ref: 62f9c3a555ac291572917775f703460bc8fbc257
parent: 5773244f02b16a6be8235b123d518186f44a09d2
author: Meai1 <[email protected]>
date: Wed Mar 1 15:08:54 EST 2017
Update (#135) So people dont have to read docs just to compile (=primary purpose of this repo, a compiler)
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,6 +8,19 @@
This combination makes Myrddin suitable for anything ranging from desktop
applications, to embedded systems and potentially even kernel development.
+## Build
+Compile with ./configure --prefix="/home/wherever/I/want" && make && make install
+The result will be among other things, the binaries 6m and mbld
+## Usage
+Compile and execute:
+`mbld -R test.myr`
+Compile into a binary:
+`mbld -b binary test.myr`
## Examples
A classic: