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ref: 10a209f1937d161e1ff5409deb06253facff73a6
author: Ori Bernstein <[email protected]>
date: Thu Aug 27 19:53:41 EDT 2015

Start of libthread for linux.

--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/thread/atomic-impl+x64.s
@@ -1,0 +1,44 @@
+.globl thread$xget32
+	movl	(%rdi), %eax
+	ret
+.globl thread$xget64
+	movq	(%rdi), %rax
+	ret
+.globl thread$xset32
+	movl	%esi, (%rdi)
+	ret
+.globl thread$xset64
+	movq	%rsi, (%rdi)
+	ret
+.globl thread$xadd32
+	lock xaddl	%esi, (%rdi)
+	ret
+.globl thread$xadd64
+	lock xaddq	%rsi, (%rdi)
+	ret
+.globl thread$xsub32
+	lock xaddl	%esi, (%rdi)
+	ret
+.globl thread$xsub64
+	lock xaddq	%rsi, (%rdi)
+	ret
+.globl thread$xcas32
+	movl	%esi, %eax
+	lock cmpxchgl	%edx, (%rdi)
+	sete	%al
+	ret
+.globl thread$xcas64
+	movq	%rsi, %rax
+	lock cmpxchgq	%rdx, (%rdi)
+	sete	%al
+	ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/thread/atomic.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,65 @@
+use std
+pkg thread =
+	trait atomic @a::(integral,numeric) =
+		xget	: (p : @a# -> @a)
+		xset	: (p : @a#, v : @a -> void)
+		xadd	: (p : @a#, v : @a -> @a)
+		xsub	: (p : @a#, v : @a -> @a)
+		xcas	: (p : @a#, old : @a, new : @a -> bool)
+	;;
+	impl atomic int32
+	impl atomic int64
+	impl atomic uint32
+	impl atomic uint64
+impl atomic int32 =
+	xget	= {p; -> xget32(p castto(uint32#)) castto(int32)}
+	xset	= {p, v; xset32(p castto(uint32#), v castto(uint32))}
+	xadd	= {p, v; -> xadd32(p castto(uint32#), v castto(uint32)) castto(int32)}
+	xsub	= {p, v; -> xsub32(p castto(uint32#), v castto(uint32)) castto(int32)}
+	xcas	= {p, old, new; -> xcas32(p castto(uint32#), old castto(uint32), new castto(uint32))}
+impl atomic int64 =
+	xget	= {p; -> xget64(p castto(uint64#)) castto(int64)}
+	xset	= {p, v; xset64(p castto(uint64#), v castto(uint64))}
+	xadd	= {p, v; -> xadd64(p castto(uint64#), v castto(uint64)) castto(int64)}
+	xsub	= {p, v; -> xsub64(p castto(uint64#), v castto(uint64)) castto(int64)}
+	xcas	= {p, old, new; -> xcas64(p castto(uint64#), old castto(uint64), new castto(uint64))}
+impl atomic uint32 =
+	xget	= {p; -> xget32(p)}
+	xset	= {p, v; xset32(p, v)}
+	xadd	= {p, v; -> xadd32(p, v)}
+	xsub	= {p, v; -> xsub32(p, v)}
+	xcas	= {p, old, new; -> xcas32(p, old, new)}
+impl atomic uint64 =
+	xget	= {p; -> xget64(p)}
+	xset	= {p, v; xset64(p, v)}
+	xadd	= {p, v; -> xadd64(p, v)}
+	xsub	= {p, v; -> xsub64(p, v)}
+	xcas	= {p, old, new; -> xcas64(p, old, new)}
+extern const xget32	: (p : uint32# -> uint32)
+extern const xget64	: (p : uint64# -> uint64)
+extern const xset32	: (p : uint32#, v : uint32 -> void)
+extern const xset64	: (p : uint64#, v : uint64 -> void)
+extern const xadd32	: (p : uint32#, v : uint32 -> uint32)
+extern const xadd64	: (p : uint64#, v : uint64 -> uint64)
+extern const xsub32	: (p : uint32#, v : uint32 -> uint32)
+extern const xsub64	: (p : uint64#, v : uint64 -> uint64)
+extern const xcas32	: (p : uint32#, old: uint32, new : uint32 -> bool)
+extern const xcas64	: (p : uint64#, old: uint64, new : uint64 -> bool)
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/thread/bld.proj
@@ -1,0 +1,10 @@
+lib thread =
+	spawn+linux.myr
+	clone+linux-x64.s
+	atomic-impl+x64.s
+	atomic.myr
+test smoketest =
+	smoketest.myr
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/thread/clone+linux-x64.s
@@ -1,0 +1,27 @@
+.globl thread$clone
+	pushq %r15
+	movq 16(%rsp),%r15
+	/* clone(flags, stack, ptid, tls, ctid, regs) */
+	movq $56,%rax	/* syscall num */
+	/* %rdi: flags */
+	/* %rsi: stack */
+	/* %rdx: ptid */
+	movq %rcx,%r10	/* tls */
+	/* %r8: ctid */
+	/* %r9: regs */
+	syscall
+	/* fn() */
+	testl %eax,%eax
+	jnz parent
+	call *%r15
+	/* exit(0) */
+	movq $60, %rax  /* exit */
+	movq $0, %rdi   /* arg: 0 */
+	syscall
+	popq %r15
+	ret
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/thread/smoketest.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,33 @@
+use std
+use sys
+use thread
+var val : uint64 = 0
+var done : uint32 = 0
+const setvar = {
+	var i
+	for i = 0; i < 10_000_000; i++
+		thread.xadd(&val, 1)
+	;;
+	std.write(1, "done\n")
+	thread.xset(&done, 1)
+const main = {
+	var i
+	match thread.spawn(setvar)
+	| `std.Ok tid:
+		for i = 0; i < 100_000; i++
+			thread.xadd(&val, 1)
+		;;
+		while thread.xget(&done) == 0
+			/* nothing */
+		;;
+		std.assert(val == 10_100_000, "atomics are broken")
+	| `std.Fail err:
+		std.fatal("errno = {}\n", err)
+	;;
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/thread/spawn+linux.myr
@@ -1,0 +1,56 @@
+use sys
+use std
+pkg thread =
+	type tid =
+	const spawn : (fn : (-> void) -> std.result(tid, byte[:]))
+extern const clone	: ( flags : sys.cloneopt, \
+				stk : byte#, \
+				ptid :, \
+				tls : byte#, \
+				ctid :, \
+				ptreg : byte#, \
+				fn : (-> void) \
+				->
+/* Holy shit flag mania. */
+const Thrflag = sys.Clonevm | sys.Clonefs | sys.Clonefiles  | \
+	sys.Clonesighand | sys.Clonethread |sys.Clonesysvsem | \
+	sys.Clonesettls | sys.Cloneparentsettid | sys.Clonechildcleartid
+const Stacksz = 8*std.MiB
+const spawn = {fn
+	-> spawnstk(fn, Stacksz)
+const spawnstk = {fn, sz
+	var stk, tid, ctid, ret
+	stk = getstk(sz)
+	if stk == sys.Mapbad
+		-> `std.Fail "couldn't get stack"
+	;;
+	ret = clone(Thrflag, stk, &tid, 0 castto(byte#), &ctid, 0 castto(byte#), fn) castto(tid)
+	if ret < 0
+		std.put("errno={}\n", -ret)
+		-> `std.Fail "couldn't spawn thread"
+	;;
+	-> `std.Ok ret
+const getstk = {sz
+	var p, m
+	p = sys.mmap(0 castto(byte#), sz, sys.Mprotrw, sys.Mpriv | sys.Manon, -1, 0)
+	if p == sys.Mapbad
+		-> p
+	;;
+	/* stack starts at the top of memory and grows down. */
+	m = p castto(std.intptr)
+	m += sz castto(std.intptr)
+	-> m castto(byte#)