ref: d98a9bf8622f40b56c16ade98d0e3621249413a6
parent: 714a85cedc8eea6c4c4d95c074160e0a2ca9e477
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Sun Jan 22 15:46:07 EST 2017
Update explanation of traits and impls.
--- a/doc/lang.txt
+++ b/doc/lang.txt
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
2.2. As-If Rule
3.1. Whitespace and Keywords
- 3.2. File Structure
+ 3.2. Top Level Structure
3.3. Declarations
3.4. Packages and Uses
3.5. Scoping
@@ -19,10 +19,10 @@
4.1. Primitive Types
4.2. Composite Types
4.3. Aggregate Types
+ 4.5. Named Types
4.4. Generic Types
- 4.5. Defined Types
- 4.6. Traits and Impls
- 4.7. Type Inference
+ 4.7. Traits and Impls
+ 4.8. Type Inference
5.1. Literal Values
5.2. Expressions
@@ -132,7 +132,7 @@
interchangable. They both are used to mark the end of logical lines,
and will be uniformly referred to as line terminators.
- 3.2. File Structure:
+ 3.2. Top Level Structure:
file: (decl | package | use | implstmt | traitdef | tydef)*
@@ -459,12 +459,8 @@
`Other float32 named, but they are tagged.
4.4. Generic types:
- nametype: name ["(" typeargs ")"] | typaram
- name: ident ["." ident]
- typeargs: type ("," type)*
typaram: "@" ident ["::" paramlist]
paramlist: ident | "(" ident ("," ident)* ")"
@@ -480,41 +476,99 @@
These types must be specialized to a concrete type in order to be
- std.htab(@k, @v) A hash table with key and value
- types @k and @v.
@foo A type parameter
named '@foo'.
+ 4.6. Named Types:
- 4.5. Defined Types:
- tydef: "type" ident "(" params ")" = type
+ tydef: "type" ident ["(" params ")"] = type
params: typaram ("," typaram)*
- Users can define new types based on other types. These defined
- types may be freely cast to the base type, but are otherwise
- distinct.
+ nametype: name ["(" typeargs ")"]
+ typeargs: type ("," type)*
- A defined type can be given a set of parameters, which will
- be used when specializing it at use.
- type mine = int creates a tyname named
- 'mine', equivalent to int.
+ Users can define new types based on other types. These named
+ types may optionally have parameters, which make the type into
+ a parameterized type.
+ For example:
- type ptr(@a) = @a# creates a parameterized named
- type called `ptr`.
+ type size = int64
+ would define a new type, distinct from int64, but inheriting
+ the same traits.
+ type list(@a) = struct
+ next : list(@a)#
+ val : @a
+ ;;
+ would define a parameterized type named `list`, which takes a single
+ type parameter `@a`. When this type is used, it must be supplied a
+ type argument, which will be substituted throughout the right hand
+ side of the type definition. For example:
+ var x : list(int)
+ would specialize the above list type to an integer. All
+ specializations with compatible types are compatible. All
+ specializations with incompatible types are not compatible.
4.6. Traits and Impls:
- traitdef: "trait" ident traittypes "=" traitbody ";;"
- traittypes: typaram ["->" type ("," type)*]
- traitbody: (name ":" type)*
+ 4.6.1. Traits:
- implstmt: "impl" ident imptypes "=" implbody
- traittypes: type ["->" type ("," type)*]
- traitbody: (name [":" type] "=" expr)*
+ traitdef: "trait" ident traittypes "=" traitbody ";;"
+ traittypes: typaram ["->" type ("," type)*]
+ traitbody: (name ":" type)*
- Traits act as constraints over generic parameters.
+ Traits provide an interface that types implementing the trait
+ must conform to. They are defined using the `trait` keyword,
+ and implemented using the `impl` keyword.
+ A trait is defined over a primary type, and may also define
+ a number of auxiliary types that the implementation can make
+ more specific. The body of the trait lists a number of
+ declarations that must be implemented by the implementation of the
+ trait. This body may be empty.
+ For example:
+ trait foo @a = ;;
+ defines a trait named `foo`. This trait has an empty body. It
+ applies over a type parameter named @a.
+ The definition:
+ trait foo @a -> @aux = ;;
+ is similar, but also has a single auxiliary type. This type can be
+ used to associate types with the primary type when the impl is
+ specialized. For example:
+ trait gettable @container -> @contained =
+ const get : (c : @container -> @contained)
+ ;;
+ would define a trait that requires a get function which accepts
+ a parameter of type `@container`, and returns a value of type
+ `@contained`.
+ 4.6.2. Impls:
+ implstmt: "impl" ident imptypes "=" implbody
+ traittypes: type ["->" type ("," type)*]
+ traitbody: (name [":" type] "=" expr)*
+ Impls take the interfaces provided by traits, and attach them
+ to types, as well as providing the concrete implementation of
+ these types. The declarations are inserted into the global
+ namespace, and act identically to generics in.
+ The declarations need not be functions.
4.7. Type Inference: