ref: 4d23a296e341f76b62c91f1196221caeefe25e5a
parent: e9fba3a2a1ab133be0cac5b4838559b247ca6f3c
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Sat Jan 21 12:23:05 EST 2017
Fill in a bit more on the type system.
--- a/doc/lang.txt
+++ b/doc/lang.txt
@@ -461,38 +461,59 @@
4.4. Generic types:
- nametype: name ["(" typeargs ")"]
+ nametype: name ["(" typeargs ")"] | typaram
name: ident ["." ident]
typeargs: type ("," type)*
+ typaram: "@" ident ["::" paramlist]
+ paramlist: ident | "(" ident ("," ident)* ")"
- A tyname is a named type, similar to a typedef in C, however it
- genuinely creates a new type, and not an alias. There are no implicit
- conversions, but a tyname will inherit all constraints of its
- underlying type.
+ A nametype refers to a (potentially parameterized) named type, as
+ defined in section 4.5.
- A typaram is a parametric type. It is used in generics as a
- placeholder for a type that will be substituted in later. It is an
- identifier prefixed with '@'. These are only valid within generic
- contexts, and may not appear elsewhere.
+ A typaram ("@ident") is a type parameter. It is introduced as either a
+ parameter of a generic declaration, or as a type paramteter in a
+ defined type. It can be constrained by any number of traits, as
+ described in section 4.6.
- A tyvar is an internal implementation detail that currently leaks in
- error messages out during type inference, and is a major cause of
- confusing error messages. It should not be in this manual, except that
- the current incarnation of the compiler will make you aware of it. It
- looks like '@$type', and is a variable that holds an incompletely
- inferred type.
+ These types must be specialized to a concrete type in order to be
+ used.
- type mine = int creates a tyname named
- 'mine', equivalent to int.
+ std.htab(@k, @v) A hash table with key and value
+ types @k and @v.
- @foo creates a type parameter
+ @foo A type parameter
named '@foo'.
4.5. Defined Types:
+ tydefn: "type" ident "(" params ")" = type
+ params: typaram ("," typaram)*
+ Users can define new types based on other types. These defined
+ types may be freely cast to the base type, but are otherwise
+ distinct.
+ A defined type can be given a set of parameters, which will
+ be used when specializing it at use.
+ type mine = int creates a tyname named
+ 'mine', equivalent to int.
+ type ptr(@a) = @a# creates a parameterized named
+ type called `ptr`.
4.6. Traits and Impls:
+ traitdef: "trait" ident traittypes "=" traitbody ";;"
+ traittypes: typaram ["->" type ("," type)*]
+ traitbody: (name ":" type)*
+ impldef: "impl" ident imptypes "=" implbody
+ traittypes: type ["->" type ("," type)*]
+ traitbody: (name [":" type] "=" expr)*
+ Traits act as constraints over generic parameters.
4.7. Type Inference: