizeof(@a))
-generic mkslice = {len
- var p
- p = bytealloc(len*sizeof(@a)) castto(@a*)
- -> p[0:len]
-generic freeslice = {sl
- -> bytefree(sl castto(byte*), sl.len * sizeof(@a))
-const bytealloc = {sz
- var i
- var bkt
- if !initdone
- for i = 0; i < buckets.len && (Align << i) <= Bucketmax; i++
- bktinit(&buckets[i], Align << i)
- ;;
- initdone = 1
- ;;
- if (sz <= Bucketmax)
- bkt = &buckets[bktnum(sz)]
- -> bktalloc(bkt)
- else
- -> mmap(Zbyte, sz, Mprotrw, Mpriv | Manon, -1, 0)
- ;;
-const bytefree = {m, sz
- var bkt
- if (sz < Bucketmax)
- bkt = &buckets[bktnum(sz)]
- bktfree(bkt, m)
- else
- munmap(m, sz)
- ;;
-const bktinit = {b : bucket*, sz
- = align(sz, Align)
- b.nper = (Slabsz - sizeof(slab))/
- b.slabs = Zslab
- b.cache = Zslab
- b.ncache = 0
-const mkslab = {bkt : bucket*
- var i
- var p
- var s
- var b
- var bnext
- var off /* offset of chunk head */
- if bkt.ncache > 0
- s = bkt.cache
- bkt.cache =
- bkt.ncache--
- ;;
- /* tricky: we need power of two alignment, so we allocate double the
- needed size, chop off the unaligned ends, and waste the address
- space. Since the OS is "smart enough", this shouldn't actually
- cost us memory, and 64 bits of address space means that we're not
- going to have issues with running out of address space for a
- while. On a 32 bit system this would be a bad idea. */
- p = mmap(Zbyte, Slabsz*2, Mprotrw, Mpriv | Manon, -1, 0)
- if p == Mapbad
- die("Unable to mmap")
- ;;
- s = align(p castto(intptr), Slabsz) castto(slab*)
- s.head = p
- s.nfree = bkt.nper
- /* skip past the slab header */
- off = align(sizeof(slab), Align)
- bnext = nextchunk(s castto(chunk*), off)
- s.freehd = bnext
- for i = 0; i < bkt.nper; i++
- b = bnext
- bnext = nextchunk(b,
- = bnext
- ;;
- = Zchunk
- -> s
-const bktalloc = {bkt
- var s
- var b
- /* find a slab */
- s = bkt.slabs
- if s == Zslab
- s = mkslab(bkt)
- if s == Zslab
- die("No memory left")
- ;;
- bkt.slabs = s
- ;;
- /* grab the first chunk on the slab */
- b = s.freehd
- s.freehd =
- s.nfree--
- if !s.nfree
- bkt.slabs =
- = Zslab
- ;;
- -> b castto(byte*)
-const bktfree = {bkt, m
- var s
- var b
- s = mtrunc(m, Slabsz) castto(slab*)
- b = m castto(chunk*)
- if s.nfree == 0
- = bkt.slabs
- bkt.slabs = s
- elif s.nfree == bkt.nper
- if bkt.ncache < Cachemax
- = bkt.cache
- bkt.cache = s
- else
- /* we mapped 2*Slabsz so we could align it,
- so we need to unmap the same */
- munmap(s.head, Slabsz*2)
- ;;
- ;;
- s.nfree++
- = s.freehd
- s.freehd = b
-const bktnum = {sz
- var i
- var bktsz
- bktsz = Align
- for i = 0; bktsz <= Bucketmax; i++
- if bktsz >= sz
- -> i
- ;;
- bktsz *= 2
- ;;
- die("Size does not match any buckets")
-/* chunks are variable sizes, so we can't just take a slice */
-const nextchunk = {b, sz
- -> ((b castto(intptr)) + sz) castto(chunk*)
-const align = {v, align
- -> (v + align - 1) & ~(align - 1)
-const mtrunc = {m, align
- -> ((m castto(intptr)) & ~(align - 1)) castto(byte*)
--- a/libmyr/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,71 +1,0 @@
-# We have no dependency handling yet, so this is done via
-# a shell script. Also, we want to rebuild everything for
-# testing purposes on every run as things stand.
-export PATH=.:$PATH
-export MC=../6/6m
-export MU=../util/muse
-export CC=cc
-export ASOPT="-g"
-case `uname` in
- Darwin) export SYS=osx;;
- Linux) export SYS=linux;;
-function use {
- for i in $@; do
- N=`basename $i .myr`
- N=${N%%-$SYS}
- echo $MU -o $N.use $i && \
- $MU -o $N.use $i
- done
-function build {
- for i in $@; do
- N=`basename $i .myr`
- echo $MC $i && \
- $MC -I. $i
- done
-function assem {
- for i in $@; do
- $CC $ASOPT -c $i
- done
-# Library source.
-MYR="types.myr \
- sys-$SYS.myr \
- die.myr \
- varargs.myr \
- alloc.myr\
- utf.myr \
- fmt.myr \
- rand.myr \
- chartype.myr"
-OBJ="$(echo $ASM | sed 's/\.s/.o /g') $(echo $MYR | sed 's/\.myr/.o /g')"
-USE="$(echo $MYR | sed 's/\.myr/.use /g' | sed "s/-$SYS//g")"
-rm -f $OBJ test libstd.a
-assem $ASM
-use $MYR
-build $MYR
-echo $MU -mo std $USE
-$MU -mo std $USE
-echo ar -rcs libstd.a $OBJ
-ar -rcs libstd.a $OBJ
-# build test program
-build test.myr
-COMP="$CC -o test test.o -L. -lstd"
-echo $COMP
--- a/libmyr/chartype.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1203 +1,0 @@
-use "die.use"
-use "sys.use"
- Tables adapted from plan 9's runetype.c,
- which lives in sys/src/libc/port/runetype.c
-pkg std =
- const isalpha : (c : char -> bool)
- const isnum : (c : char -> bool)
- const isalnum : (c : char -> bool)
- const isspace : (c : char -> bool)
- const islower : (c : char -> bool)
- const isupper : (c : char -> bool)
- const istitle : (c : char -> bool)
- const tolower : (c : char -> char)
- const toupper : (c : char -> char)
- const totitle : (c : char -> char)
- * alpha ranges -
- * only covers ranges not in lower||upper
- */
-const ralpha2 = [
- 0x00d8, 0x00f6, /* Ø - ö */
- 0x00f8, 0x01f5, /* ø - ǵ */
- 0x0250, 0x02a8, /* ɐ - ʨ */
- 0x038e, 0x03a1, /* Ύ - Ρ */
- 0x03a3, 0x03ce, /* Σ - ώ */
- 0x03d0, 0x03d6, /* ϐ - ϖ */
- 0x03e2, 0x03f3, /* Ϣ - ϳ */
- 0x0490, 0x04c4, /* Ґ - ӄ */
- 0x0561, 0x0587, /* ա - և */
- 0x05d0, 0x05ea, /* א - ת */
- 0x05f0, 0x05f2, /* װ - ײ */
- 0x0621, 0x063a, /* ء - غ */
- 0x0640, 0x064a, /* ـ - ي */
- 0x0671, 0x06b7, /* ٱ - ڷ */
- 0x06ba, 0x06be, /* ں - ھ */
- 0x06c0, 0x06ce, /* ۀ - ێ */
- 0x06d0, 0x06d3, /* ې - ۓ */
- 0x0905, 0x0939, /* अ - ह */
- 0x0958, 0x0961, /* क़ - ॡ */
- 0x0985, 0x098c, /* অ - ঌ */
- 0x098f, 0x0990, /* এ - ঐ */
- 0x0993, 0x09a8, /* ও - ন */
- 0x09aa, 0x09b0, /* প - র */
- 0x09b6, 0x09b9, /* শ - হ */
- 0x09dc, 0x09dd, /* ড় - ঢ় */
- 0x09df, 0x09e1, /* য় - ৡ */
- 0x09f0, 0x09f1, /* ৰ - ৱ */
- 0x0a05, 0x0a0a, /* ਅ - ਊ */
- 0x0a0f, 0x0a10, /* ਏ - ਐ */
- 0x0a13, 0x0a28, /* ਓ - ਨ */
- 0x0a2a, 0x0a30, /* ਪ - ਰ */
- 0x0a32, 0x0a33, /* ਲ - ਲ਼ */
- 0x0a35, 0x0a36, /* ਵ - ਸ਼ */
- 0x0a38, 0x0a39, /* ਸ - ਹ */
- 0x0a59, 0x0a5c, /* ਖ਼ - ੜ */
- 0x0a85, 0x0a8b, /* અ - ઋ */
- 0x0a8f, 0x0a91, /* એ - ઑ */
- 0x0a93, 0x0aa8, /* ઓ - ન */
- 0x0aaa, 0x0ab0, /* પ - ર */
- 0x0ab2, 0x0ab3, /* લ - ળ */
- 0x0ab5, 0x0ab9, /* વ - હ */
- 0x0b05, 0x0b0c, /* ଅ - ଌ */
- 0x0b0f, 0x0b10, /* ଏ - ଐ */
- 0x0b13, 0x0b28, /* ଓ - ନ */
- 0x0b2a, 0x0b30, /* ପ - ର */
- 0x0b32, 0x0b33, /* ଲ - ଳ */
- 0x0b36, 0x0b39, /* ଶ - ହ */
- 0x0b5c, 0x0b5d, /* ଡ଼ - ଢ଼ */
- 0x0b5f, 0x0b61, /* ୟ - ୡ */
- 0x0b85, 0x0b8a, /* அ - ஊ */
- 0x0b8e, 0x0b90, /* எ - ஐ */
- 0x0b92, 0x0b95, /* ஒ - க */
- 0x0b99, 0x0b9a, /* ங - ச */
- 0x0b9e, 0x0b9f, /* ஞ - ட */
- 0x0ba3, 0x0ba4, /* ண - த */
- 0x0ba8, 0x0baa, /* ந - ப */
- 0x0bae, 0x0bb5, /* ம - வ */
- 0x0bb7, 0x0bb9, /* ஷ - ஹ */
- 0x0c05, 0x0c0c, /* అ - ఌ */
- 0x0c0e, 0x0c10, /* ఎ - ఐ */
- 0x0c12, 0x0c28, /* ఒ - న */
- 0x0c2a, 0x0c33, /* ప - ళ */
- 0x0c35, 0x0c39, /* వ - హ */
- 0x0c60, 0x0c61, /* ౠ - ౡ */
- 0x0c85, 0x0c8c, /* ಅ - ಌ */
- 0x0c8e, 0x0c90, /* ಎ - ಐ */
- 0x0c92, 0x0ca8, /* ಒ - ನ */
- 0x0caa, 0x0cb3, /* ಪ - ಳ */
- 0x0cb5, 0x0cb9, /* ವ - ಹ */
- 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, /* ೠ - ೡ */
- 0x0d05, 0x0d0c, /* അ - ഌ */
- 0x0d0e, 0x0d10, /* എ - ഐ */
- 0x0d12, 0x0d28, /* ഒ - ന */
- 0x0d2a, 0x0d39, /* പ - ഹ */
- 0x0d60, 0x0d61, /* ൠ - ൡ */
- 0x0e01, 0x0e30, /* ก - ะ */
- 0x0e32, 0x0e33, /* า - ำ */
- 0x0e40, 0x0e46, /* เ - ๆ */
- 0x0e5a, 0x0e5b, /* ๚ - ๛ */
- 0x0e81, 0x0e82, /* ກ - ຂ */
- 0x0e87, 0x0e88, /* ງ - ຈ */
- 0x0e94, 0x0e97, /* ດ - ທ */
- 0x0e99, 0x0e9f, /* ນ - ຟ */
- 0x0ea1, 0x0ea3, /* ມ - ຣ */
- 0x0eaa, 0x0eab, /* ສ - ຫ */
- 0x0ead, 0x0eae, /* ອ - ຮ */
- 0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, /* າ - ຳ */
- 0x0ec0, 0x0ec4, /* ເ - ໄ */
- 0x0edc, 0x0edd, /* ໜ - ໝ */
- 0x0f18, 0x0f19, /* ༘ - ༙ */
- 0x0f40, 0x0f47, /* ཀ - ཇ */
- 0x0f49, 0x0f69, /* ཉ - ཀྵ */
- 0x10d0, 0x10f6, /* ა - ჶ */
- 0x1100, 0x1159, /* ᄀ - ᅙ */
- 0x115f, 0x11a2, /* ᅟ - ᆢ */
- 0x11a8, 0x11f9, /* ᆨ - ᇹ */
- 0x1e00, 0x1e9b, /* Ḁ - ẛ */
- 0x1f50, 0x1f57, /* ὐ - ὗ */
- 0x1f80, 0x1fb4, /* ᾀ - ᾴ */
- 0x1fb6, 0x1fbc, /* ᾶ - ᾼ */
- 0x1fc2, 0x1fc4, /* ῂ - ῄ */
- 0x1fc6, 0x1fcc, /* ῆ - ῌ */
- 0x1fd0, 0x1fd3, /* ῐ - ΐ */
- 0x1fd6, 0x1fdb, /* ῖ - Ί */
- 0x1fe0, 0x1fec, /* ῠ - Ῥ */
- 0x1ff2, 0x1ff4, /* ῲ - ῴ */
- 0x1ff6, 0x1ffc, /* ῶ - ῼ */
- 0x210a, 0x2113, /* ℊ - ℓ */
- 0x2115, 0x211d, /* ℕ - ℝ */
- 0x2120, 0x2122, /* ℠ - ™ */
- 0x212a, 0x2131, /* K - ℱ */
- 0x2133, 0x2138, /* ℳ - ℸ */
- 0x3041, 0x3094, /* ぁ - ゔ */
- 0x30a1, 0x30fa, /* ァ - ヺ */
- 0x3105, 0x312c, /* ㄅ - ㄬ */
- 0x3131, 0x318e, /* ㄱ - ㆎ */
- 0x3192, 0x319f, /* ㆒ - ㆟ */
- 0x3260, 0x327b, /* ㉠ - ㉻ */
- 0x328a, 0x32b0, /* ㊊ - ㊰ */
- 0x32d0, 0x32fe, /* ㋐ - ㋾ */
- 0x3300, 0x3357, /* ㌀ - ㍗ */
- 0x3371, 0x3376, /* ㍱ - ㍶ */
- 0x337b, 0x3394, /* ㍻ - ㎔ */
- 0x3399, 0x339e, /* ㎙ - ㎞ */
- 0x33a9, 0x33ad, /* ㎩ - ㎭ */
- 0x33b0, 0x33c1, /* ㎰ - ㏁ */
- 0x33c3, 0x33c5, /* ㏃ - ㏅ */
- 0x33c7, 0x33d7, /* ㏇ - ㏗ */
- 0x33d9, 0x33dd, /* ㏙ - ㏝ */
- 0x4e00, 0x9fff, /* 一 - 鿿 */
- 0xac00, 0xd7a3, /* 가 - 힣 */
- 0xf900, 0xfb06, /* 豈 - st */
- 0xfb13, 0xfb17, /* ﬓ - ﬗ */
- 0xfb1f, 0xfb28, /* ײַ - ﬨ */
- 0xfb2a, 0xfb36, /* שׁ - זּ */
- 0xfb38, 0xfb3c, /* טּ - לּ */
- 0xfb40, 0xfb41, /* נּ - סּ */
- 0xfb43, 0xfb44, /* ףּ - פּ */
- 0xfb46, 0xfbb1, /* צּ - ﮱ */
- 0xfbd3, 0xfd3d, /* ﯓ - ﴽ */
- 0xfd50, 0xfd8f, /* ﵐ - ﶏ */
- 0xfd92, 0xfdc7, /* ﶒ - ﷇ */
- 0xfdf0, 0xfdf9, /* ﷰ - ﷹ */
- 0xfe70, 0xfe72, /* ﹰ - ﹲ */
- 0xfe76, 0xfefc, /* ﹶ - ﻼ */
- 0xff66, 0xff6f, /* ヲ - ッ */
- 0xff71, 0xff9d, /* ア - ン */
- 0xffa0, 0xffbe, /* ᅠ - ᄒ */
- 0xffc2, 0xffc7, /* ᅡ - ᅦ */
- 0xffca, 0xffcf, /* ᅧ - ᅬ */
- 0xffd2, 0xffd7, /* ᅭ - ᅲ */
- 0xffda, 0xffdc /* ᅳ - ᅵ */
- * alpha singlets -
- * only covers ranges not in lower||upper
- */
-const ralpha1 = [
- 0x00aa, /* ª */
- 0x00b5, /* µ */
- 0x00ba, /* º */
- 0x03da, /* Ϛ */
- 0x03dc, /* Ϝ */
- 0x03de, /* Ϟ */
- 0x03e0, /* Ϡ */
- 0x06d5, /* ە */
- 0x09b2, /* ল */
- 0x0a5e, /* ਫ਼ */
- 0x0a8d, /* ઍ */
- 0x0ae0, /* ૠ */
- 0x0b9c, /* ஜ */
- 0x0cde, /* ೞ */
- 0x0e4f, /* ๏ */
- 0x0e84, /* ຄ */
- 0x0e8a, /* ຊ */
- 0x0e8d, /* ຍ */
- 0x0ea5, /* ລ */
- 0x0ea7, /* ວ */
- 0x0eb0, /* ະ */
- 0x0ebd, /* ຽ */
- 0x1fbe, /* ι */
- 0x207f, /* ⁿ */
- 0x20a8, /* ₨ */
- 0x2102, /* ℂ */
- 0x2107, /* ℇ */
- 0x2124, /* ℤ */
- 0x2126, /* Ω */
- 0x2128, /* ℨ */
- 0xfb3e, /* מּ */
- 0xfe74 /* ﹴ */
- * space ranges
- */
-const rspace2 = [
- 0x0009, 0x000a, /* rand newline */
- 0x0020, 0x0020, /* space */
- 0x0085, 0x0085,
- 0x00a0, 0x00a0, /* */
- 0x1680, 0x1680,
- 0x180e, 0x180e,
- 0x2000, 0x200b, /* - */
- 0x2028, 0x2029, /* - */
- 0x202f, 0x202f,
- 0x205f, 0x205f,
- 0x3000, 0x3000, /* */
- 0xfeff, 0xfeff /* */
- * lower case ranges
- * 3rd col is conversion excess 500
- */
-const rtoupper2 = [
- 0x0061, 0x007a, 468, /* a-z A-Z */
- 0x00e0, 0x00f6, 468, /* à-ö À-Ö */
- 0x00f8, 0x00fe, 468, /* ø-þ Ø-Þ */
- 0x0256, 0x0257, 295, /* ɖ-ɗ Ɖ-Ɗ */
- 0x0258, 0x0259, 298, /* ɘ-ə Ǝ-Ə */
- 0x028a, 0x028b, 283, /* ʊ-ʋ Ʊ-Ʋ */
- 0x03ad, 0x03af, 463, /* έ-ί Έ-Ί */
- 0x03b1, 0x03c1, 468, /* α-ρ Α-Ρ */
- 0x03c3, 0x03cb, 468, /* σ-ϋ Σ-Ϋ */
- 0x03cd, 0x03ce, 437, /* ύ-ώ Ύ-Ώ */
- 0x0430, 0x044f, 468, /* а-я А-Я */
- 0x0451, 0x045c, 420, /* ё-ќ Ё-Ќ */
- 0x045e, 0x045f, 420, /* ў-џ Ў-Џ */
- 0x0561, 0x0586, 452, /* ա-ֆ Ա-Ֆ */
- 0x1f00, 0x1f07, 508, /* ἀ-ἇ Ἀ-Ἇ */
- 0x1f10, 0x1f15, 508, /* ἐ-ἕ Ἐ-Ἕ */
- 0x1f20, 0x1f27, 508, /* ἠ-ἧ Ἠ-Ἧ */
- 0x1f30, 0x1f37, 508, /* ἰ-ἷ Ἰ-Ἷ */
- 0x1f40, 0x1f45, 508, /* ὀ-ὅ Ὀ-Ὅ */
- 0x1f60, 0x1f67, 508, /* ὠ-ὧ Ὠ-Ὧ */
- 0x1f70, 0x1f71, 574, /* ὰ-ά Ὰ-Ά */
- 0x1f72, 0x1f75, 586, /* ὲ-ή Ὲ-Ή */
- 0x1f76, 0x1f77, 600, /* ὶ-ί Ὶ-Ί */
- 0x1f78, 0x1f79, 628, /* ὸ-ό Ὸ-Ό */
- 0x1f7a, 0x1f7b, 612, /* ὺ-ύ Ὺ-Ύ */
- 0x1f7c, 0x1f7d, 626, /* ὼ-ώ Ὼ-Ώ */
- 0x1f80, 0x1f87, 508, /* ᾀ-ᾇ ᾈ-ᾏ */
- 0x1f90, 0x1f97, 508, /* ᾐ-ᾗ ᾘ-ᾟ */
- 0x1fa0, 0x1fa7, 508, /* ᾠ-ᾧ ᾨ-ᾯ */
- 0x1fb0, 0x1fb1, 508, /* ᾰ-ᾱ Ᾰ-Ᾱ */
- 0x1fd0, 0x1fd1, 508, /* ῐ-ῑ Ῐ-Ῑ */
- 0x1fe0, 0x1fe1, 508, /* ῠ-ῡ Ῠ-Ῡ */
- 0x2170, 0x217f, 484, /* ⅰ-ⅿ Ⅰ-Ⅿ */
- 0x24d0, 0x24e9, 474, /* ⓐ-ⓩ Ⓐ-Ⓩ */
- 0xff41, 0xff5a, 468 /* a-z A-Z */
- * lower case singlets
- * 2nd col is conversion excess 500
- */
-const rtoupper1 = [
- 0x00ff, 621, /* ÿ Ÿ */
- 0x0101, 499, /* ā Ā */
- 0x0103, 499, /* ă Ă */
- 0x0105, 499, /* ą Ą */
- 0x0107, 499, /* ć Ć */
- 0x0109, 499, /* ĉ Ĉ */
- 0x010b, 499, /* ċ Ċ */
- 0x010d, 499, /* č Č */
- 0x010f, 499, /* ď Ď */
- 0x0111, 499, /* đ Đ */
- 0x0113, 499, /* ē Ē */
- 0x0115, 499, /* ĕ Ĕ */
- 0x0117, 499, /* ė Ė */
- 0x0119, 499, /* ę Ę */
- 0x011b, 499, /* ě Ě */
- 0x011d, 499, /* ĝ Ĝ */
- 0x011f, 499, /* ğ Ğ */
- 0x0121, 499, /* ġ Ġ */
- 0x0123, 499, /* ģ Ģ */
- 0x0125, 499, /* ĥ Ĥ */
- 0x0127, 499, /* ħ Ħ */
- 0x0129, 499, /* ĩ Ĩ */
- 0x012b, 499, /* ī Ī */
- 0x012d, 499, /* ĭ Ĭ */
- 0x012f, 499, /* į Į */
- 0x0131, 268, /* ı I */
- 0x0133, 499, /* ij IJ */
- 0x0135, 499, /* ĵ Ĵ */
- 0x0137, 499, /* ķ Ķ */
- 0x013a, 499, /* ĺ Ĺ */
- 0x013c, 499, /* ļ Ļ */
- 0x013e, 499, /* ľ Ľ */
- 0x0140, 499, /* ŀ Ŀ */
- 0x0142, 499, /* ł Ł */
- 0x0144, 499, /* ń Ń */
- 0x0146, 499, /* ņ Ņ */
- 0x0148, 499, /* ň Ň */
- 0x014b, 499, /* ŋ Ŋ */
- 0x014d, 499, /* ō Ō */
- 0x014f, 499, /* ŏ Ŏ */
- 0x0151, 499, /* ő Ő */
- 0x0153, 499, /* œ Œ */
- 0x0155, 499, /* ŕ Ŕ */
- 0x0157, 499, /* ŗ Ŗ */
- 0x0159, 499, /* ř Ř */
- 0x015b, 499, /* ś Ś */
- 0x015d, 499, /* ŝ Ŝ */
- 0x015f, 499, /* ş Ş */
- 0x0161, 499, /* š Š */
- 0x0163, 499, /* ţ Ţ */
- 0x0165, 499, /* ť Ť */
- 0x0167, 499, /* ŧ Ŧ */
- 0x0169, 499, /* ũ Ũ */
- 0x016b, 499, /* ū Ū */
- 0x016d, 499, /* ŭ Ŭ */
- 0x016f, 499, /* ů Ů */
- 0x0171, 499, /* ű Ű */
- 0x0173, 499, /* ų Ų */
- 0x0175, 499, /* ŵ Ŵ */
- 0x0177, 499, /* ŷ Ŷ */
- 0x017a, 499, /* ź Ź */
- 0x017c, 499, /* ż Ż */
- 0x017e, 499, /* ž Ž */
- 0x017f, 200, /* ſ S */
- 0x0183, 499, /* ƃ Ƃ */
- 0x0185, 499, /* ƅ Ƅ */
- 0x0188, 499, /* ƈ Ƈ */
- 0x018c, 499, /* ƌ Ƌ */
- 0x0192, 499, /* ƒ Ƒ */
- 0x0199, 499, /* ƙ Ƙ */
- 0x01a1, 499, /* ơ Ơ */
- 0x01a3, 499, /* ƣ Ƣ */
- 0x01a5, 499, /* ƥ Ƥ */
- 0x01a8, 499, /* ƨ Ƨ */
- 0x01ad, 499, /* ƭ Ƭ */
- 0x01b0, 499, /* ư Ư */
- 0x01b4, 499, /* ƴ Ƴ */
- 0x01b6, 499, /* ƶ Ƶ */
- 0x01b9, 499, /* ƹ Ƹ */
- 0x01bd, 499, /* ƽ Ƽ */
- 0x01c5, 499, /* Dž DŽ */
- 0x01c6, 498, /* dž DŽ */
- 0x01c8, 499, /* Lj LJ */
- 0x01c9, 498, /* lj LJ */
- 0x01cb, 499, /* Nj NJ */
- 0x01cc, 498, /* nj NJ */
- 0x01ce, 499, /* ǎ Ǎ */
- 0x01d0, 499, /* ǐ Ǐ */
- 0x01d2, 499, /* ǒ Ǒ */
- 0x01d4, 499, /* ǔ Ǔ */
- 0x01d6, 499, /* ǖ Ǖ */
- 0x01d8, 499, /* ǘ Ǘ */
- 0x01da, 499, /* ǚ Ǚ */
- 0x01dc, 499, /* ǜ Ǜ */
- 0x01df, 499, /* ǟ Ǟ */
- 0x01e1, 499, /* ǡ Ǡ */
- 0x01e3, 499, /* ǣ Ǣ */
- 0x01e5, 499, /* ǥ Ǥ */
- 0x01e7, 499, /* ǧ Ǧ */
- 0x01e9, 499, /* ǩ Ǩ */
- 0x01eb, 499, /* ǫ Ǫ */
- 0x01ed, 499, /* ǭ Ǭ */
- 0x01ef, 499, /* ǯ Ǯ */
- 0x01f2, 499, /* Dz DZ */
- 0x01f3, 498, /* dz DZ */
- 0x01f5, 499, /* ǵ Ǵ */
- 0x01fb, 499, /* ǻ Ǻ */
- 0x01fd, 499, /* ǽ Ǽ */
- 0x01ff, 499, /* ǿ Ǿ */
- 0x0201, 499, /* ȁ Ȁ */
- 0x0203, 499, /* ȃ Ȃ */
- 0x0205, 499, /* ȅ Ȅ */
- 0x0207, 499, /* ȇ Ȇ */
- 0x0209, 499, /* ȉ Ȉ */
- 0x020b, 499, /* ȋ Ȋ */
- 0x020d, 499, /* ȍ Ȍ */
- 0x020f, 499, /* ȏ Ȏ */
- 0x0211, 499, /* ȑ Ȑ */
- 0x0213, 499, /* ȓ Ȓ */
- 0x0215, 499, /* ȕ Ȕ */
- 0x0217, 499, /* ȗ Ȗ */
- 0x0253, 290, /* ɓ Ɓ */
- 0x0254, 294, /* ɔ Ɔ */
- 0x025b, 297, /* ɛ Ɛ */
- 0x0260, 295, /* ɠ Ɠ */
- 0x0263, 293, /* ɣ Ɣ */
- 0x0268, 291, /* ɨ Ɨ */
- 0x0269, 289, /* ɩ Ɩ */
- 0x026f, 289, /* ɯ Ɯ */
- 0x0272, 287, /* ɲ Ɲ */
- 0x0283, 282, /* ʃ Ʃ */
- 0x0288, 282, /* ʈ Ʈ */
- 0x0292, 281, /* ʒ Ʒ */
- 0x03ac, 462, /* ά Ά */
- 0x03cc, 436, /* ό Ό */
- 0x03d0, 438, /* ϐ Β */
- 0x03d1, 443, /* ϑ Θ */
- 0x03d5, 453, /* ϕ Φ */
- 0x03d6, 446, /* ϖ Π */
- 0x03e3, 499, /* ϣ Ϣ */
- 0x03e5, 499, /* ϥ Ϥ */
- 0x03e7, 499, /* ϧ Ϧ */
- 0x03e9, 499, /* ϩ Ϩ */
- 0x03eb, 499, /* ϫ Ϫ */
- 0x03ed, 499, /* ϭ Ϭ */
- 0x03ef, 499, /* ϯ Ϯ */
- 0x03f0, 414, /* ϰ Κ */
- 0x03f1, 420, /* ϱ Ρ */
- 0x0461, 499, /* ѡ Ѡ */
- 0x0463, 499, /* ѣ Ѣ */
- 0x0465, 499, /* ѥ Ѥ */
- 0x0467, 499, /* ѧ Ѧ */
- 0x0469, 499, /* ѩ Ѩ */
- 0x046b, 499, /* ѫ Ѫ */
- 0x046d, 499, /* ѭ Ѭ */
- 0x046f, 499, /* ѯ Ѯ */
- 0x0471, 499, /* ѱ Ѱ */
- 0x0473, 499, /* ѳ Ѳ */
- 0x0475, 499, /* ѵ Ѵ */
- 0x0477, 499, /* ѷ Ѷ */
- 0x0479, 499, /* ѹ Ѹ */
- 0x047b, 499, /* ѻ Ѻ */
- 0x047d, 499, /* ѽ Ѽ */
- 0x047f, 499, /* ѿ Ѿ */
- 0x0481, 499, /* ҁ Ҁ */
- 0x0491, 499, /* ґ Ґ */
- 0x0493, 499, /* ғ Ғ */
- 0x0495, 499, /* ҕ Ҕ */
- 0x0497, 499, /* җ Җ */
- 0x0499, 499, /* ҙ Ҙ */
- 0x049b, 499, /* қ Қ */
- 0x049d, 499, /* ҝ Ҝ */
- 0x049f, 499, /* ҟ Ҟ */
- 0x04a1, 499, /* ҡ Ҡ */
- 0x04a3, 499, /* ң Ң */
- 0x04a5, 499, /* ҥ Ҥ */
- 0x04a7, 499, /* ҧ Ҧ */
- 0x04a9, 499, /* ҩ Ҩ */
- 0x04ab, 499, /* ҫ Ҫ */
- 0x04ad, 499, /* ҭ Ҭ */
- 0x04af, 499, /* ү Ү */
- 0x04b1, 499, /* ұ Ұ */
- 0x04b3, 499, /* ҳ Ҳ */
- 0x04b5, 499, /* ҵ Ҵ */
- 0x04b7, 499, /* ҷ Ҷ */
- 0x04b9, 499, /* ҹ Ҹ */
- 0x04bb, 499, /* һ Һ */
- 0x04bd, 499, /* ҽ Ҽ */
- 0x04bf, 499, /* ҿ Ҿ */
- 0x04c2, 499, /* ӂ Ӂ */
- 0x04c4, 499, /* ӄ Ӄ */
- 0x04c8, 499, /* ӈ Ӈ */
- 0x04cc, 499, /* ӌ Ӌ */
- 0x04d1, 499, /* ӑ Ӑ */
- 0x04d3, 499, /* ӓ Ӓ */
- 0x04d5, 499, /* ӕ Ӕ */
- 0x04d7, 499, /* ӗ Ӗ */
- 0x04d9, 499, /* ә Ә */
- 0x04db, 499, /* ӛ Ӛ */
- 0x04dd, 499, /* ӝ Ӝ */
- 0x04df, 499, /* ӟ Ӟ */
- 0x04e1, 499, /* ӡ Ӡ */
- 0x04e3, 499, /* ӣ Ӣ */
- 0x04e5, 499, /* ӥ Ӥ */
- 0x04e7, 499, /* ӧ Ӧ */
- 0x04e9, 499, /* ө Ө */
- 0x04eb, 499, /* ӫ Ӫ */
- 0x04ef, 499, /* ӯ Ӯ */
- 0x04f1, 499, /* ӱ Ӱ */
- 0x04f3, 499, /* ӳ Ӳ */
- 0x04f5, 499, /* ӵ Ӵ */
- 0x04f9, 499, /* ӹ Ӹ */
- 0x1e01, 499, /* ḁ Ḁ */
- 0x1e03, 499, /* ḃ Ḃ */
- 0x1e05, 499, /* ḅ Ḅ */
- 0x1e07, 499, /* ḇ Ḇ */
- 0x1e09, 499, /* ḉ Ḉ */
- 0x1e0b, 499, /* ḋ Ḋ */
- 0x1e0d, 499, /* ḍ Ḍ */
- 0x1e0f, 499, /* ḏ Ḏ */
- 0x1e11, 499, /* ḑ Ḑ */
- 0x1e13, 499, /* ḓ Ḓ */
- 0x1e15, 499, /* ḕ Ḕ */
- 0x1e17, 499, /* ḗ Ḗ */
- 0x1e19, 499, /* ḙ Ḙ */
- 0x1e1b, 499, /* ḛ Ḛ */
- 0x1e1d, 499, /* ḝ Ḝ */
- 0x1e1f, 499, /* ḟ Ḟ */
- 0x1e21, 499, /* ḡ Ḡ */
- 0x1e23, 499, /* ḣ Ḣ */
- 0x1e25, 499, /* ḥ Ḥ */
- 0x1e27, 499, /* ḧ Ḧ */
- 0x1e29, 499, /* ḩ Ḩ */
- 0x1e2b, 499, /* ḫ Ḫ */
- 0x1e2d, 499, /* ḭ Ḭ */
- 0x1e2f, 499, /* ḯ Ḯ */
- 0x1e31, 499, /* ḱ Ḱ */
- 0x1e33, 499, /* ḳ Ḳ */
- 0x1e35, 499, /* ḵ Ḵ */
- 0x1e37, 499, /* ḷ Ḷ */
- 0x1e39, 499, /* ḹ Ḹ */
- 0x1e3b, 499, /* ḻ Ḻ */
- 0x1e3d, 499, /* ḽ Ḽ */
- 0x1e3f, 499, /* ḿ Ḿ */
- 0x1e41, 499, /* ṁ Ṁ */
- 0x1e43, 499, /* ṃ Ṃ */
- 0x1e45, 499, /* ṅ Ṅ */
- 0x1e47, 499, /* ṇ Ṇ */
- 0x1e49, 499, /* ṉ Ṉ */
- 0x1e4b, 499, /* ṋ Ṋ */
- 0x1e4d, 499, /* ṍ Ṍ */
- 0x1e4f, 499, /* ṏ Ṏ */
- 0x1e51, 499, /* ṑ Ṑ */
- 0x1e53, 499, /* ṓ Ṓ */
- 0x1e55, 499, /* ṕ Ṕ */
- 0x1e57, 499, /* ṗ Ṗ */
- 0x1e59, 499, /* ṙ Ṙ */
- 0x1e5b, 499, /* ṛ Ṛ */
- 0x1e5d, 499, /* ṝ Ṝ */
- 0x1e5f, 499, /* ṟ Ṟ */
- 0x1e61, 499, /* ṡ Ṡ */
- 0x1e63, 499, /* ṣ Ṣ */
- 0x1e65, 499, /* ṥ Ṥ */
- 0x1e67, 499, /* ṧ Ṧ */
- 0x1e69, 499, /* ṩ Ṩ */
- 0x1e6b, 499, /* ṫ Ṫ */
- 0x1e6d, 499, /* ṭ Ṭ */
- 0x1e6f, 499, /* ṯ Ṯ */
- 0x1e71, 499, /* ṱ Ṱ */
- 0x1e73, 499, /* ṳ Ṳ */
- 0x1e75, 499, /* ṵ Ṵ */
- 0x1e77, 499, /* ṷ Ṷ */
- 0x1e79, 499, /* ṹ Ṹ */
- 0x1e7b, 499, /* ṻ Ṻ */
- 0x1e7d, 499, /* ṽ Ṽ */
- 0x1e7f, 499, /* ṿ Ṿ */
- 0x1e81, 499, /* ẁ Ẁ */
- 0x1e83, 499, /* ẃ Ẃ */
- 0x1e85, 499, /* ẅ Ẅ */
- 0x1e87, 499, /* ẇ Ẇ */
- 0x1e89, 499, /* ẉ Ẉ */
- 0x1e8b, 499, /* ẋ Ẋ */
- 0x1e8d, 499, /* ẍ Ẍ */
- 0x1e8f, 499, /* ẏ Ẏ */
- 0x1e91, 499, /* ẑ Ẑ */
- 0x1e93, 499, /* ẓ Ẓ */
- 0x1e95, 499, /* ẕ Ẕ */
- 0x1ea1, 499, /* ạ Ạ */
- 0x1ea3, 499, /* ả Ả */
- 0x1ea5, 499, /* ấ Ấ */
- 0x1ea7, 499, /* ầ Ầ */
- 0x1ea9, 499, /* ẩ Ẩ */
- 0x1eab, 499, /* ẫ Ẫ */
- 0x1ead, 499, /* ậ Ậ */
- 0x1eaf, 499, /* ắ Ắ */
- 0x1eb1, 499, /* ằ Ằ */
- 0x1eb3, 499, /* ẳ Ẳ */
- 0x1eb5, 499, /* ẵ Ẵ */
- 0x1eb7, 499, /* ặ Ặ */
- 0x1eb9, 499, /* ẹ Ẹ */
- 0x1ebb, 499, /* ẻ Ẻ */
- 0x1ebd, 499, /* ẽ Ẽ */
- 0x1ebf, 499, /* ế Ế */
- 0x1ec1, 499, /* ề Ề */
- 0x1ec3, 499, /* ể Ể */
- 0x1ec5, 499, /* ễ Ễ */
- 0x1ec7, 499, /* ệ Ệ */
- 0x1ec9, 499, /* ỉ Ỉ */
- 0x1ecb, 499, /* ị Ị */
- 0x1ecd, 499, /* ọ Ọ */
- 0x1ecf, 499, /* ỏ Ỏ */
- 0x1ed1, 499, /* ố Ố */
- 0x1ed3, 499, /* ồ Ồ */
- 0x1ed5, 499, /* ổ Ổ */
- 0x1ed7, 499, /* ỗ Ỗ */
- 0x1ed9, 499, /* ộ Ộ */
- 0x1edb, 499, /* ớ Ớ */
- 0x1edd, 499, /* ờ Ờ */
- 0x1edf, 499, /* ở Ở */
- 0x1ee1, 499, /* ỡ Ỡ */
- 0x1ee3, 499, /* ợ Ợ */
- 0x1ee5, 499, /* ụ Ụ */
- 0x1ee7, 499, /* ủ Ủ */
- 0x1ee9, 499, /* ứ Ứ */
- 0x1eeb, 499, /* ừ Ừ */
- 0x1eed, 499, /* ử Ử */
- 0x1eef, 499, /* ữ Ữ */
- 0x1ef1, 499, /* ự Ự */
- 0x1ef3, 499, /* ỳ Ỳ */
- 0x1ef5, 499, /* ỵ Ỵ */
- 0x1ef7, 499, /* ỷ Ỷ */
- 0x1ef9, 499, /* ỹ Ỹ */
- 0x1f51, 508, /* ὑ Ὑ */
- 0x1f53, 508, /* ὓ Ὓ */
- 0x1f55, 508, /* ὕ Ὕ */
- 0x1f57, 508, /* ὗ Ὗ */
- 0x1fb3, 509, /* ᾳ ᾼ */
- 0x1fc3, 509, /* ῃ ῌ */
- 0x1fe5, 507, /* ῥ Ῥ */
- 0x1ff3, 509 /* ῳ ῼ */
-const rnums = [
- 0x0030, 0x0039,
- 0x0660, 0x0669,
- 0x06f0, 0x06f9,
- 0x07c0, 0x07c9,
- 0x0966, 0x096f,
- 0x09e6, 0x09ef,
- 0x0a66, 0x0a6f,
- 0x0ae6, 0x0aef,
- 0x0b66, 0x0b6f,
- 0x0be6, 0x0bef,
- 0x0c66, 0x0c6f,
- 0x0ce6, 0x0cef,
- 0x0d66, 0x0d6f,
- 0x0e50, 0x0e59,
- 0x0ed0, 0x0ed9,
- 0x0f20, 0x0f29,
- 0x1040, 0x1049,
- 0x17e0, 0x17e9,
- 0x1810, 0x1819,
- 0x1946, 0x194f,
- 0x19d0, 0x19d9,
- 0x1b50, 0x1b59,
- 0xff10, 0xff19,
- 0x104a0, 0x104a9,
- 0x1d7ce, 0x1d7ff
- * upper case ranges
- * 3rd col is conversion excess 500
- */
-const rtolower2 = [
- 0x0041, 0x005a, 532, /* A-Z a-z */
- 0x00c0, 0x00d6, 532, /* À-Ö à-ö */
- 0x00d8, 0x00de, 532, /* Ø-Þ ø-þ */
- 0x0189, 0x018a, 705, /* Ɖ-Ɗ ɖ-ɗ */
- 0x018e, 0x018f, 702, /* Ǝ-Ə ɘ-ə */
- 0x01b1, 0x01b2, 717, /* Ʊ-Ʋ ʊ-ʋ */
- 0x0388, 0x038a, 537, /* Έ-Ί έ-ί */
- 0x038e, 0x038f, 563, /* Ύ-Ώ ύ-ώ */
- 0x0391, 0x03a1, 532, /* Α-Ρ α-ρ */
- 0x03a3, 0x03ab, 532, /* Σ-Ϋ σ-ϋ */
- 0x0401, 0x040c, 580, /* Ё-Ќ ё-ќ */
- 0x040e, 0x040f, 580, /* Ў-Џ ў-џ */
- 0x0410, 0x042f, 532, /* А-Я а-я */
- 0x0531, 0x0556, 548, /* Ա-Ֆ ա-ֆ */
- 0x10a0, 0x10c5, 548, /* Ⴀ-Ⴥ ა-ჵ */
- 0x1f08, 0x1f0f, 492, /* Ἀ-Ἇ ἀ-ἇ */
- 0x1f18, 0x1f1d, 492, /* Ἐ-Ἕ ἐ-ἕ */
- 0x1f28, 0x1f2f, 492, /* Ἠ-Ἧ ἠ-ἧ */
- 0x1f38, 0x1f3f, 492, /* Ἰ-Ἷ ἰ-ἷ */
- 0x1f48, 0x1f4d, 492, /* Ὀ-Ὅ ὀ-ὅ */
- 0x1f68, 0x1f6f, 492, /* Ὠ-Ὧ ὠ-ὧ */
- 0x1f88, 0x1f8f, 492, /* ᾈ-ᾏ ᾀ-ᾇ */
- 0x1f98, 0x1f9f, 492, /* ᾘ-ᾟ ᾐ-ᾗ */
- 0x1fa8, 0x1faf, 492, /* ᾨ-ᾯ ᾠ-ᾧ */
- 0x1fb8, 0x1fb9, 492, /* Ᾰ-Ᾱ ᾰ-ᾱ */
- 0x1fba, 0x1fbb, 426, /* Ὰ-Ά ὰ-ά */
- 0x1fc8, 0x1fcb, 414, /* Ὲ-Ή ὲ-ή */
- 0x1fd8, 0x1fd9, 492, /* Ῐ-Ῑ ῐ-ῑ */
- 0x1fda, 0x1fdb, 400, /* Ὶ-Ί ὶ-ί */
- 0x1fe8, 0x1fe9, 492, /* Ῠ-Ῡ ῠ-ῡ */
- 0x1fea, 0x1feb, 388, /* Ὺ-Ύ ὺ-ύ */
- 0x1ff8, 0x1ff9, 372, /* Ὸ-Ό ὸ-ό */
- 0x1ffa, 0x1ffb, 374, /* Ὼ-Ώ ὼ-ώ */
- 0x2160, 0x216f, 516, /* Ⅰ-Ⅿ ⅰ-ⅿ */
- 0x24b6, 0x24cf, 526, /* Ⓐ-Ⓩ ⓐ-ⓩ */
- 0xff21, 0xff3a, 532 /* A-Z a-z */
- * upper case singlets
- * 2nd col is conversion excess 500
- */
-const rtolower1 = [
- 0x0100, 501, /* Ā ā */
- 0x0102, 501, /* Ă ă */
- 0x0104, 501, /* Ą ą */
- 0x0106, 501, /* Ć ć */
- 0x0108, 501, /* Ĉ ĉ */
- 0x010a, 501, /* Ċ ċ */
- 0x010c, 501, /* Č č */
- 0x010e, 501, /* Ď ď */
- 0x0110, 501, /* Đ đ */
- 0x0112, 501, /* Ē ē */
- 0x0114, 501, /* Ĕ ĕ */
- 0x0116, 501, /* Ė ė */
- 0x0118, 501, /* Ę ę */
- 0x011a, 501, /* Ě ě */
- 0x011c, 501, /* Ĝ ĝ */
- 0x011e, 501, /* Ğ ğ */
- 0x0120, 501, /* Ġ ġ */
- 0x0122, 501, /* Ģ ģ */
- 0x0124, 501, /* Ĥ ĥ */
- 0x0126, 501, /* Ħ ħ */
- 0x0128, 501, /* Ĩ ĩ */
- 0x012a, 501, /* Ī ī */
- 0x012c, 501, /* Ĭ ĭ */
- 0x012e, 501, /* Į į */
- 0x0130, 301, /* İ i */
- 0x0132, 501, /* IJ ij */
- 0x0134, 501, /* Ĵ ĵ */
- 0x0136, 501, /* Ķ ķ */
- 0x0139, 501, /* Ĺ ĺ */
- 0x013b, 501, /* Ļ ļ */
- 0x013d, 501, /* Ľ ľ */
- 0x013f, 501, /* Ŀ ŀ */
- 0x0141, 501, /* Ł ł */
- 0x0143, 501, /* Ń ń */
- 0x0145, 501, /* Ņ ņ */
- 0x0147, 501, /* Ň ň */
- 0x014a, 501, /* Ŋ ŋ */
- 0x014c, 501, /* Ō ō */
- 0x014e, 501, /* Ŏ ŏ */
- 0x0150, 501, /* Ő ő */
- 0x0152, 501, /* Œ œ */
- 0x0154, 501, /* Ŕ ŕ */
- 0x0156, 501, /* Ŗ ŗ */
- 0x0158, 501, /* Ř ř */
- 0x015a, 501, /* Ś ś */
- 0x015c, 501, /* Ŝ ŝ */
- 0x015e, 501, /* Ş ş */
- 0x0160, 501, /* Š š */
- 0x0162, 501, /* Ţ ţ */
- 0x0164, 501, /* Ť ť */
- 0x0166, 501, /* Ŧ ŧ */
- 0x0168, 501, /* Ũ ũ */
- 0x016a, 501, /* Ū ū */
- 0x016c, 501, /* Ŭ ŭ */
- 0x016e, 501, /* Ů ů */
- 0x0170, 501, /* Ű ű */
- 0x0172, 501, /* Ų ų */
- 0x0174, 501, /* Ŵ ŵ */
- 0x0176, 501, /* Ŷ ŷ */
- 0x0178, 379, /* Ÿ ÿ */
- 0x0179, 501, /* Ź ź */
- 0x017b, 501, /* Ż ż */
- 0x017d, 501, /* Ž ž */
- 0x0181, 710, /* Ɓ ɓ */
- 0x0182, 501, /* Ƃ ƃ */
- 0x0184, 501, /* Ƅ ƅ */
- 0x0186, 706, /* Ɔ ɔ */
- 0x0187, 501, /* Ƈ ƈ */
- 0x018b, 501, /* Ƌ ƌ */
- 0x0190, 703, /* Ɛ ɛ */
- 0x0191, 501, /* Ƒ ƒ */
- 0x0193, 705, /* Ɠ ɠ */
- 0x0194, 707, /* Ɣ ɣ */
- 0x0196, 711, /* Ɩ ɩ */
- 0x0197, 709, /* Ɨ ɨ */
- 0x0198, 501, /* Ƙ ƙ */
- 0x019c, 711, /* Ɯ ɯ */
- 0x019d, 713, /* Ɲ ɲ */
- 0x01a0, 501, /* Ơ ơ */
- 0x01a2, 501, /* Ƣ ƣ */
- 0x01a4, 501, /* Ƥ ƥ */
- 0x01a7, 501, /* Ƨ ƨ */
- 0x01a9, 718, /* Ʃ ʃ */
- 0x01ac, 501, /* Ƭ ƭ */
- 0x01ae, 718, /* Ʈ ʈ */
- 0x01af, 501, /* Ư ư */
- 0x01b3, 501, /* Ƴ ƴ */
- 0x01b5, 501, /* Ƶ ƶ */
- 0x01b7, 719, /* Ʒ ʒ */
- 0x01b8, 501, /* Ƹ ƹ */
- 0x01bc, 501, /* Ƽ ƽ */
- 0x01c4, 502, /* DŽ dž */
- 0x01c5, 501, /* Dž dž */
- 0x01c7, 502, /* LJ lj */
- 0x01c8, 501, /* Lj lj */
- 0x01ca, 502, /* NJ nj */
- 0x01cb, 501, /* Nj nj */
- 0x01cd, 501, /* Ǎ ǎ */
- 0x01cf, 501, /* Ǐ ǐ */
- 0x01d1, 501, /* Ǒ ǒ */
- 0x01d3, 501, /* Ǔ ǔ */
- 0x01d5, 501, /* Ǖ ǖ */
- 0x01d7, 501, /* Ǘ ǘ */
- 0x01d9, 501, /* Ǚ ǚ */
- 0x01db, 501, /* Ǜ ǜ */
- 0x01de, 501, /* Ǟ ǟ */
- 0x01e0, 501, /* Ǡ ǡ */
- 0x01e2, 501, /* Ǣ ǣ */
- 0x01e4, 501, /* Ǥ ǥ */
- 0x01e6, 501, /* Ǧ ǧ */
- 0x01e8, 501, /* Ǩ ǩ */
- 0x01ea, 501, /* Ǫ ǫ */
- 0x01ec, 501, /* Ǭ ǭ */
- 0x01ee, 501, /* Ǯ ǯ */
- 0x01f1, 502, /* DZ dz */
- 0x01f2, 501, /* Dz dz */
- 0x01f4, 501, /* Ǵ ǵ */
- 0x01fa, 501, /* Ǻ ǻ */
- 0x01fc, 501, /* Ǽ ǽ */
- 0x01fe, 501, /* Ǿ ǿ */
- 0x0200, 501, /* Ȁ ȁ */
- 0x0202, 501, /* Ȃ ȃ */
- 0x0204, 501, /* Ȅ ȅ */
- 0x0206, 501, /* Ȇ ȇ */
- 0x0208, 501, /* Ȉ ȉ */
- 0x020a, 501, /* Ȋ ȋ */
- 0x020c, 501, /* Ȍ ȍ */
- 0x020e, 501, /* Ȏ ȏ */
- 0x0210, 501, /* Ȑ ȑ */
- 0x0212, 501, /* Ȓ ȓ */
- 0x0214, 501, /* Ȕ ȕ */
- 0x0216, 501, /* Ȗ ȗ */
- 0x0386, 538, /* Ά ά */
- 0x038c, 564, /* Ό ό */
- 0x03e2, 501, /* Ϣ ϣ */
- 0x03e4, 501, /* Ϥ ϥ */
- 0x03e6, 501, /* Ϧ ϧ */
- 0x03e8, 501, /* Ϩ ϩ */
- 0x03ea, 501, /* Ϫ ϫ */
- 0x03ec, 501, /* Ϭ ϭ */
- 0x03ee, 501, /* Ϯ ϯ */
- 0x0460, 501, /* Ѡ ѡ */
- 0x0462, 501, /* Ѣ ѣ */
- 0x0464, 501, /* Ѥ ѥ */
- 0x0466, 501, /* Ѧ ѧ */
- 0x0468, 501, /* Ѩ ѩ */
- 0x046a, 501, /* Ѫ ѫ */
- 0x046c, 501, /* Ѭ ѭ */
- 0x046e, 501, /* Ѯ ѯ */
- 0x0470, 501, /* Ѱ ѱ */
- 0x0472, 501, /* Ѳ ѳ */
- 0x0474, 501, /* Ѵ ѵ */
- 0x0476, 501, /* Ѷ ѷ */
- 0x0478, 501, /* Ѹ ѹ */
- 0x047a, 501, /* Ѻ ѻ */
- 0x047c, 501, /* Ѽ ѽ */
- 0x047e, 501, /* Ѿ ѿ */
- 0x0480, 501, /* Ҁ ҁ */
- 0x0490, 501, /* Ґ ґ */
- 0x0492, 501, /* Ғ ғ */
- 0x0494, 501, /* Ҕ ҕ */
- 0x0496, 501, /* Җ җ */
- 0x0498, 501, /* Ҙ ҙ */
- 0x049a, 501, /* Қ қ */
- 0x049c, 501, /* Ҝ ҝ */
- 0x049e, 501, /* Ҟ ҟ */
- 0x04a0, 501, /* Ҡ ҡ */
- 0x04a2, 501, /* Ң ң */
- 0x04a4, 501, /* Ҥ ҥ */
- 0x04a6, 501, /* Ҧ ҧ */
- 0x04a8, 501, /* Ҩ ҩ */
- 0x04aa, 501, /* Ҫ ҫ */
- 0x04ac, 501, /* Ҭ ҭ */
- 0x04ae, 501, /* Ү ү */
- 0x04b0, 501, /* Ұ ұ */
- 0x04b2, 501, /* Ҳ ҳ */
- 0x04b4, 501, /* Ҵ ҵ */
- 0x04b6, 501, /* Ҷ ҷ */
- 0x04b8, 501, /* Ҹ ҹ */
- 0x04ba, 501, /* Һ һ */
- 0x04bc, 501, /* Ҽ ҽ */
- 0x04be, 501, /* Ҿ ҿ */
- 0x04c1, 501, /* Ӂ ӂ */
- 0x04c3, 501, /* Ӄ ӄ */
- 0x04c7, 501, /* Ӈ ӈ */
- 0x04cb, 501, /* Ӌ ӌ */
- 0x04d0, 501, /* Ӑ ӑ */
- 0x04d2, 501, /* Ӓ ӓ */
- 0x04d4, 501, /* Ӕ ӕ */
- 0x04d6, 501, /* Ӗ ӗ */
- 0x04d8, 501, /* Ә ә */
- 0x04da, 501, /* Ӛ ӛ */
- 0x04dc, 501, /* Ӝ ӝ */
- 0x04de, 501, /* Ӟ ӟ */
- 0x04e0, 501, /* Ӡ ӡ */
- 0x04e2, 501, /* Ӣ ӣ */
- 0x04e4, 501, /* Ӥ ӥ */
- 0x04e6, 501, /* Ӧ ӧ */
- 0x04e8, 501, /* Ө ө */
- 0x04ea, 501, /* Ӫ ӫ */
- 0x04ee, 501, /* Ӯ ӯ */
- 0x04f0, 501, /* Ӱ ӱ */
- 0x04f2, 501, /* Ӳ ӳ */
- 0x04f4, 501, /* Ӵ ӵ */
- 0x04f8, 501, /* Ӹ ӹ */
- 0x1e00, 501, /* Ḁ ḁ */
- 0x1e02, 501, /* Ḃ ḃ */
- 0x1e04, 501, /* Ḅ ḅ */
- 0x1e06, 501, /* Ḇ ḇ */
- 0x1e08, 501, /* Ḉ ḉ */
- 0x1e0a, 501, /* Ḋ ḋ */
- 0x1e0c, 501, /* Ḍ ḍ */
- 0x1e0e, 501, /* Ḏ ḏ */
- 0x1e10, 501, /* Ḑ ḑ */
- 0x1e12, 501, /* Ḓ ḓ */
- 0x1e14, 501, /* Ḕ ḕ */
- 0x1e16, 501, /* Ḗ ḗ */
- 0x1e18, 501, /* Ḙ ḙ */
- 0x1e1a, 501, /* Ḛ ḛ */
- 0x1e1c, 501, /* Ḝ ḝ */
- 0x1e1e, 501, /* Ḟ ḟ */
- 0x1e20, 501, /* Ḡ ḡ */
- 0x1e22, 501, /* Ḣ ḣ */
- 0x1e24, 501, /* Ḥ ḥ */
- 0x1e26, 501, /* Ḧ ḧ */
- 0x1e28, 501, /* Ḩ ḩ */
- 0x1e2a, 501, /* Ḫ ḫ */
- 0x1e2c, 501, /* Ḭ ḭ */
- 0x1e2e, 501, /* Ḯ ḯ */
- 0x1e30, 501, /* Ḱ ḱ */
- 0x1e32, 501, /* Ḳ ḳ */
- 0x1e34, 501, /* Ḵ ḵ */
- 0x1e36, 501, /* Ḷ ḷ */
- 0x1e38, 501, /* Ḹ ḹ */
- 0x1e3a, 501, /* Ḻ ḻ */
- 0x1e3c, 501, /* Ḽ ḽ */
- 0x1e3e, 501, /* Ḿ ḿ */
- 0x1e40, 501, /* Ṁ ṁ */
- 0x1e42, 501, /* Ṃ ṃ */
- 0x1e44, 501, /* Ṅ ṅ */
- 0x1e46, 501, /* Ṇ ṇ */
- 0x1e48, 501, /* Ṉ ṉ */
- 0x1e4a, 501, /* Ṋ ṋ */
- 0x1e4c, 501, /* Ṍ ṍ */
- 0x1e4e, 501, /* Ṏ ṏ */
- 0x1e50, 501, /* Ṑ ṑ */
- 0x1e52, 501, /* Ṓ ṓ */
- 0x1e54, 501, /* Ṕ ṕ */
- 0x1e56, 501, /* Ṗ ṗ */
- 0x1e58, 501, /* Ṙ ṙ */
- 0x1e5a, 501, /* Ṛ ṛ */
- 0x1e5c, 501, /* Ṝ ṝ */
- 0x1e5e, 501, /* Ṟ ṟ */
- 0x1e60, 501, /* Ṡ ṡ */
- 0x1e62, 501, /* Ṣ ṣ */
- 0x1e64, 501, /* Ṥ ṥ */
- 0x1e66, 501, /* Ṧ ṧ */
- 0x1e68, 501, /* Ṩ ṩ */
- 0x1e6a, 501, /* Ṫ ṫ */
- 0x1e6c, 501, /* Ṭ ṭ */
- 0x1e6e, 501, /* Ṯ ṯ */
- 0x1e70, 501, /* Ṱ ṱ */
- 0x1e72, 501, /* Ṳ ṳ */
- 0x1e74, 501, /* Ṵ ṵ */
- 0x1e76, 501, /* Ṷ ṷ */
- 0x1e78, 501, /* Ṹ ṹ */
- 0x1e7a, 501, /* Ṻ ṻ */
- 0x1e7c, 501, /* Ṽ ṽ */
- 0x1e7e, 501, /* Ṿ ṿ */
- 0x1e80, 501, /* Ẁ ẁ */
- 0x1e82, 501, /* Ẃ ẃ */
- 0x1e84, 501, /* Ẅ ẅ */
- 0x1e86, 501, /* Ẇ ẇ */
- 0x1e88, 501, /* Ẉ ẉ */
- 0x1e8a, 501, /* Ẋ ẋ */
- 0x1e8c, 501, /* Ẍ ẍ */
- 0x1e8e, 501, /* Ẏ ẏ */
- 0x1e90, 501, /* Ẑ ẑ */
- 0x1e92, 501, /* Ẓ ẓ */
- 0x1e94, 501, /* Ẕ ẕ */
- 0x1ea0, 501, /* Ạ ạ */
- 0x1ea2, 501, /* Ả ả */
- 0x1ea4, 501, /* Ấ ấ */
- 0x1ea6, 501, /* Ầ ầ */
- 0x1ea8, 501, /* Ẩ ẩ */
- 0x1eaa, 501, /* Ẫ ẫ */
- 0x1eac, 501, /* Ậ ậ */
- 0x1eae, 501, /* Ắ ắ */
- 0x1eb0, 501, /* Ằ ằ */
- 0x1eb2, 501, /* Ẳ ẳ */
- 0x1eb4, 501, /* Ẵ ẵ */
- 0x1eb6, 501, /* Ặ ặ */
- 0x1eb8, 501, /* Ẹ ẹ */
- 0x1eba, 501, /* Ẻ ẻ */
- 0x1ebc, 501, /* Ẽ ẽ */
- 0x1ebe, 501, /* Ế ế */
- 0x1ec0, 501, /* Ề ề */
- 0x1ec2, 501, /* Ể ể */
- 0x1ec4, 501, /* Ễ ễ */
- 0x1ec6, 501, /* Ệ ệ */
- 0x1ec8, 501, /* Ỉ ỉ */
- 0x1eca, 501, /* Ị ị */
- 0x1ecc, 501, /* Ọ ọ */
- 0x1ece, 501, /* Ỏ ỏ */
- 0x1ed0, 501, /* Ố ố */
- 0x1ed2, 501, /* Ồ ồ */
- 0x1ed4, 501, /* Ổ ổ */
- 0x1ed6, 501, /* Ỗ ỗ */
- 0x1ed8, 501, /* Ộ ộ */
- 0x1eda, 501, /* Ớ ớ */
- 0x1edc, 501, /* Ờ ờ */
- 0x1ede, 501, /* Ở ở */
- 0x1ee0, 501, /* Ỡ ỡ */
- 0x1ee2, 501, /* Ợ ợ */
- 0x1ee4, 501, /* Ụ ụ */
- 0x1ee6, 501, /* Ủ ủ */
- 0x1ee8, 501, /* Ứ ứ */
- 0x1eea, 501, /* Ừ ừ */
- 0x1eec, 501, /* Ử ử */
- 0x1eee, 501, /* Ữ ữ */
- 0x1ef0, 501, /* Ự ự */
- 0x1ef2, 501, /* Ỳ ỳ */
- 0x1ef4, 501, /* Ỵ ỵ */
- 0x1ef6, 501, /* Ỷ ỷ */
- 0x1ef8, 501, /* Ỹ ỹ */
- 0x1f59, 492, /* Ὑ ὑ */
- 0x1f5b, 492, /* Ὓ ὓ */
- 0x1f5d, 492, /* Ὕ ὕ */
- 0x1f5f, 492, /* Ὗ ὗ */
- 0x1fbc, 491, /* ᾼ ᾳ */
- 0x1fcc, 491, /* ῌ ῃ */
- 0x1fec, 493, /* Ῥ ῥ */
- 0x1ffc, 491 /* ῼ ῳ */
- * title characters are those between
- * upper and lower case. ie DZ Dz dz
- */
-const rtotitle1 = [
- 0x01c4, 501, /* DŽ Dž */
- 0x01c6, 499, /* dž Dž */
- 0x01c7, 501, /* LJ Lj */
- 0x01c9, 499, /* lj Lj */
- 0x01ca, 501, /* NJ Nj */
- 0x01cc, 499, /* nj Nj */
- 0x01f1, 501, /* DZ Dz */
- 0x01f3, 499 /* dz Dz */
-const findc = {c, t, sz, nelt, ret
- var l
- var m
- /* we're processing in chunks of size
- nelt, so 1 chunk is of length 'nelt' */
- while t.len > nelt
- sz /= 2
- m = sz*nelt
- l = t[m:]
- if c >= l[0]
- t = l[0:m]
- else
- t = t[0:m]
- ;;
- ;;
- if t.len != 0 && c >= t[0]
- *ret = t
- -> true
- else
- -> false
- ;;
-const isalpha = {c
- var l
- if isupper(c) || islower(c)
- -> true
- elif findc(c, ralpha2[:], ralpha2.len/2, 2, &l)
- if (c >= l[0] && c <= l[1])
- -> true
- ;;
- elif findc(c, ralpha1[:], ralpha1.len, 1, &l)
- if (c == l[0])
- -> true
- ;;
- ;;
- -> false
-const isnum = {c
- var l
- if findc(c, rnums[:], rnums.len/2, 2, &l)
- if(c >= l[0] && c <= l[1])
- -> true
- ;;
- ;;
- -> false
-const isalnum = {c
- -> isalpha(c) || isnum(c)
-const isspace = {c
- var l
- var sl
- var len
- l = rspace2[:]
- sl = rspace2[:]
- len = rspace2.len/2
- if findc(c, sl, len, 2, &l)
- if(c >= l[0] && c <= l[1])
- -> true
- ;;
- ;;
- -> false
-const islower = {c
- var l
- if findc(c, rtoupper2[:], rtoupper2.len, 2, &l)
- if (c >= l[0] && c <= l[1])
- -> true
- ;;
- elif findc(c, rtoupper1[:], rtoupper1.len, 1, &l)
- if (c == l[0])
- -> true
- ;;
- ;;
- -> false
-const isupper = {c
- var l
- if findc(c, rtolower2[:], rtolower2.len, 2, &l)
- if (c >= l[0] && c <= l[1])
- -> true
- ;;
- elif findc(c, rtolower1[:], rtolower1.len, 1, &l)
- if (c == l[0])
- -> true
- ;;
- ;;
- -> false
-const istitle = {c
- -> isupper(c) && islower(c)
-const tolower = {c
- var l
- if findc(c, rtolower2[:], rtolower2.len/3, 3, &l)
- if c >= l[0] && c <= l[1]
- -> c + l[2] - 500;
- ;;
- elif findc(c, rtolower1[:], rtolower1.len/2, 2, &l)
- if c == l[0]
- -> c + l[1] - 500;
- ;;
- ;;
- -> c
-const toupper = {c
- var l
- if findc(c, rtoupper2[:], rtoupper2.len/3, 3, &l);
- if c >= l[0] && c <= l[1]
- -> c + l[2] - 500;
- ;;
- elif findc(c, rtoupper1[:], rtoupper1.len/2, 2, &l);
- if c == l[0]
- -> c + l[1] - 500;
- ;;
- ;;
- -> c
-const totitle = {c
- var l
- if findc(c, rtotitle1[:], rtotitle1.len/2, 2, &l);
- if c == l[0]
- -> c + l[1] - 500;
- ;;
- ;;
- -> c
--- a/libmyr/die.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,19 +1,0 @@
-use "sys.use"
-use "types.use"
-pkg std =
- const die : (msg : byte[:] -> void)
- const assert : (cond : bool, msg : byte[:] -> void)
-const die = {msg
- write(2, msg)
- kill(getpid(), 6)
-const assert = {cond, msg
- if cond
- die(msg)
- ;;
--- a/libmyr/fmt.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +1,0 @@
-use "die.use"
-use "sys.use"
-use "types.use"
-use "utf.use"
-use "varargs.use"
-pkg std =
- const bfmt : (buf : byte[:], fmt : byte[:], args:... -> size)
- const bfmtv : (buf : byte[:], fmt : byte[:], ap:valist -> size)
- const put : (fmt : byte[:], args:... -> size)
-const put = {fmt, args
- var buf : byte[2048]
- var n
- n = bfmtv(buf[:], fmt, vastart(&args))
- write(1, buf[:n])
- -> n
-const bfmt = {buf, fmt, args
- -> bfmtv(buf, fmt, vastart(&args))
-const bfmtv = {buf, fmt, ap
- var c
- var n
- var s_val : byte[:]
- var b_val : int8
- var w_val : int16
- var i_val : int32
- var l_val : int64
- var p_val : byte*
- n = 0
- while fmt.len
- (c, fmt) = striter(fmt)
- if c == '%'
- (c, fmt) = striter(fmt)
- match c
- 's':
- (s_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
- n += strfmt(buf[n:], s_val)
- ;;
- /* format integers */
- 'b':
- (b_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
- n += intfmt(buf[n:], b_val castto(int64), 10)
- ;;
- 'w':
- (w_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
- n += intfmt(buf[n:], w_val castto(int64), 10)
- ;;
- 'i':
- (i_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
- n += intfmt(buf[n:], i_val castto(int64), 10)
- ;;
- 'l':
- (l_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
- n += intfmt(buf[n:], l_val castto(int64), 10)
- ;;
- 'p':
- (p_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
- n += intfmt(buf[n:], p_val castto(int64), 16)
- ;;
- _:
- die("Unknown format specifier")
- ;;
- ;;
- else
- n += encode(buf[n:], c)
- ;;
- ;;
- -> n
-const strfmt = {buf, str
- var i
- for i = 0; i < min(str.len, buf.len); i++
- buf[i] = str[i]
- ;;
- -> i
-const intfmt = {buf, val, base
- var digits = [
- '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'
- ]
- var isneg
- var b : char[32]
- var i
- var j
- var n
- n = 0
- i = 0
- if val < 0
- isneg = true
- else
- isneg = false
- ;;
- if val == 0
- b[0] = '0'
- i++
- ;;
- while val != 0
- b[i] = digits[val % base]
- val /= base
- i++
- ;;
- n = 0
- if isneg
- n += encode(buf[n:], '-')
- ;;
- for j = i-1; j >= 0; j--
- n += encode(buf[n:], b[j])
- ;;
- -> n
-const min = {a : size, b : size
- if a < b
- -> a
- else
- -> b
- ;;
--- a/libmyr/rand.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,112 +1,0 @@
-use "die.use"
-use "fmt.use"
-use "types.use"
-use "alloc.use"
- Translated from C by Ori Bernstein
- */
- A C-program for MT19937, with initialization improved 2002/1/26.
- Coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto.
- Copyright (C) 1997 - 2002, Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura,
- All rights reserved.
- Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
- modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
- are met:
- 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
- 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
- notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
- documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
- 3. The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
- products derived from this software without specific prior written
- permission.
- Any feedback is very welcome.
- email: m-mat @ (remove space)
- */
-pkg std =
- type rng
- /* no mkrng() yet because we don't have anything to automatically
- seed it with yet */
- const mksrng : (seed : uint32 -> rng*)
- const rand32 : (rng : rng* -> uint32)
-type rng = struct
- state : uint32[624]
- i : uint32
-const mksrng = {seed
- var rng
- rng = alloc()
- init(rng, seed)
- -> rng
-const init = {rng, seed
- var i
- for i = 0; i < 624; i++
- rng.state[i] = seed
- seed = 1812433253 * (seed ^ (seed >> 30)) + i + 1
- ;;
- rng.i = i
-const rand32 = {rng
- var x
- if rng.i == 624
- next(rng)
- ;;
- x = rng.state[rng.i]
- rng.i++
- x ^= x >> 11
- x ^= (x << 7) & 0x9D2C5680
- x ^= (x << 15) & 0xEFC60000
- -> x ^ (x >> 18)
-const next = {rng
- var k
- var y
- for k = 0; k < 227; k++
- y = (rng.state[k] & 0x80000000) | (rng.state[k + 1] & 0x7FFFFFFF)
- rng.state[k] = rng.state[k + 397] ^ (y >> 1) ^ ((y & 1) * 0x9908B0DF)
- ;;
- for ; k < 623; k++
- y = (rng.state[k] & 0x80000000) | (rng.state[k + 1] & 0x7FFFFFFF)
- rng.state[k] = rng.state[k - 227] ^ (y >> 1) ^ ((y & 1) * 0x9908B0DF);
- ;;
- y = (rng.state[623] & 0x80000000) | (rng.state[0] & 0x7FFFFFFF)
- rng.state[623] = rng.state[396] ^ (y >> 1) ^ ((y & 1) * 0x9908B0DF);
- rng.i = 0
--- a/libmyr/sys-linux.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,398 +1,0 @@
-use "types.use"
-pkg std =
- type scno = int64
- type fdopt = int64
- type mprot = int64
- type mopt = int64
- type statbuf = struct
- dev : uint
- ino : uint
- mode : uint16
- nlink : uint16
- uid : uint16
- gid : uint16
- rdev : uint
- size : uint
- blksize : uint
- blocks : uint
- atime : uint
- atimens : uint
- mtime : uint
- mtimens : uint
- ctime : uint
- ctimens : uint
- _unused1: uint
- _unused2: uint
- ;;
- /* open options */
- const Ordonly : fdopt = 0x0
- const Owronly : fdopt = 0x1
- const Ordwr : fdopt = 0x2
- const Oappend : fdopt = 0x80
- const Ocreat : fdopt = 0x40
- const Onofollow : fdopt = 0x20000
- const Ondelay : fdopt = 0x800
- const Otrunc : fdopt = 0x200
- /* mmap protection */
- const Mprotnone : mprot = 0x0
- const Mprotrd : mprot = 0x1
- const Mprotwr : mprot = 0x2
- const Mprotexec : mprot = 0x4
- const Mprotrw : mprot = 0x3 /* convenience */
- /* mmap options */
- const Mshared : mopt = 0x1
- const Mpriv : mopt = 0x2
- const Mfixed : mopt = 0x10
- const Mfile : mopt = 0x0
- const Manon : mopt = 0x20
- const M32bit : mopt = 0x40
- /* return value for a failed mapping */
- const Mapbad : byte* = -1 castto(byte*)
- /* syscalls */
- const Sysread : scno = 0
- const Syswrite : scno = 1
- const Sysopen : scno = 2
- const Sysclose : scno = 3
- const Sysstat : scno = 4
- const Sysfstat : scno = 5
- const Syslstat : scno = 6
- const Syspoll : scno = 7
- const Syslseek : scno = 8
- const Sysmmap : scno = 9
- const Sysmprotect : scno = 10
- const Sysmunmap : scno = 11
- const Sysbrk : scno = 12
- const Sysrt_sigaction : scno = 13
- const Sysrt_sigprocmask : scno = 14
- const Sysrt_sigreturn : scno = 15
- const Sysioctl : scno = 16
- const Syspread64 : scno = 17
- const Syspwrite64 : scno = 18
- const Sysreadv : scno = 19
- const Syswritev : scno = 20
- const Sysaccess : scno = 21
- const Syspipe : scno = 22
- const Sysselect : scno = 23
- const Syssched_yield : scno = 24
- const Sysmremap : scno = 25
- const Sysmsync : scno = 26
- const Sysmincore : scno = 27
- const Sysmadvise : scno = 28
- const Sysshmget : scno = 29
- const Sysshmat : scno = 30
- const Sysshmctl : scno = 31
- const Sysdup : scno = 32
- const Sysdup2 : scno = 33
- const Syspause : scno = 34
- const Sysnanosleep : scno = 35
- const Sysgetitimer : scno = 36
- const Sysalarm : scno = 37
- const Syssetitimer : scno = 38
- const Sysgetpid : scno = 39
- const Syssendfile : scno = 40
- const Syssocket : scno = 41
- const Sysconnect : scno = 42
- const Sysaccept : scno = 43
- const Syssendto : scno = 44
- const Sysrecvfrom : scno = 45
- const Syssendmsg : scno = 46
- const Sysrecvmsg : scno = 47
- const Sysshutdown : scno = 48
- const Sysbind : scno = 49
- const Syslisten : scno = 50
- const Sysgetsockname : scno = 51
- const Sysgetpeername : scno = 52
- const Syssocketpair : scno = 53
- const Syssetsockopt : scno = 54
- const Sysgetsockopt : scno = 55
- const Sysclone : scno = 56
- const Sysfork : scno = 57
- const Sysvfork : scno = 58
- const Sysexecve : scno = 59
- const Sysexit : scno = 60
- const Syswait4 : scno = 61
- const Syskill : scno = 62
- const Sysuname : scno = 63
- const Syssemget : scno = 64
- const Syssemop : scno = 65
- const Syssemctl : scno = 66
- const Sysshmdt : scno = 67
- const Sysmsgget : scno = 68
- const Sysmsgsnd : scno = 69
- const Sysmsgrcv : scno = 70
- const Sysmsgctl : scno = 71
- const Sysfcntl : scno = 72
- const Sysflock : scno = 73
- const Sysfsync : scno = 74
- const Sysfdatasync : scno = 75
- const Systruncate : scno = 76
- const Sysftruncate : scno = 77
- const Sysgetdents : scno = 78
- const Sysgetcwd : scno = 79
- const Syschdir : scno = 80
- const Sysfchdir : scno = 81
- const Sysrename : scno = 82
- const Sysmkdir : scno = 83
- const Sysrmdir : scno = 84
- const Syscreat : scno = 85
- const Syslink : scno = 86
- const Sysunlink : scno = 87
- const Syssymlink : scno = 88
- const Sysreadlink : scno = 89
- const Syschmod : scno = 90
- const Sysfchmod : scno = 91
- const Syschown : scno = 92
- const Sysfchown : scno = 93
- const Syslchown : scno = 94
- const Sysumask : scno = 95
- const Sysgettimeofday : scno = 96
- const Sysgetrlimit : scno = 97
- const Sysgetrusage : scno = 98
- const Syssysinfo : scno = 99
- const Systimes : scno = 100
- const Sysptrace : scno = 101
- const Sysgetuid : scno = 102
- const Syssyslog : scno = 103
- const Sysgetgid : scno = 104
- const Syssetuid : scno = 105
- const Syssetgid : scno = 106
- const Sysgeteuid : scno = 107
- const Sysgetegid : scno = 108
- const Syssetpgid : scno = 109
- const Sysgetppid : scno = 110
- const Sysgetpgrp : scno = 111
- const Syssetsid : scno = 112
- const Syssetreuid : scno = 113
- const Syssetregid : scno = 114
- const Sysgetgroups : scno = 115
- const Syssetgroups : scno = 116
- const Syssetresuid : scno = 117
- const Sysgetresuid : scno = 118
- const Syssetresgid : scno = 119
- const Sysgetresgid : scno = 120
- const Sysgetpgid : scno = 121
- const Syssetfsuid : scno = 122
- const Syssetfsgid : scno = 123
- const Sysgetsid : scno = 124
- const Syscapget : scno = 125
- const Syscapset : scno = 126
- const Sysrt_sigpending : scno = 127
- const Sysrt_sigtimedwait : scno = 128
- const Sysrt_sigqueueinfo : scno = 129
- const Sysrt_sigsuspend : scno = 130
- const Syssigaltstack : scno = 131
- const Sysutime : scno = 132
- const Sysmknod : scno = 133
- const Sysuselib : scno = 134
- const Syspersonality : scno = 135
- const Sysustat : scno = 136
- const Sysstatfs : scno = 137
- const Sysfstatfs : scno = 138
- const Syssysfs : scno = 139
- const Sysgetpriority : scno = 140
- const Syssetpriority : scno = 141
- const Syssched_setparam : scno = 142
- const Syssched_getparam : scno = 143
- const Syssched_setscheduler : scno = 144
- const Syssched_getscheduler : scno = 145
- const Syssched_get_priority_max : scno = 146
- const Syssched_get_priority_min : scno = 147
- const Syssched_rr_get_interval : scno = 148
- const Sysmlock : scno = 149
- const Sysmunlock : scno = 150
- const Sysmlockall : scno = 151
- const Sysmunlockall : scno = 152
- const Sysvhangup : scno = 153
- const Sysmodify_ldt : scno = 154
- const Syspivot_root : scno = 155
- const Sys_sysctl : scno = 156
- const Sysprctl : scno = 157
- const Sysarch_prctl : scno = 158
- const Sysadjtimex : scno = 159
- const Syssetrlimit : scno = 160
- const Syschroot : scno = 161
- const Syssync : scno = 162
- const Sysacct : scno = 163
- const Syssettimeofday : scno = 164
- const Sysmount : scno = 165
- const Sysumount2 : scno = 166
- const Sysswapon : scno = 167
- const Sysswapoff : scno = 168
- const Sysreboot : scno = 169
- const Syssethostname : scno = 170
- const Syssetdomainname : scno = 171
- const Sysiopl : scno = 172
- const Sysioperm : scno = 173
- const Syscreate_module : scno = 174
- const Sysinit_module : scno = 175
- const Sysdelete_module : scno = 176
- const Sysget_kernel_syms : scno = 177
- const Sysquery_module : scno = 178
- const Sysquotactl : scno = 179
- const Sysnfsservctl : scno = 180
- const Sysgetpmsg : scno = 181
- const Sysputpmsg : scno = 182
- const Sysafs_syscall : scno = 183
- const Systuxcall : scno = 184
- const Syssecurity : scno = 185
- const Sysgettid : scno = 186
- const Sysreadahead : scno = 187
- const Syssetxattr : scno = 188
- const Syslsetxattr : scno = 189
- const Sysfsetxattr : scno = 190
- const Sysgetxattr : scno = 191
- const Syslgetxattr : scno = 192
- const Sysfgetxattr : scno = 193
- const Syslistxattr : scno = 194
- const Sysllistxattr : scno = 195
- const Sysflistxattr : scno = 196
- const Sysremovexattr : scno = 197
- const Syslremovexattr : scno = 198
- const Sysfremovexattr : scno = 199
- const Systkill : scno = 200
- const Systime : scno = 201
- const Sysfutex : scno = 202
- const Syssched_setaffinity : scno = 203
- const Syssched_getaffinity : scno = 204
- const Sysset_thread_area : scno = 205
- const Sysio_setup : scno = 206
- const Sysio_destroy : scno = 207
- const Sysio_getevents : scno = 208
- const Sysio_submit : scno = 209
- const Sysio_cancel : scno = 210
- const Sysget_thread_area : scno = 211
- const Syslookup_dcookie : scno = 212
- const Sysepoll_create : scno = 213
- const Sysepoll_ctl_old : scno = 214
- const Sysepoll_wait_old : scno = 215
- const Sysremap_file_pages : scno = 216
- const Sysgetdents64 : scno = 217
- const Sysset_tid_address : scno = 218
- const Sysrestart_syscall : scno = 219
- const Syssemtimedop : scno = 220
- const Sysfadvise64 : scno = 221
- const Systimer_create : scno = 222
- const Systimer_settime : scno = 223
- const Systimer_gettime : scno = 224
- const Systimer_getoverrun : scno = 225
- const Systimer_delete : scno = 226
- const Sysclock_settime : scno = 227
- const Sysclock_gettime : scno = 228
- const Sysclock_getres : scno = 229
- const Sysclock_nanosleep : scno = 230
- const Sysexit_group : scno = 231
- const Sysepoll_wait : scno = 232
- const Sysepoll_ctl : scno = 233
- const Systgkill : scno = 234
- const Sysutimes : scno = 235
- const Sysvserver : scno = 236
- const Sysmbind : scno = 237
- const Sysset_mempolicy : scno = 238
- const Sysget_mempolicy : scno = 239
- const Sysmq_open : scno = 240
- const Sysmq_unlink : scno = 241
- const Sysmq_timedsend : scno = 242
- const Sysmq_timedreceive : scno = 243
- const Sysmq_notify : scno = 244
- const Sysmq_getsetattr : scno = 245
- const Syskexec_load : scno = 246
- const Syswaitid : scno = 247
- const Sysadd_key : scno = 248
- const Sysrequest_key : scno = 249
- const Syskeyctl : scno = 250
- const Sysioprio_set : scno = 251
- const Sysioprio_get : scno = 252
- const Sysinotify_init : scno = 253
- const Sysinotify_add_watch : scno = 254
- const Sysinotify_rm_watch : scno = 255
- const Sysmigrate_pages : scno = 256
- const Sysopenat : scno = 257
- const Sysmkdirat : scno = 258
- const Sysmknodat : scno = 259
- const Sysfchownat : scno = 260
- const Sysfutimesat : scno = 261
- const Sysnewfstatat : scno = 262
- const Sysunlinkat : scno = 263
- const Sysrenameat : scno = 264
- const Syslinkat : scno = 265
- const Syssymlinkat : scno = 266
- const Sysreadlinkat : scno = 267
- const Sysfchmodat : scno = 268
- const Sysfaccessat : scno = 269
- const Syspselect6 : scno = 270
- const Sysppoll : scno = 271
- const Sysunshare : scno = 272
- const Sysset_robust_list : scno = 273
- const Sysget_robust_list : scno = 274
- const Syssplice : scno = 275
- const Systee : scno = 276
- const Syssync_file_range : scno = 277
- const Sysvmsplice : scno = 278
- const Sysmove_pages : scno = 279
- const Sysutimensat : scno = 280
- const Sysepoll_pwait : scno = 281
- const Syssignalfd : scno = 282
- const Systimerfd_create : scno = 283
- const Syseventfd : scno = 284
- const Sysfallocate : scno = 285
- const Systimerfd_settime : scno = 286
- const Systimerfd_gettime : scno = 287
- const Sysaccept4 : scno = 288
- const Syssignalfd4 : scno = 289
- const Syseventfd2 : scno = 290
- const Sysepoll_create1 : scno = 291
- const Sysdup3 : scno = 292
- const Syspipe2 : scno = 293
- const Sysinotify_init1 : scno = 294
- const Syspreadv : scno = 295
- const Syspwritev : scno = 296
- const Sysrt_tgsigqueueinfo : scno = 297
- const Sysperf_event_open : scno = 298
- const Sysrecvmmsg : scno = 299
- const Sysfanotify_init : scno = 300
- const Sysfanotify_mark : scno = 301
- const Sysprlimit64 : scno = 302
- const Sysname_to_handle_at : scno = 303
- const Sysopen_by_handle_at : scno = 304
- const Sysclock_adjtime : scno = 305
- const Syssyncfs : scno = 306
- const Syssendmmsg : scno = 307
- const Syssetns : scno = 308
- const Sysgetcpu : scno = 309
- const Sysprocess_vm_readv : scno = 310
- const Sysprocess_vm_writev : scno = 311
- extern const syscall : (sc:scno, args:... -> int64)
- const exit : (status:int64 -> void)
- const getpid : ( -> int64)
- const kill : (pid:int64, sig:int64 -> int64)
- const open : (path:byte[:], opts:fdopt, mode:int64 -> int64)
- const close : (fd:int64 -> int64)
- const creat : (path:byte[:], mode:int64 -> int64)
- const read : (fd:int64, buf:byte[:] -> int64)
- const write : (fd:int64, buf:byte[:] -> int64)
- const lseek : (fd:int64, off:uint64, whence:int64 -> int64)
- const fstat : (fd:int64, sb:statbuf* -> int64)
- const munmap : (addr:byte*, len:size -> int64)
- const mmap : (addr:byte*, len:size, prot:mprot, flags:mopt, fd:int64, off:off -> byte*)
-const exit = {status; syscall(Sysexit, 1);}
-const getpid = {; -> syscall(Sysgetpid, 1);}
-const kill = {pid, sig; -> syscall(Syskill, pid, sig);}
-const open = {path, opts, mode; -> syscall(Sysopen, path castto(char*), opts);}
-const close = {fd; -> syscall(Sysclose, fd);}
-const creat = {path, mode; -> syscall(Syscreat, path castto(char*), mode);}
-const read = {fd, buf; -> syscall(Sysread, fd, buf castto(char*), buf.len);}
-const write = {fd, buf; -> syscall(Syswrite, fd, buf castto(char*), buf.len castto(size));}
-const lseek = {fd, off, whence; -> syscall(Syslseek, fd, off, whence);}
-const fstat = {fd, sb; -> syscall(Sysfstat, fd, sb);}
-const munmap = {addr, len; -> syscall(Sysmunmap, addr, len);}
-const mmap = {addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off; -> syscall(Sysmmap, addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off) castto(byte*);}
--- a/libmyr/sys-osx.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,444 +1,0 @@
-use "types.use"
-pkg std =
- type scno = int64
- type fdopt = int64
- type mprot = int64
- type mopt = int64
- type timespec = struct
- secs : uint64
- nsecs : uint32
- ;;
- type statbuf = struct
- dev : int32
- mode : uint16
- nlink : uint32
- ino : uint64 /* 32/64? which do I use? */
- uid : uint32
- gid : uint32
- rdev : int32
- atimesspec : timespec
- mtimesspec : timespec
- ctimesspec : timespec
- btimesspec : timespec
- size : off
- blocks : uint
- blocksz : uint
- flags : uint32
- gen : uint32
- lspare : int32
- qspare0 : int64
- qspare1 : int64
- ;;
- /* open options */
- const Ordonly : fdopt = 0x0
- const Owronly : fdopt = 0x1
- const Ordwr : fdopt = 0x2
- const Ondelay : fdopt = 0x4
- const Oappend : fdopt = 0x8
- const Ocreat : fdopt = 0x200
- const Onofollow : fdopt = 0x100
- const Otrunc : fdopt = 0x400
- /* mmap protection */
- const Mprotnone : mprot = 0x0
- const Mprotrd : mprot = 0x1
- const Mprotwr : mprot = 0x2
- const Mprotexec : mprot = 0x4
- const Mprotrw : mprot = 0x3
- /* mmap options */
- const Mshared : mopt = 0x1
- const Mpriv : mopt = 0x2
- const Mfixed : mopt = 0x10
- const Mfile : mopt = 0x0
- const Manon : mopt = 0x1000
- /* Only on Linux
- const M32bit : mopt = 0x40
- */
- /* return value for a failed mapping */
- const Mapbad : byte* = -1 castto(byte*)
- /* syscalls.
- note, creat() implemented as open(path, Creat|Trunc|Wronly) */
- const Syssyscall : scno = 0x2000000
- const Sysexit : scno = 0x2000001
- const Sysfork : scno = 0x2000002
- const Sysread : scno = 0x2000003
- const Syswrite : scno = 0x2000004
- const Sysopen : scno = 0x2000005
- const Sysclose : scno = 0x2000006
- const Syswait4 : scno = 0x2000007
- const Syslink : scno = 0x2000009
- const Sysunlink : scno = 0x200000a
- const Syschdir : scno = 0x200000c
- const Sysfchdir : scno = 0x200000d
- const Sysmknod : scno = 0x200000e
- const Syschmod : scno = 0x200000f
- const Syschown : scno = 0x2000010
- const Sysgetfsstat : scno = 0x2000012
- const Sysgetpid : scno = 0x2000014
- const Syssetuid : scno = 0x2000017
- const Sysgetuid : scno = 0x2000018
- const Sysgeteuid : scno = 0x2000019
- const Sysptrace : scno = 0x200001a
- const Sysrecvmsg : scno = 0x200001b
- const Syssendmsg : scno = 0x200001c
- const Sysrecvfrom : scno = 0x200001d
- const Sysaccept : scno = 0x200001e
- const Sysgetpeername : scno = 0x200001f
- const Sysgetsockname : scno = 0x2000020
- const Sysaccess : scno = 0x2000021
- const Syschflags : scno = 0x2000022
- const Sysfchflags : scno = 0x2000023
- const Syssync : scno = 0x2000024
- const Syskill : scno = 0x2000025
- const Sysgetppid : scno = 0x2000027
- const Sysdup : scno = 0x2000029
- const Syspipe : scno = 0x200002a
- const Sysgetegid : scno = 0x200002b
- const Sysprofil : scno = 0x200002c
- const Syssigaction : scno = 0x200002e
- const Sysgetgid : scno = 0x200002f
- const Syssigprocmask : scno = 0x2000030
- const Sysgetlogin : scno = 0x2000031
- const Syssetlogin : scno = 0x2000032
- const Sysacct : scno = 0x2000033
- const Syssigpending : scno = 0x2000034
- const Syssigaltstack : scno = 0x2000035
- const Sysioctl : scno = 0x2000036
- const Sysreboot : scno = 0x2000037
- const Sysrevoke : scno = 0x2000038
- const Syssymlink : scno = 0x2000039
- const Sysreadlink : scno = 0x200003a
- const Sysexecve : scno = 0x200003b
- const Sysumask : scno = 0x200003c
- const Syschroot : scno = 0x200003d
- const Sysmsync : scno = 0x2000041
- const Sysvfork : scno = 0x2000042
- const Sysmunmap : scno = 0x2000049
- const Sysmprotect : scno = 0x200004a
- const Sysmadvise : scno = 0x200004b
- const Sysmincore : scno = 0x200004e
- const Sysgetgroups : scno = 0x200004f
- const Syssetgroups : scno = 0x2000050
- const Sysgetpgrp : scno = 0x2000051
- const Syssetpgid : scno = 0x2000052
- const Syssetitimer : scno = 0x2000053
- const Sysswapon : scno = 0x2000055
- const Sysgetitimer : scno = 0x2000056
- const Sysgetdtablesize : scno = 0x2000059
- const Sysdup2 : scno = 0x200005a
- const Sysfcntl : scno = 0x200005c
- const Sysselect : scno = 0x200005d
- const Sysfsync : scno = 0x200005f
- const Syssetpriority : scno = 0x2000060
- const Syssocket : scno = 0x2000061
- const Sysconnect : scno = 0x2000062
- const Sysgetpriority : scno = 0x2000064
- const Sysbind : scno = 0x2000068
- const Syssetsockopt : scno = 0x2000069
- const Syslisten : scno = 0x200006a
- const Syssigsuspend : scno = 0x200006f
- const Sysgettimeofday : scno = 0x2000074
- const Sysgetrusage : scno = 0x2000075
- const Sysgetsockopt : scno = 0x2000076
- const Sysreadv : scno = 0x2000078
- const Syswritev : scno = 0x2000079
- const Syssettimeofday : scno = 0x200007a
- const Sysfchown : scno = 0x200007b
- const Sysfchmod : scno = 0x200007c
- const Syssetreuid : scno = 0x200007e
- const Syssetregid : scno = 0x200007f
- const Sysrename : scno = 0x2000080
- const Sysflock : scno = 0x2000083
- const Sysmkfifo : scno = 0x2000084
- const Syssendto : scno = 0x2000085
- const Sysshutdown : scno = 0x2000086
- const Syssocketpair : scno = 0x2000087
- const Sysmkdir : scno = 0x2000088
- const Sysrmdir : scno = 0x2000089
- const Sysutimes : scno = 0x200008a
- const Sysfutimes : scno = 0x200008b
- const Sysadjtime : scno = 0x200008c
- const Sysgethostuuid : scno = 0x200008e
- const Syssetsid : scno = 0x2000093
- const Sysgetpgid : scno = 0x2000097
- const Syssetprivexec : scno = 0x2000098
- const Syspread : scno = 0x2000099
- const Syspwrite : scno = 0x200009a
- const Sysnfssvc : scno = 0x200009b
- const Sysstatfs : scno = 0x200009d
- const Sysfstatfs : scno = 0x200009e
- const Sysunmount : scno = 0x200009f
- const Sysgetfh : scno = 0x20000a1
- const Sysquotactl : scno = 0x20000a5
- const Sysmount : scno = 0x20000a7
- const Syscsops : scno = 0x20000a9
- const Syswaitid : scno = 0x20000ad
- const Sysadd_profil : scno = 0x20000b0
- const Syskdebug_trace : scno = 0x20000b4
- const Syssetgid : scno = 0x20000b5
- const Syssetegid : scno = 0x20000b6
- const Sysseteuid : scno = 0x20000b7
- const Syssigreturn : scno = 0x20000b8
- const Syschud : scno = 0x20000b9
- const Sysfdatasync : scno = 0x20000bb
- const Sysstat : scno = 0x20000bc
- const Sysfstat : scno = 0x20000bd
- const Syslstat : scno = 0x20000be
- const Syspathconf : scno = 0x20000bf
- const Sysfpathconf : scno = 0x20000c0
- const Sysgetrlimit : scno = 0x20000c2
- const Syssetrlimit : scno = 0x20000c3
- const Sysgetdirentries : scno = 0x20000c4
- const Sysmmap : scno = 0x20000c5
- const Syslseek : scno = 0x20000c7
- const Systruncate : scno = 0x20000c8
- const Sysftruncate : scno = 0x20000c9
- const Sys__sysctl : scno = 0x20000ca
- const Sysmlock : scno = 0x20000cb
- const Sysmunlock : scno = 0x20000cc
- const Sysundelete : scno = 0x20000cd
- const SysATsocket : scno = 0x20000ce
- const SysATgetmsg : scno = 0x20000cf
- const SysATputmsg : scno = 0x20000d0
- const SysATPsndreq : scno = 0x20000d1
- const SysATPsndrsp : scno = 0x20000d2
- const SysATPgetreq : scno = 0x20000d3
- const SysATPgetrsp : scno = 0x20000d4
- const Sysmkcomplex : scno = 0x20000d8
- const Sysstatv : scno = 0x20000d9
- const Syslstatv : scno = 0x20000da
- const Sysfstatv : scno = 0x20000db
- const Sysgetattrlist : scno = 0x20000dc
- const Syssetattrlist : scno = 0x20000dd
- const Sysgetdirentriesattr : scno = 0x20000de
- const Sysexchangedata : scno = 0x20000df
- const Syssearchfs : scno = 0x20000e1
- const Sysdelete : scno = 0x20000e2
- const Syscopyfile : scno = 0x20000e3
- const Sysfgetattrlist : scno = 0x20000e4
- const Sysfsetattrlist : scno = 0x20000e5
- const Syspoll : scno = 0x20000e6
- const Syswatchevent : scno = 0x20000e7
- const Syswaitevent : scno = 0x20000e8
- const Sysmodwatch : scno = 0x20000e9
- const Sysgetxattr : scno = 0x20000ea
- const Sysfgetxattr : scno = 0x20000eb
- const Syssetxattr : scno = 0x20000ec
- const Sysfsetxattr : scno = 0x20000ed
- const Sysremovexattr : scno = 0x20000ee
- const Sysfremovexattr : scno = 0x20000ef
- const Syslistxattr : scno = 0x20000f0
- const Sysflistxattr : scno = 0x20000f1
- const Sysfsctl : scno = 0x20000f2
- const Sysinitgroups : scno = 0x20000f3
- const Sysposix_spawn : scno = 0x20000f4
- const Sysffsctl : scno = 0x20000f5
- const Sysnfsclnt : scno = 0x20000f7
- const Sysfhopen : scno = 0x20000f8
- const Sysminherit : scno = 0x20000fa
- const Syssemsys : scno = 0x20000fb
- const Sysmsgsys : scno = 0x20000fc
- const Sysshmsys : scno = 0x20000fd
- const Syssemctl : scno = 0x20000fe
- const Syssemget : scno = 0x20000ff
- const Syssemop : scno = 0x2000100
- const Sysmsgctl : scno = 0x2000102
- const Sysmsgget : scno = 0x2000103
- const Sysmsgsnd : scno = 0x2000104
- const Sysmsgrcv : scno = 0x2000105
- const Sysshmat : scno = 0x2000106
- const Sysshmctl : scno = 0x2000107
- const Sysshmdt : scno = 0x2000108
- const Sysshmget : scno = 0x2000109
- const Sysshm_open : scno = 0x200010a
- const Sysshm_unlink : scno = 0x200010b
- const Syssem_open : scno = 0x200010c
- const Syssem_close : scno = 0x200010d
- const Syssem_unlink : scno = 0x200010e
- const Syssem_wait : scno = 0x200010f
- const Syssem_trywait : scno = 0x2000110
- const Syssem_post : scno = 0x2000111
- const Syssem_getvalue : scno = 0x2000112
- const Syssem_init : scno = 0x2000113
- const Syssem_destroy : scno = 0x2000114
- const Sysopen_extended : scno = 0x2000115
- const Sysumask_extended : scno = 0x2000116
- const Sysstat_extended : scno = 0x2000117
- const Syslstat_extended : scno = 0x2000118
- const Sysfstat_extended : scno = 0x2000119
- const Syschmod_extended : scno = 0x200011a
- const Sysfchmod_extended : scno = 0x200011b
- const Sysaccess_extended : scno = 0x200011c
- const Syssettid : scno = 0x200011d
- const Sysgettid : scno = 0x200011e
- const Syssetsgroups : scno = 0x200011f
- const Sysgetsgroups : scno = 0x2000120
- const Syssetwgroups : scno = 0x2000121
- const Sysgetwgroups : scno = 0x2000122
- const Sysmkfifo_extended : scno = 0x2000123
- const Sysmkdir_extended : scno = 0x2000124
- const Sysidentitysvc : scno = 0x2000125
- const Sysshared_region_check_np : scno = 0x2000126
- const Sysshared_region_map_np : scno = 0x2000127
- const Sysvm_pressure_monitor : scno = 0x2000128
- const Syspsynch_rw_longrdlock : scno = 0x2000129
- const Syspsynch_rw_yieldwrlock : scno = 0x200012a
- const Syspsynch_rw_downgrade : scno = 0x200012b
- const Syspsynch_rw_upgrade : scno = 0x200012c
- const Syspsynch_mutexwait : scno = 0x200012d
- const Syspsynch_mutexdrop : scno = 0x200012e
- const Syspsynch_cvbroad : scno = 0x200012f
- const Syspsynch_cvsignal : scno = 0x2000130
- const Syspsynch_cvwait : scno = 0x2000131
- const Syspsynch_rw_rdlock : scno = 0x2000132
- const Syspsynch_rw_wrlock : scno = 0x2000133
- const Syspsynch_rw_unlock : scno = 0x2000134
- const Syspsynch_rw_unlock2 : scno = 0x2000135
- const Sysgetsid : scno = 0x2000136
- const Syssettid_with_pid : scno = 0x2000137
- const Sysaio_fsync : scno = 0x2000139
- const Sysaio_return : scno = 0x200013a
- const Sysaio_suspend : scno = 0x200013b
- const Sysaio_cancel : scno = 0x200013c
- const Sysaio_error : scno = 0x200013d
- const Sysaio_read : scno = 0x200013e
- const Sysaio_write : scno = 0x200013f
- const Syslio_listio : scno = 0x2000140
- const Sysiopolicysys : scno = 0x2000142
- const Sysmlockall : scno = 0x2000144
- const Sysmunlockall : scno = 0x2000145
- const Sysissetugid : scno = 0x2000147
- const Sys__pthread_kill : scno = 0x2000148
- const Sys__pthread_sigmask : scno = 0x2000149
- const Sys__sigwait : scno = 0x200014a
- const Sys__disable_threadsignal : scno = 0x200014b
- const Sys__pthread_markcancel : scno = 0x200014c
- const Sys__pthread_canceled : scno = 0x200014d
- const Sys__semwait_signal : scno = 0x200014e
- const Sysproc_info : scno = 0x2000150
- const Syssendfile : scno = 0x2000151
- const Sysstat64 : scno = 0x2000152
- const Sysfstat64 : scno = 0x2000153
- const Syslstat64 : scno = 0x2000154
- const Sysstat64_extended : scno = 0x2000155
- const Syslstat64_extended : scno = 0x2000156
- const Sysfstat64_extended : scno = 0x2000157
- const Sysgetdirentries64 : scno = 0x2000158
- const Sysstatfs64 : scno = 0x2000159
- const Sysfstatfs64 : scno = 0x200015a
- const Sysgetfsstat64 : scno = 0x200015b
- const Sys__pthread_chdir : scno = 0x200015c
- const Sys__pthread_fchdir : scno = 0x200015d
- const Sysaudit : scno = 0x200015e
- const Sysauditon : scno = 0x200015f
- const Sysgetauid : scno = 0x2000161
- const Syssetauid : scno = 0x2000162
- const Sysgetaudit : scno = 0x2000163
- const Syssetaudit : scno = 0x2000164
- const Sysgetaudit_addr : scno = 0x2000165
- const Syssetaudit_addr : scno = 0x2000166
- const Sysauditctl : scno = 0x2000167
- const Sysbsdthread_create : scno = 0x2000168
- const Sysbsdthread_terminate : scno = 0x2000169
- const Syskqueue : scno = 0x200016a
- const Syskevent : scno = 0x200016b
- const Syslchown : scno = 0x200016c
- const Sysstack_snapshot : scno = 0x200016d
- const Sysbsdthread_register : scno = 0x200016e
- const Sysworkq_open : scno = 0x200016f
- const Sysworkq_kernreturn : scno = 0x2000170
- const Syskevent64 : scno = 0x2000171
- const Sys__old_semwait_signal : scno = 0x2000172
- const Sys__old_semwait_signal_nocancel : scno = 0x2000173
- const Systhread_selfid : scno = 0x2000174
- const Sys__mac_execve : scno = 0x200017c
- const Sys__mac_syscall : scno = 0x200017d
- const Sys__mac_get_file : scno = 0x200017e
- const Sys__mac_set_file : scno = 0x200017f
- const Sys__mac_get_link : scno = 0x2000180
- const Sys__mac_set_link : scno = 0x2000181
- const Sys__mac_get_proc : scno = 0x2000182
- const Sys__mac_set_proc : scno = 0x2000183
- const Sys__mac_get_fd : scno = 0x2000184
- const Sys__mac_set_fd : scno = 0x2000185
- const Sys__mac_get_pid : scno = 0x2000186
- const Sys__mac_get_lcid : scno = 0x2000187
- const Sys__mac_get_lctx : scno = 0x2000188
- const Sys__mac_set_lctx : scno = 0x2000189
- const Syssetlcid : scno = 0x200018a
- const Sysgetlcid : scno = 0x200018b
- const Sysread_nocancel : scno = 0x200018c
- const Syswrite_nocancel : scno = 0x200018d
- const Sysopen_nocancel : scno = 0x200018e
- const Sysclose_nocancel : scno = 0x200018f
- const Syswait4_nocancel : scno = 0x2000190
- const Sysrecvmsg_nocancel : scno = 0x2000191
- const Syssendmsg_nocancel : scno = 0x2000192
- const Sysrecvfrom_nocancel : scno = 0x2000193
- const Sysaccept_nocancel : scno = 0x2000194
- const Sysmsync_nocancel : scno = 0x2000195
- const Sysfcntl_nocancel : scno = 0x2000196
- const Sysselect_nocancel : scno = 0x2000197
- const Sysfsync_nocancel : scno = 0x2000198
- const Sysconnect_nocancel : scno = 0x2000199
- const Syssigsuspend_nocancel : scno = 0x200019a
- const Sysreadv_nocancel : scno = 0x200019b
- const Syswritev_nocancel : scno = 0x200019c
- const Syssendto_nocancel : scno = 0x200019d
- const Syspread_nocancel : scno = 0x200019e
- const Syspwrite_nocancel : scno = 0x200019f
- const Syswaitid_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a0
- const Syspoll_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a1
- const Sysmsgsnd_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a2
- const Sysmsgrcv_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a3
- const Syssem_wait_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a4
- const Sysaio_suspend_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a5
- const Sys__sigwait_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a6
- const Sys__semwait_signal_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a7
- const Sys__mac_mount : scno = 0x20001a8
- const Sys__mac_get_mount : scno = 0x20001a9
- const Sys__mac_getfsstat : scno = 0x20001aa
- const Sysfsgetpath : scno = 0x20001ab
- const Sysaudit_session_self : scno = 0x20001ac
- const Sysaudit_session_join : scno = 0x20001ad
- const Syspid_suspend : scno = 0x20001ae
- const Syspid_resume : scno = 0x20001af
- const Sysfileport_makeport : scno = 0x20001b0
- const Sysfileport_makefd : scno = 0x20001b1
- extern const syscall : (sc:scno, args:... -> int64)
- const exit : (status:int64 -> void)
- const getpid : ( -> int64)
- const kill : (pid:int64, sig:int64 -> int64)
- const open : (path:byte[:], opts:fdopt, mode:int64 -> int64)
- const close : (fd:int64 -> int64)
- const creat : (path:byte[:], mode:int64 -> int64)
- const read : (fd:int64, buf:byte[:] -> int64)
- const write : (fd:int64, buf:byte[:] -> int64)
- const lseek : (fd:int64, off:uint64, whence:int64 -> int64)
- const fstat : (fd:int64, sb:statbuf* -> int64)
- const munmap : (addr:byte*, len:size -> int64)
- const mmap : (addr:byte*, len:size, prot:mprot, flags:mopt, fd:int64, off:off -> byte*)
-const exit = {status; syscall(Sysexit, 1);}
-const getpid = {; -> syscall(Sysgetpid, 1);}
-const kill = {pid, sig; -> syscall(Syskill, pid, sig);}
-const open = {path, opts, mode; -> syscall(Sysopen, path castto(char*), opts);}
-const close = {fd; -> syscall(Sysclose, fd);}
-const creat = {path, mode; -> open(path, Ocreat | Otrunc | Owronly, mode);}
-const read = {fd, buf; -> syscall(Sysread, fd, buf castto(char*), buf.len);}
-const write = {fd, buf; -> syscall(Syswrite, fd, buf castto(char*), buf.len castto(size));}
-const lseek = {fd, off, whence; -> syscall(Syslseek, fd, off, whence);}
-const fstat = {fd, sb; -> syscall(Sysfstat, fd, sb);}
-const munmap = {addr, len; -> syscall(Sysmunmap, addr, len);}
-const mmap = {addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off; -> syscall(Sysmmap, addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off) castto(byte*);}
--- a/libmyr/syscall-linux.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,0 @@
-.globl std$syscall
- pushq %rbp
- /*
- hack: We load 6 args regardless of
- how many we actually have. This may
- load junk values, but if the syscall
- doesn't use them, it's going to be
- harmless.
- */
- movq 16(%rsp),%rax
- movq 24(%rsp),%rdi
- movq 32(%rsp),%rsi
- movq 40(%rsp),%rdx
- movq 48(%rsp),%r10
- movq 56(%rsp),%r8
- movq 64(%rsp),%r9
- syscall
- popq %rbp
- ret
--- a/libmyr/syscall-osx.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,22 +1,0 @@
-.globl _std$syscall
- pushq %rbp
- /*
- hack: We load 6 args regardless of
- how many we actually have. This may
- load junk values, but if the syscall
- doesn't use them, it's going to be
- harmless.
- */
- movq 16(%rsp),%rax
- movq 24(%rsp),%rdi
- movq 32(%rsp),%rsi
- movq 40(%rsp),%rdx
- movq 48(%rsp),%r10
- movq 56(%rsp),%r8
- movq 64(%rsp),%r9
- syscall
- popq %rbp
- ret
--- a/libmyr/syscall.s
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,32 +1,0 @@
-.globl std$syscall
- pushl %ebp
- /*
- hack: 6 args uses %ebp, so we index
- relative to %esp.
- hack: We load 6 args regardless of
- how many we actually have. This may
- load junk values, but if the syscall
- doesn't use them, it's going to be
- harmless.
- */
- movl 8(%esp),%eax
- movl 12(%esp),%ebx
- movl 16(%esp),%ecx
- movl 20(%esp),%edx
- movl 24(%esp),%esi
- movl 28(%esp),%edi
- movl 32(%esp),%ebp
- int $0x80
- popl %ebp
- ret
-.globl _std$syscall
- popl %ecx /* return address */
- popl %eax /* call num */
- pushl %ecx
- int $0x80
- pushl %ecx /* put the return address back */
- ret
--- a/libmyr/test.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +1,0 @@
-use std
-const main = {
- var x : byte*[1024]
- var sz
- var i
- /* try the byte allocator for large variety of sizes. */
- for sz = 1; sz < 65536; sz *= 2
- for i = 0; i < 1024; i++
- x[i] = std.bytealloc(sz)
- ;;
- for i = 0; i < 1024; i++
- std.bytefree(x[i], sz)
- ;;
- ;;
- /* make sure the generic allocator works */
- for i = 0; i < 1024; i++
- x[i] = std.alloc()
- ;;
- for i = 0; i < 1024; i++
- ;;
- std.write(1, "Hello, 世界\n")
- chartypes()
- testrng()
- std.put("format output %i %i %s %s\n", 123, 321, "asdf", "מִלָּה")
- std.put("format with no args\n")
-const chartypes = {
- var s
- var c
- var buf : byte[32]
- s = " 1世界 äa\n"
- while s.len != 0
- (c, s) = std.striter(s)
- if std.isspace(c)
- std.write(1, "Space\n")
- elif std.isalpha(c)
- std.write(1, "Alpha\n")
- elif std.isnum(c)
- std.write(1, "Num\n")
- else
- std.write(1, "Dunno\n")
- ;;
- if !std.encode(buf[:std.charlen(c)], c)
- std.write(1, "couldn't encode\n")
- ;;
- std.write(1, buf[:std.charlen(c)])
- std.write(1, "\n")
- ;;
- if !std.encode(buf[0:3], -1)
- std.write(1, "couldn't encode\n")
- ;;
-const testrng = {
- var r : std.rng*
- var i
- r = std.mksrng(10)
- for i = 0; i < 10; i++
- std.put("r[%i] = %l\n", i, std.rand32(r) castto(int64))
- ;;
- std.put("\n");
--- a/libmyr/types.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +1,0 @@
-pkg std =
- type size = uint64 /* spans entire address space */
- type off = uint64 /* file offsets */
- type intptr = uint64 /* can hold any pointer losslessly */
--- a/libmyr/utf.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,107 +1,0 @@
-use "die.use"
-use "sys.use"
-use "types.use"
-pkg std =
- const Badchar : char = -1 castto(char)
- const charlen : (chr : char -> size)
- const encode : (buf : byte[:], chr : char -> size)
- const decode : (buf : byte[:] -> char)
- const striter : (str : byte[:] -> [char, byte[:]])
- const strjoin : (lst : byte[:][:], delim:byte[:] -> byte[:])
- const strsep : (str : byte[:], delim:byte[:] -> byte[:][:])
- const strbjoin : (lst : byte[:][:], delim:byte[:] -> byte[:])
- const strbsep : (str : byte[:], delim:byte[:] -> byte[:][:])
-const charlen = {c
- if c < 0x80
- -> 1
- elif c < 0x800
- -> 2
- elif c < 0x10000
- -> 3
- elif c < 0x200000
- -> 4
- else
- -> -1
- ;;
-const encode = {buf, c
- var len
- var mark
- var i
- len = charlen(c)
- if len < 0 || buf.len < len
- -> -1
- ;;
- if (len == 1)
- mark = 0
- else
- mark = (((1 << (8 - len)) - 1) ^ 0xff) castto(char)
- ;;
- for i = len - 1; i > 0; i--
- buf[i] = (c & 0x3f | 0x80) castto(byte)
- c >>= 6
- ;;
- buf[0] = (c | mark) castto(byte)
- -> len
-const decode = {buf
- var c
- var b
- (c, b) = striter(buf)
- -> c
-const striter = {str
- var len
- var mask
- var chr
- var i
- var c
- var tmp
- if !str.len
- /* empty string: no resync needed */
- -> (Badchar, str)
- ;;
- c = str[0]
- len = 0
- if c & 0x80 == 0 /* 0b0xxx_xxxx */
- len = 1
- elif c & 0xe0 == 0xc0 /* 0b110x_xxxx */
- len = 2
- elif c & 0xf0 == 0xe0 /* 0b1110_xxxx */
- len = 3
- elif c & 0xf8 == 0xf0 /* 0b1111_0xxx */
- len = 4
- else
- /* skip one char forward so we can try
- resyncing the character stream */
- -> (Badchar, str[1:])
- ;;
- if len == 0 || len > str.len
- /* again, we want to try to resync */
- -> (Badchar, str[1:])
- ;;
- mask = (1 << (8 - len)) - 1
- chr = (c castto(uint32)) & mask
- for i = 1; i < len; i++
- tmp = str[i] castto(uint32)
- chr = (chr << 6) | (tmp & 0x3f)
- ;;
- -> (chr castto(char), str[len:])
--- a/libmyr/varargs.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +1,0 @@
-use "types.use"
-pkg std =
- type valist
- const vastart : (args : ...* -> valist)
- generic vanext : (ap : valist -> [@a, valist])
-type valist = byte*
- * a valist is really just a pointer to the varargs.
- * we assume that these sit on the stack nicely,
- * and don't need special handling to get to.
- *
- * This will be a problem when we switch to a
- * register based convention. We might want to
- * force varargs onto the stack regardless.
- */
-const vastart = {args
- -> args castto(valist)
-generic vanext = {ap -> [@a, valist]
- var v : @a
- var align
- var p
- /*
- Assumptions about the ABI:
- * all types smaller than a word are
- * aligned to their own size. Larger
- * types are aligned to word size.
- */
- if sizeof(@a) > 8
- align = 8
- else
- align = sizeof(@a)
- ;;
- /* apply the alignment to the arg pointer */
- p = ap castto(intptr)
- p = (p + align - 1) & ~(align - 1)
- ap = p castto(valist)
- v = *(ap castto(@a*))
- /* only move on after we read through the value */
- ap = ((p castto(intptr)) + sizeof(@a)) castto(valist)
- -> (v, ap)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,11 @@
+include ../
+ ./
+.PHONY: clean
+ mkdir -p $(INST_ROOT)/myr/lib/
+ install libstd.a $(INST_ROOT)/myr/lib/
+ install std $(INST_ROOT)/myr/lib/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/alloc.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,220 @@
+use "die.use"
+use "sys.use"
+use "types.use"
+pkg std =
+ generic alloc : ( -> @a*)
+ generic free : (v:@a* -> void)
+ generic mkslice : (len : size -> @a[:])
+ generic freeslice: (sl : @a[:] -> void)
+ const bytealloc : (sz:size -> byte*)
+ const bytefree : (m:byte*, sz:size -> void)
+/* null pointers */
+const Zbyte = 0 castto(byte*)
+const Zslab = 0 castto(slab*)
+const Zchunk = 0 castto(chunk*)
+const Slabsz = 1048576 /* 1 meg slabs */
+const Cachemax = 16 /* maximum number of slabs in the cache */
+const Bucketmax = 32768 /* Slabsz / 8; a balance. */
+const Align = 16 /* minimum allocation alignment */
+var buckets : bucket[32] /* excessive */
+var initdone : int
+type bucket = struct
+ sz : size /* aligned size */
+ nper : size /* max number of elements per slab */
+ slabs : slab* /* partially filled or free slabs */
+ cache : slab* /* cache of empty slabs, to prevent thrashing */
+ ncache : size /* size of cache */
+type slab = struct
+ head : byte* /* head of virtual addresses, so we don't leak address space */
+ next : slab* /* the next slab on the chain */
+ freehd : chunk* /* the nodes we're allocating */
+ nfree : size /* the number of free nodes */
+type chunk = struct /* NB: must be smaller than sizeof(slab) */
+ next : chunk* /* the next chunk in the free list */
+generic alloc = {-> @a*
+ -> bytealloc(sizeof(@a)) castto(@a*)
+generic free = {v:@a* -> void
+ bytefree(v castto(byte*), sizeof(@a))
+generic mkslice = {len
+ var p
+ p = bytealloc(len*sizeof(@a)) castto(@a*)
+ -> p[0:len]
+generic freeslice = {sl
+ -> bytefree(sl castto(byte*), sl.len * sizeof(@a))
+const bytealloc = {sz
+ var i
+ var bkt
+ if !initdone
+ for i = 0; i < buckets.len && (Align << i) <= Bucketmax; i++
+ bktinit(&buckets[i], Align << i)
+ ;;
+ initdone = 1
+ ;;
+ if (sz <= Bucketmax)
+ bkt = &buckets[bktnum(sz)]
+ -> bktalloc(bkt)
+ else
+ -> mmap(Zbyte, sz, Mprotrw, Mpriv | Manon, -1, 0)
+ ;;
+const bytefree = {m, sz
+ var bkt
+ if (sz < Bucketmax)
+ bkt = &buckets[bktnum(sz)]
+ bktfree(bkt, m)
+ else
+ munmap(m, sz)
+ ;;
+const bktinit = {b : bucket*, sz
+ = align(sz, Align)
+ b.nper = (Slabsz - sizeof(slab))/
+ b.slabs = Zslab
+ b.cache = Zslab
+ b.ncache = 0
+const mkslab = {bkt : bucket*
+ var i
+ var p
+ var s
+ var b
+ var bnext
+ var off /* offset of chunk head */
+ if bkt.ncache > 0
+ s = bkt.cache
+ bkt.cache =
+ bkt.ncache--
+ ;;
+ /* tricky: we need power of two alignment, so we allocate double the
+ needed size, chop off the unaligned ends, and waste the address
+ space. Since the OS is "smart enough", this shouldn't actually
+ cost us memory, and 64 bits of address space means that we're not
+ going to have issues with running out of address space for a
+ while. On a 32 bit system this would be a bad idea. */
+ p = mmap(Zbyte, Slabsz*2, Mprotrw, Mpriv | Manon, -1, 0)
+ if p == Mapbad
+ die("Unable to mmap")
+ ;;
+ s = align(p castto(intptr), Slabsz) castto(slab*)
+ s.head = p
+ s.nfree = bkt.nper
+ /* skip past the slab header */
+ off = align(sizeof(slab), Align)
+ bnext = nextchunk(s castto(chunk*), off)
+ s.freehd = bnext
+ for i = 0; i < bkt.nper; i++
+ b = bnext
+ bnext = nextchunk(b,
+ = bnext
+ ;;
+ = Zchunk
+ -> s
+const bktalloc = {bkt
+ var s
+ var b
+ /* find a slab */
+ s = bkt.slabs
+ if s == Zslab
+ s = mkslab(bkt)
+ if s == Zslab
+ die("No memory left")
+ ;;
+ bkt.slabs = s
+ ;;
+ /* grab the first chunk on the slab */
+ b = s.freehd
+ s.freehd =
+ s.nfree--
+ if !s.nfree
+ bkt.slabs =
+ = Zslab
+ ;;
+ -> b castto(byte*)
+const bktfree = {bkt, m
+ var s
+ var b
+ s = mtrunc(m, Slabsz) castto(slab*)
+ b = m castto(chunk*)
+ if s.nfree == 0
+ = bkt.slabs
+ bkt.slabs = s
+ elif s.nfree == bkt.nper
+ if bkt.ncache < Cachemax
+ = bkt.cache
+ bkt.cache = s
+ else
+ /* we mapped 2*Slabsz so we could align it,
+ so we need to unmap the same */
+ munmap(s.head, Slabsz*2)
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ s.nfree++
+ = s.freehd
+ s.freehd = b
+const bktnum = {sz
+ var i
+ var bktsz
+ bktsz = Align
+ for i = 0; bktsz <= Bucketmax; i++
+ if bktsz >= sz
+ -> i
+ ;;
+ bktsz *= 2
+ ;;
+ die("Size does not match any buckets")
+/* chunks are variable sizes, so we can't just take a slice */
+const nextchunk = {b, sz
+ -> ((b castto(intptr)) + sz) castto(chunk*)
+const align = {v, align
+ -> (v + align - 1) & ~(align - 1)
+const mtrunc = {m, align
+ -> ((m castto(intptr)) & ~(align - 1)) castto(byte*)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/
@@ -1,0 +1,71 @@
+# We have no dependency handling yet, so this is done via
+# a shell script. Also, we want to rebuild everything for
+# testing purposes on every run as things stand.
+export PATH=.:$PATH
+export MC=../6/6m
+export MU=../util/muse
+export CC=cc
+export ASOPT="-g"
+case `uname` in
+ Darwin) export SYS=osx;;
+ Linux) export SYS=linux;;
+function use {
+ for i in $@; do
+ N=`basename $i .myr`
+ N=${N%%-$SYS}
+ echo $MU -o $N.use $i && \
+ $MU -o $N.use $i
+ done
+function build {
+ for i in $@; do
+ N=`basename $i .myr`
+ echo $MC $i && \
+ $MC -I. $i
+ done
+function assem {
+ for i in $@; do
+ $CC $ASOPT -c $i
+ done
+# Library source.
+MYR="types.myr \
+ sys-$SYS.myr \
+ die.myr \
+ varargs.myr \
+ alloc.myr\
+ utf.myr \
+ fmt.myr \
+ rand.myr \
+ chartype.myr"
+OBJ="$(echo $ASM | sed 's/\.s/.o /g') $(echo $MYR | sed 's/\.myr/.o /g')"
+USE="$(echo $MYR | sed 's/\.myr/.use /g' | sed "s/-$SYS//g")"
+rm -f $OBJ test libstd.a
+assem $ASM
+use $MYR
+build $MYR
+echo $MU -mo std $USE
+$MU -mo std $USE
+echo ar -rcs libstd.a $OBJ
+ar -rcs libstd.a $OBJ
+# build test program
+build test.myr
+COMP="$CC -o test test.o -L. -lstd"
+echo $COMP
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/chartype.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,1203 @@
+use "die.use"
+use "sys.use"
+ Tables adapted from plan 9's runetype.c,
+ which lives in sys/src/libc/port/runetype.c
+pkg std =
+ const isalpha : (c : char -> bool)
+ const isnum : (c : char -> bool)
+ const isalnum : (c : char -> bool)
+ const isspace : (c : char -> bool)
+ const islower : (c : char -> bool)
+ const isupper : (c : char -> bool)
+ const istitle : (c : char -> bool)
+ const tolower : (c : char -> char)
+ const toupper : (c : char -> char)
+ const totitle : (c : char -> char)
+ * alpha ranges -
+ * only covers ranges not in lower||upper
+ */
+const ralpha2 = [
+ 0x00d8, 0x00f6, /* Ø - ö */
+ 0x00f8, 0x01f5, /* ø - ǵ */
+ 0x0250, 0x02a8, /* ɐ - ʨ */
+ 0x038e, 0x03a1, /* Ύ - Ρ */
+ 0x03a3, 0x03ce, /* Σ - ώ */
+ 0x03d0, 0x03d6, /* ϐ - ϖ */
+ 0x03e2, 0x03f3, /* Ϣ - ϳ */
+ 0x0490, 0x04c4, /* Ґ - ӄ */
+ 0x0561, 0x0587, /* ա - և */
+ 0x05d0, 0x05ea, /* א - ת */
+ 0x05f0, 0x05f2, /* װ - ײ */
+ 0x0621, 0x063a, /* ء - غ */
+ 0x0640, 0x064a, /* ـ - ي */
+ 0x0671, 0x06b7, /* ٱ - ڷ */
+ 0x06ba, 0x06be, /* ں - ھ */
+ 0x06c0, 0x06ce, /* ۀ - ێ */
+ 0x06d0, 0x06d3, /* ې - ۓ */
+ 0x0905, 0x0939, /* अ - ह */
+ 0x0958, 0x0961, /* क़ - ॡ */
+ 0x0985, 0x098c, /* অ - ঌ */
+ 0x098f, 0x0990, /* এ - ঐ */
+ 0x0993, 0x09a8, /* ও - ন */
+ 0x09aa, 0x09b0, /* প - র */
+ 0x09b6, 0x09b9, /* শ - হ */
+ 0x09dc, 0x09dd, /* ড় - ঢ় */
+ 0x09df, 0x09e1, /* য় - ৡ */
+ 0x09f0, 0x09f1, /* ৰ - ৱ */
+ 0x0a05, 0x0a0a, /* ਅ - ਊ */
+ 0x0a0f, 0x0a10, /* ਏ - ਐ */
+ 0x0a13, 0x0a28, /* ਓ - ਨ */
+ 0x0a2a, 0x0a30, /* ਪ - ਰ */
+ 0x0a32, 0x0a33, /* ਲ - ਲ਼ */
+ 0x0a35, 0x0a36, /* ਵ - ਸ਼ */
+ 0x0a38, 0x0a39, /* ਸ - ਹ */
+ 0x0a59, 0x0a5c, /* ਖ਼ - ੜ */
+ 0x0a85, 0x0a8b, /* અ - ઋ */
+ 0x0a8f, 0x0a91, /* એ - ઑ */
+ 0x0a93, 0x0aa8, /* ઓ - ન */
+ 0x0aaa, 0x0ab0, /* પ - ર */
+ 0x0ab2, 0x0ab3, /* લ - ળ */
+ 0x0ab5, 0x0ab9, /* વ - હ */
+ 0x0b05, 0x0b0c, /* ଅ - ଌ */
+ 0x0b0f, 0x0b10, /* ଏ - ଐ */
+ 0x0b13, 0x0b28, /* ଓ - ନ */
+ 0x0b2a, 0x0b30, /* ପ - ର */
+ 0x0b32, 0x0b33, /* ଲ - ଳ */
+ 0x0b36, 0x0b39, /* ଶ - ହ */
+ 0x0b5c, 0x0b5d, /* ଡ଼ - ଢ଼ */
+ 0x0b5f, 0x0b61, /* ୟ - ୡ */
+ 0x0b85, 0x0b8a, /* அ - ஊ */
+ 0x0b8e, 0x0b90, /* எ - ஐ */
+ 0x0b92, 0x0b95, /* ஒ - க */
+ 0x0b99, 0x0b9a, /* ங - ச */
+ 0x0b9e, 0x0b9f, /* ஞ - ட */
+ 0x0ba3, 0x0ba4, /* ண - த */
+ 0x0ba8, 0x0baa, /* ந - ப */
+ 0x0bae, 0x0bb5, /* ம - வ */
+ 0x0bb7, 0x0bb9, /* ஷ - ஹ */
+ 0x0c05, 0x0c0c, /* అ - ఌ */
+ 0x0c0e, 0x0c10, /* ఎ - ఐ */
+ 0x0c12, 0x0c28, /* ఒ - న */
+ 0x0c2a, 0x0c33, /* ప - ళ */
+ 0x0c35, 0x0c39, /* వ - హ */
+ 0x0c60, 0x0c61, /* ౠ - ౡ */
+ 0x0c85, 0x0c8c, /* ಅ - ಌ */
+ 0x0c8e, 0x0c90, /* ಎ - ಐ */
+ 0x0c92, 0x0ca8, /* ಒ - ನ */
+ 0x0caa, 0x0cb3, /* ಪ - ಳ */
+ 0x0cb5, 0x0cb9, /* ವ - ಹ */
+ 0x0ce0, 0x0ce1, /* ೠ - ೡ */
+ 0x0d05, 0x0d0c, /* അ - ഌ */
+ 0x0d0e, 0x0d10, /* എ - ഐ */
+ 0x0d12, 0x0d28, /* ഒ - ന */
+ 0x0d2a, 0x0d39, /* പ - ഹ */
+ 0x0d60, 0x0d61, /* ൠ - ൡ */
+ 0x0e01, 0x0e30, /* ก - ะ */
+ 0x0e32, 0x0e33, /* า - ำ */
+ 0x0e40, 0x0e46, /* เ - ๆ */
+ 0x0e5a, 0x0e5b, /* ๚ - ๛ */
+ 0x0e81, 0x0e82, /* ກ - ຂ */
+ 0x0e87, 0x0e88, /* ງ - ຈ */
+ 0x0e94, 0x0e97, /* ດ - ທ */
+ 0x0e99, 0x0e9f, /* ນ - ຟ */
+ 0x0ea1, 0x0ea3, /* ມ - ຣ */
+ 0x0eaa, 0x0eab, /* ສ - ຫ */
+ 0x0ead, 0x0eae, /* ອ - ຮ */
+ 0x0eb2, 0x0eb3, /* າ - ຳ */
+ 0x0ec0, 0x0ec4, /* ເ - ໄ */
+ 0x0edc, 0x0edd, /* ໜ - ໝ */
+ 0x0f18, 0x0f19, /* ༘ - ༙ */
+ 0x0f40, 0x0f47, /* ཀ - ཇ */
+ 0x0f49, 0x0f69, /* ཉ - ཀྵ */
+ 0x10d0, 0x10f6, /* ა - ჶ */
+ 0x1100, 0x1159, /* ᄀ - ᅙ */
+ 0x115f, 0x11a2, /* ᅟ - ᆢ */
+ 0x11a8, 0x11f9, /* ᆨ - ᇹ */
+ 0x1e00, 0x1e9b, /* Ḁ - ẛ */
+ 0x1f50, 0x1f57, /* ὐ - ὗ */
+ 0x1f80, 0x1fb4, /* ᾀ - ᾴ */
+ 0x1fb6, 0x1fbc, /* ᾶ - ᾼ */
+ 0x1fc2, 0x1fc4, /* ῂ - ῄ */
+ 0x1fc6, 0x1fcc, /* ῆ - ῌ */
+ 0x1fd0, 0x1fd3, /* ῐ - ΐ */
+ 0x1fd6, 0x1fdb, /* ῖ - Ί */
+ 0x1fe0, 0x1fec, /* ῠ - Ῥ */
+ 0x1ff2, 0x1ff4, /* ῲ - ῴ */
+ 0x1ff6, 0x1ffc, /* ῶ - ῼ */
+ 0x210a, 0x2113, /* ℊ - ℓ */
+ 0x2115, 0x211d, /* ℕ - ℝ */
+ 0x2120, 0x2122, /* ℠ - ™ */
+ 0x212a, 0x2131, /* K - ℱ */
+ 0x2133, 0x2138, /* ℳ - ℸ */
+ 0x3041, 0x3094, /* ぁ - ゔ */
+ 0x30a1, 0x30fa, /* ァ - ヺ */
+ 0x3105, 0x312c, /* ㄅ - ㄬ */
+ 0x3131, 0x318e, /* ㄱ - ㆎ */
+ 0x3192, 0x319f, /* ㆒ - ㆟ */
+ 0x3260, 0x327b, /* ㉠ - ㉻ */
+ 0x328a, 0x32b0, /* ㊊ - ㊰ */
+ 0x32d0, 0x32fe, /* ㋐ - ㋾ */
+ 0x3300, 0x3357, /* ㌀ - ㍗ */
+ 0x3371, 0x3376, /* ㍱ - ㍶ */
+ 0x337b, 0x3394, /* ㍻ - ㎔ */
+ 0x3399, 0x339e, /* ㎙ - ㎞ */
+ 0x33a9, 0x33ad, /* ㎩ - ㎭ */
+ 0x33b0, 0x33c1, /* ㎰ - ㏁ */
+ 0x33c3, 0x33c5, /* ㏃ - ㏅ */
+ 0x33c7, 0x33d7, /* ㏇ - ㏗ */
+ 0x33d9, 0x33dd, /* ㏙ - ㏝ */
+ 0x4e00, 0x9fff, /* 一 - 鿿 */
+ 0xac00, 0xd7a3, /* 가 - 힣 */
+ 0xf900, 0xfb06, /* 豈 - st */
+ 0xfb13, 0xfb17, /* ﬓ - ﬗ */
+ 0xfb1f, 0xfb28, /* ײַ - ﬨ */
+ 0xfb2a, 0xfb36, /* שׁ - זּ */
+ 0xfb38, 0xfb3c, /* טּ - לּ */
+ 0xfb40, 0xfb41, /* נּ - סּ */
+ 0xfb43, 0xfb44, /* ףּ - פּ */
+ 0xfb46, 0xfbb1, /* צּ - ﮱ */
+ 0xfbd3, 0xfd3d, /* ﯓ - ﴽ */
+ 0xfd50, 0xfd8f, /* ﵐ - ﶏ */
+ 0xfd92, 0xfdc7, /* ﶒ - ﷇ */
+ 0xfdf0, 0xfdf9, /* ﷰ - ﷹ */
+ 0xfe70, 0xfe72, /* ﹰ - ﹲ */
+ 0xfe76, 0xfefc, /* ﹶ - ﻼ */
+ 0xff66, 0xff6f, /* ヲ - ッ */
+ 0xff71, 0xff9d, /* ア - ン */
+ 0xffa0, 0xffbe, /* ᅠ - ᄒ */
+ 0xffc2, 0xffc7, /* ᅡ - ᅦ */
+ 0xffca, 0xffcf, /* ᅧ - ᅬ */
+ 0xffd2, 0xffd7, /* ᅭ - ᅲ */
+ 0xffda, 0xffdc /* ᅳ - ᅵ */
+ * alpha singlets -
+ * only covers ranges not in lower||upper
+ */
+const ralpha1 = [
+ 0x00aa, /* ª */
+ 0x00b5, /* µ */
+ 0x00ba, /* º */
+ 0x03da, /* Ϛ */
+ 0x03dc, /* Ϝ */
+ 0x03de, /* Ϟ */
+ 0x03e0, /* Ϡ */
+ 0x06d5, /* ە */
+ 0x09b2, /* ল */
+ 0x0a5e, /* ਫ਼ */
+ 0x0a8d, /* ઍ */
+ 0x0ae0, /* ૠ */
+ 0x0b9c, /* ஜ */
+ 0x0cde, /* ೞ */
+ 0x0e4f, /* ๏ */
+ 0x0e84, /* ຄ */
+ 0x0e8a, /* ຊ */
+ 0x0e8d, /* ຍ */
+ 0x0ea5, /* ລ */
+ 0x0ea7, /* ວ */
+ 0x0eb0, /* ະ */
+ 0x0ebd, /* ຽ */
+ 0x1fbe, /* ι */
+ 0x207f, /* ⁿ */
+ 0x20a8, /* ₨ */
+ 0x2102, /* ℂ */
+ 0x2107, /* ℇ */
+ 0x2124, /* ℤ */
+ 0x2126, /* Ω */
+ 0x2128, /* ℨ */
+ 0xfb3e, /* מּ */
+ 0xfe74 /* ﹴ */
+ * space ranges
+ */
+const rspace2 = [
+ 0x0009, 0x000a, /* rand newline */
+ 0x0020, 0x0020, /* space */
+ 0x0085, 0x0085,
+ 0x00a0, 0x00a0, /* */
+ 0x1680, 0x1680,
+ 0x180e, 0x180e,
+ 0x2000, 0x200b, /* - */
+ 0x2028, 0x2029, /* - */
+ 0x202f, 0x202f,
+ 0x205f, 0x205f,
+ 0x3000, 0x3000, /* */
+ 0xfeff, 0xfeff /* */
+ * lower case ranges
+ * 3rd col is conversion excess 500
+ */
+const rtoupper2 = [
+ 0x0061, 0x007a, 468, /* a-z A-Z */
+ 0x00e0, 0x00f6, 468, /* à-ö À-Ö */
+ 0x00f8, 0x00fe, 468, /* ø-þ Ø-Þ */
+ 0x0256, 0x0257, 295, /* ɖ-ɗ Ɖ-Ɗ */
+ 0x0258, 0x0259, 298, /* ɘ-ə Ǝ-Ə */
+ 0x028a, 0x028b, 283, /* ʊ-ʋ Ʊ-Ʋ */
+ 0x03ad, 0x03af, 463, /* έ-ί Έ-Ί */
+ 0x03b1, 0x03c1, 468, /* α-ρ Α-Ρ */
+ 0x03c3, 0x03cb, 468, /* σ-ϋ Σ-Ϋ */
+ 0x03cd, 0x03ce, 437, /* ύ-ώ Ύ-Ώ */
+ 0x0430, 0x044f, 468, /* а-я А-Я */
+ 0x0451, 0x045c, 420, /* ё-ќ Ё-Ќ */
+ 0x045e, 0x045f, 420, /* ў-џ Ў-Џ */
+ 0x0561, 0x0586, 452, /* ա-ֆ Ա-Ֆ */
+ 0x1f00, 0x1f07, 508, /* ἀ-ἇ Ἀ-Ἇ */
+ 0x1f10, 0x1f15, 508, /* ἐ-ἕ Ἐ-Ἕ */
+ 0x1f20, 0x1f27, 508, /* ἠ-ἧ Ἠ-Ἧ */
+ 0x1f30, 0x1f37, 508, /* ἰ-ἷ Ἰ-Ἷ */
+ 0x1f40, 0x1f45, 508, /* ὀ-ὅ Ὀ-Ὅ */
+ 0x1f60, 0x1f67, 508, /* ὠ-ὧ Ὠ-Ὧ */
+ 0x1f70, 0x1f71, 574, /* ὰ-ά Ὰ-Ά */
+ 0x1f72, 0x1f75, 586, /* ὲ-ή Ὲ-Ή */
+ 0x1f76, 0x1f77, 600, /* ὶ-ί Ὶ-Ί */
+ 0x1f78, 0x1f79, 628, /* ὸ-ό Ὸ-Ό */
+ 0x1f7a, 0x1f7b, 612, /* ὺ-ύ Ὺ-Ύ */
+ 0x1f7c, 0x1f7d, 626, /* ὼ-ώ Ὼ-Ώ */
+ 0x1f80, 0x1f87, 508, /* ᾀ-ᾇ ᾈ-ᾏ */
+ 0x1f90, 0x1f97, 508, /* ᾐ-ᾗ ᾘ-ᾟ */
+ 0x1fa0, 0x1fa7, 508, /* ᾠ-ᾧ ᾨ-ᾯ */
+ 0x1fb0, 0x1fb1, 508, /* ᾰ-ᾱ Ᾰ-Ᾱ */
+ 0x1fd0, 0x1fd1, 508, /* ῐ-ῑ Ῐ-Ῑ */
+ 0x1fe0, 0x1fe1, 508, /* ῠ-ῡ Ῠ-Ῡ */
+ 0x2170, 0x217f, 484, /* ⅰ-ⅿ Ⅰ-Ⅿ */
+ 0x24d0, 0x24e9, 474, /* ⓐ-ⓩ Ⓐ-Ⓩ */
+ 0xff41, 0xff5a, 468 /* a-z A-Z */
+ * lower case singlets
+ * 2nd col is conversion excess 500
+ */
+const rtoupper1 = [
+ 0x00ff, 621, /* ÿ Ÿ */
+ 0x0101, 499, /* ā Ā */
+ 0x0103, 499, /* ă Ă */
+ 0x0105, 499, /* ą Ą */
+ 0x0107, 499, /* ć Ć */
+ 0x0109, 499, /* ĉ Ĉ */
+ 0x010b, 499, /* ċ Ċ */
+ 0x010d, 499, /* č Č */
+ 0x010f, 499, /* ď Ď */
+ 0x0111, 499, /* đ Đ */
+ 0x0113, 499, /* ē Ē */
+ 0x0115, 499, /* ĕ Ĕ */
+ 0x0117, 499, /* ė Ė */
+ 0x0119, 499, /* ę Ę */
+ 0x011b, 499, /* ě Ě */
+ 0x011d, 499, /* ĝ Ĝ */
+ 0x011f, 499, /* ğ Ğ */
+ 0x0121, 499, /* ġ Ġ */
+ 0x0123, 499, /* ģ Ģ */
+ 0x0125, 499, /* ĥ Ĥ */
+ 0x0127, 499, /* ħ Ħ */
+ 0x0129, 499, /* ĩ Ĩ */
+ 0x012b, 499, /* ī Ī */
+ 0x012d, 499, /* ĭ Ĭ */
+ 0x012f, 499, /* į Į */
+ 0x0131, 268, /* ı I */
+ 0x0133, 499, /* ij IJ */
+ 0x0135, 499, /* ĵ Ĵ */
+ 0x0137, 499, /* ķ Ķ */
+ 0x013a, 499, /* ĺ Ĺ */
+ 0x013c, 499, /* ļ Ļ */
+ 0x013e, 499, /* ľ Ľ */
+ 0x0140, 499, /* ŀ Ŀ */
+ 0x0142, 499, /* ł Ł */
+ 0x0144, 499, /* ń Ń */
+ 0x0146, 499, /* ņ Ņ */
+ 0x0148, 499, /* ň Ň */
+ 0x014b, 499, /* ŋ Ŋ */
+ 0x014d, 499, /* ō Ō */
+ 0x014f, 499, /* ŏ Ŏ */
+ 0x0151, 499, /* ő Ő */
+ 0x0153, 499, /* œ Œ */
+ 0x0155, 499, /* ŕ Ŕ */
+ 0x0157, 499, /* ŗ Ŗ */
+ 0x0159, 499, /* ř Ř */
+ 0x015b, 499, /* ś Ś */
+ 0x015d, 499, /* ŝ Ŝ */
+ 0x015f, 499, /* ş Ş */
+ 0x0161, 499, /* š Š */
+ 0x0163, 499, /* ţ Ţ */
+ 0x0165, 499, /* ť Ť */
+ 0x0167, 499, /* ŧ Ŧ */
+ 0x0169, 499, /* ũ Ũ */
+ 0x016b, 499, /* ū Ū */
+ 0x016d, 499, /* ŭ Ŭ */
+ 0x016f, 499, /* ů Ů */
+ 0x0171, 499, /* ű Ű */
+ 0x0173, 499, /* ų Ų */
+ 0x0175, 499, /* ŵ Ŵ */
+ 0x0177, 499, /* ŷ Ŷ */
+ 0x017a, 499, /* ź Ź */
+ 0x017c, 499, /* ż Ż */
+ 0x017e, 499, /* ž Ž */
+ 0x017f, 200, /* ſ S */
+ 0x0183, 499, /* ƃ Ƃ */
+ 0x0185, 499, /* ƅ Ƅ */
+ 0x0188, 499, /* ƈ Ƈ */
+ 0x018c, 499, /* ƌ Ƌ */
+ 0x0192, 499, /* ƒ Ƒ */
+ 0x0199, 499, /* ƙ Ƙ */
+ 0x01a1, 499, /* ơ Ơ */
+ 0x01a3, 499, /* ƣ Ƣ */
+ 0x01a5, 499, /* ƥ Ƥ */
+ 0x01a8, 499, /* ƨ Ƨ */
+ 0x01ad, 499, /* ƭ Ƭ */
+ 0x01b0, 499, /* ư Ư */
+ 0x01b4, 499, /* ƴ Ƴ */
+ 0x01b6, 499, /* ƶ Ƶ */
+ 0x01b9, 499, /* ƹ Ƹ */
+ 0x01bd, 499, /* ƽ Ƽ */
+ 0x01c5, 499, /* Dž DŽ */
+ 0x01c6, 498, /* dž DŽ */
+ 0x01c8, 499, /* Lj LJ */
+ 0x01c9, 498, /* lj LJ */
+ 0x01cb, 499, /* Nj NJ */
+ 0x01cc, 498, /* nj NJ */
+ 0x01ce, 499, /* ǎ Ǎ */
+ 0x01d0, 499, /* ǐ Ǐ */
+ 0x01d2, 499, /* ǒ Ǒ */
+ 0x01d4, 499, /* ǔ Ǔ */
+ 0x01d6, 499, /* ǖ Ǖ */
+ 0x01d8, 499, /* ǘ Ǘ */
+ 0x01da, 499, /* ǚ Ǚ */
+ 0x01dc, 499, /* ǜ Ǜ */
+ 0x01df, 499, /* ǟ Ǟ */
+ 0x01e1, 499, /* ǡ Ǡ */
+ 0x01e3, 499, /* ǣ Ǣ */
+ 0x01e5, 499, /* ǥ Ǥ */
+ 0x01e7, 499, /* ǧ Ǧ */
+ 0x01e9, 499, /* ǩ Ǩ */
+ 0x01eb, 499, /* ǫ Ǫ */
+ 0x01ed, 499, /* ǭ Ǭ */
+ 0x01ef, 499, /* ǯ Ǯ */
+ 0x01f2, 499, /* Dz DZ */
+ 0x01f3, 498, /* dz DZ */
+ 0x01f5, 499, /* ǵ Ǵ */
+ 0x01fb, 499, /* ǻ Ǻ */
+ 0x01fd, 499, /* ǽ Ǽ */
+ 0x01ff, 499, /* ǿ Ǿ */
+ 0x0201, 499, /* ȁ Ȁ */
+ 0x0203, 499, /* ȃ Ȃ */
+ 0x0205, 499, /* ȅ Ȅ */
+ 0x0207, 499, /* ȇ Ȇ */
+ 0x0209, 499, /* ȉ Ȉ */
+ 0x020b, 499, /* ȋ Ȋ */
+ 0x020d, 499, /* ȍ Ȍ */
+ 0x020f, 499, /* ȏ Ȏ */
+ 0x0211, 499, /* ȑ Ȑ */
+ 0x0213, 499, /* ȓ Ȓ */
+ 0x0215, 499, /* ȕ Ȕ */
+ 0x0217, 499, /* ȗ Ȗ */
+ 0x0253, 290, /* ɓ Ɓ */
+ 0x0254, 294, /* ɔ Ɔ */
+ 0x025b, 297, /* ɛ Ɛ */
+ 0x0260, 295, /* ɠ Ɠ */
+ 0x0263, 293, /* ɣ Ɣ */
+ 0x0268, 291, /* ɨ Ɨ */
+ 0x0269, 289, /* ɩ Ɩ */
+ 0x026f, 289, /* ɯ Ɯ */
+ 0x0272, 287, /* ɲ Ɲ */
+ 0x0283, 282, /* ʃ Ʃ */
+ 0x0288, 282, /* ʈ Ʈ */
+ 0x0292, 281, /* ʒ Ʒ */
+ 0x03ac, 462, /* ά Ά */
+ 0x03cc, 436, /* ό Ό */
+ 0x03d0, 438, /* ϐ Β */
+ 0x03d1, 443, /* ϑ Θ */
+ 0x03d5, 453, /* ϕ Φ */
+ 0x03d6, 446, /* ϖ Π */
+ 0x03e3, 499, /* ϣ Ϣ */
+ 0x03e5, 499, /* ϥ Ϥ */
+ 0x03e7, 499, /* ϧ Ϧ */
+ 0x03e9, 499, /* ϩ Ϩ */
+ 0x03eb, 499, /* ϫ Ϫ */
+ 0x03ed, 499, /* ϭ Ϭ */
+ 0x03ef, 499, /* ϯ Ϯ */
+ 0x03f0, 414, /* ϰ Κ */
+ 0x03f1, 420, /* ϱ Ρ */
+ 0x0461, 499, /* ѡ Ѡ */
+ 0x0463, 499, /* ѣ Ѣ */
+ 0x0465, 499, /* ѥ Ѥ */
+ 0x0467, 499, /* ѧ Ѧ */
+ 0x0469, 499, /* ѩ Ѩ */
+ 0x046b, 499, /* ѫ Ѫ */
+ 0x046d, 499, /* ѭ Ѭ */
+ 0x046f, 499, /* ѯ Ѯ */
+ 0x0471, 499, /* ѱ Ѱ */
+ 0x0473, 499, /* ѳ Ѳ */
+ 0x0475, 499, /* ѵ Ѵ */
+ 0x0477, 499, /* ѷ Ѷ */
+ 0x0479, 499, /* ѹ Ѹ */
+ 0x047b, 499, /* ѻ Ѻ */
+ 0x047d, 499, /* ѽ Ѽ */
+ 0x047f, 499, /* ѿ Ѿ */
+ 0x0481, 499, /* ҁ Ҁ */
+ 0x0491, 499, /* ґ Ґ */
+ 0x0493, 499, /* ғ Ғ */
+ 0x0495, 499, /* ҕ Ҕ */
+ 0x0497, 499, /* җ Җ */
+ 0x0499, 499, /* ҙ Ҙ */
+ 0x049b, 499, /* қ Қ */
+ 0x049d, 499, /* ҝ Ҝ */
+ 0x049f, 499, /* ҟ Ҟ */
+ 0x04a1, 499, /* ҡ Ҡ */
+ 0x04a3, 499, /* ң Ң */
+ 0x04a5, 499, /* ҥ Ҥ */
+ 0x04a7, 499, /* ҧ Ҧ */
+ 0x04a9, 499, /* ҩ Ҩ */
+ 0x04ab, 499, /* ҫ Ҫ */
+ 0x04ad, 499, /* ҭ Ҭ */
+ 0x04af, 499, /* ү Ү */
+ 0x04b1, 499, /* ұ Ұ */
+ 0x04b3, 499, /* ҳ Ҳ */
+ 0x04b5, 499, /* ҵ Ҵ */
+ 0x04b7, 499, /* ҷ Ҷ */
+ 0x04b9, 499, /* ҹ Ҹ */
+ 0x04bb, 499, /* һ Һ */
+ 0x04bd, 499, /* ҽ Ҽ */
+ 0x04bf, 499, /* ҿ Ҿ */
+ 0x04c2, 499, /* ӂ Ӂ */
+ 0x04c4, 499, /* ӄ Ӄ */
+ 0x04c8, 499, /* ӈ Ӈ */
+ 0x04cc, 499, /* ӌ Ӌ */
+ 0x04d1, 499, /* ӑ Ӑ */
+ 0x04d3, 499, /* ӓ Ӓ */
+ 0x04d5, 499, /* ӕ Ӕ */
+ 0x04d7, 499, /* ӗ Ӗ */
+ 0x04d9, 499, /* ә Ә */
+ 0x04db, 499, /* ӛ Ӛ */
+ 0x04dd, 499, /* ӝ Ӝ */
+ 0x04df, 499, /* ӟ Ӟ */
+ 0x04e1, 499, /* ӡ Ӡ */
+ 0x04e3, 499, /* ӣ Ӣ */
+ 0x04e5, 499, /* ӥ Ӥ */
+ 0x04e7, 499, /* ӧ Ӧ */
+ 0x04e9, 499, /* ө Ө */
+ 0x04eb, 499, /* ӫ Ӫ */
+ 0x04ef, 499, /* ӯ Ӯ */
+ 0x04f1, 499, /* ӱ Ӱ */
+ 0x04f3, 499, /* ӳ Ӳ */
+ 0x04f5, 499, /* ӵ Ӵ */
+ 0x04f9, 499, /* ӹ Ӹ */
+ 0x1e01, 499, /* ḁ Ḁ */
+ 0x1e03, 499, /* ḃ Ḃ */
+ 0x1e05, 499, /* ḅ Ḅ */
+ 0x1e07, 499, /* ḇ Ḇ */
+ 0x1e09, 499, /* ḉ Ḉ */
+ 0x1e0b, 499, /* ḋ Ḋ */
+ 0x1e0d, 499, /* ḍ Ḍ */
+ 0x1e0f, 499, /* ḏ Ḏ */
+ 0x1e11, 499, /* ḑ Ḑ */
+ 0x1e13, 499, /* ḓ Ḓ */
+ 0x1e15, 499, /* ḕ Ḕ */
+ 0x1e17, 499, /* ḗ Ḗ */
+ 0x1e19, 499, /* ḙ Ḙ */
+ 0x1e1b, 499, /* ḛ Ḛ */
+ 0x1e1d, 499, /* ḝ Ḝ */
+ 0x1e1f, 499, /* ḟ Ḟ */
+ 0x1e21, 499, /* ḡ Ḡ */
+ 0x1e23, 499, /* ḣ Ḣ */
+ 0x1e25, 499, /* ḥ Ḥ */
+ 0x1e27, 499, /* ḧ Ḧ */
+ 0x1e29, 499, /* ḩ Ḩ */
+ 0x1e2b, 499, /* ḫ Ḫ */
+ 0x1e2d, 499, /* ḭ Ḭ */
+ 0x1e2f, 499, /* ḯ Ḯ */
+ 0x1e31, 499, /* ḱ Ḱ */
+ 0x1e33, 499, /* ḳ Ḳ */
+ 0x1e35, 499, /* ḵ Ḵ */
+ 0x1e37, 499, /* ḷ Ḷ */
+ 0x1e39, 499, /* ḹ Ḹ */
+ 0x1e3b, 499, /* ḻ Ḻ */
+ 0x1e3d, 499, /* ḽ Ḽ */
+ 0x1e3f, 499, /* ḿ Ḿ */
+ 0x1e41, 499, /* ṁ Ṁ */
+ 0x1e43, 499, /* ṃ Ṃ */
+ 0x1e45, 499, /* ṅ Ṅ */
+ 0x1e47, 499, /* ṇ Ṇ */
+ 0x1e49, 499, /* ṉ Ṉ */
+ 0x1e4b, 499, /* ṋ Ṋ */
+ 0x1e4d, 499, /* ṍ Ṍ */
+ 0x1e4f, 499, /* ṏ Ṏ */
+ 0x1e51, 499, /* ṑ Ṑ */
+ 0x1e53, 499, /* ṓ Ṓ */
+ 0x1e55, 499, /* ṕ Ṕ */
+ 0x1e57, 499, /* ṗ Ṗ */
+ 0x1e59, 499, /* ṙ Ṙ */
+ 0x1e5b, 499, /* ṛ Ṛ */
+ 0x1e5d, 499, /* ṝ Ṝ */
+ 0x1e5f, 499, /* ṟ Ṟ */
+ 0x1e61, 499, /* ṡ Ṡ */
+ 0x1e63, 499, /* ṣ Ṣ */
+ 0x1e65, 499, /* ṥ Ṥ */
+ 0x1e67, 499, /* ṧ Ṧ */
+ 0x1e69, 499, /* ṩ Ṩ */
+ 0x1e6b, 499, /* ṫ Ṫ */
+ 0x1e6d, 499, /* ṭ Ṭ */
+ 0x1e6f, 499, /* ṯ Ṯ */
+ 0x1e71, 499, /* ṱ Ṱ */
+ 0x1e73, 499, /* ṳ Ṳ */
+ 0x1e75, 499, /* ṵ Ṵ */
+ 0x1e77, 499, /* ṷ Ṷ */
+ 0x1e79, 499, /* ṹ Ṹ */
+ 0x1e7b, 499, /* ṻ Ṻ */
+ 0x1e7d, 499, /* ṽ Ṽ */
+ 0x1e7f, 499, /* ṿ Ṿ */
+ 0x1e81, 499, /* ẁ Ẁ */
+ 0x1e83, 499, /* ẃ Ẃ */
+ 0x1e85, 499, /* ẅ Ẅ */
+ 0x1e87, 499, /* ẇ Ẇ */
+ 0x1e89, 499, /* ẉ Ẉ */
+ 0x1e8b, 499, /* ẋ Ẋ */
+ 0x1e8d, 499, /* ẍ Ẍ */
+ 0x1e8f, 499, /* ẏ Ẏ */
+ 0x1e91, 499, /* ẑ Ẑ */
+ 0x1e93, 499, /* ẓ Ẓ */
+ 0x1e95, 499, /* ẕ Ẕ */
+ 0x1ea1, 499, /* ạ Ạ */
+ 0x1ea3, 499, /* ả Ả */
+ 0x1ea5, 499, /* ấ Ấ */
+ 0x1ea7, 499, /* ầ Ầ */
+ 0x1ea9, 499, /* ẩ Ẩ */
+ 0x1eab, 499, /* ẫ Ẫ */
+ 0x1ead, 499, /* ậ Ậ */
+ 0x1eaf, 499, /* ắ Ắ */
+ 0x1eb1, 499, /* ằ Ằ */
+ 0x1eb3, 499, /* ẳ Ẳ */
+ 0x1eb5, 499, /* ẵ Ẵ */
+ 0x1eb7, 499, /* ặ Ặ */
+ 0x1eb9, 499, /* ẹ Ẹ */
+ 0x1ebb, 499, /* ẻ Ẻ */
+ 0x1ebd, 499, /* ẽ Ẽ */
+ 0x1ebf, 499, /* ế Ế */
+ 0x1ec1, 499, /* ề Ề */
+ 0x1ec3, 499, /* ể Ể */
+ 0x1ec5, 499, /* ễ Ễ */
+ 0x1ec7, 499, /* ệ Ệ */
+ 0x1ec9, 499, /* ỉ Ỉ */
+ 0x1ecb, 499, /* ị Ị */
+ 0x1ecd, 499, /* ọ Ọ */
+ 0x1ecf, 499, /* ỏ Ỏ */
+ 0x1ed1, 499, /* ố Ố */
+ 0x1ed3, 499, /* ồ Ồ */
+ 0x1ed5, 499, /* ổ Ổ */
+ 0x1ed7, 499, /* ỗ Ỗ */
+ 0x1ed9, 499, /* ộ Ộ */
+ 0x1edb, 499, /* ớ Ớ */
+ 0x1edd, 499, /* ờ Ờ */
+ 0x1edf, 499, /* ở Ở */
+ 0x1ee1, 499, /* ỡ Ỡ */
+ 0x1ee3, 499, /* ợ Ợ */
+ 0x1ee5, 499, /* ụ Ụ */
+ 0x1ee7, 499, /* ủ Ủ */
+ 0x1ee9, 499, /* ứ Ứ */
+ 0x1eeb, 499, /* ừ Ừ */
+ 0x1eed, 499, /* ử Ử */
+ 0x1eef, 499, /* ữ Ữ */
+ 0x1ef1, 499, /* ự Ự */
+ 0x1ef3, 499, /* ỳ Ỳ */
+ 0x1ef5, 499, /* ỵ Ỵ */
+ 0x1ef7, 499, /* ỷ Ỷ */
+ 0x1ef9, 499, /* ỹ Ỹ */
+ 0x1f51, 508, /* ὑ Ὑ */
+ 0x1f53, 508, /* ὓ Ὓ */
+ 0x1f55, 508, /* ὕ Ὕ */
+ 0x1f57, 508, /* ὗ Ὗ */
+ 0x1fb3, 509, /* ᾳ ᾼ */
+ 0x1fc3, 509, /* ῃ ῌ */
+ 0x1fe5, 507, /* ῥ Ῥ */
+ 0x1ff3, 509 /* ῳ ῼ */
+const rnums = [
+ 0x0030, 0x0039,
+ 0x0660, 0x0669,
+ 0x06f0, 0x06f9,
+ 0x07c0, 0x07c9,
+ 0x0966, 0x096f,
+ 0x09e6, 0x09ef,
+ 0x0a66, 0x0a6f,
+ 0x0ae6, 0x0aef,
+ 0x0b66, 0x0b6f,
+ 0x0be6, 0x0bef,
+ 0x0c66, 0x0c6f,
+ 0x0ce6, 0x0cef,
+ 0x0d66, 0x0d6f,
+ 0x0e50, 0x0e59,
+ 0x0ed0, 0x0ed9,
+ 0x0f20, 0x0f29,
+ 0x1040, 0x1049,
+ 0x17e0, 0x17e9,
+ 0x1810, 0x1819,
+ 0x1946, 0x194f,
+ 0x19d0, 0x19d9,
+ 0x1b50, 0x1b59,
+ 0xff10, 0xff19,
+ 0x104a0, 0x104a9,
+ 0x1d7ce, 0x1d7ff
+ * upper case ranges
+ * 3rd col is conversion excess 500
+ */
+const rtolower2 = [
+ 0x0041, 0x005a, 532, /* A-Z a-z */
+ 0x00c0, 0x00d6, 532, /* À-Ö à-ö */
+ 0x00d8, 0x00de, 532, /* Ø-Þ ø-þ */
+ 0x0189, 0x018a, 705, /* Ɖ-Ɗ ɖ-ɗ */
+ 0x018e, 0x018f, 702, /* Ǝ-Ə ɘ-ə */
+ 0x01b1, 0x01b2, 717, /* Ʊ-Ʋ ʊ-ʋ */
+ 0x0388, 0x038a, 537, /* Έ-Ί έ-ί */
+ 0x038e, 0x038f, 563, /* Ύ-Ώ ύ-ώ */
+ 0x0391, 0x03a1, 532, /* Α-Ρ α-ρ */
+ 0x03a3, 0x03ab, 532, /* Σ-Ϋ σ-ϋ */
+ 0x0401, 0x040c, 580, /* Ё-Ќ ё-ќ */
+ 0x040e, 0x040f, 580, /* Ў-Џ ў-џ */
+ 0x0410, 0x042f, 532, /* А-Я а-я */
+ 0x0531, 0x0556, 548, /* Ա-Ֆ ա-ֆ */
+ 0x10a0, 0x10c5, 548, /* Ⴀ-Ⴥ ა-ჵ */
+ 0x1f08, 0x1f0f, 492, /* Ἀ-Ἇ ἀ-ἇ */
+ 0x1f18, 0x1f1d, 492, /* Ἐ-Ἕ ἐ-ἕ */
+ 0x1f28, 0x1f2f, 492, /* Ἠ-Ἧ ἠ-ἧ */
+ 0x1f38, 0x1f3f, 492, /* Ἰ-Ἷ ἰ-ἷ */
+ 0x1f48, 0x1f4d, 492, /* Ὀ-Ὅ ὀ-ὅ */
+ 0x1f68, 0x1f6f, 492, /* Ὠ-Ὧ ὠ-ὧ */
+ 0x1f88, 0x1f8f, 492, /* ᾈ-ᾏ ᾀ-ᾇ */
+ 0x1f98, 0x1f9f, 492, /* ᾘ-ᾟ ᾐ-ᾗ */
+ 0x1fa8, 0x1faf, 492, /* ᾨ-ᾯ ᾠ-ᾧ */
+ 0x1fb8, 0x1fb9, 492, /* Ᾰ-Ᾱ ᾰ-ᾱ */
+ 0x1fba, 0x1fbb, 426, /* Ὰ-Ά ὰ-ά */
+ 0x1fc8, 0x1fcb, 414, /* Ὲ-Ή ὲ-ή */
+ 0x1fd8, 0x1fd9, 492, /* Ῐ-Ῑ ῐ-ῑ */
+ 0x1fda, 0x1fdb, 400, /* Ὶ-Ί ὶ-ί */
+ 0x1fe8, 0x1fe9, 492, /* Ῠ-Ῡ ῠ-ῡ */
+ 0x1fea, 0x1feb, 388, /* Ὺ-Ύ ὺ-ύ */
+ 0x1ff8, 0x1ff9, 372, /* Ὸ-Ό ὸ-ό */
+ 0x1ffa, 0x1ffb, 374, /* Ὼ-Ώ ὼ-ώ */
+ 0x2160, 0x216f, 516, /* Ⅰ-Ⅿ ⅰ-ⅿ */
+ 0x24b6, 0x24cf, 526, /* Ⓐ-Ⓩ ⓐ-ⓩ */
+ 0xff21, 0xff3a, 532 /* A-Z a-z */
+ * upper case singlets
+ * 2nd col is conversion excess 500
+ */
+const rtolower1 = [
+ 0x0100, 501, /* Ā ā */
+ 0x0102, 501, /* Ă ă */
+ 0x0104, 501, /* Ą ą */
+ 0x0106, 501, /* Ć ć */
+ 0x0108, 501, /* Ĉ ĉ */
+ 0x010a, 501, /* Ċ ċ */
+ 0x010c, 501, /* Č č */
+ 0x010e, 501, /* Ď ď */
+ 0x0110, 501, /* Đ đ */
+ 0x0112, 501, /* Ē ē */
+ 0x0114, 501, /* Ĕ ĕ */
+ 0x0116, 501, /* Ė ė */
+ 0x0118, 501, /* Ę ę */
+ 0x011a, 501, /* Ě ě */
+ 0x011c, 501, /* Ĝ ĝ */
+ 0x011e, 501, /* Ğ ğ */
+ 0x0120, 501, /* Ġ ġ */
+ 0x0122, 501, /* Ģ ģ */
+ 0x0124, 501, /* Ĥ ĥ */
+ 0x0126, 501, /* Ħ ħ */
+ 0x0128, 501, /* Ĩ ĩ */
+ 0x012a, 501, /* Ī ī */
+ 0x012c, 501, /* Ĭ ĭ */
+ 0x012e, 501, /* Į į */
+ 0x0130, 301, /* İ i */
+ 0x0132, 501, /* IJ ij */
+ 0x0134, 501, /* Ĵ ĵ */
+ 0x0136, 501, /* Ķ ķ */
+ 0x0139, 501, /* Ĺ ĺ */
+ 0x013b, 501, /* Ļ ļ */
+ 0x013d, 501, /* Ľ ľ */
+ 0x013f, 501, /* Ŀ ŀ */
+ 0x0141, 501, /* Ł ł */
+ 0x0143, 501, /* Ń ń */
+ 0x0145, 501, /* Ņ ņ */
+ 0x0147, 501, /* Ň ň */
+ 0x014a, 501, /* Ŋ ŋ */
+ 0x014c, 501, /* Ō ō */
+ 0x014e, 501, /* Ŏ ŏ */
+ 0x0150, 501, /* Ő ő */
+ 0x0152, 501, /* Œ œ */
+ 0x0154, 501, /* Ŕ ŕ */
+ 0x0156, 501, /* Ŗ ŗ */
+ 0x0158, 501, /* Ř ř */
+ 0x015a, 501, /* Ś ś */
+ 0x015c, 501, /* Ŝ ŝ */
+ 0x015e, 501, /* Ş ş */
+ 0x0160, 501, /* Š š */
+ 0x0162, 501, /* Ţ ţ */
+ 0x0164, 501, /* Ť ť */
+ 0x0166, 501, /* Ŧ ŧ */
+ 0x0168, 501, /* Ũ ũ */
+ 0x016a, 501, /* Ū ū */
+ 0x016c, 501, /* Ŭ ŭ */
+ 0x016e, 501, /* Ů ů */
+ 0x0170, 501, /* Ű ű */
+ 0x0172, 501, /* Ų ų */
+ 0x0174, 501, /* Ŵ ŵ */
+ 0x0176, 501, /* Ŷ ŷ */
+ 0x0178, 379, /* Ÿ ÿ */
+ 0x0179, 501, /* Ź ź */
+ 0x017b, 501, /* Ż ż */
+ 0x017d, 501, /* Ž ž */
+ 0x0181, 710, /* Ɓ ɓ */
+ 0x0182, 501, /* Ƃ ƃ */
+ 0x0184, 501, /* Ƅ ƅ */
+ 0x0186, 706, /* Ɔ ɔ */
+ 0x0187, 501, /* Ƈ ƈ */
+ 0x018b, 501, /* Ƌ ƌ */
+ 0x0190, 703, /* Ɛ ɛ */
+ 0x0191, 501, /* Ƒ ƒ */
+ 0x0193, 705, /* Ɠ ɠ */
+ 0x0194, 707, /* Ɣ ɣ */
+ 0x0196, 711, /* Ɩ ɩ */
+ 0x0197, 709, /* Ɨ ɨ */
+ 0x0198, 501, /* Ƙ ƙ */
+ 0x019c, 711, /* Ɯ ɯ */
+ 0x019d, 713, /* Ɲ ɲ */
+ 0x01a0, 501, /* Ơ ơ */
+ 0x01a2, 501, /* Ƣ ƣ */
+ 0x01a4, 501, /* Ƥ ƥ */
+ 0x01a7, 501, /* Ƨ ƨ */
+ 0x01a9, 718, /* Ʃ ʃ */
+ 0x01ac, 501, /* Ƭ ƭ */
+ 0x01ae, 718, /* Ʈ ʈ */
+ 0x01af, 501, /* Ư ư */
+ 0x01b3, 501, /* Ƴ ƴ */
+ 0x01b5, 501, /* Ƶ ƶ */
+ 0x01b7, 719, /* Ʒ ʒ */
+ 0x01b8, 501, /* Ƹ ƹ */
+ 0x01bc, 501, /* Ƽ ƽ */
+ 0x01c4, 502, /* DŽ dž */
+ 0x01c5, 501, /* Dž dž */
+ 0x01c7, 502, /* LJ lj */
+ 0x01c8, 501, /* Lj lj */
+ 0x01ca, 502, /* NJ nj */
+ 0x01cb, 501, /* Nj nj */
+ 0x01cd, 501, /* Ǎ ǎ */
+ 0x01cf, 501, /* Ǐ ǐ */
+ 0x01d1, 501, /* Ǒ ǒ */
+ 0x01d3, 501, /* Ǔ ǔ */
+ 0x01d5, 501, /* Ǖ ǖ */
+ 0x01d7, 501, /* Ǘ ǘ */
+ 0x01d9, 501, /* Ǚ ǚ */
+ 0x01db, 501, /* Ǜ ǜ */
+ 0x01de, 501, /* Ǟ ǟ */
+ 0x01e0, 501, /* Ǡ ǡ */
+ 0x01e2, 501, /* Ǣ ǣ */
+ 0x01e4, 501, /* Ǥ ǥ */
+ 0x01e6, 501, /* Ǧ ǧ */
+ 0x01e8, 501, /* Ǩ ǩ */
+ 0x01ea, 501, /* Ǫ ǫ */
+ 0x01ec, 501, /* Ǭ ǭ */
+ 0x01ee, 501, /* Ǯ ǯ */
+ 0x01f1, 502, /* DZ dz */
+ 0x01f2, 501, /* Dz dz */
+ 0x01f4, 501, /* Ǵ ǵ */
+ 0x01fa, 501, /* Ǻ ǻ */
+ 0x01fc, 501, /* Ǽ ǽ */
+ 0x01fe, 501, /* Ǿ ǿ */
+ 0x0200, 501, /* Ȁ ȁ */
+ 0x0202, 501, /* Ȃ ȃ */
+ 0x0204, 501, /* Ȅ ȅ */
+ 0x0206, 501, /* Ȇ ȇ */
+ 0x0208, 501, /* Ȉ ȉ */
+ 0x020a, 501, /* Ȋ ȋ */
+ 0x020c, 501, /* Ȍ ȍ */
+ 0x020e, 501, /* Ȏ ȏ */
+ 0x0210, 501, /* Ȑ ȑ */
+ 0x0212, 501, /* Ȓ ȓ */
+ 0x0214, 501, /* Ȕ ȕ */
+ 0x0216, 501, /* Ȗ ȗ */
+ 0x0386, 538, /* Ά ά */
+ 0x038c, 564, /* Ό ό */
+ 0x03e2, 501, /* Ϣ ϣ */
+ 0x03e4, 501, /* Ϥ ϥ */
+ 0x03e6, 501, /* Ϧ ϧ */
+ 0x03e8, 501, /* Ϩ ϩ */
+ 0x03ea, 501, /* Ϫ ϫ */
+ 0x03ec, 501, /* Ϭ ϭ */
+ 0x03ee, 501, /* Ϯ ϯ */
+ 0x0460, 501, /* Ѡ ѡ */
+ 0x0462, 501, /* Ѣ ѣ */
+ 0x0464, 501, /* Ѥ ѥ */
+ 0x0466, 501, /* Ѧ ѧ */
+ 0x0468, 501, /* Ѩ ѩ */
+ 0x046a, 501, /* Ѫ ѫ */
+ 0x046c, 501, /* Ѭ ѭ */
+ 0x046e, 501, /* Ѯ ѯ */
+ 0x0470, 501, /* Ѱ ѱ */
+ 0x0472, 501, /* Ѳ ѳ */
+ 0x0474, 501, /* Ѵ ѵ */
+ 0x0476, 501, /* Ѷ ѷ */
+ 0x0478, 501, /* Ѹ ѹ */
+ 0x047a, 501, /* Ѻ ѻ */
+ 0x047c, 501, /* Ѽ ѽ */
+ 0x047e, 501, /* Ѿ ѿ */
+ 0x0480, 501, /* Ҁ ҁ */
+ 0x0490, 501, /* Ґ ґ */
+ 0x0492, 501, /* Ғ ғ */
+ 0x0494, 501, /* Ҕ ҕ */
+ 0x0496, 501, /* Җ җ */
+ 0x0498, 501, /* Ҙ ҙ */
+ 0x049a, 501, /* Қ қ */
+ 0x049c, 501, /* Ҝ ҝ */
+ 0x049e, 501, /* Ҟ ҟ */
+ 0x04a0, 501, /* Ҡ ҡ */
+ 0x04a2, 501, /* Ң ң */
+ 0x04a4, 501, /* Ҥ ҥ */
+ 0x04a6, 501, /* Ҧ ҧ */
+ 0x04a8, 501, /* Ҩ ҩ */
+ 0x04aa, 501, /* Ҫ ҫ */
+ 0x04ac, 501, /* Ҭ ҭ */
+ 0x04ae, 501, /* Ү ү */
+ 0x04b0, 501, /* Ұ ұ */
+ 0x04b2, 501, /* Ҳ ҳ */
+ 0x04b4, 501, /* Ҵ ҵ */
+ 0x04b6, 501, /* Ҷ ҷ */
+ 0x04b8, 501, /* Ҹ ҹ */
+ 0x04ba, 501, /* Һ һ */
+ 0x04bc, 501, /* Ҽ ҽ */
+ 0x04be, 501, /* Ҿ ҿ */
+ 0x04c1, 501, /* Ӂ ӂ */
+ 0x04c3, 501, /* Ӄ ӄ */
+ 0x04c7, 501, /* Ӈ ӈ */
+ 0x04cb, 501, /* Ӌ ӌ */
+ 0x04d0, 501, /* Ӑ ӑ */
+ 0x04d2, 501, /* Ӓ ӓ */
+ 0x04d4, 501, /* Ӕ ӕ */
+ 0x04d6, 501, /* Ӗ ӗ */
+ 0x04d8, 501, /* Ә ә */
+ 0x04da, 501, /* Ӛ ӛ */
+ 0x04dc, 501, /* Ӝ ӝ */
+ 0x04de, 501, /* Ӟ ӟ */
+ 0x04e0, 501, /* Ӡ ӡ */
+ 0x04e2, 501, /* Ӣ ӣ */
+ 0x04e4, 501, /* Ӥ ӥ */
+ 0x04e6, 501, /* Ӧ ӧ */
+ 0x04e8, 501, /* Ө ө */
+ 0x04ea, 501, /* Ӫ ӫ */
+ 0x04ee, 501, /* Ӯ ӯ */
+ 0x04f0, 501, /* Ӱ ӱ */
+ 0x04f2, 501, /* Ӳ ӳ */
+ 0x04f4, 501, /* Ӵ ӵ */
+ 0x04f8, 501, /* Ӹ ӹ */
+ 0x1e00, 501, /* Ḁ ḁ */
+ 0x1e02, 501, /* Ḃ ḃ */
+ 0x1e04, 501, /* Ḅ ḅ */
+ 0x1e06, 501, /* Ḇ ḇ */
+ 0x1e08, 501, /* Ḉ ḉ */
+ 0x1e0a, 501, /* Ḋ ḋ */
+ 0x1e0c, 501, /* Ḍ ḍ */
+ 0x1e0e, 501, /* Ḏ ḏ */
+ 0x1e10, 501, /* Ḑ ḑ */
+ 0x1e12, 501, /* Ḓ ḓ */
+ 0x1e14, 501, /* Ḕ ḕ */
+ 0x1e16, 501, /* Ḗ ḗ */
+ 0x1e18, 501, /* Ḙ ḙ */
+ 0x1e1a, 501, /* Ḛ ḛ */
+ 0x1e1c, 501, /* Ḝ ḝ */
+ 0x1e1e, 501, /* Ḟ ḟ */
+ 0x1e20, 501, /* Ḡ ḡ */
+ 0x1e22, 501, /* Ḣ ḣ */
+ 0x1e24, 501, /* Ḥ ḥ */
+ 0x1e26, 501, /* Ḧ ḧ */
+ 0x1e28, 501, /* Ḩ ḩ */
+ 0x1e2a, 501, /* Ḫ ḫ */
+ 0x1e2c, 501, /* Ḭ ḭ */
+ 0x1e2e, 501, /* Ḯ ḯ */
+ 0x1e30, 501, /* Ḱ ḱ */
+ 0x1e32, 501, /* Ḳ ḳ */
+ 0x1e34, 501, /* Ḵ ḵ */
+ 0x1e36, 501, /* Ḷ ḷ */
+ 0x1e38, 501, /* Ḹ ḹ */
+ 0x1e3a, 501, /* Ḻ ḻ */
+ 0x1e3c, 501, /* Ḽ ḽ */
+ 0x1e3e, 501, /* Ḿ ḿ */
+ 0x1e40, 501, /* Ṁ ṁ */
+ 0x1e42, 501, /* Ṃ ṃ */
+ 0x1e44, 501, /* Ṅ ṅ */
+ 0x1e46, 501, /* Ṇ ṇ */
+ 0x1e48, 501, /* Ṉ ṉ */
+ 0x1e4a, 501, /* Ṋ ṋ */
+ 0x1e4c, 501, /* Ṍ ṍ */
+ 0x1e4e, 501, /* Ṏ ṏ */
+ 0x1e50, 501, /* Ṑ ṑ */
+ 0x1e52, 501, /* Ṓ ṓ */
+ 0x1e54, 501, /* Ṕ ṕ */
+ 0x1e56, 501, /* Ṗ ṗ */
+ 0x1e58, 501, /* Ṙ ṙ */
+ 0x1e5a, 501, /* Ṛ ṛ */
+ 0x1e5c, 501, /* Ṝ ṝ */
+ 0x1e5e, 501, /* Ṟ ṟ */
+ 0x1e60, 501, /* Ṡ ṡ */
+ 0x1e62, 501, /* Ṣ ṣ */
+ 0x1e64, 501, /* Ṥ ṥ */
+ 0x1e66, 501, /* Ṧ ṧ */
+ 0x1e68, 501, /* Ṩ ṩ */
+ 0x1e6a, 501, /* Ṫ ṫ */
+ 0x1e6c, 501, /* Ṭ ṭ */
+ 0x1e6e, 501, /* Ṯ ṯ */
+ 0x1e70, 501, /* Ṱ ṱ */
+ 0x1e72, 501, /* Ṳ ṳ */
+ 0x1e74, 501, /* Ṵ ṵ */
+ 0x1e76, 501, /* Ṷ ṷ */
+ 0x1e78, 501, /* Ṹ ṹ */
+ 0x1e7a, 501, /* Ṻ ṻ */
+ 0x1e7c, 501, /* Ṽ ṽ */
+ 0x1e7e, 501, /* Ṿ ṿ */
+ 0x1e80, 501, /* Ẁ ẁ */
+ 0x1e82, 501, /* Ẃ ẃ */
+ 0x1e84, 501, /* Ẅ ẅ */
+ 0x1e86, 501, /* Ẇ ẇ */
+ 0x1e88, 501, /* Ẉ ẉ */
+ 0x1e8a, 501, /* Ẋ ẋ */
+ 0x1e8c, 501, /* Ẍ ẍ */
+ 0x1e8e, 501, /* Ẏ ẏ */
+ 0x1e90, 501, /* Ẑ ẑ */
+ 0x1e92, 501, /* Ẓ ẓ */
+ 0x1e94, 501, /* Ẕ ẕ */
+ 0x1ea0, 501, /* Ạ ạ */
+ 0x1ea2, 501, /* Ả ả */
+ 0x1ea4, 501, /* Ấ ấ */
+ 0x1ea6, 501, /* Ầ ầ */
+ 0x1ea8, 501, /* Ẩ ẩ */
+ 0x1eaa, 501, /* Ẫ ẫ */
+ 0x1eac, 501, /* Ậ ậ */
+ 0x1eae, 501, /* Ắ ắ */
+ 0x1eb0, 501, /* Ằ ằ */
+ 0x1eb2, 501, /* Ẳ ẳ */
+ 0x1eb4, 501, /* Ẵ ẵ */
+ 0x1eb6, 501, /* Ặ ặ */
+ 0x1eb8, 501, /* Ẹ ẹ */
+ 0x1eba, 501, /* Ẻ ẻ */
+ 0x1ebc, 501, /* Ẽ ẽ */
+ 0x1ebe, 501, /* Ế ế */
+ 0x1ec0, 501, /* Ề ề */
+ 0x1ec2, 501, /* Ể ể */
+ 0x1ec4, 501, /* Ễ ễ */
+ 0x1ec6, 501, /* Ệ ệ */
+ 0x1ec8, 501, /* Ỉ ỉ */
+ 0x1eca, 501, /* Ị ị */
+ 0x1ecc, 501, /* Ọ ọ */
+ 0x1ece, 501, /* Ỏ ỏ */
+ 0x1ed0, 501, /* Ố ố */
+ 0x1ed2, 501, /* Ồ ồ */
+ 0x1ed4, 501, /* Ổ ổ */
+ 0x1ed6, 501, /* Ỗ ỗ */
+ 0x1ed8, 501, /* Ộ ộ */
+ 0x1eda, 501, /* Ớ ớ */
+ 0x1edc, 501, /* Ờ ờ */
+ 0x1ede, 501, /* Ở ở */
+ 0x1ee0, 501, /* Ỡ ỡ */
+ 0x1ee2, 501, /* Ợ ợ */
+ 0x1ee4, 501, /* Ụ ụ */
+ 0x1ee6, 501, /* Ủ ủ */
+ 0x1ee8, 501, /* Ứ ứ */
+ 0x1eea, 501, /* Ừ ừ */
+ 0x1eec, 501, /* Ử ử */
+ 0x1eee, 501, /* Ữ ữ */
+ 0x1ef0, 501, /* Ự ự */
+ 0x1ef2, 501, /* Ỳ ỳ */
+ 0x1ef4, 501, /* Ỵ ỵ */
+ 0x1ef6, 501, /* Ỷ ỷ */
+ 0x1ef8, 501, /* Ỹ ỹ */
+ 0x1f59, 492, /* Ὑ ὑ */
+ 0x1f5b, 492, /* Ὓ ὓ */
+ 0x1f5d, 492, /* Ὕ ὕ */
+ 0x1f5f, 492, /* Ὗ ὗ */
+ 0x1fbc, 491, /* ᾼ ᾳ */
+ 0x1fcc, 491, /* ῌ ῃ */
+ 0x1fec, 493, /* Ῥ ῥ */
+ 0x1ffc, 491 /* ῼ ῳ */
+ * title characters are those between
+ * upper and lower case. ie DZ Dz dz
+ */
+const rtotitle1 = [
+ 0x01c4, 501, /* DŽ Dž */
+ 0x01c6, 499, /* dž Dž */
+ 0x01c7, 501, /* LJ Lj */
+ 0x01c9, 499, /* lj Lj */
+ 0x01ca, 501, /* NJ Nj */
+ 0x01cc, 499, /* nj Nj */
+ 0x01f1, 501, /* DZ Dz */
+ 0x01f3, 499 /* dz Dz */
+const findc = {c, t, sz, nelt, ret
+ var l
+ var m
+ /* we're processing in chunks of size
+ nelt, so 1 chunk is of length 'nelt' */
+ while t.len > nelt
+ sz /= 2
+ m = sz*nelt
+ l = t[m:]
+ if c >= l[0]
+ t = l[0:m]
+ else
+ t = t[0:m]
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ if t.len != 0 && c >= t[0]
+ *ret = t
+ -> true
+ else
+ -> false
+ ;;
+const isalpha = {c
+ var l
+ if isupper(c) || islower(c)
+ -> true
+ elif findc(c, ralpha2[:], ralpha2.len/2, 2, &l)
+ if (c >= l[0] && c <= l[1])
+ -> true
+ ;;
+ elif findc(c, ralpha1[:], ralpha1.len, 1, &l)
+ if (c == l[0])
+ -> true
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -> false
+const isnum = {c
+ var l
+ if findc(c, rnums[:], rnums.len/2, 2, &l)
+ if(c >= l[0] && c <= l[1])
+ -> true
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -> false
+const isalnum = {c
+ -> isalpha(c) || isnum(c)
+const isspace = {c
+ var l
+ var sl
+ var len
+ l = rspace2[:]
+ sl = rspace2[:]
+ len = rspace2.len/2
+ if findc(c, sl, len, 2, &l)
+ if(c >= l[0] && c <= l[1])
+ -> true
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -> false
+const islower = {c
+ var l
+ if findc(c, rtoupper2[:], rtoupper2.len, 2, &l)
+ if (c >= l[0] && c <= l[1])
+ -> true
+ ;;
+ elif findc(c, rtoupper1[:], rtoupper1.len, 1, &l)
+ if (c == l[0])
+ -> true
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -> false
+const isupper = {c
+ var l
+ if findc(c, rtolower2[:], rtolower2.len, 2, &l)
+ if (c >= l[0] && c <= l[1])
+ -> true
+ ;;
+ elif findc(c, rtolower1[:], rtolower1.len, 1, &l)
+ if (c == l[0])
+ -> true
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -> false
+const istitle = {c
+ -> isupper(c) && islower(c)
+const tolower = {c
+ var l
+ if findc(c, rtolower2[:], rtolower2.len/3, 3, &l)
+ if c >= l[0] && c <= l[1]
+ -> c + l[2] - 500;
+ ;;
+ elif findc(c, rtolower1[:], rtolower1.len/2, 2, &l)
+ if c == l[0]
+ -> c + l[1] - 500;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -> c
+const toupper = {c
+ var l
+ if findc(c, rtoupper2[:], rtoupper2.len/3, 3, &l);
+ if c >= l[0] && c <= l[1]
+ -> c + l[2] - 500;
+ ;;
+ elif findc(c, rtoupper1[:], rtoupper1.len/2, 2, &l);
+ if c == l[0]
+ -> c + l[1] - 500;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -> c
+const totitle = {c
+ var l
+ if findc(c, rtotitle1[:], rtotitle1.len/2, 2, &l);
+ if c == l[0]
+ -> c + l[1] - 500;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -> c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/die.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,19 @@
+use "sys.use"
+use "types.use"
+pkg std =
+ const die : (msg : byte[:] -> void)
+ const assert : (cond : bool, msg : byte[:] -> void)
+const die = {msg
+ write(2, msg)
+ kill(getpid(), 6)
+const assert = {cond, msg
+ if cond
+ die(msg)
+ ;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/fmt.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,131 @@
+use "die.use"
+use "sys.use"
+use "types.use"
+use "utf.use"
+use "varargs.use"
+pkg std =
+ const bfmt : (buf : byte[:], fmt : byte[:], args:... -> size)
+ const bfmtv : (buf : byte[:], fmt : byte[:], ap:valist -> size)
+ const put : (fmt : byte[:], args:... -> size)
+const put = {fmt, args
+ var buf : byte[2048]
+ var n
+ n = bfmtv(buf[:], fmt, vastart(&args))
+ write(1, buf[:n])
+ -> n
+const bfmt = {buf, fmt, args
+ -> bfmtv(buf, fmt, vastart(&args))
+const bfmtv = {buf, fmt, ap
+ var c
+ var n
+ var s_val : byte[:]
+ var b_val : int8
+ var w_val : int16
+ var i_val : int32
+ var l_val : int64
+ var p_val : byte*
+ n = 0
+ while fmt.len
+ (c, fmt) = striter(fmt)
+ if c == '%'
+ (c, fmt) = striter(fmt)
+ match c
+ 's':
+ (s_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
+ n += strfmt(buf[n:], s_val)
+ ;;
+ /* format integers */
+ 'b':
+ (b_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
+ n += intfmt(buf[n:], b_val castto(int64), 10)
+ ;;
+ 'w':
+ (w_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
+ n += intfmt(buf[n:], w_val castto(int64), 10)
+ ;;
+ 'i':
+ (i_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
+ n += intfmt(buf[n:], i_val castto(int64), 10)
+ ;;
+ 'l':
+ (l_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
+ n += intfmt(buf[n:], l_val castto(int64), 10)
+ ;;
+ 'p':
+ (p_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
+ n += intfmt(buf[n:], p_val castto(int64), 16)
+ ;;
+ _:
+ die("Unknown format specifier")
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ else
+ n += encode(buf[n:], c)
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -> n
+const strfmt = {buf, str
+ var i
+ for i = 0; i < min(str.len, buf.len); i++
+ buf[i] = str[i]
+ ;;
+ -> i
+const intfmt = {buf, val, base
+ var digits = [
+ '0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'
+ ]
+ var isneg
+ var b : char[32]
+ var i
+ var j
+ var n
+ n = 0
+ i = 0
+ if val < 0
+ isneg = true
+ else
+ isneg = false
+ ;;
+ if val == 0
+ b[0] = '0'
+ i++
+ ;;
+ while val != 0
+ b[i] = digits[val % base]
+ val /= base
+ i++
+ ;;
+ n = 0
+ if isneg
+ n += encode(buf[n:], '-')
+ ;;
+ for j = i-1; j >= 0; j--
+ n += encode(buf[n:], b[j])
+ ;;
+ -> n
+const min = {a : size, b : size
+ if a < b
+ -> a
+ else
+ -> b
+ ;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/rand.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,112 @@
+use "die.use"
+use "fmt.use"
+use "types.use"
+use "alloc.use"
+ Translated from C by Ori Bernstein
+ */
+ A C-program for MT19937, with initialization improved 2002/1/26.
+ Coded by Takuji Nishimura and Makoto Matsumoto.
+ Copyright (C) 1997 - 2002, Makoto Matsumoto and Takuji Nishimura,
+ All rights reserved.
+ Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without
+ modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions
+ are met:
+ 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer.
+ 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright
+ notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the
+ documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution.
+ 3. The names of its contributors may not be used to endorse or promote
+ products derived from this software without specific prior written
+ permission.
+ Any feedback is very welcome.
+ email: m-mat @ (remove space)
+ */
+pkg std =
+ type rng
+ /* no mkrng() yet because we don't have anything to automatically
+ seed it with yet */
+ const mksrng : (seed : uint32 -> rng*)
+ const rand32 : (rng : rng* -> uint32)
+type rng = struct
+ state : uint32[624]
+ i : uint32
+const mksrng = {seed
+ var rng
+ rng = alloc()
+ init(rng, seed)
+ -> rng
+const init = {rng, seed
+ var i
+ for i = 0; i < 624; i++
+ rng.state[i] = seed
+ seed = 1812433253 * (seed ^ (seed >> 30)) + i + 1
+ ;;
+ rng.i = i
+const rand32 = {rng
+ var x
+ if rng.i == 624
+ next(rng)
+ ;;
+ x = rng.state[rng.i]
+ rng.i++
+ x ^= x >> 11
+ x ^= (x << 7) & 0x9D2C5680
+ x ^= (x << 15) & 0xEFC60000
+ -> x ^ (x >> 18)
+const next = {rng
+ var k
+ var y
+ for k = 0; k < 227; k++
+ y = (rng.state[k] & 0x80000000) | (rng.state[k + 1] & 0x7FFFFFFF)
+ rng.state[k] = rng.state[k + 397] ^ (y >> 1) ^ ((y & 1) * 0x9908B0DF)
+ ;;
+ for ; k < 623; k++
+ y = (rng.state[k] & 0x80000000) | (rng.state[k + 1] & 0x7FFFFFFF)
+ rng.state[k] = rng.state[k - 227] ^ (y >> 1) ^ ((y & 1) * 0x9908B0DF);
+ ;;
+ y = (rng.state[623] & 0x80000000) | (rng.state[0] & 0x7FFFFFFF)
+ rng.state[623] = rng.state[396] ^ (y >> 1) ^ ((y & 1) * 0x9908B0DF);
+ rng.i = 0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/sys-linux.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,398 @@
+use "types.use"
+pkg std =
+ type scno = int64
+ type fdopt = int64
+ type mprot = int64
+ type mopt = int64
+ type statbuf = struct
+ dev : uint
+ ino : uint
+ mode : uint16
+ nlink : uint16
+ uid : uint16
+ gid : uint16
+ rdev : uint
+ size : uint
+ blksize : uint
+ blocks : uint
+ atime : uint
+ atimens : uint
+ mtime : uint
+ mtimens : uint
+ ctime : uint
+ ctimens : uint
+ _unused1: uint
+ _unused2: uint
+ ;;
+ /* open options */
+ const Ordonly : fdopt = 0x0
+ const Owronly : fdopt = 0x1
+ const Ordwr : fdopt = 0x2
+ const Oappend : fdopt = 0x80
+ const Ocreat : fdopt = 0x40
+ const Onofollow : fdopt = 0x20000
+ const Ondelay : fdopt = 0x800
+ const Otrunc : fdopt = 0x200
+ /* mmap protection */
+ const Mprotnone : mprot = 0x0
+ const Mprotrd : mprot = 0x1
+ const Mprotwr : mprot = 0x2
+ const Mprotexec : mprot = 0x4
+ const Mprotrw : mprot = 0x3 /* convenience */
+ /* mmap options */
+ const Mshared : mopt = 0x1
+ const Mpriv : mopt = 0x2
+ const Mfixed : mopt = 0x10
+ const Mfile : mopt = 0x0
+ const Manon : mopt = 0x20
+ const M32bit : mopt = 0x40
+ /* return value for a failed mapping */
+ const Mapbad : byte* = -1 castto(byte*)
+ /* syscalls */
+ const Sysread : scno = 0
+ const Syswrite : scno = 1
+ const Sysopen : scno = 2
+ const Sysclose : scno = 3
+ const Sysstat : scno = 4
+ const Sysfstat : scno = 5
+ const Syslstat : scno = 6
+ const Syspoll : scno = 7
+ const Syslseek : scno = 8
+ const Sysmmap : scno = 9
+ const Sysmprotect : scno = 10
+ const Sysmunmap : scno = 11
+ const Sysbrk : scno = 12
+ const Sysrt_sigaction : scno = 13
+ const Sysrt_sigprocmask : scno = 14
+ const Sysrt_sigreturn : scno = 15
+ const Sysioctl : scno = 16
+ const Syspread64 : scno = 17
+ const Syspwrite64 : scno = 18
+ const Sysreadv : scno = 19
+ const Syswritev : scno = 20
+ const Sysaccess : scno = 21
+ const Syspipe : scno = 22
+ const Sysselect : scno = 23
+ const Syssched_yield : scno = 24
+ const Sysmremap : scno = 25
+ const Sysmsync : scno = 26
+ const Sysmincore : scno = 27
+ const Sysmadvise : scno = 28
+ const Sysshmget : scno = 29
+ const Sysshmat : scno = 30
+ const Sysshmctl : scno = 31
+ const Sysdup : scno = 32
+ const Sysdup2 : scno = 33
+ const Syspause : scno = 34
+ const Sysnanosleep : scno = 35
+ const Sysgetitimer : scno = 36
+ const Sysalarm : scno = 37
+ const Syssetitimer : scno = 38
+ const Sysgetpid : scno = 39
+ const Syssendfile : scno = 40
+ const Syssocket : scno = 41
+ const Sysconnect : scno = 42
+ const Sysaccept : scno = 43
+ const Syssendto : scno = 44
+ const Sysrecvfrom : scno = 45
+ const Syssendmsg : scno = 46
+ const Sysrecvmsg : scno = 47
+ const Sysshutdown : scno = 48
+ const Sysbind : scno = 49
+ const Syslisten : scno = 50
+ const Sysgetsockname : scno = 51
+ const Sysgetpeername : scno = 52
+ const Syssocketpair : scno = 53
+ const Syssetsockopt : scno = 54
+ const Sysgetsockopt : scno = 55
+ const Sysclone : scno = 56
+ const Sysfork : scno = 57
+ const Sysvfork : scno = 58
+ const Sysexecve : scno = 59
+ const Sysexit : scno = 60
+ const Syswait4 : scno = 61
+ const Syskill : scno = 62
+ const Sysuname : scno = 63
+ const Syssemget : scno = 64
+ const Syssemop : scno = 65
+ const Syssemctl : scno = 66
+ const Sysshmdt : scno = 67
+ const Sysmsgget : scno = 68
+ const Sysmsgsnd : scno = 69
+ const Sysmsgrcv : scno = 70
+ const Sysmsgctl : scno = 71
+ const Sysfcntl : scno = 72
+ const Sysflock : scno = 73
+ const Sysfsync : scno = 74
+ const Sysfdatasync : scno = 75
+ const Systruncate : scno = 76
+ const Sysftruncate : scno = 77
+ const Sysgetdents : scno = 78
+ const Sysgetcwd : scno = 79
+ const Syschdir : scno = 80
+ const Sysfchdir : scno = 81
+ const Sysrename : scno = 82
+ const Sysmkdir : scno = 83
+ const Sysrmdir : scno = 84
+ const Syscreat : scno = 85
+ const Syslink : scno = 86
+ const Sysunlink : scno = 87
+ const Syssymlink : scno = 88
+ const Sysreadlink : scno = 89
+ const Syschmod : scno = 90
+ const Sysfchmod : scno = 91
+ const Syschown : scno = 92
+ const Sysfchown : scno = 93
+ const Syslchown : scno = 94
+ const Sysumask : scno = 95
+ const Sysgettimeofday : scno = 96
+ const Sysgetrlimit : scno = 97
+ const Sysgetrusage : scno = 98
+ const Syssysinfo : scno = 99
+ const Systimes : scno = 100
+ const Sysptrace : scno = 101
+ const Sysgetuid : scno = 102
+ const Syssyslog : scno = 103
+ const Sysgetgid : scno = 104
+ const Syssetuid : scno = 105
+ const Syssetgid : scno = 106
+ const Sysgeteuid : scno = 107
+ const Sysgetegid : scno = 108
+ const Syssetpgid : scno = 109
+ const Sysgetppid : scno = 110
+ const Sysgetpgrp : scno = 111
+ const Syssetsid : scno = 112
+ const Syssetreuid : scno = 113
+ const Syssetregid : scno = 114
+ const Sysgetgroups : scno = 115
+ const Syssetgroups : scno = 116
+ const Syssetresuid : scno = 117
+ const Sysgetresuid : scno = 118
+ const Syssetresgid : scno = 119
+ const Sysgetresgid : scno = 120
+ const Sysgetpgid : scno = 121
+ const Syssetfsuid : scno = 122
+ const Syssetfsgid : scno = 123
+ const Sysgetsid : scno = 124
+ const Syscapget : scno = 125
+ const Syscapset : scno = 126
+ const Sysrt_sigpending : scno = 127
+ const Sysrt_sigtimedwait : scno = 128
+ const Sysrt_sigqueueinfo : scno = 129
+ const Sysrt_sigsuspend : scno = 130
+ const Syssigaltstack : scno = 131
+ const Sysutime : scno = 132
+ const Sysmknod : scno = 133
+ const Sysuselib : scno = 134
+ const Syspersonality : scno = 135
+ const Sysustat : scno = 136
+ const Sysstatfs : scno = 137
+ const Sysfstatfs : scno = 138
+ const Syssysfs : scno = 139
+ const Sysgetpriority : scno = 140
+ const Syssetpriority : scno = 141
+ const Syssched_setparam : scno = 142
+ const Syssched_getparam : scno = 143
+ const Syssched_setscheduler : scno = 144
+ const Syssched_getscheduler : scno = 145
+ const Syssched_get_priority_max : scno = 146
+ const Syssched_get_priority_min : scno = 147
+ const Syssched_rr_get_interval : scno = 148
+ const Sysmlock : scno = 149
+ const Sysmunlock : scno = 150
+ const Sysmlockall : scno = 151
+ const Sysmunlockall : scno = 152
+ const Sysvhangup : scno = 153
+ const Sysmodify_ldt : scno = 154
+ const Syspivot_root : scno = 155
+ const Sys_sysctl : scno = 156
+ const Sysprctl : scno = 157
+ const Sysarch_prctl : scno = 158
+ const Sysadjtimex : scno = 159
+ const Syssetrlimit : scno = 160
+ const Syschroot : scno = 161
+ const Syssync : scno = 162
+ const Sysacct : scno = 163
+ const Syssettimeofday : scno = 164
+ const Sysmount : scno = 165
+ const Sysumount2 : scno = 166
+ const Sysswapon : scno = 167
+ const Sysswapoff : scno = 168
+ const Sysreboot : scno = 169
+ const Syssethostname : scno = 170
+ const Syssetdomainname : scno = 171
+ const Sysiopl : scno = 172
+ const Sysioperm : scno = 173
+ const Syscreate_module : scno = 174
+ const Sysinit_module : scno = 175
+ const Sysdelete_module : scno = 176
+ const Sysget_kernel_syms : scno = 177
+ const Sysquery_module : scno = 178
+ const Sysquotactl : scno = 179
+ const Sysnfsservctl : scno = 180
+ const Sysgetpmsg : scno = 181
+ const Sysputpmsg : scno = 182
+ const Sysafs_syscall : scno = 183
+ const Systuxcall : scno = 184
+ const Syssecurity : scno = 185
+ const Sysgettid : scno = 186
+ const Sysreadahead : scno = 187
+ const Syssetxattr : scno = 188
+ const Syslsetxattr : scno = 189
+ const Sysfsetxattr : scno = 190
+ const Sysgetxattr : scno = 191
+ const Syslgetxattr : scno = 192
+ const Sysfgetxattr : scno = 193
+ const Syslistxattr : scno = 194
+ const Sysllistxattr : scno = 195
+ const Sysflistxattr : scno = 196
+ const Sysremovexattr : scno = 197
+ const Syslremovexattr : scno = 198
+ const Sysfremovexattr : scno = 199
+ const Systkill : scno = 200
+ const Systime : scno = 201
+ const Sysfutex : scno = 202
+ const Syssched_setaffinity : scno = 203
+ const Syssched_getaffinity : scno = 204
+ const Sysset_thread_area : scno = 205
+ const Sysio_setup : scno = 206
+ const Sysio_destroy : scno = 207
+ const Sysio_getevents : scno = 208
+ const Sysio_submit : scno = 209
+ const Sysio_cancel : scno = 210
+ const Sysget_thread_area : scno = 211
+ const Syslookup_dcookie : scno = 212
+ const Sysepoll_create : scno = 213
+ const Sysepoll_ctl_old : scno = 214
+ const Sysepoll_wait_old : scno = 215
+ const Sysremap_file_pages : scno = 216
+ const Sysgetdents64 : scno = 217
+ const Sysset_tid_address : scno = 218
+ const Sysrestart_syscall : scno = 219
+ const Syssemtimedop : scno = 220
+ const Sysfadvise64 : scno = 221
+ const Systimer_create : scno = 222
+ const Systimer_settime : scno = 223
+ const Systimer_gettime : scno = 224
+ const Systimer_getoverrun : scno = 225
+ const Systimer_delete : scno = 226
+ const Sysclock_settime : scno = 227
+ const Sysclock_gettime : scno = 228
+ const Sysclock_getres : scno = 229
+ const Sysclock_nanosleep : scno = 230
+ const Sysexit_group : scno = 231
+ const Sysepoll_wait : scno = 232
+ const Sysepoll_ctl : scno = 233
+ const Systgkill : scno = 234
+ const Sysutimes : scno = 235
+ const Sysvserver : scno = 236
+ const Sysmbind : scno = 237
+ const Sysset_mempolicy : scno = 238
+ const Sysget_mempolicy : scno = 239
+ const Sysmq_open : scno = 240
+ const Sysmq_unlink : scno = 241
+ const Sysmq_timedsend : scno = 242
+ const Sysmq_timedreceive : scno = 243
+ const Sysmq_notify : scno = 244
+ const Sysmq_getsetattr : scno = 245
+ const Syskexec_load : scno = 246
+ const Syswaitid : scno = 247
+ const Sysadd_key : scno = 248
+ const Sysrequest_key : scno = 249
+ const Syskeyctl : scno = 250
+ const Sysioprio_set : scno = 251
+ const Sysioprio_get : scno = 252
+ const Sysinotify_init : scno = 253
+ const Sysinotify_add_watch : scno = 254
+ const Sysinotify_rm_watch : scno = 255
+ const Sysmigrate_pages : scno = 256
+ const Sysopenat : scno = 257
+ const Sysmkdirat : scno = 258
+ const Sysmknodat : scno = 259
+ const Sysfchownat : scno = 260
+ const Sysfutimesat : scno = 261
+ const Sysnewfstatat : scno = 262
+ const Sysunlinkat : scno = 263
+ const Sysrenameat : scno = 264
+ const Syslinkat : scno = 265
+ const Syssymlinkat : scno = 266
+ const Sysreadlinkat : scno = 267
+ const Sysfchmodat : scno = 268
+ const Sysfaccessat : scno = 269
+ const Syspselect6 : scno = 270
+ const Sysppoll : scno = 271
+ const Sysunshare : scno = 272
+ const Sysset_robust_list : scno = 273
+ const Sysget_robust_list : scno = 274
+ const Syssplice : scno = 275
+ const Systee : scno = 276
+ const Syssync_file_range : scno = 277
+ const Sysvmsplice : scno = 278
+ const Sysmove_pages : scno = 279
+ const Sysutimensat : scno = 280
+ const Sysepoll_pwait : scno = 281
+ const Syssignalfd : scno = 282
+ const Systimerfd_create : scno = 283
+ const Syseventfd : scno = 284
+ const Sysfallocate : scno = 285
+ const Systimerfd_settime : scno = 286
+ const Systimerfd_gettime : scno = 287
+ const Sysaccept4 : scno = 288
+ const Syssignalfd4 : scno = 289
+ const Syseventfd2 : scno = 290
+ const Sysepoll_create1 : scno = 291
+ const Sysdup3 : scno = 292
+ const Syspipe2 : scno = 293
+ const Sysinotify_init1 : scno = 294
+ const Syspreadv : scno = 295
+ const Syspwritev : scno = 296
+ const Sysrt_tgsigqueueinfo : scno = 297
+ const Sysperf_event_open : scno = 298
+ const Sysrecvmmsg : scno = 299
+ const Sysfanotify_init : scno = 300
+ const Sysfanotify_mark : scno = 301
+ const Sysprlimit64 : scno = 302
+ const Sysname_to_handle_at : scno = 303
+ const Sysopen_by_handle_at : scno = 304
+ const Sysclock_adjtime : scno = 305
+ const Syssyncfs : scno = 306
+ const Syssendmmsg : scno = 307
+ const Syssetns : scno = 308
+ const Sysgetcpu : scno = 309
+ const Sysprocess_vm_readv : scno = 310
+ const Sysprocess_vm_writev : scno = 311
+ extern const syscall : (sc:scno, args:... -> int64)
+ const exit : (status:int64 -> void)
+ const getpid : ( -> int64)
+ const kill : (pid:int64, sig:int64 -> int64)
+ const open : (path:byte[:], opts:fdopt, mode:int64 -> int64)
+ const close : (fd:int64 -> int64)
+ const creat : (path:byte[:], mode:int64 -> int64)
+ const read : (fd:int64, buf:byte[:] -> int64)
+ const write : (fd:int64, buf:byte[:] -> int64)
+ const lseek : (fd:int64, off:uint64, whence:int64 -> int64)
+ const fstat : (fd:int64, sb:statbuf* -> int64)
+ const munmap : (addr:byte*, len:size -> int64)
+ const mmap : (addr:byte*, len:size, prot:mprot, flags:mopt, fd:int64, off:off -> byte*)
+const exit = {status; syscall(Sysexit, 1);}
+const getpid = {; -> syscall(Sysgetpid, 1);}
+const kill = {pid, sig; -> syscall(Syskill, pid, sig);}
+const open = {path, opts, mode; -> syscall(Sysopen, path castto(char*), opts);}
+const close = {fd; -> syscall(Sysclose, fd);}
+const creat = {path, mode; -> syscall(Syscreat, path castto(char*), mode);}
+const read = {fd, buf; -> syscall(Sysread, fd, buf castto(char*), buf.len);}
+const write = {fd, buf; -> syscall(Syswrite, fd, buf castto(char*), buf.len castto(size));}
+const lseek = {fd, off, whence; -> syscall(Syslseek, fd, off, whence);}
+const fstat = {fd, sb; -> syscall(Sysfstat, fd, sb);}
+const munmap = {addr, len; -> syscall(Sysmunmap, addr, len);}
+const mmap = {addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off; -> syscall(Sysmmap, addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off) castto(byte*);}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/sys-osx.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,444 @@
+use "types.use"
+pkg std =
+ type scno = int64
+ type fdopt = int64
+ type mprot = int64
+ type mopt = int64
+ type timespec = struct
+ secs : uint64
+ nsecs : uint32
+ ;;
+ type statbuf = struct
+ dev : int32
+ mode : uint16
+ nlink : uint32
+ ino : uint64 /* 32/64? which do I use? */
+ uid : uint32
+ gid : uint32
+ rdev : int32
+ atimesspec : timespec
+ mtimesspec : timespec
+ ctimesspec : timespec
+ btimesspec : timespec
+ size : off
+ blocks : uint
+ blocksz : uint
+ flags : uint32
+ gen : uint32
+ lspare : int32
+ qspare0 : int64
+ qspare1 : int64
+ ;;
+ /* open options */
+ const Ordonly : fdopt = 0x0
+ const Owronly : fdopt = 0x1
+ const Ordwr : fdopt = 0x2
+ const Ondelay : fdopt = 0x4
+ const Oappend : fdopt = 0x8
+ const Ocreat : fdopt = 0x200
+ const Onofollow : fdopt = 0x100
+ const Otrunc : fdopt = 0x400
+ /* mmap protection */
+ const Mprotnone : mprot = 0x0
+ const Mprotrd : mprot = 0x1
+ const Mprotwr : mprot = 0x2
+ const Mprotexec : mprot = 0x4
+ const Mprotrw : mprot = 0x3
+ /* mmap options */
+ const Mshared : mopt = 0x1
+ const Mpriv : mopt = 0x2
+ const Mfixed : mopt = 0x10
+ const Mfile : mopt = 0x0
+ const Manon : mopt = 0x1000
+ /* Only on Linux
+ const M32bit : mopt = 0x40
+ */
+ /* return value for a failed mapping */
+ const Mapbad : byte* = -1 castto(byte*)
+ /* syscalls.
+ note, creat() implemented as open(path, Creat|Trunc|Wronly) */
+ const Syssyscall : scno = 0x2000000
+ const Sysexit : scno = 0x2000001
+ const Sysfork : scno = 0x2000002
+ const Sysread : scno = 0x2000003
+ const Syswrite : scno = 0x2000004
+ const Sysopen : scno = 0x2000005
+ const Sysclose : scno = 0x2000006
+ const Syswait4 : scno = 0x2000007
+ const Syslink : scno = 0x2000009
+ const Sysunlink : scno = 0x200000a
+ const Syschdir : scno = 0x200000c
+ const Sysfchdir : scno = 0x200000d
+ const Sysmknod : scno = 0x200000e
+ const Syschmod : scno = 0x200000f
+ const Syschown : scno = 0x2000010
+ const Sysgetfsstat : scno = 0x2000012
+ const Sysgetpid : scno = 0x2000014
+ const Syssetuid : scno = 0x2000017
+ const Sysgetuid : scno = 0x2000018
+ const Sysgeteuid : scno = 0x2000019
+ const Sysptrace : scno = 0x200001a
+ const Sysrecvmsg : scno = 0x200001b
+ const Syssendmsg : scno = 0x200001c
+ const Sysrecvfrom : scno = 0x200001d
+ const Sysaccept : scno = 0x200001e
+ const Sysgetpeername : scno = 0x200001f
+ const Sysgetsockname : scno = 0x2000020
+ const Sysaccess : scno = 0x2000021
+ const Syschflags : scno = 0x2000022
+ const Sysfchflags : scno = 0x2000023
+ const Syssync : scno = 0x2000024
+ const Syskill : scno = 0x2000025
+ const Sysgetppid : scno = 0x2000027
+ const Sysdup : scno = 0x2000029
+ const Syspipe : scno = 0x200002a
+ const Sysgetegid : scno = 0x200002b
+ const Sysprofil : scno = 0x200002c
+ const Syssigaction : scno = 0x200002e
+ const Sysgetgid : scno = 0x200002f
+ const Syssigprocmask : scno = 0x2000030
+ const Sysgetlogin : scno = 0x2000031
+ const Syssetlogin : scno = 0x2000032
+ const Sysacct : scno = 0x2000033
+ const Syssigpending : scno = 0x2000034
+ const Syssigaltstack : scno = 0x2000035
+ const Sysioctl : scno = 0x2000036
+ const Sysreboot : scno = 0x2000037
+ const Sysrevoke : scno = 0x2000038
+ const Syssymlink : scno = 0x2000039
+ const Sysreadlink : scno = 0x200003a
+ const Sysexecve : scno = 0x200003b
+ const Sysumask : scno = 0x200003c
+ const Syschroot : scno = 0x200003d
+ const Sysmsync : scno = 0x2000041
+ const Sysvfork : scno = 0x2000042
+ const Sysmunmap : scno = 0x2000049
+ const Sysmprotect : scno = 0x200004a
+ const Sysmadvise : scno = 0x200004b
+ const Sysmincore : scno = 0x200004e
+ const Sysgetgroups : scno = 0x200004f
+ const Syssetgroups : scno = 0x2000050
+ const Sysgetpgrp : scno = 0x2000051
+ const Syssetpgid : scno = 0x2000052
+ const Syssetitimer : scno = 0x2000053
+ const Sysswapon : scno = 0x2000055
+ const Sysgetitimer : scno = 0x2000056
+ const Sysgetdtablesize : scno = 0x2000059
+ const Sysdup2 : scno = 0x200005a
+ const Sysfcntl : scno = 0x200005c
+ const Sysselect : scno = 0x200005d
+ const Sysfsync : scno = 0x200005f
+ const Syssetpriority : scno = 0x2000060
+ const Syssocket : scno = 0x2000061
+ const Sysconnect : scno = 0x2000062
+ const Sysgetpriority : scno = 0x2000064
+ const Sysbind : scno = 0x2000068
+ const Syssetsockopt : scno = 0x2000069
+ const Syslisten : scno = 0x200006a
+ const Syssigsuspend : scno = 0x200006f
+ const Sysgettimeofday : scno = 0x2000074
+ const Sysgetrusage : scno = 0x2000075
+ const Sysgetsockopt : scno = 0x2000076
+ const Sysreadv : scno = 0x2000078
+ const Syswritev : scno = 0x2000079
+ const Syssettimeofday : scno = 0x200007a
+ const Sysfchown : scno = 0x200007b
+ const Sysfchmod : scno = 0x200007c
+ const Syssetreuid : scno = 0x200007e
+ const Syssetregid : scno = 0x200007f
+ const Sysrename : scno = 0x2000080
+ const Sysflock : scno = 0x2000083
+ const Sysmkfifo : scno = 0x2000084
+ const Syssendto : scno = 0x2000085
+ const Sysshutdown : scno = 0x2000086
+ const Syssocketpair : scno = 0x2000087
+ const Sysmkdir : scno = 0x2000088
+ const Sysrmdir : scno = 0x2000089
+ const Sysutimes : scno = 0x200008a
+ const Sysfutimes : scno = 0x200008b
+ const Sysadjtime : scno = 0x200008c
+ const Sysgethostuuid : scno = 0x200008e
+ const Syssetsid : scno = 0x2000093
+ const Sysgetpgid : scno = 0x2000097
+ const Syssetprivexec : scno = 0x2000098
+ const Syspread : scno = 0x2000099
+ const Syspwrite : scno = 0x200009a
+ const Sysnfssvc : scno = 0x200009b
+ const Sysstatfs : scno = 0x200009d
+ const Sysfstatfs : scno = 0x200009e
+ const Sysunmount : scno = 0x200009f
+ const Sysgetfh : scno = 0x20000a1
+ const Sysquotactl : scno = 0x20000a5
+ const Sysmount : scno = 0x20000a7
+ const Syscsops : scno = 0x20000a9
+ const Syswaitid : scno = 0x20000ad
+ const Sysadd_profil : scno = 0x20000b0
+ const Syskdebug_trace : scno = 0x20000b4
+ const Syssetgid : scno = 0x20000b5
+ const Syssetegid : scno = 0x20000b6
+ const Sysseteuid : scno = 0x20000b7
+ const Syssigreturn : scno = 0x20000b8
+ const Syschud : scno = 0x20000b9
+ const Sysfdatasync : scno = 0x20000bb
+ const Sysstat : scno = 0x20000bc
+ const Sysfstat : scno = 0x20000bd
+ const Syslstat : scno = 0x20000be
+ const Syspathconf : scno = 0x20000bf
+ const Sysfpathconf : scno = 0x20000c0
+ const Sysgetrlimit : scno = 0x20000c2
+ const Syssetrlimit : scno = 0x20000c3
+ const Sysgetdirentries : scno = 0x20000c4
+ const Sysmmap : scno = 0x20000c5
+ const Syslseek : scno = 0x20000c7
+ const Systruncate : scno = 0x20000c8
+ const Sysftruncate : scno = 0x20000c9
+ const Sys__sysctl : scno = 0x20000ca
+ const Sysmlock : scno = 0x20000cb
+ const Sysmunlock : scno = 0x20000cc
+ const Sysundelete : scno = 0x20000cd
+ const SysATsocket : scno = 0x20000ce
+ const SysATgetmsg : scno = 0x20000cf
+ const SysATputmsg : scno = 0x20000d0
+ const SysATPsndreq : scno = 0x20000d1
+ const SysATPsndrsp : scno = 0x20000d2
+ const SysATPgetreq : scno = 0x20000d3
+ const SysATPgetrsp : scno = 0x20000d4
+ const Sysmkcomplex : scno = 0x20000d8
+ const Sysstatv : scno = 0x20000d9
+ const Syslstatv : scno = 0x20000da
+ const Sysfstatv : scno = 0x20000db
+ const Sysgetattrlist : scno = 0x20000dc
+ const Syssetattrlist : scno = 0x20000dd
+ const Sysgetdirentriesattr : scno = 0x20000de
+ const Sysexchangedata : scno = 0x20000df
+ const Syssearchfs : scno = 0x20000e1
+ const Sysdelete : scno = 0x20000e2
+ const Syscopyfile : scno = 0x20000e3
+ const Sysfgetattrlist : scno = 0x20000e4
+ const Sysfsetattrlist : scno = 0x20000e5
+ const Syspoll : scno = 0x20000e6
+ const Syswatchevent : scno = 0x20000e7
+ const Syswaitevent : scno = 0x20000e8
+ const Sysmodwatch : scno = 0x20000e9
+ const Sysgetxattr : scno = 0x20000ea
+ const Sysfgetxattr : scno = 0x20000eb
+ const Syssetxattr : scno = 0x20000ec
+ const Sysfsetxattr : scno = 0x20000ed
+ const Sysremovexattr : scno = 0x20000ee
+ const Sysfremovexattr : scno = 0x20000ef
+ const Syslistxattr : scno = 0x20000f0
+ const Sysflistxattr : scno = 0x20000f1
+ const Sysfsctl : scno = 0x20000f2
+ const Sysinitgroups : scno = 0x20000f3
+ const Sysposix_spawn : scno = 0x20000f4
+ const Sysffsctl : scno = 0x20000f5
+ const Sysnfsclnt : scno = 0x20000f7
+ const Sysfhopen : scno = 0x20000f8
+ const Sysminherit : scno = 0x20000fa
+ const Syssemsys : scno = 0x20000fb
+ const Sysmsgsys : scno = 0x20000fc
+ const Sysshmsys : scno = 0x20000fd
+ const Syssemctl : scno = 0x20000fe
+ const Syssemget : scno = 0x20000ff
+ const Syssemop : scno = 0x2000100
+ const Sysmsgctl : scno = 0x2000102
+ const Sysmsgget : scno = 0x2000103
+ const Sysmsgsnd : scno = 0x2000104
+ const Sysmsgrcv : scno = 0x2000105
+ const Sysshmat : scno = 0x2000106
+ const Sysshmctl : scno = 0x2000107
+ const Sysshmdt : scno = 0x2000108
+ const Sysshmget : scno = 0x2000109
+ const Sysshm_open : scno = 0x200010a
+ const Sysshm_unlink : scno = 0x200010b
+ const Syssem_open : scno = 0x200010c
+ const Syssem_close : scno = 0x200010d
+ const Syssem_unlink : scno = 0x200010e
+ const Syssem_wait : scno = 0x200010f
+ const Syssem_trywait : scno = 0x2000110
+ const Syssem_post : scno = 0x2000111
+ const Syssem_getvalue : scno = 0x2000112
+ const Syssem_init : scno = 0x2000113
+ const Syssem_destroy : scno = 0x2000114
+ const Sysopen_extended : scno = 0x2000115
+ const Sysumask_extended : scno = 0x2000116
+ const Sysstat_extended : scno = 0x2000117
+ const Syslstat_extended : scno = 0x2000118
+ const Sysfstat_extended : scno = 0x2000119
+ const Syschmod_extended : scno = 0x200011a
+ const Sysfchmod_extended : scno = 0x200011b
+ const Sysaccess_extended : scno = 0x200011c
+ const Syssettid : scno = 0x200011d
+ const Sysgettid : scno = 0x200011e
+ const Syssetsgroups : scno = 0x200011f
+ const Sysgetsgroups : scno = 0x2000120
+ const Syssetwgroups : scno = 0x2000121
+ const Sysgetwgroups : scno = 0x2000122
+ const Sysmkfifo_extended : scno = 0x2000123
+ const Sysmkdir_extended : scno = 0x2000124
+ const Sysidentitysvc : scno = 0x2000125
+ const Sysshared_region_check_np : scno = 0x2000126
+ const Sysshared_region_map_np : scno = 0x2000127
+ const Sysvm_pressure_monitor : scno = 0x2000128
+ const Syspsynch_rw_longrdlock : scno = 0x2000129
+ const Syspsynch_rw_yieldwrlock : scno = 0x200012a
+ const Syspsynch_rw_downgrade : scno = 0x200012b
+ const Syspsynch_rw_upgrade : scno = 0x200012c
+ const Syspsynch_mutexwait : scno = 0x200012d
+ const Syspsynch_mutexdrop : scno = 0x200012e
+ const Syspsynch_cvbroad : scno = 0x200012f
+ const Syspsynch_cvsignal : scno = 0x2000130
+ const Syspsynch_cvwait : scno = 0x2000131
+ const Syspsynch_rw_rdlock : scno = 0x2000132
+ const Syspsynch_rw_wrlock : scno = 0x2000133
+ const Syspsynch_rw_unlock : scno = 0x2000134
+ const Syspsynch_rw_unlock2 : scno = 0x2000135
+ const Sysgetsid : scno = 0x2000136
+ const Syssettid_with_pid : scno = 0x2000137
+ const Sysaio_fsync : scno = 0x2000139
+ const Sysaio_return : scno = 0x200013a
+ const Sysaio_suspend : scno = 0x200013b
+ const Sysaio_cancel : scno = 0x200013c
+ const Sysaio_error : scno = 0x200013d
+ const Sysaio_read : scno = 0x200013e
+ const Sysaio_write : scno = 0x200013f
+ const Syslio_listio : scno = 0x2000140
+ const Sysiopolicysys : scno = 0x2000142
+ const Sysmlockall : scno = 0x2000144
+ const Sysmunlockall : scno = 0x2000145
+ const Sysissetugid : scno = 0x2000147
+ const Sys__pthread_kill : scno = 0x2000148
+ const Sys__pthread_sigmask : scno = 0x2000149
+ const Sys__sigwait : scno = 0x200014a
+ const Sys__disable_threadsignal : scno = 0x200014b
+ const Sys__pthread_markcancel : scno = 0x200014c
+ const Sys__pthread_canceled : scno = 0x200014d
+ const Sys__semwait_signal : scno = 0x200014e
+ const Sysproc_info : scno = 0x2000150
+ const Syssendfile : scno = 0x2000151
+ const Sysstat64 : scno = 0x2000152
+ const Sysfstat64 : scno = 0x2000153
+ const Syslstat64 : scno = 0x2000154
+ const Sysstat64_extended : scno = 0x2000155
+ const Syslstat64_extended : scno = 0x2000156
+ const Sysfstat64_extended : scno = 0x2000157
+ const Sysgetdirentries64 : scno = 0x2000158
+ const Sysstatfs64 : scno = 0x2000159
+ const Sysfstatfs64 : scno = 0x200015a
+ const Sysgetfsstat64 : scno = 0x200015b
+ const Sys__pthread_chdir : scno = 0x200015c
+ const Sys__pthread_fchdir : scno = 0x200015d
+ const Sysaudit : scno = 0x200015e
+ const Sysauditon : scno = 0x200015f
+ const Sysgetauid : scno = 0x2000161
+ const Syssetauid : scno = 0x2000162
+ const Sysgetaudit : scno = 0x2000163
+ const Syssetaudit : scno = 0x2000164
+ const Sysgetaudit_addr : scno = 0x2000165
+ const Syssetaudit_addr : scno = 0x2000166
+ const Sysauditctl : scno = 0x2000167
+ const Sysbsdthread_create : scno = 0x2000168
+ const Sysbsdthread_terminate : scno = 0x2000169
+ const Syskqueue : scno = 0x200016a
+ const Syskevent : scno = 0x200016b
+ const Syslchown : scno = 0x200016c
+ const Sysstack_snapshot : scno = 0x200016d
+ const Sysbsdthread_register : scno = 0x200016e
+ const Sysworkq_open : scno = 0x200016f
+ const Sysworkq_kernreturn : scno = 0x2000170
+ const Syskevent64 : scno = 0x2000171
+ const Sys__old_semwait_signal : scno = 0x2000172
+ const Sys__old_semwait_signal_nocancel : scno = 0x2000173
+ const Systhread_selfid : scno = 0x2000174
+ const Sys__mac_execve : scno = 0x200017c
+ const Sys__mac_syscall : scno = 0x200017d
+ const Sys__mac_get_file : scno = 0x200017e
+ const Sys__mac_set_file : scno = 0x200017f
+ const Sys__mac_get_link : scno = 0x2000180
+ const Sys__mac_set_link : scno = 0x2000181
+ const Sys__mac_get_proc : scno = 0x2000182
+ const Sys__mac_set_proc : scno = 0x2000183
+ const Sys__mac_get_fd : scno = 0x2000184
+ const Sys__mac_set_fd : scno = 0x2000185
+ const Sys__mac_get_pid : scno = 0x2000186
+ const Sys__mac_get_lcid : scno = 0x2000187
+ const Sys__mac_get_lctx : scno = 0x2000188
+ const Sys__mac_set_lctx : scno = 0x2000189
+ const Syssetlcid : scno = 0x200018a
+ const Sysgetlcid : scno = 0x200018b
+ const Sysread_nocancel : scno = 0x200018c
+ const Syswrite_nocancel : scno = 0x200018d
+ const Sysopen_nocancel : scno = 0x200018e
+ const Sysclose_nocancel : scno = 0x200018f
+ const Syswait4_nocancel : scno = 0x2000190
+ const Sysrecvmsg_nocancel : scno = 0x2000191
+ const Syssendmsg_nocancel : scno = 0x2000192
+ const Sysrecvfrom_nocancel : scno = 0x2000193
+ const Sysaccept_nocancel : scno = 0x2000194
+ const Sysmsync_nocancel : scno = 0x2000195
+ const Sysfcntl_nocancel : scno = 0x2000196
+ const Sysselect_nocancel : scno = 0x2000197
+ const Sysfsync_nocancel : scno = 0x2000198
+ const Sysconnect_nocancel : scno = 0x2000199
+ const Syssigsuspend_nocancel : scno = 0x200019a
+ const Sysreadv_nocancel : scno = 0x200019b
+ const Syswritev_nocancel : scno = 0x200019c
+ const Syssendto_nocancel : scno = 0x200019d
+ const Syspread_nocancel : scno = 0x200019e
+ const Syspwrite_nocancel : scno = 0x200019f
+ const Syswaitid_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a0
+ const Syspoll_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a1
+ const Sysmsgsnd_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a2
+ const Sysmsgrcv_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a3
+ const Syssem_wait_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a4
+ const Sysaio_suspend_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a5
+ const Sys__sigwait_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a6
+ const Sys__semwait_signal_nocancel : scno = 0x20001a7
+ const Sys__mac_mount : scno = 0x20001a8
+ const Sys__mac_get_mount : scno = 0x20001a9
+ const Sys__mac_getfsstat : scno = 0x20001aa
+ const Sysfsgetpath : scno = 0x20001ab
+ const Sysaudit_session_self : scno = 0x20001ac
+ const Sysaudit_session_join : scno = 0x20001ad
+ const Syspid_suspend : scno = 0x20001ae
+ const Syspid_resume : scno = 0x20001af
+ const Sysfileport_makeport : scno = 0x20001b0
+ const Sysfileport_makefd : scno = 0x20001b1
+ extern const syscall : (sc:scno, args:... -> int64)
+ const exit : (status:int64 -> void)
+ const getpid : ( -> int64)
+ const kill : (pid:int64, sig:int64 -> int64)
+ const open : (path:byte[:], opts:fdopt, mode:int64 -> int64)
+ const close : (fd:int64 -> int64)
+ const creat : (path:byte[:], mode:int64 -> int64)
+ const read : (fd:int64, buf:byte[:] -> int64)
+ const write : (fd:int64, buf:byte[:] -> int64)
+ const lseek : (fd:int64, off:uint64, whence:int64 -> int64)
+ const fstat : (fd:int64, sb:statbuf* -> int64)
+ const munmap : (addr:byte*, len:size -> int64)
+ const mmap : (addr:byte*, len:size, prot:mprot, flags:mopt, fd:int64, off:off -> byte*)
+const exit = {status; syscall(Sysexit, 1);}
+const getpid = {; -> syscall(Sysgetpid, 1);}
+const kill = {pid, sig; -> syscall(Syskill, pid, sig);}
+const open = {path, opts, mode; -> syscall(Sysopen, path castto(char*), opts);}
+const close = {fd; -> syscall(Sysclose, fd);}
+const creat = {path, mode; -> open(path, Ocreat | Otrunc | Owronly, mode);}
+const read = {fd, buf; -> syscall(Sysread, fd, buf castto(char*), buf.len);}
+const write = {fd, buf; -> syscall(Syswrite, fd, buf castto(char*), buf.len castto(size));}
+const lseek = {fd, off, whence; -> syscall(Syslseek, fd, off, whence);}
+const fstat = {fd, sb; -> syscall(Sysfstat, fd, sb);}
+const munmap = {addr, len; -> syscall(Sysmunmap, addr, len);}
+const mmap = {addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off; -> syscall(Sysmmap, addr, len, prot, flags, fd, off) castto(byte*);}
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/syscall-linux.s
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+.globl std$syscall
+ pushq %rbp
+ /*
+ hack: We load 6 args regardless of
+ how many we actually have. This may
+ load junk values, but if the syscall
+ doesn't use them, it's going to be
+ harmless.
+ */
+ movq 16(%rsp),%rax
+ movq 24(%rsp),%rdi
+ movq 32(%rsp),%rsi
+ movq 40(%rsp),%rdx
+ movq 48(%rsp),%r10
+ movq 56(%rsp),%r8
+ movq 64(%rsp),%r9
+ syscall
+ popq %rbp
+ ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/syscall-osx.s
@@ -1,0 +1,22 @@
+.globl _std$syscall
+ pushq %rbp
+ /*
+ hack: We load 6 args regardless of
+ how many we actually have. This may
+ load junk values, but if the syscall
+ doesn't use them, it's going to be
+ harmless.
+ */
+ movq 16(%rsp),%rax
+ movq 24(%rsp),%rdi
+ movq 32(%rsp),%rsi
+ movq 40(%rsp),%rdx
+ movq 48(%rsp),%r10
+ movq 56(%rsp),%r8
+ movq 64(%rsp),%r9
+ syscall
+ popq %rbp
+ ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/syscall.s
@@ -1,0 +1,32 @@
+.globl std$syscall
+ pushl %ebp
+ /*
+ hack: 6 args uses %ebp, so we index
+ relative to %esp.
+ hack: We load 6 args regardless of
+ how many we actually have. This may
+ load junk values, but if the syscall
+ doesn't use them, it's going to be
+ harmless.
+ */
+ movl 8(%esp),%eax
+ movl 12(%esp),%ebx
+ movl 16(%esp),%ecx
+ movl 20(%esp),%edx
+ movl 24(%esp),%esi
+ movl 28(%esp),%edi
+ movl 32(%esp),%ebp
+ int $0x80
+ popl %ebp
+ ret
+.globl _std$syscall
+ popl %ecx /* return address */
+ popl %eax /* call num */
+ pushl %ecx
+ int $0x80
+ pushl %ecx /* put the return address back */
+ ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/test.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,69 @@
+use std
+const main = {
+ var x : byte*[1024]
+ var sz
+ var i
+ /* try the byte allocator for large variety of sizes. */
+ for sz = 1; sz < 65536; sz *= 2
+ for i = 0; i < 1024; i++
+ x[i] = std.bytealloc(sz)
+ ;;
+ for i = 0; i < 1024; i++
+ std.bytefree(x[i], sz)
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ /* make sure the generic allocator works */
+ for i = 0; i < 1024; i++
+ x[i] = std.alloc()
+ ;;
+ for i = 0; i < 1024; i++
+ ;;
+ std.write(1, "Hello, 世界\n")
+ chartypes()
+ testrng()
+ std.put("format output %i %i %s %s\n", 123, 321, "asdf", "מִלָּה")
+ std.put("format with no args\n")
+const chartypes = {
+ var s
+ var c
+ var buf : byte[32]
+ s = " 1世界 äa\n"
+ while s.len != 0
+ (c, s) = std.striter(s)
+ if std.isspace(c)
+ std.write(1, "Space\n")
+ elif std.isalpha(c)
+ std.write(1, "Alpha\n")
+ elif std.isnum(c)
+ std.write(1, "Num\n")
+ else
+ std.write(1, "Dunno\n")
+ ;;
+ if !std.encode(buf[:std.charlen(c)], c)
+ std.write(1, "couldn't encode\n")
+ ;;
+ std.write(1, buf[:std.charlen(c)])
+ std.write(1, "\n")
+ ;;
+ if !std.encode(buf[0:3], -1)
+ std.write(1, "couldn't encode\n")
+ ;;
+const testrng = {
+ var r : std.rng*
+ var i
+ r = std.mksrng(10)
+ for i = 0; i < 10; i++
+ std.put("r[%i] = %l\n", i, std.rand32(r) castto(int64))
+ ;;
+ std.put("\n");
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/types.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+pkg std =
+ type size = uint64 /* spans entire address space */
+ type off = uint64 /* file offsets */
+ type intptr = uint64 /* can hold any pointer losslessly */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/utf.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,107 @@
+use "die.use"
+use "sys.use"
+use "types.use"
+pkg std =
+ const Badchar : char = -1 castto(char)
+ const charlen : (chr : char -> size)
+ const encode : (buf : byte[:], chr : char -> size)
+ const decode : (buf : byte[:] -> char)
+ const striter : (str : byte[:] -> [char, byte[:]])
+ const strjoin : (lst : byte[:][:], delim:byte[:] -> byte[:])
+ const strsep : (str : byte[:], delim:byte[:] -> byte[:][:])
+ const strbjoin : (lst : byte[:][:], delim:byte[:] -> byte[:])
+ const strbsep : (str : byte[:], delim:byte[:] -> byte[:][:])
+const charlen = {c
+ if c < 0x80
+ -> 1
+ elif c < 0x800
+ -> 2
+ elif c < 0x10000
+ -> 3
+ elif c < 0x200000
+ -> 4
+ else
+ -> -1
+ ;;
+const encode = {buf, c
+ var len
+ var mark
+ var i
+ len = charlen(c)
+ if len < 0 || buf.len < len
+ -> -1
+ ;;
+ if (len == 1)
+ mark = 0
+ else
+ mark = (((1 << (8 - len)) - 1) ^ 0xff) castto(char)
+ ;;
+ for i = len - 1; i > 0; i--
+ buf[i] = (c & 0x3f | 0x80) castto(byte)
+ c >>= 6
+ ;;
+ buf[0] = (c | mark) castto(byte)
+ -> len
+const decode = {buf
+ var c
+ var b
+ (c, b) = striter(buf)
+ -> c
+const striter = {str
+ var len
+ var mask
+ var chr
+ var i
+ var c
+ var tmp
+ if !str.len
+ /* empty string: no resync needed */
+ -> (Badchar, str)
+ ;;
+ c = str[0]
+ len = 0
+ if c & 0x80 == 0 /* 0b0xxx_xxxx */
+ len = 1
+ elif c & 0xe0 == 0xc0 /* 0b110x_xxxx */
+ len = 2
+ elif c & 0xf0 == 0xe0 /* 0b1110_xxxx */
+ len = 3
+ elif c & 0xf8 == 0xf0 /* 0b1111_0xxx */
+ len = 4
+ else
+ /* skip one char forward so we can try
+ resyncing the character stream */
+ -> (Badchar, str[1:])
+ ;;
+ if len == 0 || len > str.len
+ /* again, we want to try to resync */
+ -> (Badchar, str[1:])
+ ;;
+ mask = (1 << (8 - len)) - 1
+ chr = (c castto(uint32)) & mask
+ for i = 1; i < len; i++
+ tmp = str[i] castto(uint32)
+ chr = (chr << 6) | (tmp & 0x3f)
+ ;;
+ -> (chr castto(char), str[len:])
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/varargs.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+use "types.use"
+pkg std =
+ type valist
+ const vastart : (args : ...* -> valist)
+ generic vanext : (ap : valist -> [@a, valist])
+type valist = byte*
+ * a valist is really just a pointer to the varargs.
+ * we assume that these sit on the stack nicely,
+ * and don't need special handling to get to.
+ *
+ * This will be a problem when we switch to a
+ * register based convention. We might want to
+ * force varargs onto the stack regardless.
+ */
+const vastart = {args
+ -> args castto(valist)
+generic vanext = {ap -> [@a, valist]
+ var v : @a
+ var align
+ var p
+ /*
+ Assumptions about the ABI:
+ * all types smaller than a word are
+ * aligned to their own size. Larger
+ * types are aligned to word size.
+ */
+ if sizeof(@a) > 8
+ align = 8
+ else
+ align = sizeof(@a)
+ ;;
+ /* apply the alignment to the arg pointer */
+ p = ap castto(intptr)
+ p = (p + align - 1) & ~(align - 1)
+ ap = p castto(valist)
+ v = *(ap castto(@a*))
+ /* only move on after we read through the value */
+ ap = ((p castto(intptr)) + sizeof(@a)) castto(valist)
+ -> (v, ap)