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ref: 7f7f4995545803a947444b6babf04fb54cce0173
parent: 769c1e76b0af199cf5a8d3336de9f3f642f1b688
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Sun Apr 12 20:45:52 EDT 2015

Move code to subdir in preparation for merging with mc.

--- a/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-	compile.myr \
-	interp.myr \
-	ranges.myr \
-	types.myr \
-include mk/
-check: all
-	make -C test check
--- a/bldfile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-lib regex =
-	compile.myr
-	interp.myr
-	ranges.myr
-	types.myr
-gen ranges.myr = mkchartab -a -p_ranges UnicodeData.txt -o ranges.myr;;
--- a/compile.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,847 +1,0 @@
-use std
-use "types.use"
-use "ranges.use"
-pkg regex =
-	const compile	: (re : byte[:] -> std.result(regex#, status))
-	const dbgcompile	: (re : byte[:] -> std.result(regex#, status))
-	const free	: (re : regex# -> void)
-type tree = union
-	/* basic string building */
-	`Alt	(tree#, tree#)
-	`Cat	(tree#, tree#)
-	/* repetition */
-	`Star	tree#
-        `Rstar  tree#
-	`Plus	tree#
-	`Rplus	tree#
-	`Quest	tree#	
-	/* end matches */
-	`Byte	byte
-	`Chr	char
-	`Ranges	char[2][:]
-	/* meta */
-	`Cap	(std.size, tree#) /* id, tree */
-	`Bol	/* beginning of line */
-	`Eol	/* end of line */
-	`Bow	/* beginning of word */
-	`Eow	/* end of word */
-type parseresult = union
-	`Some tree#
-	`None
-	`Fail status
-/* Compiles a pattern into a regex */
-const compile = {pat
-	-> regexcompile(std.zalloc(), pat)
-/* Compiles a pattern into a debug regex. This can be verbose. */
-const dbgcompile = {pat
-	var re
-	re = std.zalloc()
-	re.debug = true
-	-> regexcompile(re, pat)
-/* compiles a pattern into an allocated regex */
-const regexcompile = {re, pat
-	re.pat = pat
-	re.nmatch = 1 /* whole match */
-	match parse(re)
-	| `None:	-> `std.Fail (`Incomplete)
-	| `Fail f:	-> `std.Fail f
-	| `Some t:
-		/*
-		we can stop early if we get 
-		an incorrectly encoded char
-		*/
-		if re.pat.len > 0
-			-> `std.Fail (`Incomplete)
-		;;
-		dump(re, t, 0)
-		append(re, `Ilbra 0)
-		gen(re, t)
-		append(re, `Irbra 0)
-		append(re, `Imatch)
-		idump(re)
-		astfree(t)
-		-> `std.Ok re
-	;;
-	-> `std.Fail (`Noimpl)
-const free = {re
-	/* all the threads should be dead,
-	 so we shouldn't have to free any*/
-	std.slfree(re.prog)
-/* generates bytecode from an AST */
-const gen = {re, t
-	match t#
-	|`Alt	(a, b): genalt(re, a, b)
-	|`Cat	(a, b): gen(re, a); gen(re, b)
-	/* repetition */
-	|`Star	a:	genstar(re, a, false)
-	|`Rstar a:	genstar(re, a, true)
-	|`Plus	a:	gen(re, a); genstar(re, a, false)
-	|`Rplus	a:	gen(re, a); genstar(re, a, true)
-	|`Quest	a:	genquest(re, a)
-	/* end matches */
-	|`Byte	b: 	append(re, `Ibyte b)
-	|`Chr	c:	genchar(re, c)
-	|`Ranges  sl:	genranges(re, sl)
-	/* meta */
-	|`Bol:	append(re, `Ibol)
-	|`Eol:	append(re, `Ibol)
-	|`Bow:	append(re, `Ibow)
-	|`Eow:	append(re, `Ieow)
-	|`Cap	(m, a):
-		append(re, `Ilbra m)
-		gen(re, a)
-		append(re, `Irbra m)
-	;;
-	-> re.proglen
-const genranges = {re, sl
-	var lbuf : byte[4], hbuf : byte[4], boundbuf : byte[4]
-	var lsz, hsz, bsz, i
-	var rt : rangetrie#
-	/* generate a trie of ranges */
-	rt = std.zalloc()
-	for r in sl
-		/* 
-		encode:
-			lo => bounds[loidx] - 1
-			bounds[loidx] => bounds[loidx + 1] - 1
-			...
-			bounds[hiidx - 1] => hi
-		*/
-		lsz = std.encode(lbuf[:], r[0])
-		hsz = std.encode(hbuf[:], r[1])
-		for i = lsz; i < hsz; i++
-			bsz = bound(boundbuf[:], i, 0xff)
-			rtinsert(rt, lbuf[:lsz], boundbuf[:bsz])
-			lsz = bound(lbuf[:], i + 1, 0x00)
-		;;
-		rtinsert(rt, lbuf[:lsz], hbuf[:hsz])
-	;;
-	if re.debug
-		rtdump(rt, 0)
-	;;
-	rangegen(re, rt, rt.ranges,, rangeprogsize(rt) + re.proglen)
-	rtfree(rt)
-	-> re.proglen
-const bound = {buf, len, fill
-	var i, s
-	if len == 1
-		buf[0] = 0x7f
-	else
-		s = len castto(byte)
-		buf[0] = (0xff << (8 - s)) | (fill >> (s + 1))
-		for i = 1; i < len; i++
-			buf[i] = 0x80 | (fill >> 2)
-		;;
-	;;
-	-> len
-type rangetrie = struct
-	ranges	: (byte, byte)[:]
-	link	: rangetrie#[:]
-	end	: bool
-const rtdump = {rt, ind
-	var i
-	var l, h
-	indent(ind)
-	std.put("Range (end = %t) {\n", rt.end)
-	for i = 0; i < rt.ranges.len; i++
-		indent(ind + 1)
-		(l, h) = rt.ranges[i]
-		std.put("0x%xb-0x%xb: \n", l, h)
-		rtdump([i], ind + 1)
-	;;
-	indent(ind)
-	std.put("}\n")
-const indent = {ind
-	var i
-	for i = 0; i < ind; i++
-		std.put("\t")
-	;;
-const rtinsert = {rt, lo, hi
-	var a, b
-	var n
-	std.assert(lo.len == hi.len, "range sizes differ")
-	if lo.len == 0
-		rt.end = true
-		->
-	;;
-	n = rt.ranges.len
-	if n == 0
-		rt.ranges = std.slpush(rt.ranges, (lo[0], hi[0]))
- = std.slpush(, std.zalloc())
-	else
-		/*
-		this is a safe way to compare because we know that ranges
-		should always be coming in ordered. This means that equal
-		values will be added one after the other.
-		*/
-		(a, b) = rt.ranges[n - 1]
-		if a != lo[0] || b != hi[0]
-			rt.ranges = std.slpush(rt.ranges, (lo[0], hi[0]))
- = std.slpush(, std.zalloc())
-		;;
-	;;
-	rtinsert([ - 1], lo[1:], hi[1:])
-const rtfree = {rt
-	for l in
-		rtfree(l)
-	;;
-	std.slfree(
-	std.slfree(rt.ranges)
-const rangegen = {re, rt, ranges, links, end
-	var alt, l0, l1, l2
-	var a, b
-	var n
-	n = ranges.len
-	if n == 0
-		-> re.proglen
-	elif n == 1
-		(a, b) = ranges[0]
-		append(re, `Irange (a, b))
-		if links[0].end
-			if links[0].ranges.len > 0
-				append(re, `Ifork (re.prog.len + 1, end))
-			else
-				append(re, `Ijmp end)
-			;;
-		;;
-		rangegen(re, links[0], links[0].ranges, links[0].link, end)
-	else
-		alt = re.proglen
-		l0 = append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1))
-		l1 = rangegen(re, rt, ranges[0:n/2], links[0:n/2], end)
-		l2 = rangegen(re, rt, ranges[n/2:n], links[n/2:n], end)
-		re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l0, l1)
-	;;
-	-> re.proglen
-const rangeprogsize = {rt
-	var sz
-	if rt.ranges.len == 0
-		sz = 0
-	else
-		sz = 2*rt.ranges.len - 1
-		for l in
-			sz += rangeprogsize(l)
-		;;
-	;;
-	if rt.end
-		sz += 1
-	;;
-	-> sz
-/* calculates the forward jump distance for a utf8 character range */
-const jmpdist = {n
-	var d
-	var i
-	d = n - 1
-	for i = n - 1; i > 0; i--
-		d += i
-	;;
-	-> d
-/* generates an alternation */
-const genalt = {re, l, r
-	var alt
-	var jmp
-	var l0
-	var l1
-	var l2
-	alt 	= re.proglen
-	l0	= append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1)) /* needs to be replaced */
-		  gen(re, l)
-	jmp	= re.proglen
-	l1 	= append(re, `Ijmp -1) /* needs to be replaced */
-	l2	= gen(re, r)
-	re.prog[alt] = `Ifork(l0, l1)
-	re.prog[jmp] = `Ijmp l2
-	-> re.proglen
-/* generates a repetition operator */
-const genstar = {re, rep, reluct
-	var alt
-	var jmp
-	var l0
-	var l1
-	var l2
-	l0 	= re.proglen
-	alt	= re.proglen
-	l1 	= append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1)) /* needs to be replaced */
-	jmp	= gen(re, rep)
-	l2	= append(re, `Ijmp -1)
-	/* reluctant matches should prefer jumping to the end. */
-	if reluct
-		re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l2, l1)
-	else
-		re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l1, l2)
-	;;
-	re.prog[jmp] = `Ijmp l0
-	-> re.proglen
-/* generates a question mark operator */
-const genquest = {re, q
-	var alt
-	var l0
-	var l1
-	alt	= re.proglen
-	l0	= append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1)) /* needs to be replaced */
-	l1	= gen(re, q)
-	re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l0, l1)
-	-> re.proglen
-/* generates a single char match */
-const genchar = {re, c
-	var b : byte[4]
-	var n
-	var i
-	n = std.encode(b[:], c)
-	std.assert(n > 0 && n < 4, "non-utf character in regex\n")
-	for i = 0; i < n; i++
-		append(re, `Ibyte b[i])
-	;;
-	-> re.proglen
-/* appends an instructon to an re program */
-const append = {re, insn
-	if re.proglen == re.prog.len
-		re.prog = std.slgrow(re.prog, std.max(1, 2*re.proglen))
-	;;
-	re.prog[re.proglen] = insn
-	re.proglen++
-	-> re.proglen
-/* instruction dump */
-const idump = {re
-	var i
-	if !re.debug
-		->
-	;;
-	for i = 0; i < re.proglen; i++
-		std.put("%i:\t", i)
-		match re.prog[i]
-		/* Char matching. Consume exactly one byte from the string. */
-		| `Ibyte b:		std.put("`Ibyte %ub (%c)\n", b, b castto(char)) 
-		| `Irange (start, end):	
-			std.put("`Irange (%ub,%ub)", start, end) 
-			if std.isalnum(start castto(char)) && std.isalnum(end castto(char))
-				std.put("\t/* %c-%c */", start castto(char), end castto(char))
-			;;
-			std.put("\n")
-		/* capture groups */
-		| `Ilbra m:		std.put("`Ilbra %z\n", m) 
-		| `Irbra m:		std.put("`Irbra %z\n", m) 
-		/* anchors */
-		| `Ibol:			std.put("`Ibol\n")
-		| `Ieol:			std.put("`Ieol\n")
-		| `Ibow:			std.put("`Ibow\n")
-		| `Ieow:			std.put("`Ieow\n")
-		/* control flow */
-		| `Ifork	(lip, rip):	std.put("`Ifork (%z,%z)\n", lip, rip) 
-		| `Ijmp ip:		std.put("`Ijmp %z\n", ip) 
-		| `Imatch:		std.put("`Imatch\n") 
-		;;
-	;;
-/* AST dump */
-const dump = {re, t, indent
-	var i
-	if !re.debug
-		->
-	;;
-	for i = 0; i < indent; i++
-		std.put("  ")
-	;;
-	match t#
-	| `Alt	(a, b):
-		std.put("Alt\n")
-		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
-		dump(re, b, indent + 1)
-	| `Cat	(a, b):
-		std.put("Cat\n")
-		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
-		dump(re, b, indent + 1)
-	/* repetition */
-	| `Star	a:
-		std.put("Star\n")
-		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
-	| `Rstar a:
-		std.put("Rstar\n")
-		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
-	| `Plus	a:
-		std.put("Plus\n")
-		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
-	| `Rplus a:
-		std.put("Rplus\n")
-		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
-	| `Quest	a:
-		std.put("Quest\n")
-		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
-	| `Bol:
-		std.put("Bol\n")
-	| `Eol:
-		std.put("Eol\n")
-	| `Bow:
-		std.put("Bow\n")
-	| `Eow:
-		std.put("Eow\n")
-	/* end matches */
-	| `Byte	b:
-		std.put("Byte %b\n", b)
-	| `Chr	c:
-		std.put("Char %c\n", c)
-	| `Ranges rl:
-                std.put("Ranges")
-		for r in rl
-			for i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++
-				std.put("  ")
-			;;
-			std.put("\t(%ui-%ui)\n", r[0], r[1])
-		;;
-	/* meta */
-	| `Cap	(m, a):
-		std.put("Cap %i\n", m)
-		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
-	;;
-/* parses an expression */
-const parse = {re
-	match altexpr(re)
-	| `Some t:
-		if re.pat.len == 0
-			-> `Some t
-		else
-			astfree(t)
-			-> `Fail `Incomplete
-		;;
-	| `None:
-		-> `None
-	| `Fail st:
-		-> `Fail st
-	;;
-const altexpr = {re
-	var ret : tree#
-	match catexpr(re)
-	| `Some t:
-		ret = t
-		if matchc(re, '|')
-			match altexpr(re)
-			| `Some rhs:
-				ret = mk(`Alt (ret, rhs))
-			| `None:
-				astfree(ret)
-				-> `Fail (`Incomplete)
-			| `Fail f:
-				-> `Fail f
-			;;
-		;;
-	| other:
-		-> other
-	;;
-	-> `Some ret
-const catexpr = {re
-	var ret
-	match repexpr(re)
-	| `Some t: 
-		ret = t
-		match catexpr(re)
-		| `Some rhs:
-			ret = mk(`Cat (t, rhs))
-		| `Fail f:	-> `Fail f
-		| `None:	/* nothing */
-		;;
-	| other:
-		-> other
-	;;
-	-> `Some ret
-const repexpr = {re
-	var ret
-	match baseexpr(re)
-	| `Some t:
-		if matchc(re, '*')
-                        if matchc(re, '?')
-                                ret = mk(`Rstar t)
-                        else
-				ret = mk(`Star t)
-			;;
-		elif matchc(re, '+')
-                        if matchc(re, '?')
-				ret = mk(`Rplus t)
-			else
-				ret = mk(`Plus t)
-			;;
-		elif matchc(re, '?')
-			ret = mk(`Quest t)
-		else
-			ret = t
-		;;
-	| other:
-		-> other
-	;;
-	-> `Some ret
-const baseexpr = {re
-	var ret
-	if re.pat.len == 0
-		-> `None
-	;;
-	match peekc(re)
-	/* lower prec operators */
-	| '|':	-> `None
-	| ')':	-> `None
-	| '*':	-> `Fail `Badrep
-	| '+':	-> `Fail `Badrep
-	| '?':	-> `Fail `Badrep
-	| '[':	-> chrclass(re)
-	| '.':	getc(re); ret = mk(`Ranges std.slpush([][:], [0, std.Maxcharval]))
-	| '^':	getc(re); ret = mk(`Bol)
-	| '$':	getc(re); ret = mk(`Eol)
-	| '(':	
-		getc(re)
-		match altexpr(re)
-		| `Some s:
-			if matchc(re, ')')
-				-> `Some mk(`Cap (re.nmatch++, s))
-			else
-				-> `Fail `Unbalanced
-			;;
-		| `None:	-> `Fail `Emptyparen
-		| `Fail st:	-> `Fail st
-		;;
-	| '\\':
-		getc(re) /* consume the slash */
-		if re.pat.len == 0
-			-> `Fail `Incomplete
-		;;
-		-> escaped(re)
-	| c:
-		getc(re)
-		ret = mk(`Chr c)
-	;;
-	-> `Some ret
-const escaped = {re
-	var ret
-	match getc(re)
-	/* character classes */
-	| 'd': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciidigit[:]))
-	| 'x': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciixdigit[:]))
-	| 's': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciispace[:]))
-	| 'w': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciiword[:]))
-	| 'h': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciiblank[:]))
-	/* negated character classes */
-	| 'W': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciiword[:]))
-	| 'S': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciispace[:]))
-	| 'D': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciidigit[:]))
-	| 'X': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciixdigit[:]))
-	| 'H': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciiblank[:]))
-	/* unicode character classes */
-	| 'p':	ret = unicodeclass(re, false)
-	| 'P':  ret = unicodeclass(re, true)
-	/* operators that need an escape */
-	| '<': ret = `Some mk(`Bow)
-	| '>': ret = `Some mk(`Eow)
-	/* escaped metachars */
-	| '^': ret = `Some mk(`Chr '^')
-	| '$': ret = `Some mk(`Chr '$')
-	| '.': ret = `Some mk(`Chr '.')
-	| '+': ret = `Some mk(`Chr '+')
-	| '?': ret = `Some mk(`Chr '?')
-	| chr: ret = `Fail `Badescape
-	;;
-	-> ret
-const unicodeclass = {re, neg
-	var c, s
-	var tab
-	var t
-	var n
-	if re.pat.len == 0
-		-> `Fail (`Incomplete)
-	;;
-	n = 0
-	s = re.pat
-	/* either a single char pattern, or {pat} */
-	match getc(re)
-	| '{':
-		s = s[1:]
-		while re.pat.len > 0
-			c = getc(re)
-			if c == '}'
-				break
-			;;
-			n += std.charlen(c)
-		;;
-	| r:
-		n += std.charlen(r)
-	;;
-	s = s[:n]
-	/* letters */
-	if std.sleq(s, "L") || std.sleq(s, "Letter")
-		tab = _ranges.tabalpha[:]
-	elif std.sleq(s, "Lu") || std.sleq(s, "Uppercase_Letter")
-		tab = _ranges.tabupper[:]
-	elif std.sleq(s, "Ll") || std.sleq(s, "Lowercase_Letter")
-		tab = _ranges.tablower[:]
-	elif std.sleq(s, "Lt") || std.sleq(s, "Titlecase_Letter")
-		tab = _ranges.tablower[:]
-	/* numbers (incomplete) */
-	elif std.sleq(s, "N") || std.sleq(s, "Number")
-		tab = _ranges.tabdigit[:]
-	elif std.sleq(s, "Z") || std.sleq(s, "Separator")
-		tab = _ranges.tabspace[:]
-	elif std.sleq(s, "Zs") || std.sleq(s, "Space_Separator")
-		tab = _ranges.tabblank[:]
-	else
-		-> `Fail (`Badrange)
-	;;
-	if !neg
-		t = mk(`Ranges std.sldup(tab))
-	else
-		t = mk(`Ranges negate(tab))
-	;;
-	-> `Some t
-const chrclass = {re
-	var rl, m, n
-	var neg
-	var t
-	/* we know we saw '[' on entry */
-	matchc(re, '[')
-	neg = false
-	if matchc(re, '^')
-		neg = true
-	;;
-	rl = rangematch(re, [][:])
-	while peekc(re) != ']'
-		rl = rangematch(re, rl)
-	;;
-	if !matchc(re, ']')
-		std.slfree(rl)
-		-> `Fail (`Incomplete)
-	;;
-	std.sort(rl, {a, b;
-		if a[0] < b[0]
-			-> `std.Before
-		elif a[0] == b[0]
-			-> `std.Equal
-		else
-			-> `std.After
-		;;})
-	m = merge(rl)
-	std.slfree(rl)
-	if neg
-		n = negate(m)
-		std.slfree(m)
-		t = mk(`Ranges n)
-	else
-		t = mk(`Ranges m)
-	;;
-	-> `Some t
-const rangematch = {re, sl
-	var lo
-	var hi
-	lo = getc(re)
-	if matchc(re, '-')
-		hi = getc(re)
-		if lo <= hi
-			-> std.slpush(sl, [lo, hi])
-		else
-			-> std.slpush(sl, [hi, lo])
-		;;
-	else
-		-> std.slpush(sl, [lo, lo])
-	;;
-const negate = {rng
-	var start, end, next
-	var neg
-	neg = [][:]
-	start = 0
-	next = 0 /* if we have no ranges */
-	for r in rng
-		(end, next) = (r[0], r[1])
-		neg = std.slpush(neg, [start, end - 1])
-		start = next + 1
-	;;
-	neg = std.slpush(neg, [next + 1, std.Maxcharval])
-	-> neg
-/* rl is a sorted list of ranges */
-const merge = {rl
-	var lo, hi
-	var ret
-	if rl.len == 0
-		-> [][:]
-	;;
-	ret = [][:]
-	lo = rl[0][0]
-	hi = rl[0][1]
-	for r in rl[1:]
-		/* if it overlaps or abuts, merge */
-		if r[0] <= hi + 1
-			hi = r[1]
-		else
-			ret = std.slpush(ret, [lo, hi])
-			lo = r[0]
-			hi = r[1]
-		;;
-	;;
-	-> std.slpush(ret, [lo, hi])
-const matchc = {re, c
-	var str
-	var chr
-	(chr, str) = std.striter(re.pat)
-	if chr != c
-		-> false
-	;;
-	re.pat = str
-	-> true
-const getc = {re
-	var c
-	(c, re.pat) = std.striter(re.pat)
-	-> c
-const peekc = {re
-	var c
-	var _
-	(c, _) = std.striter(re.pat)
-	-> c
-const mk = {v
-	var t
-	t = std.alloc()
-	t# = v
-	-> t
-const astfree = {t
-	match t#
-	| `Alt	(a, b): astfree(a); astfree(b)
-	| `Cat	(a, b): astfree(a); astfree(b)
-	/* repetition */
-	| `Star	a:	astfree(a)
-	| `Rstar a:	astfree(a)
-	| `Plus	a:	astfree(a)
-	| `Rplus a:	astfree(a)
-	| `Quest a:	astfree(a)
-	/* end matches */
-	| `Byte	b:	
-	| `Chr c:	
-	| `Ranges rl:	std.slfree(rl)
-	/* meta */
-	| `Cap	(m, a):	astfree(a)
-	| _:	/* other types have no suballocations */
-	;;
--- a/configure
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,52 +1,0 @@
-for i in `seq 300`; do
-    echo "Lots of output to emulate automake... ok"
-    echo "Testing for things you'll never use... fail"
-    echo "Satisfying the fortran77 lobby... ok"
-    echo "Burning CPU time checking for the bloody obvious... ok"
-echo "Automake emulated successfully"
-for arg in $*; do
-    shift 1
-    case $arg in
-        "--prefix" | "-p")
-            prefix=shift $*
-            ;;
-        --prefix=*)
-            prefix=`echo $arg | sed 's/^--prefix=//g'`
-            ;;
-        "--help" | "-h")
-            echo "Usage:"
-            echo "      --prefix | -p: The prefix to install to"
-            break;
-            ;;
-        *) echo "Unrecognized argument $arg";;
-    esac
-echo export INST_ROOT=$prefix >
-case $OS in
-    *Linux*)
-        echo 'export SYS=linux' >>
-        ;;
-    *Darwin*)
-        echo 'export SYS=osx' >>
-        ;;
-    *)
-        echo 'Unknown architecture.'
-        ;;
-cat << EOF
-    Building with:
-        prefix=$prefix
--- a/doc/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +1,0 @@
-MAN=myr-regex.3 \
-include ../
-include ../mk/
--- a/doc/myr-regex.3
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,198 +1,0 @@
-regex myr-regex
-.B use regex
-.I const compile	: (re : byte[:] -> std.error(regex#, status))
-.I const dbgcompile	: (re : byte[:] -> std.error(regex#, status))
-.I const free           : (re : regex# -> void)
-.I const exec	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> bool)
-.I const search	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> bool)
-The regex library provides functions for compiling and evaluating regular
-expressions, as described later in this document, or in myr-regex(7).
-.I regex.compile will take a string describing a regex, and will attempt
-to compile it, returing 
-.I `std.Success regex#
-if the regex is valid, and there were no error conditions encountered during
-compilation. If the compilation failed,
-.I `std.Failure regex.status
-will be returned, where regex.status is a failure code.
-.I regex.dbgcompile
-is identical to 
-.I regex.compile,
-however, it will print debugging information as it compiles, and each
-time the regex is evaluated.
-.I regex.exec
-will take the regex passed to it, and evaluate it over the text provided,
-returning the 
-.I `std.Some matches,
-.I `std.None
-if there were no matches found. The matches must span the whole string.
-is similar to regex.exec, but it will attempt to find a match somewhere
-within the string, instead of attempting to find a match spanning the whole
-The grammar used by libregex is below:
-    regex       : altexpr
-    altexpr     : catexpr ('|' altexpr)+
-    catexpr     : repexpr (catexpr)+
-    repexpr     : baseexpr[*+?]
-    baseexpr    : literal
-                | charclass
-                | charrange
-                | escaped
-                | '.'
-                | '^'
-                | '$'
-                | '(' regex ')'
-    charclass   : see below
-    charrange   : '[' (literal('-' literal)?)+']'
-The following metacharacters have the meanings listed below:
-Matches a single unicode character
-Matches the beginning of a line. Does not consume any characters.
-Matches the end of a line. Does not consume any characters.
-Matches any number of repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
-Reluctantly matches any number of repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
-Matches one or more repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
-Reluctantly matches one or more repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
-Matches zero or one of the preceding regex fragment.
-In order to match a literal metacharacter, it needs to be preceded by
-a '\\' character.
-The following character classes are supported:
-ASCII digits
-Negation of ASCII digits
-ASCII Hex digits
-Negation of ASCII Hex digits
-ASCII spaces
-Negation of ASCII spaces
-ASCII word characters
-Negation of ASCII word characters
-ASCII whitespace characters
-Negation of ASCII whitespace characters
-\\pX, \\p{X}
-Characters with unicode property 'X'
-\\PX, \\P{X}
-Negation of characters with unicode property 'X'
-Unicode properties that are supported are listed below:
-L, Letter
-Unicode letter property
-Lu, Uppercase_Letter
-Uppercase letter unicode property
-Ll, Lowercase_Letter
-Lowercase letter unicode property
-Lt, Titlecase_Letter
-Titlecase letter unicode property
-N, Number
-Number unicode property
-Z, Separator
-Any separator character unicode property
-Zs, Space_Separator
-Space separator unicode property
-        use std
-        use regex
-        const main = {
-            match regex.compile(pat)
-            var i
-            | `std.Success re:
-                    match regex.exec(re, text)
-                    | `std.Some matches:
-                            for i = 0; i < matches.len; i++
-                                std.put("Match %i: %s\n", i, match[i])
-                            ;;
-                    | `std.None: std.put("Text did not match\n")
-                    ;;
-            | `std.Failure err:
-                    std.put("failed to compile regex")
-            ;;
-        }
-The source code for this compiler is available from
-.B git://
-.IR mc(1)
-This code is insufficiently tested.
-This code does not support all of the regex features that one would expect.
--- a/interp.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,308 +1,0 @@
-use std
-use "types.use"
-pkg regex =
-	const exec	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> std.option(byte[:][:]))
-	/*
-	FIXME: implement. This should scan for a possible start char in the
-		regex and use that to optimize.
-	const search	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> std.option(byte[:][:]))
-	*/
-/* Ugly: for performance. std.option() should be used instead when unions get faster. */
-const Zthr = 0 castto(rethread#)
-const exec = {re, str
-	var thr
-	var m
-	re.str = str
-	re.strp = 0
-	thr = run(re)
-	if thr != Zthr
-		m = getmatches(re, thr)
-		cleanup(re)
-		-> `std.Some m
-	else
-		cleanup(re)
-		->  `std.None
-	;;
-const cleanup = {re
-	var thr, next
-	for thr = re.runq; thr != Zthr; thr = next
-		next =
-		thrfree(re, thr)
-	;;
-	for thr = re.expired; thr != Zthr; thr = next
-		next =
-		thrfree(re, thr)
-	;;
-const getmatches = {re, thr
-	var ret
-	var i
-	ret = std.slalloc(re.nmatch)
-	for i = 0; i < re.nmatch; i++
-		if thr.mstart[i] != -1 && thr.mend[i] != -1
-			ret[i] = re.str[thr.mstart[i]:thr.mend[i]]
-		else
-			ret[i] = [][:]
-		;;
-	;;
-	-> ret
-/* returns a matching thread, or Zthr if no threads matched */
-const run = {re
-	var i, ip
-	var consumed
-	var thr
-	var states
-	states = std.mkbs()
-	re.runq = mkthread(re, 0)
-	re.runq.mstart = std.slalloc(re.nmatch)
-	re.runq.mend = std.slalloc(re.nmatch)
-	for i = 0; i < re.nmatch; i++
-		re.runq.mstart[i] = -1
-		re.runq.mend[i] = -1
-	;;
-	while re.nthr > 0
-		while re.runq != Zthr
-			/* set up the next thread */
-			thr = re.runq
-			re.runq =
-			trace(re, thr, "\nrunning tid=%z, ip=%z, s[%z]=%c\n", thr.tid, thr.ip, re.strp, std.decode(re.str[re.strp:]))
-			ip = thr.ip
-			consumed = step(re, thr, -1)
-			while !consumed
-				consumed = step(re, thr, ip)
-			;;
-			if std.bshas(states, thr.ip)
-				die(re, thr, "there can be only one")
-			;;
-			if thr.dead
-				thrfree(re, thr)
-			elif thr.matched && re.strp == re.str.len
-				-> thr
-			elif !thr.matched
-				std.bsput(states, thr.ip)
-				if re.expired == Zthr
-					re.expired = thr
-				;;
-				if re.expiredtail != Zthr
- = thr
-				;;
-				re.expiredtail = thr
- = Zthr
-			;;
-		;;
-		std.bsclear(states)
-		trace(re, thr, "switch\n")
-		re.runq = re.expired
-		re.expired = Zthr
-		re.expiredtail = Zthr
-		re.strp++
-	;;
-	-> Zthr
- Steps forward one instruction. Returns true if a byte of input was
- consumed, false otherwise.
-const step = {re, thr, curip
-	var str
-	var mstart
-	var mend
-	str = re.str
-	match re.prog[thr.ip]
-	/* Char matching. Consume exactly one byte from the string. */
-	| `Ibyte b:
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tByte %ub (%c)\n", thr.ip, b, b castto(char))
-		if !within(re, str)
-			die(re, thr, "end of string")
-		elif b != str[re.strp]
-			die(re, thr, "not right char")
-		else
-			thr.ip++
-			trace(re, thr, "\t\tmatched %b with %b\n", b, str[re.strp])
-		;;
-	| `Irange (start, end):
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tRange (%ub, %ub) /* %c - %c */\n", thr.ip, start, end, start castto(char), end castto(char))
-		if !within(re, str) || start > str[re.strp] || end < str[re.strp]
-			die(re, thr, "bad range")
-		else
-			thr.ip++
-		;;
-	/*
-	  Non-consuming. All of these return false, and expect step to be
-	  called again until exactly one byte is consumed from the string.
-	 */
-	| `Ibol:
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tBol\n", thr.ip)
-		if re.strp == 0 || str[re.strp - 1] == '\n' castto(byte)
-			thr.ip++
-			-> false
-		else
-			die(re, thr, "not beginning of line")
-		;;
-	| `Ieol:
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tEol\n", thr.ip)
-		if re.strp == str.len || str[re.strp] == '\n' castto(byte)
-			thr.ip++
-			-> false
-		else
-			die(re, thr, "not end of line")
-		;;
-	/* check for word characters */
-	| `Ibow:
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tBow\n", thr.ip)
-		if iswordchar(str[re.strp:]) && (re.strp == 0 || !iswordchar(prevchar(str, re.strp)))
-			thr.ip++
-			-> false
-		else
-			die(re, thr, "not beginning of word")
-		;;
-	| `Ieow:
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tEow\n", thr.ip)
-		if re.strp == str.len && iswordchar(prevchar(str, re.strp))
-			thr.ip++
-			-> false
-		elif re.strp > 0 && !iswordchar(str[re.strp:]) && iswordchar(prevchar(str, re.strp))
-			thr.ip++
-			-> false
-		else
-			die(re, thr, "not end of word")
-		;;
-	| `Ilbra m:
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tLbra %z\n", thr.ip, m)
-		trace(re, thr, "\t\tmatch start = %z\n", re.strp)
-		thr.mstart[m] = re.strp
-		thr.ip++
-		-> false
-	| `Irbra m:
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tRbra %z\n", thr.ip, m)
-		thr.mend[m] = re.strp
-		thr.ip++
-		-> false
-	| `Ifork (lip, rip):
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tFork (%z, %z)\n", thr.ip, lip, rip)
-		mstart = std.sldup(thr.mstart)
-		mend = std.sldup(thr.mend)
-		fork(re, thr, rip, curip, mstart, mend)
-		thr.ip = lip
-		-> false
-	| `Ijmp ip:
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tJmp %z\n", thr.ip, ip)
-		thr.ip = ip
-		-> false
-	| `Imatch:
-		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tMatch\n", thr.ip)
-		finish(re, thr)
-		-> true
-	;;
-	-> true
-const fork = {re, thr, ip, curip, mstart, mend
-	var thr
-	if ip == curip /* loop detection */
-		->
-	;;
-	thr = mkthread(re, ip)
- = re.runq
-	thr.mstart = mstart
-	thr.mend = mend
-	re.runq = thr
-const die = {re, thr, msg
-        /*
- 	  we can have die called on a thread
-	  multiple times, eg, if it has a bad
-	  range *and* end in a state that another
-	  thread is in. We should only decrement
-	  the number of threads for that once.
-	 */
-	trace(re, thr, "\t\tdie %z: %s\n", thr.tid, msg)
-        if !thr.dead
-		re.nthr--
-        ;;
-	thr.dead = true
-const finish = {re, thr
-	trace(re, thr, "finish %z\n", thr.tid)
-	thr.matched = true
-	re.nthr--
-var nexttid = 0
-const mkthread = {re, ip
-	var thr : rethread#
-	thr = std.alloc()
- = Zthr
-	thr.ip = ip
-	thr.tid = nexttid++
-	thr.dead = false
-	thr.matched = false
-	thr.mstart = [][:]
-	thr.mend = [][:]
-	re.nthr++
-	-> thr
-const thrfree = {re, thr
-	trace(re, thr, "\t\tcleanup %z\n", thr.tid)
-	std.slfree(thr.mstart)
-	std.slfree(thr.mend)
-const within = {re, str 
-	-> re.strp < str.len
-const trace : (re : regex#, thr : rethread#, msg : byte[:], args : ... -> void) = {re, thr, msg, args
-	if re.debug
-		std.putv(msg, std.vastart(&args))
-	;;
-/* must be called with i >= 1 */
-const prevchar = {s, i
-	std.assert(i != 0, "prevchar must be called with i >= 1\n")
-	i--
-	while i != 0 && s[i] >= 0x80
-		i--
-	;;
-	-> s[i:]
-const iswordchar = {s
-	var c
-	c = std.decode(s)
-	-> std.isalpha(c) || std.isdigit(c) || c == '_'
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+	compile.myr \
+	interp.myr \
+	ranges.myr \
+	types.myr \
+include mk/
+check: all
+	make -C test check
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/bldfile
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+lib regex =
+	compile.myr
+	interp.myr
+	ranges.myr
+	types.myr
+gen ranges.myr = mkchartab -a -p_ranges UnicodeData.txt -o ranges.myr;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/compile.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,847 @@
+use std
+use "types.use"
+use "ranges.use"
+pkg regex =
+	const compile	: (re : byte[:] -> std.result(regex#, status))
+	const dbgcompile	: (re : byte[:] -> std.result(regex#, status))
+	const free	: (re : regex# -> void)
+type tree = union
+	/* basic string building */
+	`Alt	(tree#, tree#)
+	`Cat	(tree#, tree#)
+	/* repetition */
+	`Star	tree#
+        `Rstar  tree#
+	`Plus	tree#
+	`Rplus	tree#
+	`Quest	tree#	
+	/* end matches */
+	`Byte	byte
+	`Chr	char
+	`Ranges	char[2][:]
+	/* meta */
+	`Cap	(std.size, tree#) /* id, tree */
+	`Bol	/* beginning of line */
+	`Eol	/* end of line */
+	`Bow	/* beginning of word */
+	`Eow	/* end of word */
+type parseresult = union
+	`Some tree#
+	`None
+	`Fail status
+/* Compiles a pattern into a regex */
+const compile = {pat
+	-> regexcompile(std.zalloc(), pat)
+/* Compiles a pattern into a debug regex. This can be verbose. */
+const dbgcompile = {pat
+	var re
+	re = std.zalloc()
+	re.debug = true
+	-> regexcompile(re, pat)
+/* compiles a pattern into an allocated regex */
+const regexcompile = {re, pat
+	re.pat = pat
+	re.nmatch = 1 /* whole match */
+	match parse(re)
+	| `None:	-> `std.Fail (`Incomplete)
+	| `Fail f:	-> `std.Fail f
+	| `Some t:
+		/*
+		we can stop early if we get 
+		an incorrectly encoded char
+		*/
+		if re.pat.len > 0
+			-> `std.Fail (`Incomplete)
+		;;
+		dump(re, t, 0)
+		append(re, `Ilbra 0)
+		gen(re, t)
+		append(re, `Irbra 0)
+		append(re, `Imatch)
+		idump(re)
+		astfree(t)
+		-> `std.Ok re
+	;;
+	-> `std.Fail (`Noimpl)
+const free = {re
+	/* all the threads should be dead,
+	 so we shouldn't have to free any*/
+	std.slfree(re.prog)
+/* generates bytecode from an AST */
+const gen = {re, t
+	match t#
+	|`Alt	(a, b): genalt(re, a, b)
+	|`Cat	(a, b): gen(re, a); gen(re, b)
+	/* repetition */
+	|`Star	a:	genstar(re, a, false)
+	|`Rstar a:	genstar(re, a, true)
+	|`Plus	a:	gen(re, a); genstar(re, a, false)
+	|`Rplus	a:	gen(re, a); genstar(re, a, true)
+	|`Quest	a:	genquest(re, a)
+	/* end matches */
+	|`Byte	b: 	append(re, `Ibyte b)
+	|`Chr	c:	genchar(re, c)
+	|`Ranges  sl:	genranges(re, sl)
+	/* meta */
+	|`Bol:	append(re, `Ibol)
+	|`Eol:	append(re, `Ibol)
+	|`Bow:	append(re, `Ibow)
+	|`Eow:	append(re, `Ieow)
+	|`Cap	(m, a):
+		append(re, `Ilbra m)
+		gen(re, a)
+		append(re, `Irbra m)
+	;;
+	-> re.proglen
+const genranges = {re, sl
+	var lbuf : byte[4], hbuf : byte[4], boundbuf : byte[4]
+	var lsz, hsz, bsz, i
+	var rt : rangetrie#
+	/* generate a trie of ranges */
+	rt = std.zalloc()
+	for r in sl
+		/* 
+		encode:
+			lo => bounds[loidx] - 1
+			bounds[loidx] => bounds[loidx + 1] - 1
+			...
+			bounds[hiidx - 1] => hi
+		*/
+		lsz = std.encode(lbuf[:], r[0])
+		hsz = std.encode(hbuf[:], r[1])
+		for i = lsz; i < hsz; i++
+			bsz = bound(boundbuf[:], i, 0xff)
+			rtinsert(rt, lbuf[:lsz], boundbuf[:bsz])
+			lsz = bound(lbuf[:], i + 1, 0x00)
+		;;
+		rtinsert(rt, lbuf[:lsz], hbuf[:hsz])
+	;;
+	if re.debug
+		rtdump(rt, 0)
+	;;
+	rangegen(re, rt, rt.ranges,, rangeprogsize(rt) + re.proglen)
+	rtfree(rt)
+	-> re.proglen
+const bound = {buf, len, fill
+	var i, s
+	if len == 1
+		buf[0] = 0x7f
+	else
+		s = len castto(byte)
+		buf[0] = (0xff << (8 - s)) | (fill >> (s + 1))
+		for i = 1; i < len; i++
+			buf[i] = 0x80 | (fill >> 2)
+		;;
+	;;
+	-> len
+type rangetrie = struct
+	ranges	: (byte, byte)[:]
+	link	: rangetrie#[:]
+	end	: bool
+const rtdump = {rt, ind
+	var i
+	var l, h
+	indent(ind)
+	std.put("Range (end = %t) {\n", rt.end)
+	for i = 0; i < rt.ranges.len; i++
+		indent(ind + 1)
+		(l, h) = rt.ranges[i]
+		std.put("0x%xb-0x%xb: \n", l, h)
+		rtdump([i], ind + 1)
+	;;
+	indent(ind)
+	std.put("}\n")
+const indent = {ind
+	var i
+	for i = 0; i < ind; i++
+		std.put("\t")
+	;;
+const rtinsert = {rt, lo, hi
+	var a, b
+	var n
+	std.assert(lo.len == hi.len, "range sizes differ")
+	if lo.len == 0
+		rt.end = true
+		->
+	;;
+	n = rt.ranges.len
+	if n == 0
+		rt.ranges = std.slpush(rt.ranges, (lo[0], hi[0]))
+ = std.slpush(, std.zalloc())
+	else
+		/*
+		this is a safe way to compare because we know that ranges
+		should always be coming in ordered. This means that equal
+		values will be added one after the other.
+		*/
+		(a, b) = rt.ranges[n - 1]
+		if a != lo[0] || b != hi[0]
+			rt.ranges = std.slpush(rt.ranges, (lo[0], hi[0]))
+ = std.slpush(, std.zalloc())
+		;;
+	;;
+	rtinsert([ - 1], lo[1:], hi[1:])
+const rtfree = {rt
+	for l in
+		rtfree(l)
+	;;
+	std.slfree(
+	std.slfree(rt.ranges)
+const rangegen = {re, rt, ranges, links, end
+	var alt, l0, l1, l2
+	var a, b
+	var n
+	n = ranges.len
+	if n == 0
+		-> re.proglen
+	elif n == 1
+		(a, b) = ranges[0]
+		append(re, `Irange (a, b))
+		if links[0].end
+			if links[0].ranges.len > 0
+				append(re, `Ifork (re.prog.len + 1, end))
+			else
+				append(re, `Ijmp end)
+			;;
+		;;
+		rangegen(re, links[0], links[0].ranges, links[0].link, end)
+	else
+		alt = re.proglen
+		l0 = append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1))
+		l1 = rangegen(re, rt, ranges[0:n/2], links[0:n/2], end)
+		l2 = rangegen(re, rt, ranges[n/2:n], links[n/2:n], end)
+		re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l0, l1)
+	;;
+	-> re.proglen
+const rangeprogsize = {rt
+	var sz
+	if rt.ranges.len == 0
+		sz = 0
+	else
+		sz = 2*rt.ranges.len - 1
+		for l in
+			sz += rangeprogsize(l)
+		;;
+	;;
+	if rt.end
+		sz += 1
+	;;
+	-> sz
+/* calculates the forward jump distance for a utf8 character range */
+const jmpdist = {n
+	var d
+	var i
+	d = n - 1
+	for i = n - 1; i > 0; i--
+		d += i
+	;;
+	-> d
+/* generates an alternation */
+const genalt = {re, l, r
+	var alt
+	var jmp
+	var l0
+	var l1
+	var l2
+	alt 	= re.proglen
+	l0	= append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1)) /* needs to be replaced */
+		  gen(re, l)
+	jmp	= re.proglen
+	l1 	= append(re, `Ijmp -1) /* needs to be replaced */
+	l2	= gen(re, r)
+	re.prog[alt] = `Ifork(l0, l1)
+	re.prog[jmp] = `Ijmp l2
+	-> re.proglen
+/* generates a repetition operator */
+const genstar = {re, rep, reluct
+	var alt
+	var jmp
+	var l0
+	var l1
+	var l2
+	l0 	= re.proglen
+	alt	= re.proglen
+	l1 	= append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1)) /* needs to be replaced */
+	jmp	= gen(re, rep)
+	l2	= append(re, `Ijmp -1)
+	/* reluctant matches should prefer jumping to the end. */
+	if reluct
+		re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l2, l1)
+	else
+		re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l1, l2)
+	;;
+	re.prog[jmp] = `Ijmp l0
+	-> re.proglen
+/* generates a question mark operator */
+const genquest = {re, q
+	var alt
+	var l0
+	var l1
+	alt	= re.proglen
+	l0	= append(re, `Ifork (-1, -1)) /* needs to be replaced */
+	l1	= gen(re, q)
+	re.prog[alt] = `Ifork (l0, l1)
+	-> re.proglen
+/* generates a single char match */
+const genchar = {re, c
+	var b : byte[4]
+	var n
+	var i
+	n = std.encode(b[:], c)
+	std.assert(n > 0 && n < 4, "non-utf character in regex\n")
+	for i = 0; i < n; i++
+		append(re, `Ibyte b[i])
+	;;
+	-> re.proglen
+/* appends an instructon to an re program */
+const append = {re, insn
+	if re.proglen == re.prog.len
+		re.prog = std.slgrow(re.prog, std.max(1, 2*re.proglen))
+	;;
+	re.prog[re.proglen] = insn
+	re.proglen++
+	-> re.proglen
+/* instruction dump */
+const idump = {re
+	var i
+	if !re.debug
+		->
+	;;
+	for i = 0; i < re.proglen; i++
+		std.put("%i:\t", i)
+		match re.prog[i]
+		/* Char matching. Consume exactly one byte from the string. */
+		| `Ibyte b:		std.put("`Ibyte %ub (%c)\n", b, b castto(char)) 
+		| `Irange (start, end):	
+			std.put("`Irange (%ub,%ub)", start, end) 
+			if std.isalnum(start castto(char)) && std.isalnum(end castto(char))
+				std.put("\t/* %c-%c */", start castto(char), end castto(char))
+			;;
+			std.put("\n")
+		/* capture groups */
+		| `Ilbra m:		std.put("`Ilbra %z\n", m) 
+		| `Irbra m:		std.put("`Irbra %z\n", m) 
+		/* anchors */
+		| `Ibol:			std.put("`Ibol\n")
+		| `Ieol:			std.put("`Ieol\n")
+		| `Ibow:			std.put("`Ibow\n")
+		| `Ieow:			std.put("`Ieow\n")
+		/* control flow */
+		| `Ifork	(lip, rip):	std.put("`Ifork (%z,%z)\n", lip, rip) 
+		| `Ijmp ip:		std.put("`Ijmp %z\n", ip) 
+		| `Imatch:		std.put("`Imatch\n") 
+		;;
+	;;
+/* AST dump */
+const dump = {re, t, indent
+	var i
+	if !re.debug
+		->
+	;;
+	for i = 0; i < indent; i++
+		std.put("  ")
+	;;
+	match t#
+	| `Alt	(a, b):
+		std.put("Alt\n")
+		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
+		dump(re, b, indent + 1)
+	| `Cat	(a, b):
+		std.put("Cat\n")
+		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
+		dump(re, b, indent + 1)
+	/* repetition */
+	| `Star	a:
+		std.put("Star\n")
+		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
+	| `Rstar a:
+		std.put("Rstar\n")
+		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
+	| `Plus	a:
+		std.put("Plus\n")
+		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
+	| `Rplus a:
+		std.put("Rplus\n")
+		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
+	| `Quest	a:
+		std.put("Quest\n")
+		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
+	| `Bol:
+		std.put("Bol\n")
+	| `Eol:
+		std.put("Eol\n")
+	| `Bow:
+		std.put("Bow\n")
+	| `Eow:
+		std.put("Eow\n")
+	/* end matches */
+	| `Byte	b:
+		std.put("Byte %b\n", b)
+	| `Chr	c:
+		std.put("Char %c\n", c)
+	| `Ranges rl:
+                std.put("Ranges")
+		for r in rl
+			for i = 0; i < indent + 1; i++
+				std.put("  ")
+			;;
+			std.put("\t(%ui-%ui)\n", r[0], r[1])
+		;;
+	/* meta */
+	| `Cap	(m, a):
+		std.put("Cap %i\n", m)
+		dump(re, a, indent + 1)
+	;;
+/* parses an expression */
+const parse = {re
+	match altexpr(re)
+	| `Some t:
+		if re.pat.len == 0
+			-> `Some t
+		else
+			astfree(t)
+			-> `Fail `Incomplete
+		;;
+	| `None:
+		-> `None
+	| `Fail st:
+		-> `Fail st
+	;;
+const altexpr = {re
+	var ret : tree#
+	match catexpr(re)
+	| `Some t:
+		ret = t
+		if matchc(re, '|')
+			match altexpr(re)
+			| `Some rhs:
+				ret = mk(`Alt (ret, rhs))
+			| `None:
+				astfree(ret)
+				-> `Fail (`Incomplete)
+			| `Fail f:
+				-> `Fail f
+			;;
+		;;
+	| other:
+		-> other
+	;;
+	-> `Some ret
+const catexpr = {re
+	var ret
+	match repexpr(re)
+	| `Some t: 
+		ret = t
+		match catexpr(re)
+		| `Some rhs:
+			ret = mk(`Cat (t, rhs))
+		| `Fail f:	-> `Fail f
+		| `None:	/* nothing */
+		;;
+	| other:
+		-> other
+	;;
+	-> `Some ret
+const repexpr = {re
+	var ret
+	match baseexpr(re)
+	| `Some t:
+		if matchc(re, '*')
+                        if matchc(re, '?')
+                                ret = mk(`Rstar t)
+                        else
+				ret = mk(`Star t)
+			;;
+		elif matchc(re, '+')
+                        if matchc(re, '?')
+				ret = mk(`Rplus t)
+			else
+				ret = mk(`Plus t)
+			;;
+		elif matchc(re, '?')
+			ret = mk(`Quest t)
+		else
+			ret = t
+		;;
+	| other:
+		-> other
+	;;
+	-> `Some ret
+const baseexpr = {re
+	var ret
+	if re.pat.len == 0
+		-> `None
+	;;
+	match peekc(re)
+	/* lower prec operators */
+	| '|':	-> `None
+	| ')':	-> `None
+	| '*':	-> `Fail `Badrep
+	| '+':	-> `Fail `Badrep
+	| '?':	-> `Fail `Badrep
+	| '[':	-> chrclass(re)
+	| '.':	getc(re); ret = mk(`Ranges std.slpush([][:], [0, std.Maxcharval]))
+	| '^':	getc(re); ret = mk(`Bol)
+	| '$':	getc(re); ret = mk(`Eol)
+	| '(':	
+		getc(re)
+		match altexpr(re)
+		| `Some s:
+			if matchc(re, ')')
+				-> `Some mk(`Cap (re.nmatch++, s))
+			else
+				-> `Fail `Unbalanced
+			;;
+		| `None:	-> `Fail `Emptyparen
+		| `Fail st:	-> `Fail st
+		;;
+	| '\\':
+		getc(re) /* consume the slash */
+		if re.pat.len == 0
+			-> `Fail `Incomplete
+		;;
+		-> escaped(re)
+	| c:
+		getc(re)
+		ret = mk(`Chr c)
+	;;
+	-> `Some ret
+const escaped = {re
+	var ret
+	match getc(re)
+	/* character classes */
+	| 'd': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciidigit[:]))
+	| 'x': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciixdigit[:]))
+	| 's': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciispace[:]))
+	| 'w': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciiword[:]))
+	| 'h': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges std.sldup(_ranges.tabasciiblank[:]))
+	/* negated character classes */
+	| 'W': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciiword[:]))
+	| 'S': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciispace[:]))
+	| 'D': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciidigit[:]))
+	| 'X': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciixdigit[:]))
+	| 'H': ret = `Some mk(`Ranges negate(_ranges.tabasciiblank[:]))
+	/* unicode character classes */
+	| 'p':	ret = unicodeclass(re, false)
+	| 'P':  ret = unicodeclass(re, true)
+	/* operators that need an escape */
+	| '<': ret = `Some mk(`Bow)
+	| '>': ret = `Some mk(`Eow)
+	/* escaped metachars */
+	| '^': ret = `Some mk(`Chr '^')
+	| '$': ret = `Some mk(`Chr '$')
+	| '.': ret = `Some mk(`Chr '.')
+	| '+': ret = `Some mk(`Chr '+')
+	| '?': ret = `Some mk(`Chr '?')
+	| chr: ret = `Fail `Badescape
+	;;
+	-> ret
+const unicodeclass = {re, neg
+	var c, s
+	var tab
+	var t
+	var n
+	if re.pat.len == 0
+		-> `Fail (`Incomplete)
+	;;
+	n = 0
+	s = re.pat
+	/* either a single char pattern, or {pat} */
+	match getc(re)
+	| '{':
+		s = s[1:]
+		while re.pat.len > 0
+			c = getc(re)
+			if c == '}'
+				break
+			;;
+			n += std.charlen(c)
+		;;
+	| r:
+		n += std.charlen(r)
+	;;
+	s = s[:n]
+	/* letters */
+	if std.sleq(s, "L") || std.sleq(s, "Letter")
+		tab = _ranges.tabalpha[:]
+	elif std.sleq(s, "Lu") || std.sleq(s, "Uppercase_Letter")
+		tab = _ranges.tabupper[:]
+	elif std.sleq(s, "Ll") || std.sleq(s, "Lowercase_Letter")
+		tab = _ranges.tablower[:]
+	elif std.sleq(s, "Lt") || std.sleq(s, "Titlecase_Letter")
+		tab = _ranges.tablower[:]
+	/* numbers (incomplete) */
+	elif std.sleq(s, "N") || std.sleq(s, "Number")
+		tab = _ranges.tabdigit[:]
+	elif std.sleq(s, "Z") || std.sleq(s, "Separator")
+		tab = _ranges.tabspace[:]
+	elif std.sleq(s, "Zs") || std.sleq(s, "Space_Separator")
+		tab = _ranges.tabblank[:]
+	else
+		-> `Fail (`Badrange)
+	;;
+	if !neg
+		t = mk(`Ranges std.sldup(tab))
+	else
+		t = mk(`Ranges negate(tab))
+	;;
+	-> `Some t
+const chrclass = {re
+	var rl, m, n
+	var neg
+	var t
+	/* we know we saw '[' on entry */
+	matchc(re, '[')
+	neg = false
+	if matchc(re, '^')
+		neg = true
+	;;
+	rl = rangematch(re, [][:])
+	while peekc(re) != ']'
+		rl = rangematch(re, rl)
+	;;
+	if !matchc(re, ']')
+		std.slfree(rl)
+		-> `Fail (`Incomplete)
+	;;
+	std.sort(rl, {a, b;
+		if a[0] < b[0]
+			-> `std.Before
+		elif a[0] == b[0]
+			-> `std.Equal
+		else
+			-> `std.After
+		;;})
+	m = merge(rl)
+	std.slfree(rl)
+	if neg
+		n = negate(m)
+		std.slfree(m)
+		t = mk(`Ranges n)
+	else
+		t = mk(`Ranges m)
+	;;
+	-> `Some t
+const rangematch = {re, sl
+	var lo
+	var hi
+	lo = getc(re)
+	if matchc(re, '-')
+		hi = getc(re)
+		if lo <= hi
+			-> std.slpush(sl, [lo, hi])
+		else
+			-> std.slpush(sl, [hi, lo])
+		;;
+	else
+		-> std.slpush(sl, [lo, lo])
+	;;
+const negate = {rng
+	var start, end, next
+	var neg
+	neg = [][:]
+	start = 0
+	next = 0 /* if we have no ranges */
+	for r in rng
+		(end, next) = (r[0], r[1])
+		neg = std.slpush(neg, [start, end - 1])
+		start = next + 1
+	;;
+	neg = std.slpush(neg, [next + 1, std.Maxcharval])
+	-> neg
+/* rl is a sorted list of ranges */
+const merge = {rl
+	var lo, hi
+	var ret
+	if rl.len == 0
+		-> [][:]
+	;;
+	ret = [][:]
+	lo = rl[0][0]
+	hi = rl[0][1]
+	for r in rl[1:]
+		/* if it overlaps or abuts, merge */
+		if r[0] <= hi + 1
+			hi = r[1]
+		else
+			ret = std.slpush(ret, [lo, hi])
+			lo = r[0]
+			hi = r[1]
+		;;
+	;;
+	-> std.slpush(ret, [lo, hi])
+const matchc = {re, c
+	var str
+	var chr
+	(chr, str) = std.striter(re.pat)
+	if chr != c
+		-> false
+	;;
+	re.pat = str
+	-> true
+const getc = {re
+	var c
+	(c, re.pat) = std.striter(re.pat)
+	-> c
+const peekc = {re
+	var c
+	var _
+	(c, _) = std.striter(re.pat)
+	-> c
+const mk = {v
+	var t
+	t = std.alloc()
+	t# = v
+	-> t
+const astfree = {t
+	match t#
+	| `Alt	(a, b): astfree(a); astfree(b)
+	| `Cat	(a, b): astfree(a); astfree(b)
+	/* repetition */
+	| `Star	a:	astfree(a)
+	| `Rstar a:	astfree(a)
+	| `Plus	a:	astfree(a)
+	| `Rplus a:	astfree(a)
+	| `Quest a:	astfree(a)
+	/* end matches */
+	| `Byte	b:	
+	| `Chr c:	
+	| `Ranges rl:	std.slfree(rl)
+	/* meta */
+	| `Cap	(m, a):	astfree(a)
+	| _:	/* other types have no suballocations */
+	;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/configure
@@ -1,0 +1,52 @@
+for i in `seq 300`; do
+    echo "Lots of output to emulate automake... ok"
+    echo "Testing for things you'll never use... fail"
+    echo "Satisfying the fortran77 lobby... ok"
+    echo "Burning CPU time checking for the bloody obvious... ok"
+echo "Automake emulated successfully"
+for arg in $*; do
+    shift 1
+    case $arg in
+        "--prefix" | "-p")
+            prefix=shift $*
+            ;;
+        --prefix=*)
+            prefix=`echo $arg | sed 's/^--prefix=//g'`
+            ;;
+        "--help" | "-h")
+            echo "Usage:"
+            echo "      --prefix | -p: The prefix to install to"
+            break;
+            ;;
+        *) echo "Unrecognized argument $arg";;
+    esac
+echo export INST_ROOT=$prefix >
+case $OS in
+    *Linux*)
+        echo 'export SYS=linux' >>
+        ;;
+    *Darwin*)
+        echo 'export SYS=osx' >>
+        ;;
+    *)
+        echo 'Unknown architecture.'
+        ;;
+cat << EOF
+    Building with:
+        prefix=$prefix
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/doc/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,5 @@
+MAN=myr-regex.3 \
+include ../
+include ../mk/
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/doc/myr-regex.3
@@ -1,0 +1,198 @@
+regex myr-regex
+.B use regex
+.I const compile	: (re : byte[:] -> std.error(regex#, status))
+.I const dbgcompile	: (re : byte[:] -> std.error(regex#, status))
+.I const free           : (re : regex# -> void)
+.I const exec	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> bool)
+.I const search	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> bool)
+The regex library provides functions for compiling and evaluating regular
+expressions, as described later in this document, or in myr-regex(7).
+.I regex.compile will take a string describing a regex, and will attempt
+to compile it, returing 
+.I `std.Success regex#
+if the regex is valid, and there were no error conditions encountered during
+compilation. If the compilation failed,
+.I `std.Failure regex.status
+will be returned, where regex.status is a failure code.
+.I regex.dbgcompile
+is identical to 
+.I regex.compile,
+however, it will print debugging information as it compiles, and each
+time the regex is evaluated.
+.I regex.exec
+will take the regex passed to it, and evaluate it over the text provided,
+returning the 
+.I `std.Some matches,
+.I `std.None
+if there were no matches found. The matches must span the whole string.
+is similar to regex.exec, but it will attempt to find a match somewhere
+within the string, instead of attempting to find a match spanning the whole
+The grammar used by libregex is below:
+    regex       : altexpr
+    altexpr     : catexpr ('|' altexpr)+
+    catexpr     : repexpr (catexpr)+
+    repexpr     : baseexpr[*+?]
+    baseexpr    : literal
+                | charclass
+                | charrange
+                | escaped
+                | '.'
+                | '^'
+                | '$'
+                | '(' regex ')'
+    charclass   : see below
+    charrange   : '[' (literal('-' literal)?)+']'
+The following metacharacters have the meanings listed below:
+Matches a single unicode character
+Matches the beginning of a line. Does not consume any characters.
+Matches the end of a line. Does not consume any characters.
+Matches any number of repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
+Reluctantly matches any number of repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
+Matches one or more repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
+Reluctantly matches one or more repetitions of the preceding regex fragment.
+Matches zero or one of the preceding regex fragment.
+In order to match a literal metacharacter, it needs to be preceded by
+a '\\' character.
+The following character classes are supported:
+ASCII digits
+Negation of ASCII digits
+ASCII Hex digits
+Negation of ASCII Hex digits
+ASCII spaces
+Negation of ASCII spaces
+ASCII word characters
+Negation of ASCII word characters
+ASCII whitespace characters
+Negation of ASCII whitespace characters
+\\pX, \\p{X}
+Characters with unicode property 'X'
+\\PX, \\P{X}
+Negation of characters with unicode property 'X'
+Unicode properties that are supported are listed below:
+L, Letter
+Unicode letter property
+Lu, Uppercase_Letter
+Uppercase letter unicode property
+Ll, Lowercase_Letter
+Lowercase letter unicode property
+Lt, Titlecase_Letter
+Titlecase letter unicode property
+N, Number
+Number unicode property
+Z, Separator
+Any separator character unicode property
+Zs, Space_Separator
+Space separator unicode property
+        use std
+        use regex
+        const main = {
+            match regex.compile(pat)
+            var i
+            | `std.Success re:
+                    match regex.exec(re, text)
+                    | `std.Some matches:
+                            for i = 0; i < matches.len; i++
+                                std.put("Match %i: %s\n", i, match[i])
+                            ;;
+                    | `std.None: std.put("Text did not match\n")
+                    ;;
+            | `std.Failure err:
+                    std.put("failed to compile regex")
+            ;;
+        }
+The source code for this compiler is available from
+.B git://
+.IR mc(1)
+This code is insufficiently tested.
+This code does not support all of the regex features that one would expect.
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/interp.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,308 @@
+use std
+use "types.use"
+pkg regex =
+	const exec	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> std.option(byte[:][:]))
+	/*
+	FIXME: implement. This should scan for a possible start char in the
+		regex and use that to optimize.
+	const search	: (re : regex#, str : byte[:] -> std.option(byte[:][:]))
+	*/
+/* Ugly: for performance. std.option() should be used instead when unions get faster. */
+const Zthr = 0 castto(rethread#)
+const exec = {re, str
+	var thr
+	var m
+	re.str = str
+	re.strp = 0
+	thr = run(re)
+	if thr != Zthr
+		m = getmatches(re, thr)
+		cleanup(re)
+		-> `std.Some m
+	else
+		cleanup(re)
+		->  `std.None
+	;;
+const cleanup = {re
+	var thr, next
+	for thr = re.runq; thr != Zthr; thr = next
+		next =
+		thrfree(re, thr)
+	;;
+	for thr = re.expired; thr != Zthr; thr = next
+		next =
+		thrfree(re, thr)
+	;;
+const getmatches = {re, thr
+	var ret
+	var i
+	ret = std.slalloc(re.nmatch)
+	for i = 0; i < re.nmatch; i++
+		if thr.mstart[i] != -1 && thr.mend[i] != -1
+			ret[i] = re.str[thr.mstart[i]:thr.mend[i]]
+		else
+			ret[i] = [][:]
+		;;
+	;;
+	-> ret
+/* returns a matching thread, or Zthr if no threads matched */
+const run = {re
+	var i, ip
+	var consumed
+	var thr
+	var states
+	states = std.mkbs()
+	re.runq = mkthread(re, 0)
+	re.runq.mstart = std.slalloc(re.nmatch)
+	re.runq.mend = std.slalloc(re.nmatch)
+	for i = 0; i < re.nmatch; i++
+		re.runq.mstart[i] = -1
+		re.runq.mend[i] = -1
+	;;
+	while re.nthr > 0
+		while re.runq != Zthr
+			/* set up the next thread */
+			thr = re.runq
+			re.runq =
+			trace(re, thr, "\nrunning tid=%z, ip=%z, s[%z]=%c\n", thr.tid, thr.ip, re.strp, std.decode(re.str[re.strp:]))
+			ip = thr.ip
+			consumed = step(re, thr, -1)
+			while !consumed
+				consumed = step(re, thr, ip)
+			;;
+			if std.bshas(states, thr.ip)
+				die(re, thr, "there can be only one")
+			;;
+			if thr.dead
+				thrfree(re, thr)
+			elif thr.matched && re.strp == re.str.len
+				-> thr
+			elif !thr.matched
+				std.bsput(states, thr.ip)
+				if re.expired == Zthr
+					re.expired = thr
+				;;
+				if re.expiredtail != Zthr
+ = thr
+				;;
+				re.expiredtail = thr
+ = Zthr
+			;;
+		;;
+		std.bsclear(states)
+		trace(re, thr, "switch\n")
+		re.runq = re.expired
+		re.expired = Zthr
+		re.expiredtail = Zthr
+		re.strp++
+	;;
+	-> Zthr
+ Steps forward one instruction. Returns true if a byte of input was
+ consumed, false otherwise.
+const step = {re, thr, curip
+	var str
+	var mstart
+	var mend
+	str = re.str
+	match re.prog[thr.ip]
+	/* Char matching. Consume exactly one byte from the string. */
+	| `Ibyte b:
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tByte %ub (%c)\n", thr.ip, b, b castto(char))
+		if !within(re, str)
+			die(re, thr, "end of string")
+		elif b != str[re.strp]
+			die(re, thr, "not right char")
+		else
+			thr.ip++
+			trace(re, thr, "\t\tmatched %b with %b\n", b, str[re.strp])
+		;;
+	| `Irange (start, end):
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tRange (%ub, %ub) /* %c - %c */\n", thr.ip, start, end, start castto(char), end castto(char))
+		if !within(re, str) || start > str[re.strp] || end < str[re.strp]
+			die(re, thr, "bad range")
+		else
+			thr.ip++
+		;;
+	/*
+	  Non-consuming. All of these return false, and expect step to be
+	  called again until exactly one byte is consumed from the string.
+	 */
+	| `Ibol:
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tBol\n", thr.ip)
+		if re.strp == 0 || str[re.strp - 1] == '\n' castto(byte)
+			thr.ip++
+			-> false
+		else
+			die(re, thr, "not beginning of line")
+		;;
+	| `Ieol:
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tEol\n", thr.ip)
+		if re.strp == str.len || str[re.strp] == '\n' castto(byte)
+			thr.ip++
+			-> false
+		else
+			die(re, thr, "not end of line")
+		;;
+	/* check for word characters */
+	| `Ibow:
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tBow\n", thr.ip)
+		if iswordchar(str[re.strp:]) && (re.strp == 0 || !iswordchar(prevchar(str, re.strp)))
+			thr.ip++
+			-> false
+		else
+			die(re, thr, "not beginning of word")
+		;;
+	| `Ieow:
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tEow\n", thr.ip)
+		if re.strp == str.len && iswordchar(prevchar(str, re.strp))
+			thr.ip++
+			-> false
+		elif re.strp > 0 && !iswordchar(str[re.strp:]) && iswordchar(prevchar(str, re.strp))
+			thr.ip++
+			-> false
+		else
+			die(re, thr, "not end of word")
+		;;
+	| `Ilbra m:
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tLbra %z\n", thr.ip, m)
+		trace(re, thr, "\t\tmatch start = %z\n", re.strp)
+		thr.mstart[m] = re.strp
+		thr.ip++
+		-> false
+	| `Irbra m:
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tRbra %z\n", thr.ip, m)
+		thr.mend[m] = re.strp
+		thr.ip++
+		-> false
+	| `Ifork (lip, rip):
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tFork (%z, %z)\n", thr.ip, lip, rip)
+		mstart = std.sldup(thr.mstart)
+		mend = std.sldup(thr.mend)
+		fork(re, thr, rip, curip, mstart, mend)
+		thr.ip = lip
+		-> false
+	| `Ijmp ip:
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tJmp %z\n", thr.ip, ip)
+		thr.ip = ip
+		-> false
+	| `Imatch:
+		trace(re, thr, "\t%z:\tMatch\n", thr.ip)
+		finish(re, thr)
+		-> true
+	;;
+	-> true
+const fork = {re, thr, ip, curip, mstart, mend
+	var thr
+	if ip == curip /* loop detection */
+		->
+	;;
+	thr = mkthread(re, ip)
+ = re.runq
+	thr.mstart = mstart
+	thr.mend = mend
+	re.runq = thr
+const die = {re, thr, msg
+        /*
+ 	  we can have die called on a thread
+	  multiple times, eg, if it has a bad
+	  range *and* end in a state that another
+	  thread is in. We should only decrement
+	  the number of threads for that once.
+	 */
+	trace(re, thr, "\t\tdie %z: %s\n", thr.tid, msg)
+        if !thr.dead
+		re.nthr--
+        ;;
+	thr.dead = true
+const finish = {re, thr
+	trace(re, thr, "finish %z\n", thr.tid)
+	thr.matched = true
+	re.nthr--
+var nexttid = 0
+const mkthread = {re, ip
+	var thr : rethread#
+	thr = std.alloc()
+ = Zthr
+	thr.ip = ip
+	thr.tid = nexttid++
+	thr.dead = false
+	thr.matched = false
+	thr.mstart = [][:]
+	thr.mend = [][:]
+	re.nthr++
+	-> thr
+const thrfree = {re, thr
+	trace(re, thr, "\t\tcleanup %z\n", thr.tid)
+	std.slfree(thr.mstart)
+	std.slfree(thr.mend)
+const within = {re, str 
+	-> re.strp < str.len
+const trace : (re : regex#, thr : rethread#, msg : byte[:], args : ... -> void) = {re, thr, msg, args
+	if re.debug
+		std.putv(msg, std.vastart(&args))
+	;;
+/* must be called with i >= 1 */
+const prevchar = {s, i
+	std.assert(i != 0, "prevchar must be called with i >= 1\n")
+	i--
+	while i != 0 && s[i] >= 0x80
+		i--
+	;;
+	-> s[i:]
+const iswordchar = {s
+	var c
+	c = std.decode(s)
+	-> std.isalpha(c) || std.isdigit(c) || c == '_'
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/mk/
@@ -1,0 +1,97 @@
+ifneq ($(MYRLIB),)
+    _LIBNAME=lib$(MYRLIB).a
+all: subdirs $(_LIBNAME) $(MYRBIN) 
+	@for i in $(SUB); do (\
+	    cd $$i && \
+	    $(MAKE) || \
+	    exit 1 \
+	) || exit 1; done
+	@for i in $(SUB); do (\
+	    cd $$i && \
+	    $(MAKE) clean|| \
+	    exit 1 \
+	); done
+	@for i in $(SUB); do (\
+	    cd $$i && \
+	    $(MAKE) install|| \
+	    exit 1 \
+	); done
+	@for i in $(SUB); do (\
+	    cd $$i && \
+	    $(MAKE) uninstall|| \
+	    exit 1 \
+	); done
+	myrbuild -l $(MYRLIB) $^
+	myrbuild -b $(MYRBIN) $^
+OBJ=$(MYRSRC:.myr=.o) $(ASMSRC:.s=.o)
+USE=$(MYRSRC:.myr=.use) $(MYRLIB)
+.PHONY: clean
+clean: subdirs-clean
+	rm -f $(OBJ)
+	rm -f $(USE)
+	@if [ ! -z "$(MYRLIB)" ]; then \
+	    echo rm -f $(MYRLIB); \
+	    rm -f $(MYRLIB); \
+	    echo rm -f lib$(MYRLIB).a; \
+	    rm -f lib$(MYRLIB).a; \
+	fi
+	@if [ ! -z "$(MYRBIN)" ]; then \
+	    echo rm -f $(MYRBIN); \
+	    rm -f $(MYRBIN); \
+	    echo rm -f lib$(MYRBIN).a; \
+	    rm -f lib$(MYRBIN).a; \
+	fi
+install: subdirs-install $(MYRBIN) $(_LIBNAME) $(MAN)
+	@if [ ! -z "$(MYRBIN)" ]; then \
+	    echo install $(MYRBIN) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/bin); \
+	    mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/bin); \
+	    install $(MYRBIN) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/bin); \
+	fi
+	@if [ ! -z "$(_LIBNAME)" ]; then \
+		echo install -m 644 $(_LIBNAME) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr); \
+		echo install -m 644 $(MYRLIB) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr); \
+		mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr); \
+		install -m 644 $(_LIBNAME) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr); \
+		install -m 644 $(MYRLIB) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr); \
+	fi
+	@for i in $(MAN); do \
+	    MANSECT=$$(echo $$i | awk -F. '{print $$NF}'); \
+	    echo mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$$MANSECT); \
+	    echo install -m 644 $(MAN) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$${MANSECT}); \
+	    mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$$MANSECT); \
+	    install -m 644 $(MAN) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$${MANSECT}); \
+	done \
+uninstall: subdirs-uninstall
+	@for i in $(MYRBIN); do \
+	    echo rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/bin/$$i); \
+	    rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/bin/$$i); \
+	done
+	@for i in $(_LIBNAME) $(MYRLIB); do \
+	    echo rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr/$$i); \
+	    rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr/$$i); \
+	done
+	@for i in $(MAN); do \
+	    MANSECT=$$(echo $$i | awk -F. '{print $$NF}'); \
+	    echo rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$${MANSECT}/$$i); \
+	    rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$${MANSECT}/$$i); \
+	done
+	./configure
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/ranges.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,2386 @@
+ This set of unicode tables was automatically generated
+ by the following command:
+ mkchartab -a -p_ranges UnicodeData.txt -o ranges.myr
+ editing it manually is probably a waste of time.
+pkg _ranges =
+	const tabasciialpha
+	const tabasciiupper
+	const tabasciilower
+	const tabasciiword
+	const tabasciidigit
+	const tabasciixdigit
+	const tabasciispace
+	const tabasciiblank
+	const tabalpha
+	const tabupper
+	const tablower
+	const tabtitle
+	const tabword
+	const tabdigit
+	const tabxdigit
+	const tabspace
+	const tabblank
+const tabasciialpha = [
+	['\u{41}','\u{5a}'],
+	['\u{61}','\u{7a}'],
+const tabasciiupper = [
+	['\u{41}','\u{5a}'],
+const tabasciilower = [
+	['\u{61}','\u{7a}'],
+const tabasciiword = [
+	['\u{30}','\u{39}'],
+	['\u{41}','\u{5a}'],
+	['\u{5f}','\u{5f}'],
+	['\u{61}','\u{7a}'],
+const tabasciidigit = [
+	['\u{30}','\u{39}'],
+const tabasciixdigit = [
+	['\u{30}','\u{39}'],
+	['\u{41}','\u{46}'],
+	['\u{61}','\u{66}'],
+const tabasciispace = [
+	['\u{9}','\u{d}'],
+	['\u{20}','\u{20}'],
+const tabasciiblank = [
+	['\u{9}','\u{9}'],
+	['\u{20}','\u{20}'],
+const tabalpha = [
+	['\u{41}','\u{5a}'],
+	['\u{61}','\u{7a}'],
+	['\u{aa}','\u{aa}'],
+	['\u{b5}','\u{b5}'],
+	['\u{ba}','\u{ba}'],
+	['\u{c0}','\u{d6}'],
+	['\u{d8}','\u{f6}'],
+	['\u{f8}','\u{2c1}'],
+	['\u{2c6}','\u{2d1}'],
+	['\u{2e0}','\u{2e4}'],
+	['\u{2ec}','\u{2ec}'],
+	['\u{2ee}','\u{2ee}'],
+	['\u{370}','\u{374}'],
+	['\u{376}','\u{377}'],
+	['\u{37a}','\u{37d}'],
+	['\u{386}','\u{386}'],
+	['\u{388}','\u{38a}'],
+	['\u{38c}','\u{38c}'],
+	['\u{38e}','\u{3a1}'],
+	['\u{3a3}','\u{3f5}'],
+	['\u{3f7}','\u{481}'],
+	['\u{48a}','\u{527}'],
+	['\u{531}','\u{556}'],
+	['\u{559}','\u{559}'],
+	['\u{561}','\u{587}'],
+	['\u{5d0}','\u{5ea}'],
+	['\u{5f0}','\u{5f2}'],
+	['\u{620}','\u{64a}'],
+	['\u{66e}','\u{66f}'],
+	['\u{671}','\u{6d3}'],
+	['\u{6d5}','\u{6d5}'],
+	['\u{6e5}','\u{6e6}'],
+	['\u{6ee}','\u{6ef}'],
+	['\u{6fa}','\u{6fc}'],
+	['\u{6ff}','\u{6ff}'],
+	['\u{710}','\u{710}'],
+	['\u{712}','\u{72f}'],
+	['\u{74d}','\u{7a5}'],
+	['\u{7b1}','\u{7b1}'],
+	['\u{7ca}','\u{7ea}'],
+	['\u{7f4}','\u{7f5}'],
+	['\u{7fa}','\u{7fa}'],
+	['\u{800}','\u{815}'],
+	['\u{81a}','\u{81a}'],
+	['\u{824}','\u{824}'],
+	['\u{828}','\u{828}'],
+	['\u{840}','\u{858}'],
+	['\u{8a0}','\u{8a0}'],
+	['\u{8a2}','\u{8ac}'],
+	['\u{904}','\u{939}'],
+	['\u{93d}','\u{93d}'],
+	['\u{950}','\u{950}'],
+	['\u{958}','\u{961}'],
+	['\u{971}','\u{977}'],
+	['\u{979}','\u{97f}'],
+	['\u{985}','\u{98c}'],
+	['\u{98f}','\u{990}'],
+	['\u{993}','\u{9a8}'],
+	['\u{9aa}','\u{9b0}'],
+	['\u{9b2}','\u{9b2}'],
+	['\u{9b6}','\u{9b9}'],
+	['\u{9bd}','\u{9bd}'],
+	['\u{9ce}','\u{9ce}'],
+	['\u{9dc}','\u{9dd}'],
+	['\u{9df}','\u{9e1}'],
+	['\u{9f0}','\u{9f1}'],
+	['\u{a05}','\u{a0a}'],
+	['\u{a0f}','\u{a10}'],
+	['\u{a13}','\u{a28}'],
+	['\u{a2a}','\u{a30}'],
+	['\u{a32}','\u{a33}'],
+	['\u{a35}','\u{a36}'],
+	['\u{a38}','\u{a39}'],
+	['\u{a59}','\u{a5c}'],
+	['\u{a5e}','\u{a5e}'],
+	['\u{a72}','\u{a74}'],
+	['\u{a85}','\u{a8d}'],
+	['\u{a8f}','\u{a91}'],
+	['\u{a93}','\u{aa8}'],
+	['\u{aaa}','\u{ab0}'],
+	['\u{ab2}','\u{ab3}'],
+	['\u{ab5}','\u{ab9}'],
+	['\u{abd}','\u{abd}'],
+	['\u{ad0}','\u{ad0}'],
+	['\u{ae0}','\u{ae1}'],
+	['\u{b05}','\u{b0c}'],
+	['\u{b0f}','\u{b10}'],
+	['\u{b13}','\u{b28}'],
+	['\u{b2a}','\u{b30}'],
+	['\u{b32}','\u{b33}'],
+	['\u{b35}','\u{b39}'],
+	['\u{b3d}','\u{b3d}'],
+	['\u{b5c}','\u{b5d}'],
+	['\u{b5f}','\u{b61}'],
+	['\u{b71}','\u{b71}'],
+	['\u{b83}','\u{b83}'],
+	['\u{b85}','\u{b8a}'],
+	['\u{b8e}','\u{b90}'],
+	['\u{b92}','\u{b95}'],
+	['\u{b99}','\u{b9a}'],
+	['\u{b9c}','\u{b9c}'],
+	['\u{b9e}','\u{b9f}'],
+	['\u{ba3}','\u{ba4}'],
+	['\u{ba8}','\u{baa}'],
+	['\u{bae}','\u{bb9}'],
+	['\u{bd0}','\u{bd0}'],
+	['\u{c05}','\u{c0c}'],
+	['\u{c0e}','\u{c10}'],
+	['\u{c12}','\u{c28}'],
+	['\u{c2a}','\u{c33}'],
+	['\u{c35}','\u{c39}'],
+	['\u{c3d}','\u{c3d}'],
+	['\u{c58}','\u{c59}'],
+	['\u{c60}','\u{c61}'],
+	['\u{c85}','\u{c8c}'],
+	['\u{c8e}','\u{c90}'],
+	['\u{c92}','\u{ca8}'],
+	['\u{caa}','\u{cb3}'],
+	['\u{cb5}','\u{cb9}'],
+	['\u{cbd}','\u{cbd}'],
+	['\u{cde}','\u{cde}'],
+	['\u{ce0}','\u{ce1}'],
+	['\u{cf1}','\u{cf2}'],
+	['\u{d05}','\u{d0c}'],
+	['\u{d0e}','\u{d10}'],
+	['\u{d12}','\u{d3a}'],
+	['\u{d3d}','\u{d3d}'],
+	['\u{d4e}','\u{d4e}'],
+	['\u{d60}','\u{d61}'],
+	['\u{d7a}','\u{d7f}'],
+	['\u{d85}','\u{d96}'],
+	['\u{d9a}','\u{db1}'],
+	['\u{db3}','\u{dbb}'],
+	['\u{dbd}','\u{dbd}'],
+	['\u{dc0}','\u{dc6}'],
+	['\u{e01}','\u{e30}'],
+	['\u{e32}','\u{e33}'],
+	['\u{e40}','\u{e46}'],
+	['\u{e81}','\u{e82}'],
+	['\u{e84}','\u{e84}'],
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+	['\u{10b60}','\u{10b72}'],
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+	['\u{1d4a9}','\u{1d4ac}'],
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+	['\u{1d507}','\u{1d50a}'],
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+	['\u{1ee54}','\u{1ee54}'],
+	['\u{1ee57}','\u{1ee57}'],
+	['\u{1ee59}','\u{1ee59}'],
+	['\u{1ee5b}','\u{1ee5b}'],
+	['\u{1ee5d}','\u{1ee5d}'],
+	['\u{1ee5f}','\u{1ee5f}'],
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+	['\u{102}','\u{102}'],
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+	['\u{108}','\u{108}'],
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+	['\u{114}','\u{114}'],
+	['\u{116}','\u{116}'],
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+	['\u{1a4}','\u{1a4}'],
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+	['\u{1c7}','\u{1c7}'],
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+	['\u{2cbc}','\u{2cbc}'],
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+	['\u{2cde}','\u{2cde}'],
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+	['\u{2ce2}','\u{2ce2}'],
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+	['\u{a650}','\u{a650}'],
+	['\u{a652}','\u{a652}'],
+	['\u{a654}','\u{a654}'],
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+	['\u{a658}','\u{a658}'],
+	['\u{a65a}','\u{a65a}'],
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+	['\u{a758}','\u{a758}'],
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+	['\u{a779}','\u{a779}'],
+	['\u{a77b}','\u{a77b}'],
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+	['\u{a7a6}','\u{a7a6}'],
+	['\u{a7a8}','\u{a7a8}'],
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+	['\u{1d4ae}','\u{1d4b5}'],
+	['\u{1d4d0}','\u{1d4e9}'],
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+	['\u{115}','\u{115}'],
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+	['\u{157}','\u{157}'],
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+	['\u{a38}','\u{a39}'],
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+	['\u{1d49e}','\u{1d49f}'],
+	['\u{1d4a2}','\u{1d4a2}'],
+	['\u{1d4a5}','\u{1d4a6}'],
+	['\u{1d4a9}','\u{1d4ac}'],
+	['\u{1d4ae}','\u{1d4b9}'],
+	['\u{1d4bb}','\u{1d4bb}'],
+	['\u{1d4bd}','\u{1d4c3}'],
+	['\u{1d4c5}','\u{1d505}'],
+	['\u{1d507}','\u{1d50a}'],
+	['\u{1d50d}','\u{1d514}'],
+	['\u{1d516}','\u{1d51c}'],
+	['\u{1d51e}','\u{1d539}'],
+	['\u{1d53b}','\u{1d53e}'],
+	['\u{1d540}','\u{1d544}'],
+	['\u{1d546}','\u{1d546}'],
+	['\u{1d54a}','\u{1d550}'],
+	['\u{1d552}','\u{1d6a5}'],
+	['\u{1d6a8}','\u{1d6c0}'],
+	['\u{1d6c2}','\u{1d6da}'],
+	['\u{1d6dc}','\u{1d6fa}'],
+	['\u{1d6fc}','\u{1d714}'],
+	['\u{1d716}','\u{1d734}'],
+	['\u{1d736}','\u{1d74e}'],
+	['\u{1d750}','\u{1d76e}'],
+	['\u{1d770}','\u{1d788}'],
+	['\u{1d78a}','\u{1d7a8}'],
+	['\u{1d7aa}','\u{1d7c2}'],
+	['\u{1d7c4}','\u{1d7cb}'],
+	['\u{1d7ce}','\u{1d7ff}'],
+	['\u{1ee00}','\u{1ee03}'],
+	['\u{1ee05}','\u{1ee1f}'],
+	['\u{1ee21}','\u{1ee22}'],
+	['\u{1ee24}','\u{1ee24}'],
+	['\u{1ee27}','\u{1ee27}'],
+	['\u{1ee29}','\u{1ee32}'],
+	['\u{1ee34}','\u{1ee37}'],
+	['\u{1ee39}','\u{1ee39}'],
+	['\u{1ee3b}','\u{1ee3b}'],
+	['\u{1ee42}','\u{1ee42}'],
+	['\u{1ee47}','\u{1ee47}'],
+	['\u{1ee49}','\u{1ee49}'],
+	['\u{1ee4b}','\u{1ee4b}'],
+	['\u{1ee4d}','\u{1ee4f}'],
+	['\u{1ee51}','\u{1ee52}'],
+	['\u{1ee54}','\u{1ee54}'],
+	['\u{1ee57}','\u{1ee57}'],
+	['\u{1ee59}','\u{1ee59}'],
+	['\u{1ee5b}','\u{1ee5b}'],
+	['\u{1ee5d}','\u{1ee5d}'],
+	['\u{1ee5f}','\u{1ee5f}'],
+	['\u{1ee61}','\u{1ee62}'],
+	['\u{1ee64}','\u{1ee64}'],
+	['\u{1ee67}','\u{1ee6a}'],
+	['\u{1ee6c}','\u{1ee72}'],
+	['\u{1ee74}','\u{1ee77}'],
+	['\u{1ee79}','\u{1ee7c}'],
+	['\u{1ee7e}','\u{1ee7e}'],
+	['\u{1ee80}','\u{1ee89}'],
+	['\u{1ee8b}','\u{1ee9b}'],
+	['\u{1eea1}','\u{1eea3}'],
+	['\u{1eea5}','\u{1eea9}'],
+	['\u{1eeab}','\u{1eebb}'],
+	['\u{20000}','\u{2a6d6}'],
+	['\u{2a700}','\u{2b734}'],
+	['\u{2b740}','\u{2b81d}'],
+	['\u{2f800}','\u{2fa1d}'],
+const tabdigit = [
+	['\u{30}','\u{39}'],
+	['\u{660}','\u{669}'],
+	['\u{6f0}','\u{6f9}'],
+	['\u{7c0}','\u{7c9}'],
+	['\u{966}','\u{96f}'],
+	['\u{9e6}','\u{9ef}'],
+	['\u{a66}','\u{a6f}'],
+	['\u{ae6}','\u{aef}'],
+	['\u{b66}','\u{b6f}'],
+	['\u{be6}','\u{bef}'],
+	['\u{c66}','\u{c6f}'],
+	['\u{ce6}','\u{cef}'],
+	['\u{d66}','\u{d6f}'],
+	['\u{e50}','\u{e59}'],
+	['\u{ed0}','\u{ed9}'],
+	['\u{f20}','\u{f29}'],
+	['\u{1040}','\u{1049}'],
+	['\u{1090}','\u{1099}'],
+	['\u{17e0}','\u{17e9}'],
+	['\u{1810}','\u{1819}'],
+	['\u{1946}','\u{194f}'],
+	['\u{19d0}','\u{19d9}'],
+	['\u{1a80}','\u{1a89}'],
+	['\u{1a90}','\u{1a99}'],
+	['\u{1b50}','\u{1b59}'],
+	['\u{1bb0}','\u{1bb9}'],
+	['\u{1c40}','\u{1c49}'],
+	['\u{1c50}','\u{1c59}'],
+	['\u{a620}','\u{a629}'],
+	['\u{a8d0}','\u{a8d9}'],
+	['\u{a900}','\u{a909}'],
+	['\u{a9d0}','\u{a9d9}'],
+	['\u{aa50}','\u{aa59}'],
+	['\u{abf0}','\u{abf9}'],
+	['\u{ff10}','\u{ff19}'],
+	['\u{104a0}','\u{104a9}'],
+	['\u{11066}','\u{1106f}'],
+	['\u{110f0}','\u{110f9}'],
+	['\u{11136}','\u{1113f}'],
+	['\u{111d0}','\u{111d9}'],
+	['\u{116c0}','\u{116c9}'],
+	['\u{1d7ce}','\u{1d7ff}'],
+const tabxdigit = [
+	['\u{30}','\u{39}'],
+	['\u{41}','\u{46}'],
+	['\u{61}','\u{66}'],
+const tabspace = [
+	['\u{9}','\u{d}'],
+	['\u{20}','\u{20}'],
+	['\u{85}','\u{85}'],
+	['\u{a0}','\u{a0}'],
+	['\u{1680}','\u{1680}'],
+	['\u{2000}','\u{200a}'],
+	['\u{2028}','\u{2029}'],
+	['\u{202f}','\u{202f}'],
+	['\u{205f}','\u{205f}'],
+	['\u{3000}','\u{3000}'],
+const tabblank = [
+	['\u{9}','\u{9}'],
+	['\u{20}','\u{20}'],
+	['\u{a0}','\u{a0}'],
+	['\u{1680}','\u{1680}'],
+	['\u{2000}','\u{200a}'],
+	['\u{202f}','\u{202f}'],
+	['\u{205f}','\u{205f}'],
+	['\u{3000}','\u{3000}'],
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/Makefile
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+# don't build anything for 'all'
+	$(MAKE) -C ..
+	./
+.PHONY: %
+	./ $@
+.PHONY: clean
+	rm -f testmatch.use testmatch.o
+	@for i in `awk '/^[A-Z]/{print $$2}' tests`; do \
+	    echo rm -f $$i; \
+	    rm -f $$i; \
+	done
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/basic.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,31 @@
+use std
+use "testmatch.use"
+const main = {
+	var s : byte[:]
+	s = std.strjoin([
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
+	][:], "")
+	testmatch(".*bc", "Abc")
+	testmatch("(a*)*", "a")
+	testmatch("(aa|aab?)*", s)
+        /* greedy matches */
+        testmatch("(<.*>).*", "<a foo> blah <bar>")
+        testmatch("(<.+>).*", "<a foo> blah <bar>")
+        /* reluctant matches */
+        testmatch("(<.*?>).*", "<a foo> blah <bar>")
+        testmatch("(<.+?>).*", "<a foo> blah <bar>")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/boundaries.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,17 @@
+use "testmatch.use"
+const main = {
+	/* expected matches */
+	testmatch("\\<([a-z]*)\\>", "abcdef")	/* whole word */
+	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "!m!")	/* single char word in midstring */
+	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "!m")	/* single char word at end of string */
+	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "m!")	/* single char word at start of string */
+	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "!@#!!matches!!%!")	/* word in midstring */
+	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "matches!!%!")	/* word at start of string */
+	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "!@#!!matches")	/* word at end of string */
+	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "!@#!!matches!!%!foo")	/* matches last word in string */
+	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "123")	/* numbers are also word bounds */
+	/* nonmatches */
+	testmatch("\\<([a-z]*)\\>foo", "abcdefoo")	/* word boundary needed in midstring */
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/capture.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,9 @@
+use "testmatch.use"
+const main = {
+	testmatch("A(.*)", "Abc")
+	testmatch("A(.*)e", "Abcde")
+	testmatch("(a|b)+", "abab")
+	testmatch("A(b(.*)d)e", "Abcde")
+	testmatch("(a?)(a*)(a?)", "aaaa")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/class.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,67 @@
+use std
+use "testmatch.use"
+const main = {
+	asciiclass()
+	set()
+	/*
+	unicodeclass()
+	negasciiclass()
+	negasciirange()
+	negset()
+	*/
+const asciiclass = {
+	/* \d success */
+	testmatch("\\d", "1")
+	testmatch("\\d\\d", "13")
+	testmatch("\\d+", "13688")
+	/* \d fail */
+	testmatch("\\d", "x")
+	testmatch("\\d\\d", "x3")
+	testmatch("\\d+", "1368f")
+	/* \x success */
+	testmatch("\\x", "a")
+	testmatch("\\x\\x", "1F")
+	testmatch("\\x+", "13b8cDEf")
+	/* \x fail */
+	testmatch("\\x", "Z")
+	testmatch("\\x\\x", "fg")
+	testmatch("\\x+", "13b8cg")
+	/* \s success */
+	testmatch("\\s", " ")
+	testmatch("\\s\\s", "\t\n")
+	testmatch("\\s+", "\t\n\r \t")
+	/* \s fail */
+	testmatch("\\s", "a")
+	testmatch("\\s\\s", "i\n")
+	testmatch("\\s+", "\t\n\r.\t")
+	/* word success */
+	testmatch("\\w+", "abcABC0123_")
+	/* word fail */
+	testmatch("\\w+", "abcABC0123_.")
+	/* \h success */
+	testmatch("\\h", " ")
+	testmatch("\\h\\h", "\t ")
+	testmatch("\\h+", "\t \t ")
+	/* \h fail */
+	testmatch("\\h", "\n")
+	testmatch("\\h\\h", "\t\r")
+	testmatch("\\h+", "\t \t.")
+const set = {
+	/* ranges */
+	testmatch("[a-z]*", "abcd")
+	testmatch("[a-zA-Z]*", "abCD")
+	testmatch("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*", "_abCD018")
+	testmatch("[abc]*", "abba")
+	testmatch("[a-zABC]*", "abBa")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/data/basic-expected
@@ -1,0 +1,20 @@
+Matched Abc via .*bc : 1
+	match 0: Abc
+Matched a via (a*)* : 2
+	match 0: a
+	match 1: a
+Matched aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa via (aa|aab?)* : 2
+	match 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
+	match 1: aa
+Matched <a foo> blah <bar> via (<.*>).* : 2
+	match 0: <a foo> blah <bar>
+	match 1: <a foo> blah <bar>
+Matched <a foo> blah <bar> via (<.+>).* : 2
+	match 0: <a foo> blah <bar>
+	match 1: <a foo> blah <bar>
+Matched <a foo> blah <bar> via (<.*?>).* : 2
+	match 0: <a foo> blah <bar>
+	match 1: <a foo>
+Matched <a foo> blah <bar> via (<.+?>).* : 2
+	match 0: <a foo> blah <bar>
+	match 1: <a foo>
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/data/boundaries-expected
@@ -1,0 +1,28 @@
+Matched abcdef via \<([a-z]*)\> : 2
+	match 0: abcdef
+	match 1: abcdef
+Matched !m! via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
+	match 0: !m!
+	match 1: m
+Matched !m via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
+	match 0: !m
+	match 1: m
+Matched m! via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
+	match 0: m!
+	match 1: m
+Matched !@#!!matches!!%! via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
+	match 0: !@#!!matches!!%!
+	match 1: matches
+Matched matches!!%! via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
+	match 0: matches!!%!
+	match 1: matches
+Matched !@#!!matches via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
+	match 0: !@#!!matches
+	match 1: matches
+Matched !@#!!matches!!%!foo via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
+	match 0: !@#!!matches!!%!foo
+	match 1: foo
+Matched 123 via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
+	match 0: 123
+	match 1: 123
+No match of abcdefoo via \<([a-z]*)\>foo
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/data/capture-expected
@@ -1,0 +1,18 @@
+Matched Abc via A(.*) : 2
+	match 0: Abc
+	match 1: bc
+Matched Abcde via A(.*)e : 2
+	match 0: Abcde
+	match 1: bcd
+Matched abab via (a|b)+ : 2
+	match 0: abab
+	match 1: b
+Matched Abcde via A(b(.*)d)e : 3
+	match 0: Abcde
+	match 1: c
+	match 2: bcd
+Matched aaaa via (a?)(a*)(a?) : 4
+	match 0: aaaa
+	match 1: a
+	match 2: aaa
+	match 3: 
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/data/class-expected
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+Matched 1 via \d : 1
+	match 0: 1
+Matched 13 via \d\d : 1
+	match 0: 13
+Matched 13688 via \d+ : 1
+	match 0: 13688
+No match of x via \d
+No match of x3 via \d\d
+No match of 1368f via \d+
+Matched a via \x : 1
+	match 0: a
+Matched 1F via \x\x : 1
+	match 0: 1F
+Matched 13b8cDEf via \x+ : 1
+	match 0: 13b8cDEf
+No match of Z via \x
+No match of fg via \x\x
+No match of 13b8cg via \x+
+Matched   via \s : 1
+	match 0:  
+ via \s\s : 1
+	match 0: 	
 	 via \s+ : 1
+	match 0: 	
+No match of a via \s
+No match of i
+ via \s\s
+No match of 	
.	 via \s+
+Matched abcABC0123_ via \w+ : 1
+	match 0: abcABC0123_
+No match of abcABC0123_. via \w+
+Matched   via \h : 1
+	match 0:  
+Matched 	  via \h\h : 1
+	match 0: 	 
+Matched 	 	  via \h+ : 1
+	match 0: 	 	 
+No match of 
+ via \h
+No match of 	
 via \h\h
+No match of 	 	. via \h+
+Matched abcd via [a-z]* : 1
+	match 0: abcd
+Matched abCD via [a-zA-Z]* : 1
+	match 0: abCD
+Matched _abCD018 via [a-zA-Z0-9_]* : 1
+	match 0: _abCD018
+Matched abba via [abc]* : 1
+	match 0: abba
+Matched abBa via [a-zABC]* : 1
+	match 0: abBa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/data/failmatch-expected
@@ -1,0 +1,1 @@
+No match of Abc via .*bcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/data/negclass-expected
@@ -1,0 +1,54 @@
+Matched x via \D : 1
+	match 0: x
+Matched xa!#^cs via \D+ : 1
+	match 0: xa!#^cs
+No match of 0 via \D
+No match of 9 via \D
+No match of a35x via \D+
+No match of 13688 via \D+
+Matched Z via \X : 1
+	match 0: Z
+Matched gg via \X\X : 1
+	match 0: gg
+No match of a via \X
+No match of zz13b8cDEf via \X+
+Matched a via \S : 1
+	match 0: a
+Matched i% via \S\S : 1
+	match 0: i%
+Matched alskd690!#!! via \S+ : 1
+	match 0: alskd690!#!!
+No match of   via \S
+No match of 	
+ via \S\S
+No match of 	 
+kait via \S+
+Matched !%!^^@@!^ via \W+ : 1
+	match 0: !%!^^@@!^
+No match of a^#$bcABC0123_ via \W+
+ via \H : 1
+	match 0: 
 via \H\H : 1
+	match 0: 
+No match of 	 	. via \H+
+No match of 	  via \H\H
+No match of 	a35 	  via \H+
+Matched ABCD via [^a-z]* : 1
+	match 0: ABCD
+Matched 1234 via [^a-zA-Z]* : 1
+	match 0: 1234
+Matched -^^- via [^a-zA-Z0-9_]* : 1
+	match 0: -^^-
+Matched d6d via [^abc]* : 1
+	match 0: d6d
+Matched !^!!))# via [^a-zABC]* : 1
+	match 0: !^!!))#
+No match of abcd via [^a-z]*
+No match of abCD via [^a-zA-Z]*
+No match of _abCD018 via [^a-zA-Z0-9_]*
+No match of abba via [^abc]*
+No match of abBa via [^a-zABC]*
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/data/unicode-expected
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+Matched Abæc via .*bæc : 1
+	match 0: Abæc
+Matched Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! via (\p{L}*)bæc\P{L}* : 2
+	match 0: Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+	match 1: Aa
+Matched Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! via (\pL*)bæc\PL* : 2
+	match 0: Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+	match 1: Aa
+Matched Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! via (\p{Letter}*)bæc\P{Uppercase_Letter}* : 2
+	match 0: Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
+	match 1: Aa
+Matched æ via . : 1
+	match 0: æ
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/failmatch.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,8 @@
+use std
+use regex
+use "testmatch.use"
+const main = {
+	testmatch(".*bcd", "Abc")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/negclass.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,72 @@
+use std
+use "testmatch.use"
+const main = {
+	asciiclass()
+	set()
+	/*
+	unicodeclass()
+	negasciiclass()
+	negasciirange()
+	negset()
+	*/
+const asciiclass = {
+	/* \D success */
+	testmatch("\\D", "x")
+	testmatch("\\D+", "xa!#^cs")
+	/* \D fail: end of ranges chars */
+	testmatch("\\D", "0")
+	testmatch("\\D", "9")
+	testmatch("\\D+", "a35x")
+	testmatch("\\D+", "13688")
+	/* \X success */
+	testmatch("\\X", "Z")
+	testmatch("\\X\\X", "gg")
+	/* \X fail */
+	testmatch("\\X", "a")
+	testmatch("\\X+", "zz13b8cDEf")
+	/* \S success */
+	testmatch("\\S", "a")
+	testmatch("\\S\\S", "i%")
+	testmatch("\\S+", "alskd690!#!!")
+	/* \S fail */
+	testmatch("\\S", " ")
+	testmatch("\\S\\S", "\t\n")
+	testmatch("\\S+", "\t \nkait")
+	/* word success */
+	testmatch("\\W+", "!%!^^@@!^")
+	/* word fail */
+	testmatch("\\W+", "a^#$bcABC0123_")
+	/* \H success */
+	testmatch("\\H", "\n")
+	testmatch("\\H\\H", "\n\r")
+	/* \H fail */
+	testmatch("\\H+", "\t \t.")
+	testmatch("\\H\\H", "\t ")
+	testmatch("\\H+", "\ta35 \t ")
+const set = {
+	/* ranges: should succeed */
+	testmatch("[^a-z]*", "ABCD")
+	testmatch("[^a-zA-Z]*", "1234")
+	testmatch("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]*", "-^^-")
+	testmatch("[^abc]*", "d6d")
+	testmatch("[^a-zABC]*", "!^!!))#")
+	/* ranges: should fail */
+	testmatch("[^a-z]*", "abcd")
+	testmatch("[^a-zA-Z]*", "abCD")
+	testmatch("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]*", "_abCD018")
+	testmatch("[^abc]*", "abba")
+	testmatch("[^a-zABC]*", "abBa")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/
@@ -1,0 +1,124 @@
+function build {
+    rm -f $1 $1.o $1.s $1.use
+    myrbuild $FLAGS -b $1 $1.myr $EXTRA_SRC
+function pass {
+    PASSED="$PASSED $1"
+    NPASSED=$[$NPASSED + 1]
+function fail {
+    echo "FAIL: $1"
+    FAILED="$FAILED $1"
+    NFAILED=$[$NFAILED + 1]
+function expectstatus {
+    ./$1 $3
+    if [ $? -eq $2 ]; then
+        pass $1
+        return
+    else
+        fail $1
+    fi
+function expectprint {
+    if [ "`./$1 $3`" != "$2" ]; then
+        fail $1
+    else
+        pass $1
+    fi
+function expectcompare {
+    if [ x"" !=  x"$TMPDIR" ]; then 
+        t=$TMPDIR/myrtest-$1-$RANDOM
+    else
+        t=/tmp/myrtest-$1-$RANDOM
+    fi
+    ./$1 $3 > $t
+    if cmp $t data/$1-expected; then
+        pass $1
+    else
+        fail $1
+    fi
+    rm -f $t
+function expectfcompare {
+    ./$1 $3
+    if cmp data/$1-expected $2; then
+        pass $1
+    else
+        fail $1
+    fi
+function shouldskip {
+  if [ -z $ARGS ]; then
+      return 1
+  fi
+  for i in $ARGS; do
+      if [ $i = $1 ]; then
+          return 1
+      fi
+  done
+  return 0
+# Should build and run
+function B {
+    if shouldskip $1; then
+        return
+    fi
+    test="$1"; shift
+    type="$1"; shift
+    res="$1"; shift
+    if [ $# > 0 ]; then
+        args="$1"; shift
+    fi
+    build $test
+    case $type in
+    "E")  expectstatus "$test" "$res" "$input";;
+    "P")  expectprint "$test" "$res" "$input";;
+    "C")  expectcompare "$test" "$res" "$input";;
+    "F")  expectfcompare "$test" "$res" "$args";;
+    esac
+# Should fail
+function F {
+    if shouldskip $1; then
+        return
+    fi
+    (build $1) > /dev/null
+    if [ $? -eq '1' ]; then
+        pass $1
+    else
+        fail $1
+    fi
+# Should generate a usefile
+function U {
+    return
+source tests
+if [ -z "$NFAILED" ]; then
+    echo "SUCCESS"
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/testmatch.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,34 @@
+use std
+use regex
+pkg =
+	const testmatch	: (pat : byte[:], text : byte[:] -> void)
+	const dbgmatch	: (pat : byte[:], text : byte[:] -> void)
+const testmatch = {pat, text
+	run(regex.compile(pat), pat, text)
+const dbgmatch = {pat, text
+	run(regex.dbgcompile(pat), pat, text)
+const run = {regex, pat, text
+	var i
+	match regex
+	| `std.Ok re:
+		match regex.exec(re, text)
+		| `std.Some m:
+			std.put("Matched %s via %s : %i\n", text, pat, m.len)
+			for i = 0; i < m.len; i++
+				std.put("\tmatch %i: %s\n", i, m[i])
+			;;
+		| `std.None:
+			std.put("No match of %s via %s\n", text, pat)
+		;;
+	| `std.Fail err:
+		std.put("failed to compile regex")
+	;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/tests
@@ -1,0 +1,29 @@
+# Format:
+# [B|F] testname [E|P] result
+#    [B|F]: Compiler outcome.
+#	B: Expect that this test will build.
+#	F: Expect that this test will not build.
+#    testname: Test case
+#	The test that will run. We will try to
+#	compile 'testname.myr' to 'testname',
+#	and then execute it, verifying the result
+#    [E|P|C]: Result type
+#	E tells us that the result is an exit status
+#	P tells us that the result is on stdout,
+#         and should be compared to the value on the
+#         line
+#	C tells us that the result is on stdout,
+#         and should be compared to the contents of
+#         the file passed on the line.
+#    result: Result value
+#	What we compare with. This should be self-
+#	evident.
+B basic		C
+B boundaries	C
+B capture	C
+B class		C
+B failmatch	C
+B negclass	C
+B unicode		C
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/test/unicode.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,13 @@
+use std
+use regex
+use "testmatch.use"
+const main = {
+	testmatch(".*bæc", "Abæc")
+	testmatch("(\\p{L}*)bæc\\P{L}*", "Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
+        /* test various syntaxen */
+	testmatch("(\\pL*)bæc\\PL*", "Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
+	testmatch("(\\p{Letter}*)bæc\\P{Uppercase_Letter}*", "Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
+	testmatch(".", "æ")
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libregex/types.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,63 @@
+use std
+pkg regex =
+	type status = union
+		`Noimpl
+		`Incomplete
+		`Unbalanced
+		`Emptyparen
+		`Badrep
+		`Badrange
+		`Badescape
+	;;
+	type regex = struct
+		/* compile state */
+		debug	: bool
+		pat	: byte[:]
+		nmatch	: std.size
+		/* VM state */
+		runq	: rethread#
+		expired	: rethread#
+		expiredtail	: rethread#
+		proglen	: std.size
+		prog	: reinst[:]
+		nthr	: std.size
+		str	: byte[:]
+		strp	: std.size
+	;;
+	type rethread = struct
+		next	: rethread#	/* run queue link */
+		tid	: std.size	/* just for debugging */
+		ip	: std.size	/* the instruction pointer */
+		dead	: bool		/* thread died */
+		matched	: bool		/* thread matched */
+		mstart	: std.size[:]	/* match starts */
+		mend	: std.size[:]	/* match ends */
+	;;
+	type reinst = union
+		/* direct consumers */
+		`Ibyte	byte
+		`Irange	(byte, byte)
+		/* groups */
+		`Ilbra	std.size
+		`Irbra	std.size
+		/* anchors */
+		`Ibol
+		`Ieol
+		`Ibow
+		`Ieow
+		/* control flow */
+		`Ifork	(std.size, std.size)
+		`Ijmp	std.size
+		`Imatch
+	;;
--- a/mk/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,97 +1,0 @@
-ifneq ($(MYRLIB),)
-    _LIBNAME=lib$(MYRLIB).a
-all: subdirs $(_LIBNAME) $(MYRBIN) 
-	@for i in $(SUB); do (\
-	    cd $$i && \
-	    $(MAKE) || \
-	    exit 1 \
-	) || exit 1; done
-	@for i in $(SUB); do (\
-	    cd $$i && \
-	    $(MAKE) clean|| \
-	    exit 1 \
-	); done
-	@for i in $(SUB); do (\
-	    cd $$i && \
-	    $(MAKE) install|| \
-	    exit 1 \
-	); done
-	@for i in $(SUB); do (\
-	    cd $$i && \
-	    $(MAKE) uninstall|| \
-	    exit 1 \
-	); done
-	myrbuild -l $(MYRLIB) $^
-	myrbuild -b $(MYRBIN) $^
-OBJ=$(MYRSRC:.myr=.o) $(ASMSRC:.s=.o)
-USE=$(MYRSRC:.myr=.use) $(MYRLIB)
-.PHONY: clean
-clean: subdirs-clean
-	rm -f $(OBJ)
-	rm -f $(USE)
-	@if [ ! -z "$(MYRLIB)" ]; then \
-	    echo rm -f $(MYRLIB); \
-	    rm -f $(MYRLIB); \
-	    echo rm -f lib$(MYRLIB).a; \
-	    rm -f lib$(MYRLIB).a; \
-	fi
-	@if [ ! -z "$(MYRBIN)" ]; then \
-	    echo rm -f $(MYRBIN); \
-	    rm -f $(MYRBIN); \
-	    echo rm -f lib$(MYRBIN).a; \
-	    rm -f lib$(MYRBIN).a; \
-	fi
-install: subdirs-install $(MYRBIN) $(_LIBNAME) $(MAN)
-	@if [ ! -z "$(MYRBIN)" ]; then \
-	    echo install $(MYRBIN) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/bin); \
-	    mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/bin); \
-	    install $(MYRBIN) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/bin); \
-	fi
-	@if [ ! -z "$(_LIBNAME)" ]; then \
-		echo install -m 644 $(_LIBNAME) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr); \
-		echo install -m 644 $(MYRLIB) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr); \
-		mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr); \
-		install -m 644 $(_LIBNAME) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr); \
-		install -m 644 $(MYRLIB) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr); \
-	fi
-	@for i in $(MAN); do \
-	    MANSECT=$$(echo $$i | awk -F. '{print $$NF}'); \
-	    echo mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$$MANSECT); \
-	    echo install -m 644 $(MAN) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$${MANSECT}); \
-	    mkdir -p $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$$MANSECT); \
-	    install -m 644 $(MAN) $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$${MANSECT}); \
-	done \
-uninstall: subdirs-uninstall
-	@for i in $(MYRBIN); do \
-	    echo rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/bin/$$i); \
-	    rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/bin/$$i); \
-	done
-	@for i in $(_LIBNAME) $(MYRLIB); do \
-	    echo rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr/$$i); \
-	    rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/lib/myr/$$i); \
-	done
-	@for i in $(MAN); do \
-	    MANSECT=$$(echo $$i | awk -F. '{print $$NF}'); \
-	    echo rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$${MANSECT}/$$i); \
-	    rm -f $(abspath $(DESTDIR)/$(INST_ROOT)/share/man/man$${MANSECT}/$$i); \
-	done
-	./configure
--- a/ranges.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,2386 +1,0 @@
- This set of unicode tables was automatically generated
- by the following command:
- mkchartab -a -p_ranges UnicodeData.txt -o ranges.myr
- editing it manually is probably a waste of time.
-pkg _ranges =
-	const tabasciialpha
-	const tabasciiupper
-	const tabasciilower
-	const tabasciiword
-	const tabasciidigit
-	const tabasciixdigit
-	const tabasciispace
-	const tabasciiblank
-	const tabalpha
-	const tabupper
-	const tablower
-	const tabtitle
-	const tabword
-	const tabdigit
-	const tabxdigit
-	const tabspace
-	const tabblank
-const tabasciialpha = [
-	['\u{41}','\u{5a}'],
-	['\u{61}','\u{7a}'],
-const tabasciiupper = [
-	['\u{41}','\u{5a}'],
-const tabasciilower = [
-	['\u{61}','\u{7a}'],
-const tabasciiword = [
-	['\u{30}','\u{39}'],
-	['\u{41}','\u{5a}'],
-	['\u{5f}','\u{5f}'],
-	['\u{61}','\u{7a}'],
-const tabasciidigit = [
-	['\u{30}','\u{39}'],
-const tabasciixdigit = [
-	['\u{30}','\u{39}'],
-	['\u{41}','\u{46}'],
-	['\u{61}','\u{66}'],
-const tabasciispace = [
-	['\u{9}','\u{d}'],
-	['\u{20}','\u{20}'],
-const tabasciiblank = [
-	['\u{9}','\u{9}'],
-	['\u{20}','\u{20}'],
-const tabalpha = [
-	['\u{41}','\u{5a}'],
-	['\u{61}','\u{7a}'],
-	['\u{aa}','\u{aa}'],
-	['\u{b5}','\u{b5}'],
-	['\u{ba}','\u{ba}'],
-	['\u{c0}','\u{d6}'],
-	['\u{d8}','\u{f6}'],
-	['\u{f8}','\u{2c1}'],
-	['\u{2c6}','\u{2d1}'],
-	['\u{2e0}','\u{2e4}'],
-	['\u{2ec}','\u{2ec}'],
-	['\u{2ee}','\u{2ee}'],
-	['\u{370}','\u{374}'],
-	['\u{376}','\u{377}'],
-	['\u{37a}','\u{37d}'],
-	['\u{386}','\u{386}'],
-	['\u{388}','\u{38a}'],
-	['\u{38c}','\u{38c}'],
-	['\u{38e}','\u{3a1}'],
-	['\u{3a3}','\u{3f5}'],
-	['\u{3f7}','\u{481}'],
-	['\u{48a}','\u{527}'],
-	['\u{531}','\u{556}'],
-	['\u{559}','\u{559}'],
-	['\u{561}','\u{587}'],
-	['\u{5d0}','\u{5ea}'],
-	['\u{5f0}','\u{5f2}'],
-	['\u{620}','\u{64a}'],
-	['\u{66e}','\u{66f}'],
-	['\u{671}','\u{6d3}'],
-	['\u{6d5}','\u{6d5}'],
-	['\u{6e5}','\u{6e6}'],
-	['\u{6ee}','\u{6ef}'],
-	['\u{6fa}','\u{6fc}'],
-	['\u{6ff}','\u{6ff}'],
-	['\u{710}','\u{710}'],
-	['\u{712}','\u{72f}'],
-	['\u{74d}','\u{7a5}'],
-	['\u{7b1}','\u{7b1}'],
-	['\u{7ca}','\u{7ea}'],
-	['\u{7f4}','\u{7f5}'],
-	['\u{7fa}','\u{7fa}'],
-	['\u{800}','\u{815}'],
-	['\u{81a}','\u{81a}'],
-	['\u{824}','\u{824}'],
-	['\u{828}','\u{828}'],
-	['\u{840}','\u{858}'],
-	['\u{8a0}','\u{8a0}'],
-	['\u{8a2}','\u{8ac}'],
-	['\u{904}','\u{939}'],
-	['\u{93d}','\u{93d}'],
-	['\u{950}','\u{950}'],
-	['\u{958}','\u{961}'],
-	['\u{971}','\u{977}'],
-	['\u{979}','\u{97f}'],
-	['\u{985}','\u{98c}'],
-	['\u{98f}','\u{990}'],
-	['\u{993}','\u{9a8}'],
-	['\u{9aa}','\u{9b0}'],
-	['\u{9b2}','\u{9b2}'],
-	['\u{9b6}','\u{9b9}'],
-	['\u{9bd}','\u{9bd}'],
-	['\u{9ce}','\u{9ce}'],
-	['\u{9dc}','\u{9dd}'],
-	['\u{9df}','\u{9e1}'],
-	['\u{9f0}','\u{9f1}'],
-	['\u{a05}','\u{a0a}'],
-	['\u{a0f}','\u{a10}'],
-	['\u{a13}','\u{a28}'],
-	['\u{a2a}','\u{a30}'],
-	['\u{a32}','\u{a33}'],
-	['\u{a35}','\u{a36}'],
-	['\u{a38}','\u{a39}'],
-	['\u{a59}','\u{a5c}'],
-	['\u{a5e}','\u{a5e}'],
-	['\u{a72}','\u{a74}'],
-	['\u{a85}','\u{a8d}'],
-	['\u{a8f}','\u{a91}'],
-	['\u{a93}','\u{aa8}'],
-	['\u{aaa}','\u{ab0}'],
-	['\u{ab2}','\u{ab3}'],
-	['\u{ab5}','\u{ab9}'],
-	['\u{abd}','\u{abd}'],
-	['\u{ad0}','\u{ad0}'],
-	['\u{ae0}','\u{ae1}'],
-	['\u{b05}','\u{b0c}'],
-	['\u{b0f}','\u{b10}'],
-	['\u{b13}','\u{b28}'],
-	['\u{b2a}','\u{b30}'],
-	['\u{b32}','\u{b33}'],
-	['\u{b35}','\u{b39}'],
-	['\u{b3d}','\u{b3d}'],
-	['\u{b5c}','\u{b5d}'],
-	['\u{b5f}','\u{b61}'],
-	['\u{b71}','\u{b71}'],
-	['\u{b83}','\u{b83}'],
-	['\u{b85}','\u{b8a}'],
-	['\u{b8e}','\u{b90}'],
-	['\u{b92}','\u{b95}'],
-	['\u{b99}','\u{b9a}'],
-	['\u{b9c}','\u{b9c}'],
-	['\u{b9e}','\u{b9f}'],
-	['\u{ba3}','\u{ba4}'],
-	['\u{ba8}','\u{baa}'],
-	['\u{bae}','\u{bb9}'],
-	['\u{bd0}','\u{bd0}'],
-	['\u{c05}','\u{c0c}'],
-	['\u{c0e}','\u{c10}'],
-	['\u{c12}','\u{c28}'],
-	['\u{c2a}','\u{c33}'],
-	['\u{c35}','\u{c39}'],
-	['\u{c3d}','\u{c3d}'],
-	['\u{c58}','\u{c59}'],
-	['\u{c60}','\u{c61}'],
-	['\u{c85}','\u{c8c}'],
-	['\u{c8e}','\u{c90}'],
-	['\u{c92}','\u{ca8}'],
-	['\u{caa}','\u{cb3}'],
-	['\u{cb5}','\u{cb9}'],
-	['\u{cbd}','\u{cbd}'],
-	['\u{cde}','\u{cde}'],
-	['\u{ce0}','\u{ce1}'],
-	['\u{cf1}','\u{cf2}'],
-	['\u{d05}','\u{d0c}'],
-	['\u{d0e}','\u{d10}'],
-	['\u{d12}','\u{d3a}'],
-	['\u{d3d}','\u{d3d}'],
-	['\u{d4e}','\u{d4e}'],
-	['\u{d60}','\u{d61}'],
-	['\u{d7a}','\u{d7f}'],
-	['\u{d85}','\u{d96}'],
-	['\u{d9a}','\u{db1}'],
-	['\u{db3}','\u{dbb}'],
-	['\u{dbd}','\u{dbd}'],
-	['\u{dc0}','\u{dc6}'],
-	['\u{e01}','\u{e30}'],
-	['\u{e32}','\u{e33}'],
-	['\u{e40}','\u{e46}'],
-	['\u{e81}','\u{e82}'],
-	['\u{e84}','\u{e84}'],
-	['\u{e87}','\u{e88}'],
-	['\u{e8a}','\u{e8a}'],
-	['\u{e8d}','\u{e8d}'],
-	['\u{e94}','\u{e97}'],
-	['\u{e99}','\u{e9f}'],
-	['\u{ea1}','\u{ea3}'],
-	['\u{ea5}','\u{ea5}'],
-	['\u{ea7}','\u{ea7}'],
-	['\u{eaa}','\u{eab}'],
-	['\u{ead}','\u{eb0}'],
-	['\u{eb2}','\u{eb3}'],
-	['\u{ebd}','\u{ebd}'],
-	['\u{ec0}','\u{ec4}'],
-	['\u{ec6}','\u{ec6}'],
-	['\u{edc}','\u{edf}'],
-	['\u{f00}','\u{f00}'],
-	['\u{f40}','\u{f47}'],
-	['\u{f49}','\u{f6c}'],
-	['\u{f88}','\u{f8c}'],
-	['\u{1000}','\u{102a}'],
-	['\u{103f}','\u{103f}'],
-	['\u{1050}','\u{1055}'],
-	['\u{105a}','\u{105d}'],
-	['\u{1061}','\u{1061}'],
-	['\u{1065}','\u{1066}'],
-	['\u{106e}','\u{1070}'],
-	['\u{1075}','\u{1081}'],
-	['\u{108e}','\u{108e}'],
-	['\u{10a0}','\u{10c5}'],
-	['\u{10c7}','\u{10c7}'],
-	['\u{10cd}','\u{10cd}'],
-	['\u{10d0}','\u{10fa}'],
-	['\u{10fc}','\u{1248}'],
-	['\u{124a}','\u{124d}'],
-	['\u{1250}','\u{1256}'],
-	['\u{1258}','\u{1258}'],
-	['\u{125a}','\u{125d}'],
-	['\u{1260}','\u{1288}'],
-	['\u{128a}','\u{128d}'],
-	['\u{1290}','\u{12b0}'],
-	['\u{12b2}','\u{12b5}'],
-	['\u{12b8}','\u{12be}'],
-	['\u{12c0}','\u{12c0}'],
-	['\u{12c2}','\u{12c5}'],
-	['\u{12c8}','\u{12d6}'],
-	['\u{12d8}','\u{1310}'],
-	['\u{1312}','\u{1315}'],
-	['\u{1318}','\u{135a}'],
-	['\u{1380}','\u{138f}'],
-	['\u{13a0}','\u{13f4}'],
-	['\u{1401}','\u{166c}'],
-	['\u{166f}','\u{167f}'],
-	['\u{1681}','\u{169a}'],
-	['\u{16a0}','\u{16ea}'],
-	['\u{1700}','\u{170c}'],
-	['\u{170e}','\u{1711}'],
-	['\u{1720}','\u{1731}'],
-	['\u{1740}','\u{1751}'],
-	['\u{1760}','\u{176c}'],
-	['\u{176e}','\u{1770}'],
-	['\u{1780}','\u{17b3}'],
-	['\u{17d7}','\u{17d7}'],
-	['\u{17dc}','\u{17dc}'],
-	['\u{1820}','\u{1877}'],
-	['\u{1880}','\u{18a8}'],
-	['\u{18aa}','\u{18aa}'],
-	['\u{18b0}','\u{18f5}'],
-	['\u{1900}','\u{191c}'],
-	['\u{1950}','\u{196d}'],
-	['\u{1970}','\u{1974}'],
-	['\u{1980}','\u{19ab}'],
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-	['\u{1a20}','\u{1a54}'],
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-	['\u{102}','\u{102}'],
-	['\u{104}','\u{104}'],
-	['\u{106}','\u{106}'],
-	['\u{108}','\u{108}'],
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-	['\u{10e}','\u{10e}'],
-	['\u{110}','\u{110}'],
-	['\u{112}','\u{112}'],
-	['\u{114}','\u{114}'],
-	['\u{116}','\u{116}'],
-	['\u{118}','\u{118}'],
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-	['\u{120}','\u{120}'],
-	['\u{122}','\u{122}'],
-	['\u{124}','\u{124}'],
-	['\u{126}','\u{126}'],
-	['\u{128}','\u{128}'],
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-	['\u{136}','\u{136}'],
-	['\u{139}','\u{139}'],
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-	['\u{150}','\u{150}'],
-	['\u{152}','\u{152}'],
-	['\u{154}','\u{154}'],
-	['\u{156}','\u{156}'],
-	['\u{158}','\u{158}'],
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-	['\u{162}','\u{162}'],
-	['\u{164}','\u{164}'],
-	['\u{166}','\u{166}'],
-	['\u{168}','\u{168}'],
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-	['\u{170}','\u{170}'],
-	['\u{172}','\u{172}'],
-	['\u{174}','\u{174}'],
-	['\u{176}','\u{176}'],
-	['\u{178}','\u{179}'],
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-	['\u{17d}','\u{17d}'],
-	['\u{181}','\u{182}'],
-	['\u{184}','\u{184}'],
-	['\u{186}','\u{187}'],
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-	['\u{193}','\u{194}'],
-	['\u{196}','\u{198}'],
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-	['\u{202}','\u{202}'],
-	['\u{204}','\u{204}'],
-	['\u{206}','\u{206}'],
-	['\u{208}','\u{208}'],
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-	['\u{f88}','\u{f8c}'],
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-	['\u{1900}','\u{191c}'],
-	['\u{1946}','\u{196d}'],
-	['\u{1970}','\u{1974}'],
-	['\u{1980}','\u{19ab}'],
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-	['\u{1eea1}','\u{1eea3}'],
-	['\u{1eea5}','\u{1eea9}'],
-	['\u{1eeab}','\u{1eebb}'],
-	['\u{20000}','\u{2a6d6}'],
-	['\u{2a700}','\u{2b734}'],
-	['\u{2b740}','\u{2b81d}'],
-	['\u{2f800}','\u{2fa1d}'],
-const tabdigit = [
-	['\u{30}','\u{39}'],
-	['\u{660}','\u{669}'],
-	['\u{6f0}','\u{6f9}'],
-	['\u{7c0}','\u{7c9}'],
-	['\u{966}','\u{96f}'],
-	['\u{9e6}','\u{9ef}'],
-	['\u{a66}','\u{a6f}'],
-	['\u{ae6}','\u{aef}'],
-	['\u{b66}','\u{b6f}'],
-	['\u{be6}','\u{bef}'],
-	['\u{c66}','\u{c6f}'],
-	['\u{ce6}','\u{cef}'],
-	['\u{d66}','\u{d6f}'],
-	['\u{e50}','\u{e59}'],
-	['\u{ed0}','\u{ed9}'],
-	['\u{f20}','\u{f29}'],
-	['\u{1040}','\u{1049}'],
-	['\u{1090}','\u{1099}'],
-	['\u{17e0}','\u{17e9}'],
-	['\u{1810}','\u{1819}'],
-	['\u{1946}','\u{194f}'],
-	['\u{19d0}','\u{19d9}'],
-	['\u{1a80}','\u{1a89}'],
-	['\u{1a90}','\u{1a99}'],
-	['\u{1b50}','\u{1b59}'],
-	['\u{1bb0}','\u{1bb9}'],
-	['\u{1c40}','\u{1c49}'],
-	['\u{1c50}','\u{1c59}'],
-	['\u{a620}','\u{a629}'],
-	['\u{a8d0}','\u{a8d9}'],
-	['\u{a900}','\u{a909}'],
-	['\u{a9d0}','\u{a9d9}'],
-	['\u{aa50}','\u{aa59}'],
-	['\u{abf0}','\u{abf9}'],
-	['\u{ff10}','\u{ff19}'],
-	['\u{104a0}','\u{104a9}'],
-	['\u{11066}','\u{1106f}'],
-	['\u{110f0}','\u{110f9}'],
-	['\u{11136}','\u{1113f}'],
-	['\u{111d0}','\u{111d9}'],
-	['\u{116c0}','\u{116c9}'],
-	['\u{1d7ce}','\u{1d7ff}'],
-const tabxdigit = [
-	['\u{30}','\u{39}'],
-	['\u{41}','\u{46}'],
-	['\u{61}','\u{66}'],
-const tabspace = [
-	['\u{9}','\u{d}'],
-	['\u{20}','\u{20}'],
-	['\u{85}','\u{85}'],
-	['\u{a0}','\u{a0}'],
-	['\u{1680}','\u{1680}'],
-	['\u{2000}','\u{200a}'],
-	['\u{2028}','\u{2029}'],
-	['\u{202f}','\u{202f}'],
-	['\u{205f}','\u{205f}'],
-	['\u{3000}','\u{3000}'],
-const tabblank = [
-	['\u{9}','\u{9}'],
-	['\u{20}','\u{20}'],
-	['\u{a0}','\u{a0}'],
-	['\u{1680}','\u{1680}'],
-	['\u{2000}','\u{200a}'],
-	['\u{202f}','\u{202f}'],
-	['\u{205f}','\u{205f}'],
-	['\u{3000}','\u{3000}'],
--- a/test/Makefile
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +1,0 @@
-# don't build anything for 'all'
-	$(MAKE) -C ..
-	./
-.PHONY: %
-	./ $@
-.PHONY: clean
-	rm -f testmatch.use testmatch.o
-	@for i in `awk '/^[A-Z]/{print $$2}' tests`; do \
-	    echo rm -f $$i; \
-	    rm -f $$i; \
-	done
--- a/test/basic.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,31 +1,0 @@
-use std
-use "testmatch.use"
-const main = {
-	var s : byte[:]
-	s = std.strjoin([
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-		"aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
-	][:], "")
-	testmatch(".*bc", "Abc")
-	testmatch("(a*)*", "a")
-	testmatch("(aa|aab?)*", s)
-        /* greedy matches */
-        testmatch("(<.*>).*", "<a foo> blah <bar>")
-        testmatch("(<.+>).*", "<a foo> blah <bar>")
-        /* reluctant matches */
-        testmatch("(<.*?>).*", "<a foo> blah <bar>")
-        testmatch("(<.+?>).*", "<a foo> blah <bar>")
--- a/test/boundaries.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,17 +1,0 @@
-use "testmatch.use"
-const main = {
-	/* expected matches */
-	testmatch("\\<([a-z]*)\\>", "abcdef")	/* whole word */
-	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "!m!")	/* single char word in midstring */
-	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "!m")	/* single char word at end of string */
-	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "m!")	/* single char word at start of string */
-	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "!@#!!matches!!%!")	/* word in midstring */
-	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "matches!!%!")	/* word at start of string */
-	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "!@#!!matches")	/* word at end of string */
-	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "!@#!!matches!!%!foo")	/* matches last word in string */
-	testmatch(".*(\\<.*\\>).*", "123")	/* numbers are also word bounds */
-	/* nonmatches */
-	testmatch("\\<([a-z]*)\\>foo", "abcdefoo")	/* word boundary needed in midstring */
--- a/test/capture.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +1,0 @@
-use "testmatch.use"
-const main = {
-	testmatch("A(.*)", "Abc")
-	testmatch("A(.*)e", "Abcde")
-	testmatch("(a|b)+", "abab")
-	testmatch("A(b(.*)d)e", "Abcde")
-	testmatch("(a?)(a*)(a?)", "aaaa")
--- a/test/class.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,67 +1,0 @@
-use std
-use "testmatch.use"
-const main = {
-	asciiclass()
-	set()
-	/*
-	unicodeclass()
-	negasciiclass()
-	negasciirange()
-	negset()
-	*/
-const asciiclass = {
-	/* \d success */
-	testmatch("\\d", "1")
-	testmatch("\\d\\d", "13")
-	testmatch("\\d+", "13688")
-	/* \d fail */
-	testmatch("\\d", "x")
-	testmatch("\\d\\d", "x3")
-	testmatch("\\d+", "1368f")
-	/* \x success */
-	testmatch("\\x", "a")
-	testmatch("\\x\\x", "1F")
-	testmatch("\\x+", "13b8cDEf")
-	/* \x fail */
-	testmatch("\\x", "Z")
-	testmatch("\\x\\x", "fg")
-	testmatch("\\x+", "13b8cg")
-	/* \s success */
-	testmatch("\\s", " ")
-	testmatch("\\s\\s", "\t\n")
-	testmatch("\\s+", "\t\n\r \t")
-	/* \s fail */
-	testmatch("\\s", "a")
-	testmatch("\\s\\s", "i\n")
-	testmatch("\\s+", "\t\n\r.\t")
-	/* word success */
-	testmatch("\\w+", "abcABC0123_")
-	/* word fail */
-	testmatch("\\w+", "abcABC0123_.")
-	/* \h success */
-	testmatch("\\h", " ")
-	testmatch("\\h\\h", "\t ")
-	testmatch("\\h+", "\t \t ")
-	/* \h fail */
-	testmatch("\\h", "\n")
-	testmatch("\\h\\h", "\t\r")
-	testmatch("\\h+", "\t \t.")
-const set = {
-	/* ranges */
-	testmatch("[a-z]*", "abcd")
-	testmatch("[a-zA-Z]*", "abCD")
-	testmatch("[a-zA-Z0-9_]*", "_abCD018")
-	testmatch("[abc]*", "abba")
-	testmatch("[a-zABC]*", "abBa")
--- a/test/data/basic-expected
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,20 +1,0 @@
-Matched Abc via .*bc : 1
-	match 0: Abc
-Matched a via (a*)* : 2
-	match 0: a
-	match 1: a
-Matched aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa via (aa|aab?)* : 2
-	match 0: aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
-	match 1: aa
-Matched <a foo> blah <bar> via (<.*>).* : 2
-	match 0: <a foo> blah <bar>
-	match 1: <a foo> blah <bar>
-Matched <a foo> blah <bar> via (<.+>).* : 2
-	match 0: <a foo> blah <bar>
-	match 1: <a foo> blah <bar>
-Matched <a foo> blah <bar> via (<.*?>).* : 2
-	match 0: <a foo> blah <bar>
-	match 1: <a foo>
-Matched <a foo> blah <bar> via (<.+?>).* : 2
-	match 0: <a foo> blah <bar>
-	match 1: <a foo>
--- a/test/data/boundaries-expected
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,28 +1,0 @@
-Matched abcdef via \<([a-z]*)\> : 2
-	match 0: abcdef
-	match 1: abcdef
-Matched !m! via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
-	match 0: !m!
-	match 1: m
-Matched !m via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
-	match 0: !m
-	match 1: m
-Matched m! via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
-	match 0: m!
-	match 1: m
-Matched !@#!!matches!!%! via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
-	match 0: !@#!!matches!!%!
-	match 1: matches
-Matched matches!!%! via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
-	match 0: matches!!%!
-	match 1: matches
-Matched !@#!!matches via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
-	match 0: !@#!!matches
-	match 1: matches
-Matched !@#!!matches!!%!foo via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
-	match 0: !@#!!matches!!%!foo
-	match 1: foo
-Matched 123 via .*(\<.*\>).* : 2
-	match 0: 123
-	match 1: 123
-No match of abcdefoo via \<([a-z]*)\>foo
--- a/test/data/capture-expected
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,18 +1,0 @@
-Matched Abc via A(.*) : 2
-	match 0: Abc
-	match 1: bc
-Matched Abcde via A(.*)e : 2
-	match 0: Abcde
-	match 1: bcd
-Matched abab via (a|b)+ : 2
-	match 0: abab
-	match 1: b
-Matched Abcde via A(b(.*)d)e : 3
-	match 0: Abcde
-	match 1: c
-	match 2: bcd
-Matched aaaa via (a?)(a*)(a?) : 4
-	match 0: aaaa
-	match 1: a
-	match 2: aaa
-	match 3: 
--- a/test/data/class-expected
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,56 +1,0 @@
-Matched 1 via \d : 1
-	match 0: 1
-Matched 13 via \d\d : 1
-	match 0: 13
-Matched 13688 via \d+ : 1
-	match 0: 13688
-No match of x via \d
-No match of x3 via \d\d
-No match of 1368f via \d+
-Matched a via \x : 1
-	match 0: a
-Matched 1F via \x\x : 1
-	match 0: 1F
-Matched 13b8cDEf via \x+ : 1
-	match 0: 13b8cDEf
-No match of Z via \x
-No match of fg via \x\x
-No match of 13b8cg via \x+
-Matched   via \s : 1
-	match 0:  
- via \s\s : 1
-	match 0: 	
 	 via \s+ : 1
-	match 0: 	
-No match of a via \s
-No match of i
- via \s\s
-No match of 	
.	 via \s+
-Matched abcABC0123_ via \w+ : 1
-	match 0: abcABC0123_
-No match of abcABC0123_. via \w+
-Matched   via \h : 1
-	match 0:  
-Matched 	  via \h\h : 1
-	match 0: 	 
-Matched 	 	  via \h+ : 1
-	match 0: 	 	 
-No match of 
- via \h
-No match of 	
 via \h\h
-No match of 	 	. via \h+
-Matched abcd via [a-z]* : 1
-	match 0: abcd
-Matched abCD via [a-zA-Z]* : 1
-	match 0: abCD
-Matched _abCD018 via [a-zA-Z0-9_]* : 1
-	match 0: _abCD018
-Matched abba via [abc]* : 1
-	match 0: abba
-Matched abBa via [a-zABC]* : 1
-	match 0: abBa
--- a/test/data/failmatch-expected
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1 +1,0 @@
-No match of Abc via .*bcd
--- a/test/data/negclass-expected
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +1,0 @@
-Matched x via \D : 1
-	match 0: x
-Matched xa!#^cs via \D+ : 1
-	match 0: xa!#^cs
-No match of 0 via \D
-No match of 9 via \D
-No match of a35x via \D+
-No match of 13688 via \D+
-Matched Z via \X : 1
-	match 0: Z
-Matched gg via \X\X : 1
-	match 0: gg
-No match of a via \X
-No match of zz13b8cDEf via \X+
-Matched a via \S : 1
-	match 0: a
-Matched i% via \S\S : 1
-	match 0: i%
-Matched alskd690!#!! via \S+ : 1
-	match 0: alskd690!#!!
-No match of   via \S
-No match of 	
- via \S\S
-No match of 	 
-kait via \S+
-Matched !%!^^@@!^ via \W+ : 1
-	match 0: !%!^^@@!^
-No match of a^#$bcABC0123_ via \W+
- via \H : 1
-	match 0: 
 via \H\H : 1
-	match 0: 
-No match of 	 	. via \H+
-No match of 	  via \H\H
-No match of 	a35 	  via \H+
-Matched ABCD via [^a-z]* : 1
-	match 0: ABCD
-Matched 1234 via [^a-zA-Z]* : 1
-	match 0: 1234
-Matched -^^- via [^a-zA-Z0-9_]* : 1
-	match 0: -^^-
-Matched d6d via [^abc]* : 1
-	match 0: d6d
-Matched !^!!))# via [^a-zABC]* : 1
-	match 0: !^!!))#
-No match of abcd via [^a-z]*
-No match of abCD via [^a-zA-Z]*
-No match of _abCD018 via [^a-zA-Z0-9_]*
-No match of abba via [^abc]*
-No match of abBa via [^a-zABC]*
--- a/test/data/unicode-expected
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-Matched Abæc via .*bæc : 1
-	match 0: Abæc
-Matched Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! via (\p{L}*)bæc\P{L}* : 2
-	match 0: Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-	match 1: Aa
-Matched Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! via (\pL*)bæc\PL* : 2
-	match 0: Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-	match 1: Aa
-Matched Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! via (\p{Letter}*)bæc\P{Uppercase_Letter}* : 2
-	match 0: Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
-	match 1: Aa
-Matched æ via . : 1
-	match 0: æ
--- a/test/failmatch.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,8 +1,0 @@
-use std
-use regex
-use "testmatch.use"
-const main = {
-	testmatch(".*bcd", "Abc")
--- a/test/negclass.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,72 +1,0 @@
-use std
-use "testmatch.use"
-const main = {
-	asciiclass()
-	set()
-	/*
-	unicodeclass()
-	negasciiclass()
-	negasciirange()
-	negset()
-	*/
-const asciiclass = {
-	/* \D success */
-	testmatch("\\D", "x")
-	testmatch("\\D+", "xa!#^cs")
-	/* \D fail: end of ranges chars */
-	testmatch("\\D", "0")
-	testmatch("\\D", "9")
-	testmatch("\\D+", "a35x")
-	testmatch("\\D+", "13688")
-	/* \X success */
-	testmatch("\\X", "Z")
-	testmatch("\\X\\X", "gg")
-	/* \X fail */
-	testmatch("\\X", "a")
-	testmatch("\\X+", "zz13b8cDEf")
-	/* \S success */
-	testmatch("\\S", "a")
-	testmatch("\\S\\S", "i%")
-	testmatch("\\S+", "alskd690!#!!")
-	/* \S fail */
-	testmatch("\\S", " ")
-	testmatch("\\S\\S", "\t\n")
-	testmatch("\\S+", "\t \nkait")
-	/* word success */
-	testmatch("\\W+", "!%!^^@@!^")
-	/* word fail */
-	testmatch("\\W+", "a^#$bcABC0123_")
-	/* \H success */
-	testmatch("\\H", "\n")
-	testmatch("\\H\\H", "\n\r")
-	/* \H fail */
-	testmatch("\\H+", "\t \t.")
-	testmatch("\\H\\H", "\t ")
-	testmatch("\\H+", "\ta35 \t ")
-const set = {
-	/* ranges: should succeed */
-	testmatch("[^a-z]*", "ABCD")
-	testmatch("[^a-zA-Z]*", "1234")
-	testmatch("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]*", "-^^-")
-	testmatch("[^abc]*", "d6d")
-	testmatch("[^a-zABC]*", "!^!!))#")
-	/* ranges: should fail */
-	testmatch("[^a-z]*", "abcd")
-	testmatch("[^a-zA-Z]*", "abCD")
-	testmatch("[^a-zA-Z0-9_]*", "_abCD018")
-	testmatch("[^abc]*", "abba")
-	testmatch("[^a-zABC]*", "abBa")
--- a/test/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,124 +1,0 @@
-function build {
-    rm -f $1 $1.o $1.s $1.use
-    myrbuild $FLAGS -b $1 $1.myr $EXTRA_SRC
-function pass {
-    PASSED="$PASSED $1"
-    NPASSED=$[$NPASSED + 1]
-function fail {
-    echo "FAIL: $1"
-    FAILED="$FAILED $1"
-    NFAILED=$[$NFAILED + 1]
-function expectstatus {
-    ./$1 $3
-    if [ $? -eq $2 ]; then
-        pass $1
-        return
-    else
-        fail $1
-    fi
-function expectprint {
-    if [ "`./$1 $3`" != "$2" ]; then
-        fail $1
-    else
-        pass $1
-    fi
-function expectcompare {
-    if [ x"" !=  x"$TMPDIR" ]; then 
-        t=$TMPDIR/myrtest-$1-$RANDOM
-    else
-        t=/tmp/myrtest-$1-$RANDOM
-    fi
-    ./$1 $3 > $t
-    if cmp $t data/$1-expected; then
-        pass $1
-    else
-        fail $1
-    fi
-    rm -f $t
-function expectfcompare {
-    ./$1 $3
-    if cmp data/$1-expected $2; then
-        pass $1
-    else
-        fail $1
-    fi
-function shouldskip {
-  if [ -z $ARGS ]; then
-      return 1
-  fi
-  for i in $ARGS; do
-      if [ $i = $1 ]; then
-          return 1
-      fi
-  done
-  return 0
-# Should build and run
-function B {
-    if shouldskip $1; then
-        return
-    fi
-    test="$1"; shift
-    type="$1"; shift
-    res="$1"; shift
-    if [ $# > 0 ]; then
-        args="$1"; shift
-    fi
-    build $test
-    case $type in
-    "E")  expectstatus "$test" "$res" "$input";;
-    "P")  expectprint "$test" "$res" "$input";;
-    "C")  expectcompare "$test" "$res" "$input";;
-    "F")  expectfcompare "$test" "$res" "$args";;
-    esac
-# Should fail
-function F {
-    if shouldskip $1; then
-        return
-    fi
-    (build $1) > /dev/null
-    if [ $? -eq '1' ]; then
-        pass $1
-    else
-        fail $1
-    fi
-# Should generate a usefile
-function U {
-    return
-source tests
-if [ -z "$NFAILED" ]; then
-    echo "SUCCESS"
--- a/test/testmatch.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,34 +1,0 @@
-use std
-use regex
-pkg =
-	const testmatch	: (pat : byte[:], text : byte[:] -> void)
-	const dbgmatch	: (pat : byte[:], text : byte[:] -> void)
-const testmatch = {pat, text
-	run(regex.compile(pat), pat, text)
-const dbgmatch = {pat, text
-	run(regex.dbgcompile(pat), pat, text)
-const run = {regex, pat, text
-	var i
-	match regex
-	| `std.Ok re:
-		match regex.exec(re, text)
-		| `std.Some m:
-			std.put("Matched %s via %s : %i\n", text, pat, m.len)
-			for i = 0; i < m.len; i++
-				std.put("\tmatch %i: %s\n", i, m[i])
-			;;
-		| `std.None:
-			std.put("No match of %s via %s\n", text, pat)
-		;;
-	| `std.Fail err:
-		std.put("failed to compile regex")
-	;;
--- a/test/tests
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,29 +1,0 @@
-# Format:
-# [B|F] testname [E|P] result
-#    [B|F]: Compiler outcome.
-#	B: Expect that this test will build.
-#	F: Expect that this test will not build.
-#    testname: Test case
-#	The test that will run. We will try to
-#	compile 'testname.myr' to 'testname',
-#	and then execute it, verifying the result
-#    [E|P|C]: Result type
-#	E tells us that the result is an exit status
-#	P tells us that the result is on stdout,
-#         and should be compared to the value on the
-#         line
-#	C tells us that the result is on stdout,
-#         and should be compared to the contents of
-#         the file passed on the line.
-#    result: Result value
-#	What we compare with. This should be self-
-#	evident.
-B basic		C
-B boundaries	C
-B capture	C
-B class		C
-B failmatch	C
-B negclass	C
-B unicode		C
--- a/test/unicode.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,13 +1,0 @@
-use std
-use regex
-use "testmatch.use"
-const main = {
-	testmatch(".*bæc", "Abæc")
-	testmatch("(\\p{L}*)bæc\\P{L}*", "Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
-        /* test various syntaxen */
-	testmatch("(\\pL*)bæc\\PL*", "Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
-	testmatch("(\\p{Letter}*)bæc\\P{Uppercase_Letter}*", "Aabæc%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!")
-	testmatch(".", "æ")
--- a/types.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,63 +1,0 @@
-use std
-pkg regex =
-	type status = union
-		`Noimpl
-		`Incomplete
-		`Unbalanced
-		`Emptyparen
-		`Badrep
-		`Badrange
-		`Badescape
-	;;
-	type regex = struct
-		/* compile state */
-		debug	: bool
-		pat	: byte[:]
-		nmatch	: std.size
-		/* VM state */
-		runq	: rethread#
-		expired	: rethread#
-		expiredtail	: rethread#
-		proglen	: std.size
-		prog	: reinst[:]
-		nthr	: std.size
-		str	: byte[:]
-		strp	: std.size
-	;;
-	type rethread = struct
-		next	: rethread#	/* run queue link */
-		tid	: std.size	/* just for debugging */
-		ip	: std.size	/* the instruction pointer */
-		dead	: bool		/* thread died */
-		matched	: bool		/* thread matched */
-		mstart	: std.size[:]	/* match starts */
-		mend	: std.size[:]	/* match ends */
-	;;
-	type reinst = union
-		/* direct consumers */
-		`Ibyte	byte
-		`Irange	(byte, byte)
-		/* groups */
-		`Ilbra	std.size
-		`Irbra	std.size
-		/* anchors */
-		`Ibol
-		`Ieol
-		`Ibow
-		`Ieow
-		/* control flow */
-		`Ifork	(std.size, std.size)
-		`Ijmp	std.size
-		`Imatch
-	;;