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ref: 6d015a6a58987f8fbc79f183bc401d9597231f2b
parent: fc5907f1358e5110487318816915f3f87aa274f4
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Tue Sep 16 22:22:49 EDT 2014

Rename float -> flt

    Matches int, etc.

--- a/6/isel.c
+++ b/6/isel.c
@@ -76,8 +76,8 @@
      * intention of loading /through/ the pointer? For now, we'll just say it's
      * the pointer mode, since we expect to address through the pointer */
     switch (t->type) {
-        case Tyfloat32: return ModeF; break;
-        case Tyfloat64: return ModeD; break;
+        case Tyflt32: return ModeF; break;
+        case Tyflt64: return ModeD; break;
             if (stacktype(t))
                 return ModeQ;
@@ -1050,10 +1050,10 @@
         case Lbool:     fprintf(fd, "\t.byte %d\n", v->lit.boolval);     break;
         case Lchr:      fprintf(fd, "\t.long %d\n",  v->lit.chrval);     break;
         case Lflt:
-                if (tybase(v->lit.type)->type == Tyfloat32) {
+                if (tybase(v->lit.type)->type == Tyflt32) {
                     u.fv = v->lit.fltval;
                     fprintf(fd, "\t.long 0x%"PRIx32"\n",;
-                } else if (tybase(v->lit.type)->type == Tyfloat64) {
+                } else if (tybase(v->lit.type)->type == Tyflt64) {
                     u.dv = v->lit.fltval;
                     fprintf(fd, "\t.quad 0x%"PRIx64"\n", u.qv);
--- a/6/simp.c
+++ b/6/simp.c
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@
 int floattype(Type *t)
     t = tybase(t);
-    return t->type == Tyfloat32 || t->type == Tyfloat64;
+    return t->type == Tyflt32 || t->type == Tyflt64;
 int stacknode(Node *n)
@@ -343,9 +343,9 @@
             return 8;
             /*end integer types*/
-        case Tyfloat32:
+        case Tyflt32:
             return 4;
-        case Tyfloat64:
+        case Tyflt64:
             return 8;
         case Tyslice:
@@ -699,7 +699,7 @@
         case Tyint8: case Tyint16: case Tyint32: case Tyint:
         case Tyuint8: case Tyuint16: case Tyuint32: case Tyuint:
         case Tyint64: case Tyuint64: case Tylong:  case Tyulong:
-        case Tyfloat32: case Tyfloat64:
+        case Tyflt32: case Tyflt64:
         case Typtr: case Tyfunc:
             v = mkexpr(pat->line, Oeq, pat, val, NULL);
             v->expr.type = mktype(pat->line, Tybool);
@@ -1036,7 +1036,7 @@
                 case Typtr:
                     r = intconvert(s, val, to, 0);
-                case Tyfloat32: case Tyfloat64:
+                case Tyflt32: case Tyflt64:
                     if (tybase(to)->type == Typtr)
                         fatal(val->line, "Bad cast from %s to %s",
                               tystr(exprtype(val)), tystr(to));
@@ -1048,7 +1048,7 @@
                           tystr(exprtype(val)), tystr(to));
-        case Tyfloat32: case Tyfloat64:
+        case Tyflt32: case Tyflt64:
             t = tybase(exprtype(val));
             switch (t->type) {
                 case Tyint8: case Tyint16: case Tyint32: case Tyint64:
--- a/libstd/Makefile
+++ b/libstd/Makefile
@@ -13,9 +13,9 @@
     env.myr \
     execvp.myr \
     extremum.myr \
-    floatbits.myr \
+    fltbits.myr \
     fmt.myr \
-    floatfmt.myr \
+    fltfmt.myr \
     hashfuncs.myr \
     hasprefix.myr \
     hassuffix.myr \
--- a/libstd/floatbits.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,60 +1,0 @@
-pkg std =
-	const float64bits	: (flt : float64 -> int64)
-	const float32bits	: (flt : float32 -> int32)
-	const float64frombits	: (bits : uint64 -> float64)
-	const float32frombits	: (bits : uint32 -> float32)
-	const float64explode	: (flt : float64 -> (bool, int64, int64))
-	const float32explode	: (flt : float32 -> (bool, int32, int32))
-const float64bits	= {flt;	-> (&flt castto(int64#))#}
-const float32bits	= {flt;	-> (&flt castto(int32#))#}
-const float64frombits	= {bits;	-> (&bits castto(float64#))#}
-const float32frombits	= {bits;	-> (&bits castto(float32#))#}
-const float64explode = {flt
-	var bits, isneg, mant, exp
-	bits = float64bits(flt)
-	isneg = (bits >> 63) != 0  	/* msb is sign bit */
-	exp = (bits >> 52) & 0x7ff 	/* exp is in bits [52..63] */
-	mant = bits & ((1l << 52) - 1) /* msb is in bits [..51] */
-	/* add back the implicit bit if this is not a denormal */
-	if exp != 0
-		mant |= 1l << 52
-	else
-		exp = 1
-	;;
-	/*
-	   adjust for exponent bias. nb: because we are
-	   treating the mantissa as m.0 instead of 0.m,
-	   our exponent bias needs to be offset by the
-	   size of m
-	*/
-	-> (isneg, mant, exp)
-const float32explode = {flt
-	var bits, isneg, mant, exp
-	bits = float32bits(flt)
-	isneg = (bits >> 31) != 0  	/* msb is sign bit */
-	exp = (bits >> 22) & 0xff 	/* exp is in bits [23..30] */
-	mant = bits & ((1 << 22) - 1) /* msb is in bits [0..22] */
-	/* add back the implicit bit if this is not a denormal */
-	if exp != 0
-		mant |= 1 << 22
-	else
-		exp = 1
-	;;
-	/*
-	   adjust for exponent bias. nb: because we are
-	   treating the mantissa as m.0 instead of 0.m,
-	   our exponent bias needs to be offset by the
-	   size of m
-	*/
-	-> (isneg, mant, exp)
--- a/libstd/floatfmt.myr
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,237 +1,0 @@
-use "bigint.use"
-use "types.use"
-use "floatbits.use"
-use "extremum.use"
-use "utf.use"
-use "alloc.use"
-use "slpush.use"
-use "die.use"
-pkg std =
-	const float64bfmt	: (buf : byte[:], val : float64, mode : int, precision : int -> size)
-	const float32bfmt	: (buf : byte[:], val : float32, mode : int, precision : int -> size)
-const Dblbias = 1023
-const Fltbias = 127
-const float64bfmt = {buf, val, mode, precision
-	var isneg, exp, mant
-	(isneg, mant, exp) = float64explode(val)
-	-> dragon4(buf, isneg, mant, (exp - 52) castto(int64), Dblbias, mode, precision)
-const float32bfmt = {buf, val, mode, precision
-	var isneg, exp, mant
-	(isneg, mant, exp) = float32explode(val)
-	-> dragon4(buf, isneg, mant castto(int64), (exp - 52) castto(int64), Fltbias, mode, precision)
-buf: output buffer
-e: exponent
-p: precision
-f: mantissa
-floating value: x = f^(e - p)
-const dragon4 = {buf, isneg, f, e, p, mode, cutoff
-	var r, s, t, u, v, y
-	var udig
-	var mm, mp	/* margins above and below */
-	var roundup
-	var low, high
-	var k, n
-	var a, i
-	/* if we have zero for the mantissa, we can return early */
-	n = 0
-	if isneg
-		n += encode(buf, '-')
-	;;
-	if f == 0
-		n += encode(buf[n:], '0')
-		n += encode(buf[n:], '.')
-		n += encode(buf[n:], '0')
-		-> n
-	;;
-	/* initialize */
-	roundup = false
-	r = mkbigint(f)
-	r = bigshli(r, max(e - p, 0))
-	s = bigshli(mkbigint(1), max(0, -(e - p)))
-	mm = bigshli(mkbigint(1), max((e - p), 0))
-	mp = bigdup(mm)
-	/* fixup: unequal gaps */
-	t = mkbigint(1)
-	bigshli(t, p - 1)
-	if bigeqi(t, f)
-		bigshli(mp, 1)
-		bigshli(r, 1)
-		bigshli(s, 1)
-	;;
-	bigfree(t)
-	k = 0
-	while true
-		/* r < ceil(s/b) */
-		t = bigdup(s)
-		bigaddi(t, 9)
-		bigdivi(t, 10)
-		match bigcmp(r, t)
-		| `Before:
-			k--
-			bigmuli(r, 10)
-			bigmuli(mm, 10)
-			bigmuli(mp, 10)
-		| _:
-			bigfree(t)
-			break
-		;;
-		bigfree(t)
-	;;
-	while true
-		t = bigdup(r)
-		bigshli(t, 1)
-		bigadd(t, mp)
-		while true
-			u = bigdup(s)
-			bigshli(u, 1)
-			match bigcmp(t, u)
-			| `Before:
-				bigfree(u)
-				break
-			| _:
-				k++
-				bigmuli(s, 10)
-				bigfree(u)
-			;;
-		;;
-		if mode == 0
-			cutoff = k - buf.len - 1
-		else
-			if mode == 2
-				cutoff += k
-			;;
-			a = cutoff - k
-			y = bigdup(s)
-			if a < 0
-				for i = 0; i < a; i++
-					bigmuli(y, 10)
-				;;
-			else
-				for i = 0; i < -a; i++
-					bigaddi(y, 9)
-					bigdivi(y, 10)
-				;;
-			;;
-			match bigcmp(y, mm)
-			| `Before:	/* nothing */
-			| _:
-				bigfree(mm)
-				mm = y
-			;;
-			match bigcmp(y, mp)
-			| `Before:	/* nothing */
-			| _:
-				bigfree(mp)
-				mp = y
-				roundup = true
-			;;
-		;;
-		u = bigdup(s)
-		bigshli(u, 1)
-		match bigcmp(t, u)
-		| `Before:
-			bigfree(t)
-			bigfree(u)
-			break
-		;;
-	;;
-	if k <= 0
-		n += encode(buf[n:], '0')
-		n += encode(buf[n:], '.')
-	;;
-	while true
-		k--
-		bigmuli(r, 10)
-		u = bigdup(r);
-		bigdiv(u, s)
-		bigmod(r, s)
-		bigmuli(mm, 10)
-		bigmuli(mp, 10)
-		low = false
-		t = bigdup(r)
-		bigshli(t, 1)
-		match bigcmp(t, mm)
-		| `Before:	low = true
-		;;
-		bigfree(t)
-		v = bigdup(r)
-		bigshli(v, 1)
-		t = bigdup(s)
-		bigshli(t, 1)
-		bigsub(t, mp)
-		match bigcmp(v, t)
-		| `After: high = true
-		| `Equal: high = roundup
-		| `Before: high = false
-		;;
-		bigfree(v)
-		bigfree(t)
-		if low || high || k == cutoff
-			break
-		;;
-		n += format(buf[n:], lowdig(u), k)
-		bigfree(u)
-	;;
-	/* format the last digit */
-	udig = lowdig(u)
-	if low && !high
-		n += format(buf[n:], udig, k)
-	elif high && !low
-		n += format(buf[n:], udig + 1, k)
-	else
-		bigmuli(r, 2)
-		match bigcmp(r, s)
-		| `Before:	n += format(buf[n:], udig, k)
-		| `Equal:	n += format(buf[n:], udig, k)
-		| `After:	n += format(buf[n:], udig + 1, k)
-		;;
-	;;
-	-> n
-const lowdig = {u
-	if u.dig.len > 0
-		-> u.dig[0]
-	;;
-	-> 0
-const format = {buf, d, k
-	const dig = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
-	var n, i
-	n = 0
-	if k == 0
-		n += encode(buf[n:], '.')
-	elif k < 0
-		for i = 0; i < -k; i++
-			n += encode(buf[n:], '0')
-		;;
-	;;
-	buf[n++] = dig[d]
-	-> n
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/fltbits.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,60 @@
+pkg std =
+	const flt64bits	: (flt : flt64 -> int64)
+	const flt32bits	: (flt : flt32 -> int32)
+	const flt64frombits	: (bits : uint64 -> flt64)
+	const flt32frombits	: (bits : uint32 -> flt32)
+	const flt64explode	: (flt : flt64 -> (bool, int64, int64))
+	const flt32explode	: (flt : flt32 -> (bool, int32, int32))
+const flt64bits	= {flt;	-> (&flt castto(int64#))#}
+const flt32bits	= {flt;	-> (&flt castto(int32#))#}
+const flt64frombits	= {bits;	-> (&bits castto(flt64#))#}
+const flt32frombits	= {bits;	-> (&bits castto(flt32#))#}
+const flt64explode = {flt
+	var bits, isneg, mant, exp
+	bits = flt64bits(flt)
+	isneg = (bits >> 63) != 0  	/* msb is sign bit */
+	exp = (bits >> 52) & 0x7ff 	/* exp is in bits [52..63] */
+	mant = bits & ((1l << 52) - 1) /* msb is in bits [..51] */
+	/* add back the implicit bit if this is not a denormal */
+	if exp != 0
+		mant |= 1l << 52
+	else
+		exp = 1
+	;;
+	/*
+	   adjust for exponent bias. nb: because we are
+	   treating the mantissa as m.0 instead of 0.m,
+	   our exponent bias needs to be offset by the
+	   size of m
+	*/
+	-> (isneg, mant, exp)
+const flt32explode = {flt
+	var bits, isneg, mant, exp
+	bits = flt32bits(flt)
+	isneg = (bits >> 31) != 0  	/* msb is sign bit */
+	exp = (bits >> 22) & 0xff 	/* exp is in bits [23..30] */
+	mant = bits & ((1 << 22) - 1) /* msb is in bits [0..22] */
+	/* add back the implicit bit if this is not a denormal */
+	if exp != 0
+		mant |= 1 << 22
+	else
+		exp = 1
+	;;
+	/*
+	   adjust for exponent bias. nb: because we are
+	   treating the mantissa as m.0 instead of 0.m,
+	   our exponent bias needs to be offset by the
+	   size of m
+	*/
+	-> (isneg, mant, exp)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libstd/fltfmt.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,237 @@
+use "bigint.use"
+use "types.use"
+use "fltbits.use"
+use "extremum.use"
+use "utf.use"
+use "alloc.use"
+use "slpush.use"
+use "die.use"
+pkg std =
+	const flt64bfmt	: (buf : byte[:], val : flt64, mode : int, precision : int -> size)
+	const flt32bfmt	: (buf : byte[:], val : flt32, mode : int, precision : int -> size)
+const Dblbias = 1023
+const Fltbias = 127
+const flt64bfmt = {buf, val, mode, precision
+	var isneg, exp, mant
+	(isneg, mant, exp) = flt64explode(val)
+	-> dragon4(buf, isneg, mant, (exp - 52) castto(int64), Dblbias, mode, precision)
+const flt32bfmt = {buf, val, mode, precision
+	var isneg, exp, mant
+	(isneg, mant, exp) = flt32explode(val)
+	-> dragon4(buf, isneg, mant castto(int64), (exp - 52) castto(int64), Fltbias, mode, precision)
+buf: output buffer
+e: exponent
+p: precision
+f: mantissa
+flting value: x = f^(e - p)
+const dragon4 = {buf, isneg, f, e, p, mode, cutoff
+	var r, s, t, u, v, y
+	var udig
+	var mm, mp	/* margins above and below */
+	var roundup
+	var low, high
+	var k, n
+	var a, i
+	/* if we have zero for the mantissa, we can return early */
+	n = 0
+	if isneg
+		n += encode(buf, '-')
+	;;
+	if f == 0
+		n += encode(buf[n:], '0')
+		n += encode(buf[n:], '.')
+		n += encode(buf[n:], '0')
+		-> n
+	;;
+	/* initialize */
+	roundup = false
+	r = mkbigint(f)
+	r = bigshli(r, max(e - p, 0))
+	s = bigshli(mkbigint(1), max(0, -(e - p)))
+	mm = bigshli(mkbigint(1), max((e - p), 0))
+	mp = bigdup(mm)
+	/* fixup: unequal gaps */
+	t = mkbigint(1)
+	bigshli(t, p - 1)
+	if bigeqi(t, f)
+		bigshli(mp, 1)
+		bigshli(r, 1)
+		bigshli(s, 1)
+	;;
+	bigfree(t)
+	k = 0
+	while true
+		/* r < ceil(s/b) */
+		t = bigdup(s)
+		bigaddi(t, 9)
+		bigdivi(t, 10)
+		match bigcmp(r, t)
+		| `Before:
+			k--
+			bigmuli(r, 10)
+			bigmuli(mm, 10)
+			bigmuli(mp, 10)
+		| _:
+			bigfree(t)
+			break
+		;;
+		bigfree(t)
+	;;
+	while true
+		t = bigdup(r)
+		bigshli(t, 1)
+		bigadd(t, mp)
+		while true
+			u = bigdup(s)
+			bigshli(u, 1)
+			match bigcmp(t, u)
+			| `Before:
+				bigfree(u)
+				break
+			| _:
+				k++
+				bigmuli(s, 10)
+				bigfree(u)
+			;;
+		;;
+		if mode == 0
+			cutoff = k - buf.len - 1
+		else
+			if mode == 2
+				cutoff += k
+			;;
+			a = cutoff - k
+			y = bigdup(s)
+			if a < 0
+				for i = 0; i < a; i++
+					bigmuli(y, 10)
+				;;
+			else
+				for i = 0; i < -a; i++
+					bigaddi(y, 9)
+					bigdivi(y, 10)
+				;;
+			;;
+			match bigcmp(y, mm)
+			| `Before:	/* nothing */
+			| _:
+				bigfree(mm)
+				mm = y
+			;;
+			match bigcmp(y, mp)
+			| `Before:	/* nothing */
+			| _:
+				bigfree(mp)
+				mp = y
+				roundup = true
+			;;
+		;;
+		u = bigdup(s)
+		bigshli(u, 1)
+		match bigcmp(t, u)
+		| `Before:
+			bigfree(t)
+			bigfree(u)
+			break
+		;;
+	;;
+	if k <= 0
+		n += encode(buf[n:], '0')
+		n += encode(buf[n:], '.')
+	;;
+	while true
+		k--
+		bigmuli(r, 10)
+		u = bigdup(r);
+		bigdiv(u, s)
+		bigmod(r, s)
+		bigmuli(mm, 10)
+		bigmuli(mp, 10)
+		low = false
+		t = bigdup(r)
+		bigshli(t, 1)
+		match bigcmp(t, mm)
+		| `Before:	low = true
+		;;
+		bigfree(t)
+		v = bigdup(r)
+		bigshli(v, 1)
+		t = bigdup(s)
+		bigshli(t, 1)
+		bigsub(t, mp)
+		match bigcmp(v, t)
+		| `After: high = true
+		| `Equal: high = roundup
+		| `Before: high = false
+		;;
+		bigfree(v)
+		bigfree(t)
+		if low || high || k == cutoff
+			break
+		;;
+		n += format(buf[n:], lowdig(u), k)
+		bigfree(u)
+	;;
+	/* format the last digit */
+	udig = lowdig(u)
+	if low && !high
+		n += format(buf[n:], udig, k)
+	elif high && !low
+		n += format(buf[n:], udig + 1, k)
+	else
+		bigmuli(r, 2)
+		match bigcmp(r, s)
+		| `Before:	n += format(buf[n:], udig, k)
+		| `Equal:	n += format(buf[n:], udig, k)
+		| `After:	n += format(buf[n:], udig + 1, k)
+		;;
+	;;
+	-> n
+const lowdig = {u
+	if u.dig.len > 0
+		-> u.dig[0]
+	;;
+	-> 0
+const format = {buf, d, k
+	const dig = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz"
+	var n, i
+	n = 0
+	if k == 0
+		n += encode(buf[n:], '.')
+	elif k < 0
+		for i = 0; i < -k; i++
+			n += encode(buf[n:], '0')
+		;;
+	;;
+	buf[n++] = dig[d]
+	-> n
--- a/libstd/fmt.myr
+++ b/libstd/fmt.myr
@@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
 use "varargs.use"
 use "extremum.use"
 use "chartype.use"
-use "floatfmt.use"
+use "fltfmt.use"
   printf-like functions. These use a different syntax from the C printf,
@@ -168,7 +168,7 @@
 	var z_val : size
 	var p_val : byte#
         var c_val : char
-	var f_val : float64, F_val : float32
+	var f_val : flt64, F_val : flt32
 	n = 0
 	while fmt.len != 0
@@ -221,11 +221,11 @@
 				(f_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
 				b = buf[n:]
 				/* FIXME(ori): bug, b[n:].len fails since b[n:] isn't an lval */
-				n += float64bfmt(buf[n:], f_val, 0, b.len)
-			/* FIXME: float casts are currently broken
+				n += flt64bfmt(buf[n:], f_val, 0, b.len)
+			/* FIXME: flt casts are currently broken
 			| 'F':
 				(F_val, ap) = vanext(ap)
-				n += floatfmt(buf[n:], F_val castto(float64))
+				n += fltfmt(buf[n:], F_val castto(flt64))
 			/* format integers */
 			| 'b':
--- a/opt/fold.c
+++ b/opt/fold.c
@@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
     if (!dcl->decl.init)
         return 0;
     t = tybase(exprtype(dcl->decl.init));
-    if (t->type <= Tyfloat64)
+    if (t->type <= Tyflt64)
         return 1;
     return 0;
--- a/parse/infer.c
+++ b/parse/infer.c
@@ -372,7 +372,7 @@
         case Lchr:      return mktype(n->line, Tychar);                         break;
         case Lbool:     return mktype(n->line, Tybool);                         break;
         case Lint:      return mktylike(n->line, Tyint);                        break;
-        case Lflt:      return mktylike(n->line, Tyfloat64);                    break;
+        case Lflt:      return mktylike(n->line, Tyflt64);                    break;
         case Lstr:      return mktyslice(n->line, mktype(n->line, Tybyte));     break;
         case Llbl:      return mktyptr(n->line, mktype(n->line, Tyvoid));       break;
         case Lfunc:     return n->lit.fnval->func.type;                         break;
@@ -1662,7 +1662,7 @@
     if (!tyint)
         tyint = mktype(-1, Tyint);
     if (!tyflt)
-        tyflt = mktype(-1, Tyfloat64);
+        tyflt = mktype(-1, Tyflt64);
     t = tysearch(orig);
     if (orig->type == Tyvar && hthas(st->delayed, orig)) {
--- a/parse/type.c
+++ b/parse/type.c
@@ -296,7 +296,7 @@
 int istyfloat(Type *t)
     switch (tybase(t)->type) {
-        case Tyfloat32: case Tyfloat64:
+        case Tyflt32: case Tyflt64:
             return 1;
             return 0;
@@ -502,8 +502,8 @@
         case Tyuint32:  p += snprintf(p, end - p, "uint32");    break;
         case Tyuint64:  p += snprintf(p, end - p, "uint64");    break;
         case Tyulong:   p += snprintf(p, end - p, "ulong");     break;
-        case Tyfloat32: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "float32");   break;
-        case Tyfloat64: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "float64");   break;
+        case Tyflt32: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "flt32");   break;
+        case Tyflt64: p += snprintf(p, end - p, "flt64");   break;
         case Tyvalist:  p += snprintf(p, end - p, "...");       break;
         case Typtr:     
@@ -705,16 +705,16 @@
     traits[Tybyte][1] = traittab[Tcint];
     /* <integer types>::(numeric,integral) */
-    for (i = Tyint8; i < Tyfloat32; i++) {
+    for (i = Tyint8; i < Tyflt32; i++) {
         traits[i][0] = traittab[Tcnum];
         traits[i][1] = traittab[Tcint];
     /* <floats>::(numeric,floating) */
-    traits[Tyfloat32][0] = traittab[Tcnum];
-    traits[Tyfloat32][1] = traittab[Tcfloat];
-    traits[Tyfloat64][0] = traittab[Tcnum];
-    traits[Tyfloat64][1] = traittab[Tcfloat];
+    traits[Tyflt32][0] = traittab[Tcnum];
+    traits[Tyflt32][1] = traittab[Tcfloat];
+    traits[Tyflt64][0] = traittab[Tcnum];
+    traits[Tyflt64][1] = traittab[Tcfloat];
     /* @a*::(sliceable) */
     traits[Typtr][0] = traittab[Tcslice];
--- a/parse/types.def
+++ b/parse/types.def
@@ -23,8 +23,8 @@
 Ty(Tyuint64, "uint64")
 Ty(Tyulong, "ulong")
 /*end integer types*/
-Ty(Tyfloat32, "float32")
-Ty(Tyfloat64, "float64")
+Ty(Tyflt32, "flt32")
+Ty(Tyflt64, "flt64")
 /* end primitive types */
 Ty(Tyvalist, NULL)
--- a/test/sqrt.myr
+++ b/test/sqrt.myr
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
 const Eps = 0.00001
 const Maxiter = 20
-const sqrt = {x : float64
+const sqrt = {x : flt64
 	var val
 	var iter
 	var i;