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ref: 6f37a1400da870d66af8d817a659ab380c57a337
parent: 020869f23ed9d0f0ca5b53bdce1f87c05024689f
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Mon Dec 29 13:44:15 EST 2014

Update dial and syswrap to work on plan9.

--- a/libstd/dial+plan9.myr
+++ b/libstd/dial+plan9.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,172 @@
+use sys
+use "alloc.use"
+use "die.use"
+use "fmt.use"
+use "option.use"
+use "pathjoin.use"
+use "result.use"
+use "sleq.use"
+use "strfind.use"
+use "strstrip.use"
+use "syswrap.use"
+use "utf.use"
+pkg std =
+	const dial	: (dialstr : byte[:] -> result(fd, byte[:]))
+const Maxpath = 512
+const dial = {str
+	var netdir, proto, rem
+	(netdir, proto, rem) = parsedial(str)
+	put("net=%s, proto=%s, rem=%s\n", netdir, proto, rem)
+	if netdir.len != 0
+		-> csdial(netdir, proto, rem)
+	;;
+	match csdial("/net", proto, rem)
+	| `Ok fd:	-> `Ok fd
+	| `Fail m:
+		put("m = %s\n", m)
+		-> csdial("/net.alt", proto, rem)
+	;;
+const csdial = {netdir, proto, rem
+	var dir, clone, addr, csaddr
+	var ret, csfd, n
+	var buf	: byte[Maxpath]
+	/* Try using the connection server */
+	dir = fmt("%s/cs", netdir)
+	csfd = open(dir, Ordwr)
+	if csfd < 0
+		clone = fmt("%s/%s/clone", netdir, proto)
+		ret = call(clone, rem, netdir)
+		slfree(clone)
+		if ret == -1
+			-> `Fail "unable to dial without cs"
+		else
+			-> `Ok ret
+		;;
+	;;
+	slfree(dir)
+	csaddr = fmt("%s!%s", proto, rem)
+	put("csaddr=%s\n", csaddr)
+	if write(csfd, csaddr) < 0
+		close(csfd)
+		-> `Fail "couldn't blah cs"
+	;;
+	slfree(csaddr)
+	seek(csfd, 0, 0)
+	while true
+		n = read(csfd, buf[:])
+		if n <= 0
+			break
+		;;
+		match strfind(buf[:n], " ")
+		| `None:	continue
+		| `Some i:
+			clone = buf[:i]
+			addr = buf[i+1:n]
+		;;
+		ret = call(clone, addr, netdir)
+		if ret >= 0
+			break
+		;;
+	;;
+	close(csfd)
+	if ret < 0
+		-> `Fail "unable to dial"
+	;;
+	-> `Ok ret
+const call = {clone, addr, netdir
+	var namebuf : byte[Maxpath]
+	var databuf : byte[Maxpath]
+	var name, base
+	var cfd, datafd
+	var c, n
+	datafd = -1
+	c = nsclonestr(clone, netdir)
+	put("c = %s\n", c)
+	cfd = open(c, Ordwr)
+	if cfd < 0
+		goto cleanup
+	;;
+	n = read(cfd, namebuf[:])
+	if n < 0
+		goto cleanup
+	;;
+	fput(cfd, "connect %s", addr)
+	name = strstrip(namebuf[:n])
+	put("namebuf=%s\n", namebuf[:n])
+	match strrfind(c, "/")
+	| `None:	die("there should be a '/' here\n")
+	| `Some i:	base = c[:i]
+	;;
+	n = bfmt(databuf[:], "%s/%s/data", base, name)
+	datafd = open(databuf[:n], Ordwr)
+	close(cfd)
+	slfree(c)
+	-> datafd
+const nsclonestr = {clone, netdir
+	if decode(clone) == '#' || decode(clone) == '/'
+		match std.strfind(clone[1:], "/")
+		| `Some i:	clone = clone[i+1:]
+		| `None:	/* nothing */
+		;;
+	;;
+	-> pathcat(netdir, clone)
+const parsedial = {str
+	var netdir, proto, rem, hd, tl
+	netdir=""
+	proto = ""
+	rem = ""
+	match strfind(str, "!")
+	| `None:
+		proto = "net"
+		rem = str
+	| `Some sep:
+		hd = str[:sep]
+		tl = str[sep+1:]
+		put("hd = %s\n", hd)
+		if decode(hd) == '#' || decode(hd) == '/'
+			match strrfind(hd, "/")
+			| `Some idx:
+				netdir = hd[:idx]
+				proto = hd[idx+1:]
+			| `None:
+				netdir = ""
+				proto = hd
+			;;
+		else
+			netdir = ""
+			proto = hd
+			put("proto = %s\n", proto)
+		;;
+		rem = tl
+	;;
+	-> (netdir, proto, rem)
--- a/libstd/sys+plan9-x64.myr
+++ b/libstd/sys+plan9-x64.myr
@@ -149,7 +149,7 @@
 	const fstat	: (fd : fd, edir : byte[:] -> int64)
 	const wstat	: (name : byte[:], edir : byte[:] -> int64)
 	const fwstat	: (fd : byte[:],  edir : byte[:] -> int64)
-	const seek	: (fd : fd, len : off, ty : int -> off)
+	const seek	: (fd : fd, len : off, ty : int64 -> off)
 	const mount	: (fd : fd, afd : fd, old : byte[:], flag : int32, aname : byte[:] -> int64)
 	const await	: (buf : byte[:] -> int64)
 	const pread	: (fd : fd, buf : byte[:], off : off -> size)
--- a/libstd/syswrap+plan9.myr
+++ b/libstd/syswrap+plan9.myr
@@ -5,7 +5,12 @@
 	type fd		= sys.fd
 	type pid	=
 	type fdopt	= sys.fdopt
+	type whence = int64
+	const Seekset	: whence = 0
+	const Seekcur	: whence = 1
+	const Seekend	: whence = 2
 	const Failmem	: byte#	= -1 castto(byte#)
 	const Ordonly  	: fdopt = sys.Ordonly	castto(fdopt)
@@ -23,6 +28,7 @@
 	const creat	: (path : byte[:], mode : int64 -> fd)
 	const read	: (fd : fd, buf : byte[:] -> size)
 	const write	: (fd : fd, buf : byte[:] -> size)
+	const seek	: (fd : fd, delta : off, whence : whence -> off)
 	const pipe	: (fds : fd[2]# -> int64)
 	const dup2	: (ofd : fd, nfd : fd -> fd)
@@ -46,6 +52,7 @@
 	pkglocal const getmem	: (sz : size -> byte#)
 	pkglocal const freemem	: (p : byte#, sz : size -> void)
 	pkglocal const curtime	: (-> time)
+	pkglocal const p9errstr	: (buf : byte[:] -> byte[:])
 /* fd stuff */
@@ -68,6 +75,7 @@
 const close	= {fd;		-> sys.close(fd castto(sys.fd)) castto(int64)}
 const read	= {fd, buf;	-> sys.pread(fd castto(sys.fd), buf, -1) castto(size)}
 const write	= {fd, buf;	-> sys.pwrite(fd castto(sys.fd), buf, -1) castto(size)}
+const seek	= {fd, off, whence; 	-> castto(sys.fd), off castto(, whence castto(int64)) castto(off)}
 const pipe	= {fds;		-> sys.pipe(fds castto(sys.fd[2]#)) castto(int64)}
 const dup2	= {ofd, nfd;	-> sys.dup(ofd castto(sys.fd), nfd castto(sys.fd)) castto(fd)}
@@ -141,3 +149,14 @@
 const curtime = {
 	-> sys.nsec()/1000 castto(time)
+const p9errstr = {errbuf
+	var i
+	sys.errstr(errbuf)
+	for i = 0; errbuf[i] != 0 && i < errbuf.len; i++
+		continue
+	;;
+	-> errbuf[:i]
--- a/libstd/syswrap+posixy.myr
+++ b/libstd/syswrap+posixy.myr
@@ -1,18 +1,16 @@
 use sys
 use "types.use"
-use "option.use"
 pkg std =
 	type fd		= sys.fd
 	type pid	=
 	type fdopt	= sys.fdopt
-	type whence	= sys.whence
 	const Failmem	: byte#	= -1 castto(byte#)
-	const Seekset	: whence = sys.Seekset	castto(whence)
-	const Seekcur	: whence = sys.Seekcur	castto(whence)
-	const Seekend	: whence = sys.Seekend	castto(whence)
+	const Seekset	: seektype = 0
+	const Seekcur	: seektype = 1
+	const Seekend	: seektype = 2
 	const Ordonly  	: fdopt = sys.Ordonly	castto(fdopt)
 	const Owronly  	: fdopt = sys.Owronly	castto(fdopt)
@@ -30,18 +28,11 @@
 	const read	: (fd : fd, buf : byte[:] -> size)
 	const write	: (fd : fd, buf : byte[:] -> size)
 	const pipe	: (fds : fd[2]# -> int64)
-	const seek	: (fd : fd, delta : off, whence : whence -> off)
 	const dup2	: (ofd : fd, nfd : fd -> fd)
-	/* useful/portable bits of stat */
-	const fmtime	: (f : byte[:]	-> option(time))
-	const fsize	: (f : byte[:]	-> option(off))
-	/* useful/portable bits of uname */
 	/* path manipulation */
 	const mkdir	: (path : byte[:], mode : int64 -> int64)
-	const remove	: (path : byte[:] -> bool)
+	const unlink	: (path : byte[:] -> int)
 	/* process stuff */
 	const getpid	: ( -> pid)
@@ -65,12 +56,11 @@
 const read	= {fd, buf;	-> castto(sys.fd), buf) castto(size)}
 const write	= {fd, buf;	-> sys.write(fd castto(sys.fd), buf) castto(size)}
 const pipe	= {fds;		-> sys.pipe(fds castto(sys.fd[2]#))}
-const seek	= {fd, delta, whence;	-> sys.lseek(fd castto(sys.fd), delta castto(, whence castto(sys.whence)) castto(off)}
 const dup2	= {ofd, nfd;	-> sys.dup2(ofd castto(sys.fd), nfd castto(sys.fd)) castto(fd)}
 /* path manipulation */
 const mkdir	= {path, mode;	-> sys.mkdir(path, mode)}
-const remove	= {path;	-> sys.unlink(path) == 0}
+const unlink	= {path;	-> sys.unlink(path)}
 /* process stuff */
 const getpid	= {;		-> sys.getpid() castto(pid)}
@@ -93,28 +83,5 @@
 		-> (sec*1_000_000 + nsec/1000) castto(time)
 		-> -1
-	;;
-const fmtime = {path
-	var sb
-	var sec, nsec
-	if sys.stat(path, &sb) == 0
-		sec = sb.mtime.sec castto(time)
-		nsec = sb.mtime.nsec castto(time)
-		-> `Some sec*1000 + nsec/1_000_000
-	else
-		-> `None
-	;;
-const fsize = {path
-	var sb
-	if sys.stat(path, &sb) == 0
-		-> `Some (sb.size castto(off))
-	else
-		-> `None
--- a/libstd/util+plan9-x64.s
+++ b/libstd/util+plan9-x64.s
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
 	MOVQ	SP,DI		/* dest */
 	MOVQ	SP,AX		/* ret val */
 	ANDQ	$(~15),SP	/* align */
-	SUBQ	$24,SP		/* "unpop" the args and make room for return addr */
+	SUBQ	$32,SP		/* "unpop" the args and make room for return addr */
@@ -59,7 +59,7 @@
 	/* get stack space */
 	SUBQ	BX,SP		/* get stack space */
 	MOVQ	SP,AX		/* top of stack (return value) */
-	SUBQ	$24,SP		/* "unpop" the args, and make room for ret addr */
+	SUBQ	$32,SP		/* "unpop" the args, and make room for ret addr */
 	ANDQ	$(~15),SP	/* align */
 	MOVQ	R15,0(SP)	/* place ret addr */