ref: 8bc429fb93070938b8bc5d459da4f2664c00abae
parent: 3a496c143eb8aad32c03c7067c54807256949c97
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Mon Dec 28 20:02:54 EST 2015
Add initial tokenizer for myrddin parser.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mparse/bld.proj
@@ -1,0 +1,7 @@
+bin tok =
+ main.myr
+ types.myr
+ tok.myr
+ tokdefs.myr
+ util.myr
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mparse/main.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,15 @@
+use std
+use "tok.use"
+const main = {
+ var ts
+ ts = parse.tokinitf(0)
+ while true
+ match parse.toknext(ts)
+ | `parse.Teof: break
+ | tok: std.put("{}\n", tok)
+ ;;
+ ;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mparse/tok.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,540 @@
+use std
+use "types.use"
+use "tokdefs.use"
+use "util.use"
+pkg parse =
+ type tokstream = struct
+ next : std.option(tok)
+ rest : byte[:]
+ data : byte[:]
+ loc : srcloc
+ ;;
+ const tokinit : (path : byte[:] -> tokstream#)
+ const tokinitf : (path : std.fd -> tokstream#)
+ const tokclose : (ts : tokstream# -> void)
+ const toknext : (ts : tokstream# -> tok)
+ const tokpeek : (ts : tokstream# -> tok)
+const Eof = std.Badchar
+const tokinit = {path
+ match std.slurp(path)
+ | `std.Ok data: ->[.next=`std.None, .rest=data, .data=data])
+ | `std.Fail e: std.fatal("could not read file {}: {}\n", path, e)
+ ;;
+const tokinitf = {fd
+ match std.fslurp(fd)
+ | `std.Ok data: ->[.next=`std.None, .rest=data, .data=data])
+ | `std.Fail e: std.fatal("could not read file {}: {}\n", fd, e)
+ ;;
+const tokclose = {ts
+ std.slfree(
+const toknext = {ts
+ var t
+ match
+ | `std.Some tok:
+ = `std.None
+ std.put("tok: {}\n", tok)
+ -> tok
+ | `std.None:
+ t = tokread(ts)
+ std.put("t: {}\n", t)
+ -> t
+ ;;
+const tokpeek = {ts
+ var tok
+ match
+ | `std.Some t:
+ -> t
+ | `std.None:
+ tok = tokread(ts)
+ = `std.Some tok
+ -> tok
+ ;;
+const tokread : (ts : tokstream# -> tok) = {ts
+ var c
+ skipspace(ts)
+ c = peekc(ts)
+ if == 0
+ -> `Teof
+ elif c == '\n'
+ takec(ts)
+ ts.loc.line++
+ ts.loc.col = 1
+ -> `Tendln
+ elif c == '\''
+ -> chrlit(ts)
+ elif c == '"'
+ -> strlit(ts)
+ elif c == '@'
+ -> typaram(ts)
+ elif isident(c)
+ -> kwident(ts)
+ elif std.isdigit(c)
+ -> numlit(ts)
+ else
+ -> oper(ts)
+ ;;
+const skipspace = {ts
+ var ignorenl
+ ignorenl = false
+ while true
+ match peekc(ts)
+ | '\n':
+ if ignorenl
+ takec(ts)
+ ts.loc.line++
+ ts.loc.col = 1
+ else
+ break
+ ;;
+ | '\\':
+ ignorenl = true
+ takec(ts)
+ | '/':
+ match npeekc(ts, 1)
+ | '/': skipto(ts, '\n')
+ | '*': skipcomment(ts)
+ | _: break
+ ;;
+ | c:
+ if std.isspace(c)
+ takec(ts)
+ else
+ break
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ ;;
+const skipcomment = {ts
+ var depth, startln
+ depth = 0
+ startln = ts.loc.line
+ while true
+ match takec(ts)
+ | '/':
+ if matchc(ts, '*')
+ depth++
+ ;;
+ | '*':
+ if matchc(ts, '/')
+ depth--
+ ;;
+ | '\n':
+ ts.loc.line++
+ ts.loc.col = 1
+ | Eof:
+ err(ts.loc, "file ended in comment starting on line {}\n", startln)
+ | _:
+ ;;
+ if depth == 0
+ break
+ ;;
+ ;;
+const chrlit = {ts
+ var c, close
+ takec(ts)
+ c = takec(ts)
+ if c == '\\'
+ c = unescape(ts)
+ ;;
+ close = takec(ts)
+ if close != '\''
+ err(ts.loc, "expected closing ' in character literal, got {}\n", close)
+ ;;
+ -> `Tchrlit c
+const strlit = {ts
+ var sb
+ takec(ts)
+ sb = std.mksb()
+ while true
+ match takec(ts)
+ | Eof:
+ err(ts.loc, "unexpected EOF within string literal\n")
+ | '\n':
+ err(ts.loc, "unexpected \\n within string literal\n")
+ | '"':
+ break
+ | '\\':
+ std.sbputc(sb, unescape(ts))
+ | c:
+ std.sbputc(sb, c)
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ -> `Tstrlit std.sbfin(sb)
+const unescape = {ts
+ var c, c1, c2
+ c = takec(ts)
+ /* we've already seen the '\' */
+ match c
+ | 'n': -> '\n'
+ | 'r': -> '\r'
+ | 't': -> '\t'
+ | 'b': -> '\b'
+ | '"': -> '\"'
+ | '\'': -> '\''
+ | 'v': -> '\v'
+ | '\\': -> '\\'
+ | '0': -> '\0'
+ | 'u': -> utfesc(ts);
+ | 'x':
+ c1 = takec(ts)
+ if !std.isxdigit(c1)
+ err(ts.loc, "expected hex digit, got {}\n", c1)
+ ;;
+ c2 = takec(ts)
+ if !std.isxdigit(c2)
+ err(ts.loc, "expected hex digit, got {}\n", c2)
+ ;;
+ -> 16*std.charval(c1, 16) + std.charval(c2, 16)
+ c2 = takec(ts)
+ | esc:
+ err(ts.loc, "unknown escape code \\{}\n", esc)
+ ;;
+const utfesc = {ts
+ var c, v
+ if takec(ts) != '{'
+ err(ts.loc, "\\u escape sequence without initial '{'\n")
+ ;;
+ v = 0
+ c = std.Badchar
+ while true
+ c = takec(ts)
+ if std.isxdigit(c)
+ v *= 16
+ v += std.charval(c, 16)
+ else
+ break
+ ;;
+ if v > 0x10FFFF
+ err(ts.loc, "invalid codepoint in \\u escape sequence\n")
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ if c != '}'
+ err(ts.loc, "\\u escape sequence without closing '{'\n")
+ ;;
+ -> v
+const typaram = {ts
+ takec(ts)
+ match kwident(ts)
+ | `Tident id:
+ -> `Ttyparam id
+ | kw:
+ err(ts.loc, "'{}' used as type parameter\n", kw)
+ ;;
+const numlit = {ts
+ var t
+ if matchc(ts, '0')
+ if matchc(ts, 'x')
+ t = number(ts, 16)
+ elif matchc(ts, 'b')
+ t = number(ts, 2)
+ elif matchc('o')
+ t = number(ts, 8)
+ else
+ t = number(ts, 10)
+ ;;
+ else
+ t = number(ts, 10)
+ ;;
+ -> t
+only deals with the body of the number. if we reach
+this code, then it's guaranteed that we already have
+a numerical value.
+const number = {ts, base
+const kwident = {ts
+ match identstr(ts)
+ | "$": -> `Tidxlen
+ | "_": -> `Tgap
+ | "$noret": -> `Tattr `Attrnoret
+ | "break": -> `Tbreak
+ | "castto": -> `Tcast
+ | "const": -> `Tconst
+ | "continue": -> `Tcontinue
+ | "elif": -> `Telif
+ | "else": -> `Telse
+ | "extern": -> `Tattr `Attrextern
+ | "false": -> `Tboollit false
+ | "for": -> `Tfor
+ | "generic": -> `Tgeneric
+ | "goto": -> `Tgoto
+ | "if": -> `Tif
+ | "impl": -> `Timpl
+ | "in": -> `Tin
+ | "match": -> `Tmatch
+ | "pkg": -> `Tpkg
+ | "pkglocal": -> `Tattr `Attrpkglocal
+ | "sizeof": -> `Tsizeof
+ | "struct": -> `Tstruct
+ | "trait": -> `Ttrait
+ | "true": -> `Tboollit true
+ | "type": -> `Ttype
+ | "union": -> `Tunion
+ | "use": -> `Tuse
+ | "var": -> `Tvar
+ | "void": -> `Tvoidlit
+ | "while": -> `Twhile
+ | ident: -> `Tident ident
+ ;;
+const oper = {ts
+ var t, chr
+ chr = takec(ts)
+ std.put("c = '{}'\n", chr)
+ t = `Tobrace
+ match chr
+ | '{': t = `Tobrace
+ | '}': t = `Tcbrace
+ | '(': t = `Toparen
+ | ')': t = `Tcparen
+ | '[': t = `Tosqbrac
+ | ']': t = `Tcsqbrac
+ | ',': t = `Tcomma
+ | '`': t = `Ttick
+ | '#': t = `Tderef
+ | '~': t = `Tbnot
+ | ':':
+ if matchc(ts, ':')
+ t = `Twith
+ else
+ t = `Tcolon;
+ ;;
+ | ';':
+ if matchc(ts, ';')
+ t = `Tendblk;
+ else
+ t = `Tendln;
+ ;;
+ | '.':
+ if npeekc(ts, 1) == '.' && npeekc(ts, 2) == '.'
+ takec(ts)
+ takec(ts)
+ t = `Tellipsis;
+ else
+ t = `Tdot;
+ ;;
+ | '+':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Taddeq;
+ elif matchc(ts, '+')
+ t = `Tinc;
+ else
+ t = `Tplus;
+ ;;
+ | '-':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tsubeq;
+ elif matchc(ts, '-')
+ t = `Tdec;
+ elif matchc(ts, '>')
+ t = `Tret;
+ else
+ t = `Tminus;
+ ;;
+ | '*':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tmuleq;
+ else
+ t = `Tmul;
+ ;;
+ | '/':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tdiveq;
+ else
+ t = `Tdiv;
+ ;;
+ | '%':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tmodeq;
+ else
+ t = `Tmod;
+ ;;
+ | '=':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Teq;
+ else
+ t = `Tasn;
+ ;;
+ | '|':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tboreq;
+ elif matchc(ts, '|')
+ t = `Tlor;
+ else
+ t = `Tbor;
+ ;;
+ | '&':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tbandeq;
+ elif matchc(ts, '&')
+ t = `Tland;
+ else
+ t = `Tband;
+ ;;
+ | '^':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tbxoreq;
+ else
+ t = `Tbxor;
+ ;;
+ | '<':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tle;
+ elif matchc(ts, '<')
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tbsleq;
+ else
+ t = `Tbsl;
+ ;;
+ else
+ t = `Tlt;
+ ;;
+ | '>':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tge;
+ elif matchc(ts, '>')
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tbsreq;
+ else
+ t = `Tbsr;
+ ;;
+ else
+ t = `Tgt;
+ ;;
+ | '!':
+ if matchc(ts, '=')
+ t = `Tne;
+ else
+ t = `Tlnot;
+ ;;
+ | c:
+ t = `Terror;
+ err(ts.loc, "junk character {}", c);
+ ;;
+ -> t
+const identstr = {ts
+ var i, str
+ /* ASCII */
+ if == 0 || std.isdigit([0] castto(char))
+ -> ""
+ ;;
+ for i = 0; i <; i++
+ if !isident([i] castto(char))
+ break
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ str =[:i]
+ =[i:]
+ -> std.sldup(str)
+const isident = {c
+ -> c & 0x80 == 0 && \
+ (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z' || \
+ c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z' || \
+ c >= '0' && c <= '9' || \
+ c == '_' || c == '$')
+const peekc = {ts
+ -> std.decode(
+const npeekc = {ts, n
+ var c, s
+ s =
+ for var i = 0; i < n; i++
+ (c, s) = std.strstep(s)
+ ;;
+ -> std.decode(s)
+const takec = {ts
+ var c, s
+ (c, s) = std.strstep(
+ = s
+ -> c
+const skipto = {ts, chr
+ var c, s
+ s =
+ while true
+ (c, s) = std.strstep(s)
+ if s.len == 0 || c == chr
+ break
+ ;;
+ ;;
+const matchc = {ts, chr
+ var c, s
+ (c, s) = std.strstep(
+ if c == chr
+ = s
+ -> true
+ else
+ -> false
+ ;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mparse/tokdefs.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,210 @@
+use std
+use "types.use"
+pkg parse =
+ type tok = union
+ `Terror
+ `Teof
+ `Tplus /* + */
+ `Tminus /* - */
+ `Tmul /* * */
+ `Tdiv /* / */
+ `Tinc /* ++ */
+ `Tdec /* -- */
+ `Tmod /* % */
+ `Tasn /* = */
+ `Taddeq /* += */
+ `Tsubeq /* -= */
+ `Tmuleq /* *= */
+ `Tdiveq /* /= */
+ `Tmodeq /* %= */
+ `Tboreq /* |= */
+ `Tbxoreq /* ^= */
+ `Tbandeq /* &= */
+ `Tbsleq /* <<= */
+ `Tbsreq /* >>= */
+ `Tbor /* | */
+ `Tbxor /* ^ */
+ `Tband /* & */
+ `Tbsl /* << */
+ `Tbsr /* >> */
+ `Tbnot /* ~ */
+ `Teq /* == */
+ `Tgt /* > */
+ `Tlt /* < */
+ `Tge /* >= */
+ `Tle /* <= */
+ `Tne /* != */
+ `Tlor /* || */
+ `Tland /* && */
+ `Tlnot /* ! */
+ `Tobrace /* { */
+ `Tcbrace /* } */
+ `Toparen /* ( */
+ `Tcparen /* ) */
+ `Tosqbrac /* [ */
+ `Tcsqbrac /* ] */
+ `Tat /* @ */
+ `Ttick /* ` */
+ `Tderef /* # */
+ `Tidxlen /* $ */
+ `Ttype /* type */
+ `Tfor /* for */
+ `Tin /* in */
+ `Twhile /* while */
+ `Tif /* if */
+ `Telse /* else */
+ `Telif /* else */
+ `Tmatch /* match */
+ `Tgoto /* goto */
+ `Tbreak /* break */
+ `Tcontinue /* continue */
+ `Tintlit int64
+ `Tstrlit byte[:]
+ `Tfltlit flt64
+ `Tchrlit char
+ `Tboollit bool
+ `Tvoidlit
+ `Ttrait /* trait */
+ `Timpl /* trait */
+ `Tstruct /* struct */
+ `Tunion /* union */
+ `Ttyparam byte[:] /* @typename */
+ `Tconst /* const */
+ `Tvar /* var */
+ `Tgeneric /* var */
+ `Tcast /* castto */
+ `Tgap /* _ */
+ `Tellipsis/* ... */
+ `Tendln /* ; or \n */
+ `Tendblk /* ;; */
+ `Tcolon /* : */
+ `Twith /* :: */
+ `Tdot /* . */
+ `Tcomma /* , */
+ `Tret /* -> */
+ `Tuse /* use */
+ `Tpkg /* pkg */
+ `Tsizeof /* sizeof */
+ `Tattr attr /* $attr */
+ `Tident byte[:]
+ ;;
+const __init__ = {
+ var dummy : tok
+ dummy = `Terror
+ std.fmtinstall(std.typeof(dummy), tokfmt, [][:])
+const tokfmt = {sb, ap, opts
+ var tok
+ tok = std.vanext(ap)
+ match tok
+ | `Terror: std.sbfmt(sb, "ERROR")
+ | `Teof: std.sbfmt(sb, "EOF")
+ | `Tplus: std.sbfmt(sb, "+")
+ | `Tminus: std.sbfmt(sb, "-")
+ | `Tmul: std.sbfmt(sb, "*")
+ | `Tdiv: std.sbfmt(sb, "/")
+ | `Tinc: std.sbfmt(sb, "++")
+ | `Tdec: std.sbfmt(sb, "--")
+ | `Tmod: std.sbfmt(sb, "%")
+ | `Tasn: std.sbfmt(sb, "=")
+ | `Taddeq: std.sbfmt(sb, "+=")
+ | `Tsubeq: std.sbfmt(sb, "-=")
+ | `Tmuleq: std.sbfmt(sb, "*=")
+ | `Tdiveq: std.sbfmt(sb, "/=")
+ | `Tmodeq: std.sbfmt(sb, "%=")
+ | `Tboreq: std.sbfmt(sb, "|=")
+ | `Tbxoreq: std.sbfmt(sb, "^=")
+ | `Tbandeq: std.sbfmt(sb, "&=")
+ | `Tbsleq: std.sbfmt(sb, "<<=")
+ | `Tbsreq: std.sbfmt(sb, ">>=")
+ | `Tbor: std.sbfmt(sb, "|")
+ | `Tbxor: std.sbfmt(sb, "^")
+ | `Tband: std.sbfmt(sb, "&")
+ | `Tbsl: std.sbfmt(sb, "<<")
+ | `Tbsr: std.sbfmt(sb, ">>")
+ | `Tbnot: std.sbfmt(sb, "~")
+ | `Teq: std.sbfmt(sb, "==")
+ | `Tgt: std.sbfmt(sb, ">")
+ | `Tlt: std.sbfmt(sb, "<")
+ | `Tge: std.sbfmt(sb, ">=")
+ | `Tle: std.sbfmt(sb, "<=")
+ | `Tne: std.sbfmt(sb, "!=")
+ | `Tlor: std.sbfmt(sb, "||")
+ | `Tland: std.sbfmt(sb, "&&")
+ | `Tlnot: std.sbfmt(sb, "!")
+ | `Tobrace: std.sbfmt(sb, "{{")
+ | `Tcbrace: std.sbfmt(sb, "}}")
+ | `Toparen: std.sbfmt(sb, "(")
+ | `Tcparen: std.sbfmt(sb, ")")
+ | `Tosqbrac: std.sbfmt(sb, "[")
+ | `Tcsqbrac: std.sbfmt(sb, "]")
+ | `Tat: std.sbfmt(sb, "@")
+ | `Ttick: std.sbfmt(sb, "`")
+ | `Tderef: std.sbfmt(sb, "#")
+ | `Tidxlen: std.sbfmt(sb, "$")
+ | `Ttype: std.sbfmt(sb, "type")
+ | `Tfor: std.sbfmt(sb, "for")
+ | `Tin: std.sbfmt(sb, "in")
+ | `Twhile: std.sbfmt(sb, "while")
+ | `Tif: std.sbfmt(sb, "if")
+ | `Telse: std.sbfmt(sb, "else")
+ | `Telif: std.sbfmt(sb, "else")
+ | `Tmatch: std.sbfmt(sb, "match")
+ | `Tgoto: std.sbfmt(sb, "goto")
+ | `Tbreak: std.sbfmt(sb, "break")
+ | `Tcontinue: std.sbfmt(sb, "continue")
+ | `Tintlit v: std.sbfmt(sb, "{}", v)
+ | `Tstrlit v: std.sbfmt(sb, "{e}", v)
+ | `Tfltlit v: std.sbfmt(sb, "{}", v)
+ | `Tchrlit v: std.sbfmt(sb, "{}", v)
+ | `Tboollit v: std.sbfmt(sb, "{}", v)
+ | `Tvoidlit: std.sbfmt(sb, "void")
+ | `Ttrait: std.sbfmt(sb, "trait")
+ | `Timpl: std.sbfmt(sb, "trait")
+ | `Tstruct: std.sbfmt(sb, "struct")
+ | `Tunion: std.sbfmt(sb, "union")
+ | `Ttyparam tp: std.sbfmt(sb, "@{}", tp)
+ | `Tconst: std.sbfmt(sb, "const")
+ | `Tvar: std.sbfmt(sb, "var")
+ | `Tgeneric: std.sbfmt(sb, "var")
+ | `Tcast: std.sbfmt(sb, "castto")
+ | `Tgap: std.sbfmt(sb, "_")
+ | `Tellipsis: std.sbfmt(sb, "...")
+ | `Tendln: std.sbfmt(sb, ";")
+ | `Tendblk: std.sbfmt(sb, ";;")
+ | `Tcolon: std.sbfmt(sb, ":")
+ | `Twith: std.sbfmt(sb, "::")
+ | `Tdot: std.sbfmt(sb, ".")
+ | `Tcomma: std.sbfmt(sb, ",")
+ | `Tret: std.sbfmt(sb, "->")
+ | `Tuse: std.sbfmt(sb, "use")
+ | `Tpkg: std.sbfmt(sb, "pkg")
+ | `Tattr a: std.sbfmt(sb, "{}", a)
+ | `Tsizeof: std.sbfmt(sb, "sizeof")
+ | `Tident str: std.sbfmt(sb, "{}", str)
+ ;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mparse/types.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+pkg parse =
+ type srcloc = struct
+ file : byte[:]
+ line : int
+ col : int
+ ;;
+ type attr = union
+ `Attrpkglocal
+ `Attrextern
+ `Attrnoret
+ ;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/mparse/util.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,14 @@
+use std
+use "types.use"
+pkg parse =
+ $noret const err : (loc : srcloc, msg : byte[:], args : ... -> void)
+ $noret const verr : (loc : srcloc, msg : byte[:], args : std.valist -> void)
+const err = {loc, msg, args
+const verr = {loc, msg, ap