shithub: rott

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ref: 489346a26021cce3fa2d3ea9bd62ba9d20b54f74
parent: eb18f7f76ea7b4194588ca4993bb891323033d76
author: LTCHIPS <[email protected]>
date: Wed May 9 13:48:38 EDT 2018

even more tweaks to rotation code

--- a/rott/modexlib.c
+++ b/rott/modexlib.c
@@ -800,7 +800,7 @@
 void RenderSurface(void)
-    SDL_Texture *newTex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, sdl_surface);
+    SDL_Texture * newTex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, sdl_surface);
     if (newTex == NULL) 
@@ -1035,15 +1035,15 @@
-extern int tics;
+//extern int tics;
-void CalcTics (void);
+//void CalcTics (void);
 //void DrawRotatedScreen(int cx, int cy, byte *destscreen, int angle, int scale, int masked)
 void DoScreenRotateScale(int w, int h, SDL_Texture * tex, int angle, float scale)
-    printf("SCALE \n");
+    //printf("SCALE \n");
     printf("center x: %d \n", w);
     printf("center y: %d \n", h);
@@ -1079,116 +1079,6 @@
 SDL_Texture * GetMainSurfaceAsTexture(void)
     return SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, sdl_surface);
-void DoScreenRotateZoom(int startAngle, int endAngle, int startScale, int endScale, int time)
-    if (startScale > endScale)
-    {
-        //int tempStart = startScale;
-        //int tempEnd = endScale;
-        //startScale = endScale;
-        endScale = startScale * endScale;
-    }
-    printf("startAngle: %d \n", startAngle);
-    printf("endAngle: %d \n", endAngle);
-    printf("startScale: %d \n", startScale);
-    printf("endScale: %d \n", endScale);
-    printf("time: %d \n", time);
-    int angle = startAngle;
-    float scalestep =(float)((endScale - startScale)/time);
-    if (startScale > endScale)
-        scalestep = (float)((startScale - endScale)/time)*6; //added * 6 because it wasn't zooming in as much as OG ROTT did
-    int scale = startScale;
-    int anglestep = (endAngle - startAngle)/(time*6); //added *6 because it was rotating too effing fast
-    //float scalestep =(float)((endScale - startScale)/time);
-    printf("anglestep: %d \n", anglestep);
-    printf("scalestep: %f \n", scalestep);
-    CalcTics();
-    CalcTics();
-    int i;
-    SDL_Texture * newTex = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, sdl_surface);
-    for (i=0; i<time; i+=tics)
-    {
-        //printf("tics: %d\n", tics);
-        SDL_RenderClear(renderer);
-        SDL_Rect output;
-        float factor = 0;
-        if (startScale > endScale)
-        {
-            factor = 1 + ((float)(scale)/(abs(startScale - endScale)));
-        }
-        else
-        {
-            factor = ((float)(scale)/(abs(startScale - endScale)));
-        }
-        printf("factor: %f \n", factor);
-        float width = iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH * factor;
-        float height = iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT * factor;
-        output.w = width;
-        output.h = height;
-        printf("width: %d \n", output.w);
-        printf("height: %d \n", output.h);
-        output.x = (iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH - output.w)/2;
-        output.y = (iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - output.h)/2;
-        SDL_RenderCopyEx(renderer, newTex, NULL, &output, angle, NULL, SDL_FLIP_NONE);
-        SDL_RenderPresent(renderer);
-        scale+=(scalestep);
-        angle+=(anglestep);
-        CalcTics();
-    }
-    SDL_DestroyTexture(newTex);
-    //RenderSurface(); //render the image straight...yeah yeah i know that's cheating
 const SDL_Renderer * GetRenderer(void)
--- a/rott/rt_draw.c
+++ b/rott/rt_draw.c
@@ -3426,7 +3426,7 @@
         if (option == 0)
             factor = scale;
         if (option == 1)
-            factor = 1 + scale*-1;
+            factor = abs(1 + (scale*-1.0));
         if (option == 2)
             factor = 1 - scale;
@@ -3436,9 +3436,9 @@
         printf("factor: %f \n", factor);
-        x = (int)((float) iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH * factor);
+        x = abs((int)((float) iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH * factor));
-        y = (int)((float) (iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT * factor));
+        y = abs((int)((float) (iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT * factor)));
         DoScreenRotateScale(x, y, newTex, angle, factor);
@@ -3479,9 +3479,6 @@
 //	   SetTextMode (  );
     c = FixedMulShift(scale,costable[angle],11);
     s = FixedMulShift(scale,sintable[angle],11);
-    printf("c: %d \n", c);
-    printf("s: %d \n", s);
 //   c = c/2; //these values are to rotate degres or?
 //   s = s/2;
@@ -3735,12 +3732,12 @@
     while (!Keyboard[sc_Escape])
         IN_UpdateKeyboard ();
-        printf("PRE SCALE \n");
+        //printf("PRE SCALE \n");
         DoScreenRotateScale((int) ((float)iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH*scale), (int)((float)iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT*scale), 
                             currScreen, (int) angle, scale);
-        printf("POST SCALE \n");
+        //printf("POST SCALE \n");
         //DrawRotatedScreen(iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH/2,iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT/2,(byte *)bufferofs,angle,scale,0);
--- a/rott/rt_game.c
+++ b/rott/rt_game.c
@@ -461,7 +461,7 @@
             DrawTiledRegion( 0, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - 16*hudRescaleFactor, iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH, 13*hudRescaleFactor, 10,10, shape );
-            DrawTiledRegion( 0, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - 29*hudRescaleFactor, iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH, 3*hudRescaleFactor, 10,10, shape );
+            //DrawTiledRegion( 0, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - 29*hudRescaleFactor, iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH, 3*hudRescaleFactor, 10,10, shape );
             //apparently the line below was causing segfaults on linux...
@@ -471,10 +471,10 @@
             //enqueue(sdl_draw_obj_queue, shape);
-            GameMemToScreen( shape, topBarCenterOffsetX, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - 16, bufferofsonly ); //using topBarCenterOffsetX since bottbar dims == statbar dims 
+            //GameMemToScreen( shape, topBarCenterOffsetX, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - 16, bufferofsonly ); //using topBarCenterOffsetX since bottbar dims == statbar dims 
-        //GameMemToScreen( shape, topBarCenterOffsetX, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - 16, bufferofsonly ); //using topBarCenterOffsetX since bottbar dims == statbar dims
+        GameMemToScreen( shape, topBarCenterOffsetX, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT - 16, bufferofsonly ); //using topBarCenterOffsetX since bottbar dims == statbar dims
@@ -4674,7 +4674,7 @@
         rng = RandomNumber ("Died",0);
-        rng = 191;
+        //rng = 191;
         //zooms in on screen
         if (pstate->falling==true)
--- a/rott/rt_main.c
+++ b/rott/rt_main.c
@@ -2198,6 +2198,8 @@
             ControlPanel( LastScan );
             // set detail level
             doublestep = 2 - DetailLevel;
--- a/rott/rt_menu.c
+++ b/rott/rt_menu.c
@@ -1907,7 +1907,6 @@
         Keyboard[ sc_F9 ] = 0;
         loadsavesound = true;
-        CP_LoadGame( 1, 0 );
     case sc_F10:
@@ -5735,7 +5734,7 @@
             case 0:
                 if (!sdl_fullscreen){
-                    SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN);
+                    SDL_SetWindowFullscreen(window, SDL_WINDOW_FULLSCREEN_DESKTOP);
                     sdl_fullscreen ^= 1;
                     borderWindow = 0;
                     borderlessWindow = 0;
--- a/rott/rt_vid.c
+++ b/rott/rt_vid.c
@@ -905,6 +905,52 @@
     screenfaded = true;
+void VL_FadeOutScaledScreen (int start, int end, int red, int green, int blue, int steps, float scale)
+    int      i,j,orig,delta;
+    byte  *origptr, *newptr;
+    if (screenfaded)
+        return;
+    WaitVBL ();
+    VL_GetPalette (&palette1[0][0]);
+    memcpy (palette2, palette1, 768);
+// fade through intermediate frames
+    for (i = 0; i < steps; i++)
+    {
+        origptr = &palette1[start][0];
+        newptr = &palette2[start][0];
+        for (j = start; j <= end; j++)
+        {
+            orig = *origptr++;
+            delta = red-orig;
+            *newptr++ = orig + delta * i / steps;
+            orig = *origptr++;
+            delta = green-orig;
+            *newptr++ = orig + delta * i / steps;
+            orig = *origptr++;
+            delta = blue-orig;
+            *newptr++ = orig + delta * i / steps;
+        }
+        WaitVBL ();
+        VL_SetPalette (&palette2[0][0]);
+        DoScreenRotateScale(iGLOBAL_SCREENWIDTH, iGLOBAL_SCREENHEIGHT, (SDL_Texture *) GetMainSurfaceAsTexture(), 0, scale);
+    }
+// final color
+    VL_FillPalette (red,green,blue);
+    screenfaded = true;