ref: 71bba431594a726d16fe726a71c7c2e7ab6a04d1
parent: 3a884b83d030cd14cf4ee631b5b474fb411c976a
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Wed Nov 25 19:03:13 EST 2015
Finish fleshing in the inifile API - Correctly implement put() - Implement write()
--- a/lib/inifile/access.myr
+++ b/lib/inifile/access.myr
@@ -24,6 +24,12 @@
const put = {ini, sect, key, val
- std.htput(ini.elts, (std.sldup(sect), std.sldup(key)), std.sldup(val))
+ if std.hthas(ini.elts, (sect, key))
+ std.slfree(std.htgetv(ini.elts, (sect, key), ""))
+ else
+ sect = std.sldup(sect)
+ key = std.sldup(key)
+ ;;
+ std.htput(ini.elts, (sect, key), std.sldup(val))
--- a/lib/inifile/test/inifile.myr
+++ b/lib/inifile/test/inifile.myr
@@ -28,6 +28,10 @@
checkval(ini, "another section", "otherkey", "meh1")
checkval(ini, "another section", "whatever", "\"more stuff here\"")
+ inifile.put(ini, "new sect", "key", "val")
+ /* TODO: check this for validity */
+ std.assert(inifile.write(ini, "test/out.ini"), "failed to write test ini")
--- a/lib/inifile/write.myr
+++ b/lib/inifile/write.myr
@@ -5,8 +5,58 @@
pkg inifile =
const write : (ini : inifile#, path : byte[:] -> bool)
+ const writef : (ini : inifile#, fd : std.fd -> bool)
const write = {ini, path
+ var ret
+ match bio.create(path, bio.Wr, 0o666)
+ | `std.Fail e: -> false
+ | `std.Ok f:
+ ret = writeini(f, ini)
+ bio.close(f)
+ ;;
+ -> ret
+const writef = {ini, fd
+ var f, ret
+ f = bio.mkfile(fd, bio.Wr)
+ ret = writeini(f, ini)
+ bio.close(f)
+ -> ret
+const writeini = {f, ini
+ var oldsect, val
+ var keys
+ keys = std.htkeys(ini.elts)
+ std.sort(keys, {a, b
+ var sa, sb
+ (sa, _) = a
+ (sb, _) = b
+ -> std.strcmp(sa, sb)
+ })
+ oldsect = ""
+ for (sect, key) in keys
+ std.put("sect={}, oldsect={}\n", sect, oldsect)
+ if !std.sleq(sect, oldsect)
+ bio.put(f, "[{}]\n", sect)
+ ;;
+ oldsect = sect
+ val = std.htgetv(ini.elts, (sect, key), "")
+ match bio.put(f, "\t{} = {}\n", key, val)
+ | `bio.Err e: -> false
+ | _:
+ ;;
+ ;;
+ std.slfree(keys)
-> true