ref: b92e97f95a5e15f3eb1d0776346378ff2cfd49fd
parent: 99182bb1ece37aa9bd3c2c5466c650caa10e4d4b
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Mon Jul 30 21:41:26 EDT 2012
Rename 8m to 6m Going along with the plan 9 covention still.
--- a/8/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,12 +1,0 @@
-OBJ=isel.o \
- locs.o \
- main.o \
- ra.o \
- simp.o \
-DEPS=../parse/libparse.a ../opt/libopt.a
-include ../mk/
-include ../mk/
--- a/8/asm.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,201 +1,0 @@
-#define Maxarg 4 /* maximum number of args an insn can have */
-#define Ptrsz 8 /* the size of a machine word (ie, pointer size) */
-#define K 14 /* the number of allocatable registers */
-typedef size_t regid;
-typedef struct Insn Insn;
-typedef struct Loc Loc;
-typedef struct Func Func;
-typedef struct Blob Blob;
-typedef struct Isel Isel;
-typedef struct Asmbb Asmbb;
-typedef enum {
-#define Insn(val, fmt, use, def) val,
-#include "insns.def"
-#undef Insn
-} AsmOp;
-typedef enum {
-#define Reg(r, name, mode) r,
-#include "regs.def"
-#undef Reg
- Nreg
-} Reg;
-typedef enum {
- Locnone,
- Loclbl, /* label */
- Locreg, /* register */
- Locmem, /* reg offset mem */
- Locmeml, /* label offset mem */
- Loclit, /* literal value */
- Loclitl /* label address */
-} Loctype;
-typedef enum {
- ModeNone,
- ModeB, /* byte */
- ModeS, /* short */
- ModeL, /* long */
- ModeQ, /* quad */
- ModeF, /* float32 */
- ModeD, /* float64 */
- Nmode,
-} Mode;
-struct Loc {
- Loctype type;
- Mode mode;
- union {
- char *lbl;
- struct {
- regid id;
- Reg colour;
- } reg;
- long lit;
- /* disp(base + index) */
- struct {
- /* only one of lbldisp and constdisp may be used */
- char *lbldisp;
- long constdisp;
- int scale; /* 0,1,2,4, or 8 */
- Loc *base; /* needed */
- Loc *idx; /* optional */
- } mem;
- };
-struct Insn {
- AsmOp op;
- Loc *args[Maxarg];
- size_t nargs;
-struct Func {
- char *name;
- int isexport;
- size_t stksz;
- Type *type;
- Htab *locs;
- Node *ret;
- Cfg *cfg;
-struct Asmbb {
- int id;
- char **lbls;
- size_t nlbls;
- Insn **il;
- size_t ni;
- Bitset *pred;
- Bitset *succ;
- Bitset *use;
- Bitset *def;
- Bitset *livein;
- Bitset *liveout;
-/* instruction selection state */
-struct Isel {
- Cfg *cfg; /* cfg built with nodes */
- Asmbb **bb; /* 1:1 mappings with the Node bbs in the CFG */
- size_t nbb;
- Asmbb *curbb;
- Node *ret; /* we store the return into here */
- Htab *locs; /* decl id => int stkoff */
- Htab *globls; /* decl id => char *globlname */
- /* increased when we spill */
- Loc *stksz;
- /* register allocator state */
- Bitset *prepainted; /* locations that need to be a specific colour */
- size_t *gbits; /* igraph matrix repr */
- Bitset **gadj; /* igraph adj set repr */
- int *degree; /* degree of nodes */
- Loc **aliasmap; /* mapping of aliases */
- Loc **selstk;
- size_t nselstk;
- Bitset *coalesced;
- Bitset *spilled;
- Insn ***rmoves;
- size_t *nrmoves;
- /* move sets */
- Insn **mcoalesced;
- size_t nmcoalesced;
- Insn **mconstrained;
- size_t nmconstrained;
- Insn **mfrozen;
- size_t nmfrozen;
- Insn **mactive;
- size_t nmactive;
- /* worklists */
- Insn **wlmove;
- size_t nwlmove;
- Loc **wlspill;
- size_t nwlspill;
- Loc **wlfreeze;
- size_t nwlfreeze;
- Loc **wlsimp;
- size_t nwlsimp;
-/* entry points */
-void genblob(FILE *fd, Node *blob, Htab *globls);
-void genasm(FILE *fd, Func *fn, Htab *globls);
-void gen(Node *file, char *out);
-/* location generation */
-extern size_t maxregid;
-extern Loc **locmap; /* mapping from reg id => Loc * */
-char *genlblstr(char *buf, size_t sz);
-Node *genlbl(void);
-Loc *loclbl(Node *lbl);
-Loc *locstrlbl(char *lbl);
-Loc *locreg(Mode m);
-Loc *locphysreg(Reg r);
-Loc *locmem(long disp, Loc *base, Loc *idx, Mode mode);
-Loc *locmeml(char *disp, Loc *base, Loc *idx, Mode mode);
-Loc *locmems(long disp, Loc *base, Loc *idx, int scale, Mode mode);
-Loc *locmemls(char *disp, Loc *base, Loc *idx, int scale, Mode mode);
-Loc *loclit(long val, Mode m);
-Loc *loclitl(char *lbl);
-Loc *coreg(Reg r, Mode m);
-void locprint(FILE *fd, Loc *l, char spec);
-void iprintf(FILE *fd, Insn *insn);
-/* register allocation */
-extern char *regnames[]; /* name table */
-extern Mode regmodes[]; /* mode table */
-void regalloc(Isel *s);
-/* useful functions */
-size_t tysize(Type *t);
-size_t size(Node *n);
-int stacktype(Type *t);
-int stacknode(Node *n);
-void breakhere();
-void dumpasm(Isel *s, FILE *fd);
--- a/8/insns.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,69 +1,0 @@
-/* Table of instructions. Each instruction
- is defined by the following macro:
- Insn(enumval, fmt, attr)
- The format string 'fmt' has the following expansions:
- %r - reg
- %m - mem
- %i - imm
- %v - reg/mem
- %u - reg/imm
- %x - reg/mem/imm
- %[1-9]*t - Mode of an operand. The optional number
- preceeding it is the operand desired for
- the mode.
- Currently, there aren't any attrs, because none were needed yet.
- Eventually, they'll probably include flag setting and so on.
- For technical reasons, the indexing on use and def statments is 1-based,
- instead of 0-based. (0 is the sentinel value).
-Insn(Inone, "BAD_INSN", Use(), Def())
-/* Note, the mov instruction is specified in an overly general manner. */
-Insn(Imov, "\tmov%t %x,%x\n", Use(.l={1}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Imovz, "\tmovz%1t%2t %x,%x\n", Use(.l={1}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Imovs, "\tmovs%1t%2t %x,%x\n", Use(.l={1}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Ilea, "\tlea%2t %m,%r\n", Use(.l={1}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Iadd, "\tadd%t %x,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Isub, "\tsub%t %x,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Iimul, "\timul%t %x,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Imul, "\tmul%t %r\n", Use(.l={1},.r={Reax}), Def(.r={Reax,Redx}))
-Insn(Idiv, "\tdiv%t %r\n", Use(.l={1},.r={Reax,Redx}), Def(.r={Reax,Redx}))
-Insn(Ineg, "\tneg%t %r\n", Use(.l={1}), Def(.l={1}))
-Insn(Iand, "\tand%t %x,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Ior, "\tor%t %x,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Ixor, "\txor%t %x,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Inot, "\tnot%t %v\n", Use(.l={1}), Def(.l={1}))
-Insn(Ishl, "\tsal%2t %u,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Isar, "\tshr%2t %u,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Ishr, "\tshr%2t %u,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Itest, "\ttest%t %x,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Icmp, "\tcmp%t %x,%r\n", Use(.l={1,2}), Def(.l={2}))
-Insn(Ipush, "\tpush%t %r\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-Insn(Ipop, "\tpop%t %r\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-/* branch instructions */
-Insn(Isetz, "\tsetz %v\n", Use(), Def(.l={1}))
-Insn(Isetnz, "\tsetnz %v\n", Use(), Def(.l={1}))
-Insn(Isetl, "\tsetl %v\n", Use(), Def(.l={1}))
-Insn(Isetle, "\tsetle %v\n", Use(), Def(.l={1}))
-Insn(Isetg, "\tsetg %v\n", Use(), Def(.l={1}))
-Insn(Isetge, "\tsetge %v\n", Use(), Def(.l={1}))
-/* branch instructions */
-Insn(Icall, "\tcall %v\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-Insn(Icallind, "\tcall *%v\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-Insn(Ijmp, "\tjmp %v\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-Insn(Ijz, "\tjz %v\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-Insn(Ijnz, "\tjnz %v\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-Insn(Ijl, "\tjl %v\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-Insn(Ijle, "\tjle %v\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-Insn(Ijg, "\tjg %v\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-Insn(Ijge, "\tjge %v\n", Use(.l={1}), Def())
-Insn(Iret, "\tret\n", Use(), Def())
-/* not really an insn... */
-Insn(Ilbl, "%v:\n", Use(), Def())
--- a/8/isel.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,900 +1,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "opt.h"
-#include "asm.h"
-#include "platform.h"
-/* string tables */
-char *insnfmts[] = {
-#define Insn(val, fmt, use, def) fmt,
-#include "insns.def"
-#undef Insn
-char modenames[] = {
- [ModeB] = 'b',
- [ModeS] = 's',
- [ModeL] = 'l',
- [ModeQ] = 'q',
- [ModeF] = 'f',
- [ModeD] = 'd'
-/* forward decls */
-Loc *selexpr(Isel *s, Node *n);
-/* used to decide which operator is appropriate
- * for implementing various conditional operators */
-struct {
- AsmOp test;
- AsmOp jmp;
- AsmOp getflag;
-} reloptab[Numops] = {
- [Olnot] = {Itest, Ijz, Isetz},
- [Oeq] = {Icmp, Ijz, Isetz},
- [One] = {Icmp, Ijnz, Isetnz},
- [Ogt] = {Icmp, Ijg, Isetg},
- [Oge] = {Icmp, Ijge, Isetge},
- [Olt] = {Icmp, Ijl, Isetl},
- [Ole] = {Icmp, Ijle, Isetle}
-static Mode mode(Node *n)
- Type *t;
- t = tybase(exprtype(n));
- switch (t->type) {
- case Tyfloat32: return ModeF; break;
- case Tyfloat64: return ModeD; break;
- default:
- if (stacktype(t))
- return ModeNone;
- switch (size(n)) {
- case 1: return ModeB; break;
- case 2: return ModeS; break;
- case 4: return ModeL; break;
- case 8: return ModeQ; break;
- }
- break;
- }
- /* FIXME: huh. what should the mode for, say, structs
- * be when we have no intention of loading /through/ the
- * pointer? */
- return ModeNone;
-static Loc *loc(Isel *s, Node *n)
- size_t stkoff;
- Loc *l, *rip;
- Node *v;
- switch (exprop(n)) {
- case Ovar:
- if (hthas(s->locs, n)) {
- stkoff = (size_t)htget(s->locs, n);
- l = locmem(-stkoff, locphysreg(Rrbp), NULL, mode(n));
- } else if (hthas(s->globls, n)) {
- if (tybase(exprtype(n))->type == Tyfunc)
- rip = NULL;
- else
- rip = locphysreg(Rrip);
- l = locmeml(htget(s->globls, n), rip, NULL, mode(n));
- } else {
- die("%s (id=%ld) not found", namestr(n->expr.args[0]), n->expr.did);
- }
- break;
- case Olit:
- v = n->expr.args[0];
- switch (v->lit.littype) {
- case Lchr: l = loclit(v->lit.chrval, mode(n)); break;
- case Lbool: l = loclit(v->lit.boolval, mode(n)); break;
- case Lint: l = loclit(v->lit.intval, mode(n)); break;
- default:
- die("Literal type %s should be blob", litstr(v->lit.littype));
- }
- break;
- default:
- die("Node %s not leaf in loc()", opstr(exprop(n)));
- break;
- }
- return l;
-static Insn *mkinsnv(AsmOp op, va_list ap)
- Loc *l;
- Insn *i;
- int n;
- n = 0;
- i = malloc(sizeof(Insn));
- i->op = op;
- while ((l = va_arg(ap, Loc*)) != NULL)
- i->args[n++] = l;
- i->nargs = n;
- return i;
-static void g(Isel *s, AsmOp op, ...)
- va_list ap;
- Insn *i;
- va_start(ap, op);
- i = mkinsnv(op, ap);
- va_end(ap);
- if (debugopt['i']) {
- printf("GEN ");
- iprintf(stdout, i);
- }
- lappend(&s->curbb->il, &s->curbb->ni, i);
-static void movz(Isel *s, Loc *src, Loc *dst)
- if (src->mode == dst->mode)
- g(s, Imov, src, dst, NULL);
- else
- g(s, Imovz, src, dst, NULL);
-static void load(Isel *s, Loc *a, Loc *b)
- Loc *l;
- assert(b->type == Locreg);
- if (a->type == Locreg)
- l = locmem(0, b, Rnone, a->mode);
- else
- l = a;
- g(s, Imov, l, b, NULL);
-static void stor(Isel *s, Loc *a, Loc *b)
- Loc *l;
- assert(a->type == Locreg || a->type == Loclit);
- if (b->type == Locreg)
- l = locmem(0, b, Rnone, b->mode);
- else
- l = b;
- g(s, Imov, a, l, NULL);
-/* ensures that a location is within a reg */
-static Loc *inr(Isel *s, Loc *a)
- Loc *r;
- if (a->type == Locreg)
- return a;
- r = locreg(a->mode);
- load(s, a, r);
- return r;
-/* ensures that a location is within a reg or an imm */
-static Loc *inri(Isel *s, Loc *a)
- if (a->type == Locreg || a->type == Loclit)
- return a;
- else
- return inr(s, a);
-/* ensures that a location is within a reg or an imm */
-static Loc *inrm(Isel *s, Loc *a)
- if (a->type == Locreg || a->type == Locmem)
- return a;
- else
- return inr(s, a);
-/* If we're testing equality, etc, it's a bit silly
- * to generate the test, store it to a bite, expand it
- * to the right width, and then test it again. Try to optimize
- * for these common cases.
- *
- * if we're doing the optimization to avoid
- * multiple tests, we want to eval the children
- * of the first arg, instead of the first arg
- * directly */
-static void selcjmp(Isel *s, Node *n, Node **args)
- Loc *a, *b;
- Loc *l1, *l2;
- AsmOp cond, jmp;
- cond = reloptab[exprop(args[0])].test;
- jmp = reloptab[exprop(args[0])].jmp;
- /* if we have a cond, we're knocking off the redundant test,
- * and want to eval the children */
- if (cond) {
- a = selexpr(s, args[0]->expr.args[0]);
- if (args[0]->expr.nargs == 2)
- b = selexpr(s, args[0]->expr.args[1]);
- else
- b = a;
- a = inr(s, a);
- } else {
- cond = Itest;
- jmp = Ijnz;
- b = inr(s, selexpr(s, args[0])); /* cond */
- a = b;
- }
- /* the jump targets will always be evaluated the same way */
- l1 = loclbl(args[1]); /* if true */
- l2 = loclbl(args[2]); /* if false */
- g(s, cond, b, a, NULL);
- g(s, jmp, l1, NULL);
- g(s, Ijmp, l2, NULL);
-static Loc *binop(Isel *s, AsmOp op, Node *x, Node *y)
- Loc *a, *b;
- a = selexpr(s, x);
- b = selexpr(s, y);
- a = inr(s, a);
- g(s, op, b, a, NULL);
- return a;
-/* We have a few common cases to optimize here:
- * Oaddr(expr)
- * or:
- * Oadd(
- * reg,
- * reg||const)
- *
- * or:
- * Oadd(
- * reg,
- * Omul(reg,
- * 2 || 4 || 8)))
- */
-static int ismergablemul(Node *n, int *r)
- int v;
- if (exprop(n) != Omul)
- return 0;
- if (exprop(n->expr.args[1]) != Olit)
- return 0;
- if (n->expr.args[1]->expr.args[0]->type != Nlit)
- return 0;
- if (n->expr.args[1]->expr.args[0]->lit.littype != Lint)
- return 0;
- v = n->expr.args[1]->expr.args[0]->lit.intval;
- if (v != 2 && v != 4 && v != 8)
- return 0;
- *r = v;
- return 1;
-static Loc *memloc(Isel *s, Node *e, Mode m)
- Node **args;
- Loc *l, *b, *o; /* location, base, offset */
- int scale;
- scale = 1;
- l = NULL;
- args = e->expr.args;
- if (exprop(e) == Oadd) {
- b = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- if (ismergablemul(args[1], &scale))
- o = selexpr(s, args[1]->expr.args[0]);
- else
- o = selexpr(s, args[1]);
- if (b->type != Locreg)
- b = inr(s, b);
- if (o->type == Loclit) {
- l = locmem(scale*o->lit, b, Rnone, m);
- } else {
- b = inr(s, b);
- o = inr(s, o);
- l = locmems(0, b, o, scale, m);
- }
- } else {
- l = selexpr(s, e);
- l = inr(s, l);
- l = locmem(0, l, Rnone, m);
- }
- assert(l != NULL);
- return l;
-static void blit(Isel *s, Loc *to, Loc *from, size_t dstoff, size_t srcoff, size_t sz)
- size_t i;
- Loc *sp, *dp; /* pointers to src, dst */
- Loc *tmp, *src, *dst; /* source memory, dst memory */
- sp = inr(s, from);
- dp = inr(s, to);
- /* Slightly funny loop condition: We might have trailing bytes
- * that we can't blit word-wise. */
- tmp = locreg(ModeL);
- for (i = 0; i < sz/4; i++) {
- src = locmem(i*4 + srcoff, sp, NULL, ModeL);
- dst = locmem(i*4 + dstoff, dp, NULL, ModeL);
- g(s, Imov, src, tmp, NULL);
- g(s, Imov, tmp, dst, NULL);
- }
- /* now, the trailing bytes */
- tmp = locreg(ModeB);
- for (; i < sz%4; i++) {
- src = locmem(i, sp, NULL, ModeB);
- dst = locmem(i, dp, NULL, ModeB);
- g(s, Imov, src, tmp, NULL);
- g(s, Imov, tmp, dst, NULL);
- }
-static Loc *gencall(Isel *s, Node *n)
- Loc *src, *dst, *arg, *fn; /* values we reduced */
- Loc *rax, *rsp; /* hard-coded registers */
- Loc *stkbump; /* calculated stack offset */
- int argsz, argoff;
- size_t i;
- rsp = locphysreg(Rrsp);
- if (tybase(exprtype(n))->type == Tyvoid)
- rax = NULL;
- else if (stacktype(exprtype(n)))
- rax = locphysreg(Rrax);
- else
- rax = coreg(Rrax, mode(n));
- argsz = 0;
- /* Have to calculate the amount to bump the stack
- * pointer by in one pass first, otherwise if we push
- * one at a time, we evaluate the args in reverse order.
- * Not good.
- *
- * We skip the first operand, since it's the function itself */
- for (i = 1; i < n->expr.nargs; i++)
- argsz += size(n->expr.args[i]);
- stkbump = loclit(argsz, ModeQ);
- if (argsz)
- g(s, Isub, stkbump, rsp, NULL);
- /* Now, we can evaluate the arguments */
- argoff = 0;
- for (i = 1; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) {
- arg = selexpr(s, n->expr.args[i]);
- if (stacknode(n->expr.args[i])) {
- dst = locreg(ModeQ);
- src = locreg(ModeQ);
- g(s, Ilea, arg, src, NULL);
- blit(s, rsp, src, argoff, 0, size(n->expr.args[i]));
- } else {
- dst = locmem(argoff, rsp, NULL, arg->mode);
- arg = inri(s, arg);
- stor(s, arg, dst);
- }
- argoff += size(n->expr.args[i]);
- }
- fn = selexpr(s, n->expr.args[0]);
- if (fn->type == Loclbl || fn->type == Locmeml)
- g(s, Icall, fn, NULL);
- else
- g(s, Icallind, fn, NULL);
- if (argsz)
- g(s, Iadd, stkbump, rsp, NULL);
- return rax;
-Loc *selexpr(Isel *s, Node *n)
- Loc *a, *b, *c, *d, *r;
- Loc *eax, *edx, *cl; /* x86 wants some hard-coded regs */
- Node **args;
- args = n->expr.args;
- eax = locphysreg(Reax);
- edx = locphysreg(Redx);
- cl = locphysreg(Rcl);
- r = NULL;
- switch (exprop(n)) {
- case Oadd: r = binop(s, Iadd, args[0], args[1]); break;
- case Osub: r = binop(s, Isub, args[0], args[1]); break;
- case Obor: r = binop(s, Ior, args[0], args[1]); break;
- case Oband: r = binop(s, Iand, args[0], args[1]); break;
- case Obxor: r = binop(s, Ixor, args[0], args[1]); break;
- case Omul: r = binop(s, Iimul, args[0], args[1]); break;
- case Odiv:
- case Omod:
- /* these get clobbered by the div insn */
- a = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- b = selexpr(s, args[1]);
- b = inr(s, b);
- c = coreg(Reax, mode(n));
- r = locreg(a->mode);
- if (r->mode == ModeB)
- g(s, Ixor, eax, eax, NULL);
- g(s, Imov, a, c, NULL);
- g(s, Ixor, edx, edx, NULL);
- g(s, Idiv, b, NULL);
- if (exprop(n) == Odiv)
- d = coreg(Reax, mode(n));
- else if (r->mode != ModeB)
- d = coreg(Redx, mode(n));
- else
- d = locphysreg(Rah);
- g(s, Imov, d, r, NULL);
- break;
- case Oneg:
- r = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- r = inr(s, r);
- g(s, Ineg, r, NULL);
- break;
- case Obsl:
- case Obsr:
- a = inr(s, selexpr(s, args[0]));
- b = selexpr(s, args[1]);
- if (b->type == Loclit) {
- d = b;
- } else {
- c = coreg(Rcl, b->mode);
- g(s, Imov, b, c, NULL);
- d = cl;
- }
- if (exprop(n) == Obsr) {
- if (istysigned(n->expr.type))
- g(s, Isar, d, a, NULL);
- else
- g(s, Ishr, d, a, NULL);
- } else {
- g(s, Ishl, d, a, NULL);
- }
- r = a;
- break;
- case Obnot:
- r = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- r = inrm(s, r);
- g(s, Inot, r, NULL);
- break;
- case Oderef:
- a = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- a = inr(s, a);
- r = locreg(mode(n));
- c = locmem(0, a, Rnone, mode(n));
- g(s, Imov, c, r, NULL);
- break;
- case Oaddr:
- a = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- if (a->type == Loclbl || (a->type == Locmeml && !a->mem.base)) {
- r = loclitl(a->lbl);
- } else {
- r = locreg(ModeQ);
- g(s, Ilea, a, r, NULL);
- }
- break;
- case Olnot:
- a = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- b = locreg(ModeB);
- r = locreg(mode(n));
- g(s, reloptab[exprop(n)].test, a, a, NULL);
- g(s, reloptab[exprop(n)].getflag, b, NULL);
- movz(s, b, r);
- break;
- case Oeq: case One: case Ogt: case Oge: case Olt: case Ole:
- a = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- b = selexpr(s, args[1]);
- a = inr(s, a);
- c = locreg(ModeB);
- r = locreg(mode(n));
- g(s, reloptab[exprop(n)].test, b, a, NULL);
- g(s, reloptab[exprop(n)].getflag, c, NULL);
- movz(s, c, r);
- return r;
- case Oasn: /* relabel */
- die("Unimplemented op %s", opstr(exprop(n)));
- break;
- case Oset:
- assert(exprop(args[0]) == Ovar);
- b = selexpr(s, args[1]);
- a = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- b = inri(s, b);
- g(s, Imov, b, a, NULL);
- r = b;
- break;
- case Ostor: /* reg -> mem */
- b = selexpr(s, args[1]);
- a = memloc(s, args[0], mode(args[0]));
- b = inri(s, b);
- g(s, Imov, b, a, NULL);
- r = b;
- break;
- case Oload: /* mem -> reg */
- a = memloc(s, args[0], mode(n));
- r = locreg(mode(n));
- /* FIXME: we should be moving the correct 'coreg' */
- g(s, Imov, a, r, NULL);
- break;
- case Ocall:
- r = gencall(s, n);
- break;
- case Ojmp:
- g(s, Ijmp, a = loclbl(args[0]), NULL);
- break;
- case Ocjmp:
- selcjmp(s, n, args);
- break;
- case Olit: /* fall through */
- r = loc(s, n);
- break;
- case Ovar:
- r = loc(s, n);
- break;
- case Olbl:
- r = loclbl(args[0]);
- break;
- case Oblit:
- a = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- b = selexpr(s, args[1]);
- blit(s, a, b, 0, 0, args[2]->expr.args[0]->lit.intval);
- r = b;
- break;
- case Otrunc:
- r = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- r->mode = mode(n);
- break;
- case Ozwiden:
- a = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- b = locreg(mode(n));
- movz(s, a, b);
- r = b;
- break;
- case Oswiden:
- a = selexpr(s, args[0]);
- b = locreg(mode(n));
- g(s, Imovs, a, b, NULL);
- r = b;
- break;
- /* These operators should never show up in the reduced trees,
- * since they should have been replaced with more primitive
- * expressions by now */
- case Obad: case Oret: case Opreinc: case Opostinc: case Opredec:
- case Opostdec: case Olor: case Oland: case Oaddeq:
- case Osubeq: case Omuleq: case Odiveq: case Omodeq: case Oboreq:
- case Obandeq: case Obxoreq: case Obsleq: case Obsreq: case Omemb:
- case Oslice: case Oidx: case Osize: case Numops:
- case Ocons: case Otup: case Oarr:
- case Oslbase: case Osllen: case Ocast:
- dump(n, stdout);
- die("Should not see %s in isel", opstr(exprop(n)));
- break;
- }
- return r;
-void locprint(FILE *fd, Loc *l, char spec)
- switch (l->type) {
- case Loclitl:
- assert(spec == 'i' || spec == 'x' || spec == 'u');
- fprintf(fd, "$%s", l->lbl);
- break;
- case Loclbl:
- assert(spec == 'm' || spec == 'v' || spec == 'x');
- fprintf(fd, "%s", l->lbl);
- break;
- case Locreg:
- assert(spec == 'r' || spec == 'v' || spec == 'x' || spec == 'u');
- if (l->reg.colour == Rnone)
- fprintf(fd, "%%P.%zd", l->;
- else
- fprintf(fd, "%s", regnames[l->reg.colour]);
- break;
- case Locmem:
- case Locmeml:
- assert(spec == 'm' || spec == 'v' || spec == 'x');
- if (l->type == Locmem) {
- if (l->mem.constdisp)
- fprintf(fd, "%ld", l->mem.constdisp);
- } else {
- if (l->mem.lbldisp)
- fprintf(fd, "%s", l->mem.lbldisp);
- }
- if (l->mem.base) {
- fprintf(fd, "(");
- locprint(fd, l->mem.base, 'r');
- if (l->mem.idx) {
- fprintf(fd, ",");
- locprint(fd, l->mem.idx, 'r');
- }
- if (l->mem.scale > 1)
- fprintf(fd, ",%d", l->mem.scale);
- if (l->mem.base)
- fprintf(fd, ")");
- } else if (l->type != Locmeml) {
- die("Only locmeml can have unspecified base reg");
- }
- break;
- case Loclit:
- assert(spec == 'i' || spec == 'x' || spec == 'u');
- fprintf(fd, "$%ld", l->lit);
- break;
- case Locnone:
- die("Bad location in locprint()");
- break;
- }
-void iprintf(FILE *fd, Insn *insn)
- char *p;
- int i;
- int modeidx;
- /* x64 has a quirk; it has no movzlq because mov zero extends. This
- * means that we need to do a movl when we really want a movzlq. Since
- * we don't know the name of the reg to use, we need to sub it in when
- * writing... */
- if (insn->op == Imovz) {
- if (insn->args[0]->mode == ModeL && insn->args[1]->mode == ModeQ) {
- if (insn->args[1]->reg.colour) {
- insn->op = Imov;
- insn->args[1] = coreg(insn->args[1]->reg.colour, ModeL);
- }
- }
- }
- p = insnfmts[insn->op];
- i = 0;
- modeidx = 0;
- for (; *p; p++) {
- if (*p != '%') {
- fputc(*p, fd);
- continue;
- }
- /* %-formating */
- p++;
- switch (*p) {
- case '\0':
- goto done; /* skip the final p++ */
- case 'r': /* register */
- case 'm': /* memory */
- case 'i': /* imm */
- case 'v': /* reg/mem */
- case 'u': /* reg/imm */
- case 'x': /* reg/mem/imm */
- locprint(fd, insn->args[i], *p);
- i++;
- break;
- case 't':
- default:
- /* the asm description uses 1-based indexing, so that 0
- * can be used as a sentinel. */
- if (isdigit(*p))
- modeidx = strtol(p, &p, 10) - 1;
- if (*p == 't')
- fputc(modenames[insn->args[modeidx]->mode], fd);
- else
- die("Invalid %%-specifier '%c'", *p);
- break;
- }
- }
- return;
-static void isel(Isel *s, Node *n)
- Loc *lbl;
- switch (n->type) {
- case Nlbl:
- g(s, Ilbl, lbl = loclbl(n), NULL);
- break;
- case Nexpr:
- selexpr(s, n);
- break;
- case Ndecl:
- break;
- default:
- die("Bad node type in isel()");
- break;
- }
-static void prologue(Isel *s, size_t sz)
- Loc *rsp;
- Loc *rbp;
- Loc *stksz;
- rsp = locphysreg(Rrsp);
- rbp = locphysreg(Rrbp);
- stksz = loclit(sz, ModeQ);
- g(s, Ipush, rbp, NULL);
- g(s, Imov, rsp, rbp, NULL);
- g(s, Isub, stksz, rsp, NULL);
- s->stksz = stksz; /* need to update if we spill */
-static void epilogue(Isel *s)
- Loc *rsp, *rbp;
- Loc *ret;
- rsp = locphysreg(Rrsp);
- rbp = locphysreg(Rrbp);
- if (s->ret) {
- ret = loc(s, s->ret);
- g(s, Imov, ret, coreg(Rax, ret->mode), NULL);
- }
- g(s, Imov, rbp, rsp, NULL);
- g(s, Ipop, rbp, NULL);
- g(s, Iret, NULL);
-static void writeasm(FILE *fd, Isel *s, Func *fn)
- size_t i, j;
- if (fn->isexport || !strcmp(fn->name, Fprefix "main"))
- fprintf(fd, ".globl %s\n", fn->name);
- fprintf(fd, "%s:\n", fn->name);
- for (j = 0; j < s->cfg->nbb; j++) {
- for (i = 0; i < s->bb[j]->nlbls; i++)
- fprintf(fd, "%s:\n", s->bb[j]->lbls[i]);
- for (i = 0; i < s->bb[j]->ni; i++)
- iprintf(fd, s->bb[j]->il[i]);
- }
-static Asmbb *mkasmbb(Bb *bb)
- Asmbb *as;
- as = zalloc(sizeof(Asmbb));
- as->id = bb->id;
- as->pred = bsdup(bb->pred);
- as->succ = bsdup(bb->succ);
- as->lbls = memdup(bb->lbls, bb->nlbls*sizeof(char*));
- as->nlbls = bb->nlbls;
- return as;
-static void writeblob(FILE *fd, char *p, size_t sz)
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < sz; i++) {
- if (i % 60 == 0)
- fprintf(fd, "\t.ascii \"");
- if (isprint(p[i]))
- fprintf(fd, "%c", p[i]);
- else
- fprintf(fd, "\\x%x", p[i] & 0xff);
- /* line wrapping for readability */
- if (i % 60 == 59 || i == sz - 1)
- fprintf(fd, "\"\n");
- }
-static void writelit(FILE *fd, Node *v, size_t sz)
- char lbl[128];
- size_t i;
- char *intsz[] = {
- [1] = ".byte",
- [2] = ".short",
- [4] = ".long",
- [8] = ".quad"
- };
- assert(v->type == Nlit);
- switch (v->lit.littype) {
- case Lbool: fprintf(fd, "\t.byte %d\n", v->lit.boolval); break;
- case Lchr: fprintf(fd, "\t.long %d\n", v->lit.chrval); break;
- case Lint: fprintf(fd, "\t%s %lld\n", intsz[sz], v->lit.intval); break;
- case Lflt: fprintf(fd, "\t.double %f\n", v->lit.fltval); break;
- case Lstr: fprintf(fd, "\t.quad %s\n", genlblstr(lbl, 128));
- fprintf(fd, "\t.quad %zd\n", strlen(v->lit.strval));
- fprintf(fd, "%s:\n", lbl);
- writeblob(fd, v->lit.strval, strlen(v->lit.strval));
- break;
- case Lseq:
- for (i = 0; i < v->lit.nelt; i++)
- writelit(fd, v->lit.seqval[i]->expr.args[0], size(v->lit.seqval[i]));
- break;
- case Lfunc:
- die("Generating this shit ain't ready yet ");
- }
-void genblob(FILE *fd, Node *blob, Htab *globls)
- size_t i;
- char *lbl;
- /* lits and such also get wrapped in decls */
- assert(blob->type == Ndecl);
- lbl = htget(globls, blob);
- if (blob->decl.isexport)
- fprintf(fd, ".globl %s\n", lbl);
- fprintf(fd, "%s:\n", lbl);
- if (blob->decl.init) {
- if (exprop(blob->decl.init) != Olit)
- die("Nonliteral initializer for global");
- writelit(fd, blob->decl.init->expr.args[0], size(blob));
- } else {
- for (i = 0; i < size(blob); i++)
- fprintf(fd, "\t.byte 0\n");
- }
-/* genasm requires all nodes in 'nl' to map cleanly to operations that are
- * natively supported, as promised in the output of reduce(). No 64-bit
- * operations on x32, no structures, and so on. */
-void genasm(FILE *fd, Func *fn, Htab *globls)
- Isel is = {0,};
- size_t i, j;
- char buf[128];
- is.locs = fn->locs;
- is.globls = globls;
- is.ret = fn->ret;
- is.cfg = fn->cfg;
- for (i = 0; i < fn->cfg->nbb; i++)
- lappend(&, &is.nbb, mkasmbb(fn->cfg->bb[i]));
- is.curbb =[0];
- prologue(&is, fn->stksz);
- for (j = 0; j < fn->cfg->nbb - 1; j++) {
- is.curbb =[j];
- for (i = 0; i < fn->cfg->bb[j]->nnl; i++) {
- /* put in a comment that says where this line comes from */
- snprintf(buf, sizeof buf, "\n\t# bb = %zd, bbidx = %zd, line=%d",
- j, i, fn->cfg->bb[j]->nl[i]->line);
- g(&is, Ilbl, locstrlbl(buf), NULL);
- isel(&is, fn->cfg->bb[j]->nl[i]);
- }
- }
- is.curbb =[is.nbb - 1];
- epilogue(&is);
- regalloc(&is);
- if (debug)
- writeasm(stdout, &is, fn);
- writeasm(fd, &is, fn);
--- a/8/locs.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,256 +1,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "opt.h"
-#include "asm.h"
-Mode regmodes[] = {
-#define Reg(r, name, mode) mode,
-#include "regs.def"
-#undef Reg
-char *regnames[] = {
-#define Reg(r, name, mode) name,
-#include "regs.def"
-#undef Reg
-const Reg reginterferes[Nreg][Nmode + 1] = {
- /* byte */
- [Ral] = {Ral, Rax, Reax},
- [Rcl] = {Rcl, Rcx, Recx},
- [Rdl] = {Rdl, Rdx, Redx},
- [Rbl] = {Rbl, Rbx, Rebx},
- /* word */
- [Rax] = {Ral, Rax, Reax},
- [Rcx] = {Rcl, Rcx, Recx},
- [Rdx] = {Rdl, Rdx, Redx},
- [Rbx] = {Rbl, Rbx, Rebx},
- [Rsi] = {Rsi, Resi},
- [Rdi] = {Rdi, Redi},
- /* dword */
- [Reax] = {Ral, Rax, Reax},
- [Recx] = {Rcl, Rcx, Recx},
- [Redx] = {Rdl, Rdx, Redx},
- [Rebx] = {Rbl, Rbx, Rebx},
- [Resi] = {Rsi, Resi},
- [Redi] = {Rdi, Redi},
- [Resp] = {Resp},
- [Rebp] = {Rebp},
-char *genlblstr(char *buf, size_t sz)
- static int nextlbl;
- snprintf(buf, 128, ".L%d", nextlbl++);
- return buf;
-Node *genlbl(void)
- char buf[128];
- genlblstr(buf, 128);
- return mklbl(-1, buf);
-Loc *locstrlbl(char *lbl)
- Loc *l;
- l = zalloc(sizeof(Loc));
- l->type = Loclbl;
- l->mode = ModeQ;
- l->lbl = strdup(lbl);
- return l;
-Loc *loclitl(char *lbl)
- Loc *l;
- l = zalloc(sizeof(Loc));
- l->type = Loclitl;
- l->mode = ModeQ;
- l->lbl = strdup(lbl);
- return l;
-Loc *loclbl(Node *lbl)
- assert(lbl->type = Nlbl);
- return locstrlbl(lbl->;
-Loc **locmap = NULL;
-size_t maxregid = 0;
-static Loc *locregid(regid id, Mode m)
- Loc *l;
- l = zalloc(sizeof(Loc));
- l->type = Locreg;
- l->mode = m;
- l-> = id;
- locmap = xrealloc(locmap, maxregid * sizeof(Loc*));
- locmap[l->] = l;
- return l;
-Loc *locreg(Mode m)
- return locregid(maxregid++, m);
-Loc *locphysreg(Reg r)
- static Loc *physregs[Nreg] = {0,};
- if (physregs[r])
- return physregs[r];
- physregs[r] = locreg(regmodes[r]);
- physregs[r]->reg.colour = r;
- return physregs[r];
-Loc *locmem(long disp, Loc *base, Loc *idx, Mode mode)
- Loc *l;
- l = zalloc(sizeof(Loc));
- l->type = Locmem;
- l->mode = mode;
- l->mem.constdisp = disp;
- l->mem.base = base;
- l->mem.idx = idx;
- l->mem.scale = 0;
- return l;
-Loc *locmems(long disp, Loc *base, Loc *idx, int scale, Mode mode)
- Loc *l;
- l = locmem(disp, base, idx, mode);
- l->mem.scale = scale;
- return l;
-Loc *locmeml(char *disp, Loc *base, Loc *idx, Mode mode)
- Loc *l;
- l = zalloc(sizeof(Loc));
- l->type = Locmeml;
- l->mode = mode;
- l->mem.lbldisp = strdup(disp);
- l->mem.base = base;
- l->mem.idx = idx;
- l->mem.scale = 0;
- return l;
-Loc *locmemls(char *disp, Loc *base, Loc *idx, int scale, Mode mode)
- Loc *l;
- l = locmeml(disp, base, idx, mode);
- l->mem.scale = scale;
- return l;
-Loc *loclit(long val, Mode m)
- Loc *l;
- l = zalloc(sizeof(Loc));
- l->type = Loclit;
- l->mode = m;
- l->lit = val;
- return l;
-Loc *coreg(Reg r, Mode m)
- Reg crtab[][Nmode + 1] = {
- [Ral] = {Rnone, Ral, Rax, Reax, Rrax},
- [Rcl] = {Rnone, Rcl, Rcx, Recx, Rrcx},
- [Rdl] = {Rnone, Rdl, Rdx, Redx, Rrdx},
- [Rbl] = {Rnone, Rbl, Rbx, Rebx, Rrbx},
- [Rsil] = {Rnone, Rsil, Rsi, Resi, Rrsi},
- [Rdil] = {Rnone, Rdil, Rdi, Redi, Rrdi},
- [R8b] = {Rnone, R8b, R8w, R8d, R8},
- [R9b] = {Rnone, R9b, R9w, R9d, R9},
- [R10b] = {Rnone, R10b, R10w, R10d, R10},
- [R11b] = {Rnone, R11b, R11w, R11d, R11},
- [R12b] = {Rnone, R12b, R12w, R12d, R12},
- [R13b] = {Rnone, R13b, R13w, R13d, R13},
- [R14b] = {Rnone, R14b, R14w, R14d, R14},
- [R15b] = {Rnone, R15b, R15w, R15d, R15},
- [Rax] = {Rnone, Ral, Rax, Reax, Rrax},
- [Rcx] = {Rnone, Rcl, Rcx, Recx, Rrcx},
- [Rdx] = {Rnone, Rdl, Rdx, Redx, Rrdx},
- [Rbx] = {Rnone, Rbl, Rbx, Rebx, Rrbx},
- [Rsi] = {Rnone, Rsil, Rsi, Resi, Rrsi},
- [Rdi] = {Rnone, Rsil, Rdi, Redi, Rrdi},
- [R8w] = {Rnone, R8b, R8w, R8d, R8},
- [R9w] = {Rnone, R9b, R9w, R9d, R9},
- [R10w] = {Rnone, R10b, R10w, R10d, R10},
- [R11w] = {Rnone, R11b, R11w, R11d, R11},
- [R12w] = {Rnone, R12b, R12w, R12d, R12},
- [R13w] = {Rnone, R13b, R13w, R13d, R13},
- [R14w] = {Rnone, R14b, R14w, R14d, R14},
- [R15w] = {Rnone, R15b, R15w, R15d, R15},
- [Reax] = {Rnone, Ral, Rax, Reax},
- [Recx] = {Rnone, Rcl, Rcx, Recx},
- [Redx] = {Rnone, Rdl, Rdx, Redx},
- [Rebx] = {Rnone, Rbl, Rbx, Rebx},
- [Resi] = {Rnone, Rsil, Rsi, Resi},
- [Redi] = {Rnone, Rsil, Rdi, Redi},
- [R8d] = {Rnone, R8b, R8w, R8d, R8},
- [R9d] = {Rnone, R9b, R9w, R9d, R9},
- [R10d] = {Rnone, R10b, R10w, R10d, R10},
- [R11d] = {Rnone, R11b, R11w, R11d, R11},
- [R12d] = {Rnone, R12b, R12w, R12d, R12},
- [R13d] = {Rnone, R13b, R13w, R13d, R13},
- [R14d] = {Rnone, R14b, R14w, R14d, R14},
- [R15d] = {Rnone, R15b, R15w, R15d, R15},
- [Rrax] = {Rnone, Ral, Rax, Reax, Rrax},
- [Rrcx] = {Rnone, Rcl, Rcx, Recx, Rrcx},
- [Rrdx] = {Rnone, Rdl, Rdx, Redx, Rrdx},
- [Rrbx] = {Rnone, Rbl, Rbx, Rebx, Rrbx},
- [Rrsi] = {Rnone, Rsil, Rsi, Resi, Rrsi},
- [Rrdi] = {Rnone, Rsil, Rdi, Redi, Rrdi},
- [R8] = {Rnone, R8b, R8w, R8d, R8},
- [R9] = {Rnone, R9b, R9w, R9d, R9},
- [R10] = {Rnone, R10b, R10w, R10d, R10},
- [R11] = {Rnone, R11b, R11w, R11d, R11},
- [R12] = {Rnone, R12b, R12w, R12d, R12},
- [R13] = {Rnone, R13b, R13w, R13d, R13},
- [R14] = {Rnone, R14b, R14w, R14d, R14},
- [R15] = {Rnone, R15b, R15w, R15d, R15},
- };
- assert(crtab[r][m] != Rnone);
- return locphysreg(crtab[r][m]);
--- a/8/main.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,108 +1,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "opt.h"
-#include "asm.h"
-#include "platform.h"
-/* FIXME: move into one place...? */
-Node *file;
-int debug;
-char debugopt[128];
-char *outfile;
-char **incpaths;
-size_t nincpaths;
-static void usage(char *prog)
- printf("%s [-h] [-o outfile] [-d[dbgopts]] inputs\n", prog);
- printf("\t-h\tPrint this help\n");
- printf("\t-I path\tAdd 'path' to use search path\n");
- printf("\t-d\tPrint debug dumps. Recognized options: f r p i\n");
- printf("\t\t\tno options: print most common debug information\n");
- printf("\t\t\tf: additionally log folded trees\n");
- printf("\t\t\tl: additionally log lowered pre-cfg trees\n");
- printf("\t\t\tT: additionally log tree immediately\n");
- printf("\t\t\tr: additionally log register allocation activity\n");
- printf("\t-o\tOutput to outfile\n");
- printf("\t-S\tGenerate assembly instead of object code\n");
-static void assem(char *f)
- char objfile[1024];
- char cmd[1024];
- swapsuffix(objfile, 1024, f, ".s", ".o");
- snprintf(cmd, 1024, Asmcmd, objfile, f);
- if (system(cmd) == -1)
- die("Couldn't run assembler");
-int main(int argc, char **argv)
- int opt;
- int i;
- Stab *globls;
- char buf[1024];
- while ((opt = getopt(argc, argv, "d::hSo:I:")) != -1) {
- switch (opt) {
- case 'o':
- outfile = optarg;
- break;
- case 'h':
- usage(argv[0]);
- exit(0);
- break;
- case 'd':
- debug = 1;
- while (optarg && *optarg) {
- if (*optarg == 'y')
- yydebug = 1;
- debugopt[*optarg++ & 0x7f] = 1;
- }
- break;
- case 'I':
- lappend(&incpaths, &nincpaths, optarg);
- break;
- default:
- usage(argv[0]);
- exit(0);
- break;
- }
- }
- for (i = optind; i < argc; i++) {
- globls = mkstab();
- tyinit(globls);
- tokinit(argv[i]);
- file = mkfile(argv[i]);
- file->file.exports = mkstab();
- file->file.globls = globls;
- yyparse();
- /* before we do anything to the parse */
- if (debugopt['T'])
- dump(file, stdout);
- infer(file);
- /* after all processing */
- if (debug)
- dump(file, stdout);
- swapsuffix(buf, 1024, argv[i], ".myr", ".s");
- gen(file, buf);
- assem(buf);
- }
- return 0;
--- a/8/platform.h
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,0 @@
-#if defined(__APPLE__) && defined(__MACH__)
-/* for OSX */
-# define Asmcmd "as -g -o %s %s"
-# define Fprefix "_"
-/* Default to linux */
-# define Asmcmd "as -g -o %s %s"
-# define Fprefix ""
--- a/8/ra.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,900 +1,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <stdarg.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <limits.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "opt.h"
-#include "asm.h"
-#define Sizetbits (CHAR_BIT*sizeof(size_t)) /* used in graph reprs */
-typedef struct Usage Usage;
-struct Usage {
- int l[Maxarg + 1];
- int r[Maxarg + 1];
-static void printedge(FILE *fd, char *msg, size_t a, size_t b);
-Usage usetab[] = {
-#define Use(...) {__VA_ARGS__}
-#define Insn(i, fmt, use, def) use,
-#include "insns.def"
-#undef Insn
-#undef Use
-Usage deftab[] = {
-#define Def(...) {__VA_ARGS__}
-#define Insn(i, fmt, use, def) def,
-#include "insns.def"
-#undef Insn
-#undef Def
-Reg regmap[][Nmode] = {
- [0] = {Rnone, Ral, Rax, Reax, Rrax},
- [1] = {Rnone, Rcl, Rcx, Recx, Rrcx},
- [2] = {Rnone, Rdl, Rdx, Redx, Rrdx},
- [3] = {Rnone, Rbl, Rbx, Rebx, Rrbx},
- [4] = {Rnone, Rsil, Rsi, Resi, Rrsi},
- [5] = {Rnone, Rdil, Rdi, Redi, Rrdi},
- [6] = {Rnone, R8b, R8w, R8d, R8},
- [7] = {Rnone, R9b, R9w, R9d, R9},
- [8] = {Rnone, R10b, R10w, R10d, R10},
- [9] = {Rnone, R11b, R11w, R11d, R11},
- [10] = {Rnone, R12b, R12w, R12d, R12},
- [11] = {Rnone, R13b, R13w, R13d, R13},
- [12] = {Rnone, R14b, R14w, R14d, R14},
- [13] = {Rnone, R15b, R15w, R15d, R15},
- [14] = {Rnone, Rnone, Rnone, Resp},
- [15] = {Rnone, Rnone, Rnone, Rebp},
-int colourmap[Nreg] = {
- /* byte */
- [Ral] = 0,
- [Rcl] = 1,
- [Rdl] = 2,
- [Rbl] = 3,
- [Rsil] = 4,
- [Rdil] = 5,
- [R8b] = 6,
- [R9b] = 7,
- [R10b] = 8,
- [R11b] = 9,
- [R12b] = 10,
- [R13b] = 11,
- [R14b] = 12,
- [R15b] = 13,
- /* word */
- [Rax] = 0,
- [Rcx] = 1,
- [Rdx] = 2,
- [Rbx] = 3,
- [Rsi] = 4,
- [Rdi] = 5,
- [R8w] = 6,
- [R9w] = 7,
- [R10w] = 8,
- [R11w] = 9,
- [R12w] = 10,
- [R13w] = 11,
- [R14w] = 12,
- [R15w] = 13,
- /* dword */
- [Reax] = 0,
- [Recx] = 1,
- [Redx] = 2,
- [Rebx] = 3,
- [Resi] = 4,
- [Redi] = 5,
- [R8d] = 6,
- [R9d] = 7,
- [R10d] = 8,
- [R11d] = 9,
- [R12d] = 10,
- [R13d] = 11,
- [R14d] = 12,
- [R15d] = 13,
- /* qword */
- [Rrax] = 0,
- [Rrcx] = 1,
- [Rrdx] = 2,
- [Rrbx] = 3,
- [Rrsi] = 4,
- [Rrdi] = 5,
- [R8] = 6,
- [R9] = 7,
- [R10] = 8,
- [R11] = 9,
- [R12] = 10,
- [R13] = 11,
- [R14] = 12,
- [R15] = 13,
- [Rrsp] = 14,
- [Rrbp] = 15,
-/* %esp, %ebp are not in the allocatable pool */
-static int isfixreg(Loc *l)
- if (l->reg.colour == Resp)
- return 1;
- if (l->reg.colour == Rebp)
- return 1;
- return 0;
-static size_t uses(Insn *insn, long *u)
- size_t i, j;
- int k;
- Loc *m;
- j = 0;
- /* Add all the registers used and defined. Duplicates
- * in this list are fine, since they're being added to
- * a set anyways */
- for (i = 0; i < Maxarg; i++) {
- if (!usetab[insn->op].l[i])
- break;
- k = usetab[insn->op].l[i] - 1;
- /* non-registers are handled later */
- if (insn->args[k]->type == Locreg)
- if (!isfixreg(insn->args[k]))
- u[j++] = insn->args[k]->;
- }
- /* some insns don't reflect their defs in the args.
- * These are explictly listed in the insn description */
- for (i = 0; i < Maxarg; i++) {
- if (!usetab[insn->op].r[i])
- break;
- /* not a leak; physical registers get memoized */
- u[j++] = locphysreg(usetab[insn->op].r[i])->;
- }
- /* If the registers are in an address calculation,
- * they're used no matter what. */
- for (i = 0; i < insn->nargs; i++) {
- m = insn->args[i];
- if (m->type != Locmem && m->type != Locmeml)
- continue;
- if (m->mem.base)
- if (!isfixreg(m->mem.base))
- u[j++] = m->mem.base->;
- if (m->mem.idx)
- if (!isfixreg(m->mem.base))
- u[j++] = m->mem.idx->;
- }
- return j;
-static size_t defs(Insn *insn, long *d)
- size_t i, j;
- int k;
- j = 0;
- /* Add all the registers dsed and defined. Duplicates
- * in this list are fine, since they're being added to
- * a set anyways */
- for (i = 0; i < Maxarg; i++) {
- if (!deftab[insn->op].l[i])
- break;
- k = deftab[insn->op].l[i] - 1;
- if (insn->args[k]->type == Locreg)
- if (!isfixreg(insn->args[k]))
- d[j++] = insn->args[k]->;
- }
- /* some insns don't reflect their defs in the args.
- * These are explictly listed in the insn description */
- for (i = 0; i < Maxarg; i++) {
- if (!deftab[insn->op].r[i])
- break;
- /* not a leak; physical registers get memoized */
- d[j++] = locphysreg(deftab[insn->op].r[i])->;
- }
- return j;
-static void udcalc(Asmbb *bb)
- /* up to 2 registers per memloc, so
- * 2*Maxarg is the maximum number of
- * uses or defs we can see */
- long u[2*Maxarg], d[2*Maxarg];
- size_t nu, nd;
- size_t i, j;
- bb->use = bsclear(bb->use);
- bb->def = bsclear(bb->def);
- for (i = 0; i < bb->ni; i++) {
- nu = uses(bb->il[i], u);
- nd = defs(bb->il[i], d);
- for (j = 0; j < nu; j++)
- if (!bshas(bb->def, u[j]))
- bsput(bb->use, u[j]);
- for (j = 0; j < nd; j++)
- bsput(bb->def, d[j]);
- }
-static void liveness(Isel *s)
- Bitset *old;
- Asmbb **bb;
- size_t nbb;
- size_t i, j;
- int changed;
- bb = s->bb;
- nbb = s->nbb;
- for (i = 0; i < nbb; i++) {
- udcalc(s->bb[i]);
- bb[i]->livein = bsclear(bb[i]->livein);
- bb[i]->liveout = bsclear(bb[i]->liveout);
- }
- changed = 1;
- while (changed) {
- changed = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < nbb; i++) {
- old = bsdup(bb[i]->liveout);
- /* liveout[b] = U(s in succ) livein[s] */
- for (j = 0; bsiter(bb[i]->succ, &j); j++)
- bsunion(bb[i]->liveout, bb[j]->livein);
- /* livein[b] = use[b] U (out[b] \ def[b]) */
- bb[i]->livein = bsclear(bb[i]->livein);
- bsunion(bb[i]->livein, bb[i]->liveout);
- bsdiff(bb[i]->livein, bb[i]->def);
- bsunion(bb[i]->livein, bb[i]->use);
- if (!changed)
- changed = !bseq(old, bb[i]->liveout);
- }
- }
-/* we're only interested in register->register moves */
-static int ismove(Insn *i)
- if (i->op != Imov)
- return 0;
- return i->args[0]->type == Locreg && i->args[1]->type == Locreg;
-static int gbhasedge(Isel *s, size_t u, size_t v)
- size_t i;
- i = (maxregid * v) + u;
- return (s->gbits[i/Sizetbits] & (1ULL <<(i % Sizetbits))) != 0;
-static void gbputedge(Isel *s, size_t u, size_t v)
- size_t i, j;
- i = (maxregid * u) + v;
- j = (maxregid * v) + u;
- s->gbits[i/Sizetbits] |= 1ULL <<(i % Sizetbits);
- s->gbits[j/Sizetbits] |= 1ULL <<(j % Sizetbits);
- assert(gbhasedge(s, u, v) && gbhasedge(s, v, u));
-static void addedge(Isel *s, size_t u, size_t v)
- if (u == v || gbhasedge(s, u, v))
- return;
- gbputedge(s, u, v);
- gbputedge(s, v, u);
- if (!bshas(s->prepainted, u)) {
- bsput(s->gadj[u], v);
- s->degree[u]++;
- }
- if (!bshas(s->prepainted, v)) {
- bsput(s->gadj[v], u);
- s->degree[v]++;
- }
-static void setup(Isel *s)
- Bitset **gadj;
- size_t gchunks;
- size_t i;
- free(s->gbits);
- gchunks = (maxregid*maxregid)/Sizetbits + 1;
- s->gbits = zalloc(gchunks*sizeof(size_t));
- /* fresh adj list repr. try to avoid reallocating all the bitsets */
- gadj = zalloc(maxregid * sizeof(Bitset*));
- if (s->gadj)
- for (i = 0; i < maxregid; i++)
- gadj[i] = bsclear(s->gadj[i]);
- else
- for (i = 0; i < maxregid; i++)
- gadj[i] = mkbs();
- free(s->gadj);
- s->gadj = gadj;
- s->spilled = bsclear(s->spilled);
- s->coalesced = bsclear(s->coalesced);
- /*
- s->wlspill = bsclear(s->wlspill);
- s->wlfreeze = bsclear(s->wlfreeze);
- s->wlsimp = bsclear(s->wlsimp);
- */
- s->aliasmap = zalloc(maxregid * sizeof(size_t));
- s->degree = zalloc(maxregid * sizeof(int));
- s->rmoves = zalloc(maxregid * sizeof(Loc **));
- s->nrmoves = zalloc(maxregid * sizeof(size_t));
-static void build(Isel *s)
- long u[2*Maxarg], d[2*Maxarg];
- size_t nu, nd;
- size_t i, k;
- ssize_t j;
- Bitset *live;
- Asmbb **bb;
- size_t nbb;
- Insn *insn;
- size_t l;
- /* set up convenience vars */
- bb = s->bb;
- nbb = s->nbb;
- for (i = 0; i < nbb; i++) {
- live = bsdup(bb[i]->liveout);
- for (j = bb[i]->ni - 1; j >= 0; j--) {
- insn = bb[i]->il[j];
- nu = uses(insn, u);
- nd = defs(insn, d);
- /* moves get special treatment, since we don't want spurious
- * edges between the src and dest */
- if (ismove(insn)) {
- /* live \= uses(i) */
- for (k = 0; k < nu; k++)
- bsdel(live, u[k]);
- for (k = 0; k < nu; k++)
- lappend(&s->rmoves[u[k]], &s->nrmoves[u[k]], insn);
- for (k = 0; k < nd; k++)
- lappend(&s->rmoves[d[k]], &s->nrmoves[d[k]], insn);
- lappend(&s->wlmove, &s->nwlmove, insn);
- }
- /* live = live U def(i) */
- for (k = 0; k < nd; k++)
- bsput(live, d[k]);
- for (k = 0; k < nd; k++)
- for (l = 0; bsiter(live, &l); l++)
- addedge(s, d[k], l);
- /* live = use(i) U (live \ def(i)) */
- for (k = 0; k < nd; k++)
- bsdel(live, d[k]);
- for (k = 0; k < nu; k++)
- bsput(live, u[k]);
- }
- }
-static int adjiter(Isel *s, regid n, regid *m)
- size_t i, r;
- for (r = *m; bsiter(s->gadj[n], &r); r++) {
- for (i = 0; i < s->nselstk; i++)
- if (r == s->selstk[i]->
- goto next;
- if (bshas(s->coalesced, r))
- goto next;
- assert(r < maxregid);
- *m = r;
- return 1;
- continue;
- }
- return 0;
-static size_t nodemoves(Isel *s, regid n, Insn ***pil)
- size_t i, j;
- size_t count;
- /* FIXME: inefficient. Do I care? */
- count = 0;
- if (pil)
- *pil = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < s->nrmoves[n]; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < s->nmactive; j++) {
- if (s->mactive[j] == s->rmoves[n][i]) {
- if (pil)
- lappend(pil, &count, s->rmoves[n][i]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- for (j = 0; j < s->nwlmove; j++) {
- if (s->wlmove[j] == s->rmoves[n][i]) {
- if (pil)
- lappend(pil, &count, s->rmoves[n][i]);
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
- return count;
-static int moverelated(Isel *s, regid n)
- return nodemoves(s, n, NULL) != 0;
-static void mkworklist(Isel *s)
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < maxregid; i++) {
- if (bshas(s->prepainted, i))
- continue;
- else if (s->degree[i] >= K)
- lappend(&s->wlspill, &s->nwlspill, locmap[i]);
- else if (moverelated(s, i))
- lappend(&s->wlfreeze, &s->nwlfreeze, locmap[i]);
- else
- lappend(&s->wlsimp, &s->nwlsimp, locmap[i]);
- }
-static void enablemove(Isel *s, regid n)
- size_t i, j;
- Insn **il;
- size_t ni;
- ni = nodemoves(s, n, &il);
- for (i = 0; i < ni; i++) {
- for (j = 0; j < s->nmactive; j++) {
- if (il[i] == s->mactive[j]) {
- ldel(&s->mactive, &s->nmactive, j);
- lappend(&s->wlmove, &s->nwlmove, il[i]);
- }
- }
- }
-static void decdegree(Isel *s, regid n)
- int d;
- regid m;
- assert(n < maxregid);
- d = s->degree[n];
- s->degree[n]--;
- if (d == K) {
- enablemove(s, n);
- for (m = 0; adjiter(s, n, &m); m++)
- enablemove(s, n);
- }
-static void simp(Isel *s)
- Loc *l;
- regid m;
- l = lpop(&s->wlsimp, &s->nwlsimp);
- lappend(&s->selstk, &s->nselstk, l);
- for (m = 0; adjiter(s, l->, &m); m++)
- decdegree(s, m);
-static regid getalias(Isel *s, regid id)
- while (1) {
- if (!s->aliasmap[id])
- break;
- id = s->aliasmap[id]->;
- };
- return id;
-static void wladd(Isel *s, regid u)
- size_t i;
- if (bshas(s->prepainted, u))
- return;
- if (moverelated(s, u))
- return;
- if (s->degree[u] >= K)
- return;
- for (i = 0; i < s->nwlfreeze; i++)
- if (s->wlfreeze[i]-> == u)
- ldel(&s->wlfreeze, &s->nwlfreeze, i);
- lappend(&s->wlsimp, &s->nwlsimp, locmap[u]);
-static int conservative(Isel *s, regid u, regid v)
- int k;
- regid n;
- k = 0;
- for (n = 0; adjiter(s, u, &n); n++)
- if (s->degree[n] >= K)
- k++;
- for (n = 0; adjiter(s, v, &n); n++)
- if (s->degree[n] >= K)
- k++;
- return k < K;
-/* FIXME: is this actually correct? */
-static int ok(Isel *s, regid t, regid r)
- if (s->degree[t] >= K)
- return 0;
- if (!bshas(s->prepainted, t))
- return 0;
- if (!gbhasedge(s, t, r))
- return 0;
- return 1;
-static int combinable(Isel *s, regid u, regid v)
- regid t;
- /* if u isn't prepainted, can we conservatively coalesce? */
- if (!bshas(s->prepainted, u) && conservative(s, u, v))
- return 1;
- /* if it is, are the adjacent nodes ok to combine with this? */
- for (t = 0; adjiter(s, u, &t); t++)
- if (!ok(s, t, u))
- return 0;
- return 1;
-static int wlhas(Loc **wl, size_t nwl, regid v, size_t *idx)
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < nwl; i++) {
- if (wl[i]-> == v) {
- *idx = i;
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void combine(Isel *s, regid u, regid v)
- regid t;
- size_t idx;
- size_t i, j;
- int has;
- if (debugopt['r'])
- printedge(stdout, "combining:", u, v);
- if (wlhas(s->wlfreeze, s->nwlfreeze, v, &idx))
- ldel(&s->wlfreeze, &s->nwlfreeze, idx);
- else if (wlhas(s->wlspill, s->nwlspill, v, &idx))
- ldel(&s->wlspill, &s->nwlspill, idx);
- bsput(s->coalesced, v);
- s->aliasmap[v] = locmap[u];
- /* nodemoves[u] = nodemoves[u] U nodemoves[v] */
- for (i = 0; i < s->nrmoves[v]; i++) {
- has = 0;
- for (j = 0; j < s->nrmoves[u]; j++) {
- if (s->rmoves[v][i] == s->rmoves[u][j]) {
- has = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!has)
- lappend(&s->rmoves[u], &s->nrmoves[u], s->rmoves[v][i]);
- }
- for (t = 0; adjiter(s, v, &t); t++) {
- if (debugopt['r'])
- printedge(stdout, "combine-putedge:", v, t);
- addedge(s, t, u);
- decdegree(s, t);
- }
- if (s->degree[u] >= K && wlhas(s->wlfreeze, s->nwlfreeze, u, &idx)) {
- ldel(&s->wlfreeze, &s->nwlfreeze, idx);
- lappend(&s->wlspill, &s->nwlspill, locmap[u]);
- }
-static void coalesce(Isel *s)
- Insn *m;
- regid u, v, tmp;
- m = lpop(&s->wlmove, &s->nwlmove);
- /* FIXME: src, dst? dst, src? Does it matter? */
- u = getalias(s, m->args[0]->;
- v = getalias(s, m->args[1]->;
- if (bshas(s->prepainted, v)) {
- tmp = u;
- u = v;
- v = tmp;
- }
- if (u == v) {
- lappend(&s->mcoalesced, &s->nmcoalesced, m);
- wladd(s, u);
- wladd(s, v);
- } else if (bshas(s->prepainted, v) || gbhasedge(s, u, v)) {
- lappend(&s->mconstrained, &s->nmconstrained, m);
- wladd(s, u);
- wladd(s, v);
- } else if (combinable(s, u, v)) {
- lappend(&s->mcoalesced, &s->nmcoalesced, m);
- combine(s, u, v);
- wladd(s, u);
- } else {
- lappend(&s->mactive, &s->nmactive, m);
- }
-static int mldel(Insn ***ml, size_t *nml, Insn *m)
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < *nml; i++) {
- if (m == (*ml)[i]) {
- ldel(ml, nml, i);
- return 1;
- }
- }
- return 0;
-static void freezemoves(Isel *s, Loc *u)
- size_t i;
- Insn **ml;
- Insn *m;
- size_t nml;
- size_t idx;
- Loc *v;
- nml = nodemoves(s, u->, &ml);
- for (i = 0; i < nml; i++) {
- m = ml[i];
- if (m->args[0] == u)
- v = m->args[1];
- else if (m->args[1] == u)
- v = m->args[0];
- else
- continue;
- if (!mldel(&s->mactive, &s->nmactive, m))
- mldel(&s->wlmove, &s->nwlmove, m);
- lappend(&s->mfrozen, &s->nmfrozen, m);
- if (!nodemoves(s, v->, NULL) && s->degree[v->] < K) {
- if (!wlhas(s->wlfreeze, s->nwlfreeze, v->, &idx))
- die("Reg %zd not in freeze wl\n", v->;
- ldel(&s->wlfreeze, &s->nwlfreeze, idx);
- lappend(&s->wlsimp, &s->nwlsimp, v);
- }
- }
- lfree(&ml, &nml);
-static void freeze(Isel *s)
- Loc *l;
- l = lpop(&s->wlfreeze, &s->nwlfreeze);
- lappend(&s->wlsimp, &s->nwlsimp, l);
- freezemoves(s, l);
-static void selspill(Isel *s)
- size_t i;
- Loc *m;
- /* FIXME: pick a better heuristic for spilling */
- m = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < s->nwlspill; i++) {
- if (!bshas(s->spilled, s->wlspill[i]-> {
- m = s->wlspill[i];
- ldel(&s->wlspill, &s->nwlspill, i);
- break;
- }
- }
- assert(m != NULL);
- lappend(&s->wlsimp, &s->nwlsimp, m);
- freezemoves(s, m);
-static int paint(Isel *s)
- int taken[K + 2]; /* esp, ebp aren't "real colours" */
- Loc *n, *w;
- regid l;
- size_t i;
- int spilled;
- int found;
- spilled = 0;
- while (s->nselstk) {
- bzero(taken, K*sizeof(int));
- n = lpop(&s->selstk, &s->nselstk);
- for (l = 0; bsiter(s->gadj[n->], &l); l++) {
- if (debugopt['r'] > 1)
- printedge(stdout, "paint-edge:", n->, l);
- w = locmap[getalias(s, l)];
- if (w->reg.colour)
- taken[colourmap[w->reg.colour]] = 1;
- }
- found = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < K; i++) {
- if (!taken[i]) {
- if (debugopt['r']) {
- fprintf(stdout, "\tselecting ");
- locprint(stdout, n, 'x');
- fprintf(stdout, " = %s\n", regnames[regmap[i][n->mode]]);
- }
- n->reg.colour = regmap[i][n->mode];
- found = 1;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- spilled = 1;
- bsput(s->spilled, n->;
- }
- }
- for (l = 0; bsiter(s->coalesced, &l); l++) {
- n = locmap[getalias(s, l)];
- locmap[l]->reg.colour = n->reg.colour;
- }
- return spilled;
-static void rewrite(Isel *s)
- die("Rewrite spills!");
-void regalloc(Isel *s)
- size_t i;
- int spilled;
- s->prepainted = mkbs();
- for (i = 0; i < maxregid; i++)
- if (locmap[i]->reg.colour)
- bsput(s->prepainted, i);
- do {
- setup(s);
- liveness(s);
- build(s);
- mkworklist(s);
- if (debugopt['r'])
- dumpasm(s, stdout);
- do {
- if (s->nwlsimp)
- simp(s);
- else if (s->nwlmove)
- coalesce(s);
- else if (s->nwlfreeze)
- freeze(s);
- else if (s->nwlspill)
- selspill(s);
- } while (s->nwlsimp || s->nwlmove || s->nwlfreeze || s->nwlspill);
- spilled = paint(s);
- if (spilled)
- rewrite(s);
- } while (spilled);
-static void setprint(FILE *fd, Bitset *s)
- char *sep;
- size_t i;
- sep = "";
- for (i = 0; i < bsmax(s); i++) {
- if (bshas(s, i)) {
- fprintf(fd, "%s%zd", sep, i);
- sep = ",";
- }
- }
- fprintf(fd, "\n");
-static void locsetprint(FILE *fd, Bitset *s)
- char *sep;
- size_t i;
- sep = "";
- for (i = 0; i < bsmax(s); i++) {
- if (bshas(s, i)) {
- fprintf(fd, "%s", sep);
- locprint(fd, locmap[i], 'x');
- sep = ",";
- }
- }
- fprintf(fd, "\n");
-static void printedge(FILE *fd, char *msg, size_t a, size_t b)
- fprintf(fd, "\t%s ", msg);
- locprint(fd, locmap[a], 'x');
- fprintf(fd, " -- ");
- locprint(fd, locmap[b], 'x');
- fprintf(fd, "\n");
-void dumpasm(Isel *s, FILE *fd)
- size_t i, j;
- char *sep;
- Asmbb *bb;
- fprintf(fd, "IGRAPH ----- \n");
- for (i = 0; i < maxregid; i++) {
- for (j = i; j < maxregid; j++) {
- if (gbhasedge(s, i, j))
- printedge(stdout, "", i, j);
- }
- }
- fprintf(fd, "ASM -------- \n");
- for (j = 0; j < s->nbb; j++) {
- bb = s->bb[j];
- fprintf(fd, "\n");
- fprintf(fd, "Bb: %d labels=(", bb->id);
- sep = "";
- for (i = 0; i < bb->nlbls; i++) {;
- fprintf(fd, "%s%s", bb->lbls[i], sep);
- sep = ",";
- }
- fprintf(fd, ")\n");
- fprintf(fd, "Pred: ");
- setprint(fd, bb->pred);
- fprintf(fd, "Succ: ");
- setprint(fd, bb->succ);
- fprintf(fd, "Use: ");
- locsetprint(fd, bb->use);
- fprintf(fd, "Def: ");
- locsetprint(fd, bb->def);
- fprintf(fd, "Livein: ");
- locsetprint(fd, bb->livein);
- fprintf(fd, "Liveout: ");
- locsetprint(fd, bb->liveout);
- for (i = 0; i < bb->ni; i++)
- iprintf(fd, bb->il[i]);
- }
- fprintf(fd, "ENDASM -------- \n");
--- a/8/regs.def
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,81 +1,0 @@
-Reg(Rnone, "%NOREG", ModeB)
-/* byte regs */
-Reg(Ral, "%al", ModeB)
-Reg(Rcl, "%cl", ModeB)
-Reg(Rdl, "%dl", ModeB)
-Reg(Rbl, "%bl", ModeB)
-Reg(Rsil, "%sil", ModeB)
-Reg(Rdil, "%dil", ModeB)
-Reg(Rspl, "%spl", ModeB)
-Reg(Rbpl, "%bpl", ModeB)
-Reg(R8b, "%r8b", ModeB)
-Reg(R9b, "%r9b", ModeB)
-Reg(R10b, "%r10b", ModeB)
-Reg(R11b, "%r11b", ModeB)
-Reg(R12b, "%r12b", ModeB)
-Reg(R13b, "%r13b", ModeB)
-Reg(R14b, "%r14b", ModeB)
-Reg(R15b, "%r15b", ModeB)
-/* high byte regs. We *NEVER* allocate these */
-Reg(Rah, "%ah", ModeB)
-Reg(Rch, "%ch", ModeB)
-Reg(Rdh, "%dh", ModeB)
-Reg(Rbh, "%bh", ModeB)
-/* short regs */
-Reg(Rax, "%ax", ModeS)
-Reg(Rbx, "%bx", ModeS)
-Reg(Rcx, "%cx", ModeS)
-Reg(Rdx, "%dx", ModeS)
-Reg(Rsi, "%si", ModeS)
-Reg(Rdi, "%di", ModeS)
-Reg(Rsp, "%sp", ModeS)
-Reg(Rbp, "%bp", ModeS)
-Reg(R8w, "%r8w", ModeS)
-Reg(R9w, "%r9w", ModeS)
-Reg(R10w, "%r10w", ModeS)
-Reg(R11w, "%r11w", ModeS)
-Reg(R12w, "%r12w", ModeS)
-Reg(R13w, "%r13w", ModeS)
-Reg(R14w, "%r14w", ModeS)
-Reg(R15w, "%r15w", ModeS)
-/* long regs */
-Reg(Reax, "%eax", ModeL)
-Reg(Recx, "%ecx", ModeL)
-Reg(Redx, "%edx", ModeL)
-Reg(Rebx, "%ebx", ModeL)
-Reg(Resi, "%esi", ModeL)
-Reg(Redi, "%edi", ModeL)
-Reg(Resp, "%esp", ModeL)
-Reg(Rebp, "%ebp", ModeL)
-Reg(R8d, "%r8d", ModeL)
-Reg(R9d, "%r9d", ModeL)
-Reg(R10d, "%r10d", ModeL)
-Reg(R11d, "%r11d", ModeL)
-Reg(R12d, "%r12d", ModeL)
-Reg(R13d, "%r13d", ModeL)
-Reg(R14d, "%r14d", ModeL)
-Reg(R15d, "%r15d", ModeL)
-/* quad regs */
-Reg(Rrax, "%rax", ModeQ)
-Reg(Rrcx, "%rcx", ModeQ)
-Reg(Rrdx, "%rdx", ModeQ)
-Reg(Rrbx, "%rbx", ModeQ)
-Reg(Rrsi, "%rsi", ModeQ)
-Reg(Rrdi, "%rdi", ModeQ)
-Reg(Rrsp, "%rsp", ModeQ)
-Reg(Rrbp, "%rbp", ModeQ)
-Reg(R8, "%r8", ModeQ)
-Reg(R9, "%r9", ModeQ)
-Reg(R10, "%r10", ModeQ)
-Reg(R11, "%r11", ModeQ)
-Reg(R12, "%r12", ModeQ)
-Reg(R13, "%r13", ModeQ)
-Reg(R14, "%r14", ModeQ)
-Reg(R15, "%r15", ModeQ)
-Reg(Rrip, "%rip", ModeQ)
--- a/8/simp.c
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1339 +1,0 @@
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <stdio.h>
-#include <stdint.h>
-#include <ctype.h>
-#include <string.h>
-#include <assert.h>
-#include <sys/types.h>
-#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <fcntl.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-#include "parse.h"
-#include "opt.h"
-#include "asm.h"
-#include "platform.h" /* HACK. We need some platform specific code gen behavior. *sigh.* */
-/* takes a list of nodes, and reduces it (and it's subnodes) to a list
- * following these constraints:
- * - All nodes are expression nodes
- * - Nodes with side effects are root nodes
- * - All nodes operate on machine-primitive types and tuples
- */
-typedef struct Simp Simp;
-struct Simp {
- int isglobl;
- Node **stmts;
- size_t nstmts;
- /* return handling */
- Node *endlbl;
- Node *ret;
- int isbigret;
- /* pre/postinc handling */
- Node **incqueue;
- size_t nqueue;
- /* location handling */
- Node **blobs;
- size_t nblobs;
- size_t stksz;
- size_t argsz;
- Htab *globls;
- Htab *locs;
-static Node *simp(Simp *s, Node *n);
-static Node *rval(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst);
-static Node *lval(Simp *s, Node *n);
-static void declarelocal(Simp *s, Node *n);
-/* useful constants */
-static Type *tyintptr;
-static Type *tyvoid;
-static Type *base(Type *t)
- assert(t->nsub == 1);
- return t->sub[0];
-static Node *add(Node *a, Node *b)
- Node *n;
- assert(size(a) == size(b));
- n = mkexpr(a->line, Oadd, a, b, NULL);
- n->expr.type = a->expr.type;
- return n;
-static Node *addk(Node *n, uvlong v)
- Node *k;
- k = mkintlit(n->line, v);
- k->expr.type = exprtype(n);
- return add(n, k);
-static Node *sub(Node *a, Node *b)
- Node *n;
- n = mkexpr(a->line, Osub, a, b, NULL);
- n->expr.type = a->expr.type;
- return n;
-static Node *subk(Node *n, uvlong v)
- Node *k;
- k = mkintlit(n->line, v);
- k->expr.type = exprtype(n);
- return sub(n, k);
-static Node *mul(Node *a, Node *b)
- Node *n;
- n = mkexpr(a->line, Omul, a, b, NULL);
- n->expr.type = a->expr.type;
- return n;
-static Node *addr(Node *a, Type *bt)
- Node *n;
- n = mkexpr(a->line, Oaddr, a, NULL);
- if (!bt)
- n->expr.type = mktyptr(a->line, a->expr.type);
- else
- n->expr.type = mktyptr(a->line, bt);
- return n;
-static Node *load(Node *a)
- Node *n;
- assert(a->expr.type->type == Typtr);
- n = mkexpr(a->line, Oload, a, NULL);
- n->expr.type = base(a->expr.type);
- return n;
-static Node *store(Node *a, Node *b)
- Node *n;
- assert(a != NULL && b != NULL);
- if (exprop(a) == Ovar)
- n = mkexpr(a->line, Oset, a, b, NULL);
- else
- n = mkexpr(a->line, Ostor, a, b, NULL);
- return n;
-static Node *disp(int line, uint v)
- Node *n;
- n = mkintlit(line, v);
- n->expr.type = tyintptr;
- return n;
-static size_t did(Node *n)
- if (n->type == Ndecl) {
- return n->decl.did;
- } else if (n->type == Nexpr) {
- assert(exprop(n) == Ovar);
- return n->expr.did;
- }
- dump(n, stderr);
- die("Can't get did");
- return 0;
-static ulong dclhash(void *dcl)
- /* large-prime hash. meh. */
- return did(dcl) * 366787;
-static int dcleq(void *a, void *b)
- return did(a) == did(b);
-static void append(Simp *s, Node *n)
- lappend(&s->stmts, &s->nstmts, n);
-static int ispure(Node *n)
- return ispureop[exprop(n)];
-static int isconstfn(Node *s)
- return s->decl.isconst && decltype(s)->type == Tyfunc;
-static char *asmname(Node *n)
- char *s;
- int len;
- len = strlen(Fprefix);
- if (n->name.ns)
- len += strlen(n->name.ns) + 1; /* +1 for separator */
- len += strlen(n->;
- s = xalloc(len + 1);
- s[0] = '\0';
- sprintf(s, "%s", Fprefix);
- if (n->name.ns)
- sprintf(s, "%s%s$", s, n->name.ns);
- sprintf(s, "%s%s", s, n->;
- return s;
-int stacktype(Type *t)
- /* the types are arranged in types.def such that this is true */
- t = tybase(t);
- return t->type >= Tyslice;
-int stacknode(Node *n)
- if (n->type == Nexpr)
- return stacktype(n->expr.type);
- else
- return stacktype(n->decl.type);
-size_t tysize(Type *t)
- size_t sz;
- size_t i;
- sz = 0;
- if (!t)
- die("size of empty type => bailing.");
- switch (t->type) {
- case Tyvoid:
- die("void has no size");
- return 1;
- case Tybool: case Tyint8:
- case Tybyte: case Tyuint8:
- return 1;
- case Tyint16: case Tyuint16:
- return 2;
- case Tyint: case Tyint32:
- case Tyuint: case Tyuint32:
- case Tychar: /* utf32 */
- return 4;
- case Typtr: case Tyfunc:
- case Tyvalist: /* ptr to first element of valist */
- return Ptrsz;
- case Tyint64: case Tylong:
- case Tyuint64: case Tyulong:
- return 8;
- /*end integer types*/
- case Tyfloat32:
- return 4;
- case Tyfloat64:
- return 8;
- case Tyslice:
- return 2*Ptrsz; /* len; ptr */
- case Tyalias:
- return tysize(t->sub[0]);
- case Tyarray:
- assert(exprop(t->asize) == Olit);
- return t->asize->expr.args[0]->lit.intval * tysize(t->sub[0]);
- case Tytuple:
- for (i = 0; i < t->nsub; i++)
- sz += tysize(t->sub[i]);
- return sz;
- break;
- case Tystruct:
- for (i = 0; i < t->nmemb; i++)
- sz += align(size(t->sdecls[i]), Ptrsz);
- return sz;
- break;
- case Tyunion:
- sz = Ptrsz;
- for (i = 0; i < t->nmemb; i++)
- if (t->udecls[i]->etype)
- sz = max(sz, tysize(t->udecls[i]->etype) + Ptrsz);
- return align(sz, Ptrsz);
- break;
- case Tybad: case Tyvar: case Typaram: case Tyname: case Ntypes:
- die("Type %s does not have size; why did it get down to here?", tystr(t));
- break;
- }
- return -1;
-size_t size(Node *n)
- Type *t;
- if (n->type == Nexpr)
- t = n->expr.type;
- else
- t = n->decl.type;
- return tysize(t);
-static Node *gentemp(Simp *simp, Node *e, Type *ty, Node **dcl)
- char buf[128];
- static int nexttmp;
- Node *t, *r, *n;
- snprintf(buf, 128, ".t%d", nexttmp++);
- n = mkname(e->line, buf);
- t = mkdecl(e->line, n, ty);
- r = mkexpr(e->line, Ovar, n, NULL);
- r->expr.type = t->decl.type;
- r->expr.did = t->decl.did;
- if (dcl)
- *dcl = t;
- return r;
-static Node *temp(Simp *simp, Node *e)
- Node *t, *dcl;
- assert(e->type == Nexpr);
- t = gentemp(simp, e, e->expr.type, &dcl);
- declarelocal(simp, dcl);
- return t;
-static void jmp(Simp *s, Node *lbl)
- append(s, mkexpr(lbl->line, Ojmp, lbl, NULL));
-static void cjmp(Simp *s, Node *cond, Node *iftrue, Node *iffalse)
- Node *jmp;
- jmp = mkexpr(cond->line, Ocjmp, cond, iftrue, iffalse, NULL);
- append(s, jmp);
-/* if foo; bar; else baz;;
- * => cjmp (foo) :bar :baz */
-static void simpif(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *exit)
- Node *l1, *l2, *l3;
- Node *iftrue, *iffalse;
- Node *c;
- l1 = genlbl();
- l2 = genlbl();
- if (exit)
- l3 = exit;
- else
- l3 = genlbl();
- iftrue = n->ifstmt.iftrue;
- iffalse = n->ifstmt.iffalse;
- c = rval(s, n->ifstmt.cond, NULL);
- cjmp(s, c, l1, l2);
- simp(s, l1);
- simp(s, iftrue);
- jmp(s, l3);
- simp(s, l2);
- /* because lots of bunched up end labels are ugly,
- * coalesce them by handling 'elif'-like constructs
- * separately */
- if (iffalse && iffalse->type == Nifstmt) {
- simpif(s, iffalse, exit);
- } else {
- simp(s, iffalse);
- jmp(s, l3);
- }
- if (!exit)
- simp(s, l3);
-/* init; while cond; body;;
- * => init
- * jmp :cond
- * :body
- * ...body...
- * :cond
- * ...cond...
- * cjmp (cond) :body :end
- * :end
- */
-static void simploop(Simp *s, Node *n)
- Node *lbody;
- Node *lend;
- Node *lcond;
- Node *t;
- lbody = genlbl();
- lcond = genlbl();
- lend = genlbl();
- simp(s, n->loopstmt.init); /* init */
- jmp(s, lcond); /* goto test */
- simp(s, lbody); /* body lbl */
- simp(s, n->loopstmt.body); /* body */
- simp(s, n->loopstmt.step); /* step */
- simp(s, lcond); /* test lbl */
- t = rval(s, n->loopstmt.cond, NULL); /* test */
- cjmp(s, t, lbody, lend); /* repeat? */
- simp(s, lend); /* exit */
-static Ucon *finducon(Node *n)
- size_t i;
- Type *t;
- Ucon *uc;
- t = tybase(n->expr.type);
- if (exprop(n) != Ocons)
- return NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < t->nmemb; i++) {
- uc = t->udecls[i];
- if (!strcmp(namestr(uc->name), namestr(n->expr.args[0])))
- return uc;
- }
- die("No ucon?!?");
- return NULL;
-static Node *uconid(Node *n, size_t off)
- Ucon *uc;
- if (exprop(n) != Ocons)
- return load(add(addr(n, tyintptr), disp(n->line, off)));
- uc = finducon(n);
- return disp(uc->line, uc->id);
-static Node *uval(Node *n, size_t off, Type *t)
- if (exprop(n) == Ocons)
- return n->expr.args[1];
- else if (exprop(n) == Olit)
- return n;
- else
- return load(addk(addr(n, t), off));
-static Node *ucompare(Simp *s, Node *a, Node *b, Type *t, size_t off)
- Node *r, *v, *x, *y;
- Ucon *uc;
- assert(a->type == Nexpr);
- t = tybase(t);
- r = NULL;
- switch (t->type) {
- case Tyvoid: case Tybad: case Tyvalist: case Tyvar:
- case Typaram: case Tyname: case Tyalias: case Ntypes:
- case Tyint64: case Tyuint64: case Tylong: case Tyulong:
- case Tyfloat32: case Tyfloat64:
- case Tyslice: case Tyarray: case Tytuple: case Tystruct:
- die("Unsupported type for compare");
- break;
- case Tybool: case Tychar: case Tybyte:
- case Tyint8: case Tyint16: case Tyint32: case Tyint:
- case Tyuint8: case Tyuint16: case Tyuint32: case Tyuint:
- case Typtr: case Tyfunc:
- x = uval(a, off, t);
- y = uval(b, off, t);
- r = mkexpr(a->line, Oeq, x, y, NULL);
- r->expr.type = tyintptr;
- break;
- case Tyunion:
- x = uconid(a, off);
- y = uconid(b, off);
- uc = finducon(a);
- if (!uc)
- uc = finducon(b);
- r = mkexpr(a->line, Oeq, x, y, NULL);
- r->expr.type = tyintptr;
- if (uc->etype) {
- off += Ptrsz;
- v = ucompare(s, a, b, uc->etype, off);
- r = mkexpr(a->line, Oland, r, v, NULL);
- r->expr.type = tyintptr;
- r = rval(s, r, NULL); /* Oland needs to be reduced */
- }
- break;
- }
- return r;
-FILE *f;
-static void simpmatch(Simp *s, Node *n)
- Node *end, *cur, *next; /* labels */
- Node *val, *cond; /* intermediates */
- Node *m;
- size_t i;
- f = stdout;
- end = genlbl();
- val = rval(s, n->matchstmt.val, NULL); /* FIXME: don't recompute, even if pure */
- for (i = 0; i < n->matchstmt.nmatches; i++) {
- m = n->matchstmt.matches[i];
- /* check pattern */
- cond = ucompare(s, val, m->match.pat, val->expr.type, 0);
- cur = genlbl();
- next = genlbl();
- cjmp(s, cond, cur, next);
- /* do the action if it matches */
- append(s, cur);
- simp(s, m->match.block);
- jmp(s, end);
- append(s, next);
- }
- append(s, end);
-static void simpblk(Simp *s, Node *n)
- size_t i;
- for (i = 0; i < n->block.nstmts; i++) {
- simp(s, n->block.stmts[i]);
- }
-static Node *lowerlit(Simp *s, Node *lit, Node ***l, size_t *nl)
- Node *n, *d, *r;
- char lbl[128];
- n = mkname(lit->line, genlblstr(lbl, 128));
- d = mkdecl(lit->line, n, lit->expr.type);
- r = mkexpr(lit->line, Ovar, n, NULL);
- d->decl.init = lit;
- d->decl.type = lit->expr.type;
- d->decl.isconst = 1;
- r->expr.did = d->decl.did;
- r->expr.type = lit->expr.type;
- if (tybase(r->expr.type)->type == Tyfunc)
- r = addr(r, tybase(r->expr.type));
- htput(s->globls, d, strdup(lbl));
- lappend(l, nl, d);
- return r;
-static size_t offset(Node *aggr, Node *memb)
- Type *ty;
- Node **nl;
- size_t i;
- size_t off;
- ty = tybase(exprtype(aggr));
- if (ty->type == Typtr)
- ty = tybase(ty->sub[0]);
- assert(ty->type == Tystruct);
- nl = ty->sdecls;
- off = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < ty->nmemb; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(namestr(memb), declname(nl[i])))
- return off;
- off += size(nl[i]);
- }
- die("Could not find member %s in struct", namestr(memb));
- return -1;
-static Node *ptrsized(Simp *s, Node *v)
- if (size(v) == Ptrsz)
- return v;
- else if (size(v) < Ptrsz)
- v = mkexpr(v->line, Ozwiden, v, NULL);
- else if (size(v) > Ptrsz)
- v = mkexpr(v->line, Otrunc, v, NULL);
- v->expr.type = tyintptr;
- return v;
-static Node *membaddr(Simp *s, Node *n)
- Node *t, *u, *r;
- Node **args;
- Type *ty;
- args = n->expr.args;
- ty = tybase(exprtype(args[0]));
- if (ty->type == Typtr) {
- t = args[0];
- } else {
- t = addr(args[0], exprtype(n));
- }
- u = disp(n->line, offset(args[0], args[1]));
- r = add(t, u);
- r->expr.type = mktyptr(n->line, n->expr.type);
- return r;
-static Node *idxaddr(Simp *s, Node *n)
- Node *a, *t, *u, *v; /* temps */
- Node *r; /* result */
- Node **args;
- size_t sz;
- assert(exprop(n) == Oidx);
- args = n->expr.args;
- a = rval(s, args[0], NULL);
- if (exprtype(args[0])->type == Tyarray)
- t = addr(a, exprtype(n));
- else if (args[0]->expr.type->type == Tyslice)
- t = load(addr(a, mktyptr(n->line, exprtype(n))));
- else
- die("Can't index type %s\n", tystr(n->expr.type));
- assert(t->expr.type->type == Typtr);
- u = rval(s, args[1], NULL);
- u = ptrsized(s, u);
- sz = size(n);
- v = mul(u, disp(n->line, sz));
- r = add(t, v);
- return r;
-static Node *slicebase(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *off)
- Node *t, *u, *v;
- int sz;
- t = rval(s, n, NULL);
- u = NULL;
- switch (exprtype(n)->type) {
- case Typtr: u = n; break;
- case Tyarray: u = addr(t, base(exprtype(n))); break;
- case Tyslice: u = load(addr(t, mktyptr(n->line, base(exprtype(n))))); break;
- default: die("Unslicable type %s", tystr(n->expr.type));
- }
- /* safe: all types we allow here have a sub[0] that we want to grab */
- off = ptrsized(s, off);
- sz = tysize(n->expr.type->sub[0]);
- v = mul(off, disp(n->line, sz));
- return add(u, v);
-static Node *slicelen(Simp *s, Node *sl)
- /* *(&sl + sizeof(size_t)) */
- return load(addk(addr(sl, tyintptr), Ptrsz));
-Node *lval(Simp *s, Node *n)
- Node *r;
- switch (exprop(n)) {
- case Ovar: r = n; break;
- case Oidx: r = idxaddr(s, n); break;
- case Oderef: r = rval(s, n->expr.args[0], NULL); break;
- case Omemb: r = membaddr(s, n); break;
- default:
- die("%s cannot be an lval", opstr(exprop(n)));
- break;
- }
- return r;
-static Node *simplazy(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *r)
- Node *a, *b;
- Node *next;
- Node *end;
- next = genlbl();
- end = genlbl();
- a = rval(s, n->expr.args[0], NULL);
- append(s, store(r, a));
- if (exprop(n) == Oland)
- cjmp(s, r, next, end);
- else if (exprop(n) == Olor)
- cjmp(s, a, end, next);
- append(s, next);
- b = rval(s, n->expr.args[1], NULL);
- append(s, store(r, b));
- append(s, end);
- return r;
-static Node *lowerslice(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst)
- Node *t;
- Node *start, *end;
- Node *base, *sz, *len;
- Node *stbase, *stlen;
- if (dst)
- t = dst;
- else
- t = temp(s, n);
- /* *(&slice) = (void*)base + off*sz */
- base = slicebase(s, n->expr.args[0], n->expr.args[1]);
- start = ptrsized(s, rval(s, n->expr.args[1], NULL));
- end = ptrsized(s, rval(s, n->expr.args[2], NULL));
- len = sub(end, start);
- stbase = store(addr(t, tyintptr), base);
- /* *(&slice + ptrsz) = len */
- sz = addk(addr(t, tyintptr), Ptrsz);
- stlen = store(sz, len);
- append(s, stbase);
- append(s, stlen);
- return t;
-static Node *lowercast(Simp *s, Node *n)
- Node **args;
- Node *sz;
- Node *r;
- Type *t;
- int issigned;
- size_t fromsz, tosz;
- issigned = 0;
- r = NULL;
- args = n->expr.args;
- switch (tybase(exprtype(n))->type) {
- case Tyint8: case Tyint16: case Tyint32: case Tyint64:
- case Tyuint8: case Tyuint16: case Tyuint32: case Tyuint64:
- case Tyint: case Tyuint: case Tylong: case Tyulong:
- case Tychar: case Tybyte:
- case Typtr:
- t = tybase(exprtype(args[0]));
- switch (t->type) {
- case Tyslice:
- if (t->type == Typtr)
- fatal(n->line, "Bad cast from %s to %s",
- tystr(exprtype(args[0])), tystr(exprtype(n)));
- sz = mkintlit(n->line, Ptrsz);
- sz->expr.type = exprtype(args[0]);
- r = slicebase(s, args[0], sz);
- break;
- case Tyint8: case Tyint16: case Tyint32: case Tyint64:
- case Tyint: case Tylong:
- issigned = 1;
- case Tyuint8: case Tyuint16: case Tyuint32: case Tyuint64:
- case Tyuint: case Tyulong: case Tychar: case Tybyte:
- case Typtr:
- fromsz = size(args[0]);
- tosz = size(n);
- r = rval(s, args[0], NULL);
- if (fromsz > tosz) {
- r = mkexpr(n->line, Otrunc, r, NULL);
- } else if (tosz > fromsz) {
- if (issigned)
- r = mkexpr(n->line, Oswiden, r, NULL);
- else
- r = mkexpr(n->line, Ozwiden, r, NULL);
- }
- r->expr.type = n->expr.type;
- break;
- default:
- fatal(n->line, "Bad cast from %s to %s",
- tystr(exprtype(args[0])), tystr(exprtype(n)));
- }
- break;
- default:
- fatal(n->line, "Bad cast from %s to %s",
- tystr(exprtype(args[0])), tystr(exprtype(n)));
- }
- return r;
-static Node *visit(Simp *s, Node *n)
- size_t i;
- Node *r;
- for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++)
- n->expr.args[i] = rval(s, n->expr.args[i], NULL);
- if (ispure(n)) {
- r = n;
- } else {
- if (exprtype(n)->type == Tyvoid) {
- r = NULL;
- append(s, n);
- } else {
- r = temp(s, n);
- append(s, store(r, n));
- }
- }
- return r;
-Node *destructure(Simp *s, Node *lhs, Node *rhs)
- Node *plv, *prv, *lv, *sz, *stor, **args;
- size_t off, i;
- args = lhs->expr.args;
- rhs = rval(s, rhs, NULL);
- off = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < lhs->expr.nargs; i++) {
- lv = lval(s, args[i]);
- prv = add(addr(rhs, exprtype(args[i])), disp(rhs->line, off));
- if (stacknode(args[i])) {
- sz = disp(lhs->line, size(lv));
- plv = addr(lv, exprtype(lv));
- stor = mkexpr(lhs->line, Oblit, plv, prv, sz, NULL);
- } else {
- stor = store(lv, load(prv));
- }
- append(s, stor);
- off += size(lv);
- }
- return NULL;
-Node *assign(Simp *s, Node *lhs, Node *rhs)
- Node *t, *u, *v, *r;
- if (exprop(lhs) == Otup) {
- r = destructure(s, lhs, rhs);
- } else {
- t = lval(s, lhs);
- u = rval(s, rhs, t);
- /* if we stored the result into t, rval() should return that,
- * so we know our work is done. */
- if (u == t) {
- r = t;
- } else if (stacknode(lhs)) {
- t = addr(t, exprtype(lhs));
- u = addr(u, exprtype(lhs));
- v = disp(lhs->line, size(lhs));
- r = mkexpr(lhs->line, Oblit, t, u, v, NULL);
- } else if (exprop(lhs) == Ovar) {
- r = mkexpr(lhs->line, Oset, t, u, NULL);
- } else {
- r = mkexpr(lhs->line, Ostor, t, u, NULL);
- }
- }
- return r;
-static Node *lowertup(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst)
- Node *pdst, *pval, *val, *sz, *stor, **args;
- Node *r;
- size_t i, off;
- args = n->expr.args;
- if (!dst)
- dst = temp(s, n);
- r = addr(dst, exprtype(dst));
- off = 0;
- for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++) {
- val = rval(s, args[i], NULL);
- pdst = add(r, disp(n->line, off));
- if (stacknode(args[i])) {
- sz = disp(n->line, size(val));
- pval = addr(val, exprtype(val));
- stor = mkexpr(n->line, Oblit, pdst, pval, sz, NULL);
- } else {
- stor = store(pdst, val);
- }
- append(s, stor);
- off += size(args[i]);
- }
- return dst;
-static Node *lowerucon(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst)
- Node *tmp, *u, *tag, *elt, *sz;
- Node *r;
- Type *ty;
- Ucon *uc;
- size_t i;
- /* find the ucon we're constructing here */
- ty = tybase(n->expr.type);
- uc = NULL;
- for (i = 0; i < ty->nmemb; i++) {
- if (!strcmp(namestr(n->expr.args[0]), namestr(ty->udecls[i]->name))) {
- uc = ty->udecls[i];
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!uc)
- die("Couldn't find union constructor");
- if (dst)
- tmp = dst;
- else
- tmp = temp(s, n);
- u = addr(tmp, exprtype(n));
- tag = disp(n->line, uc->id);
- append(s, store(u, tag));
- if (!uc->etype)
- return tmp;
- elt = rval(s, n->expr.args[1], NULL);
- u = addk(u, Ptrsz);
- if (stacktype(uc->etype)) {
- elt = addr(elt, uc->etype);
- sz = disp(n->line, tysize(uc->utype));
- r = mkexpr(n->line, Oblit, u, elt, sz, NULL);
- } else {
- r = store(u, elt);
- }
- append(s, r);
- return tmp;
-static Node *rval(Simp *s, Node *n, Node *dst)
- Node *r; /* expression result */
- Node *t, *u, *v; /* temporary nodes */
- Node **args;
- size_t i;
- const Op fusedmap[Numops] = {
- [Oaddeq] = Oadd,
- [Osubeq] = Osub,
- [Omuleq] = Omul,
- [Odiveq] = Odiv,
- [Omodeq] = Omod,
- [Oboreq] = Obor,
- [Obandeq] = Oband,
- [Obxoreq] = Obxor,
- [Obsleq] = Obsl,
- [Obsreq] = Obsr,
- };
- r = NULL;
- args = n->expr.args;
- switch (exprop(n)) {
- case Obad:
- case Olor: case Oland:
- r = temp(s, n);
- simplazy(s, n, r);
- break;
- case Osize:
- r = mkintlit(n->line, size(args[0]));
- r->expr.type = exprtype(n);
- break;
- case Oslice:
- r = lowerslice(s, n, dst);
- break;
- case Oidx:
- t = idxaddr(s, n);
- r = load(t);
- break;
- case Omemb:
- if (exprtype(args[0])->type == Tyslice) {
- assert(!strcmp(namestr(args[1]), "len"));
- r = slicelen(s, args[0]);
- } else if (exprtype(args[0])->type == Tyarray) {
- assert(!strcmp(namestr(args[1]), "len"));
- r = exprtype(args[0])->asize;
- } else {
- t = membaddr(s, n);
- r = load(t);
- }
- break;
- case Ocons:
- r = lowerucon(s, n, dst);
- break;
- case Otup:
- r = lowertup(s, n, dst);
- break;
- case Ocast:
- /* slice -> ptr cast */
- r = lowercast(s, n);
- break;
- /* fused ops:
- * foo ?= blah
- * =>
- * foo = foo ? blah*/
- case Oaddeq: case Osubeq: case Omuleq: case Odiveq: case Omodeq:
- case Oboreq: case Obandeq: case Obxoreq: case Obsleq: case Obsreq:
- assert(fusedmap[exprop(n)] != Obad);
- u = rval(s, args[0], NULL);
- v = rval(s, args[1], NULL);
- v = mkexpr(n->line, fusedmap[exprop(n)], u, v, NULL);
- v->expr.type = u->expr.type;
- r = store(u, v);
- break;
- /* ++expr(x)
- * => args[0] = args[0] + 1
- * expr(x) */
- case Opreinc:
- v = assign(s, args[0], addk(args[0], 1));
- append(s, v);
- r = rval(s, args[0], NULL);
- break;
- case Opredec:
- v = assign(s, args[0], subk(args[0], 1));
- append(s, v);
- r = rval(s, args[0], NULL);
- break;
- /* expr(x++)
- * =>
- * expr
- * x = x + 1
- */
- case Opostinc:
- r = rval(s, args[0], NULL);
- t = store(lval(s, args[0]), addk(r, 1));
- lappend(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue, t);
- break;
- case Opostdec:
- r = rval(s, args[0], NULL);
- t = store(lval(s, args[0]), subk(r, 1));
- lappend(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue, t);
- break;
- case Olit:
- switch (args[0]->lit.littype) {
- case Lchr: case Lbool: case Lint:
- r = n;
- break;
- case Lstr: case Lseq: case Lflt:
- r = lowerlit(s, n, &s->blobs, &s->nblobs);
- break;
- case Lfunc:
- r = lowerlit(s, n, &file->file.stmts, &file->file.nstmts);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case Ovar:
- r = n;
- break;
- case Oret:
- if (s->isbigret) {
- t = rval(s, args[0], NULL);
- t = addr(t, exprtype(args[0]));
- u = disp(n->line, size(args[0]));
- v = mkexpr(n->line, Oblit, s->ret, t, u, NULL);
- append(s, v);
- } else if (n->expr.nargs && n->expr.args[0]) {
- t = s->ret;
- t = store(t, rval(s, args[0], NULL));
- append(s, t);
- }
- jmp(s, s->endlbl);
- break;
- case Oasn:
- r = assign(s, args[0], args[1]);
- break;
- case Ocall:
- if (exprtype(n)->type != Tyvoid && size(n) > Ptrsz) {
- r = temp(s, n);
- linsert(&n->expr.args, &n->expr.nargs, 1, addr(r, exprtype(n)));
- for (i = 0; i < n->expr.nargs; i++)
- n->expr.args[i] = rval(s, n->expr.args[i], NULL);
- append(s, n);
- } else {
- r = visit(s, n);
- }
- break;
- case Oaddr:
- t = lval(s, args[0]);
- if (exprop(t) == Ovar) /* Ovar is the only one that doesn't return the address directly */
- r = addr(t, exprtype(t));
- else
- r = t;
- break;
- default:
- r = visit(s, n);
- }
- return r;
-static void declarelocal(Simp *s, Node *n)
- assert(n->type == Ndecl);
- s->stksz += size(n);
- s->stksz = align(s->stksz, min(size(n), Ptrsz));
- if (debug)
- printf("declare %s:%s(%zd) at %zd\n", declname(n), tystr(decltype(n)), n->decl.did, s->stksz);
- htput(s->locs, n, (void*)s->stksz);
-static void declarearg(Simp *s, Node *n)
- assert(n->type == Ndecl);
- s->argsz = align(s->argsz, min(size(n), Ptrsz));
- if (debug)
- printf("declare %s(%zd) at %zd\n", declname(n), n->decl.did, -(s->argsz + 2*Ptrsz));
- htput(s->locs, n, (void*)-(s->argsz + 2*Ptrsz));
- s->argsz += size(n);
-static Node *simp(Simp *s, Node *n)
- Node *r, *t, *u;
- size_t i;
- if (!n)
- return NULL;
- r = NULL;
- switch (n->type) {
- case Nlit: r = n; break;
- case Nlbl: append(s, n); break;
- case Nblock: simpblk(s, n); break;
- case Nifstmt: simpif(s, n, NULL); break;
- case Nloopstmt: simploop(s, n); break;
- case Nmatchstmt: simpmatch(s, n); break;
- case Nexpr:
- r = rval(s, n, NULL);
- if (r)
- append(s, r);
- /* drain the increment queue for this expr */
- for (i = 0; i < s->nqueue; i++)
- append(s, s->incqueue[i]);
- lfree(&s->incqueue, &s->nqueue);
- break;
- case Ndecl:
- declarelocal(s, n);
- if (n->decl.init) {
- t = mkexpr(n->line, Ovar, n->, NULL);
- u = mkexpr(n->line, Oasn, t, n->decl.init, NULL);
- u->expr.type = n->decl.type;
- t->expr.type = n->decl.type;
- t->expr.did = n->decl.did;
- simp(s, u);
- }
- break;
- default:
- die("Bad node passsed to simp()");
- break;
- }
- return r;
-static void flatten(Simp *s, Node *f)
- Node *dcl;
- Type *ty;
- size_t i;
- assert(f->type == Nfunc);
- s->nstmts = 0;
- s->stmts = NULL;
- s->endlbl = genlbl();
- s->ret = NULL;
- assert(f->type == Nfunc);
- ty = f->func.type->sub[0];
- if (stacktype(ty)) {
- s->isbigret = 1;
- s->ret = gentemp(s, f, mktyptr(f->line, ty), &dcl);
- declarearg(s, dcl);
- } else if (ty->type != Tyvoid) {
- s->isbigret = 0;
- s->ret = gentemp(s, f, ty, &dcl);
- declarelocal(s, dcl);
- }
- for (i = 0; i < f->func.nargs; i++) {
- declarearg(s, f->func.args[i]);
- }
- simp(s, f->func.body);
- append(s, s->endlbl);
-static Func *lowerfn(Simp *s, char *name, Node *n, int export)
- size_t i;
- Func *fn;
- Cfg *cfg;
- if(debug)
- printf("\n\nfunction %s\n", name);
- if (!n->decl.init)
- return NULL;
- /* set up the simp context */
- /* unwrap to the function body */
- n = n->expr.args[0];
- n = n->lit.fnval;
- flatten(s, n);
- if (debug)
- for (i = 0; i < s->nstmts; i++)
- dump(s->stmts[i], stdout);
- for (i = 0; i < s->nstmts; i++) {
- if (s->stmts[i]->type != Nexpr)
- continue;
- if (debugopt['f']) {
- printf("FOLD FROM ----------\n");
- dump(s->stmts[i], stdout);
- }
- s->stmts[i] = fold(s->stmts[i]);
- if (debugopt['f']) {
- printf("FOLD TO ------------\n");
- dump(s->stmts[i], stdout);
- printf("END ----------------\n");
- }
- }
- cfg = mkcfg(s->stmts, s->nstmts);
- if (debug)
- dumpcfg(cfg, stdout);
- fn = zalloc(sizeof(Func));
- fn->name = strdup(name);
- fn->isexport = export;
- fn->stksz = align(s->stksz, 8);
- fn->locs = s->locs;
- fn->ret = s->ret;
- fn->cfg = cfg;
- return fn;
-static void fillglobls(Stab *st, Htab *globls)
- void **k;
- size_t i, nk;
- Stab *stab;
- Node *s;
- k = htkeys(st->dcl, &nk);
- for (i = 0; i < nk; i++) {
- s = htget(st->dcl, k[i]);
- htput(globls, s, asmname(s->;
- }
- free(k);
- k = htkeys(st->ns, &nk);
- for (i = 0; i < nk; i++) {
- stab = htget(st->ns, k[i]);
- fillglobls(stab, globls);
- }
- free(k);
-static void lowerdcl(Node *dcl, Htab *globls, Func ***fn, size_t *nfn, Node ***blob, size_t *nblob)
- Simp s = {0,};
- char *name;
- Func *f;
- name = asmname(dcl->;
- s.locs = mkht(dclhash, dcleq);
- s.globls = globls;
- s.blobs = *blob;
- s.nblobs = *nblob;
- if (isconstfn(dcl)) {
- if (!dcl->decl.isextern && !dcl->decl.isgeneric) {
- f = lowerfn(&s, name, dcl->decl.init, dcl->decl.isexport);
- lappend(fn, nfn, f);
- }
- } else {
- dcl->decl.init = fold(dcl->decl.init);
- if (dcl->decl.init && exprop(dcl->decl.init) == Olit)
- lappend(&s.blobs, &s.nblobs, dcl);
- /* uninitialized global vars get zero-initialized decls */
- else if (!dcl->decl.isconst && !dcl->decl.init)
- lappend(&s.blobs, &s.nblobs, dcl);
- else
- die("We don't lower globls with nonlit inits yet...");
- }
- *blob = s.blobs;
- *nblob = s.nblobs;
- free(name);
-void gen(Node *file, char *out)
- Htab *globls;
- Node *n, **blob;
- Func **fn;
- size_t nfn, nblob;
- size_t i;
- FILE *fd;
- /* declare useful constants */
- tyintptr = mkty(-1, Tyuint64);
- tyvoid = mkty(-1, Tyvoid);
- fn = NULL;
- nfn = 0;
- blob = NULL;
- nblob = 0;
- globls = mkht(dclhash, dcleq);
- /* We need to define all global variables before use */
- fillglobls(file->file.globls, globls);
- for (i = 0; i < file->file.nstmts; i++) {
- n = file->file.stmts[i];
- switch (n->type) {
- case Nuse: /* nothing to do */
- break;
- case Ndecl:
- lowerdcl(n, globls, &fn, &nfn, &blob, &nblob);
- break;
- default:
- die("Bad node %s in toplevel", nodestr(n->type));
- break;
- }
- }
- fd = fopen(out, "w");
- if (!fd)
- die("Couldn't open fd %s", out);
- fprintf(fd, ".data\n");
- for (i = 0; i < nblob; i++)
- genblob(fd, blob[i], globls);
- fprintf(fd, ".text\n");
- for (i = 0; i < nfn; i++)
- genasm(fd, fn[i], globls);
- fclose(fd);
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
SUB = parse \
opt \
- 8 \
+ 6 \
--- a/test/
+++ b/test/
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
export PATH=.:$PATH
-export MC=../8/8m
+export MC=../6/6m
export MU=../util/muse
export CC=cc